The Brussels Post, 1905-5-11, Page 4Znosels pot
T XU ClelY MAY II, 1905.
The anneal meeting of the East Heron
Liberal Associative, for Dominion and
Provinoial Ridings, will be held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, op Tuesday, May
80tb, oommenaing et 130 p, m• Ie ad -
claim to the preoentation of reports end
the election of °Rise bearers other matters
of buoioee will come up for dieonoefou
that should be of interest to every
Liberal. The municipalities Inolucled in
Eae1 Enron are Howiok, Tarnberry,
Wroxeter, Wingham, ENO Wewanosh,
Morrie, Blyth,Brussels, Grey Moglllop
and Hallett From whieh large delega-
tions eboold be Bent. R. N. Duff, Bine-
vale, is the Preident, and W. H, Kerr,
Brussels, Secretary, if any further in-
formation ie desired before date of meet-
Roman bee it that a Provinoial elec-
tion may be near at band in Manitoba.
Face a oommercial standpoint partio-
ularly the affairs of this Dominion are
moving along most prosperously. In a
eomparieon with the 10 months of the
previous year this year's revenue exceeds
it by a ha'f million dollars. 01 course
expenditures grow as well ae reoeiple bat
a large hennas still etande to the gond.
Tann is a new tarn in the Basilian -
Jap war from the faot that tbe Rue. fleet
that has been cooped up in Vladivostook
harbor, hag been vat and, like a big dog
piling On to a poodle, destroyed a few
Japanese fishing vessels and will
probably join the other Russian fleet.
Mr. logo will have his work out out for
him ou the briny all right and yet we
feel that Providenee will some bow lend
him a helping band in the final over-
throw of the Czar's navy. Stirring events
both on lend and moa, cannot long be de
'eyed and no doubt these will be eangoio•
ary and of deep moment. The world will
be meets the better of a great Jap. vic-
tory and tone would reoeive greeter
benefit by it than the people of Russia
who for many yeare have been under the
Fran heel of a despotic and barbarous auto•
Tse path of the average politician ie
not one always hedged with rosea and
"Jobnoy.jamp ape" but the thorns and
briers 80metim80 are quite numerous.
Jnat 0 60 E, Lewis, M. P. for Weat
Huron, ie having 1113 trials and Whale -
Mons bemuses be, along with twelve other
Csneervatteee, voted with the winked
Grits on the Autonomy bill. Mr. Lewis'
political sky is ovaraaet end tbe only star
in the firm'meet in bis 000etitnenoy-
the Goderich Star -threatens to fell upon
him and blot him ont. If Mr. Lewis
thought h` was voting right sod a000rd•
Ing to 'lie aeneui00ae there will be sweet
With the bitter. Publics opinion le a very
variable oo»nmedity and a man ie op and
down very frogoently judging by that
standard but the world moves and both
politioal parties will And out, as they
have, that to count on the old
time "solid support" is no longer a
oertainey as Cabinets, leaders and mem,
bete do a good deal of thioking and vet.
ing on their owe hook. While this may
eomelimee jeopardise a bill or a party 11
may he a good thing as it will give a
trend to politioal life indicating to the
pewere that be that the rank and tile will
have to be ooaeulted and through them
the o0uatituenoiee will speak. The
Autonomy emeation was one in whioh a
great massy things were said that never
ehoald have been and se a oonsequenoe
wherever there was a goodly number of
eleetere of either tbe ultra Protestant
type or the Roman Oatbolie belief there
was cure to exist a little eore0ea8, "Good
will to men" will not make much head.
way in this or any land until people learn
that other people's opioione have a per.
feet right to be ooueidered as well se
their own. We have little sympathy
oreed end racial cries and believe
$01314 . bo vow them by word or dead
are not real friends of a young, great and
growing country,
tour oeute for export. The stream pf
Western imrpigraette bee become 80
heavy that difitoalty le eaperieuged at
dtilerentO 068 i
p t n starlet; for them,
Mepy homeeteade are being taken up.
Trade wadi/ions generally are improving
specially oplIeetiona.
To the Halter of Tan POST :
Dees Set We are now baekiug in
warm euuebiue, the inevitable oflhle
0600try, but bbe lest Winter bee been ex
oeptionally wet and cool, a boom for
agrioultaraliate but dieaeterone la rail-
ways. The Boil is all sandy, several
nights ponrdown ie sore to make bad
washouts, culverts and bridges deranged
neoeeeitating new traoke to be laid.
Some nine traiue were lately stalled for
several days at outs station, could not even
attempt repairs till the rain stopped,
Fruit on the way Beet, maoh of it rotting
with long delays. Orange raising here
ie not11
a sunshine. a Ag overnment offi•
pie!, sent r
from Washington ao
give useful pointers to fruit raillery, bold
me a good apple orohard East was worth
far more tbao a good orange orohard
here. Au inteiligeot Scutate friend, who
owns a 50 sore orange orohard-wealthy
and able to furnish all modern appliances
for anaoreetnl ontoome-told me be bad
done hie beet to make it profitable the
last 16 years, 14 of whioh had never paid
expenree. The greedy railway exoeaeive
freight charges eat up the prat that
should g0, in right and pestles, to the
poor farmer instead of monstrous salaries
to railway magnates. Tbe public,
epeeielly Chambers of Oammerce, are
now in earnest demanding government
control of freight rates and death to all
Undo of mouopoliee that are piling up
immense oepital, through grinding out of
the people exoeeeive prices and profits
with a rapid impetus, all tending to
aatee the rush rkoher andthe pour
It was mentioned before °bent fo
Oalifornia Senators charged with briber
accepting monies to prevent exposure
certain Loan Companies in their nefario
dealings with tbe ablfu. Tbey we
caught in a trap laid, though swamiinnocence to the last were found guil
and unanimously expelled from th
Legislative hallo at Sacramento. A rio
Oarto0u appeared in papers, gaits ea goo
as our Beugough, a big leg sod mammonfoot appeared outside of the windo
kicking the four boodlera oat on tle
attest, each flying down to pavement b
low holding a big bag of gold hugging i
like grim death under hie arm. Th
Panama (lanai ie now ander full awing
direotly under management of Preeideo
Roosevelt, who bee already dieobarge
several "big men" placed there to pus
matters but were found too alow to
energetic 'Teddy". 6,000 men are no
digging, with aid of immense ,tea
ebovele. It ie yet aodeoided whether i
will be sea level and much more digging
or lees dinging and by aid of looke. A
the Penile end (Panama) the tide rises 10
f,et higher and ebbe 10 feet lower a
Atlantic or Caribeen Sea end (Ooloo)
which will yet have to be calculated for
Rest enured it wilt soon be a 8000888 as
theindomitab'e energy beaked by ingen.
foes apptianoee of great power and
capacity will not fail Amer:eau push,
Tbe President hag been enjoying a
hunting holiday in Texas and Colorado
He rode 10 mile after a fox and eaptared
him. Only three oat of a large party
were able to keep op with him. Ile elect
captured two bears with the aid of doge
treeing them. Many are protecting at
his exposure, Today preae news ,aye be
bag been called home on importaut State
bueineee whieh will be a great relief that
be is now safe as it would be amelanoboly
catastrophe should anything serious
happen him, so universally beloved by all.
Hie name is even now being brought
forward ae Preident for another term in
'08 though he himself keeps Baying he is
not an aspirant. It is well the offioe
looks for the man, rather than the man
for the office, the only true method of
eleotioneering, bat appropoe of each
honest means to get only men good and
true. A clergyman the other day in ex.
posing the corrupt methods of politioiane
said he knew of a Senator in Connecticut
spending $150,000,00 to get a Beat, iofering
that he would woe recoup himself out of
boodling traneaotione many times more.
Ohioago has lately eleoted a Mayor on
the primary platform of municipal owner•
ship of street railway end other atilitiee,
Also, incidentally, of being a strict
oo0vert of "Teddy'e" etrebnoue disclaim
of race ettioide. Mayor Dunes hue 18
children, He baa written Glaegow'e
Mayor for the loan of their beet street
railway expert to poet them why We
ideal city of oorreob methode menages
euoh briefness so prosperously, much
lower fares, men better paid, aborter
home and earning large surpluses. The
reply (same bank assenting, giving many
partioulare, The last eente000 was more
than convincing when it said "all our oily
offioiale are absolutely free from con
The geb•rioh•gniok concerns are still
floariehiug in Etcetera cities, They
advertise largely for money to be invented
generally in wild lands and horse raoing
bete, Baying they have the nd inside know.
ledeelse Hamilton Presbytery, meeting at menseo r f h me winners 50 to al 0%romise weekly t or
St. Catharine, aenimonely recommend• monthly. They aotually get millions
ed Rev, J. D. Caoningham for the vacant eeot them. Outs concern in Kansas City,
,heir in Kota College, 0000pied by the atter getting between one and two million
late Dr. Oaven. dollars to so 'invest," ablate up ine office
Mrs. Soleter, who refused to give evi- with a placard on door saying "We have
deroe agaiu•:1 Wallace McRae, obarged gone for paetare new not a cent left for
with the warder of her husband, has the euekere," How tree the old erying
bean arrested swam. Three Rivers aswam. "when one fool dies two fools are born.'
eery to the murder. Government has lately been imperiling
W. Seat and H. Walker, of Revelstoke, some of the jellies and fruits canned
0.'1'. It. firemen, were killed in a collision here, reporting through phase that meats
between the Trttneoontiue0tal limited and of saoh podia are frauds, jelliee contain•
a freight trete on the 0. R. main line ing nothing but glucose and other
West of Revelstoke, B. C. obemioale dangerous for bnman food.
Judgment of the Supreme Court has This oity bee bad a ,lege of evangeliem
been given in the Owe of the 0, P, R. '-not Methodiete-_Preabyteriaee, meet.
Company ve. Blain, dlemieieg the appeal lege elmoet night and day, lead by a min.
With coals, thug 0o/dirtning the judgment later Worn Mestere States and one from
awarding Mr. Blain $4,000, damages tot Loadoa, England, Wound up by a mid-
0.8aa011 while travelling on the company's' night prooeeeion through the lower etrata
railway. of the ofty, The exploded idea of a per.
The Ooroner'e jury in the Penley Mae tonal devil and material hell fires Were.
at Orlllia.found that Russell Pooley 0(0038 aotnally advocated. Theca men have yet
to his death through the effoots of epir• to lame the rudimenta of modern theca
itnoue 119001 taken from a bottle that logy, Thegenario term, "Devil," meaning
Samuel Symington had in hie poaaeaefon. wiekedneee in the aggregate -✓Satan, tsls•
Proceediege may be taken agalnet Sym. ity - and the burning hell fires of
tngtnn, enraged anger end duplicity in the ltoarte
Rain ie falling through Alberta, and and liven of all men. Devils i8 the only
agbiealturttl proepeote are the beet in hell lyre, not areetedby a God of Infinite
many yeare. Partnere are jubilant, Goadneee, bat by roam the only creator
while ranobspan era very 1/1110b stit6tiiat• of Wrong, or rather perverter of Dieted
ed by the Budden advance 10 (tattle to novo. You and I are dev110, greater or
Wee, when we disobey the oommendmente,
Hen Are only has exietenoe when wn d0
deellish thinge, eifj7er here or hereafter,
0 e 1 h
g e tie teat ooatribated 10 mil•
lions for it fond to provide pensions for
aged teaohers, also large oontrtbut(one
towards aeetsting finenoieily wank 0011
leges es the library euterpriae fen beiug
pretty well filled up, At a late banquet
he is quoted in ,eying "That tbe Tensing
standard of ohareeber in men will be
judged not by what he deer for himself
but by what be done for others, end not
by what we have but what we do."
Noble sentiment,, Equally grand ha ie
credited wish having said on a former
000aeion "That goon it wilt be a disgrace
foe a man to die with rich poeeeeeinoa,
proving him to have been e. falee, 'welsh
steward." The good time is yet coming,
there's oorn in Egypt yet,
Sincerely yours,
J, D. Ronan.
San Dingo, Southern Oaliforoie, April
28, 1906.
Bat nevertbeleee yeti feel pretty
"weedy," Beet preeoriP tion is Dr, Elam
flton'w Pills ; they tone up the entire
system, strengthen the alomeob, elevate
your epirite end make you feel better in
one day. It's by cleaning the body of
wastes, by purifying and enriohiog the
blood then Dr. Hamilton's P,lle ac^om.
p mash Very mild, exceedingly
prompt, and gaeranteed la every mete.
Your druggist eeile Dr, Hamilton's Pills
of Mandrake and Butternut in yatlow
boxes, 26m each, or Ova for 9100 Get
the geoaiae.
Ono. 111L0, PaoPBI8108.
Monday, will leave hie own etable. go
ing North to John Mille'. Lot 5, Con
°meeion 14, Hellcat, for noon ; thee North
and liaet to Wm, Skelton's, Lot 17, eon.,
18, Morrie, for night. -Tuesday will go
North-weet end then North to Wm.
Barnett's, lot 20,. con., 5, Morrie, for
noon I then by way of Brussels, and
North to Jae. Pert's, lot 1, con., 6. Grey,
for night.-Wedneeday will go East and
Soetb to Robt. Miller's, Lot 5, con., 12,
Grey, for noun ; then South-east and
South to Jae. Oeeie's, con. 16, Grey, for
night.-Thereday will go South to John
Crozier's, lot 15, con , 12,•Mofiiliop, for
noon; then Weet to Chris. Barrow's, lot
81, coo. 18, MoRiliop, for night. -Friday
will go North and West to Geo. Barrow's,
North boundary of Mo$illop, then by
way of the town line to his own etable,
Constance, where be will remain until
the following Monday morning.
HENRY DONE, 000608180010.
Mooday, will leave his own etable, Lot
20, 3rd line, Morrie, and prooeed North
end Ettet to Actium Shaw's, let line.
Morrie for noon ; 6henoe Weet to oenlre
eideroed, then to hie own etable for
niebt.-Tneedey, will go to Alex MoNeil'e
Snnahioe, for 0oon ; thence on 511) line to
J. Graepy'e for night.•-Wedneday, twin
go East on the 6th lo Jae Nichols, Morrie
for noon ; thea South and West to R.
Bielby'a, 8th line, Morris for night,-
Thoreday, will go East to gravel road to
Jae. MaDonald'e, Grey, for noon ; then
South to Jno. MoGeviu'e, MoKtllop, for
night. -Friday, will go North to William
Teeters, Con. 16, Grey, for noon ; tkenoe
o Oeutral Hotel, Bcneaele, for night -
Saturday, will go North to hie own etable
where he will remain anti) the following
Monday morning. The above route will
be oonbieoed thronehoat the eeaeoo,
health end weather permitting.
Monday, will leave his own elable, Lai
17, con, 9, Grey, and premed South and
Weet to Albert Carter's, Lot 9, con. 11,
for noon ; thence Weet and South to
John Oliver's, Lot 11, ,con. 16, for night.
-Tneeday, will proceed East to John
MoTaggart'e, Lot 24, con 16, fur noon 1
themes North and Best to Joins Rather•
ford's, Lot 4, oon. 18, Eine, for nigbt.-
W'edoreday, will go East and North to
Juba Love's, Lot 11, con. 10, Enna, for
060n ; thenen Weet to Ohms. Love's, Lot
27, oon, 11, Grey, tor night.--Tharadsy,
will proceed to We own elable, via 10th
con., where be will remain until Friday
morning, -Friday will go South to Wm.
Lowe'a, Lot 14, van. 8, Grey, for noon ;
thence Weat to Jae. Parr'w, Lot 1, con 6,
Grey, for night.-Setortiay will go to
American Hotel, Braaeele, for 00011 ;
thence to his own etable where be will
®.. ...®.. ..___ ..,.MOON.S,
remain nutil the following elondey 'norm 11. Denroob8, local manger for the
frig. 13811 Telepii- a Co., Stratford, is making
ROYAL ?ARi, from Stretford to Sebrfn villa, Already
'01f08, M'LAOInfN, P1i0P8100008, g
Pe e
eg with the runt'. wl ta e hone line.
Mooday will leave hie own elable, Brae•
gels, and go North t 2nd line, Mon le, to
Uhae, Foereet'e for 000n 1 theuoe West
ko Jno. Oewamoro'e, Lot 0, for night,-
Toeedny will 30 Rena to let line of 111nr•
ria and Eitel to W. J. Johnetou'a for
noon ; titmice East, via Jameatown, to
Durkee cower, then N,rtb to 1t,bt,
Hamil)on'e for night-Wedueedey will
go along the Belmore road to Deo. Mo•
Tavieb'e for noon, then to Towne Hotel,
Gorrie for night.-'I'boreday'will go to
Alex. Robinson's, Howiok, for aom0 I then
via boundary to Hotel, Molesworth for
nigb6.-Friday will go East If miles,
South 1k melee and Riot to Thoe. Mo•
Donald's for noon ; then South to Harry
Atwood', for night, -Saturday will re-
turn to hie owe stable, Brussels, where
he will remain until the following Mon-
day morning. The above route will be
continued tbrooghontkbe season, health
and weather ermitti
p ug
THOS. 00Dn8N, a6ANA08B,
Monday after000n will leave hie own
stable Lot 21, Ooo. 6, Grey, and go to
Molesworth Hotel for night. -Tuesday
g west and South to Edward
Bryaoe, god sun , Grey, for noon ; thence
via Jamestown, to Alex. Bryan,', Morrie,
for night.-Wedneedey will go South to
Qaeen'e Hotel, Broevele, for noon ;
tbenoe South and Eaet to Lor g's Hotel,
Oraobrook, for night.-Thereday will go
Seatb to 14th 0011. and Beet to Teaedele
Whitleld's for noon, thane° North to
Hartwell Speirao'e, 10611 oon , Grey for
night. - Friday will go Beet to Ches.
Herr',, Seofryn, for noon ; tbenoe to
Ethel Hotel for night -Saturday will
return to hie own etable where he will
remain until tbe following Monday noon.
A RAD 1811III8E.
Often cremes a good deal of trenble.
The beet cure is a prompt application of
Neviliue which 188111nt07 elope the pain,
prevents swelling, removes all bleokuese
and dieooloration. Neviliue ie antieeptio
-•prevents blood poieooiog. No lief•
meet eo strong, so penetrating, e0 ewift
to destroy pain. You mise a lot of eons
fort by not using Poleon'e Neviline. For
nearly fifty years it hes been the ,tend•
and family liniment.
Perth County.
Tbe population of B6. Marys totals
3,456, a decrease of 29 from last year.
Stratford Board of Trade parried a
motion to submit a bylaw granting
$30,000 to the 0. P. R. opoo condition of
the railway entering the pity ou the North
aide of Viotoria Lake.
Among military orders gazetted are
the following : 28th, Perth Regiment -
Provision's! Lieutenant E. C. Holliday ie
permitted to retire. To be provisional
Lieotenante-Franole Hay MoLeao, An•
drew hiae$etb.
John Ritter, nearly 80 yeare old, father
of G. Ritter, proprietor of the Grand
Central Hotel, Milverton, was coming
downstairs about 8 o'oloak, lest Saturday
and fell when neer the floor. He expired
before mediae! aid reached him.
An attempt is being made in Mitchell
neightorbood to work up feeling agaiuet
Hoo. Neieon Monteith because of a rumor
that be appointed a yonng man from
Heneall to a position in hie department,
over the heads of many in hie own
An important business obangs' was eon.
summated, when the firm of A. Beattie
& Oo., diepoeed of We o,nfeotiooery and
bakery bueina 8 on Oomriti etreet,. Swot -
ford, to the NA -with tlo , wbeleeale end.
retail al. ho,ioner, and bakers, Torouto,
the tr rider to take pace on May 20
The oompauy hag also obtained a leve
of the property.
The undersigned will
keep for sale the best qual-
ity of Lime for Building and
Plastering purposes during
this season.
Now for t :T e
Wool Season
The undersigned is prepared to pay the HIGH-
EST PRICE, in Cash or Trade, for all the Wool grown
in this locality.
Blankete, Sheetingo and Yarns manufactured in
our own mill, positively Pure Wool.
Tweeds, Flannels, Worsteds, &e., procured from
the beet Factories in Canada. These goods will be
GUARANTEED to be exactly as represented.
Here to do business probably for the balance of
our active life 80 an IIONE8T, STRAIGHTFORWARD TRAnlll
18 OUR Alm and every pains will bo taken to please our
Custom Roll Carding attended to promptly.
Petah your Wool to Brussels '~'eatery and thereby
prove the correctness of '‘thatwe say.
V� w I er WOOD
he hag ooutraots for nine eervloee with
en 0.8800181,08 of two more, Work 00 the
line will be 80mmenoed ea aeon es Ibe
material 000 be pleoed On the ground,
tied be expecte to have the line in 09e in
lose than a month. During tbie year be
bee added taet, i trine nen etlteor' i e
y w t nib r
in the city, thus making a total of be.
tweeu 890 end 400. He expecte to add
860801y five new eubeoilbOre during this
year. Last year be added fifty ate..
At the meeting of the Stratford oouneil
Monday night the propoeibion to give the
0, P. R, 980,000 to purchase the right of
way through the city other than oily pro-
perty was carried. The reilway in by the
measure to settle all damages, to con
street subways, while the city is to build
approohee to the subways'. The formes
agreement with the Sloan Radlai Roiltvay
from St, Marys to Mitehell has been
changed, 80 that the radial will rue only
to the poet office. The T rail is allowed
only where the streets are paved, and
raffle are to
be laid annEa '
O rte attest to
Downie street when the roads are paved,
The agreement does not bar the street
electric railway from coming, for the
radial has no frnnobise. Any street
railway would have to be Bold at the
request of the oity. It 10 expected that e
power house will be
con tra 1e d
s o
near the airy.
A new time card takes effect On the
Grand Trunk on Mny 14 Several
ohangee will be made, effecting the local
errvioee sepooially between Owen Sound
a,d London. A now passenger train ie
t.; be put on leaving for Owen Sound et
7 40 a. m. after connecting with the
Easterly train from London and return.
Mg to Stratford about 5.20 in the evening.
The nipht train whioh arrives at Strut•
ford at 9 o'aloek will be taken off alto-
gether, The afternoon train from Loo•
don to St. Marys, whioh at present con•
neate with the train from the tunnel at
St. Marys janotion will go throogb to
Stratford and will return at 5.80 after
welting to connect with the new train
from Owen Sound. P1118 of course will
be tbe only afternoon train from London,
except the one at 12.20. Save for tbeee
obangee tbe errvioee will remain praoti•
Dally the flame as before.
IS I I Q't7Il1ED
lfeineelber There is No ,Medicine So
Strengthening and Health
Hiving as
Ferrozone ie noted among physicians
for the prompt mariner in which it
brings etrengtb and vigor. It increases
the appetite, keeps digestion in perfect
order, and assists aeeimuiation so that
every particle of food eaten is ewe to
nourish and invigorate the body. You
won't sleep poorly, feel tired end nervous
if you tee Ferrozone, because it strikes et
the root of any diereses ghat may be
w rlriog iu your 8y088m.
Mr. Aubrey E. Tempelmen, of M,eohiao,
wri8ee :-eI have found the greatest
eotiefaotion in using Ferrozone and oon.
eiderit ie the beet Louie made, 1 was all
run down a few months ago, end in a
very (tearable state of health. I took a
few bone of Ferrozone and was surprised
at the result. Ferrozone drove away
that dull heavy feeling, and put my
eyetem in epletidid order. I am never
nervous or eleoplese and )lave a hearty
appetite. This ie due to Few, •
zone whin
zone, b I reaommand is the etrongeat
way poeeible.
If you feel the Deed of a good .time•
teeing tonic jest try Ferrozone. Prioe
50o. per box tr 0 bone for 92 50. Sold
by ail druggists or by mail from The
Ferrozone Company, li ngston, Ont. Be
enre and get Fertozeue to day -it aeeuree
The undersigned offers for gale Sega
from mum bred Barred Books, for hatching.
Only 60 cents for n setting 0118,
Lo318, OOn.8, Grey, Ethel P. O.
e nol from
mouths obi.
strain. for sate.
While the animal remains horn be will be
kept for service at 91 00 ALIS$, OARDIN-
Bit, Lot 20, Con.14, McICillop, or Leadbnry
P.0. 30•tf
Sale, -The undersigned hag a cumber
of young Improved Uorkehire Bowe tor sale,
different ages. bred from pedigreed stook,
Also keeps for nervier, the impreyed Berk-
shire Boar, "Willow Lodge Elwell." Terme
- al cash or 81 20 if booked and 82.00 for
Bei shire Bowe, J. P, MOINTOSH,
Lot 21, O0n, 12, Grey.
41.4*-Oraubrook P. 0.
00 acre farm for slue, being South half
Lot 8,0on. 7, Grey, Mostly seeded down
and wall manumit. (food bank barn and
mie a from Brume)°, O0 sores of Pull awldieao
iu. Apply to 1, 0. TII00, Brueeele, 20•tt
homestead -100 sores -in the Town-
ship of Morrie, Huron county, Per partlo-
ulare apply to
31f J 610 Da !nurse Toronto,
• dorelgned offers her 100 sore farm, be.
Ing Lot ae, Con, 7, Grey, for Salo. Thera
is a comfortable house, bank barn or-
obard,;welle,&o, ]farm is only l mita hem
the thriving village of Ethel, 'for farther
partieulare as 10 price, terms, &c., apply to
M138. RAT10 HOLLAND, 78 sinker street,
the undersigned otter ler sale his
farm, being Let 1, Don, 18, Grey, It 1,, Sit-
uated on the Gravel road,2 miles South of
Brunets and °entente 100 sores of good land,
all atoned but 12 noros, There 19 a Arab
61a08 bridle twinge and 8,18011013, heated with
fe NI lode elurtn lt t
wh,urnacdmilt Budowaterabd, fa pumped eatawet.1
Barn fa 01x08 foot with Stone stables. Clay
barn Rene feet. Good Orchard farm wail
fenced 1 pleasantly Situated vi'''n he sold
on easy tortes. Apilty o" premlaee or Bene•
Bele le o., 18NEA8 (1131014. 10•ti
lo rig
Dods &
Messrs. ]odds 8 :labkirk
thank the Public for the pat-
ronage lit('
r(lila extended e( S�
(1 1 ince open-
ren-ing our shop in the Stretton
Block, Brussels.
We keep a well select-
ed stock of goods and attend
to 111, manufacture of the
saute in a Fashionable and
Workmanlike mariner.
Nigh Class Tailoring our Specialty
Satlsfactloufiat 1e 1
a � to allOt 1r
We give our personal supervision
to all departnlunts of our business.
Give usTrial
a Order.
The ground at the font of W. 0.
Montizembert'e reidenee on Tbomae
street, St. Mary,, has beau securer( by
the bowling oiob, and with very little
expeuee it oan be made one of the finest
bowling lawna in town.
A Local Saleomau for
and eurronnding territory to repreeeot
"CANADA', GIn3A'1'iosT N000enrite,"
Newest varieties and epeolelties in Hardy
Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornament
ale and Rosea, A permanent situation
and territory reserved for the right man.
Pay weekly, handoome outfit free. Write
for particulars, and send 26 oeooe for our
pocket microscope, jnet the thing to nae
in examining treee and planta for femme.
Stone & Wellington
over 800 aures
,1 075
Royal 1e1i1 Steamers
front Montreal Fenn, Qnobeo
Victorian May 1.1,11 a,m. airy -12, 7 pia
Bavarian Slay 10, I a.m. AIay10, 9 pan
Virginian ,°ra3' 50, 0 a.m. tray 28, 7 p.m
Tunisian ,,, „June 8.8 a,m. June 2, 2 p.m
First Cabin, 870 and upwards, a000rding
to steamer and accommodation ; Second
0381130, Liverpool and Londonderry, 94200,
$455, and 947.10, aoonrding 30 steamer, Lon-
don 82,50 extra ; Thlr,t (nags, 927.00, to Liv-
erpool, Derry, Reheat, Glasgow, London.
Victorian, 428.76.
Montreal to (.lasgott• Direct.
Corinthian Wel, play 10th (daylight)
NC 11' Yorlo 10 Glasgow
Numiditu -"bora, May 18, 10 11.01
For :umber partieulare apply to
Agent, Brueeele,
Our Spring Stock of Wall Papers is to hand
and it is a choice lot and well worth inspect-
oe/ A emDt1A/NS
will be given in small roll lots carried over
from last year, some of them as low as 3o.
per roll.
kept in stock and will be sold in quantities
to suit purchasers,
Shop in Simile's Block nett to Metropolitan
Fred. Ai§ eCracken