HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-4, Page 4Ali inti- nerdnds a' t, T.IXIIRSf4i', 111,1Y 4, 1905, The County of Halton will aren't a House of Refuge whish will be keeled at Georgetowu. Committee inapeated 27 properties in the Co, They pnrobeeed 95 ecru from James Moore, at $9,600. A water main from Georgetown runs through the property and there ie a modern water eervioe in the barna, AT the Oouvention of Friendly Societies' repreaentativee in Toronto, last week, it was pointed out that in all prob ability legislation would be enacted to compel all benefioiary Sooietiee to increase their ralee to a standard tbat would absolutely guarantee the payment of the fon amount of the oertifiaate, The good sense of the members is to be de- pended upon in acceding to this from tbe feet that only value nen be given where value hae been paid. BY um providing for good roads in Balton oonnby was carefully prepared and given fie several readings at a apeoial meeting of the County Gorman. The eyetem oovere nearly 150 miles, diehribut• ed as follows : Eegaeeing 45, Nassage. weya 26, Nelson 90, and Trafalgar 47 miles. Every generally travelled road in the county ie iaoluded in the bylaw, and all the leading roads reaching the towns of the oonnty are included, and if the sobeme =mete the approval of the town• ship convene, and is pot into effect, Halton will be favored within a decade with ae find roads ae are to be found any. where, and the Provinoial Government will pay ene•third the ooet of oonetrnotion. Concrete Culverts, Here are some seasonable soggeetione to Townehip Coonofls on improved methods of 000etrnati❑g oonorete culverts, bridges and elniaee, taken from the ad• dress delivered by A. W. Campbell, Deputy Minister of Publics Welke, at the Good Roads Convention. held in Toronto recently. He urged the members of the municipal Councils and others ieterested in road improvement to study this question. Wooden oniverte were no longer built, while tile teas uneatiefaotory, but strong, oheap and permanent culverts were easily made with oemeot ii they were properly constructed and were of en$roient capacity to accommodate the water daring the seaaous of flood, or during Winter rains or sodden thaws when the fee was troublesome in ob. etraoting the outlets. In building out, vertu of over three fret span, arches eho❑Id be made. These might with perfect eafet_y be run as bigb ae thirty feet span. When an arch was over twenty feet the cement floor should be reinforced with iron rode, whioh might be of varying thieknees, but should be laid about one foot apart, and covered with six or eight inches of cement. One bridge of thie character, with a span of thirty feet, was baht for 5625, while the local tendere for a wooden structure were $700 and over. Por small culverts be suggested that the cement should be mixed in the proportion of one to eight of Gravel and sand. In larger work the outside facing of the wall should be stronger, namely, one of earners': to six of gravel and eaod, bat for the Nelda of the wall one to eight would be suffmient. He imitated upon golid foundations for all culvert walls, and enggeeted that the lack of proper provieione in this reepeot bad caused a great deal of trouble to inex• perienoed aonetrnotrrs. In closing hie address Mr. Campbell made tbe oaggeet• ion that Municipal Connoiie should Bend fall information to him, and he would forward eketohee and specifications for their use, A Aenaia.1,1.. Garnet Smallaeowbe, aeeeionat Clerk for the Ontnric Legislature is home. He enjoyed hie position in Toronto, very m ooh. W. MoOloy has received an appoint• meat ander the Crown Lande Depart- ment ae Tn.peotor over four bownebipa in New Ontario. H. Gook oontomplabae moving the Bonthroa reeidenoe at Rodgerville to Ilaneall, placing it on a lot end fitting it up fora Bret ekes dweilfng, Andy Yungbint goes to New York this week ae the gueet of the Equitable Life Inentanoe Go., wbo is giving their egoista a free trip and a week's entertainment at the expense of the company, Joe Can, who has been ill for some time with tonaolitia, but bad sufficiently recovered to go around has been attacked by inflammatory rheumatism and is so i11 that ears, W. Moir left for Toronto. He had jest been promoted to the position of buyer of supplies for the Anwar Abell Works, A game of football wee played here on Good Friday afternoon between Bayfield and Heneali teams. Owing to the ex. eeseive rain of the night previous the field was a quagmire and totally unfit fur playing on but ae the vieitore had taken the trouble to come so far our boys ooa• eluded to give them a game. The way the mod and water fiew was something wonderful. Sometimes n player would find himself lying et full length in about six innhee of water and woad tree up all novated with mud. The play was re. markably good under the oiroumetanoee, Heueall's goal keeper slipped and !ended on hie Bide in a water holo which enabled Bayfield 10 conte one whioh was the only win of the day. At a meeting ofthe Lioenee Gnm• mieeionere held at the Village of Renee!' on Thnreday, April 20, the following Lioeuete were granted for the naming year ;--Township of Stephen, Wm. Mnff:tkt, Cantrell%; An%get Hill, John McIeaao, Orediton ; B. Onnuinghem, Khiva ; Deibrioh, Mount Cermet, Albert Moser, Corbett ; Jansen henna, $hi ka; Wm, Zimmer, Daehwocd ; Wm, Fritz, Grand Bend. Township of Hay, Mrs. Nioboieog, B alta ; 11. R, Jobuoton and J. P, Ran, Serials, Township of Stanley, Henry abater, Kippeu ; Wilson Gook, Varna, Township of Tnakatemitb, Charles Wildon, Braeefield ; 'Gee. Strong, 11rd Tavern, Town of Beafortb, Hetele, P. T, Plnkuey, Christiana Stephens', Reudersuu to De Laney, Jamee Piok, Wm, Margott 1 Shope, Edward Daweou and Joeeph Weber. Village of Heneall, J. E, Blacken, Thames Doweon, Village of Exeter, Hotels, dances Shuddoek, E. Henbane, W, T. Aobeson, Mre. S, Garry ; Shop, F. J. Knight. Applioatione for the Village of Bayfield and Township et Us borne were left over until the 27th ult. • Xsta Cee. The Whibeohuroh Creamery Oempeuy begets operattone on Wednesday, Rev, Joseph O:iver, of Listowel, preach• ed on Sunday in the Laoknow Methodist Obrtrob, un behalf of the Eduoatioual fonds of the ohurob, Robert Donglae was appointed en• gineer of the waterworks plant, a poei• tion so long and ably filled by his tether, the late Thomas. Douglas The bowling green promisee to be a popular resort during the, coming Sum- mer. The beautiful lawn name through the Winter iu splendid condition and is now In exoehent rhape. The large .piece of ground on the Weet side of the lawn has ales, been thoroughly levelled and seeded down, and before the Summer is over they expect to have one of the finest courts in Western Ontario, The Budden death of Thomas Douglas, engineer of the waterworks plant, on Friday morning April 210., was a ter, rible eh.ok to the whole community, and a severe trial to his family and friends, ale Douglas although not feeling well had been attending to his canal duties np tilt halt past five on Thursday erening, when he was suddenly seized with a severe pain in the bowels and stomach, Medical aid was at once secured and everything possible was done to relieve his eufferinge, bat to no avail, and at six o'olook on Friday morning he passed away, from perforation of the bowels. Deceased who was in his 66th year was an old and highly reepeoted citizen of thie village, and his sadden demise bas oast a sad gloom over the whole eeobiou, and is, their great sorrow hie widow and three children, two sons and one dau°h• ter have the heartfelt sympathy of a wide oirolo..of friends. tole a,l or elk. Micheal Heffernan, of the Huron road, East, has an extraordinary sample of the kind of eggs his hens lay. It is 81 by 7i inches. Mise Dorranoe, who has been in the E. Moran' store for several years leaves for Regina, where she will take a good position in onnneotion with the North went Indian Indnetrial eohool there. tiles Dorranoe has a large oirole of friends here who will wish her well in her new sphere. One evening reoenbly the boarders at the Queen's hotel, where she has made her home for some time, presented her with a handsome suit oaee and a $5 gold piece. The by-law voted on by the property owners of Seefortb, on Tuesday of !set week authorizing the council to raise money to purohaee the electric light plant and property was defeated by a majority of 69. The following is the vote octet : North Ward Santis Ward East Ward For Against 44 82 42 66 45 62 Total 131 200 When this by-law was toted on before there voted for it 185 and against it 132. The animal vestry meeting of Sb. Thomas' ohnroh was held in the school room on Tuesday evening of last woes, with the rentor, Rev. John Berry in the chair. The annual report showed the ohgrob to be in a prosperous condition, both financially and otherwise. The following offioere were elected : Reetor'e Warden, G. E. Perkee; People's Warden, F. Halmstad ; Sidemen, H. Bullard, E. Peters, W. R. Counter, W. Tiernan and H. Roberts ; auditors, G, E. Parkes and T. F. Coleman ; vestry clerk, E. Peters ; representatives to the Synod in June, G. E Parkes and H. Bullard. The vestry ie e0 well pleased with the eervioe° of Mice Beatrice Scott as organist that they have offered to double her salary provided she will engage for a year. Aeeeesor Ballantyne has completed his duties for this year and from hie roll are gathered the following etatistiaa :-The total actual value of reel property exolus. ive of buildings, is 5143,085 ; total value of buildings, 5420,840 ; total aotnal value of property, $781,445 ; total amount of taxable real property, $563,925 1 valve of property liable for eohool tax only, 53,000 ; business aeseeement, 569,039 ; taxable income, $19,275 ; total assess- ment, $651,326 ; children between the ages of 5 and 21, 559 ; ohildren between the ages of 6 and 16, 807 ; number of births, 31 1 deaths, 12 ; number of doge, 96 The town property is assessed as follows :-Town building, weigh malesI F and grounds, $15,000 ; water works, 519,000 ; hose and hose reels, $2,800 hook and ladder appliances, $500 ; weigh Bales at station, $200 ; public eohool, $9,000 ; Collegiate Institute, $12,000 ; pnblio library 62600 ,• total $64,500 DIAMONDS AND FINE GOLD JEWELLERY AT CLOSE PRICES GO TO II. L. JACISC T JEWELLER, The Grand Trunk Peaitla Railway ie to secure 1,000 aoree of land at Fort William. This lend is now an Indian reeervation, and will probably be trans• tarred to the company at a nominal figure, There ie in (big land deal splen• did poeeibilitiee fur the epeonlator. It will be a block of two and a go•.rter square minae, five or six times ae much as will be required t, r the porpo'e of the rai I way. Feral County. Mrs Mre J, Murray, Monkton, is ill with au attack of the meoelee. Thos. Ryan has pnrohaeed two lots from John Ryan, Dublin, for the Sam oL $60, J. H. Tilley, Mitchell, met with ancci adent, He ant his hand and blood poisoning set Ex•Warden Kemp hae been appointed Lioeose Iuepeotor for North Perth, with Alderman Geo. T, Jones, Stratford, rte hie deputy. I. Hord, of Mitchell, delivered a leo`ure in the Methodist °borob, Mooktou, on Friday evening, April 21st, on his trip to Palestine. The Easter offertory in Trinity °hatch, Mitchell, reached the handsome sum of $122, and the Sunday eohool offertory for the same day was about $20. The congregation of the Baptist ohnroh, Stratford, gnanimrnely decided to ex- tend a call to the pastorate of the ohgrob to Rev. 0. C. Elliot, of Belleville. The heavy snow of last Winter ewe.witted great havoc in the Mitchell Meth- odiet cemetery. Many chain and pipe fenoings, with the marble poste, are al. most completely destroyed. The 0. P. engineer hae been in St. Marys mapping out several routes for an entry into town. It is rumored that there would be no 0. P. R.00nneotion by way of Stratford, but a Southeast 0. P. R. connection would be made with the genal proviso of a bonus from the sewn. The death occurred at hie residence Sunday morning, April. 26, in Galt, of David Hamilton, father of R. M. Hemi!. ton, of the MacGregor Gourley Go., Clan,The deceased, wbo was in his 81e1 year, euoocmbed to the treatise of old• age. He was born in Glasgow in 1824 end came to Canada in 1859. Until 1876 Mr. Hamilton was in bneinees in Brantford an a grocer. In that year he removed to Lietowel and opened a grooery store which he conducted eoo0eesfaliy for a *decade, after which he lived a retired life, going to Galt with bis wile in 1904, to be near his eon. The deceased was a Pres. byterian and en elder for more than a generation. In politica he was a stannob Liberal. His aged partner, wbo is enjoy fag good health, eurvives him, The fun- eral was held in Listowel. Referring to the Mibohetl Methodist oburob, the Ohrietian Guardian says "The first Wesleyan Methodist 000gre• Ration in Mitchell dates from 1853, Rev, Lucas Adams being the first pastor, the ("front taking i0 the town and the three surrounding townships. In 1878 Mitchell became a station, the first peter being Rev. Samuel MemMi►obell was also one of the strongholds of the Bible Ohristian denomination, Ite origin dates bank to 1852, when the late Rev. 3, H. Byon travelled through that section. The present magnificent March was built by the latter denomination in 1885. In 1894 the two congregations united and the church was enlarged to ice present Rize. Rev. Dr. Wm. Williams was the first pastor of the united congregation. One of tie most interesting featnres of the oonvention of the Ontario Ednoa. ional Association in Toronto was the resentation of an illuminated addroee, old watoh and Maio to William Wil. ams, B. A., the reoeutly retired prinoi• al of the Collingwood Collegiate Innti. ole, by hie former pupils, now in the teaobing profeeeion, Among the signers of the address was George Malcolm, B. A., of the Stratford Collegiate Iestitale staff. Mr, Williams was for bwer,ty• eight years at the head of the Coiling - p li There is an increase in the population of forty over the assessor's returns of last year. CIIILLS PROVE FATAL If warmth end circulation are not promptly restored, chille result in fatal pneumonia. This neaeeeitatee keeping Nerviline on hand. Taken in hot water it brealte up a °bill in two mi❑ntee, By rubbing freely over throat and Meet it prevents collie. No liniment so strong, so nenetrating, so swift to kill pain and inflammation. Nearly fifty years' record has proved the value of POlaon'e Nervi• line. You should get a bottle to -day, The Scott ant wee defeated in Resit• gonohe county. Jnetice Olute is enffering from an alteok of nervous prostration, A very heavy windstorm prevailed at Mooee Jaw, oaheing m❑ob damage to window glees. The Oebawa Canning Company's fats - tory wee injured by fire to the extent of $20,000 or 25,000. Fred Peeling, aged 18 years, was ewept over a dam at Oampbelltord with a horse and waggon and drowned, M. G. Howe'e jewelry store at Regina was robbed of $2,500 or $8,000 worth of diamonde and flue watches, Justice street's carriage wag npset in front of Government House, Toronto, and Mrs. Street had a narrow oeoape. A lady neat Hamilton has offered to board and lodge ten poor children a weak during the Summer months. The offer will be accepted by the' Toronto Mission Union. Everything Up-to-date ---AT J. O. JONES' JEWELRY STORE Choice New Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY BEAUTIFUL SILVERWARE FINE RRANGt3 OF PIPES SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS Dandy Mantle Clocks Violin Supplies. A Speoialty made of our Watch Repair• ing Department, Satiefaotioo Guaranteed, Priuee Right. J. G. JONEt '3 JEWELER, aro. wood Institute, and has a record for good eervioe, both aa a teeobor and an ex ampler of high ideate, unenrpaeeed in the provinoe. Mr, Williams wee born in the township of Fullerton, near Mitchell, in 1845. He was educated Strut in a rnrel achool and later In tate old grammar Reboot at Stratford, under that Ririe head wester, the late 0 J, Mutrregor, M. A. Mr. Williams taught psblic eohool for six yoare before ensu ring the university, from which be graduated as a medallist in 1872. He began high eebtol teaching in fort Rowan, nod on Juenery 1, 1373, broame Prinoipal at Ooliiggwoud, a poei• tion which he held for twenty-eight and a half years, ooneeontivoly. From a small school of fourteen pupils, it grew to be a large collegiate iuetitnte of 260 or more, largely devoted bo the prepare. Hon of teachers. During these years he published several high school books among them being Goldsmith's Travel. ler and Deserted Village, Cowper's Task, the Sir Roger de Ooverley papers, eta,, also Praotioal English, published in Canada, and Rhetoric and Oomposilion, published by Heath St Oo,, Boston. IS TO Ili rlcto,✓'&¢4r Q 1C LA YOU ARE DOUBTLESS SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS - SUREST CURE IS Ferrozon e. Unitise you want to be stricken with in. onrable Bright's Disease, don't let your kidneys go without attention. Ferrozone le a special remedy for this trouble, and never fails to give prompt relief and bring about a perfect onre. Mr. Gordon J. MacFarlane, of Brad. ford, was cured by Ferrozone, after be• ing treated MIS uoaeeafnlly by three doctors for kidney complaint. "My Iridneys were in it very bed shape," he writes "and I had dreadful pains in the baok and sides, and was never free from a dull heavy feeling, that made lite mieerable,l I spent a lot of money on local doctors, but was not benefitted to any extent. Then I fried Forrozone. One box helped me so much I got six more, and before they were done I was quite well. I never aqui anything giving enoh prompt and lasting relief es Ferrozone. It beats all other kidney aoree." People suffering from kidney disorders quickly lose strength, and often die young. Therefore it ie important to gat N'errozone at once, and be released from every symptom of thio baneful disease. Price 60o. a box, or six boxes for$2 50, at all dr❑fgiste, or by mail from The Ferrozone Oompady, Kingston Ont. POPULAR STALLIONS. BURSAR. coverLuux ck alumnmon, PROPS. Monday, May lei, will leave his own stable, Lot 30, Oon. 12, McKillop, and go South to R, Dodds', Lot 32, Con. 5, Ma- Sillop, for noon ; thanes South to Dicke Hotel, Seaforth, for night. - Tuesday, will go Emit and North to J. Matthews', Lot 12, Uon, 3, MoKiilop, for noon ; thence East, North and West to S. Pethiok's, Lot 20, Oon. 6, IdoKillop, for night. -Wednesday, will go Beet, North and West to G, Habkirk'e, Lot 17, Con. 8, McKillop, for noon ; thence to his own etable, Lot 80, Con, 12, for night,- Thuredtte, will go East, to S. Forbes', Oon. 14, MoKiilop, for noon ; thence North to Donald Oampbell's, Lot 10, Oon. 16, Grey, for night, -Friday, will go East, North and Weet to Long's Hotel, Crenbrook, for noon ; thence North and West to American Hotel, Brussels, tor night.-Satnrday, will go South to Jas. Bolger's, Lot 30, Oon, 8, Morrie, for noon ; thence to hie own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be eon. tinued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. SUNLIGHT II. HENRY DONE, P0OPR11T011, Monday, will leave his own stable, Lot 20, Brd line, Morris, and proceed. North and Beet to Arthur Shaw's, let line. Morris for noon ; thecae Weer to centre eideroad, then to hie own stable for night.--Tneeday, will go to Alex McNeil's Sunshine, for noon ; thence on 5th line to J. Graepy'e for night..-Wedneeday, will go East on the 6th to Jae Niahol'e, Morris for noun ; then South and Wast to R, Bielby'e, 8th line, Morrie for night,- Tbnreday, will go Haat to gravel road to Jas. MoDonald'e, Grey, for noon ; then South to Jno, MoGovin'e, McKillop, for night. -Friday, will go North to William Teller's, Con, 16, Grey, for noon ; thence to Central Hotel, Brnseols, for eight, - Saturday, will go North to hie own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be oonbiuned throughout the season, health and weather permitting, CLAUDIUS. TH05. 0000E11, atANA0510 Monday afternoon will leave his own stable Lot 21, Oon. 5, Grey, and go to Moleowortb Hotel for night. -Tuesday will go Went and South to Edward Bryant!, 2nd con , Grey, for noon ; thence via Jamestown, to Alex. Bryane', Morrie, for Dight.-Wedoeeday will go South to Qoeeo'e Hotel, llruese:e, for noon ; thauon South and East to Long's Hotel, Granbrook, for night. -Thursday will go South to 14th oon. and East to Teasdale Whitfield'e for noon, thence North to Hartwell Spebean's, 101b eon,, Grey for night. - Friday will go East to Chas. Kerr's, Lienfryn, fur noon 1 themes to Ethel Hotel for night. -Saturday will reborn to hie own ratable where he will remain until the,followiug Monday noon. Navigation opened id Muskoka Lakes Wednesday. The Witte in the 'smelter at Greenwood B. 0., is ended. John Elkerton, of Mosley, ie under a Merge of bigamy at Guelph. A. 11. TetEyolt was appointod'Chief of the Hamilton Fire Department, Wllham Waiawrieiht'e eon, Dr. Frederick Wainwttght, died in London, Ron. Thomas Oreonway bas rndereed the Autonomy Bide,inoludine the eohool I'atom Two new 0, P, R. steamers will be Waked on the Ahlaatio roots to May and June, Juatioe Nesbitt denies the rumor that he will leave the Beooh to enter the D ("minion Government, Dr. Charles O'Reilly, for twenty nine years superintendent of tate General Hoe petal, 'I'oroutu, hes resigned, J. P. Tardwel, the well known editor of Le Verne, the Queboo clrremontene newspaper, died Monday, aged 54. The Ontario Ednoatiooal Association decided to auk the Government to adopt it systematic health inepootion e6 the schools, Hon. Gedeou Ouimeb, who was Prem• ier of Quebec from 1873 to 1876, and later Superintendent of Public Instroottou of that Province, died Monday, aged 82, E. P. Winslow, looal manager of the Bank of Montreal, Stratford, is to receipt of a letter from D. R. Wilkie, of Toronto, seeretarytreaenrer of the •'Dominion Fund" (for library for the babtleehip of that name), aokuowledgiug receipt of draft for 540 subscribed by 160 employ- eee of the G. T. R. roundhouse, Stratford. GOOD REASON FOR ITS SUCCESS. Without doubt the largest selling oatarth medioioe in America is Catarrh• ozone, Not advertising, but honest merit hae made the fame of "Catarrh. ozone" whioh is guaranteed to our° catarrh in any part of the system ; try it yourself. ..'moi a I A Local Salesman for BRUSSELS and surrounding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES," Newest varieties and epeoialbiee in Hardy Frits, Small Fruits, Shrobe, Ornament ale and Roses. A permanent situation and territory reserved for the right men. Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write for particulars, and send 25 dente for our pocket miorosaope, j050 the thing to use in examining trees and planta for inseots. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL N17RBERLEB over 800 scree TORONTO, - - ONTARIO IMPORTANT NOTICES • 17 GGS FOR HATCHING. - The undersigned offers for Bale Eggs from onre bred Barred Rooke, for hatobiug. Only 50 ciente fora setting of 18, J.P. MOKAY Lot18, Can.8, Grey. Ethel P, O. YOUNG DURHAM BULL, 20 mouths old, with first °lees pedigree, sud from splendid milking strain, for sale. While the animal romaine here he will be kept for eervioe at 0160 ALEX. GABDIN- ER, Lot 20, Con. 14, McKillop, or Leadbury P. U. 80.11 DERESHIRE PIGS FOR fel sale. -The undersigned has a number of young Improved Berkshire Sows for sale, different ages. bred from pedigreed stock. Also keeps for service the Improyed Berk- shire Boar, "Willow Ledge Swell." Terme -31 cash or 31 25 If booked and 32,00 for Borabire Sows. 3, P. MOLNTOBH, Lot 21, Oon. 12, Grey. 41.4* Oranbrook P. 0. STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for service ou Lot 28, tion 18, Grey, the Durham Bull, Minto Lad" ee4e801@, recently purchased from D. Robertson. Pedigree may be seen pn application. Terme, $1.50 with privilege of retnraing if neeeneary 40-4 GEORGE WHITFIELD, Proprietor, 'L'ENDE'RS FOR DREDGING. rjtENDIIRB addressed to the undersigned endorsed"Tender for dredging. will be received np to and including May 1603,1005, for tbe dredging required at the following planes dining the present, year; Bayfield, Belle River, Beaverton, Oollingwood, Kin- cardine, Matchedaeh Bay, Medford, Owen Bound, Trenton, Peoetanguiebene, Point Edward, Sarnia, Port Stanley, Rondean, Port Burwell, Saugeeu River„ Thornbury, Wiarton.' Bpeoifieations can be seen and form of Wider obtained at the Department of Pnblio Worke,Ottawa. Tenders to inglude towing of plant to aid from ' the works. Only dredges eau be emtdloyed which are registered in Canada at the time of riling of tenders. Contractors must be ready to begin work within thirty days after the date they have( been notified of the aoept- auae of their tender. The Departm out is not bound to accept the low eat or any of the tenders., By order, FRED, GE ULNAS, Secretary. Department of Public) Werke, Ottawa April 20, 1005, Duetting ietting ibis adverti°emenb without authority from the Department Will not be paid for 11. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. Iu the matter of the estate of Andrew Bremner, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deoraaed, Natioe is hereby given,pgursuant to Revia- edStatutes of Ontario, 1807, (..hap. 120, Hee, 88, that an creditors and others haying any claims egutnet the estate of the said Andrew Bremner, farmer, who died on or about the Mill day of April, A. D. 1905, at the said 7.ow"ehip of Grey, are hereby required to send by poet, prepaid, or to deliver to A. D Macdonald, of the Village of Brussels, in said 0ounty, Solicitor for Jane Bremner, Ethel P. 0., theExecutrlx of the last Will and Teatamoot of the Raid Andrew Brain - tier, on or before the Gbh day of May, their mimeo, addresses and description of their otaims and the nature of the eacuritlee (it any) held by thorn. And uotbeo is hereby given that after the said 0111 day of May, the said Exeoutrlx will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- oauaod amongst the persona entitled there- to, having regard only to the olaltnebf which natlee obeli have been given as above re. se iponslol fair the uoaote or hhy part not ref AO tlitbributod to any person; of whose skim notice shall bot have been reeelvod at the time of euah dietrlbntion. ULLtmr at Bleaeole this Atli day of April, A.!), 1005. A. 13, MAOUANALD, 41.2 Si ltebtor for 1,7aecutrla, i�Jftila 7r If you want Style, Quality and Comfort in a pair of .Fine Boots or Shoes for Spring and Summer wear don't forget that we have them. For up-to-date and best wearing qualities we would recommend the John McPherson Shoes. We have the Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Oxfords in Dongola, Box Calf, Patent Coit and Tan Calf at prices the Lowest for Quality. All kinds for Children, Girls, Boys, Ladies and Gents. See our Men's everyday good wearing Boots, not too heavy, special at $1,65, and Whole Stock English Kip at $2.50. Boys' Fine Boots, special at $1 25, $1.50 and $1.75, Ladies' Dongola, Bals $1,50, $1,75, $2 $2.50, $3.00. SURE TO SUIT YOU ALL, A. STRACHAN 40 DEEFUNC WDER TWINE Pure Manilla, 650 feet 18,c Sixty per cent. Manilla, 550 feet 11c Quantity limited at these prices. Don't put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. To s -cure this A 1 Twine at the A 1 price place your order at once. HOLLYWOOD PAINTS' "Linseed Oil, Lead and Zinc Paint." The most dur- able, beautiful and economical Paiute ever offered the public. This Paint is sold under a five years' guar- antee. Money refunded if Paint is not all that is claimed for it. Price 40o. per quart. rr' Gi The first principle of a good Fence is GOOD WIRE. Lamb Fence is made of High ,Carbon Steel Wire. Top Wire No. 7, all the other Wires No. 9. The strongest fence made. A. M. McKAY & Go SPECIAL VALUES IN DINERS• v _: , TS T AT allialsolmessamagamseensmi Wall ers Our Spring Stock of Wall Papers is to hand and it is a choice lot and well worth inspect- ing. SPECIAL BARGAINS will be given in small roll lots carried over from last year, solne of thein as low as 3c. per roll. READY MIXED PAINTS kept in stock and will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, Shop in `finale's Bloch, !next to Metropolitan Bank Fred. McCift ("ken