HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-11, Page 1Vol. 33. No, 44 New Advertisements. Notiae—Wm, Clark, To rent -Thos Furrow. To rant—I, 0, Richards. Notioe—Jahn MoIntosh. Tile Inn starts—D, O. Roes, Spring Geode—•F. R• Smith, Bargain Day—McKinnon & Co. Wanted—Dominion Garment Co. istr zt Fseler. Mne. Da. RorntNe ?ABSoeAWAZ,—The death took place at Exeter Monday afternoon of Mary A. Greenway, wife of Dr, Rollins, of Exeter, and mister. of T. Greenway, ex Premier of Manitoba, and Mre. fiery) Holmae, of Blyth, 1st the age of 61 yeare. Deceased had beeu a long sufferer Irons internal growths, A slater, three brotbere, a eon and a daugh- ter and the hoeband enmities. The funeral tools place on Wednesday after• noon to the Exeter cemetery, if..ir4to W F,l. Dearraunxn Faelb.—Dr. Hedley S. Hua. ton, of Ohroago, went to Seattle, Waeh., May let to wed. With. a disfigured aonnteuenae,the outcome of the indig• nation of hie attune, he left for Sacra. mento, OM., forfeiting $25 cash bail de. posited to pledge his appearance in the police court. Mre. Harriet Louie Oherry ie the woman whose affections Dr. Hae ton won and lost. She ie a (hamlet em. ployed by a company in Seett e. The eobemd of the comedy is laid at Mrs. Cherry's apartment iu the Walden hotel. Each olnime the honor of breaking the engagement and each eaye the other was the aggressor. "Mre. Oberry has a await, innocent appearance," said Dr. Huston, "and when I met her two menthe ,.en I fell in love. We were emcee, ehorriv after I met her• I bnoaht a dim -tend ring, for wbioh I paid 0160 and also gave her the material for a dream, valued at For 50 Years GENUTNg 6I847 .Rogers Bros." Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc.. have been made and given perfect satisfaction. The prefix "1847" on anyknife,fork orepoon,wherever bought, guarantees itshighgoality. We have a well assorted stook of the above Goode, Our Prime are Close. It Paye to Buy the Beet, You are assured of getting the Genuiue Article Irom 11. Lr 4J AO O T BRUSSELS. J ,. f f sight tle'i�d ~ Perfect: Perfect sight le deterey mined ler,a series of scientific testa. , ,L. we render faulty oyop l 4 per8cct by aclentlttce t�. ally fitted glasses. M 1 .._t)_,,--:(il Miss Teenie Sample O."PrS, 2CSAN' BRUSS ELS $100, When I found that the had been playing me faiee and that her game wee only to get my money I decided to get the ring and drove," Dr. Huston le a former Stratford bay, and marry here will re- member bim. He ie a eon of James Huston, formerly in the insurauue bust• nese now and iu the bakery bueineee at Lietowei. Miee Hannah Ingraham is visiting friends in town, Mien .Dora Kinney spent a few days with friends South, last week. Rev. R S. Baker administered the eeorament in the Methodist oharoh haat Bubbe6h. Rev. Mr. Lang ford exohanged pulpibe with Rev, Mr. Milt a, of Kincardine, last Sunday. Tia maetinge of the Epworth League will in future be hold on Sunday eveninge after the regular preaching service. Last week Frank Cline ended his year's work ea aeeietaot blacksmith in E. MaLaogblin's chop, oomplating bis ap• prentioeebip. We are Berry to lore Frank from amono our young people, Onr villagers were grieved to hear of the death of Rev, I. M. Webb which occurred on Saturday last. He was a former incumbent of St. George's thatch Imre, and was deservedly popular, bis manly gnaiitiee and genial disposition rendering him a general favorite. PPreaxet ser. Charles Stewart is visiting at his home Item. J. J. Stephens, of Teeewater, visited friends in the village on Monday. Sam. Pope lett for Onba lamb week, where he expecte to engage in farroiug. Rev. L. Perrin exchanged services with Rev. J, Meloolm, of Teenwaber, on Sen. day. Herman Morrieoo, an employee of the 0. P. R,, is visiting ander the parental roof, Mrs. H. Armstrong left on Saturday to vieit a few tveeke with her mother, near Lietowei Albert PROUD and hie eon, Albert, spent several days of haat week with rale. lives ]u Sirnooe. Hamilton & Robertson made a ship went of two care of oattle and one of hogs on Monday. A number from tole vicinity attended the walker—McLaughlin wedding in Howiok haat Wednesday. Henry Bandareon nod James Bail left for Muskoka on Monday where they ex- posit to spend the Bummer. The Women'e Foreign Mlasionary Boaiety met at the home of Mre. R. Lang on Thursday afternoon. 0. Lewis took the eervioe in the Meths). diet church Bondav evening, in the absence of Rev. J. Oeterbout, who was in Teeewater, YBIlievelle. The Official Board of the Methodist oburob, Binevale circuit, gave a oq• animus itivitation to Rev. George Baker to remain ae pester for the eeoond year. He has accepted. The oirauit ie in a prosperous condition end better work then ever ie expected during next lion. ferenae year. PttaeaNTATioe —Friday evening, Dare. Jno, Gannett wee presented with a anb• etntti tl9 filled puree bytUe oon g re a• tion of the Methodist oburob for her services ae organiet. The choir, ander the leadership of L. Rattan, with Mre. Gannett an organiet during the past year, has rendered excellent eervioe, which bee been much appreciated by the Cherub. Each member of the choir has ebown deep interest by their regular ntbendnuoe and cheerful co operation. The gift to Mre. Gannett was unexpected and all the more appreciated. San-DeATh.—W. MODoneld, a brake. man on the looal branch of gibe Grand Trunk Railway, was ran over and ter. ribiy mangled while hie train was shunt. ing at Park Bead, ten miles from Owen Sound, at 8 u'olook Wedneaday morning of last week, He died in the hospital three hence later. .MoDonald was break lug on a freight epeaiel from Wiarton to Palmerston. He was shifting a ewitob when the heel of his foot naught in a "Frog" on the track, The train was eiowly booking toward l him and before fit could be signalled to atop, the wheels bad passed over the unfortunate man,ontbing. bim almost in two. He Wes taken on board a oar and conveyed to Wiarton, but the doctors there could do nothing for bim eo be was taken to Owen Sound to Turziip1N�' Si'. r.,., ,elects Always get the best as it costs no more to grow QOOl) than poor Seeds of any kind. The success no doubt depends largely on the preparation of the soil, but not less so on the QUALITY of the Seed sown. Impressed with this fact we always procure our Seeds from one of the most reliable firms in Canada. We now have in stock the following varieties of Turnip Seeds, viz. 1 --- BRUCE'S NEW Ci]NTURY—A purple Top Swede, resembling the Westbury, of epieudid uniform growth and flee quality. It le the beet Swede we know of to reeiet mildew and le a balmy cropper, NEW KANGAROO—A very hardy Swede similar in size and growth to the Ele.. • phut and inoreaeitig in popularity eaab year. HARTLEY'S BRONZE TOP—Small nook and Bingle top mote, very rioh in quality and a good keeper. HALL'S WESTBURY—A well known standard variety and 000 of the beet. BANGB0LM—A large and ba5deome variety and a popular turnip. WHITE SWEDE—Remaritablo for its nutritious properties, becdineee and long keeping, GREY Si'ONB—A white fleshed turnip ; early, hardy and of good quality. Uni Customers HighlyRecommend ntese 'Varieties. STRACHAN BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, the General Hoepitei, The Mein wee in charge of Conductor Hendereou, The victim was 24 years of age, unmarried and lived at Palmerston, Hie father, John MODonald, of Wingham, was a former resident of Blnavole, The ree maim were taken to Wingham for burial. Great eympathy is felt for the bereaved family. 1']tUre'e ret. W. H, Maunders has invested in a new windmill, tank, &n. He'e determined to have everything in tiret•olase shape, Mrs, W. H. Oloakey and daughter, Vera, of Toronto, who hat been visiting friends on the 61.h line, for the peat two weeke,left on Saturday for their home, They were ttooempenied by the former'( nieoe, Mre. James Donglae. rel elsfel. Mrs. 0. Baynard is borne from a visit to Luoltnow I"oality. Quite a number of people were here last Monday owing to the session of the townehip Council. John Oattee has moved from the eta• tion to Wm. Pitmen's bones in Ethel. Mr, Coates is in the West at preeent, L. Dobson' who was sojourning at Innerkip tor the past three months, ie book again to Ethel. He ie teeliog very well, Oor old resident, Thos. Chapman, has been under the weather with pneumonia but be improving somewhat now and we hope he will Poon be fully restored. See a good deal of blowing about big hen eggs bat W, Pollard has a blank itlinoroa that supplies hen fruit 64x8¢ inches and weighs a quarter of a pound. The anneal oirauit Sabbath School Convention will be held in the Methodist oburob here on Wednesday, May 24th. An interesting and inetreative program aill be present, d. At the meeting of the Offioial Board of the Methodiet church, Ethel Cirnnit, haat Monday, J. K. Baker was elected rep• reeentative to the Dietriot meeting to be held in Winpham on May 24th, Meseta. Cole and Hemsworth have moored the :metres& far the Dement abutments for the new iron bridge to be built here this season. There were 6 or 7 tendon. Oar villagers will do a good job we have no doubt. Laub weals Wellington Fogal and family removed from bare to Brantford where they purpose residing. He sold bis property at the station to Thos. Vod• den. Mr. Fogel was a resident of this locality for a goad manyyeare and his re moval tekee the last of the family from here. Batton RraPOnT Eon AMU—Br. Dept. of Ethel Public School, Examined in Geog., Aritb., Bram. Olaae V — L. Obamhere, 79 • M. Bierman, 78 ; N. Simpson, 64. Ir IV—B; Eokmier, 71 ; et, Mo0aUam, 87 ; P. Bremner, 66 ; F. Imlay, 60 ; E. Freemen, 67 ; H. Coates, 47; E. Dnnbar,28. Jr. IV—I. McLeod, 72 ; E. McKee, 88; I. Hogarth, 68 ; W. Barr, 61 ; 10 1feIuteeh,55 ; L. Cooper, 47 ; G. alogee, 28, J. M o0alium, 21. Jr, III—F. Freeman, 64 ; A Barr, 68 ; L. itloIntoeb, 57 ; V 'Modell, 54 ; P. MOgee, 48 ; L. Henry, 42; P. McCallum, 40 ; A. Fletcher, 86. Promoted to Jr. IT — Total marke, 755 — R Love, 656 ; L. Straohan, 586 ; I. Heath, 530 ; R, Fraser, 520 ; R. Eakmier, 620 ;r E. Hemsworth, 516 ; L. McLeod 4 74 Promoted to Br. IIITotal marks 660—A. Magee 538 E. Thompson, 482 ; 0. Dane, 485 ; Cooper, 467 ; A. Hemsworth, 464 ; 0. ne Raald, 4531 J. Bremner, 483 ; 13. Balmier, 872 ; R. Gill, 851, L. B0ANNON, Principe!. Junior Department—Exam ined in Aribb. Br. II -1. Oooper, H, Fogel, W Eakmier, A. Thompson, Jr. II—M. MoNeeland, B. Hemsworth, P. Gill E. MoLeod A. Mo5eeland , . B. Strachan,0. Dunbar E. Dobson C. EokmierV. ollard, R, Coates, Pt. II —N. McKee, 0 Cooper, N, Addy, R. Hall, R. Gill, G. Eokmier, E Reath, 0. Davidson, W. Yeo. So. Pt. I— G. Cole, W. Thompson, A. Ward, R. Hemsworth, R. Eokmier, E. Ferguson. . Jr. Pt. I— R. Dubber, F. Sanders, L. Tyerman, H. Tyarman, G. Pollard, W. Cole, Averarge attendanoe, 34. L. E. Mumma, Teach- er. amine ratowet . The store stere has some seed potatoes for sale, n nine sample. Look out for W. Innes' waggon for dry geode ae well as groceries ae you can get anything you want. Mr. Rutteo last week had a shook of paralysis bat ie recovered somewhat. We hope he will soon be better. L. Eakmier had the paper hanger° at hie hoose feet week papering and pilot ing Lon. likee things nice. Mr. Kelly, near Wingham, aonduoted the servioee in the hall last Sunday night. Mr, MReon, of Wiagbam, is to lead nest Sunday night. He ie a good speaker. Mre, Aokmier, wlto has been away visiting at London, is expected home this week. She le welcome back again. Mr, Eakmier looks happy einem hearing of her owning. We believe the Hall is to be papered and °leaned inside, Thie4vas deoided at the annual meeting last Fail, The Truatees will have more time after seed. ing to look atter it. armee Straohan, our highly esteemed friend, was not able to be here et Sunday school for the last two Snndaye, John Cott took hie place. There is quite a few new soholetra in attendance thio year. In the report of S. B. No. 10, Morrie, for the Winter months, it should heve been mentioned that Nellie Ooombee eeoored the higheel marks in literature in the eobool. JOON T, BTtA00AN, Teacher, A very eevere thunder etorm trained over these parte on Thursday evening of last Wadi and WO were shocked to hear that John Ontt'e hone on the 2nd had been struck, A portion of the obit/they wee knocked down and other emall clam. ages done. The Beef Ring here is Inky in getting John MoTavieh, of Grey, to butcher for them this year, lie ]e to 0111 in tho afternoon and out up in the cool of the o evening o f theBarna:- day, The firer beef will bo put In on Wednesday Met inst. MAY 11, 1908 Photo by OetcfOrd; taaD Vant,1 FA1111116 M. 6.OTHR P The Author o4 Our 'Famous People" Series Wo take pleasure in announcing to our readers that with this issue we begin a series of remarkable, illustrated, biographic sketches of famous people—men and women who are making the history of the times. This series is by Fannie M. Lothrop,. the well-known author and the ablest writer in this line in America today. For several years she has been a writer and critic on the leading publications of New York and Philadelphia. For this work Mrs. Lothrop has a double fitness; from the literary side her knowledge of the great people of the day and her original way of putting things, and from the artistic side, her close acquaintance ,with the .world's famous people fits her pre-eminently to select the best possible views of her subjects. To her belongs the distinctive honor of possessing the largest col. lection of portraits in the world, now numbering over 400,000—a treasury of portraiture unapproached by that of any museum or library in existence. The time, patience, concentration of purpose, industry and systematic atten- tion to detail expended in arranging such a collection is remarkable. "Mrs. Lothrop," says a famous critic, "has unusual ability in presenting the vital elements of a man's character so cleverly, so deftly, and subordinat- ing dates and details, that from her pen we get in a few lines living biog- raphies that show the real man, his qualities and his life, more effectively than In whole pages by other writers. Some artists can give more in a thumb. nail sketch than others can present in a panoramic painting." Mrs. Lothrop passed her girlhood years in Wisconsin, her native State. Her father, I. F. Mack, a New England gentleman of that class we fondly term "the old school," was a lawyer, educator and thinker of rare power and singular clearness of mind. He founded the public schools of Rochester, N. Y., and was identified with all local movements during his residence there, removing thence to Wisconsin, where he became prominent and wealthy by reason of his legal, talent. Mrs. Lothrop's mother 18 a cousin of John Pier - pont, the American poet, who was the grandfather of J. Pierpont Morgan. For two years Mrs. Lothrop was a student of Oberlin, College, standing highest in her plass, and a graduate of the Normal College of Chicago, where her musical genius early attracted attention. She is brilliant in conversation and well informed on all topics of the, day, though not a "new woman" in any sense of the -word. In the library of her home in New York, filled with the best works of the best thinkers, she +does all her literary work. latera! according to Ant of the rarllemenkotCanada, In theyearINH, by W. 0, Mack, at the Departmental Aprteuttero. and killedand t u' 0 Thursday, as o T la oda. June p y, lat. Partie a who have the first animal a to pot in will see to it. W. Inane, Seo. SaanaN DoATto,—Thio community re- ceived a terrible shock on Wednesday evening when ib was learned that Robert Molones, an old and well known resi. dent of lot 20, oon. 1, Grey, had dropped dead while working iu hie field about dunk that evening. He had been plow- ing and was in to tea about 5 o'olook and appeared all right although ha had been speaking of a pain fa tho region of his heart on a previous000aeion but nothing serious wee thought of it. A water furrow had beenpluwed and Mr. MoIunes was using a epode in cleaning out the waterway when the sail mane. His eon George wee harrowing in an adjoining field and took the harrows into the field where hie father wee eo ae to be ready to BOW on Thursday. He went bask to see if he could aid hie father in finishing the work when to his ead aur• prise he found him lying on his bank - dead. ANA doctor was nailed who pronoanaed the oauee heart failure, Geo. Johnston, a neighbor, wee eammou• ed and the body was conveyed to the honee. Mr, McInnes was born in 0o, of Armagh, Ireland, and male to Grey township 80 yeare ago, ..baying the farm on which be lived and died from Samuel Roe, Mra Manua, 7 sone and 2 daughters survive, 6 sone and a daughter are Ionated near Delor• aine and Arcola, Man. Dammed was a hearty man nntil the last few years. He took a trip West Inst Bummer with a view of improving hie health, Mr. Mo. tunes wag a quiet, kind hearted man, a good father end obliging neighbor. Hs wag a member of the Methodist obnroh at Roe's appointment. The date for the funeral had not been set when we went to press ae the children in the West are being aommunioated with, Sincere'°yin. patby ]e expreeeed dor the family go nnexpeotedly bereaved. (rev. A number of families are bothered with measles. There are very few appeals entered against title yeare aseeeement. The publio sohool at Monaried has been oloeed on amount of an epidemic) of meaetee. Jas. and Mrs. Wright and daughter, of Lakeiet, are vieibors with 0, and Mre, Stevens. Andrew Hiel0p'a 410W dredge has ar. rived and was taken to the Lamont drain where it will be eat to work, They have a 104 pounrl baby girl at Jen. MOPedzean'e, 16th con. We bid the young lady a hearty welcome t0 the fine township of Grey. In writing from Arden, Man., ander, date of May 5th, Henry Anise, formerly of Ulla township, eaye l—Wo have had a very nice Spring 0o far. I finished sowing wheat in April and if nothing hap - ane I hoe to be through t n to a week p p k 10 days. It seeme im oa i le y p e b to get Moog without Tne POST. Mies Nettie Campbell has gc, a to Berlin where elm has taken a petition iu Mr. Green's pboto gallery. Her roany friends wish her chooses. Lsgoun.—E motion of , Blears took place in Roe's League Tuesday. They are as follows : Pres., John Pearson ; let Vice Pres Belle Miller• 2nd ice P ree, Julia Frain ; 8rd Vioe Pres., Clara Beane ; 4th ViooPres , Jennie Hogg ; Reo• Sea., John,Bryans ; Bea, Angus Br wn ; Treas., L. Frain, L•agne meets Tues- day matting end the meetings are both interesting and instrnotive. Mumma SanrasTias,—The follt'wing parttoulare are taken from Asaesecr Mo• Nair's roll for this year :—Total nnaual value of real property exclusive of hand. ings, 02,008,800; total value of bn]l.lioge, 0840,485 ; total setae] value of real property, $2.844,825 ; business tamese. went, 011,010 ; taxa -0 income, $8 965 ; total aeseesment, $2,859,300 ; ab.,dren between the ages of 5 and 21,988 ; ubitd• ren between the ages of 6 and 16 600 ; no, of births, 69 ; no. of death», 26; popnlatioo, 8040. There is a deoreese in the population of 144, a0 compared with the asoeeser's returns for 1004. HONORED —Lacs Wedneedey'e Toronto Globe epochs as follows of a bt.' quer tendered to W. K. McNaught, of '.Toron- to, a brother to Meeers. MtNeuglit, of Monorieff Iooality ;—Seldom, if ever, has it fallen to the lot of a public man in Toronto to receive from his leliow•aiti• mane the peculiarly oordiel and whole. hearted tribute paid to W. K. Mae tught at the National Club last night. As direotor and for three years Preeidtot of the industrial Exhibition Aeeowation Mr. MoNanght hes n000mpiiehee per - baps wore than any other man in maks ing the Exhibition a national event, and the richly -deserved reward for all hie un- tiring efforts came from the ha,.de of those who felt that mooh of the ena0eee watt due to him. The banquet in honor of the Prairie/1h of the aeeooiatiot, was amortised by Ooutroller Hubbard 'ate the most reptesentative gathering of Toren. to'e best mens' that be had ever neen. Leaders in all walks of life vied with Bath other in eulogies of the eel! eaorf. doing tftorte of Mr. MaNaaght, mrd the praise of none Wee more want and ebthneiaetio than that of his Hot"or the Lieutenant Governor, who ban itiwaye been a friend of the Exhibition, 1,,ariug the evening Mayor .Urquhart, aot ng for a large number of Air. IyloNaeght'e ad. mirere, presented the President with e Magnificent oaeket of silver, this being intended as a recognition of ittr. Mo- Naught's notion in again aesam,ng for this year the burden of direeth.g tbi affaire of the Exbibition of 1905. Word was reoeived in Mitobell on Tuesday from Hibbert that daring n000 W. H. KERB, Prop, hour a young Eogliehman by the name of lrrauais Pitt, aged about 22 yeare, in bite employ of John A. Dow, near Gowrie, daring a fit of deopoodenoy, had commit- ted suioide by hanging himself. He had only been out from the old 'country about three weskit and bad nob been in the beet of health during that time. It is thought that be committed the rash aot through tbi. Meese. He bas a Lather, one brother and one sister living in the neighborhood, and the taking of his young lite brings great sorrow not only to hie parents, but to the surrounding oommunity, WAR XN THE EAST. An annoanoemeat an whet ie ooneider- ed good authority that theiRussiena pro. pose to move the Red Orme hospitals from Harbin to Chita, a point farther West on the line of railway, is of mu eiderabie aiguifioanoe. It is taken to foreshadow the emanation of Harbin by the Ruastane. though why that resolve ehoold be taken seems inoompreheueible. To give ap Harbin now would simply oat off Kirin and Vladivostok from outside help, and would eventually leave Line. vital) and his army oomplately surround• ed, and with uo hope of obtaining either men or soppliee from Resale. It be stated also that the Russians are aseembting a foroe for the purpose of invading Korea from the Northeast as a means of deteading Vladivostok and meeting a diversion, and that with tole end in view 15,000 men have been collect- ed on the left bank of the Tomer river. Snob a force for such a purpose ie, how- ever, ridiculously inadequate. General Kawamura is operating in that direction with an entire army tarps, and may even now be in the neighborhood of Vladivo- stok. It is certain that he is a eoneider• able distance North sod ie probably in touch with the other Japauaee itemise, moving along the right of the railroad in a Northerly direetion, Togo remaioe the mac of mystery, No Rueaiao eff.,rt to lure him from hie base bee availed. The approach of Nebogatoff'e egnadron does not seem to cause him uueaginess, Not even a feint has been made et either fleet, Togo may refoee for the preeent to "attend gip to" Rojretv'eneky. Ele may even accept au indeoieive action rather than fight to a finish. He must gave his ships to pro. Mot the army in Manchuria, What the Raasian Admiral mast be prepared for as he exile Northward ie to be harried by the enemy's torpedo boats and cruisers until hie overgrown fleet ie worn down and scattered. If Togo merely picks off and cripples a few Russian ships on their way to Vladivostok he may well be eatie- fled, Once the Russians take refuel there Togo can hold them virtually prim• onere with his mines, submarines and torpedo fleet while ()yam invests the piaae. The two Admirals enter the campaign from different points of view. The Russian mast favor a direot feet of etrengtb, the Japanese oboose rather to rely on eeamaoebip and strategy. In the metol the human qualities of prepared nese, experienoe and naval skill weigh decidedly for Togo. PERSONA f. PARAGRA PHS. Dr, Holmes was at Guelph last week, Geo. MoLauahlin o flam in a ' w was m g town this weak, Mre, M. R. Moore was visiting rela- tives at Lietowei on Friday. Mre. A. T. Onrrie and son Douglas, are vieitiog relatives et Beaforth. Mrs. Herbert Fogel, of Brantford, is visiting relatives in Broeaele. Charlie Pepper, of Toronto, is spending a few days under y n de the parental roof. Miss Jennie Salient, of Blnavole, ie spending a few weeks with Mrs. Time. Niobolie, Mr. Williamson, of Wingham, was a visitor with bis eons and daughter on Tueeday. Next week Charlie Hingeton will go to Wingham, where he has ssoored a situation. Couooillor W. F. and Mrs. Stewart went to Toronto this week, combining business and pleasure. Mies Riila Hunter has arrived home from a very enjoyable and health pro- voking trip to England. J. Leokie purposes taking a business trip to Winnipeg in the near future. Be will oath at Fort William en route. Mre. Emycrott sr. is back from Tees - water, where she spent the past Winter with her daughter, Mre, Ferguson. Harvey Buchanan is having a holiday this week owing to the feet that bis aohoot at Monarieff la closed on account of meaelee. Word was reoeived here on Thursday of theeve e d a e of ROA. Moore, a brother to Moore Bros. of town. He Mut been residing in the U. B. Miee Pearl Lowry is home from Lon• don on the sick ifet. She fee, daughter oil), A, Lowry, Queen street, We hope she will Loon be o, k. Geo. T. Shaw, of Great Falie, Montana, ft a visitor in town. He it a son of Jas. Shaw, ;Jame street, and it ]a about three yeare since be was here iest, Mre. James Maxwell, Elizabeth street, bad one of her feet disabled fora time by a kink from a cow, but we hope site will, soon be able to gab about as aerial. Mies Sara V. MaLauoblin le home for a abort visit from Toronto. She will ammo a position in the Confederation Life Aseootation'e office in the Cann city, Mies Mee, is a competent hand, Eddie and Herb. Lowry have arrived beak from Toronto where they have been for some time following the trade of lathing. They will wont with their Rather this wagon here. The boys are huotlers. The Clinton New Era of last week says of a brother•in law of Thos. Moores, Brueeeie 1—Thos. Mur*h, the popular and e>ioient teacher of 8, S. No. 2, Hui - lett, Mme sten many yeare 61 aeti-e ear. vitae, staving entered the prefeseion in 186L With the exooption of a couple of yeare that bo Waft not actively engaged, be has been in the profeeefon ever tines, When he took charge of hie present eobool none 15 yeare ago, he had an attetdanee of lees than 20 sobolsre, while today he has 50, which is evidenoe that the notion apprsetatee his services, Perth county. Mitchell Council will grant the town Band 0150 ibis year. Cuebome oollso4ions tor April at Stria - toed totalled $15,769 51. Robt, Smith, of Monkton, bas aeospted a pa.ttioo in Toronto as foreman in a new brink yard and will mnve to his new boors in a share time. General Ieoretary Gilohriet, of the Y. M. 0, A., who pee to Paris, was prevented by the eeaooiatiou with en address and a salt ogee. The Aseasoor makes the population of Mitchell 1907—an increase of 1 over last year, Doge, 106 ; bitches, 12. There were 19 ,births and 15 deebhe during the year. Among the stndenbe who pawed the first year examination at the oeteri° A.grieaiturai College, Guelph, is Norman Ballantyne, eon of W. W. Ballantyne, of Downie, Rev. E, N, Baker, of Toronto, for. curly of Stratford, reoeived his honorary D. D. degree from Victoria University. R. J. McCormick, of Trowbridge, reoeived his certificate for the diviuiby ochres to graduates in arta. Mitobell council has ordered the etriot enforoemeut of the town bylaws in re• garde to riding ou eidewalke and the die• charging of fire oraokera on the streets, and the firing of guns within the limits of the corporation, James Stewart, principal of Sebring - vide public school, oaring the past five years, inteede giving up teaching on July lat. He has accepted the poeitioo of manager of the Exoelaior Life Insnranos Co. for the county of Perth. Milverton voltage Commit has inetroot• ed Chief Hartmier to couetruot a lookup which, during the Summer rnonthe will be used as it lodging piece far tramps us well as serving as a domini:e" for drunks and dieorderliee and otber ineorrigiblee. Nomination of Comutieeiouer to 500- oeed Wm White in the County Council was held in Mitchell ou Tuesday of last week, John Wilson, clerk ul Fullerton, being the preeidiug altioer. Very few electors were preeent. O,tver Harris was elected by acclamation. Three bylaws were voted on at At. Marye on Saturday as follows :—Ten thousand dollars fur bridgee and side- walks ; 10,000 for permanent roade and 15,0001or extension of waterworks mud summit) light planta. All three were de- feated by small majorities. Dr. Anderson, of Mitobell, reoeived a telegram on Tuesday that his father died at hie home in Marquette, Michigan, the day before at the age of 74 years, The Dr, with hie brother from Exeter, tett en the feet train for the funeral. The wife of deoaaeed died only in Februery last, so that the double bereavement comes rather hard on the Dr. to whom we extend our deep eympathy. 0. Moderwell, deputy sheriff for the county of Perth died on Saturday after. uoon. He had been ailing for some time and lately returned from Toronto, where be underwent treatment for nervone proetration. Betureiug to Stratford he was seized with an incurable disease which caused death. Mr. Moderweil was a eon of the late a Sheriff M der o wail and secret rof h 0. the Boatel hospital 'o t trab- YgS ford. W. J. Speooer, aaaaeeor of Milverton, bas returned the aeeessment roll for the current year, The following figures ere taken from it :—Baal estate, 0254 175 ; barinese assesement, $26,025 ; income, $1,550 ; total assessment, $291,7501 population, 788 ; doge, 51 ; ieoreaee over last amassment, reel $8,550, 'maltase and Nome, $27,225, total increase, $20,• 775 ; increase in population, 55. A despatch from Ottawa announce° the formation of a company, of which A. F. MaoLaren, M. P., is a member, to build a million dollar hotel in Ottawa. Some people in Stratford are candid enough to suggest that if Mr. MuoLaren ie seeking no investment for bin money he can find plenty of opportunities for it in Bttat. ford, which has done more for him than Ottawa ban ever done. At the lent meeting of Logan township Council the following resolution wee passed -Moved by Thee. Moore, second- ed by John Mogk, that the Clerk be in. etruoted to notify all patbmaetere to see that ell parties itt their respootive dlvis- fous have all thistles and weeds oat on the roadway in front of their properties before the 15th day of July, 1005, other - win the (container will get them out and charge therefor in taxes. The messenger of death has again visited oar midst end claimed another of Logan's oldest and moat eeepeoted citizens in the person of Thoe. Elliott, at the age of91 yeare. He had been io rather poor health for et me time past and death was in no way a surprise to the family. De-. ceased teas e. pioneer of Logan, and is survived by Ws aged wife, who is quite active, also it grown tip family, some of whom are living ab it distance. It ie estimated that there are 830 0, T. R. maohintste io Stratford, all of whom are out. This Potion was the result of a meeting of the maobintsbr, who onanim. ausly favored striking in eerie the Dom. Imlay reined to consider their grievanoee. An additional number of boilertnak• re and helpers went to work at Stratford Foundry, n total of 50 or 60 now being st work, Some 900 or 400 min all told are buoy at the boat shops and Meaner Mechanic Patterron says ho will he pre• pared to take blacksmiths on this Week, The rumor that bbe engineers were ob. *Eng to going on their rune beaanee of. alleged bed condition of power le denied by Ivlr, Patterson. A heavy snowfall is Impeded at Willow Bomb N. W. '1', Baveralrobberise of mail bags Prom roe North ellen ere reported at Queen, A Sault Ste, Marie boloikeeper is being proee:ated for refusing a000modetfoe to te Zulu. The by.taw to lend the Dennie Wire Werke company of London $15;000 was not oarried at Berlin, the eoto being in, enlliolent, .