HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-11, Page 3els
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White linen and muslin gowns are
being drown in all the shops and aro
being made In quantities for the early
summer. 11fnny of those olfered hl
the shops are robe gowns, and, as
has Lava Fainted out before, the robe
Is really an economical purchase.
The latest opera bag is of .Eng-
Lfle11sh morocco1 •hh
in the shape of the
popular vanity bag, anis includes a
pair el folding opera glus;los, mir-
ror, a powder -book, salts bottle,
purse and cried receptacle,
Shaded things are used on stiff
hats, and aro not only placed inside
the h'i'im, but aro used on the top of
the hat. One favorite shale, the
flat, round hat, has trio wings put
directly in the front, standing
straight across, while the brim is
bent in and out in supposedly grace-
ful curves.
Many of the new shirt -waist suits
are made of voile and light wool
fabrics. Very good, indeed, aro the
green and blue plaids in these ma-
res trials, They aro ideal for tradel-
2v- ling, as they do not aceturnulate dust,
and are readily cleaned.
What answers for a shirt -waist
in suit this season is -usually a rather
1111 ornate costume, alnlnse invariably
ng made with a square -cut bodice, ae-
:tel companies] by a transparent guimpe,
The sleeves ft hin
unders1 evos,and tly ll for t
dthecostumeo for
street wear needs a coat,
cg- There are many variations of thio
2,y- white linen stocks which have an
overlap tied at the front through a
big buttonhole at each end. Tho
:latest has a butterfly bow made of
colored talTeta, lined and stitched
with white silk, which buttons by
means of an undertape thrmegli tho
buttonholes of the lap at the sides.
The street gown which aeons to be
taking better than any other model
is the princess skirt and short bo-
lero jacket. Tho princess skirt; is the
antithesis of the fashionable plaited
skirt. It is tight -fitting, and reveals
the lines of the figure over the hips.
The boleros are the slightest little
affairs, many of thein hardly ictoro
than capes, and the effects are all
loose and informal.
Embroidered designs at'e found
sprinkling nil sorts of materials.
Even in the inexpensive collars many
very choice effects in color combina-
tions are found. Scotch gingliams,
with pin lines of while spotted with
embroidered spots in tho colors of
the various ground tones, are twenty
;n, cents a yard.
ed There are many separate coats, hol-
.tlo (eros, box coats, and necliegotes.
.h°. They have taken the place, to a largo
es- extent, of the useful and simple cov-
ert coat, which is entirely too plain
a garment to suit the elaborate
styles of the moment. 'These coats
and boleros are made of almost any
material, silk, cloth, heavy lace and
light woolen materials, Some kind
of a separate coatis a necessity
since the advent of tho shirt waist
,k -
m -
or -
As the skirts increase in width and
flare it becomes doubly necessary
that the under petticoat be decidedly
full. With a cloth or velvet skirt
particularly is it important to have
a Very wide good silk petticoat, for
nothing is uglier than to see a cloth
skirt sinking in about the feet. All
ass skirts are, of course, made up with
111 underskirt attached, so that the ma-
jority of women are apt to give lit-
tle thought to the petticoat.
The silk petticoats now react° up
for evening wear are fascinating to
a degree. The daintiest of flowered
silks are employed, which are
trimmed with nuinberless yards of -
lace ruchings and rutlteS, with
rosettes and ribbon streamers, with
chiffon, anti .again with silk.
Thog detachable -flounces are still
popular for dress petticoats and it
is upon these flounces that the chief
labor and adornment of the petticoat
are expended. Thorn is always rte
wide silk flounce beneath the lace
rattles which would not of themselves
he still enough to really affect the
hang of the skirt. Loons, rosettes
sit and long ribbon streamers aro run
2,''s through the Taco and chiffon 'in
charming confusion, both narrow end
in ' wide ribbon being frequently employ-
in -
en -
i Ler
221 -
orf at once, while flounces are used
on the colored sill:, petticoats as
well as upon rho all white and the
For a walking costumo•the sills pet
ticoat—provided the skirt is lined—
should be sono inches shorter than
the ()Inside skirt, bat for the evening
'gown n petticoat should be no more
than two or three filches at most
from Clio floor.
A remarkable effort was made some
time ago by a woollen manufacture'
In -a Lancashire town to discourage
smoking among This employes, and as
an inducement to abstinence a re-
ward of a sovereign was promised to
each person in leis service who
eschered tobacco for a year. At the
end of that period no less than
(450 was Claimed and paid, fifty of
the prize recipients agreeing to
abandon smoking altogether"
The municipal laboratory of Paris
etas boon examining the expe'iilionts
made by :Dr, Vogel, who has inalut-
fartnt•ed a very sucauleit choose from
lit= the sneak Chinese beams known as
ou "soy beans.'"The doctor flails that
r rhouf) of these hennas 'Containsp I
she mans ' of the caseino beans
thni. 1112 1'esirll:irtg composition is
both'fhoerishilie', and pleasant to ,the
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Makes
Strength fox Stunner.
Every man and woman in Canada
need: a tonic medicine at this season
of the year, They must have now,
rich blond to build them up to bear
the trying heat of sucnlner. Dr, Wil -
11111115' Pink fills are the greatest
Spring topic 10 the whole .world.
'Every dose makes now, rich blood—
DOW vigorous life. They transform
weak, weary, nnaemlc girls into
healthy, graceful, well-developed wo
men. They make debilitated men
strong, lusty and energetic. They
give worn, despondent women 111W
health and comfort. They do this
every time—they cannot fail, After
a course of the Williams' Mink fills,
evely than and weirrnn can withstand
the summer's heat freo fl ern back-
ache and headaches, weakness and
despondency. Mrs, M. A. White,
Seal Cove, Que., says: "I cannot
pra1ie Dr. Withers' rink Pills too
highly. They have not only made a
flaw person of myself, but have bean.
of inestimable value in 111y tinnily, I.
always beep the pills in 211,y home
and the result is 1 have Ito doctor's
bills; nor have I any delicate boys
or girls, as the pills keep then
strong and healthy. I constantly re-
commend the pills to my friends,
and I always hear good words from
those who use then.."
Dr Williams' Pink Pills do not net
upon the bowels; they do not bother
with the mere symptoms of disease:
they simply nlako new rich, red
blood, and thus cure all the common
ailments of life. But you must get
the genuine with the full name Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People,
on the wrapper around each box.
Sold by alt defilers everywhere or by
mail at 50 cents n box or six boxes
for $2.50 by writing The Dr, W11 -
Hams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Love makes loyal.
Less work, more weeds.
Work gives zest to rest,
It is hard to bo happy in a hurry.
Love is always looking for a load.
It takes a fool to appreciate a fad.
Reverence is the foundation of
lasting love.
The sense of duly is a sign of the
diving Lu man.
Righteousness is a lot more than
Killing time is a stare way of spoil-
ing character.
IIe can never teach 0. man who
cannot learn of a child.
No words of faith have force until
they become flesh.
It is hard for the leek to see why
people prefer the lily.
Hatred often comes from only
knowing half a man.
The only sure thing about a lie is
that it will never die.
The defense of the devil usually
hides some share in his dividends.
Many mistake their dreams about
heaven for deeds to lots up there.
It takes the touch of love to pick
even the mote out of another's.eye.
There is nothing prouder 'than ig-
norance 02' more ignorant than pride.
When his goods are his chief good
a man is likely to find little lasting
Tho saddest people aro the only
ones who aro always fleeing from
The happiness that conies from ig-
norance of the sorrows of this world
may be sin. - Some people never ]snow that the
devil has 'been feeding them stones
until all their teeth are broken.
ITow many men know how to roll
an umbrella so that it will look as
neat and compact as whale it leaves
the store? Not many of those you
meet have the secret. Nearly every
oho who rolls an umbrella takes hold
of it by the )candle and keeps twist-
ing the stink with ono band and
folds and rolls with the other hand.
The proper way is to take hold of
the unbrella just above the points of
oho cover ribs; these points naturally
are even around the stick. Deep
hold of these, presaing them .closely
agdinst the stick, end then roll up
the c01'er. Holding the ribs prevents
them f'oingetting either twisted out
of ;lace 01. bent ort of shape. 'Then
the silk will fold evenly and roll
smooth and as doso ns the first time
enrol fled.
Pref. Gottlieb has boon tolling the
Christiania Academy of Science tho
results of his investigations into the
migrations 01 whales. These clraa-
tures hang about the cost of Norway
and Finland until the spring is Well
advanced, and then go away 011 their
travels. Some go to the Azores,
others to Bermuda and the Antilles,
and they cover these enormous dis-
tances in an incredibly short time,
Some of tlaoua bring back harpoons
which bearthenames of ships and
other evidences of where these 1111-
grnn.ts nava been for their 811111nal'
Ohildteu shudder at castor oil,
and with good reason. Castor oil is
a relic of old-1.111lo barbarism. Not
only is it repulsive to the taste, but
it gripes anti tortures delicate chil-
dren. Modern mothers use Ilaby's
Own Tablets, a gentle laxative which
does not gripe; a comforting medi-
cine. which may be given tie a nosy-
born baba without fear of Harm;
'.Chose Tablets cure all the minor ills
of little ones, and promote natural
Sleep and repose. Mrs, 11, 1I,
James, b'cnaglivalc, Ont,, says:—"I
find great satisfaction in the use of
Baby's Own Tablets, and do not:
know ,linty I could get along 'with-
out thdln, They make children well
and keep them Well."' And you have
a guarantee that th'er'e is not ono
rice f opiate ' hi rmful ttrtt
particle o 61 a
in this enedieine. Sold by medicine
dealers 0r by nt'n.i1 at 25 MILS a
box by writing the Dr. Williams T-
icitlo Ua„ Iha�lwvillo, Onbt
Pasteboard Cannon Balls Filled
With Brandy—Dogs Carriers
of Laces,
Snuggling effectively is one of
those lino arts that have decayed, at
least in England, where, as we have
duties on little else 111et11 tobacco,
tea and spirits, and where we have
a seaboard closely watched, it can-
not be. carried out to any extent
succus sfully,
Now and theft the revenue inert al'c
uutivitlod, but rarely on a largo
C. ' 1,1 tralailtld
sale H1 never can cu»
trade lie carried on for long under
totted, it is not at the present day
worth meet's while to apply their
rniuds to 1110 overreaching of the
coast guard, says Chamber's .Jour-
nal, awl couserlttently the art is in
its dotage and decline.
Attempts aro made occasionally to
outwit 1,110 preventive officers, as
when a vessel came into the Celine
s01110 years ago with its co.dago of
twisted tobacco, but It was found
out, (111 cans are made, or were
name, with an interior consisting of
an inverted funnel of tin, 'I'h'n the
ofhcees put n stick through the neck
and. turn it about they draw iL out
and lind that the rod has been in
011. Ent the upper bul:hng sides of
the can contain smuggled spirits.
An old woman died lately at eau -
sand who for lung hoodwinked the
coast guard by carrying about a
baby. This was actually a bottle or
jar of brandy, whi. 1 she dt'o'v oil
from a hidden rcceptado of the
strugglers, "You've a very quiet
child 11101'e; I never hear it cry,"
said one of the guards to her. 'eI'llat
clay be," replied Nanny, "but T war-
rant ,you lee's got a deal o' spirit in
In Gower, at Llangonneth, the
runners of smuggled goods had con-
trived a most, Ingenious cache. A
little stream falls in cascades from
the mountain above. They diverted
the stream, formed a cellar under' the
spot where rho water splashed down,
well covered with broad slates (stove,
on which they east torrent rubble
anti in this 17ic1 their kegs. But a
storm brought the strect.11t.down with
such 210121120 that one. night it tore
away the roof and revealed the con.
coaled run goods.
When Joseph Ilunapat•t0 wile Icing
of Spain a good many ind'ivideats,
oven those highly - [:laced, emi.)ied
themsclve$ at the =pulse of the rev-
One day a conlrabandista met a
llrigadie• at Segovia, about to re-
turn with empty caissons to Madrid.
"Look hare, my friend," said he,
"I want ,you to convey for Leo a
quantity of cannon halls and shells
to the capital—as many es your
horses can draw." Tern he showed
him piles of these munitions of war,
The 1lrigadier 01otmrrr'ed—lire weight
would he urodigious. "Bahl" 1'e -
plied the smuggler.. "They aro all of
blackened pasteboard and aro full of
velvets, tobacco, brandy' and
0(21101111, Get them sale into tho
Prado .and you shall be paid for
your pains 75 louts d'ot•, They will
let can00n balls Sass the barriers
without taxing them,".
The )-brigadier agreed, and managed
to get then into the Prado at
Madrid in the night; but as 'those in
the plot were unloading the goods up
rode an officer.
"Hello!" said he. "Th'c vory thing
we want. I have orders to send a
convoy of shot to Seville against
those cogs of English." And he
confiscated the lot; but, finding them
renarkeltly light, broke ono, and
forth gushed
In Paris for some time by an in-
genious contrivance''a good deal . of
wine and spirits was passed beyond
the barriers without paying duty. A
subterranean passage had been made
rroln the village of Les Vertus, near
St. Denis, in the house of a citizen,
ane it led into the cellar of 1111ack-
smit]i near the 'Foire St. Laurent.
The passage was lined with planks
well greased, and kegs were sent
rolling along it filled with every kind
of merchandise that ought to pay
toll at the octroi, At the black-
smith's there were extensive cellars
in which these goods were stored,
llut one who tvas in the secret be-
tray0d it, and the officers of the law
caste down suddenly 0n the black, -
smith, penetrated t0 the cellars, and
with the contents loaded seventeen
At the present day a great source
of annoyance to the Spanish frontier
guards is the extensive sniuggling
that goes on from Gibraltar, mut
dogs aro trained as.tho mediums,
They have laces and all kinds of
English produce sewn 0lotln1 their
bodies and are let loose, 'Phot' know
perfectly whither they are to go, and
the guards fire on all such dogs that
they see coursing over the country.
In the same way in Perigord clogd
are educated to poach: trulles, 0111011
they Mg up and hide in well known
caches, whore their masters can rc-
eover them. ,
On the Swiss and Trench frontier
an Italiana plied his trade. Ile had
a bear and a monkey that sat on
the bade of bruin, Sometimes he
was in France, sometimes in Swit-
zerland, )duo actually the beast he
travelled with was an ass, 'Cin re-
ceptacles had been formed, adapted
to his sides and back, and these
were filled with brandy, and the
whole was covered over with
As the showman, with His . beasts
passed than frontier ono clay, as ill
luck would have it, his bear gave
x ]hal id the 2,;u t Tr
to sa ]o sorn Iron
°Meer, "What ti; very remarkable
bruin, that brays Iiko a donkeyl'r
and so the Welt Was discovered,.
There, lived near the, French ir'on-
tier a learned ornithologist, who not
only himself had a collection of rare
stuffed birds, but, he also was cell -
Stilted by amateurs and by learned
societies. throughout Europe when
collections worn sought to be made
up; and he undertook to procure the
specimens that wore desired In
1'`rattce al' Cerman,y o' England, Cett-
sequ21011y there was constantly going
en a trade in ornithological siieci-
nl'ens over the frontiers, and usually
our savant, accompanied these, as
they were rare and valuable and
liable to injury if roltg111y Handled.
Now, 12, 50 chanend that, he bought i1
live parrot, with which It entertaill-
oct him to converse. After a 10i'nl
he would stand by the perch and say:
"Poll, prett,v poll 11$en you are
dead T will stuff you with laces," or
else, "Poll, I will stuff you with eau
de cologne," Now it fell out that
once our naturalist was conveying n
eollec•.tiorh of spec•tmen9 across 111.2
froutic•r, and unluckily he had his
parrot with him. At the eastern
house, all n1 once it ser'alned out.:
"Pretty Poll! 'Chen yoneve'tend
I Will 52,1111' you with lace! I'oll!
Poll! When you torn dead T will
stag you with eau do colo2;ne!"
"T will trouble you," said the cus-
tom 110111e officer, "to let me investi-
gate your cotleellon of staffed
"Axel" said the ornithologist bit-
terly, "Pretty Poll! T e11a1l tiring
your neck for telling secrets,"
IlIr. Dick Souvey and Wife Both
Had Kidney Troubles, and the
Great Canadian Kidney Remedy
Cured Them,
Tort Arthur, Ont., May 8.—(Spec-
tel). '19rat .Dodd's Kidney }'ills Cure
111(1 IUilney ills of mere and women
alike hes been proved time and
again in this neighborhood, but it is
0r ly occasionally they get a chance
to do double work in the sante
house. This has happened in the
ease of Mr, and Mrs, flick Souvey a
farmer and his wife,, living 012011 1,
seven miles from here, In an inter-
vinw Mr. Souvey said•
"My wife and myself have used
i'orhd's Kidney Pills, and have Paled
teem a. boybenefit to our health.We
had La Grippe 1,W0 winters and were
exposed to much frost and cold. Our
sleep 211.2111 broken on account of urine
ary troubles and pain in the Kid-
neys. Wo each took six boxes of
Dedd's Kidney Pills and now enjoy
good health."
4 --
.English Nurse Tells of Their Life
in the Palace.
'1'110 children of tho Czar and the
domestic side of the Russian Court
aro minutely described in a recent
number of "Leisure Hoar" by Miss
Eager, n lady who, in 1858, teas
chosen by the Czarina to take charge
of the little Grand Duchesses. •
The nurse spent six weeks in all
at the Russian Court, during which
time she had unequalled opportuni-
ties for observing the inner side of
1LP in the Winter Palace.
Some idea of the size and splen-
dor of this wonderful building may
bo gathered iron the fav that 111
one of the rooms a '"mountain,"
clown which the children toboggan
has been erected. The gr at white
ball -room holds 5,000 gut is as well
as leaving space for mthsi ians and
Another room has eight pairs of
doors of tortoiseshell whichare em-
bellished with gold. At tl. e end of
the state rooms there is t o theatre,
where the royal children sit for
hours watching. the attendn nts man-
ipulate the drop scenes an turn oh
the various dolbred lights for their
entei to i nmeatt.
The Orancl Duchess Mari was born
some time after the arriv' l of the
nurse, who believes the little Prin-
cess came Into the world 'with the
very smallest trace of original sin." 1
"From her earliest age Marie's I
love for iter father has been most
marked. Wlton she was barely able
What shrunk*our woolens ?
Why did hales wear so soon ?
You used common soap,
P ,71:P ?;FiTr$E
lora for lute Octagon filar.
The Mend Trunk Railway System
o c2, handsorn
booklet descriptve of the Royal Mus-
koka Ilotr.•1, that is situated in Lttkc
Ras:Oait, in the Il1uskolta Lakes,
"itighhulds 0f Ontario." The puhdl•
cation is 0011 giving n full description
of the attractions that may be found
at this popular resort, handsomely il-
lustrated with colored prints of lake
and 1'ilan.i scenery, the hotel Itself,
and ninny 01 the special features that
rent' be foetal there. It le printed on.
fine entrnu').•d paper, Sound 111 a rover
giving the appearance of Morocco
laallrcr, with a picture of the hotel
encs suirouudings on the same, and
the crest of the hotel olnhossed in
high rebel'. A glance through this
booklet H'al'es one lord; for the plea-
sure of Summer and outdoor life,
and c01de11 niay he secured g,rateit-
cn::ly by applying to any Crane
Trunk ticket offlca.
" 'Music hath charms to soothe
the savage- breast,' " quoted the
young lady with 2,t sitnper as she
Seated herself at. the piano. ."L'hnt
may be," muttered a savage beetle -
lots, "but there are some of us in
this crowd who are civilised, and
deserve a little consideration."
Mother (haves' }norm Exterminator
has the largest talo of any similar Kir
puration sulci In Canada. It always
gives satisfaction by restoring health to
the little folks.
Tiurt—"I have no doubt you are
sorry about your uncle's death, not-
withstanding it brought you into a
lot of money." West•—"ft's; 11e was
timing a good busleess, you know,
and if he had lived a year or two
longer he alight have loft 111e a good
deal more."
FCR 0Vb1t. Ei31'r`Y Y1:Ast9.
efts. Winslow's Sootbing Syrup has
been used by millions of soothers for
their children while teething, It Fo0Che9
the child, softens the gems, allays pain,
tures wiodeolie. regulates the stomach
and bowels, and is the hest remedy for
Diarrhoea. 'fwen ty-llve cents a bottle.
Sold by druggists throughout the
world. hu sure and ask for 'Info,
Winslow's So00Iing Syrup."
Distressed Young Mother (trn.vell-
ing with weeping infant)—"Doerr,
clear! I don't know what to do with
this baby." Kind and Thoughtful
Bachelor (in next seat)—"Madam,
shall I open the Window for you?"
1iIinard's Liniment Clura3 Diphtheria,
The devil's job is s0 easy lie would
rather work overtime than get a
day o1T.
The Stomach's 1' Weal or Woe lit—
'The stomach is the centre from which,
from the standpoint of health, flows
"weal or woe." A healthy stomach
means perfect digestion—perfect diges-
tion means strong and steady centres—
strong nerve centres clean good oircula,.
tion, rich blood and good health. South
American Norville - snakes and keeps tile
stomach right. -52
Teacher—"Who was that .who
laughed aloud'?" Pupil—"I did, sir;
but I didn't mean to do it." Teacher
—"Yon didn't hreau to do it7"
Pupil—"No, sir; I laughed in my
sleeve and :I didn't know 1,11510 was
a 11010 11, My elbow."
Tt is only necessary to read the testi-
22101111t1a to be convinced that llolloway's
Ctorn. cure 10 unequalled for the removal
of corns, warts, etc. It is a complete
The good woman was visiting - the
convict prison, "And what are you
in for, nay unfortunate friend?" she
asked of No. 1)113. "'Cause I can't
got out," sullenly answered the pris-
oner. And the good woman passed
Cholera nut all summer complaints
aro so quiche I. their action than the
cold hand of death is I: on the vlethts
Wore they are u.w'a•o that da.n1rn' fa
tear. If (LLLerIced do not delay in get-
ting_ 1110 propel' modie1Oo. Try n, closeof Dr. J. D. ICoIlogR s Dysentery Cor-
dial, and you will get Iuunedinto relief.
t acts with wonderful rapidity and
never falls to effect a aura.
to toddle she would always es-
cape from the nurseries to go to
frim, and whenever she saw him in
the garden or pal'k alio would call
after h1In, If ha hoard or saw her ho
always waiters for her and would
carry her a little,
"When ha was i11 fn his room she
sat on the nursery floor listening. If
sire heard his voice she wouid stretch
out leer little arils and call: 'Pape„
pupal' and her rapture when site was
allowed to see Thin was great.
"What is your idea of an opti-
mist?" "Well, an optimist is a man
who is too kind-hearted to discour-
age other people.
Nrnnufacturbng sorrow is ono of the
worst of sins.
"Ootilratulato ate, Jimmy; I'm en-
gaged to Sally Jenks," "I'm me-
in] ly sorry, harry, 1301 I Can't con-
SOientiously do it; I've ben engag-
ed to Sally myself.""
11 My heart was TBempmg my Life eta,'•
is Lho way hers. It. lT, Wright, of
Brockville, Ont„ describes her sugar -
Ines from smothering, fluttering and
palpitation. After trying ninny reale-
flies without benefit six bottles of ltr,
Agnuty s Ohre for the heart restored
her to perfect health. The first close
gave almost instant relief, end in it
clay suffering ceased attogethcr,--51
O'Grady—"Yo can't tell leo the
tohtto whin the 0 Graclys was not
gintlette1," O'Flytw—"Sure, nm
bhoy, 01 kits do thot; some o' tliim
was ladies,': -
Stratford, dth Aug„ 1493,
MESSRS 0, C. RICICA1RDti & 00.
Gentlemen.--ST1ry neighbor's boy 4
years old, fell into It tub of boiling
water end got scalded fearfully. A
few clays later lnts Pegs swelled to
three lines their na1,nrai size and
broke oat in running sores. 1Iis
Parents could get nothing to Help
him till i recommended 1WINJI21 'S
LINIMENT, w]tieh, after using two
bottles, completely Crrcll hire, and I
]snow of several other cases around
here almost as remarkable, cured by
the sante Liniment.and I can, truly
say 1. never handled a. medicine tvl t. i
has had as sale or give
ttigooda given sttcli
universal satisfaction. -
M. ItIf Ithb?l',
General libot'cliarit
TEA because it is Tightly Sealed In Lead Packets
not lying about loose in all kinds of places like ordinary bulk l.rn:,',
11LUN 111013ON is carefully watched FROM PLANTATION TO HOME
and pleases ail.
ac r
1M .
The bicycle is king. Every person realizes now that there
is no other vehicle so convenient In the couuLJ;y, town or city
as the wheel, The wheels wo sell are the best in the world.
Weil Ua nd=Va1e
is the new feature. 'It has brought bicycling again into po-
pular favor—tivlaleep Rough Roads Smooth.
The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar
a companion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for our
new catalogues, and necv picture cards. Mention this paper.
Canada Cycle and Motor Co'y
to Makers of the World's Best Bicycles,"
Canadian Headquarters
for Automobiles,
"Do you think that beautiful wo-
men are apt to be spoiled?" she
murmured, with upturned eyes.
"Tour beauty will never spoil you,
darling," he answered, softly.
Removes all hard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
01(821112, curbs, splints, ringbon0,
sweeney, sti111^s, sprains, sore and
swotlon throat, coughs, etc. Save $50
by use of one bottle. Warranted the
snout wondert al Blemish Curo ever
"In England," said the traveller,
"it is considered wrong to have
more than one wife." "It is not
merely wrong," answered the Sultan
as he glanced apprehensively at the
harem, "it's foolish."
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect-
ant Soup Powder is better than
other powders, as it Is both soap and
Brownb—"Ilow surprised wo should
bo ff ova could sco ourselves os
others see us!" Towne—"Yes; but
think how surprised the others
would be if they could see us as we
sco ourselves!"
niliousness llurdona Lifo,—Tho bilious
man is Hover a cotnpanionable maul l.er
cause itis ailment renders hint morose
and gloomy. Thn complaint is not ..0
algm•uus as it is dtsogrecable. i'el
n0 ono need Nutter 1210112 it who coal
procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. fly
regulating the liter and. obvinth2g for
erects of idle ,n the stomach they re-
store mon to cheerfulness and full rigor
of action.
Charitable Lacly—"Tlut a man last
weak told me exactly the some
stitnyI" Tt'amp—"Ycs, lady. Yer
see, I made a fatal mistake in not
havin the history, of mo life copy-
&tinaril's Liniment Cures Colds, &a
"Papa, what is a horse show?"
":l. ]horse show, my son, is where
people with more money than brains
go to mato donkeys of thetnselvcs."
Useful at all Times.—Tri winter or 111
summer I'armelee's Vegetable l'tdls will
cope with and overcome any irregulari-
ties of the digestive organs Which
change of diet, enauge of 10s1denc0, or
variation of temperature may bring
about. They should be always Rept at
panel, and once their beneficial action
becomes known, no one will lie wftLout
them. There is nothing nauseating In
their strnotura, and the most delicate
can 1101 theta confidently.
"no talks a great deal about his
family tree," "Yes," ansevere 1 Miss
Cayenne. ''A family tree is 11111011
like other trees. The smallest twigs
do most of the rustling,"
Tho President a Stave to Catarrh
—IJ. 'I. Sample, president of Sample's
Instalment Company, Washington, Pa„
Writes: "I''er years I was afflicted with
Chronic Catarrh. Itomedies and treat-
ment by spocia.lhts only gave lee tem-
porary relief until I was inclosed to
use 1)r, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, It
gave almost instant relief. 50 cents,
There is a w011ylsnown custom pre-
vailing in our erhuinal courts of as-
signing counsel to 5rich prisoners as
Have no ono to defend theta. On
one occasion the court, finding a
man accused of theft, and without
counsel, said to a lawyer who was
present: "Mr. --', please to with-
draw with the prisoner, confer With
him, and Hien give hint such 001015el
as may bo best for his interest," The
lawyer and his client then withdrew,
and in fifteen or twenty minutes the
lawyer returned into court. "Whore
is the prisoner?` asked the Court.
"Ho has gone, ,your honor," salol
the hopeful legal "lhn1. :'Your
r 01d 111 3 to give hint tho t
'ono t o a hos
advice I could for his interest, aud,]ti w
as he said o as elft thought
guilty, I 2,l o ght
Ibo best counsel X could offer ilial
Wag to 'cut and run,' which ]1e took
at OL'1coc'f' , -
IStumpind Tile Pallor
i Sott'0nehoring and Soma.
]Tnahorad. Something eery.
ehran 02102 171(11051n 13,
(minutes. stet
ne.ts at cot.
ting. Different
• aiie'11(As
) 001010guddreee
Milne Mfg. Se. 871 Ninth St., Monmouth, 111.
Dyeing R Meaning!
For the ren hest road your work to eh•
Look 0Or agent is your town, or send died,
Montreal„ Toronto, Ottawa, Quelsea.
"Your husband seems to be getting
bald very rapidly," said the falnily
friend. les," answered IbIr's. Nags-
by, "there is scarcely a good hand-
ful ]e --Plum! Er—yes, he certainly
Iinard's Liniment Oures Distemper
"I pity the man who can't learn
anything from his own nhistalces.
Now, that's one thing I can do,
said Bragg. "Aft You're always
learning something then, aren't
you?" replied Knox.
I'Regular Practitioner—Mo Rosult,"
—Mrs. Amnio O. Chestnut, of Whitby,
was for months a rheumatic victim, but
South American Rheumatic Cure chang-
od''"tle son, f out "despair" to "icy,"
She says: r'1 suffered untold misery
from rheumatism—doctors' medicine did
me no good—two bottles of South •
American Rheumatic Cure cured me—re-
lief two hours atter the first doso,"-60
Ho—"Clarice, you know I have a1 -
ways thought a gl'eat deal of you,
and I have nattered myself you
think not unfavorably of me. , May
I—will you be my wife?" She—
"What a :start you gave 15.0, Harry!
D0 you know, I drought you were
going to ask nto to loud you some
money.". -.
Milford's IIuIuleul Gores Gargan Is C^;i'
Thomson—"Did you ever run away,
when you were a boy?" Mobbs—
"Once." Thomson—"And I stipposo
the tears flowed freely when you re-
turned, Mobbs--"les. I matte the
mistake of returning when father
was at home."
Where Weakness is, Disease Wiil Set-
tlo.-11 one suffers from any organic
wcakn0521, inherited or contracted, there
1lieea50 will settle when It attacks the
body. Tltefel'ore drive out the pains
than besot you, do not let a cold or
a cough harass ,you, and keep the re-
spiratory organs 112 a good - benitlly..
ceu1ition. This you can rho by using
Dr,Thomas' T.cktct2'10 011. Prevention
is the wisest (0nrs0.
Her Mother—"You will assume a
grave responsibility when you marry
my daughter, Remember, she was -
brought up in the lap of luxtu'y,"'
Her Adorer—"011, she's pretty roll '
used to my lap 110w." -
La grippe, pneumonia, and influ-
enza often leave a hasty cough
tvhon they're gone,
It is a clangorous thing to neglect.
Cure it with
ei fl.
OE! s
`' mum SthOf
The Lung
Ure Yonia
The cure that 121 gtlaratlt°ed by
your druggist. -
Priebe: lyr is
Warts 5o0
250.50 a1 I. o
cI2 N, Totautn Chir.
y e
asrsvencersxneww.. ., -.... ..
ISS Vie; ITU, 2 8-05