HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-23, Page 8SPRINGS' SARSAPARILLA An excellent Spiting Medicine. Heals skin eruptions and is a powerful pui'ifler of the blood. It will be found a safe and reliable remedy, and recommended in the treatment of °(many diseases common to this time of year. NYAL'S MOUNTAIN HERBS For those who have the time and desire to prepare their own medicine at home, will be found to be an excellent package. It is composed of roots, leaves and seeds, carefuliy selected and mixed in the right pro- portion. 25o. per large package. l CIPES CA.EEPt7LLy PILLED Perhaps you have a Recipe of your own. If so bring it in and have it carefully filled by us. SMITH, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER., SIRANI) TRUNK RAILWAY. SO4THEaN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Train leave Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows ; GOING Bot,TH GOONa Ronne, 55511 7:15 s,m I Mixed 9:00 a.m 11rrxed......... 12:30 a,mMail ,,1:25 p.m Express 3:08 p,m I Exp yeas 8:35 pan glum e s'tams. A ohiel's among ye takir'notes, An' faith he'll prent is. THE Northwest fever is on. ROAD every advt. in THE POST. Division Court will be held on Wednes- day, April 5th, Roma and crows are here for the Spring opening. F. S. SCOTT wee called to Berlin on Tuesday of this week as a wanes in a 8.055. SEVERAL shipments of batter have been made to Sydney, N. S., by Councillor Thomson. FooT BALL Concert in Bruesele Town Hall, Friday evening, Apr, 7th. A fine program will be presented. ROADS are in very bad shape eine the thaw and as a result it has interfered considerably with bueineee. Two new barber Signe have been bung out by Jno, Hewitt who is now nicely settled in hie new home -the Fletcher blook- whioh be parohneed. 0. 0. F. will meet on .Tueeday even - big of next week. One item of business will be the election of delegatee to the next High Court, whioh will be held at Gan• an0gue in June. Tan old Board of Directors in connec- tion with Brussels Driving Park Assooia• tine was re•eleeted at the annual meet. ing, It will be decided later as to a program of Summer noes, F. G. SHARLING, of Wingham Salt Works, writes THE POET that the rumor that they ware going to close down ie incorrect ae they have been 'tansy all Winter and have ordere ahead. 75 CENTS will eeoure Tun Pon for the balance of 1905. If you oars for the news new i5 your chance. This is neap., er than borrowing from your neighbor and more independent too. Oor Bet is grow5ne nicely. A SUCCESSFUL 8oaoon, — The Central Baeioeee Coffees, of Stratford, has be- come affiliated with the famous Elliott Business Oollege, of Toronto; and the student who completes his course at the 0. B. 0. enjoys the advantages of that great oity. All who graduate secure splendid p085110ne. Write for a free catalogue. FRUIT INSTIT5TR.—Under the direction of the Ontario Agricultural Department a Fruit Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Bruesele, on Thursday after• noon of next week, commencing et 2 o'olook eharp. The epeakere will be D. Johnston, of Forest, who will speak on "Co operation in the pecking, storing and marketing of Fruits ; ' and A. Gifford, of Meaford, whose topio will be "General care and management of Oroharde. There ehoald be a large attendance as valuable information will be given no doubt along the line of interest to many. There will only be one session, Tell your neighbor about the meeting. HIon °hese TAILORING—Thio week 0. H. Dodds and J. J. Habkirk make their enitial bow to the nubile as proprietere of a high class tailoring eetabliobmen0 to be opened on Saturday of this week in the Stretton block, Brussels. Mr. Dodds ie well known in this locality and requires no introduction. Mr. Habkirk is a eon of Mre. Habkirk, of Breeeele, and comes from Galt where be has filled positions in the beet ehope of that town. They will keep a choice stook of geode and guanine sattefaotion. In our advertieiog oolumoe they extend an invitation to the public. We wieb the new firm of Dodds & Habkirk noon. Their etore will be the promisee lately vacated by Jno. Hewitt, Mee, Beer= an. PASSES Awe7.—The gammon came to old hire. Baeker Met Tuesday mor5ieg quite unexpectedly. She had been confined to her bed for a while but nothing of a very serio00 obaraoter anticipated and she was able to eat her breakfast as aeual that morning. A smothering .pelf followed and the physician was summoned Shortly after 9 o'olook but the old lady passed away a few minutes after his arrival. Mre. Backer wag 78 years of age and bad made ber home with her daughter, IYfre, George Beaker, for some time past. she was of German nationality ; kindly in her manner and highly esteemed by ell who knew her. Deceased was married throe times and wadi the mother of a large family. The remain were taken to Heenan by Wednesday's afternoon train and from there oosveyed to ZUrioh the old home of deeeaeed, where inter. meet was made. Mrs. Basket, Alfred and Mins Dully accompanied the remains from Bruesele. A. abort Servide was held at Mrs. Baeker'S 058158588 by Bev, Te tV. Oboens before the casket was renneed. MONTHLY Horse Fair will be held in Brnseele on Thursday, April 6th, Don't mise it. HOW= MDTn r, 908DEAN0E 00. Dirent. ors will meet ill Gerrie on Saturday of this week. Do0'T forget the Foot Bali Oonnert c0 Apr, 7551, The boys are out Belling tickets now, THERE will bo a meeting of the Lioenee Commjesioners at the Amerioan Hotel on Monday the 27th inet, N. S. MaLex000tos lost a horse last week. The animal got down in the stall and could not extricate itself. Da, Ovens, of London, Eye and Ear Surgeon will be at Bmith'a Drug Store, Friday, April 14, Hours 1 to 7. Tian looal Board of Health will likely meet on Monday, April Ord, for re•organ ization for 1905 and be prepared to carry on the necessary work under their oharge Tau right kind of advertieiog pays, Eli Smith advertised seed oats in THE Pose a few weeks ago and be informs 0e that he sold between $400 and $500 0700th. WELL DRILL SoLn:—Taeoday o! this week Geo. Edwards disposed of hie well drill to Milroee & Wilson, of Listowel. He has oomme00ed to build acether and will be ready for the drilling season. BUGGIES TO THE WEeT.—Leat week,the Oober et Sons Carriage Works shipped a oar load of bnggiee to Oalgary, N W. T. There were 38 buggies and 2 delivery wagons in the consignment. Thie firm have. also filled other orders in this Provinoe and are pushing boeineee at a lively rate. AT the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U W., held in Toronto last week, W. H. Herr, of Brueeels, was elected D. D. G M. for this District. He will have 20 lodges, ander hischarge inolndjng Stratford, St. Marys, Mitchell, Seafortb, Clinton, Godekien, Blyth, Wingbem, Luoknow, Fordwiob and Brunetti. Mr, Yates, of Stratford, held the office for the past term. G. T. R. SHIPMENTS —The following re the shipments from Brnaeele station 5000 our last issue of THE POST :—Oar f settler's effeate by Mrs. T. Calder to nnfefail, Alberta ; Jae. MoCaII, oar of attire's effects to Abernathy, Ana. er of hogs to Palmereton by Geo. Beet ; ar of settler's effeate by P, Jackson .to iedale. Inward —R. Henderson, oar of oal from Niagara Falls ; P. Anent, oar f lumber from South River. Hen A bTaosa —Wednesday morning t last week while dressing in a hotel at bameeville, 111ardy MoLennan, the well n• wn drag traveller of London, was trioken by a stroke of paralysis, we are ary eorry to state. His left side was fleeted. Alex. McLennan, bis brother, t Brunets, wag enmmoned and the atient was removed to hie home in Lod - 00. Hie scores of friends throughout he country will be a unit in wiehiog him speedy recovery. Mr, MoLennan's ealth was very poor for some time but ruing the past 6 months he bad been ery monk better and wasas ebony as var. The news of tie oo0valesoenoe 511 be welcomed. ADDMISS AND PRaoENTATiON.—A social atbering, partioipated in by the Lady aooabeee, was held in their Hall last onday evening. Mrs. E. Caber render d a fine inetrumental entitled "The appy Jaye in Dixie 1" Mies Jean Mc- rtor sang a choice solo "Sing me to eep ;" Mre. G. A. Deadman contributed o interesting reading, "The little Nero." allowing this Dame the event of the ening when Mre, D. C. Rose read an ddreee and Mrs, P. Amens presented fes Jean Forbes, one of the worthy embere nt, the Order soon to remove om Brunets, with a beautiful china earn pitcher, epoon tray and eagar wl. Address wee as follows t— ee Jean Forbes 1 DEAR FRIEND —The members of River - de Hive, No. 315 L. 0, T. M., Brn•'eele, ve learned of your expected rrmoval ora on town and wish to recognize ur fidelity to o0r Order and your wi11• g end highly appreciated help in our ive, In your oesupanoy of various nee you have performed your part urbeonoly, ohesrfully and aompetently d you will be greatly missed by the dy Maccabees, We desire to plane in ur poe0eesion a small memento of our ve and ask yon to accept thio china cam pitober, spoon tray and eager h, whin we trust may often call to it remembrance old and pleasant cautions of Brueeels. Oar united eh is that you may be guided by the 1 wise Pottier and after enjoying a g, happy and prooperon life we trust d hope once more to be re -united in Heavenly Dome. Signed in behalf the Lady Manahan by MRs. G. A. DEADMAN, MRs, D, O. Roes. tante, Marob 20, 1006. se Forbes made a brief but fineable ly expreoeing her thartks for the kin- g shown and was followed by Mrs. McGuire who spoke words of cow. ndation and sheer, Refreehmenta e then served and a jolly time wag oyed by everybody. Mies Forbes will greatly miedad but will be kindly timbered by what she hos done, Mies n MoArter was appointed Reoordfn eper of the Hive as so0eser to Miss rtes. a I 0 T 0 d 9. b d w g M M 5 b A el F 5v M fr m Or bo fI' 05 ha Ir yo inH olrl 00 an La yo to or die yo age w5 Ion an the of Br 115 rep Deg A. Me wet enj he rem .Ian Oct Standard Bank of Canada =7111TA£+Z,SB13S1a 1672 ' METHOPOUTAN BAN K SURPLIIB, OR REBER-VD FOND $ 1,000,000 TOTALASSETS0Vielt 10,000,000 . eeneral nankin= Bu 1neret s Trannaejtee `"S SA Ir/l1lG.S BANK f' —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on whioh INTEREST I8 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. ACCRUED INTESEST is added to accounts every six months and becomes prinoipal, —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Dopogini without the intervention of any person. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLEOTED ormay be lett for BAFE•SEEPING only for which Ao charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oarefal and courteous attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, Anne*. Tatum have beep a few oases of sourest [ever in town bet tbe patients are doing well we are pleased to state, ATTEND the Fruit Inetitate in Brenda Town Hall Thureday afternoon of next week, It oomme0oee at 2 o'olook. Two practical addreesee will be given. ROM. THotieoN shipped his fancy driver to Toronto on Wedaeday where a three sale is to be held shortly. He 5utende to sell the animal and should get a [alloy price for it. As will be Been by advt. in another column T. P. Smith, the eye epeoialist, will be at J. Fox's drug store, Brunets, on Tuesday, April 11111, to attend to the wants of the pcblio in hie Ilse, - Consul. tatione free. A FULL report of Greed Lodge discus. eio08 and aotione was given at Brunetti A. 0. U. W. last Friday evening by the delegate. While the older membore think the increased rate ie high the most of them feel that it will put their benefi• oiary beyond any gnestion of doubt, MILLINEac OPENINGS.—The three Millinery stores of Broeeele will awing .open their doors for the Spring displays on Friday March 31st end Saturday April let, 'r'hie will be no April fool for the ladies but a splendid opportunity to ioepeot the choicest goods and latest, fashions, Dn. Buns, who is taking charge of Dr.' MaNaughton'e practice, bas arrived in town, We are pleased to weloome the. doctor as he has,I come very well r000m mended, leaving bad four er five Poet Graduate enures in the different boopi• tale of New York and ie prepared t0 do all kinds of surgical work. The doctor is as old band in the profession, having been about sixteen years oaring for the public. Dr. MoNaughton'e health not returning as we would like, has taken a quiet home in London and will rest for a year, hopidg that by the end of that time his health will be fully retored and will become one of our oit5ze00 ouoe more, POSTPONED,—The program oom'mi^tee for the concert to he given under the auspices of the Brnaeele Foot Bell Club have decided to change the date of the 000050E from March 31ot to Apr. 7th one week later, on aoaonnt bl.the oonditioo of the roads. A good program has hes arranged for, the following people Wildly consenting to give a helping hand to the hoyo, Misses Nora Holmes, Beatrice Harris, Ida Bryane, Ada and Stella Moore, Winnie McGuire, Jean MoLanoh. Iia, Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes, Mre. W. M. Sinclair and S. W. Donnan, W, G. Grower, H, L Jaokeon, R. J. McLanohlin, J. G. Jones, W. M. Sinclair Jae. and Dougal Strachan and T. A. Hawking, The Foot Bell Boye will give a ohorne at the end of the program that noted be worth the price of admittance ileal!. Admission 25o children 15e. Seats may be reserved one week before the cornet at Fox's Drug Store, Don't forget the date April 7th. [Additional toasts on page 1.] Business Locals. °Lovett and Timothy seed at ?Joanna. EN'e. GIIILo wanted to learn the millinery. Apply to Mioeos Hann, PANTMARER wanted at once. Apply to D. 0. Rose, Brunets. WANTED,—A strong boy to Meru blank smithing. Apply at ouoe, B, $. JAo89o0,. GEED oats for Bale—Oentnry variety. JAS. Dueoen, Lob 27, 4th line, Morrie. Da. Bonen, the London specialist, will visit Brussels professionally and may be found at the American Hotel on TUESDAY, APRIL 4511 . " MAY 2nd MAY 30511 JUNE 2714 All interested should bear these dates in mind. Sews repaired and your life insured by baying Bowe gummed, set and filed by T. McClinton, Mill street, Bruesele. Everett Weet and Nick Aho were own milted for trial at Fort William for the murder of Potbrakee, The Qaebso Legislative Assembly adopted the report of the special nom• mitts exonerating Premier Parent. Jonas Peltier, a solitary trapper and fisherman, was bnrued to depth in a fire that destroyed hie ehanty at Jeannette's Creek. 80707 • PAR0ER—In Atwood, on March 1355, to Mr. and Mre. Cbas. Parker,. a daugh ter. RowrANn,—In E ma, on Maroh 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rowland, 14th on., a daughter. RAPeoN,—In Hallett, on March I1th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Rapson, a eon. 9ISID• BAE0ER,—In Brnaeele, on March 21et, Amelia Stark, relict of Lewis Beaker, egad 78 years, 10 'months and 9 days. Ooo9En.—In Blenheim, on March 9:1, Pamine Howard Augusta, eldest daughter of the late Rev. R.. S. Cooper, B. D., R. D., and step• daughter of Rev. George •McQnillin, rector of Blenheim, formerly of Blyth, aged 14 years and 6 menthe, E885077 --Ill East Wowanoeb, on Febtn• ary 23rd, John Elliott, aged 80 ,years, SooTT.—In Loudon townebip, on :.Murch. 10th, Jemea Scott, father of T. W. Scott, of Blyth, aged 82 yenre. WILnoN.—In Howick, on. March 11th, Wm. D. Wilson, aged 34 .years and 11 months. , • A.V'CTIO7V' - FRIDAY, MARCH 24th .--Farm stock, implements, &e. 8 i Lot. 25, Con. 12; Grey. .Bale unreserved, at 1 p. m. Jno,' B. Hyde, prop,_; F. 8, Soon, atm.. WEDNoeDAY, MAROu 292H —:Farm, farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 16, Oon, 13, Grey. 8••10, tnreeerved,at, 1 o'olock, Jno. McNabb, Prop. F 8, Scott, Ano. FRIDAY, MARCH 31sT.=Farm stook and implements at Lot 18, con. 11, Grey. Sale n0reeerved at 1 o'olook. Philip Ament, prop. ; F. S. Sootb,'ano. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN: I HEREBY DESIRE TO IN- Foma my old friends and the public generally that I have resumed the practice of Medicine in Blbeeel9. Offices in the rooms formerly occupied by the late Alex, Hunter, over 13t1•uohan's store 86.44 Wed. GRAHAM. MENDERS WILL BE RECEIV- arounddechool hou, S removal No t1, he Grey, and the building uta new one. Tenders will be opened on Tuesday, April 4th. For further partioulare apply to the trustees, J120. DAVIDAON, 87.2 Seo,-Treas. RE EAST HURON ELECTION, ALbetraot statement of expene59 tucurred by and on behalf of Archibald Hislop, Esq., a candidate at the Election for the East Riding of the County of Huron, held on the 26th day of January, A, D 1906, furnished tO me poreonnt to the provisions of The On- tario Elections Act, by John Leckie, Esq., Snanolal agent for the said Archibald lop:— . .. Bent of halls - $ 18 50 Pnstnge, telegraph and telephone 25 60 Livery 20 28. Printing 19 75 Candidate's personal exp5ooge..,,.,,,.,,5 51 96 THOS, SACRA CHAN. Returning 0:®eer, JNo, LE00IE,Finanolal Agent, Dated at Bruesele this 20111 day of March, 1905. SPRING MILLINERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY Larch 31 & April A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to the Ladies of Brussels and locality to visit our Show Room on the above dates when all that is new and beautiful in Spring and Summer Millinery will be there for inspection. A Choice Selection of Ready-to-wear Hats, Untrimmed Shapes, Flowers and other Trim- mings will be found in stock. NO FANCY PRICES. A WELCOME TO ALL. 1V. I S STRACHAN Apprentices wanted. Successor to Miss Little. CAPITAL -Paid 0p • $1,000,000 RESERPI'1 FUND a • $1,000,000 BHV, 1i. H. WARDEN, 0, p„ Directors 111, President, 5, J, MOOR Viaal e-MSOe, TUN, URAAanAW, F.hA, 8I6 HONOR Ha, W. MOhTIAiEa GLARE, N.C. A, A. TnOtI90N,208.. 0, CORN FIR8TDa000. HEAD OFFICE .. TORONTO W, D. 5083 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 51 and upwards DREATHEAS A. E. 11'IELLISH, Manager, TN THE MATTER OF THE ES - TM OF NEIL 6. M'LAOONLIN, OF THE VILLAGE OF 80050558, IN T•H0 0051107 OF HDR0N, 1MPLEMENT AGENT, AN 50700571050, Notice is hereby given that Neil 3, Me• Lauohlin, of the Village 01 Brunets, in the county of Huron, carrying on bntiueas au Implement Agent at the said Village of Bruesele, has made an aeelgnmeot under B, 8. 0, 1807, Chap. I47, of all his estate, credits and effects to Finley Stewart (Mott, of the Village of Brownie, in the County of Huron, baili8, for the general belied, of hie creditors, Ameetiug of his creditors will bo held 0.8 the Law Offices of A. B. McDon- ald, of the Viilege of ROooesls, in the County of Huron, ou Monday, the 3rd day of April, at. 2 o'olook in the afternoon, to receive the statements of affairs and ap- andfor the ordering of theoint inspectors and fixn affairs of thremea estate generally. Creditor. are requested to file their 01.,ima with the Aeaignee or bis Sclleimr with the proofs thereof required by the said Act, on or before the day of ruch meeting. And notice is further given that after the 0511 day of May, A. D., 1905, the Assignee will proceed to diatribe'e the aeeete of the debtor among the partfee 50- 01110d thereto, hayjng regard only to the claims of whioh notice shall then have been given, and that he will Rot bo liable for the aeeete or any part thereof so distributed to any personorpersone of whose.olaim notice atoll not have been received. F. S: SCOTT, A. B, MAODONALD Assignee, Solicitor for Assignee. Dated at Brueeels this 21st day of March, 1905. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM 37•.01, IMPLI''MENTn. FUnNITDRE, &c. —F 8. Scott, auctioneer, has received in- struotione from the undersigned to sell by publir .notion at 85. Lot 25, Con. 11, Grey, on Friday, Marob 24th. at 1 o'olook, the 101- lewing valuable' property, viz, :-1 mare 10 years old 1 mare 10 mire old in foal to Pride of Morph 0,' 1 colt rising 2years brok- en to barnese, 1 heavy colt siredby 'Child - 'wick Heatbet ton; 1 colt rising 1 year aired by'Custom Boy,' 1 fresh cow, 5 cows suppos- ed in calf, 1 heifer rising 3 years, 1 heifer risin'g 2 years, 6 steers rising 2 years, 8 steers rising 1 year, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 1 calf 2 months old, 60 pure bred Plymouth Rook pullsts, 7 pure bred Minorca pullets, 20 bens other'breed, 1 sow w,th litter 3 weeks old, 1 Champion seed drill, 1 mower, 1 Coeeitt hay rake, 1 Gillis & Martin gang plow, 1 No. 21 Fleury plow. 1 hay rack, 1 scorner nearly new,1 twelve -loot Diamond harrow, 1 wag- on 8 in, tire, J. Mitcbell, maker; 1 wagon box, 1 gravel box, 1 buggy nearly new, 1 road road Dart, l cutter, 1 land roller, 1 pulsar, 1 pair hob-eicighe, 1 Maxwell binder,1 Clinton fawning mill, 1 net beam ecalee, 1 set double harness, 1 sot single harness nearly new, 1 water trough, 1 hay knife, 1 ladder 26 feet long, 1 ladder 19 feet long, 7 tone good tim- othy hay, a quantity o1 turnips, a number of good cedar poste and stakes, a quantity of grain bags, -1 box. stove, 1 daisy churn, 1, milk can, a quantity of household furniture, forks,°beim, eoythee and numerous other articles. Bale unreserved' ail proprietor has sold his farm. Terme—All aurae of $5 and under o.sh, over that amount monthe' oreditwill be given on furnishing approved joint notes ; 5 per sent. 08 for cash 013 ere - 4,5 amounts ; hay and roots to be cash, F. S. SCOTT, 3120. B. BYD5, Auctioneer. proprietor, AUOTION SALE OF FARM, FARM 8To01 AND IMPLEMENTS —F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has received in struetio00- from the inderolgned to sell by public auo• tion at Lot 10, Don. 18, Grey, on WEDNES- DAY, MARCH 200h, at 1 o'oloak, the follow in g valuable property, V5z 1-1 good working horse, 1 mare years old, 1 horse 6 yearn old, 1 driving horse 4 years old, 1 heavy Dolt milk risingsow.1 your,,8hei8 sowsfers risisupposedng8years, to Oali5 heifers , 11res00 rioiog 2 05885, 10 steers rising 2 years, 2 eteero rising 1 year, 6 betters rising l year,1 calf months old, about60 hens, 1 -Deering binder 7 ft cut nearly new, 1 AloOormiek mower 5 ft out nearly now ,1 9 -ft Mellor m ick bayrake new, 1 Maeeey.Hurris seed d rill nearly now, 1 steel land roller 1noarty new, I died harrow, 2 date iron barrows, 1 gang Plow, 1 Fleury plow new, 8 walling plows, 1 Muffler, 1 turnip outlier, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 fanning mill, 1 ;trunk wagon, 1 set of bob- sleighs,1 top buggy, 1 cutter, l wagon rank, 9 wood raoke, 1 set 2000 Ib 0onlee, 1 water tank, 1 grindstone, 1 pair of skidding tongs, 2 sets of team harness, 1 set of chain liar- nee5, 9 sets of single barnees, 2 pairs blau- kebe, 2 Sots of wlli0letreee, boy fork, ropes and pulleys, 4 neokyokoe, 0 orose.out saws, 1 cant hook, chains, forks, hoes and numer- ous other 88000089, Sale withoutreserve as proprietor is giving ue farming. The form is doneson5 of 100 acro., 85 acres cleared and balance. timber, 1,810 cedar; good frame house and bank barn ; well fended; only 5 mile from Oranlrook where aro churches, stores, school,+ &c, It farm 15 not sold' it Wilt be rented, Terms—All 5um512 or $5 andmonthe' under nob, over that amount ' credit will be given on furnishing approved lone none; 6 per cent, off for cash on mod - it amounts, • Terms for farm made known on day of Hale, JOHN Motu ABB,: Prppriet• or; F. S. 800710, Auotluneor,' AUCTION SALE OF FARM auct,oneerr, h t resolved Implements. P. from the undersigned to Boll by uublio auotioa at Lot 18,Con. 11 Grey, 011 Friday, Mural Biot at 1 o'clock the followingvaluable property, viz' : -1 driving mere 6 years old by mn,toRroliriem000y'Otr1 foal draught frrgieou 0100; a - Many draugot mare B years 010, supposed eligible for registration ;1 aged •trptting bred • ream, Minnie Hunter; with mark'of 2,84, Standard bred and registered, dam of'bointhy 3„ 2,121• atm,' data of 'Via Hunter' 2,281, In foal bo 'Costumer'; 1 stand. ard bred Aily, dam Minnie. }hinter; by dam arrie A.,.by 'costumer,'Standard 'Replan' 2.085 ; 8 3 -year old steers, 2 2 -year old steers, [ 8•year old heifer in cult, 2 2 -year old heifers 6 3 -year old heifers, 4 Leicester ewes, 1 Leicester ram, 1tborobrad 'Pain worth sow in 210,1 Yorkshire Flow with litter 6 woke 000,1 Yorkshire sow supposed In pig 2 pigs 4 menthe old, 1 ICs ng0roo gang plow,110 1t, Mo0ormiokebeel.take, 1 Mower with pea harvester,1 Ma Oo rmfok mower Dearly new, out 10 acree,1 Deering Binder out 2 Drops, 1 12 hoe NOxon seed drill, 1 set lion barrows, 10ouffler,1 disc barrow, 1 Ooleneau iron land roller,l Cookeautt turnip pulpor, 1 Chatham higeabbgi1 oye heavy lumber wagon, large wagon boli, 1 siokie grinder, 1 wheel. bnrrow,1 grindstone, 1 set 8•benoh bob. Malebo, 1 plow, 1 hayrack, 2 sots double batmena,1 Collie dog, 22 cow 050105, 9 57.11, iadder,1 water tenni, about 18 tone of bay, number of small artieleo too moneran to mention, Sale uureeetyed, 89 proprietor 1158 bold his 511010, Terme—All Sam80f $6 end under, mask ; over that amount 10 mouths' credit wdl be gives on rurnlohing convoyed joint 00tee, 6 per cont, elf for ouch on.085015 amau0to, Hay to be oath, PHILIP 5.0001197, proptletor, F. s, 55006, O 4110055r, (,PAN OF TWO YEAR OLD (. Ft111eo, genera: purpose, and an aged mare for sale; JAB. A. MOI,AIIOBLIN, Lot 11, Con, 12, Grey, 018nbroolcY. 0: 81.2 LOST.—A CANT EWOK BE. Lot 20, 000, 13 Grey, Int Tuesdayy, Finder will please leave it at JOHN MoNABl1'8, Cruobrook, Coming I Coming i EYE SPECIALIST Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optioal °alleges, will be at DRUG STORE ONE DAY ONLY Tuesday, April llth Call early and avail yoireelf of• his valuably aervioes, EXAMINATION 808501E. eVirti Yll `~ - Now that the season for buying Buggies has arrived we would like to inform the public that we are better prepared than ever to supply their every want in. Buggies got up in the very latest style and best material • that .. money can buy—Steel Tires, }Iard Rubber, Cushion and Pneumatic Wheels, with Ball Bearing Axle Lumber Wagons—the very beat oak gear, with half truck or high wheels, either 2e, 22 or. 3 in tires. Before buying elsewhere be sure and call at the old reliable Car- riage Factory where you will get the very best value for your money. JOHN COBER & SONS 5 P R I N Roche & Haycroft OPENING S TURDAY, March 31 186 April 1 READY-TO-WEAR HATS are the Hats for all round, general wear and are jnet what aro required for the stylish Tailored Suit for Spring. We are pleased to be in a position to offer our many Ouetomero the most 'Up-to-date design in this head :pear:, The latest imports' of our leading -Millinery Wholesale from English and American designers. Everybody is Cordially Invited. Conte and see the Latest Designs in Millinery. Roche & Hayeroft 1 9 0 5 i "LION BRAND' Clothing FOR BOYS hy It's Best It's '1 Best Because We made from superior aD-wool mater lats. It ie made by hand—the oollare aro shaped to lit snugly to noir.. The facing are deep with canvas running back to arm holes and over shoulder. The trousore are lined throughout—and have double Beate and knees. Everything that will add to its appearance is employed in the make tip, and yet it ie no higher prided than ordinary made Clothing. It pommies individoelity, snap and obaraoter. Dw Ca ROSS 30L19 AGENT, BRUSk3ELp C.