HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-4, Page 8?ateieBalSeffs'a endo' etieY3i lv�• •i' -fisc' iattV" ilrsdo? f ElleaPi' �ce' "etch
PAPE R Standard Bank of Canada
aans'n .-Nisi mx-#wean 11372
A. General Baa)titing 33us111es Transrteted
saA s c
Our Stook is large.
Our Patterns are up-to-date.
Our Prices will please you.
We Trim. all Papers Free of Charge.
Those who buy now have the best assort-
ment to choose from..
If we haven't what you want, we can order
it for you.
We want your Trade ; You want our Pa-
pers, because you can save money here,
and get the best of satisfaction.
Trains leave BTRseeI8 Station, North
and South, as toilettes;
Donee So UTE GoZNa Nonni,
&fail 7:16 a.m [Mixed 5:00 am
Mixed„......10:80 a m Mail 1:26 p.m
Express 0:08 p.m I Express 8:86 p,m
0,4 :r
°catom' s s.
A ahiel's amang ye fakir' notes,
An' ,Mich he'll prent it.
Tan POST gives the newe.
Semen hoard Friday evening of next
Weer about the local Board of
Health 7 Has it diel e
CoUNOILLaa ROann1 TH01t8800 has
paced a new roll top desk in the office of
his predate store.
Tag eleitken ineobator is having its
innings and the your),; birch are ready to
tear down the sign "What ie home with.
Oat a mother 1”
Tam E83, [dor snit+;ing Mille Brussels,
le asking for all the wool grown in the to
peaty of Brune 0 at SWIM mullet
price, cash or extra good trade.
THE residence of 3, J. Gilpin, Ohuroh
street, is being veneered with oement.
Other improvements will also be made to
add to its Onmf0rt and weeenienee.
Tam tout, aeaessment of Brunets for
this year is about 8887,000 as compared
with some 5320,000 to 1004. Court of
Revisiou wit! be held on Monday even.
ing, Jane Gtb, at 8 &elaek.
Tag Executive of the Canadian Press
AesoOiatioo baa decided that the annual
exonraia.n this year shonld be to Montreal
and Quebec by rail and steamer, some
time Marine the month of Jaae.
A. M, McKie has pnrol:ased a 4 acre
of land Rejoining his reeidenoe from
Robert Hoimee, Alexander street, from
what was known as the Hall property.
This will give Mr. McKay a fine pieoe of
property now.
Manx closing of bueinees places came
into effect on Monday evening :net notifi
cation being given by the ringing of the
town bell at 7 p. 01. This rate will be
followed daring the Summer menthe
with the exception of Saturday evenings
and eveninge before holidays.
A singe cow, the property of D. C.
Roes, prented her owner with twin
calves lest Friday. The joker was very
busy about D. 0. R les' twine and some
were even ready to call a6 the home ,and
"congratulated the fond mamma" before
the whole story was made plain.
Fool BALL.—The Openi0g game of
Foot Ball in the Intermediate series will
be played on Viotoria Park, Brneeels, on
Friday evening et this week, between
Wingbam and the home team. Lively
hall may be expected although the
weather bas been against team praotioe.
Exam —The Ontario Education De.
parEment at Toronto has notified the
Inspectors that the departmental exam.
mations bhla year will00mmene on Jona
30th and oontinee until July 12111. The
high school entrance examinations are ors
Wedneeday and Tbureday, Jane 28011 and
Drams= —Notice ie hereby given that
az numerous riders of wheels have Met
sight of the fact that a Bylaw exists in
Brussels prohibiting riding on the side-
walks, the Town Constable has been in.
enacted to lay infarmatiOa against all
violators after the appearance of this
warning. Those violating the Bylaw
will have none to blame but .themselves
if they are fined. The Countable is also
after street ball players who run a good
chanes to nese runaway; if nob bring
disaster to store windows.
CARL of TIIANNs.-TO Court Primes
Alexandria, 0. 0, F., No. 24, Brnseole :
GeNTLEAIENI wish to expre55 my thanks
to the High Conn of the Oaoadian Order
of Foreatere and the loom Cleat at Brae
wile for the promptness in the payment
of the 5 1
000 amount of Beneficiary
8 , B n flciary
Certificate (tarried by my eon, the late
James Douglas, who died on April let.
I wish your Order the highest noee fn
your noble work along the line of Liberty,
Benevolence end Goncord.
I remain, Yuen truly,
Morrie, May and, 1005.
BALT Busewess.—•The Clinton New Era
says I—Tbe Brussels people appear to be
diesatiefied bonnets the salt well R5 plowed
down, sod talk of teeming a local nom•
pang to take over the property and run
it. Nothing would give Meson, Rene.
ford more pleasure than to be in a posi-
tion to run the works to Rte fallen
aapaoity, but the conditions of tradedo
not warrant it, nor do people appear to
understand the donditio105 which govern
the bushing. At
n s Braasele—andP ofntg
slmitarly 'situated, it accts nearly 252
per barrel fat fuel' at Sarniawhere
SEW mill refuse can be used, 'it poets
practically nothing to fuel, How can a
manufacturer paying 25 ciente per barrel
far fuel oo,roriete with One who pays
nothing 7 Tne answer its obvious, and,
'Much ae Mseses. Bamford may decors to
run all the writhe under their oautral,
then aaaditioas melte it Impooeible,
A. O. U. W. Friday evening of this
Now time table on the G. T. R, oomes
into effeot on May 14011.
COURT Princess Alexandria, 0. 0.
aid meet next Tuesday evening.
Moszes was the first day of the open
Beason for speckled trout. The season
extends to September 15.
Da. Ovzoa, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear
end Nose, fits glasses properly. Next
visit, Smith's Drug °tore, Brussels,
Tuesday, May 23rd.
Tan bone blankets end neck ruff,
advertised in last week's Pon have been
eeoared by the owners. It pays to ad-
vertise in a paper that is read.
Miss Eva Grum gave a party last Fri
day at her home, "Sannyside," of little
people in honor of her small oonoine,
Irene Sad Johnnie Oavanagb, of Owen
A REPRESENTATIVE of the Baize Acety-
lene 00. {vee in town on Monday looking
over the possibilities of planing a few
machines in Brunie, He expecte to do
Ponoaaeen.-Wednesday of this week
Jno. Ballantyne, of THE POST staff, pur-
chased the house and lot formerly owned
by Jas. Oliver, Turnberry etreet. .$1000
wee the price. The property ie
eligibly situated and will make a cpm•
fortable home. John Ferguson is the
present tenant.
Tax Harris ton Tribune says :"George
Rolls, of Moorefield, sold bis hotel basi
nese and leased hie premises there to B.
0•'. Shine, his time of license having ea.
pared. Mr. Shine abarted in to conduct
the bar liminess as usual, but Rev. Mr.
Amber stepped in and notified him to
cease selling. Mr. Shine may be fined,"
They have Local Option there now,
Tim following was the shipments from
the G. T. R. station during the past
week :-1 oar bogs for Oollingwood by
A. 0. Dames ; 1 oar oats to Toronto by
Robt. Graham ; 1 oar oats to Toronto by
Alf. Backer ; and 1 ear bogs to St. Marge
by Geo. Best. Inward, there was a ear
of oement for Wilton & Gillespie.
FooT BALL.—Friday evening of this
week the Foot Ball Club of Brussels,
Champions of the W, F. A. 1903-1904,
expect to play the following team against
Wingbam in the first league match
Goal, L. Herr ; broke, A. Andereon and
Pearson Rolph or Harvey Buchanan ;
half baoke, Richard Cardiff, R.
Brown, F. Ardell ; forwards, E. Earley,
3. Btraoban, A. Lowry, S. Scott and
W. Miller. Game is called at 6,15 sharp.
New DotiotNa GnouoD.—Considerable
troabie bas been canned this Spring in
town owing to the difficulty in securing a
propel plane for a doming ground for the
town. The Council has arranged with
the Cemetery Committee end toaeed a
portion of property on the Southerly
boundary of the cemetery for this per.
pose. An entranoe gate has been put in,
marked by a small white flag, and all
parties are urged to gee that the rnbbieh
is deposited in the deep hollow, not on
the flat, and that the gate i5 properly and
entirely closed nob time.
WORD was received last Thursday
afternoon that the eohedale in the Huron
Maria had to be played one week earlier
so that the lint game will be played this
Friday. The following is the aohedule:
May 5—Wingbam ab Brueeels.
" 5—Atwood at Listowel.
" 12—Listowel at Wingbam,
" 12—Brneeels at Atwood.
19—Lietowe[ at Bras:et5.
" 19—Atwood at Wiogham.
' 26—Brussels at Wingbam.
' 26—Listowel at Atwood.
June 2—Wingbam at Lietawel,
" 2—Atwood at Brussels,
" 9—Brneeels ab Listowel,
"• 9—Wingbam at Atwood.
Preserve tbie list for refereaoe,
NATION.—Tbuosday of last week John R.
Killer, who has filled the position of
Lioenee Inepsator for the test Riding of
Huron for the past 20 years, rainiest.] the
fullowing uotifioation through the mail :
—"In pnrennnoe of the policy of the
Government to reorganize the Lieenee
Department with p w a view of making it
more effective, it bas been decided to eek
the license inepeotote in a majority of
the n i send to diet iota send
r their e r rasignatiane
to the department, to take effect on the
flrat day of Mag. Will you be good
enough to comply with this regent and
forward your resignation to the Depart-
ment by return mail 0" IE was oleo
intimated that Wm. Clegg was to be hie
sueeeeeor who would sail for books and
papers. Mr, Miller did nob end in bis
resignation as there was no charge made
agaiest him and he dedided that the onus
of hie pusb.oab, pasty for poiitical
reagens, should rest upon the new Gov,
ernment and the ridingExeoative. Hon.
Mr. Whitney eutely spoke without author.
iby when be said there would be few
obangeo made where offieiels had not
made themselves ofl'enefve by partisan.
ship as the ax E
a e
e o
o l n r e axe has oat
down en the right band and upon the left
and it is said the work is not oomplele
yetin Enron and other they Ooan6ie5. The
more bode that drop into the basket the
better for the waking tip of the .Liberal
party lint the diepenming Of public pat.
renege will prove to Mr. Whitney and
his Government that while there ere a
few roam to be planked there are than.
ands of thorn to be mGt with as a sot off,
-"'teaAVING a BANK'"-
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and epwards reoeived on wbiab
ie added to ao0uunte every 012 m00ths and becomes principal,
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposita without the interYention of any person.
only for which no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will re051v5 our careful and ooartee s attention.
THE Stretford Weekly Herald now
oomes out in semi-weekly form and is
now palled Perth 00, Herald.
DR. MoNaueseaN, who has disponi of
his praotioe and reeidenoe to Dr. Burne,
will be in Brussels from Wednesday noon
until Saturday noon of eaob week for
some weeks to owlet Dr. Bayne in his
osiT, — The East Kent (Eoglsud)
Gazette of April 22nd, gives a lengthy
and interesting account of the demise of
W. 3. Parrett, brother.io-law to lt'm.
Oakley, of Biennia, who for nearly half
a century bad been proprietor and eon
doctor of the journal named above. He
died on April 14th, et "The Lim•'a,"
Bittingboarne, aged 72 years. He was
the eldest son of the late Rev, W. E.
Parrett, Congregational minister of Mit•
Brussels sewer ease is settled as for ae
the Courts are oonosrned, the Supreme
Court diemieeiog the appeal. It was
possibly upon some technicality but on
the same prinoiple 99 out of every 100
oases are dealt with and does not relieve
the heavy payment of conte that nano -
tartly follow. What they will amonot to
we have not learned but the aggregate
will be a tidy sum and the sewer matter
practically stands where it did at the nom.
mencement. Brussels bee had several
expensive law snits wbiab should teach
them the wisdom of avoiding them for
all time,
SODDEN DEaz16E.—Last Tuesday a tele-
gram came to D. Ewan apprising biro of
the Bad newe of the death of hie uncle,
Wm. Ewan, who had left Brussels three
wane ago to his home at State Milts,
Pennsylvania, U. S„ after a 3 months'
sojourn here. The old gentleman was in
his 75th year and had been a very beady
man. He was born in Perthshire, Soot.
land, and wee a baker by trade. Hie
wife pre•deoeaoed him and be hoe a
daughter and two sons surviving. kir.
Ewan was a good living man and the
oall fonnd him ready to meet hie Matter.
Wednesday morning D. and Mrs. Ewan
left for Pennsylvania, to attend the
tuoeral. The sad newts was heard with
regret by many in this locality.
Egoaaaba (Mich) Daily Mirror of April
24th gives the following partionlare of the
demise of Mrs. Tboe. Diokeon and the
many old Bruesele Mende of air.
Diokeon wilt sympathise with him in hie
double bereavement :—After an illneee of
six months from tuberculosis Mrs. Aoua
Diokeon, wife of T. G.- Dickson and
formerly one of the popular young women
of the city, died yesterday afternoon at
the home of the family at 1215 Hale St.
bat one week after the death of her nine
months old daughter. The death of Mrs.
Diakeon following so aloealy upon that of
her child ie one of the moat pathetic that
has occurred in Eeoanaba in some time
and will bring much sorrow throughout
the city. Mre. Diokeon, who wee before
her marriage Mies Anaa Hese, was 28
years of age and bad spent all her lite in
Escanaba. She was especially pope:ex
with a large circle of friends and on
September, 1901 was married to T. G.
Dickson who formerly conducted a barber
shop on lower Ludington street and who
is still engaged in the same trade in I he
aity. Six menthe ago Mre. Diokeon Was
soddenly stricken with tnberooloaie end
her decline was rapid from that time.
The death of her Dine months old daagh•
ter on Apr. 15 00025 08 a heavy shook to
the young mother and in her weakened
oondition she did not recover from :he
blow, During the Iaat week her abreogeb
bad been gradually given away and at
2 80 o'olook yeetrday afternoon she pass-
ed away. Aside tram her husband Mre.
Dickson is survived by one son two end
a half years old. Funeral °avioea will
be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at
St. Joseph's eborob. The Rev. Father
Eusebins will oondnat the service a.
Interment will be at Bt. Joseph's Gema•
DEATH of MRs, Nonni,— The Regina
Leader bas the following amount of the
funeral of Mre. Jame,. T. Mattie when
death woe recorded recently ;—The detah
notated thistly after ten o'alook Inst
Friday night, April 14th, of Hattie
Holmes Stafford, wife of Jas, T. Maarie,
Mrs. Matrie hats resided in Regina less
than a year, coming here last June a
happy bride but in this short tome She
has encircle I
0o well kuown andPoP n i
isr with
in the largeafrale of her husband's ({feuds
here and her death mime da a terrible
shook and ver at
y gra sorrow to allMrs,
Matria woe the third daughter of Rev• 0,
E. Stafford, (formerly of Sammie) Meth
odiet minister at Preoboo, Ont., and wee
in her twenty-eighth year. Besides bar
sorrowing hu5baod, parents and near
relatives, she leaves a baby boy only a
few days old, The funeral, which was
held on Sunday afternoon, wag very
largely attended. After the 89551000 at
the reeidenoe the funeral'oorbege was
formed. In addition to a very bergs
cumber of oarriagee, monition of Were.
Sana Lodge, A. F. & A, M. and of the
linigbte of Pythias walked in the prone.
Sion. Tba ooffin was completely covered
with flowers, among these tokens of ro•
gard being wreathe from Geo, and Mre.
ugh, 2. 5. and Mrs. Fergagrs
W. F. and Mrs. Iierr, Mise Margaret
Gcassiek sod the employees of Geo.
Miekleboaoagh ; W, H.. and Mre, Dun.
can, a erose ; Waeoana Lodge, A.. F, 8c A.
M., !ergo anchor ; Heights of Pythiad, a
large wreath ; and dowers from others
whose name0 are not known. .Rev, d, T.
Paterson conducted the nerving at fl,e
residenoe'and the grave, and mernbere et
Knox h arab Chair alignedin
the mus-
ical service. Among those attending the
funeral were 3, T. Marie, of Wolseley,
and T. Mabrie, Portage la Prairie, uncles
of the bereaved bnaband, The sympathy
of the whole community goes out in 0r)
bounded meae0re to Mr. Mnbrie, in the
terrible lose be has suateioed and to Mise
Stafford, sister of the demand, who has
been untiring in her mire of and devotion
to her sister. Gelb Reformer :— Mnob
sympathy is expressed to Rev, and Mrs.
Stafford, of Preston, in the sad bereave-
ment by the death of their daughter, Mrs
J. T. Mutrie, of Regina, who was Galled
away on Friday evening, after a few
days' illness. The newe reached the
parsonage on Saturday afternoon. De-
ceased was 27 yeare of age end was an
exceedingly bright young lady, For five
years she taught eobool in Palmerston
and daring the three genre Rev. Mr.
Stafford was stationed in Paisley, she
sang iu the choir of the Methodist church.
She was a member of the Presbyterian
ohuroh in Regina. Mr. Matrie is a eon
of Gol. Mania, of Examen, and will have
eineere sympaty in hie bereavement.
The funeral tools plane on Sunday in
rr -
Monday, will leave his own stable, go•
ing North to John Milos'. Lot 5, Oon•
aeeeion 14, Hellen{, for noon ; then North
and East to Wm. Skelton's, Lot 17, con.,
18, Morrie, for night.—Tuesday will go
North-west and then North to Wm.
Burnett's, lot 20, con., 5, Morrie, for
noon ; then by way of Brussels, and
North to Jas. Pert'e, lot 1, nom, 6. Grey,.
for night.—Wednesday will go Beet and
South to Rhbt. Miller's, Lot 5, eon„ 12,
Grey, for noon ; then South -eget and
South to Jae Casio's, con. 16, Grey, for
night.—Thursday will go South to John
Crozier's, lot 15, con., 12, MaKiliop, for
neon; then Weet to Chris. Barrow's, lot
31, eon. 18, McKillop, for night.—Friday
will go North and West to Geo. Barrow's,
North boundary of MoSiilop, then by
way of the town line to hie own stable,
Oonetanne, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning.
Business Locals.
PASTURAGE for it number of steers,
TIM, Moons, Brussels.
PASTURE for eevareb flows at J, Oura•
Tide, lit use, to Natth.
CARPET weaving. Apply to Mies L.
AVERY, William et, Brunetti.
Faun= plows are sold by Jobb Long,
Braeeele, and are sure to give eatiefaa
Ooare Jueb reoeived a oar of Feed
Corn at the NATIONAL ROLLER MILL, Bale -
FRESH bnik garden seeds, beet Mangle
anode and good Glover and Timothy at
003IFORTADLE dwelling and earn land,
choice fruits, good locality, will be sold
cheap. I, 0. RICHARDS.
CODIPORTAnLE bonne and lot, with Stable,
pomp &o„ oonvenientlylocated on Queen
street for sale. Apply to TEE POST.
MAN'S can found on Friday, April 28011
between the 4th and 6th eon., Peereon's
sideroad, Owner may have same
by proving property and paying for this
notice, 3000. SMITH, 106 18, 000. 4, Grey.
DR, BUTLER, the London specialist,
will visit Brussels professionally and
may be fonnd at the Amer!Oan Hotel on
JUNE 27th
All interested should bear these dance in
`laic iYf • fiiYitillinele to "tieli' ienari
CAPITAL—Paid up 51,000,000
RESERVE FUND . • 51,000,000
REV, 05. 2. WARDEN, D. D„ 6, 3. M00RE,
President, Vsoe-President,
THOS, 0RAD5HA7, F LA, HIS HONOR Am. w, ocowTIAnm OLAHE, 10,0, D, a, T7301,1eO37, a, 51,
0011N FIR9T 00010
Drafts Bought and Sold. Femora' Notes Discounted.
t ea?'d'rl{r"t'[x•9c'4° gamer A' ''.t?idLd9°. '+Cyr
.Intermit at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of 51 and apwards
A. E, MELLIBR, Manager.
16 paokagee garden seeds for 25o, We
guarantee these seeds to be equal to any
peokage ends on the market. JAMES
Souse and lot for sale in Brunets.
Comfortable house, sore of land, with
fruit trees, &o, For farther partionlare
apply to Mee, 3. R. SMITH.
Tuns BAVED.—I1 your lawn mowers or
auy flitteree need repairing, do nob worry
but Barry to T. McGregor and get them
toned to your fanoy on Mill St., Brunie,
People We Talk About.
Bite. (Dr) Holmes bas returned from
a visit to Toronto.
Will, Lowry, of London, was a v151tor
in town for a day•or ea.
Master John Cooper left for Beaforth
Monday where be intends staying for the
Mies Nina Rogers, of Mount Forest,
wag a weloome visitor to Brnsssle for a
few days,
Dr. Moore, of Carthage, and Mies
Moore, of Trowbridge, were, in town
{bis week.
Robt, Thomson and A, Bather were in
London for a day or two thio week on a
business trip.
Mre. N. F. Gerry and Miss Stella Were
visitors with Seefortb relatives daring
the past week.
Miss Barbara BioKeivey left We week
for 8eatorth Oollegiate after spending her
ho ' aye at home,
ph Thompson has accepted a
eitnat•ou at Tara in aonneotion with hie
busioe ae cooper.
Joe. Qotgemery is away to Stratford
on a viai •,preparatory to resuming his
work as de er in old metal, &a.
Mies Mab" Hoggard has returned to
Beninese Ool a at Stratford, after a
visit of two week t her borne here.
Mrs. E. 0. Lowry as got10 t0 Guelph
where She will undergo a medical open.
Minn. Wo hope a safe and speedy iesas
wilt be the result.
Remelt Zimmer{ is home from the
Schooi of Practical Boieooe, Toronto,
having completed this eertir's work and
written on his exam.
Principal Oameron was off duty part
of Tuesday and Miss Jean Bitable also
took enforced holidays owing nag at -
tank of the prevailing grippe.
Station Agent Henry has leased part of
Capt. Btretton'o residence, near the
G. T. R., and will move there instead of
to Bing street as previously intimated.
Chan. Bryaee, eon of William Bryan,
of Morrie, bas taken a poeition as junior
in Brussels Branoh of the Standard
Bask, He should MI the bill all right.
• Miss Mary Roberton, who has been in
the store of George Dobson, at Innerkip,
Oxford Co., is here On a visit to bar
sister, Mrs. Jas. Badantye, Brunets.
She may return to Innerkip.
Mr, Pollard and wife moved from
Blnevale this week end have taken
poeeeseioa of the hones lately purchased
from L. Jamieson. They were termer
Morrieitea as will be quite at home here.
Mre, T. Fletcher left Bruesele on Sat
nrday afternoon for Toronto where she
will visit for a few weeke before going
Weer to Chicago to visit her son Rowell.
She will probably take up residence in
The expectation's are that Bert Lott
will tape a nage next' Fall at the
Ontario Institution for the Blind, toasted
at Brantford, Ont, He is 14 years of
age and n bright boy, and bas partially
the use of his sight.
lieu. Jno. Holmes and Mien Lon., of
Blyth, were renewiug old friendships in
Broasele Obis week, The reverend gentle.
mao was the Metbodiet pastor here for 3
years. Mre Holmes is trinities bereieler,
Mre. (Dr.) Ratline, of Exeter, who is
dangeronely ill.
Last Saturday Mrs, Wm, Hogg cels
brated her 86th birthday and received the
congratulation's of numerous friends.
The old lady has not been any too'
vigoroueduring the paet Winter but is
Messrs. Dodds & Habkirk
thank the Public for the pat-
ronageextended since '
gnce open-
ing our shop in the Stretton
Block, Brussels.
We keep a new, well select-
ed stock of goods and attend
to the manufacture of the
same in a Fashionable and
Workmanlike manner.
High Class Tailoring ow, Specialty
Satisfaction fa t On a88nred0 I
t a1 our
Ousto r
1:n0 8
We give our personal supervision
to all departments of our business.
Give t��Trial Order, /
....,o..e.� . ._.;
considerably better now, Her faoalties
are well proeerved, her hearing bring good
and eyesight fairly so,
E. Risherda met with an accident at
the Globe -Wernicke factory, Stratford.
Hie left hand caught in a rip saw. As a
reenit be is minus a finger and thumb,
2030 RSP.
GIBBON.—In Toronto, on April 17811, to
Mr. and Mre, T. W. Gibson, formerly
of Wroxeter, a eon.
MOTAaoART,—In Grey, on April 5th, to
Mr, and Mrs. Robert McTaggart, a
FER0oe0N.—In Grey, on April 201h,
James Foramen, in his 90111 year,
Dlai:eos.—At Escanaba, DIM., on April
28rd, Anna, beloved wife of Thos.
Diokeon, formerly of Brussels, aged
28 years.
PARRRTT,—Os April 14th, at The Limes,
Bittingboarne, William John Per.
rett, eldest sop of the late Rev. Wil.
Liam Parrett, aged 72 yenta.
Knox. — In••13owiok, an April 27th,
Christina Cowan, wife of John ICnox,
aged 72 years.
7.3X2 t88 :-.,:2 .345-6.1=3.'77V.1.1'. F5,
Fall Wheat 90 96
Barley 38 40
Peas 80 60
Oats - 36 87
Batter, tubs and rolls.,,, 15 16
Eggs per dozen 12 13
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
F.oar, per bbl 5 50 6 20
Potatoes per bus 45 45
Apples 1
(per e bbl.) 1 00 1 25
6 75 6 75
Wool 17 18
Seib, per bbl., reboil 1 00 70
Several menthe ego before yea load
any thought of Papering we began a
search for new and novel deaigne in Wall
Paper for the 'Spring mum, From
thousands of the latent 5ample5 we sone -
fully selected the beet and choicest. These
eeleotions we are now showing. If you
admire beauty in {Nall D000ration we
Want you to see our (Replay.
of this week we will have on sale acme
very choice peoknges of Remnants coo•
Rioting of 8, 8 & 10 hall Iota. In order to
clear we offs at less than half repine
prices at
successor to Dr. 3. A. 111cNa,i btOn
Brunets, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate
Seimol of lt5adioine and Sosgery, Now York,
Member of f'ollogs of Physiolane and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Office and reactance Mins as fermerlyse-
ouplod by Dar woMcNamughton,
Dlseaeea of en a epenlalty.
Pursuant to the assignment of Neil B, Mo.
Laucblin, of the Vlllaoe of 0rusao1e, in the
county of Bnren,Implamnnt Agent, sealed
tondere will be raaeivc.l by P. 8, Boo tt, As-
signee of the geld ab- to, ou nr before the
Bix5 day of May, nt 11 o'olook noon, for the
following vahtahn) peoper0yBefog Lot
',umber :Fan. Eimer. d and •Tweubyfour,
Queen street, in the Said Village of Bruesets,
Oa tbie Lot t here is 0 comfortable frame
house and also a good frame stable,
Terms of tale, cash within ten days from
'meant anew -0 tender. The pioporty will be
Subj00,1ect206, to a reserved h'd.
Dated atJauseole thio 2751x day of April,
45.0 8. i'alter for aeeigneo.
Now for the
Wool ,
The undersigned is prepared to pay the HIGH-
EST PRICE, in Cash or Tracie, for all the Wool grown
in this locality.
, Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns manufactured in
our own mill, positively Pure Wool.
Tweeds, Flannels, Worsteds, &o., procured from
the beet Fa.etorieo in Canada. These goods will bo
GUARANTEED to be exactly as represented.
Here to do business probably for the balance of
38 OUR AIM and every pains will be taken to please our
Custom Roll Carding attended to promptly.
Fetch ,your Wool to Brussels Factory and thereby
prove the correctness of what we say.
XXeJ+ibX 'XXXdi't:,Xxx k)cJ+'ltd+(:xxxXXXMZIC
MOK & sC0
oommenoed in aarnnni this week and we are fully prepared for it,
with a large gs and well
selected stook of carpea Li
alenme F nor Oil
Cloth, Oartaine, Art Nosing, Curtain Sartre, Coin Spot Mastitis,
Beams, Art Silkolones and Draperies of all kinds, also Chenille;
and Tapestry Ourt
ne and Table covers, in great
variety..Ali Emmen from 80e, per yard upwads
will be ant and matched Tree
of charge.
Doe's bay you carpetsY till see one large stook of new capondirect
from the manufaobarers, We quote very low prieee for large quantities,
—Hemp Capon in fenny snipes and floral patterns at 127rc, 18o, 20o and '
250. -.
—Union Carpets in new petterne, foot colors, at 25,1, 86e, 401 nod 500.
—Wool carpets, yard wide, new designs, now oolore 08 650, 752 nod $1. --b
—Tapestry Oarpete in all the new patterns and refines et 25e, 85n, 50.o, 65o,
760 and 86a, c
--Brneseie Carpets, 27 inches wide, very special et B6o and $1,
—Japanese Matting, yard wide, new patterns, 124e, 16a, 20.1 and 26e.
—Floor 011 Cloth, new deeigng,1, 1i, 13 and 2 yards will,, at 25a per e
square yard.
-Linoleum, 2 and 4 yards wide, in new patterns, at 87an, 45o and 50o
per square yard..
—Loco Canine, taped ed0
e5� 26 i a
s wide,23Yr)
e long,
at 26a. .
—Lase Onaine, taped etgo , 36 onohep wide, sk yards Meg ».2 500.
—Nottingham I,aoe Curtains, 8 yards long. 45 mine widr, nt 75o.
—Nottiogbam Loco Curtains, 33 yards long, 04 inches wide, regular price
$1, for 85o.
—Nottingham Laoo Carmine, vary npepiai, 00 inches wide, 83 garde long, p
look ntitob edges, worth 51:85, for $1.
—Swiss Lan Cnrtaine, new designs, 873 verde lone, 54 to 00 inches wide,
look Eliedges, at 51 25, 51 50, 5185, 52 and 52. 50.