The Brussels Post, 1905-5-4, Page 3t ^r 0-0-000 0-0 0-0-0.00-0 0-0•00"0•00-00 6 YOUNG FOLKS 00 0-00 0 0 000000-0d7000-000-0 COUNTED IN. Thu three new acquaintances, emelt ellg'111ted lea a hugo rocker, eat side by elan eta the veranda of the little hotel. Before thew lay the lake, gray under the shadow of a passing cloud and the heavy, fringe of Pines along the shore. Lawrence and '!eddy had known each other fel' two day's, but Annabel was an arrival of the morning. "She s only a girl," Lawrence had said, "and her name's silly, but we'll try her, and if she can do things and WEAK, TIRED PEOPLE, Need New Blood in Suring to Bring Health and Strength. Spring blood is bad blood, Tt is clogged with impurities that make themileives felt 30 many ways, such as pimples and eriptions, poor diges- tion, occasional headaches, twinges of rheumatism a lazy feeling in the morning, and a strong desire to avoid exertion. Sometimes the nerves are unstrung, you feel dull nue de- pressed, and your strength is slip- ping away. You can only be put fight by enriching the blood and drihing out the intpuril.ie . Purga- tives won't do this—Choy only nialco you weaker. What you need is a tonic, and tho bost tonin that =W- eal science has yet discovered is Dr. Williams' fink ]?ills. ']'hese pills ac- tually matte now, rich, red blood, brace the nerves and bring stealth SHIPS COLLECT RENTS SOME SEARO$ von SUNKEN ROCKS AND SI30ALS. British Ironclads That Are Not 'Used for righting Purposes. Ironclads aro of two grinds—some are combatants and others nen-roni- bataut.s—thnt is to say, they never do any lightning at all Resides the Channel lel eet and out' crull,ing Squadrons which act as pollen to our lwssetsions in all parts of the world, We have nearly a dozen warships that spend their,time in collecting rant, bat 311 ng ith sett -elephants, searching for elioals, and the like, says 1'earsoe's Weekly. knows lents, like boys, we'll co'uht hot The shoal fbudet's carry ch•al,"'ne1s in, and ask her to catch turtles withinstead of cannon, and soundling- us, shall \s e, '1'o dy'?" and energy to weak, despondent anti lines nerd thermometers instead of eatslly tired Wren and women. Mr.n, 1 • torpedoes. A few years ago wo had There were no other children at the (sins. enneseim„, Aylesford Station, hotel, and the two boys were pagerN.y., says; "For the past ten years no vesstlls of this kind, anti we inught 10 lied a worthy playmate. Th', Williams' Pink Pills is the only not have had thew now were It not Lawrence, by virtue of being the medicine 1 have taken when 1 found for the fact that, in February, 113 )u, oldest, cvr:ducted the examination. 1 nee•ied modicilf0. Last spring I the neagn1fl8ont Australian liner Llu- "Can yon row'?" ho asked. was fueling poorly, was weak, easily cite went to pieces on a hitherto un- "341-hm," answered Antnabel, indif- tired and deprcasea. I got three known death-trap in Torres Straits. fa•en Lly. "Can ,you swim?" "Yes," Annabel swayed her ]lead gently to role)' the chair. 'i'vo swam in. Lake Sug;orior,''said I,awronee, proudly. "I've swum in Miller's Lance and In this laltu, ' chinned in Teddy, eagerly, ",Swam," corrected Lawrence, "Yee, swam," assented Teddy. "Where have you swum, Annabel?" "Lots Of places," returned the lit- tle girl. "1 used to in the Atlantic Ocean when I was littler, and once, a year ago, in Great Salt Lake." "On-ool" said Lawrence. "Is that lake salty, the way they say?" Annabel nodded. Evidently Law- rence must make the advan,'es. "Couldn't you tell about it?" ho suggested. "Why, certainly," said Annabel, politely. "Mama and papa and L'ranl.ie and I were at Salt Lake O'W for a clay, and we tools the cars 'and went to the lake. You have to ride over white ground, where the lake was 01150. ft is all salty. ,t'ho lake has—receded, mama says." "Why did It?" asked '!eddy, blunt- ly. "It evaporated." Lawrence and Teddy exchanged puzzled glances. "'I bat means the sun dried it up," explained Annabel. "This one doesn't dry up," ' Said Teddy, slceptically. "I've been .lucre lots of summers." "Well, this has an outlet. The steamer passes It. You remember, I saw it when I carne.' "Oh, yes." "Well, Great Salt Lake hasn't any outlet, and the sun dries the water up and leaves the salt, lots of it." "didn't it smart your eyes?" "I didn't put my eyes 3n, sant Annabel. "You see it isn't deep et interrupted views of the country, and all. We waded out a long way, sea- in the town itself natural features oral blocks, I guess, and it didn't are to be proserVed as far ars Possi- come ep to our socks, and only Just bk.For example in the camo above papa's knees. It - was very warns, tile water was, almost hot, and felt so gcoti. You ca11 neat on it. It hall so much salt in it von can t go clown, and we sort of pad- dled along on our stomachs, with our heads sticking up. It's real sticky, and we had caps on our heads Lo keep our hair from getting sticky. 14fnu1a hada big"' bath -towel wound round her head. "We spattered each other and shut our eyes, and when the water dried off our faces there were white patches of salt. Tho sand under the w titer is gray, such a nice, clean gray. I brought some home in a bottle. There's a long bath -house with lots of stressing -rooms in it, hundreds, 1 guess, and there's a fresh -water spray* in each one, so you can take a nice shower bath when you come out, and got the sticky off." Each boy hung over the arm of his chair nearest the middle chair, and listened in wonderment. Annabel leaned back idly and told her story like the finished little traveller that she was. - ''have you studied perce0- tege?" she asked.. Even Lawreiice shook his head without a, word. "It's sixteen per cent. salt," she said, "andthat's a great deal, Papa told me. They think that once it was lots bigger'n it is now, twenty times. They think, you know, that in time there won't be any, lake left." "Oe-ool" said Lawrence. And "0 my!" said Teddy. Annabel leaned forwal'd, somewhat excited 11y the appreciation of her au- ditors. 'It'll be all evaporated, erne ]snow, and if you boys leant to go swimming in It you'd better go quick!" Lawroaco looked at Teddy, and when ho caught his eye gave a signt- itcant noel. Then he turned to 'Anne - bel, politely. "Will you go and catch turtles with us?" he said, boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they made ine Seel like a new per- son. They aro the best medicine 1 know of when the blood is out of eon 11 tion," ]f you neo;] a medicine this opting —and there are few people who do clot—take a few boxes of Dr. Wil- liams' fink ]'ills, and you will find an improved appetite and new health and strength such as no other medi- cine can give you. There is no dis- ease of the blood these pills will not cure, simply because they make the new, rich blood that drives disease from the system. The genuine Pink fills have the full name, "Dr. Wil- lituns' Pink Pills for Palo People," on the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.S0 by writing the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GARDEN CITY NEAR LONDON, Philanthropic Englishmen Plan a Model Town. To build a city with industries as varied as to seep0rt a population of thirty thousand, and to house the People ex. model lines in a commun- ity where everything is done to re- tain the advantages of the country, is the ambition of a company' of philanthropic Englishmen. They have bought thirty-eight hundred acres of laird in Hertfordshire, some thirty- five miles from London, and there they are laying out and building "the first garden city in England." The situation is high and healthy. The land is fertile, and should pro- vide much of the vegetables the now community will require. From most parts of the town there will be un - PERIODS OF 1UJMAN GROWTH. Children born between September and February aro, some authorities state, notso tall as those 120111 in the summer and spring months, and tho growth of children is much more rapid from March till August. The eXLreme1ics grow rapidly up to the eixteonth year, then tlloro is slow growth until the 1.hil•ticth year. The legs chiefly grow between the tenth and seventeenth year. Comparing the general result, it appears that there are six periods of growth. The f31•st extelde up to the sixth oe eighth ye113', anal is ono of very rapid g'rolvth; .the second period, from eleven to fourteen y011(8, growth is slow; the third period, from sixteen to seVenteen; the -fourth period shows a slow gcoWth up to tine ago of thirty for height, uP to fifty for chest gi'tlt; the fifth growth Is one of rest, from thirty to fifty years: the sixth pel+3od is character- ized by a decrease in all dimensions Of the burly, "What 14 Joluls n'b 1)11810e;is?" "1 t.hiftic lie 111, a leookeice pee; at 10)181, he never br•otl 11t tea, the Ono he 110r1',3W813 4y,t114 3340 ]gall] stllnlisr,'l niai.n square, round which will be erected the public buildings, stand three old oaks. These are to be left and guarded. the Front t0 lr 1 O 1 the square runs the amain avenue, never less than one hundred feet wide, and in all directions from the square will radiate roads from forty to sixty feet wide—that is to say, as broad as the Strand and Cheapside, the busiest streets in London. Wide mar- gins of grass will border them, and to carry out the park -like appearance the builders purpose that the house - lots shall be arranged on what they call "the New England plan," of open lawns and no front fences. On the eastern side of the town, be- side the railway line, has been set .apart a site of about one hundred acres for the factories on which the town will depend for its existence. Engineers, cabinet -maker's,' motor- car builders and printers are already established. The factories are to be hidden from the residences by a belt of trees, and as the prevailing winds eve from the west,- the'sinoito and. 8111011 will be carried away from the houses. Every dwelling will have a garden. The houses will be so built as to secure light and air; on all sides, and the factories will be constructed with the same object. Everywhere there will be public gardens and parks and recreation -grounds, and nothing ugly or misanitary will be allowed. The company will be ably to enforce such restrictions because it will sell no land. Yet the rents from which it is to draw its revenue have been fixed at less than hall the average rates prevailing in !English cities, Tido town itself will cover thirteen hundred acres, and if the sweetend- ing villages aro included in the will liesed thirty-fivl e thotisnnd peoere ple w I in the whole � community, That will give seine twenty-three to the acre for the town, and, taking the whole area of the estate, nine persons to the acre, There are streets in London—some that one would herdly like to call shuns—where there are nearly four hundred persons to the acre. TO toilers so crowded 111 111e dreary metropolis the garden city sllonld seeon. lilac a glimese of heaven,, and drowned 1138 of hoe passengers and crew. - When elle disaster was reported to the Admiralty they bestirred them- selves, and salt out -an ironcla0 to investigate the Golgotha of the deep. The vessel discovered an extraordin- ary isolated rock, situated in the centre of the Torres Straits, which separates Australia from New Guinea. FINDING TILL) TORIES NEEDLE. It rues a species of submerged na- tural monolith, similar in shape to Cleopatra's Needle on the Thames Elhifbalilcmeat, 1viLli its apex rising tof the surface to within a few feet, a sun ac of the ocean. The warship, herself, was nearly impaled on the hideous spike, for the "Torres Needle," as it is not)' called on the chart, scraped some feet of paint off her hull. The exact position of the "Threes Needle," thanks to the AtmiraILy, is perfectly well-known to -'day to all mariners who sail those seas, and since the wracking of the ill-fated Quetta, no vessel has been itn.paled upon it. To our discredit a sirudlar ace - needle remained uncharLed when it was known that it was responsible for many terrible disasters. It ex- ists at, Cape Agulhas, and atter a dozen or more stout ships had gone. to pieces upon it, our Admiralty thought it would bo wise to discover its position, and have it accurately marked on the chart. AN OCEAN DEATH-TRAP. To this end an ironclad was order- ed off to Cape Agulbas, and while dredging, some remains of a sunken hulk were pulled up, which proved to be those of the mail screw steam- er Teuton, which was impaled on the needle in the early morning of August 80th, 1881, and foundered within an hour, can't'ing with her to tbo bottom of the sen over 1100 of her passengers and crew. When the Lords of the .Admiralty were told that there was a sunken rock in laic! -Atlantic, whose top was only a little distance below the eur- face of the ocean, they laughed. When, later, a couple of ships went down in the Atlantic for no app¢r- ent reason, they became more credu- lous, and sent a vessel out to look into the natter. The captain of the ironclad found the rock situated only a few miles to the northward of the route taken by. the big Traiis- lantic liners. Its whereabouts were indicated to him by a small expanse of greenish sea amid the surrounding blue, with a dark spot in the centre, where the "cap" of the rock projected to with- in a yard or so of the surface of the Atlantic. The position of the rock, called "The Virgin," is now well-known to mariners, and for .years past this ocean ctoath-trap has failed to claim • a ,4ieUmr 33)XPERIMEENT\S ON A WARSSIII'. Whenever a new rock or shoal is reported to the Admiralty by ocean- going vessels H.M.S. Research, Bri- tain's -best sea searcher, proceeds to the allot indicated, and sails around, towing her "submarine sentry," which gives instant warning to those in charge ot the nmehine the nmomerlt it, touches a hard substance. The "sentry" has discovered hun- dreds of rocks and shoals daring the last feta yoare, and the Adlmiraity have warned mariners of their where- abouts, Some time ago the Research went out to Ushant, carrying on board lir. Fowler, of the Royal Society, for the purpose of making experi- ments on the depth at which certain form of sea. life were believed to exist, lh'. Fowler came hone loaded with specimens, and although the trip lead cost the Admiralty and the Royal Society large sums of 3alonoy, they were lions amply satisfied with the result. H. TY. S. Research and Gulnare have wasted both time 111311 money in searching for non -existing rocks and Woes in different Oceans. The form,. or vessel sailed fur two or three days round the mouth of the Chan- nel in a Vain s a1ch for a shoal re- ported as existing by half a dozen merchant• vessels of Various nation - Not 8o very long ago the Irish- coastguards and ship -owners declared that the Malden Radice, near Lorne Harbor, on the West Coast of Ire- land, wore so•ind.g netic that the cola- passes of vessels passing them Were affected, and' in con4equcnco could ot be relied on. Our Admiralty sent ono of her sed-eoarelie.•s to Tee - lend, and alto proved that tile report was /else. That little trip cost Bri- tain something over $500. Jelin Dull also 1ins a eoeple Of disarmed ironeiads 38111(13 search the ocean lo+r d01'ollOt5-. THEY 1)ON"1' FIND MANY, - but theft they do coque across aro Mown 'tip with dynamite on the sett, 1I1E11 BABY' SMILES,: 'iVhen baby smiles mother knows he is well and 111131313'. When he is cross, ailing and fretful, she gives him Baby's Own Tablets, and finds that there'll a smile in Query dose. Thes0 Tablets ewe all little ailments of childhood, smell as indigestion, colic, eensti.Pation, diarrhoea, worms and simple rovers. They snake teething east", sail promote statural shell and /repose, and aro guaranteed not to contain ono particle et opiate or p01son0tis 000113ing stuff. Mrs. Robt, Debra, Tisdale, N.W,T., says:—"I find Baby's Own '.tablets a perfect moth - eine f01' little ones, and always keep' them in the house," Yon can get the Tablets from youn' medicine deal- er or by mail at 28 cents et box by writing rho Dr, Willlaltis ]:Medicine Co„ 1lreekvillef,.Ontc ]''ranee has a special vessel for vis- iting her island J4Osseseim1s and col- lecting rents, rates and taxes from diem, This vessel when off duty, and she neatly always 3s, spends her tittle in delivering; Government messages to roast stations. We hat 0 110 partieulao vessel for r(nit-tollect•3ng, but now and again we are forced to send an ironclad or a gunboat to 'J'oty Island, on the north-west coast of Ireland, to try to make the people pay their rent, rates and t118841. We have not suc- ceeded yet, however, notwithstanding that we have been "dunning" theme for the past twenty years. In 13184 we seat the gunboat Wasp to the isle ad, and while returning 48 poor as she went, she was wrecked Oil the coast, and many of her crew were drowned. A Lew years ago a bigger lighting vea801 sailed to Tory and even she failed to collect a pen- ny from the inhabitants, The Grenade, a I'rencl3 gunboat, has so little work to do that she goal off now and again to catch por- poises in the Mediterranean. The lei:melt flshernlen are glad when the Geenade coned on the warpath, for the po131018 s have increased - to such an extent that their sea -nets are continually being torn to threads by the creatures. H. M. - S. Flolee, while anchored at. Port Stanley, 311 the Falkland Is- lands, was attacked by a huge. block nlonstter that arose with piercing cries from the foam. The captain armed his Crew with harpoons and rifles to destroy the dangerous beast, and after Iwo or three flours' hard lighting it wee killed, and dragged on deck. The monster provers to be a sea elephant, and measu't'd quite forty feet from nose to tail. HE FEELS AS YOUNG AS EVER 1311, CR'SSTER LOOIIZIS TOOT{ DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. And From a Used Up Man Be Became As Smart as a Boy. Orland, Ont., May 1—(Special).— Mr. Chester Loomis, an old and re- spected farmer living in this section, is spreading broadcast the good news that Dodd's Kidney Pills aro a 'sure cure fog. the Lame Bach and Iiidney Disease so common among old people. her. Loomis says: "I am 76 years of age and smart and active as a boy, and X give Dodd's Kidney Pills all the credit for it. "Before I started to wee Docld's Kidney Pills X was so used up I could hardly ride in a buggy, and I could not do any work of any kind. Everybody thought I would not live long. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a tvoncl0r(111 remedy." The Kidneys of the young May be wro115, but the Kidneys of the old must be wrong. Dodd's Kidney Pills make all wrong Kidneys right. That is why they are the old folks' greatest friend. 11 DEATH STRUGGLE WITH LION, Wrostiing Match Nearly Cost the Trainer His Life. While a Franco -American athlete named ltey was practising in Paris with a. lion malted Brutus for the wrestling championship of Europe, which was to open at the Hippo- drome, he had a narrow escape of losing his life. The lion, while its forts paws were on the trainer's neck and its head over his shoulder, unexpectedly fast- enad its teeth inhis jacket. The trainer stopped wrestling, and tried to disengage himself by withdrawing frons the jacket and leaving it in the lion's possession. But he was unable to do this, end Brutus, without becoming actually savage; warmed to the encounter, and began to tear the trainer ahont the shoulders and sides. Although,_ bleeding freely from fifty wounds, Rey, who is a powerful, athletic young follow, kept hie head, and realizing that h0 was at the mercy of the brute if ho fell, kept hint off as best he could. lly this time Mr. Dtistook and his assistants had gathered round the cage trying to rescue the trainer, and watched with apprehension the real- istic combat between the man and Ibo lion. The wrestling bout, which had commenced in the usual playful manner. had now developed into a grim.. contest, in i which 0110 of the combatants was fighting for his life, and for fully two minutes his fate seemed sealed. Rey kept up the uuequnl contest, but a further difficulty in the way of this rescue Was the fact that in a Dago communicating with Brutus a companion lion was malting desperate efforts to force an entry through a half -open door. At last Brutus wen lassoed by. Mr. Bostock and dragged into tho ad- joining cage, :After Rey hadbeen bandaged in the Hippodromeinfirm- aryho was taken to the Rothschild Hospital, wlsere the doctors u s said that, thanks to his athletic constitu,• tiolt, if blood poisoning did not set in they hoped to save hint, Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soak. bD No Breakfast t Table complete without An admirable food, with all Its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter's extreme, cold. It is a valuable diet for children. A DELJGHT UL StiRPRISE forted drinkers is to give thele a hot, steaming cup of FRAGRANT imemasszernakaateseurear instead of sore 04dinary kind. They'll notice the difference quick enough, then nothing will do them but BLUE RIBBON TEA. z 'r t11 ,• :x; ti t z, 40..x. ack to Bicycles The bicycle is king. Every person realizes now that there is no other vehicle so convenient in the country, town or city as tho wheel. The wheels we sell are the best in the world. The Most Nutritious and Economical. A ItOYAL BOOKLET, The Grand Trunk ]]s]]]way System are distributing a very handsome booklet descriptive of the Royal Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake Itosseau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "Highlands of Ontario." The publi- cation is one giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake. and island scenery, the hotel itself, and many of the special features that may be 1083151 there. It is printed on fine enameled paper, 10und in a cover giving the appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of the hotel and surroundings an the same, and the crest of the hotel embossed in high. relief. A glance through this booklet snakes ono long for the plea- sure of Summer and outdoor life, and copies may be secured gratuit- ously by -applying to any Grand Trunk ticket office. In en old Virginia cemetery there is a weather-beaten tonrtbstono bear- ing these inscriptions:— I await my husband, May 23th, 1840. Here I am, December 141h, 1861. Sonne Joker has added:— Late, as usual. Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash' woolens and flannels,- ydu'll like it. We can Help to make people bright by our keenness, but we can never accomplish anything towards malting people good except by our tenderness. Iinard's Liniment Cures Colds, to Atae l ' la g -n elai r • a person who C 1\ detects - t • faults while you are in y011 A 8 11 a ao the act of catling attention to his own. FOR OVPR SIXTY YEA11S. Mrs. 1Vdnslow's Soothing 1yrup has been used by milllons of mothers for their children 'hila teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays pain, cures wludcolic, regulates the etc/leach and bowels, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. 110 sure and ask for 'Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22-94 Robinson—"What spoilt Arclfie's chance with Miss Million?" Jenkins —"She told him she disliked compli- ments." "And he persisted in pay- ing thou?" "No; he was stupid 0130ug13 10 believe ]ler and stop!" Itching,. Burning Skin Diseases °ural for v'h)rky•flee Conte. --Dr. Agnew's , Ointment -relieves in. ono .day,; ane cures Tette', -Snit Rheum, - ScaldIload, ECzonla, Berber's Itchh, Ulcers,. Blotches and all eruptions Of the shill. It is -soothing and ,tulet.ing and acts like magic in the 5111,1 of all baby humors, 355.-47 "I married for money," said , the 91oo11av 31hai1. "Wasn't there a wo- man attached to it?" aslcecl the cynic, "Of 0011180 there was," with increased gloom; "so much attache(] to it that she 11CVer parted with a cert." To prevent 1t Better Than to Repent. A little medicine In rho shape et the wondorlul pellets which are known tts I'arnmelee's Vegetable Pi115, adhdni8(,'l at. the ]proper lima and with the direc- tions irecttions adhered to often prevent a serious attack of siekness and save money which would go to the doctor" In all irregularities of the digestive organs theby cleansing timeablooti theable y clear tllu skin of Imperfections. Mabol—"So you have broken off the engagement? _,,!lave yous'return- ett his ring?" Anty, "Why, no!` that wouldn't be reasonable. en ('0111:80 I have cinan3011 my opinion of George, but I admire the ring As mucli as over," • LINIMENT ENGLISH SPAVIN l;,Ifll Removes ail hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from Morena, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, Sweeney. Wines, sprains, sora awl swollen throat, coughs, etc, Savo 950 by 1100 01 01111 bottle. Warranted the most wonderiel Blemish Cure over known. Jackson—"How's your family?" Johnson—"Pretty well, thank sou!" ".Any of your daughters married yet?" 'No; and 1 Can't understand" wily they don't go off. They use powder -enough, goodness knows!" A Tonle for the Pobilitatetl —farmer 140'8 Vegetable ].ills by acting meetly but thoroughly on the secretions o1 the body es a valuable tele, stimulating the legging organs to bealte (nl action 01111 nos ening Mem to full vigor, They can be 1411100 111 graAnatlitl 1111800 aid 00 000(3 that they can be disco ltiltuotl at any time without ratline et. the -ail mems '111114)34 they were used to allay, Ahonie THE CUSHION FRAME Cleveland Massey=Dards Brantford Welland=Vale is the x1031 feature. It has brought bicycling again into 50- pular tat or—Makes Rough Roads Srtlooth. The Sills' Hygienic Handy Bar a companion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for our new catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper. Canada Ode and Motor C11)33710 y " Makers of the World's Gest Bicycles,? Canadian Headquarters for Automobiles. TORONTO Moscow is situated almost in the geomoLrical centre of European Rus- sia. 111 fitting boots 0.011 shoes cause 10x118. Jla loway's Corti Cure is the article to use. Get a bottle at once and cure your corns. Mlstress—"I unvlerstand you stood for a whole hour in the doorway lest night talking to the policeman, Bid- dy?" 73iddy—"Shure, you wouldn't have me ehtand there for an hour and say nothin', ma'am?" Ninard's Liniment Ceres Diphtheria "What did papa say'?" "He show- ed me the door." "And what did you say?" "I said it was certainly a very handsome door, but not what I had conte to talk about. That made ]dim laugh, and a minute later you were .mine." A General Favorite.—In every place where introduced Dr. Thomas' Eolectric w a repu- tation, has not failed to establish p idea showing g that the starling quni- lued }tier ,sre n they sec aro valued 31 is 3(5c when 1;1180 become luhoan, of 0 general use in Canada and countries as a household medi- cine slno mud the demand for i each year shows that it is a favorite wherever used. Ml's. Render—"I'es, I couldn't abide the neighborhood; it was unfashion- able, you know." Mrs. Teatime — "And you could think of no other way to improve it than by moving?" Batter Without a Stomach than with one that's got a constant "hurt" to it. Br. Von Stall's Pineapple Tablets 5th-tit-- Mate tinkselate the digestive organs. Let ono en- joy the good things of life and leave no bad effects—carry then with you in your vest pocket -00 In box, 85 cents. —4S Where there's a- will there's delay. !fords' on the weather dock to- gether. • ifinard's Liniment Cures Distemper Lady of Uncertain Ago—"She be- haved abominably. She told me I was a hopeless old maid. Wasn't that unladv111(1?" Bind Friend—"It certainly Was, but it's better to be wade than untruthful." tickle's Ant -Consumptive Syrup needs no recommendation. '10 all who ars familiar with it, it speaks for itself. Yen's of 1150 in the treatment of colds and coughs and all affections of the threat has Unquestionably established its ulnae among the very best medicines for suet diseases. 'If you give it a trial you will not regret it. You will And 1t 25 emits well invested, Employer (to nett' office boy)— "Iles the cashier told you what you arc to do this afternoon?" 011100 Boy—"Yes, sir; I'm to wake hien. when T sec ,you coining." Manly Strength and Womanly BoautY depend on purity of the blood, and ankh of that purity depends on perfect kidney filtering, If these organs are diseased -attd will not perform their functions. lean will seek In vain tor 8110ngth and ty0111811 for betuity. S0111,1 A1110r1caa Kidney Cure chives out all impurities through the belly's "4lterere" —replill's weak spots. -40 EART1'UZUAI1ES IN BRITAIN. Earthquakes are not so uncommon in the British Isles as plight use sup- posed, 01 tho 0,5111 earthquakes which have been rop0rted in the world from the earliest tinges up to 1850, the British Ts1es were respon- sible for no fewer than 288. Tho district of omnc'ie, in Perthshire, is the favorite resort of the earthquake, and in the whiter of 1830, 140 earth- quakes were experienced in this local- ity. Both in England and Scotland the autumn nil the commonest time for earthquakes, there have bon seventy -111110 in autumn, seventy-four in wiener, forty-four in spring, and fifty-eight in summer, Concerts ore a nine thing to keep ,a lean from having a gnarl blue, 'fit OR SALE-7'ASIIIONABLE BLOOD rAI• stallions of Arab, Clay, Morgan, ambletonian and thoroughbred blood for sale, on time, or may be syndicat- ed. 11'or pedigrees and particulars ad- dress John li. Hall, 1315,, 826 Jarvis St., Toronto. .. 225 AC1018 )'ARM IN T0111 OARDIDN spot of the world, rural delivery et the door, and church on the farm, 011 the main wunty road. 24 miles of town, large dwelling with 7 rooms, 2 porches, 2 halls, alar, plenty barn and stable ronin, carriage house, lovely large shade trees. weeping willow and maple. You can raise about anything you plant on this farm; half of it is clay, balance is dark loam, choice apple and teach orchard, best of grass land, healthy climate, 50 acres in wood and timber, can mail you 92 pagebook describing Maryland all free by asking. Price of farm now $2,000. Price will soon double, we farm and plow 9 mouths in the year on this farm. Ad - these Dr. J. Lea Woodcock, 406 !jam - den Ave., Salisbury, lid. 1152P and TOO ti ERS .q1 e8ol,or oriwt, cad etumlr d aauhurod. somecu,n 1 nor. Powerful, /real en ordlnery stump N 136 f�9nnd imam... l to 6 ,;, .... Yr acres ee a neo- C -ow rlag• macront " ,,c1.14" to sere Priced.all mads of*lo_a . For illustrated la g.. caWoeeddroee =� lSlIne Frlfg. So. 978-81 nth St., Monmouth, III. eyeing ! e lag ! Porti. r.rr I..t bead your work to the r� t3filYlt6W AMEIIICAN DYEING @2." book ter Veen In your t0wa, or wad 41..88. A'lanti c&, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebw, Customer (severely)—"Do you sell' deceased meat here?" Butcher (blandly)—"Worse than that." Gus'- tomer (excitedly)—"Mercy on 1101' Ilow can that be possible?" Butcher (confidentially)—"The meat - I sell is' dead—absolutely dead, sir.'r Minartl's L 11Ifenl Gnre3 GurG31 11 COB Ile who expresses his willingness to die for a 310010tH always reserves the right to fix the date of has de- mise. If your children aro ten -timed with worms, give them Mother Graves Worm Exterminator; safe, sere and effectual. Try it and mark the improvement in your child. Rite, "Did you say, "]'his 19 80 sudden!' when Jack proposed?" "No. I intended to, you know; but I was se flustered that I forgot, and cried, 'At last!' instead_" Twitchy Musolos and Slconloseneos —The hopeless heart sickness that Bot- tles on a man 0r 3Olnaan whoa: nerves are shattered by disease tan host be pictured in cohtrese with a patient Whohas been in the"depths" and hasbeen dragged from flew Ilyy 5033(11 Amnrlcan !+genuine, George Wellston, of honest, Olt„ says: ' I owe my life t0' 3t, hvorythiug else failed to euro," -44 ITowltt— "Mott fellow saved mo from bankruptcy," Jewitt—"How was was that?" Ilewitt-"ITe married tho extravagant girl X -'was engaged to,." Those whom neglected coughs have stilled were once a* healthy and robust 118 you. Don't follow in their paths of negielt. 1'ako s c Etch' 3 satin Cur 'The Lung axe Tonic right now, It isgua:tanteed to cure, 1t has (30red Many thole - ands. 2.5e. Prices: "91....LeRr y ,'1?Vrcrnxo tto. C tit,8 ISSUE NCI, 1"� •OJ.