HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-4, Page 5TRAIN UP A CHILD
And whoa ftpher via him or
/dY f/ GL Pi
N 't'orm OpOa8 April 11th, 1604
Two Ooptaee—
Oommerolal and Shorthand,Send for Oollega Journal,
A, L. 11MINTY1tE, Manager,
neat, F,S, SCOTT, Brnaeols,
1 9 • IeauOr 01 Murrfage Licensee, Of-
Aoo abGr000ry,Tnrabarry street, Bruaaala,
DRnalonan has several good Panne for
Cale and to rent. easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F 8. SCOTT, Brussels
CJ. Q. I'•
Court Prtnoeea Alexaedrta, No, 24, 0, 0, )r.,
Brussels, meota In their Lodge Boom, Bine-
hill Block, an the 2ud and last Tuesdays o1
each month, at8 o'clook. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAB. BURGESS, O.R.
A, E. MELLISH, it. b.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Office over Huraleyy's Drug Store,
Nov. 8rd, 1002. 80.8tn Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire fnlurtmee ('n.
B8TADnlan1D 1840'
Insurance taken on the club and premium
note system atam2ent rates, Br fore insur-
ing elsewhere call ou the undersigned Agent
of the Oompan
n8R, will sell for bettor prices, to
bettor men in lees time and Iris °bargee
than any other Auotinaeer In East Huron or
ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal appl0tion.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Solea arranged for
at the oillae of Tian POST, Eraeaals. 22tf
• Honor eiraduaco of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all d1s-
0080l of domoetloated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Deat1Otry and Milk Fever. Calle
promptlyattendedto. Ellice and Infirmary
Four doors North of bridge, 1'urnberry at.,
.L1• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
Soce080or to G. F. Blair. OMBoe over Stan-
dard Bank, Brn00010. Solieltor for Metro-
politan Back,
V V at Barrister, .Solicitor, •Oonvoyenoer,
Notary Public, &a. Clone- 8tewart'e Block
1 door North of Central Motel.
Solicitor for. the Standard Bank.
PUBLIC, E'1'0.
W. Puo➢DpooT, Ii. C. R. C. Ilan
G. F. BLA1n.
Ofces—Those formerly ooaupled by Masers
Cameron & Holt,
M. D„ C. al„
Trinity University, .C'e1low Teleity Medical
Collbge,htember College of lbyeiolauo and
Someone, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal (MI.
lege of Physiolans and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinbnrgb,
Reoitlenoe-•l10 Lorne lora, London,
I EN't'IM't'
Greduato. of the Itov00 College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Pivot ulnen Ponos
Graduate of :Toronto Uuivoroity, Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gahere,
oE11To2 .
12 1t pays to get et Praotioal teduoatiot2 g
audit pays to got it In thin School,
Wo can do more for our Graduates li
, than airy other Mourne College 1n
the Province.
Oommeioiul Schools employ our Li
Graduates un Melton, they Mite that
he training tone h, tele iuotitutlett
i the ItilSe1. linter now,
Write for frog Catalogue,
Pried pais.
al=l= ai$'iit4Ittit4iwi
ilTruth" is a Strong Argument
Not OBS Graduate of the popular
dolt YoNoo AND ALItxANDBf 820. tY
la out of a position today, It le the
ti 0011 when we state that 'Our Rod -
ante ora uniformly auov08atol in get-
ting good poelttous;after graduation,"
Our School 1E a WO Claes one and
the best Su Canada. fluter now. Ool-
logo opoll the entire year. Catalogue
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Cst1 Ci;t ttebaS,
The steam shrivel oommeaoed riper.
ailing West of the village on the 0. P. R.
Tuesday of last week.
The annual Obooting match of the
Huron rifle league will be held on the
Blyth ranges on Violoria day, May 24th.
E. Livingston is able lo take an 00-
ooelonal walk up town but le not improv-
ing as, fast as hie many friends would
B. H.'Towueaud, who has been a mem
bee of the Standard staff for the past
eight months, left on Moadoy moroing
ot last week for Goderioh, where he has
accepted the positfou es foreman of the
DX o 1[1 f lop.
Township 0000011 met at 0. White's,
Loadbury, ou April 19:01. All the mem•
baro were present. The clerk was
requested to write W. F. FOrogomb to
hasp ot Winthrop drain, P. Pigeon to
meet him, and if drain ie not tini,hed,
P. Pigeon to pay Duet of inspection. The
olerk to advertise for teudere for 000•
atra0ti0n of Barron drain, tenders to be
open,d at Leadbory, on Tnoeday, May
16th, The reeve and treasurer were em.
powered to borrow $1,58119 from maul.
oipal loan hind, to meet current wanes.
Acoounte to the amount of $201 96
were passed and ordered to be paid. The
00urt of revision is to beheld ou Monday,
May 291h, at 10 o'olook a. m. The ooan•
oil adjourned to meet at Leadbury, on
Tuesday, May 161h, at 2 o'olook. M.
kIIIUDIA, Clerk.
Cirorr tee.
A number of lightning rod men are
taking orders in tine vlalnity at present.
Alex. Finley, son of Wm. Finley or., of
the 15th coo„ has entered in bneineee in
Ailsa Oraig having purchased a halt
interest in a flour mill in that town.
The anneal Vestry meeting of St.
Stopben'a aharah was held on Monday
evening of last week, Rev, E. A. Hall
presiding. The $nanoiol standing was
found fairly satisfactory, a small balance
owing to the teeter, with Dome outstand-
ing eabeoriptione yet to come in. A
aommittee of former wardens woe ap-
pointed to extend to new Rooter the earns
etipeod'ae has been paid to former one.
The following offioere were Mated !—
Clergyman's Warden, H. V. Holman ;
People's warden, I. Wade ; Vestry clerk,
David Bioko ; Sidemen,Jaa. Elliott, 3.
Rettenbery, Oeoer Spence and S. G.
Koine ; Select Vestry, Henry Harding,
Robt. Toting, Richard bloGralh, John
Harding and Jae. Elliott ; Lay delegate
to Synod, Henry. HOrdiug,
Public expectoration is against the
o0mma0 law, against the lawn al health
oleo. When the throat tickles, that's the
time you need "catarrbozone" ; it
soothes away the irritation, once ont the
phlegm and loosens the tight feeling.
You'll quickly once that oetarrh and
throat trouble with Catarthozone. It
positively prevents new attacks and
onree oetarrh forever and for all time to
dome. Don't take our word fur it, try
Oatarebozone yourself. Once used you'll
be delighted with its pleasant and help.
fol legume.
,. 1, W 00(1,
Newry amen factory began operations
for the season on 'Tuesday of last week,
Rev. Mr. MoVioar ma in Stratford
last week attending the meeting of the
John Porterfield le slowly reoovering
from the operation for appondioitio which
he underwent at Stratford a few weeks
A. H. Wynn, of Newry; took suddenly
ill on Tuesday with heart feilaro. A Dr.
waesummoned, end Mr. Wynn to improv-
Wm. Hoar, of Toronto, was an Lester
visitor at the home of hie sister, Detre.
A. M. Little. Will, fp still nue of the
star players of the' Toronto Boole football
The doted 'walla of W, y', ForresVe
new grist mill aro now well under way.
Charles Keoao io eaperinteoding their
erection. The walla will be very sub
etanttal and will dee to a holeht of at
least 46 teat,
Wm. Hamilton, eon of Walter Hamil-
ton, 8th non., hoe resigned his position an
turnkey of Stratford jail and returned
home. Ho filled the position of turnkey
daring the pad four years, with groat
0ooeptonoo, but desiring n °Lange, he
100igned nod will work on de frttber's
L71 f ea to re ,
The sprinkling cart hao already made
its oppearanes,
1,000 eare.1 more of ringer beide will be
grown in this vioinity, {hie year, than.
were cultivated last yeor,
It in sacci that no 1008 Oboe 18 Olin,.
toninaa are working with the Sherlock
Manning Organ Co , London,
Norman Much (leeof Th
o, 1T roitwho bee been lender liLyth Methods
(their, wee handed a $10 bill, as, an Easter
gift, in 1• eognitinn °fills services,
Some idea of Oho enowfill last Winter
may be gathered freer; the foot that on
Stap'oion Still there ie to be seen a
bank of 0now 40 feet ideg and 2 feet
ti lward hailer, of Wingham, who had
been an nitwit, of the Hones of Refuge
elmont from the time it WAS Opened, died
on Saturday, April 22nd, The remains
were interred here,
Alert Seeley bad ranted hie black
ernithing business for Ilse yearn to a Mr,
Waeman, of Biuevele, but the latter Ands
dtfdoulty in procuring a house for his
family, and may not be nine to carry out
the arrangement,
4. change in the oweerohip of the eleo-
tric light plant Is probable io Ol•e near
tutors, say six w00110, and the cum.
pang which will take it over will ti meiet
01 W. J. S1ovonsou, the,,ptre00nt manager,
and hie aeeietant G. J. Nidigsr,
Among those tit the West wbo have
guttered this Spring from the prairie Area
we notice the mime of Victor Goodwin,
formerly of town, and eon of A. Godwin,
who lost a 110001, °entenite, stable etc ,
o•mply °soaping with hie own brouoho,
This will bo quite n lose to him,
Pxz9RNTA21oN.-00 Wednesday even•
ing, April 19th, the Willing Workers of
the Methodist Church, Bluevol0, met in
the basement of the ohnrob and gave a
farewell tea to Mr, and hire, Waeman
and family. Alter tea Mrs. Waeman
WWI milled forward. Mies L. Snell then
read the following addre0,, I1nd 2111113 L.
Rolph presented 111ro, Vlaomnu with a
hematite! ohica fruit set dad bread plate,
Atter this there w00 a brief impromptu
program, 000eieting of India and a'netng,
also , apoeghea by Bev. 5, Baker,
Joseph Leeoh, R. Musgrove, J. Ralph end
Tl1oe. Higgins, all of whom expressed the
high esteem in which Mr. end Mre. Wae•
man are bend, and a'ao their tamers our
row at their leaving the neighborhood of
Bluevole, MRS. WAOIAN,— We, the mem•
here of the Witting Workers Society of
the Blnevale Methodi,t Church, take
this oppottu0ity, previcua to your re.
moral from Bnoevale, to easement to.
gather to page a avoid evening with yon
and hid you farewell. In lo 'king baotr
over Otto year* you have spent among 0e,
we recall the many (tote of kindnee,
bestowed upon ns,. Aa a Willing Worker
we have found you ever ready to a8ei0t in
every good work for the plaster. Av we
only recently befitting aware'of your early
removal from our midst, we could not let
yet go without giving you same tangible
token of our reaped. We ask you to ea
dept this bread plate and fruit eat, hoping
you may be long spatted to use them, and
that you will ever Aerial] the kindest
tbongbte for One who now bid you a
kind and loving farewell. We trust that
wherever you may go your services will
be appreciated, end that God may richly
bless you and your family in your future
home. Signed on behalf of the Society,
Mns JnoN ROUT!,
Mxe. ROD001 Mnsenove,
The commonest nun of eppendioitie
is constipation. When you regain
physio don't dee Cheap draetia pine --get
Dr. Hamilton's Pills which strengthen
the atoneaoh, regulate the bowels and
prevent any ioodeeoy to appendiaitie.
In one day you'll feel the tremendone
benefit of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By
purifying the blood and cleansing the
system they prevent headaobes, lift de.
pression and drive away weariness. No
m di •n
a at a so ea0oesetul as, Dr. Hamittan'a
Pills, sold everywhere in 25a. boxes with
yellow clover ; get the genuine.
Beaver Minotrele, of Seaforth, in Wing•
ham, May Bih,
A. H. Musgrove, was at Toronto last
week, attending the aounal meeting of
the Ontario Edaoationai Association,
Mre, Musgrove accompanied him.
Mr. 0orhonld, manager of the Bank of
Hamilton, le still 00 and unable to leave
his room, The trouble has now the forin
of inflammatory rheumatism, and moat
severe pain is the reonit,
The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth
radio Ohuroh has just closed a very 000
amid year. Their efforts have inn.
eiderabty aided the Trustees in meeting
demands on the Building fond. The new
offiaere aro—President Mre. A. Lloyd ;
Secretary—Mea. G. 0. Manners ; Trete
aver—Mrd. Halpenny.
J. A. and Mrs. Flaok, who have been
residents of Lower Wingham for forty•
one years, left on Saturday for the West,
where they will reside with their eon.
In the early days Mr. Flaoh conducted a
tannery beeinees at Lower Wingbam,
Re has doting hie long residence here
always been identified with the Metho-
dist obarob and was one of Be officials.
Tbnrsday.avening Mr. and Mee. Fleck
were tendered a eooinl farewell evening
in 'the Methodist charOh and
were presented with a parse of gold.
Mr. Flack gave a abort amount of the
early history of Methodism fu Wiugbam,
and many expreaaed sorrow in toeing two
of the oldest members of the church.
Mr, and Mrs. Flank lei]! parry with them
I. have secured the Agency
for ono of the best ],anti•
dial0 makes of Incubators,
Prices right.
Buff Orpington's, My
birds are bred from the
best in Canada. None
If You
Want Hens
that will lay in Winter. If yon want
Birde for tab'o nee. It you want
bendy, utility and quality get into
by buying a few aettinee of Eggs at
$1.00 per 16 from
James Ballantyne
the beet wlsheeof many friends,. Mr.
Flock has sold his 'property in Lower
Wingham to W. N, Austin, who reoonaly
moved here from Molesworth.
The anneal Verrill, meeting of St,
Peul'e church wag held on MOuday even•
ing of last week, terminating a 000000*•
fat year. The Wardoue' report showed
the Ammon to be in a very aatiefaotory
condition. The total imitate for the
veer were $1885.13; liabilities all re.
moved. The following rffiioere were
elected :—Reater'e Warden—Thos. Ball ;
People's Warden—Wm, Corbould; Vestry
Olerk—Frank McGuire; Auditors -0.
N. Griffin, A. J. Adersnn ; Lay dale
gate to Synod -0. J. Hoilioter. The
meeting was adjonreed for two weeks.
The station hotel, Mrs, Mandell says,
will•be re built, either of brink or oemedt
Geo. Rolla and family, of Moorefield,
have taken up their residence tempor-
arily in town.
J. S. Gee bag parobae0d the three storey
building owned by Hugh Wright, next to
A. B. George's.
The young gentlemen of town held a
social a dance in
McDonald's d a maaio hall on
Easter Monday dight. The London
harpete furnished the mooio.
W. J. Bowe, who has recently come to
town from Wiertou, has entered into
partnership with hie brother F. S. Howe.
The new firm will be known as Howe
Archy Forbes, son of Wm. Forbes, of
town, bee enaoeesfally passed hie final
exemin0tion at the Royal College of
Dental Snrgeoue. He intends pr0otioing
in Toronto,
J. W. Rolle has returned home after
apanding a month or two in the North.
weet. It la bio intention to go Weal
again after disposing of the farm on the
Elma boundary.
Mies Ida Zilliax and Mies Gus Ter.
hone attended the ball given by the
Crescent Club of Stratford on Monday
evening of last weak, oleo one given by
the young people of Brneeele on Tneoday
Buoineeo is gong along very satisfac-
torily with the Morrie Piano 0o. They
are turning out over 25 pianos per month
more tiros far thio yeor than last. Two
oar Made have been ebipped to Winnipeg
during April, and two oar loads of piano
oases in the white to Montreal
The anunal Easter Veeiry meetiug of
Ohriet Ohuroh was held on Monday even.
ing of last week when the financial plate.
meet for the past year was presented,
and affioere were elected for the incoming
year. G. Rafoee and R. T. Kamp,
wardens ; A. 3, 0nlline and 3, H. Gan.
ther, lay delegates to Synod, and F.
OarOhew, vestry clerk. The sidemen
are B. Goddard, 3. B. Horn, R. Carey,
A, J. (lolling, B. Foreayetb, J. Bamford,
W. Welsh, A. S. Tasoie and C. Wrathal.
The natty by raeoluti°u coked tbot Rev.
0, 14, !Wahl Alai oontinae Be 000100 of
the prrn-I, he having roeignmd Home
j t rue a... I, is probable that the rev.
.rntirneau ails
I1 remain.
Brien the drool oloued for the 18010
days tied e,udeoto of the 7.latawel High
School honored their retiring principal,
W. A, Phillipe, B. A,., by presenting him
with a kinitly warded oddities women -
panted by the gift of a very hand Om0
travelling bag, of solid tiers lion 'wilier,
of the rattle of $27.00. Mr. and biro,
Phillipe will make their home in Termi-
ni for the present, Aliso A. Clayton, B.
A., formerly of the St. Merge Colleerlate
Institute, will take charge of the m0nern0
and English,
117'0 rtf W i tT11.
The Epworth League is rtrranging for
it grand entertainment to be given on the
24th of May,
W. P. Dobson, prinoipal of Rol dein
public t oho', was ependiog the E .*ter
notion at hie home here.
Blake Cook woe spending a few days
at hie home here, prior to writing on bin
final ezaminatfon in Pharmaap.
Jno. Wilson spent the venation with
his 0010 James, in Brantford, who hes
been engaged in the Institute for the
Blind for the past six years, being new
the bead engineer.
Pewee TR00288 M88T1N0,--11,2eeting of
Fordwioh Police Trustees met in Mr.
Cook's o0'roe a000rding to notice. Al; the
members present, Mr. Johnston iu the
chair. Minoan of former meeting read
and approved. The tender of 1t, J.
Sanderson for stone at $2 95 to be de-
livered at Edward's bridge woo aoorpded.
On motion of Messrs. Hardin! and
Brown the chairman was inetrooted to
molten 100 barrels of cement from a
Remover firm. The question of raising
money on the village for further improve.
mete was dieoneeed, wbiob wan laid
over for further oo0eideralion. Oa mo.
tion of hloeere. Brown and Harding the
chairman was instructed to issue bis
order to our Township Treasnrer for the
nnoolleoted poll and dog tax, $5.00 of
Fordwiob, unoollootable on the Ool•
leotor'e roll. The question of petting
down walks this Summer to the station
waa dioanoaed and deoided upon If all
partioo oonoerned will do their duly,
Organist Muff, of St. George's cherub,
has not missed Sunday church 9ervi00 in
46 years.
The learasee club preoliaes are very
well attended and the club Merida
tering the junior 0. L. A.
The bosinees management of Knox
church recently paid off $1,000 of the
tndebtedneeo on the ehdrah,
E. R. Swart*, of the British Exebadge,
was able to be dowo stairs on Monday
afternoon of Met week, the first time
aims bie bad 0ooide00 last Winter.
Rev. M. Turnbull intends starting a
(toofirmatien class in oonneetion with St.
George's ohurah in preparation for the
admioietering of the rite some time in
Jae. Thomas' new hound on Elgin
avenge lesomewhatof a departure from
the stereotyped forme of arohiteuture,
with its rectangular tower -and high root.
The upper story i0 shingled anti the
tower will be of anneals blooke.
A meeting of the °needles of the Weal
Heron Farmers' Matilde was held al
the reoidonoe of H. J. Morrie, Oolb•,rne,
al width it was deoided to hold the an-
nual meeting on Saturday, Jane 1013, at
the Pofut Farm, It le the ioOentinn to
bave a pio0fo in connection with the
meeting, as anal, and the Women's
Institute will be invited to join in the
Manager R. S Williams, of the Bank
of Commerce, left Monday afternoon of
lent week on a six months' visit to hie
native land. There he will join hie wife
and daughter, who have been in Eaeland
eines last Summer, and in the Fat• the
whole family will return to Goderioh.
Quite a large number of Mr. Williams'
friends were at the station to wish him
bon voyage.
TITS 801(200(281 OF NItSRALCIA.
It roue hand in (land with pour blood
and weak assess. Health rine d awn,
nerves get irritable, neuralgic tonere fol.
lows. For the moment applications may
relieve—bat to thoroughly oars, the
system moat be strengthened with aa•
tritioae blood
What oan equal Fent-zone 7 le 10•
0000008 the appetite, forme abnodem:a of
riab life giving blood, ouppltoo nutriment
and bailding material for worried 0 ree9.
Ferrozone completely cense tour,Igia.
Every root- and branch of the disinters it
kills, Absolute 0000000 in every odea,
Stop suffering—fifty oem0 bays Ferro.
zone. Fifty ohoao ate coated tablets in
a bux at any drag etre,
Plixe tta A•.
The fire alarm aonuded on Wednesday
afternoon of teat week anti soon wain
street wen in a state of beetle, "]sire I
Fire 1 Wbore's the fire n" frac the dry.
10 soon bedtime known that It was a teat,
owing to the p1000000 ot the teen, atm
impeder 110 town,
The Commerofal Home 101101, hoe been
oouduotod for the past year by E. Han•
baro, changed hands on May let, Wm.
Barrowe, of London, being the new land-
Inrd. The Metropolitan Hotel will oleo
change betide shortly, 0. Wendlaud, of
Milverton, having leased the plane and
purchased Mrs. Garrey'o interests in the
The anoeal Vestry meeting of the
Trivitt Memorial ohuroh was held in the
School H,11 on Monday evening. B•.otor
Perkins ooaapied the elide. The average
attendance during the year was 149},
which ie a better average than the year
previous, and the envelope oellen tens
amounted to $180 over last year. It. B.
Simnel, Treasurer, read a report of the
finances n which allowed the reoeipfe to be
$1745 00 end expenditure $1674 00, lane-
ing a balance of 8171. There were, how•
over, outstanding
amountso tstaudin amounts which
more than wipe oat the enrples.The
Ladloe' Guild showed receipts of $241.70
with an expenditure of $208 98, lea, mg e
balanoo of $88 72, Sandey aohord, ',wombs
2138.48, expenditures $84 60, leaving a
oolleotiooe,solof i$48 88, Yining Peothe Lenten pl 'o
Sooioty, reoaiple $7 96, ekpendiOnre $5 06
leaving a balanne of $2 65. The following
offiooro wore duly eluted, vie :--Reetor'e
WomanWarden, J. 3. 1 nigh" Tennatino p1
er,, R13,
Samuel ; Auditors, O. 11, Bander* and
N, D. Burden ; Sidemen, A. Q B,, bier,
.Til. Elliott, N, D. Ilnrnon, P. Ratvoliffe,
0. 1I. Senders, • Envelope Oommitt. e, 1.
Davis, 0. H. Bandon, R. Dianey, R.
When the
Bell Rings
School starts with the ring of the boll, How's the
Boy's Clothes ? If there is anything in the world that
will make going to school easy for the average boy, it's
a new suit. We have studied the school suit problem
from the parents' aide as well as from the store stand-
point. We find that the Lion Brand fills a 'Iong felt
want—made from durable Tweeds, well lined and well
made—Coate have French facings—Knickers double
seats and double knees—Outwears two ordinary suits,
and the price is very low. Once a Customer, always a
Customer. We are the selling agents in this place.
to test the wearing quality of a stocking. If
it's possible to kick a hole in 'em he'll do it.
give him the greatest struggle to wear them out he
ever had.
Every stitch defies rough wear. They're double at
the knees, the heel, the toes, giving long life and per-
fect satisfaction.
Prices 25c, 35c, 50c.
Made for Boys, Girls and Ladies.
D. C. ROSS ,
Biliatl, Thos. Sendero, L. Day. The REAL ESTATE,.
name at Time, Sanders was added to that
of the Advisory Board elected last year.
ai a eobgegaeot meeting Mr. Harden was
elected Lay Delegate to the Synod.
The Qaebeo Legielatnre re -assembled
Tuesday of last week with the new
Premier in his place. W. A. Weir was
elected Speaker.
Royal Nail Steamers
tllUl t3
From Montreal From Monet
Ionian Mayr 4 a,m. May 5, 8 p,w
Victorian Mayt12, 9 a,m. May 12„ 7 p.m
Bavarian May 10, 4 a.m.- May 10, 0 p.m
First Oabin, $70 and upwards, a000rding
to Moamar and accommodation ; Second
Cabin, Liverpool and Londonderry, 542,60,
$46, and $47,60, a00ardiog to steamer, Lon-
orpno 26 Derry ' Belfast, Claes,
lasgo v, London,
V2otorlan, 828.76.
New York to Glasgow
Mongolian Saturday, Apri129, noon
For further partloular0 apply to
Agent, Brands,
60 aore farm for etre, Defog South 12011
Lot O, Con, 7, Choy. Mostly seeded down
and well =enured. Good bank barn and
comfortable house. Close to school mad 2,1
miler; from Apply to' 1, 0 iTUOIi Brnsse e,l wheat
homeatoad--100 a0ree—in the Town-
ship of Morrie, Liu ton county. For pantie.
niers apply to
8 01 660 Bathurst St. Toronto.
TNo 00 sores, being North halves of
Lots 15 and 10, 00n. 1, Gray. Comfortable
frame house, bank barn, Orchard, &o. Only
4 miles from Molesworth. Good locality
and tine roads, immediate possession. For
further partioularo apply to or write
W. H. 1(81RR, Bruesela,
dereigned offers her 100 acre farm, be-
ing Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, tor sale. There
is a comfortable house, bank barn, or-
ohard,;wells, &o. farm ie only i mile from
the thriving village of Ethel, For further
particulate as to prion, terms, ,to,, apply to
MSB, KAT.81 HOLLAND, 78 Sinner street,
MO undersigned offer for sale Ids
fano, being Lot 1, Con, 38, Grey, It ie 01t•
rated on the Gravel road, 2 miles South of
Brussels and oonteins 100 amen of good: land,
endeared O012 amen. There in a Beet
Mass brink house and kitohoo, heated with
furnace, wood shed, artesian well with
windmill and water is pumped to baro.
Barn le 8008 fees with stone stables. B ay
barn 80x00 feet. Good orchard, farm well
fenced ; ploatantly situated will be sold
ou e00y terms. Apply ou promisee or Brus-
sels P. 0., ENEAB CRI012.. 16•0
ew Bu
Now that the season for buying .Buggies has arrived
we would like to inform the public that we are better
prepared than ever to supply their every want in Buggies
got up in the very latest style and best material that
money can buy—Steel Tires, Hard Rubber, Cushion and
Pneumatic Wheels, with Ball Bearing Axle,
Lumber Wagons—the very best oak gear, with half
truck or high wheels, either 2i, 22 or 3 in. tires, Before
buying elsewhere be sure and call at the old reliable Care
riage Factory where you will get the very best value for
your money,
Fa Two Cows for sale at reasonable figures.