The Brussels Post, 1905-5-4, Page 1ion Vol. 33. No. 43 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1903 W. H. KERR, Prop. New Advertisements. Wool—J. T. Wood. Lime—D. A. Lawry. Local—Thos. MoGregor. Goat found—John smith, For 60 years—EL L. Jackson. Hones cleaning—Mo&innon & Go. Mistrial . Rr7s, Lan to va CI. The voting on the byelaw to sett to D. Hibner and Oce, of Beeline the town's Internet in the (their factory end fixing tate aneeeement for ten yearn on the old property and additions to be built at $14,000, resulted in the bylaw being carried by an overwhelming majority, There were only two voter recorded against it. Total vote for, 486 ; against, 2, Binevn.tae. Joseph Leech was a visitor to Lietowel recently. Robb. and Mre. Mangrove spent Easter in Toronto. Mre. Stowe, olGoderioh ie visiting her eon, J. Johnston. Maloolm Aikenhead spent Easter at. his home in Benefield. Cheater Pugh, of Pelmereton, spent Easter at his home here. George MoDonalll and Master Cameron spent Monday at Moleewortb. Mre. MoKenny, and Mies Nellie epent the holiday with relatives in Toronto. John Bergen ie attending the quarter. ly audit of the G. 0. F. at 8rauttord this week. Mise Belle Powell, of Turnberry, is staying with her aunt, Mre. George Mo. Donald. Mire Gerrie Oasemore, of Wroxeter, visited her annt, Mrs, R. 0. B'i„her this week. Albert Denman, of the Aleroh•.nt's Bank, Owen Bound, spent Exeter et hie horse here. Master Harvey and Mies Leann Elliott, of Wingham, spent the holidays with their grandparents, R. and Mre. Mason - Will. Ell iottenbertained a number of bis young friends last Monday evening in honor of his gnee0e, Lloyd Thompeon and Gordon Hay, of Listowel. John Warman, who recently sold hie business here to W. Davidson, hae pnrohaeed a Immo and blaokemitb ebop at Clinton end is moving this week. Mise Cora Meager, of Lietowel High School, Mies Pearl Baker, of St. Marye Collegia'e Iestit.nto, lvlise Aline Duff, of London Normal Babool, Will. Elliott, of Lietowel High School and Clifford Pugh, of Goderioh Collegiate, all spent their bolidaye here. For s® Years GENWN E "18/[7 Rogers Bros. Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. tr have been made and given perfect satisfaction. The prefix "./14 7” on any kni fe,fork or spoou,wherever bought, guarantees ;Lehigh quality. We have a well assorted stook of the above Goods. Our Priors are Close. It Paye to Buy the Best. You are assured of getting the Genuine Article from a L. J:ICIESON BRUSSELS. LI E FOR S AZA Mr. Pollard and wife, who have lived here for about a year, gold their house to Mre. Martin Mestere lest week and on Mouday moved their household effects to Beauvais. VV' Ingle ram. Evangelist Mies Morton, of Toronto, ie expeoted to assist Rev. Dr. Gundy with special revival services in Wiughem, eommeuoing Sunday, May 7th. The Britannia House, London, hoe ohauged hands. Monday night W, F. Dnlmage, formerly proprietor of the Brunawiols Honer at Wingham, took possession of the hotel, having purchased the lioenee, good will and furniehinge from J. Efefferman, It is underetood tint the building will be renovated. Mr. Dulmage k a eon of the former proprietor of what was known in London half a oentury ago as Gray's Inn, now known at the I7odgine House, corner of Talbot and King streets. The undersigned will keep for sale the .best qual- ity of Lime for Building and Plastering purposes during this season. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. Guard Your\ yes. ft. sunshine melte, sestna painful, drone discomfort and or, haps permanent in. Jury w111 Ise avoided by wearin0 our Lon- don Smoked Glasser. 25 cents per pair and -' u•wards. MISS Teenie Sample Ol TSdSAZS BRUSS ELS Be1araYe. What about Bodmiu foot bridge 7 All the hustlers are through reeding. Quarterly Communion service wee held in the Methodist church hereleet Sabbath morning. Belgrave Base Ball Club have re• organized for the coming season. Look oat for some fast playing. Budmin Lime Works have burnt their second kilo of lime and have the 8rd fill• ed and ready to burn when required. They are hustlers at the lime trade. Wilson Nioholson and John Vetti while ang,,ged at eorippiug earth from the rook and they were in the act of damping a load of earth at the side of the river the waggon np.et into the water taking the horse with i0. Io took some activity in freeing the horse from his nunomfortable position, Wilson sad Jack won't forget the eoen° for many it day to oome. Clinton. A bylaw to loan the Clinton Knitting Company $0,000 for 20 years, ales a fixed asseesnleet, was carried by. 806 for t0 27 agaiuet. The company intend enlarging their feotory at once. FnENen—OoorUR —On Tuesday of last week the home of Mre. Wm. Cooper, Clinton, was the scene of a pretty wed• ding, when her third daughter, Mies Eva, was nuked in marriage to Viotor Cole man Freon), pablieber and proprietor of the Webankiwin Time. The bride is a native Oliutonian and the groom lived in that town for Some time, being a member of the New Era &teff some yeses _ ago. The ceremony was performed a0 noon, in the punnet) of abont fifty guests, by Rev. Mr. Manning, the bride being given away by her brother, John A. Cooper, Toronto. The groom was supported by J. 13, Schneider, of Mitchell, Miss Olive Oooper was maid of honor, Min Mad Entry, $safortb, wee bridesmaid, and Mies Marjorie Cooper, flower girl. three sone are lett to mourn her lose, The Naomi took plane to the Wroxeter natatory on Saturday afternoon, the eervioo being conducted by Rev. L. Perrin. .xftutoentUwn. Edward Buena attended the monthly meeting of the Howlett Mantel Fire Insaraooe Go. last Saturday. Be is Vire President. Thor. Bennett, of the Grey Boundary, bas lensed the Perieh farm, on the same line, from W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, and is raehiug in the prop. Tuesday of next week George Rattan, an old and highly esteemed resident of this locality, will celebrate hie 89'h birthday. He bag been it particularly active man for a person of hie years. Rev. W. J. West, of Bluevale, preaebed here laet Sabbath evening. Friday of Ohne week Rev, Dr. Rose, of Brunie, will address the prayer meeting. A col• lection will be taken next Sabbath even. ing for the Lord's Day Allianoe Fend. Cbrem bro°k. It ie expeoted an Epworth League will be organized in Oranbrook before the Bummer is over. Last Sunday the pastor received eighteeninto full membership in the Methodist church. The until Sabbath afternoon servioe& in the Methodist church will be mannelled next Sunday owing to the Q.arterly Communion et Brunie. The Oraubrook Beet Ring will kill their first beef on Tuesday the 16th inet, Petrone will get their beet on the morn- ing of the 17th. A. MODoemn, Secretary. Willie Forrest, son of John Forrest, of Cranbrook, is on the line np of the Boat. ford Foot ball team tbie reason. He will do hie part to keep then) in the winning line. At the annual. Sunday Sohooi meeting in commotion with the Methodist ohnrab last Taeoday evening, the following officers and teachers were elected for the ensuing year :-Superintendent, F. Reddalz i Aee't. Superintendent, Arthur Helm ; Beoretary, Robert A. MoDoneld.; Teem -tree, Mre. Forrest ' Organists, Robert Tyerman, Tank Switzer, Norma Sperling and Attie Forrest; teachers, F. reildatz, \ire. Forrest Mre. Tyerman, Mrs. Helm, and Nellie Switzer. Ase't. teachers, John Knight, George Sperling, Clara Hunter and Tante Switzer. th alb of. Rumor bee it that a wedding is on the Lapis before many menthe page away. Township Council here next Monday. Some of the drainage &themes will be considered. Seeding iswell nigh onmpleted and the root atop is ebtraotiag the attention of the farmers, James Bremner and wife of Astoria, Oregon, were visitors with relatives and old friends of this locality, The 100 sore farm near Ethel belonging to Mrs. Holland, of Toronto, has been leased by Geo. Bateman, of the same Motility, whole now in possession. Mr. Bateman will probably pnrohaee the property. Is could be made a very corn. fortable home and ie oonvenienbly located. STNDIOATJ Punonaen.—Some fourteen peewee in the township' purahaeed the Peroberon [stallion, "Claudine" (53,020) Irom Kidd Bros., of Lietowel. The pries ie said to be $2800. Mr. Briggs, of Elk- horn, Wis., U. Be imported this horse from France. He is 4 years ofd, black in oolor and weigh& 2050 ponnde. His route will be through Grey and a notion of Morris townsbips. The company owning "Claudine" have appointed Thos. Vodden manager for them and Jno. Love will be in obarge of the horse. A photograph was taken of the animal on Wednesday of this week. W rox<atner. Mies Jeanie Miller has gone to Toronto. Arthur Robinson left for Regina on Tuesday morning.. Austin Morrison, of Meekdale, ie,vieit• ins his parents here. Ormsby Laokie, of Wingham, is spend. ing a few daye in the village. Mrs, W. Rutherford spent last Thurs day witb Harriston relatives. A load of Odd Fellows from here spent' Sunday afternoon in Wingham. George Stewart, of Woodbridge, is the guest of bis mother, Mrs. W. 0, Stewart, The Epworth Leavue members intend visiting the Salem Lengne ou Thursday evening. There wag a good attendance at the Quarterly meeting in the Methodist church Sunday morning. H. kfoDonald, of Mlobigan, renewed acgnaintunoes in the village after an absences of eighteen years. The young people of the Wesbminister Guild held their last meeting of this eeaeou on•Friday evening last. Obarleo 9andoreon left for Hamilton on Monday where he will vleita few days before leaving for the West, Rev. L. Perrin senhmnged service's with Rev, kir, .Burnett, pastor of the Presby. terian church in Moleetvorth, on Sunday: Reuben Benham, - Who eternity par. (Mined the mutant building on Main street, from John -Sanderson,is, this week, having ib torn down. The ennui meeting of the share• holders of the Wroxeter Seale Go., will be ,held in J. Douglas' shop Thursday evening, A. dividend of tan per cent. has been deolared. Arne JNo Koox DEAD.—Another one of Howtok's early settlers ,parsed away on .bbureday of last week en the, person of Aire. John Knox, after an ilinees of about a year. A husband, one daughter and 13.0 r rem. BRED Pom000zs.—The undersigned has received a on of Choice Seed Potatoes from Oxford Go. They are s °roes be. tween the Elephant end Rose. A. BARKER. Brunie. Township °ounoit and Court of Revis- ion will be held on Monday May 29th. Mrs. and Miee Hood will continue to make their home at Bauehine for the present. James Sharpe, 5th line, sent one of bis teams to Walton to work with the son sbrnotion gang of the 0. P. R. There was no service in Sunshine church last Sabbath owing to the quart- erly service being held at Belgrave. Miss Tillie Ciennsn, notes, lett on Wednesday for Nelson, B. 0., where she pnrposes•meking her home. We wish her a sate journey and a pleasant time. Last Sabbath afternoon the Union Sunday School meeting in the Andereon Battool house re•opened for this season's work. Thos. Btraoban is the faithful Superintendent, having filled the position tor a number of years. Word comes from the Morrisitee who recently went to Asstniboia that they are well pleased with the looality, are busy plowing for oats and have one houseand stable completed. The weather is warm. Lyon Findlater hae taken up a farm alio. AV ett1 tan. has melded with bin daughter, Mre, Cardiff, 14th oon, of Grey, Mr, Pergu. eon was lite long Conservative and a member ofthe Episoopal oharoh, Elie funeral on Tuesday last was largely at, tended, Interment was made le Brue. eels aemebery, Rev. Mr. Lang Ford oon• earned the servioe, rare 1'. 13sRD PoxAToae.—The undersigned hes received a oar of Ohoioe Seed Poteboee from Oxford Go. They are a arose be. tween the Elephant and Rose. A. Banana, Brussels. Connell meeting at Ethel next Monday. A Hielop M. P. P., returned to Torun. to on Tneeday after bbe Easter reoeee, The C. P. R. construction work is pioking up all the surplus men and teams. Mr. Pennington, of the Northwest, is hereon avisit to hie brother of this township. S. R. Creme, 9th eon., is home from the School of Praotiesl Soienne, Toronto, having completed his coarse. Quarterly Communion services will be held at Roe's aboroh next Sabbath morn. ing, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Wells conduct. ing the meeting. Mrs. W. H. Salter left on Monday for Toronto where her baeband has a sit. nation. She is a daughter of Chas. Rozeli, 9th oon. Tbe.driving mare of John Jaokeon, Lot 12. Cone 5, put away from home ou San. day evening April 23rd when turned loose to get adritk at the water trough. Joshua Flood and family hem moved to the Ransom farm whiob he pnrohased last year. They name from Chesley. Mr. Flood's father is visiting here now. Doe. Shine and wife and baby, of Monkton, were here on Tuesday attend ing the funeral of Mrs. Shine's grand. father, Mr. Ferguson, who had attained a royal old ego. Following is the result of the April promotion examinations in 8. 8. No. 2, Grey — Sr. III—Richard Onnningham, Mary Stewart. Jr. III—Wilbur Turn• ball, Cassie Stewart, May Oliver, Iva Harris, Jack Ceuta. Sr. II—Oras Steiee, Jennie Oliver. Jr. 1I — Millie Casio, Pt. II—Lola Steles, Alex. Stew. art. Pt. I—Leslie Oliver, Ina Gunning. ham, Iona Steles. M. Zlutrnn, Teacher. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—Thursday, April 20th, ended the services of R. Weir as teacher of 5, S. No. 4. We are exceedingly sorry to lose him es he was a sincere friend of all his pupils. Tom Smith read the following address, and little John McDonald presented the teacher with a gold watch, chain and charm, as a Blight token of their ape preoiation of hie labors amongst them for the past two years and a half :— DEAR TEACHER : Hearing with deep regret that yon are about to leave us, we deem that the present a fitting oppor• sanity offering to you an expression of the reopen and esteem- with whioh we regard you. We feel that in parting with you, we loge not only a teacher but a friend whose kind advice has won the affection of all hie pupils. While we einaerely eoknowledge the interest you have always taken in nor welfare, we brambly regent your aooeptanoe of this watch and ohne, not on amount of its real value but barman it is a heart tribute. Accept Ihie, then, dear teaober, and often as it meets your gaze, may i1 be a pleasing remembrance at the many happy days spent with us at No. 4. In conolnsiou, we bid you an affectionate farewell, we tenet that your life may be a long and useful one, and that health, prosperity and bappinees, may ever attend you. Signed in behalf of the school, TON SMITH, Elm= Moiuxaveo, JOHN- MCDONALD. Mr. Weir in reply thanked bis pupas for the lovely present and hoped that they ail would be better men and women for hie being here. We wish him success in hie new field of work and trope to have him bask to visit our eohool in the our future. Mr. Weir his new duties ae Principal of Marmara Pablie School Nat Monday. Lewis McDonald is home from Torun. to. MSS Sberritt is- visiting at Wm. Neal's this week. The erection of John, Bennett's honer is progreeeing rapidly. Mies and Min Jean Harvey, of Wyoming, have been visitors at the Parsonage. Mrs. and Mies Lizzie Barrows bays re. turued from a two week's' visit with friends in Bareis00n, Rev, Mr. Miles, of Kincardine, will conduot the service in St. George's obaroh next Sunday afternoon. Sacrament will be observed in the Mebbodiet church next Sunday at 10 a. m. Epworth League will oondnot the evening service. The Epworth League held their oleo - tion of ofoets Int Thursday evening M. suiting ae follows :—Hon, Pres., Rev. R. S. Baker ; Pree., J. W. Morrison ; 1st Vice Pres., Lizzie Barrows ; 2nd Vioe Pres„ J. M. Dennison ; 3rd Viols Free., Mrs. J. W. Morrison ; 4th Vtoe Pres., Mrs, R. S. Baker; Seo., Minnie Ben. nett ; Organists, L. Fulton, 0. Berry, E. Dennison, G. Grigg, EnTseeD INTo RReT.—One of the oldest pioneers of this dietriot weed away from earth on Saturday at 11 p. m. in the person of James Ferguson. Though bel. fug attained the advanced age of ninety years Mr. Firemen had alweye been hearty and fresh looking and very active until seized about it week before by an attaok of la grippe which remelted in hie death. He was born in the County of Leitrim, Ireland, in the year 1814 end when about twenty yesre of age: went 4o Manobeeter, "Englund. In this city be wag united in marriage to Miee Anne. Hyland on Sept. 15th 1841, From thin marriage was born elx eons and one daughter, of whom survive Tbomae, of Bmitli'c Feint ; Robt. H. end Mre, W. H. Humphries, of Walton. In 1847 the family emigrated to the County of Leede and settled in the township of Ititley, Where hie wife died in 1855. Hie mond wife was Mre. Margaret Daley, o! New Yorlc' pity, of which marriage two. children were boro of whom Mrs. Thos. Cardiff, of Grey, eurvivos. Tbey finally moved to the Briton tract tbirtytbree years ago, settlibg in the Township of McKillop. Since the death of hie mooed wife, thirteen yore ago, Mr. Ferguson 86TH ANNIVERSARY OF TUE 1.0.0.F. ANNUAL SSEIt1ION TO 1111231112112 OF IVE$TEItN treAte LODGE The 80th aanivereary of the organiza- tion of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Amerioa, whiob important event took plane in Halbimors, Maryand, U. S., on April 28th, 1819, was, in as oordanae with the annual custom in Brussels, marked by the attendance of abnnt 60 members of Weebern Star Lodge, No. 149, Brussels, at Melville obaroh last Sabbath evening, who oe. copied the centre pews. 'Holy 1 Holy 1 Holy I" wee the epee. ing hymn followed by prayer after whiob the hymn "0 1 worship the King" was well sung. The Scripture lessons were taken from the let and 120b °haptere of Hebrews. Before joining in singing "Jeans stand among us in this happy bone" Rev. Dr, Roes dropped into a reminitoent mood and called up the faob that 25 years ago he bad the honor of presohing to the same body—and yet not the tame, , is be understood there were only 4 of the then membership in Western Star L .lge, through removals, death or other oaasee. There were sorrowful reoolleotioce in those passing years yet many reaeormfoe rejoioing as well. Leet year Canadian Odd Fellowship had increased lbs Oben] berehip by 1,825, an Monne of 150 per month. In its 5 fold work its labore have been drowned with success amour its Inge 3 linked family of 80,475, devoted to good work. The benevolent wore of the Order during 1904 wae indeed pt An - worthy as no lees a sum than $105 318, $2000 a week or $288 for each day had been paid out. Total expenditure $297, 551 with a balance in hand of 81,185.820 or $39 per member. The speaker c :m• plimenbed the brethren on the remit of the Order ; advieed a looking forward to ice inoreaee and oontinuanoe ; and above all a looking to the great God, wbo is the Great Benefactor of all. The text ohoseu was an unmet one, Hebrews 12th chapter and 27th v:ree, "And this word yet once more eignifieth the removing of than things that are shaken as of things that are made that Mose things whiob cannot be shaken map remain," and the disooarse based upon it wag -a moat excellent exposition. of the words chosen as the basis of the sermon. In hie introduction the speak- er pointed ;out the transitory oondltton of many things es proven by history in ice relation to Nations and individuate, also tette ae to religions and common society. While this is true many things eblde and remain and prove themselves able to stem the merciless °arrant, These are the great tbiage for us and our aim should be to discover them, value and esteem them. Among the things that oannotbe shak- en the tollowtog were pointed oat and dwelt upon with good effect :—(1) The Personality o1 God or the Divine Being. Voltaire ereoted a obnrcb upon whieb the words were inscribed "Voltaire emoted this to God." Bismarck, Tennyson and 3. Russell Lowell Dame to the conolteion that there 000ld be no substitute for a personal God. Joseph in Egypt [laid "I die but God will &rarely visit thee." (2) The Gospel of God. We need a word wiser than man's. The newest and freshest literature ie in the Bible. Authors live and die bot the Bible occupies a stronger place today than ever. Stanley going to Africa was offered hie choice of gifts and be said "Give roe a Bible," and in the wilds of that dark oontioent he read it through three times There is no change in it, it ie fest and firm. (8) The 'Cron of the Son of God. The whole redemptive work of God cannot be shaken. Calvary and Ibe noes have not lost their power. Legend bag i0 that the nose was made of aspen wood and that the aspen leaf has retained the trembling ae oommemorabive of the angnieh of the San of God npoe the rugged tree. In Trinidad a faithful missionary paned away in the midst of hie labors and on his tombstone were in. scribed the words "Rook of Agee." Our wisdom ie shown in bnilding upon this etre foundation. (4) The incomparable worth of the goal of men. Values can be ebaken in nom. meroe but the eon! is poesese55 of three elements of inestimable value (a) Its exalted nature ; (b) Its wondrous espa- oily ; (a) Its endless duration. Man needs the thingsthat cannot be shaken and the three mentioned rhoaid be arearly underetood. A man passing away l,'om this world without a clear evidence of the hope beyond -amid "My God give me [Something to bold on to.' If we are thoroughly aroused as to the oeassuy of possessing the things that are' treble and enduring bye and bye we wi-1 be possessors of that kingdom that punnet be Weaken. The choir rendered to eaitable selection after which the hymn "Blessed be Jehovah" was sang and the Bened'o,ion prouonnoed. Many favorable comments were expressed on the disooaree by the brethren as they marched back to the lodxoom Westeeoge $, bar Lodge has about. 180 members and is in good ooudition al to Management and attendance. Their meetings are held every Thursday even• ing and are generally interesting. A Degree Team puts on the work in first. clave style and the fancy marches and scenic effects are well worth seeing. The officers and members will bepleased to eopply idrther information to any de. airing it. At noon lest Friday a fire whiob bhreabenee to prove serious to a whole emotion of Sebringville VMS eatingu'eVied after abrennoue efforts. Mre. John, Weber wee making soap and ,while elle wee at dinner the fire in nine manner THE FIELD OF SPORTS. Henson beat Bayfield 2 to 0 in an Inter- mediate Foot Ball conked at the former plane on Saturday. Atwood will beve a team in the W. F. A. Intermediate eeriest. They have some Very good material. too. The opening football game in the inter mediate aeries was played at Galt Sabnr. clay afternoon between Galt and Guelpb, resulting in favor of Gait by 3 to 1. The opening intermediate W. F. A. match of the season was played at Strut• ford Tuesday evening between Stratford and Milverton, and resulted in a victory for the home teem by 2 goals to O. The game wee not fast, both beanie requiring, praobioe. Milverton ficished in better shape than the others. At hell time the score woe 1 to 0 in favor of Stratford, Brown Jackson, of Seaforth, wee referee. Following wile thelineup:—Milverbon— Goal, Fmkbelner ; backs, Pnrsell, Weir ; heli baeke, Pfeffer, Tanner, McLellan t forwarde, Petrie, Lederman, Smith, Loth, Spencer: Stratford — Goal, Strobridge 1 haoke, Res, A. MoNiool; belt backs, R. MoNiool,: Armstrong, Keating ; forwards, Bineggerger, Forrest, Easton, McDonagh, Bandeeke. • Janne Pringle, jr., disposed of the greater part of his inlereet in the Rodd' & Cullen Milling Co., Slrlttford, to a syndicate of which W. J. Mooney, of s Mooney Bewail Company, and A. C. Me- Leod, head miner of the amid & Cullen Company, are prominent members. The. transfer of the property, known as the Olaseio City Mille, will nqt be made until Auguat let, the banning to be nontinned in the meantime by the present company. Mt. Pringle will retain an interest in.bhe property as a stookholder in the new company, and will confine hie attention to buying of grain in oar - load tote int aesooiabton with hie father, who bag long been engsgsd in this bust• nese. woeked ander the woodshed and some rails whieb were stored there were soon ablaze. It was with great 4:Meetly that the 14e wee pat out. Brussels Council. The regular meeting of Brassie Gonn- an wee held last Monday evening, all the members present exoepting Council. for Stewart wbo le still on the elek list. Minutes of last meeting read and pave• ed. A000nnts were presented ae follows : —A. MaLaaablin, salary, $25 00 ; R. Henderson, Fire lops., $100. Moved by Jas. Janes, seconded by 8. T. Plum that the above actuante be paid. Carried, Moved by S, T. Plum, seconded by R. Thomson that an order be granted on the Treasurer for $600.00, representing two loans made from the Sinking Food, Carried. Moved by R. Thomson, eeornded by Jae. Jones that Court of Ravision be held on the let Monday of Jane at 8 p. en. in Connell Chamber. Carried, Weigbmaeter MoLaaohlin reported the feels from weigh melee for the month of April as $28.85. The following letter was read to the Council :— John Leckie, Esq , Brlasreie 7 Mx Das Ma. LRoxxn.—I bad an inter- view some few days ago with J. W. Leon• ard, who hag obarge of the 0. P. R. work in the Western portion of the. Provinae and submitted to him that portion of the eleotrio railway sobsme which provides for the oonetraotion of a line between Braude and Seatorth and submitted to him that it would be in the interest of his Company to aid ne in bbe oonetraotion of this portion of our Bahama. He seemed very favorably inolined and I think the G. P, R. will eventually either guarantee one bonds or adopt some other propoei• Won that will enable ne to nnaooe the enterprise. He has directed the Engin- eer here, Mr. Peterson, with whom I have to day bad an interview, to go over the line and report upon the probable cost. Mr. Peterson is thoroughly acquainted with the road between Wel ton and Sealorth and it not necessary for him to go over it. We propose on Friday to drive out from here to Walton and on to Brussels. I have great hopes that we will entire the oonstraotion of. Ibis piece of road and altbongh nothing ie fixed I believe that if reasonable en- couragement ie given by Seatorth and by Brunets, the scheme will go throagb. I hope to see you and some of the leading men of Brussels when I am there on Friday next. YonreM. faithtuily, G. OAMRnON. Goderioh, April 28 h, 1905. Moved by J. G. Jones, seconded by R. Thomson that the Reeve, Clerk and J. Leckie and W. H, Kerr be appointed to meet delegation on Friday and disuse the matter. Carried. Attention was oalled bo the open viola- tion of the By-law prohibiting the nee of bioyolee on the .sidewalk. Constable Ma raudhlin was insbraoted to lay infor- mation against all violaters at once. Moved by Robt. Tbomeoo, seconded by J. G. Jones that tenders be asked for a supply of soreened and nnsersened gravel for the nee of streets in Brussels, bendere to be opened at next Oonnoil meeting. Carried. Moved by S. T. Plum, seconded by J. G, Jones that the Reeve be inetraoted to pnrohaee a small building from Wm. MoEwen, to eon $10 00, for nee of octal aud,boas for fire engine, the same to be planed at the toot of Elizabeth street and flummery wrenches proonred for fire engine. Carried. Thaell Bros. asked payment of $13 50, deducted' from last a000unt for electric light but no notion was taken as Byelaw mils for light on 75 nights in each quarter, or a redaotion of 120. per lamp for eaob omission. A oheok ie kept on the lights so that the a000nnt may be verified each quarter. Councillor Jones moved that the threenights the lights were off owing to water in the power house, from freshet, be allowed, bat got no ee000der. Captain Carrie and Engineer James of the Fire Brigade asked relative to the new proposal as to running the Fire Go., bot as the meeting to arrange proposition had not yet been held by Gommtttee, the matter was left over. Necessary repairs to sidewalk at the iron bridge and the question of a damp. ing grannd foe the town were discussed ae was the necessary repairs bo foundation for Fire Engine at foot of Elizabeth street and the keeping of etree0 Maar to river at the end of Marko t street to mill dam. Council then adjourned. CHURCH CHIMES. Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford took obarge of the funeral of the late Mr. Kerr, of Henlryn, last Friday afternoon. Quarterly communion will be observed next Sabbath morning in the Methodist church, Brussels, servioe oommenoing at 10 80 o'olook. Testimony meeting at the conclusion of the evening sermon. The annual Angelioan Sunday school Convection of the deanery of Huron will be held this year in Exeter the eeoond week in June. Mr. Merchant, of the London Normal School, will give an ed. dress. Port Elgin Presbyterian church will bold Jubilee servioes.on the second Sun- day in July and following day, it being fifty years ibis Bummer since the first nodose were held by a Presbyterian minister within the bounds of what is the preeent oongregation. An unnenelly large number of minis- ters of the Methodiet church are this year celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their entrance into the ministry. Prom - inept among them ie Rev. Dr, Sather- eiland, Secretary of the Miseiooary Society of the ohnrob, and one of the recognized leaders of Methodism in Canada. Dr. Sutherland began hie work at Clinton half a century ago, where be wag on oireeit twenty by thirty miles, and at a time when iho 'Huron Trout" was being rapidly populated. Rev. J. 0. Pomeroy, of Rlneaedlne, will else ogle. brats his jubilee thle year. Maitland Presbytery will meet in Wingham on Wsdueeday of next week, Wingham t o " hey Methodiet oburebDlstriewill bemeeting bald onf Mat 28rd end 24th in Wingham. Next Sunday morning Rev. Mr, Milee, of Kinoardine, will preach in St. John's oburob. Evening service will be with. drawn as Mr. Miles is to conduct service at en, "bHbs Sfryuabbath was made tor man" woe the text nausea by Rev. T. Wesley Gonne in his dieoouree lest Bebbeth morning fu .Melville oharch in oonneo• MOD with the Lords' Day Alliance San - day. That the Allianoe ie doing a good work is beyond question and it deserves the hearty support of all wbo desire to see the day reverenced. The transfer oommittee of the Metho. dist Church in Canada, which met in the Wesley building, Toronto, on Thursday of last week, made the following Crane• fere (among others), whiob will take effect at 9 o'oloak on the first day of the Oouferenoe to which they have been transferred :—From London Conference —R..v. G. H. Cobhlediek to Hamilton, Rev. W. R. Yonng, D. D. to Montreal, Rev. 0.T. Soots to Montreal, Rev. G. J. Bishop to Bay of gelato, Rev. J. H. Johnston to Alberta, Rev. Joseph Coulter to Alberta, Rev. A, W. Budd to Montreal, Rev. Alfred Andrews (euperannated) to Hamilton. To London Conference--Rsv. W. L. Rutledge from Hamilton. Time. Griffith end Rev. J. W. Graham from Montreal, Rev. F. B, Lanoeley from Bay of Qainte. Tris meeting of the exeontive of the Huron County B. B. and 0. E, Aeso- oiaticns at Clinton on Good Friday was very poorly attended, but programs was made with the program and other ar- rangements preliminary to the anneal convention to be held no Goderioh, Jane 18 nod 14 and there its good promisee of a large attendance end one of the beat gatherings in the history of the aseooia. Bone. Cor. Beo'y. James Mitobell has lettere from E. A. Hardy, Proe.:Teacher Training Seo'y. ; Thomas Yetlowleee, Field Secretary, and Mrs. Wm. Duosan, a leading exponent of primary work, eaob premising to be preeent to aseiet in the 5, 8. program. It is probable tbat Mr. Hardy will hold a min of services for the exposition of teaching methods, be• ginning on Sunday, Jane llth, and end. ing Jane 140h, and arrangements are be. ing considered to have these at three of the county °entrss, outside the convention at Goderioh. - Lest Sabbath wae specially devoted to the Lord's Day Allianoe work throughout the land. In town sermons were preaob• ed along tbe line indicated and prsotioal seggestione proffered ae how to best aid the Allianoe in their work, Rev. Dr. Roes oaoupied the Methodist ohnrch pulpit in the morning and preached from the text "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy &c." He showed the obliga- tion resting upon everybody to observe this oommand, not a creation of the State or eborob bat on the highest authority— God the eternal. The broad arrow Indicated royal possession and so did the Lord's Day. It Is an abiding testimony of the living and true God ; a day com- memorative of God's gresteet works of creation and redemption. There is an express command as to its proper ob- servance, not individual but universal. It is e law that cannot be abrogated. The Sabbath should be kept holy faith. folly; it should be kept with gratitude and gladness. It ie a God given right. Rev. Mr. Gonne preached in the evening, big theme being "A summons to be manly." METnoDIsT SABBATH SoaooD.—The an• neat meeting of the Methodist Sabbath School was held on Tuesday evening of last week and was largely attended. A Teachers' tea was served previous to the traneaction of the regular bashers at which some fifty people eat down and thoroughly enjoyed the tasty spread. The pastor took the chair and after the usual devotional examine the annual re- port wee preeented by Postmaster Far- row, one er the auditors. It [showed a empires of 3132 on band. with all debts paid. $101 01 was contributed to Alia. none and 310.00 toward reduction of Parsonage debt. Report was adopted. Elution of omesre was taken up with the following results :—Superintendent, W. H. Herr ; Aseistaot Superintendents, W. J. McCracken and Joe Hunter ; Beare• tary•Treasnrer, W. L, Leatherdale ; Ae• sistant Secretariats, Geo. Cardiff and Will. Duncan, and Mirsee Hattie Dowse- ing owu.ing and Mabel Zimmer ; Conductor of Orchestra, H. L. Janne ; Auditors, Miss Josie Buchanan and Stanley Wheel- er. The teachers of the 23 classes are as foliates :—B. Gerry, S. Bailey, Mrs. A. Lowry, Mre. T. W. Gonne, Mies Minnie MoNnagbtoo, Mre. S. Wacker, Mins Ethel Boots, Mies Joeia Bnabonan, Min Dollie Barker, DUBS Martha Smith, T, Farrow, W. J. Mo0raoken, Joe Hunter, H, R, Brewer, Ira Parker, Mise Thum, Gerry, Mies Annie Flemming, Mise Mag. ggis Remit, Mies Nora Maunders, Miss Possis Mitchell, Min Teenie Sample, Mies Erne Avery and Mies Carrie Ring - non, Assistant tomalleys :—Mre. Watson Ainlay, hies, Buchanan, Mrs. W. Rands, 3, T. Wood, J. Ocher, Mies Boarrow, Mine Ida Bailey, $. L. Jeokeoo and Cheater Armstrong. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the Orchestra and re- spondod to by the Oooduator. Babool is in good heart and methods and plane are on foot for the incoming year's work whiob should inoreene its effioienoy. Min Margaret Clifford, of Downie, ns among the saooeseful snood year esti. dente at the regent Queen's 'University examinatione. Mis9•Glifford stood lint in mediaeval binary, and second ill senioe Deglisb, reesiviog Bret class honors in senior Frenob,. German and gainer Latin. - Amobg those span whom degreee were conferred at the oonvoontion 6I Quest'+ College, was tbe'Rev. Hugh Cowan, Ibf. A„ of Shakespet.re, who reoeived the degree of Bullshit of Divinity ae the result of a succeed al completion of a eouree of studio in Old and New Testa. bunt Literature, Apologetics and System. abio Theology. -