HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-23, Page 54 A. • • /f'l2`i f fnpSa' r i t 63tit 'vi.' sd apk G2Y6'' { Point, Idaho. Mr, Grilli.i hate neared a (J lucrative eitoatinn on the .urvey `,;;0,1,1:: TRAiN UP A CHILD Pl B Spring Tenn from April 3 Grund Trunk P,u'llu, $175 a end expeneee, 1' or ler to be as' near the line tea poaeible, the newly married couple will take op their rtefdoneo in Port Arthur, Ont, And w1100 lior np eopdto blur or ll''LAA/STOWED GlG 'JJ ,%- T Term 0110118 April tick, 1904 tt Two Ileuses- V3 Commercial and Shorthand, /Wyl Send for College Journal. A, L. MoINTY1tE, Manager, BUSINESS CARDS. ATONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER cent, F.11. SCOTT, Brneeelo, AAT H. MoCRACKEN— • Issuer of Marriage Lioeneee, Of. lice e.3 Grocery, Turnborry etroot,-Brussels, T'ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN- nneelaxnn has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F B. SCOTT, Brussel 'r1;td0 'Of1i0110.% COR YONoa AND A011E490t11 STREET% 3 tq Thlo High Orad0 Collage lo making n mnnt remark adile record Mile year for pawing Sts etndente fn gond pool• tiouo. We give the beet training -the Hon that produces the beet results. Students] admitted at any time. nal. lege open The entire year. MagiJAoout Onlainguo froe. W. 3, ELLIOTT, Prinolpal. �C'3=c'3��� $ l2r'2�-'fc'g 12r12�C9 tstrat litres , Pee r•<twfCL. Mrs. Eli. Husband left ou Tuesday of Int week for the North West to join her lambent!, Fordwiob R T. of T, intend holding an open Connell on rMoudoy evening Marcia 27.11 commencing at 8 o'olook sharp. C. O. F'. The program to consist of music, oborue _ ea and a debate entitled "Resolved that Court Frinoese Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. P„ this Earth is flit and stationary." Thos'. Brussels moots in their Lodge Room, Bias. Downey and Shelly Briuker will handle hill Bloat, on the Ind and last Tuesdays of the offi. ntiv0 side ; W. Downey and W. then mouth, m h, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren Jamieson, the negative. always welcome. JAS. BURGESS, (1. R. g A. E. M18LLISB, R. S. - M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI INODRANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. d. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Of11oo over Huroloy'a Drug Store, Nov, Brd, 1002, 80.801 Brawls, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., EOTABLIOH0D 1840 Insurance taken on the oaoh and premium note system at current rates. B more inur- ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE 3.0013RS, B1000030. AUCTIONEERS. FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - • ORR, 39111 sell for better prices, to better men, in lose time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in Eat 030000 or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at lila office or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT, ndy e,1vYar` etioneer Y eer for Huron County. fy nub Sates arranged for yga" Terme rof T 1s' g 'dti.t Iia ollloe of TRE 3009, Brussels. 2231 • VETERINARY. G• A. CUNNINGHANI— 0 H nor Uredua0e of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, it animals' to tr10 30 all dlt- enteeof dommanner. Parti, l a tette to a pomp o out manner. Parrinalar ilk Fever, paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Mille Fovar, Celle promptly attended to. Oaiee and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry at., Broaeels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD- 11• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 'liuooeesor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank. Bre asele. Solicitor for Metro - poll tau Bask. ^rT Ivl.. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pttblio, 60, Office -Stewart's 1310o31 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bauk. paounroOT, HAYS '& BLAIR- 14AR10I8TERS, SOLICITORS, B, NOTARIES PUBLI", 14T0. W. PnoVDBOOT, K, O. R. C. 1lA90 G, F. BLAIR. , 091nos-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Bolt. 6013E010ONTARIO. 6, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON, T, n., e, R1„ Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical afCollege, Idembor College of Pbyoielana and Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col - logo of 1'hy0101aue and Lioeutiate of Mid. wlfory Edinburgh. .Reelcellce-854 Lorne ave,, London, w .0.. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 1301N'r131' Graduate of the Royal ()allege of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Firet•oiaoe Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivereit . Ginn next to, Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS... I/ A FAMOUS sC11004A 5 6CFNTR STRATFORD. ONT. Bannon men have learned that ti our Graduates are prepared for poei. tions -of trust, No 8ohooi in Canada can do more for Ito otedonts then this IIono. Our graduates tlway0 800100 qp no0itlone. write 100 01113000 cant. ILi laglo, it 10 a handeomo ono, Bprinil ELL101o'3 /0 Maf AOIiI,AN, Pr'inolp ale. Renrvu 11, A new industry 0 likely to start up in Eleueuldto the near totnre. Councillor Geiger hae returned from Miohigitn. Ho found his slater very ill but telt her 000eiderably improved. Rev. James Livingstone, of London, will likely preach the anniversary eermonf of the Epworth League shortly. J. W. Ortweiu shipped four tone of onions last week. He previonety ebipped two tone which i'1 quite a big Spring out. tat. The members] and adherents of the Methodist ohnroh Cbieelburet gave their pastor, Rev. E. A. Shaw and hie wife a very pleasant surprise on Tneaday evening of last weak when over thirty of them took possession of the Kippen Circuit parsonage at Heneali with well laden baskets. In the afternoon the men of the congregation enriched the pastor's out bin by over 60 bushels of oate. A very ple080nt time wee spent in games, mnsio, rtr. Lunuh was 'served daring the eucaine end all went home feo'iug that a prc.fitable time had beau enjoyed. The Council met a week ago last Tues'• day and gave the drainage bylaw ite Bret and second reading and the Clerk was in- etruoted to have the necessary number printed and distributed among the persona aeseesed. A committee was ep pointed to aeeiet in the matter. The Antihero' report was read, and adopted and the Olerk instructed to have the necessary number printed. William Sioolair'o account of 15 mute for injuries euetaiued by his hoe handle while spread• ing gravel, was thrown out, on the ground th01 a workman [Mould protect hie tools. It is hoped that the matter will not lead to anions litigation. A cow mttlee was appointed to locate the P oei- tion of the new kelepboue pole, [oon to be erected. The Council Ibon adjourned. 131 o tit. E. Livingston is oantined to his home with a severe attack of kidney trouble. • The next monthly o e air eh r e f will be held in Blyth on Tuesday, March 28th, Wm. Mason eold a beautifal grey driver to J, E. Swartz, of Wingbnm, for $200, N. Coming was in Toronto atteadiog the grand lodge of the Anoint Order of United Workmen. Revival meetinge are in progress in Blyth Methodist ohnroh, The meetings are being oonduated by the pastor, Rev. J Holmes. Miss Hood arrived last weak to take charge of MoKionon & Co'e millinery department and is now prepared to show all that is new in millinery. Miseiooary Bermmte were preached io Myth Methodist oburoh Sunday morning and eveuiog by Bev. J. S. Cook, pastor of °uteric street Mothodiet thuret., Clinton James Smith died at the family h..nie in London township on Friday morning, 1011, inst., paralysis being the cause of depth. Deoeaped 390, father of T. -W, Soots, manager of the Bank of lianiiltou at Blyth iind was 82 years of age. He was 00e of 0,0 early 00111era of London township and woeheld in great este,131 ntd reepeot. The funeral molt .Clado m, Sunday afternoon and interment woe made in Woodland oemetory. The death occurred at tee recite -y in Blenheim on Thuredny morning, March 9th, of Mies Pauline Howard Aagneta Cooper, daughter of the late R v. R. S. Cooper, B. D., aged 14 years end 6 mouths. Deceased was a etep.daughter of Rev. George MuQnillin, a former rev• tor of-('rinity church in this village. Mr. and Mre. McQuillio will have the sympilby of many old friende here in their bereavement. The interment took piece at Kirkton. VV loo trate. Whiln working in Lloyd's tndtery Harper Simmooe had the top of ono finger teltou off. R. Knox, a former resident of Wing. ham, has opened out a stook of jewellery, stationery, etc,, in the Drone block. A very largo elm log was br, ught in to MoLean's mill from Ilaet Wawonoob, It wee only ten feet long but metteured a thousand feet, 0011 was worth even at the reduced price of elm, $11 or $12 Considerable dieaneeiou tools pine ea the last Oonnoil meeting regarding Billiard and Cigarette Lioem,ee. W. J. Greer moved, seconded by W, F. Van. atone, -'That the license fee for the .first b l iard treble be 540, and t aoh additieual tattle $20 -Carried. W ILL NOT Ceram -Tho Advent's says :- An item him been einem the ronedn of the piens to the ,Hoot that Wingbnm Beet well wan likely to he o'need down, and Lite Advance thety` timeline, have copied the item from an exchange, Mr. Sperling 11,30, nit us that Wi'igham Salt wont, will continue to ran and line orders 8hend, Mr. Sperling le fighting the monopoly, and intends holding hie trodo if possible, end will not be (coerced oht, if heoan help ft, 0. N. Griffin bee word of the marriage ef hie eldest] soltAthol Edwin, of Idao, The happy event took plane on Morph 1400, The ledy was Mies deeoie Ann CA ferrite. Mise Bertha Stump, of Bruoeele, was the guest of friende in this vioinity. Jamee and M1E8 Maud Haggard, of Brussels, were the guests of Alias Beenlo Wfl8On, A. Dlig hag parohaeed the vacant lot South of the Orange hall and will erect a reeidenoe on it next Summer. T. H. MoLeughlio was in Toronto last week attending the Grand Lodge meet. ing as a delegate from the local A 0. U. W. lodge. Thomas Bennett, of town, wee among the prize winners lu their gneeeing oom petition on the total number of vote's oast at the last Provincial election. Mr. Bennett was one of n number who stood m third plane to the total, his eueee being444,444, and the total wee 444,497. His prize ds $10.40 in cash. Treewbret tae. Mrs. Daly and eon Richard were visit ing friends in Milverton. Mu. Booth, 6th 000 , entertained a sleigh load of Trowbridge young people on a recent evening. Mico Mabel Togheo, who for Iwo weeks has been eofleriug with la grippe ie recovering, we are pleased to report. Mines Addie Porterfield and Rachel Code, also Amot and Harold Porterfield attended the marriage of Min Lizzie Goodwin and Mr. Wella, of Winnipeg, at the home of the bride's attar, Mre. Kearns, Palmerston, on the evening of Wednesday, March 8th. On Wednesday evening of last week a large company of relatives and friende were present at the home of Mr. Byers to witness the marriage of hie youngest daughter, Mise Minnie, to Clinton Smith, a worthy and proeperoao young farmer of the and eon. 'Mr. and Mre. Smith have the boat wishes of all as' they begin their new life in our neighborhood. L1:stow el. Thos. Sproule, of Britton, sold his fine team of colts for the sang sum of $500. The Congregational charoh in town has been closed, and the property to being offered for sate. L. Adolph was the representative from Li',towel bodge 30 11,0 Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W., Met week at Toronto. L. H, Pletooh has sold oat his wall paper baeioese and stook of palate, eta., to Mr. Aueman, of Detroit, who is now in p000000ion. The Clerk was instructed to prepare a Bylaw re granting a Bite for the Carnegie Library, not to exceed $400, and Elle Library Board not to expend over $6,000 on the building and furnishing of same. A. and Mre.Breadfoot, of town, were in Seaforth attending the golden wedding of Mre. Broadfoot'e parents, Alex. and Mre. Davidson. Mr, Davidson ie a brother of County Clerk Davidson, of Stratford. J. 13. Horn returned to town from Cornwall, where he has been engaged for o ad gt: several weeks Restating in overhauling and putting in new machinery in the flour mill reoenlly pnrobaeed by The Meyers Milling Co. at that point. At a epeeist meeting of the Listowel' High Sohool Board, the resignation of W. A, Phillips as Principal of the school P P . which bad been sent in the previous day, was aocepted. The Board did not take any steps towards smearing a eneoeeeor to Mr. Phillipe, the resignation not taking effect until the Easter holidays. D Hibner, of Berlin, was present and addressed tbo town oounoil do reference to taking over and operating the Chair factory. After hearing Mr. Hibner'e offer, a committee, connoting of the mayor and Metiers. Hay, Hawkins, and Hamilton, was appointed to get a proposition from Mr. Hibner re sale of Chair factory, and report to the Council, Mr. Hibner agreeing to put his propoei. tion in writing and mail it upon hie re- turn to Berlin. The annual meeting of the Reye) Scarlet Chapter of 'E'm't Dielriot was held in the Limnwel Orange hall ml the 10th, with Sir Knight, E. '1. A'xander, in the chair, The followin4 Sir Knight(' were alio ed and installed as otioero for tha ensuing year ;-W. Companion in Command, Rev, 0. H, Buokland, E. 0, in 0 , D. A. Thompson 1 Companion Chaplain, J. Stewart ; Oomponion Scribe, Warren Birthmao ; Companion Trove. arer, Wm. Weloh ; Sir H. Knight al Arms, W. A. Buchanan ; Inward Herald, D. Willoughby; Oatwerd Herald, Harry Taggart. T ocos'w toter. Alex, Gillies, of Windsor, ie paying a visit to his 9800000, A, and Mrs. Gillies. John Bush moved last week to 8 70 sore farm which ho has purchased near Gleufarrow. Moe. T. H. Smith, of Knoxville, Pa., is paying a visit at her former home with her cousin ,T. A. Aitken, D. D. Ferguson, of Calgary, epeot San day and Monday, renewing 10030 Liutanees in town. He expecte to return to the Wrat the Arae week in April. Neil McKay, 4th eon., has rented hie farm to Alex. McDonald for five yeare, Mr MaKay is moving to Kinloee sod will work the farm owned by Mro, Dun• Dan Roes. Wm. Fowler and wife and Aliso Jessie Fowler were in Toronto Tuesday and Wodnseday of last week, Mr. Fowler wait delegate to the Grand Lodge of A. 0. U. W. whish met in the Temple build hip there. Wm. McDonald, eon of Wm. Mc- Donald, 6th con., who wee, during the past year in charge of the Wobb-Bhaw farm near Miuneapolie, Minn., has re• signed hie position there and has gone to Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa, where he will take the mune in animal hum bandry. UIi,i ton. W. Doherty et Go. have added the menufaotare of pianos to their immense organ business, "B off" Whitely 000091013 a position in Louisville, Kentucky, and left for hie new field of labors. Geo. Swallow will shortly move to Holmeeville, he being appointed manager of the Poultry Station. H, Bartliff and W. J. Newoombe were palled to Goderioh tee jurymen in oon• negation with the 808ize6. J. W. Irwin was in Toronto last week attending the Grand Lodge of A. O. U. W., in eeeeion in that oily. Dr. G. Ernest Holmes was in Toronto last week attending the Dental A88o• elation's annual meeting, being held in that oily. A number who have not paid their Cold Storage asereemeut are being sued. Judgment in favor of the plaintiff has been given iu those 00000 already tried, Peter Caotelou, eeoretary of the Orange Lodge, has Bent out invitations to all the Lodges in the county inviting them to celebrate next 12th of July in Clinton. Basket ball is now ate popu'ar gems at the Collegiate. Praotioe is daily indulged in and a match with the Goderioh Collegiate ie expeoled ere long. Tboe, Jackson jr., was in Toronto for a few days with his daughter Mime Irene. Merry t Weare 0 learn she is not ro case• lug as favorably oam p bly as we would like to hear. Mies Ethel Doherty left for Calgary, where she will make an extended visit with her sister, Mre. McKee, in the hope that the change of olimate will benefit her health. A. Alexander met with the unpleasant and painful experience of having his right shoulder dislocated in a fall on the ice during the hockey match laet Thurs• day evening. Min M. Lough will go to Peterboro in a few days to attend the opening of the Young Women', Christian Aseooiation Building. Having been the active Seore• tary of the Ae000iation for Rome time, she io naturally muoh interested in its progress and prosperity. Harland Bros'. have converted the up - Moire above their two hardware stores into one large display room, that will be need exclusively for stoves. It 1s oon• oersted with the lower floor by an auto- are Sole Agents in Brus- sels for the Spring Novelties in Felt Hats JUST TO HAND. Also Nobby Alpines and Stiffs In a Full Range of Colors Seo our Lines before Buying. Murray, and the marriage took place st Tailoring— the reaidegos 333 Ole bride's parents, Saud FurlliehlOgs Catcigo 0338 WAaa00 �--Eb_C_'1_PRY,.:.:Jtf�,SY:.-TRoYi.N.1�•.�-:aa .. to CetROSS . —Men's and - Boys' Ready. Y H matin elrvo'Or that pan raise any ,love tvithoat ru .fog on ropes, J W 11 'felt oontemplat03 eon 3, orable alterm'i,,, 10 hie livery barn as e ae building weather arrives. Fla wi.l have the p ea nt groand floor raised ' p four feet higher, with en lnolined en000000, Thie storey will be used for the ex'uaoivo Meting of riga, etc , and andereio'lo will be fired op for stabling porpoeee, t Ywoof8. Walter Hamilton, of the 8131 eon„ West, was appointed tax oolleotor ' er the year 1905. James Duncan bee be el the position for over 14 yearly. The managers of the Presbyterian church have deoidod to sell the W 't and centre rows of old sheds by an on on Wodneeday, Meroh 29th, 1901. A large new shed 10 to be pat up. Mies Dials Switzer, who for the past eight mouths late been 'Melting r' '311000 its this' village and vioinity, left ft a Port Huron where she will visit bar ane,, and aunt, prior to her returning to her home in California. Thou. Fullerton, township clerk, met with a nasty aooident on Wed.emddy forenoon of Met week. He wee feeding t calf when the animal threw ba k its head and ,track him just above the left eye. The injury required medioal treat- ment and Mr. Fullerton is not yet ceb:e to he in hie office. The local cement eompaoy have given en order for burning rotary kilns to a firm iu Wilkeebarre, Penn. Moat eamont companies have kilns that are 6 ft - x 60 ft, These will be 7 x 100, and will be of the 1001001 and moat approved pattern. One of the rotaries will be forwarded in about six weeks, the balanoe of th,, con• traot to be completed in about four months. Active baifding operatic: s will be resumed tee eon as weather oou,iitione are favorable. Lucknow. Fred, Grundy has returned from At. lama, Georgia. Min Maggie McKenzie loft to visit her brothers in Winnipeg. Neil and Mre. McDonald, of Langeide, left for their home at Beaton, Man. D. Paterson was a delegate to the Workmen's Convention at Toronto last week. Mise Laura B. Webster has gone to London, where she has snared a poei• tion in a ladies tailoring eetablishment. Sam. Swale, who was employed I'y Dr. A. M. Spence, as' druggist, left for Wind. sor, and hie place bee been taken 'n the drag store here by Themes .Spa -o0, a preoticttl druggist from Tileonbare The remains of the late Mre. Mary McConnell, for many years a reap, stable resident of the let con. of Kinloss. were brought here from London for but el on Tuesday of Int week. The deceased had renohed the ripe age of 90 years, teed for the past few years had resided wi' It her daughter, Alma. Steveneon, of L radon. The funeral took plane from the r.tilway elation to the Moline cemetery The late Mary MODenald who passed away at her home on the let oon. of Kin - lose on Wednesday of lset week, bad remelted the ripe old age of 82 yeare De- ceased wee born in Glengarry, Int ernese shire, Sootland, and came to Oanaot with her husband, the late Roderick MoDon• aid, in 1852 and for a short time resided near Goderioh after whioh they settled on the 13th of Ashfield township. In 1873 they moved to Kinloee, where they ooutinuoaely lived till their death. t�rorierlott. Inspector Tom was in Guelph 8ttend• ink the Grand Seeeion of the Onnadian Home Circles. Goderih oouts '1 hae voted $I 00 to entertain the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West, at its next meeting here in March, 1906. The Goderioh curlers made It fair start in the bonepeil at Wingbat t last week, but unfortunately they were out of the race for victory. County Clerk Lane wee in the Queen City last week, attending the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U. W. as represent. ative of the Goderioh brethren. John Sheppard slipped last w sk and in extending hie right arm to env him- self, thrust his bend through a p,ne of glase and lacerated the member. It transpires that the eleotria light flat rate is not giving the esti- notion desired, and tee a result there is a ve0rn• Mg for metres in some residential parts. St. George Prioe, who a few menthe apo removed here from Hamilton and opened tip a grocery business, Is selling out, having engaged to travel La the wholesale firm of J. H. Eokhart & Go. Col. Wm. Young, of the 33rd Re; 'meet, moved into town ou Tueodoy of het week, having sold hie farm in. Colborne For the present Got. Young will rest, 'out be is too votive a man to be idle keg be fore starting some business. venture. Judge Holt reoeived a card IRE week from Dr. McDonagh, who is toeing a tour through the Far East. The doctor was in the neighborhood of Aigiere when the dord was written, and at that time was mnoh pleased with the trip 00 far. Mr. Strang, of Goderioh, has r,.eigoed hie position 000 prinoipal of G.,dtrioh collegiate inetitnte, a position he bee held for a third of a century. J. M. Field, B, A., has been appointed tee hie successor. Mr. Strang le not to sever hie oonneotion with the school, but ie to be retained Re Messiest master at a salary of 51.000. Tent 0. P.R.-The contractor for the 0. P. R in this town is ,till pashieg the work ahead and has gangs of mon strengthening the weak parts of tbntreok eo that the annual breast up of the river. shall not damage the line already built. An the time for the Spring freshet mare, there are many prnpheoieo tee to what will happen, and Go number m-lde to the Stur svould fill a page. There are prophets of calamity and ober prophets, but all hope those who orediot toes or injury to property will be de. oeived. On Sunday a number' r 3 men and team, were employed building, abut. menta and other work, and it ie els d that on Monday a number of mon who did not mum out to work on Sundae were aid off because they refused to work 00 the Sabbath, On Tneaday of tae_ week More men were laid off became there was no event ready, the coffer dein be. leg built in the river not edvanoir. • fast oneug3, hence the lay off, poring WOtdnoeday night a large piece of the batik at Atirill's, along whiob the steam throw ie working, gava war as the fr Oet left it. It fell against the shovel, forcing it same three or four feet off Ibt treok —to -wear Clothing, ilia and (levered it with eight feet ri clay. Had the insets 000nrred while the nmsb• 04:,===== o, Mc K r�N--ppNryobrivCO„ MILLINERY This week we make a grand display of New Spring Millinery in all thefateol Paris and New York styles in Ladies' Drone Hate, Ready to• wear and Outing Hate, Flower's, Feathers, Wings, Plumes, Ribbons, Veil. ing, and all the Novelties in trimmings, also all the noweot "Mapes in Un- trimmed HAM, which will be trimmed to order on short peau, by ex. porienoed milliners, No Hat will be allowed to leave our show room exoept it is trimmed in the latest style and becoming to the wearer. Mies Hood, who ie well and favorably known a0 an expert in the art of Millinery, is again in charge of this department. She visited the prin. cipal fashion centrals and oopied the latest designs in Hats, Mo., as Showa in Paris and New York. We have no formal opening, but a oordsal invita tion be extended to all to Dome at any time and view oar grand display of Spring Millinery, which ie second to none io the country, Shirt Waist Goods. We show an immense stook of goods suitable for Blouses and Shirt Waist Baits in Vesting,, Voiles, Crepe de Chines, Silk Tamolinee, Teffetae, Japanese Silke, Peen de Sole, Bleck end Colored Satins, Cotton Voiles, Zephyr's, Gingham,, Dimities, Organdies, 'Fanny Mastitis, Eta, We paythe Highest Price for Butter and o Eggs in cash or trade. Bxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxc=xe ins was working Bement) most have been injured, but the fall 000arred at the proper time. There may be more breaks as' the frost leaves, and it is to be hoped they will oocnr at night. James Laidlaw, ex.M. P. P. for South Wellington, died last week. Platten hae organized a Board of Trade with H. B. Bristol as President. Daniel Roes, of Madoo township, died from injuries received in a runway. Fred. Soliebary, of Waterford, was found dead in the M. 0. R. yard at St. Thomas. Samuel Wilson, a cabman of Brook- ville, committed enioide by takiog Paris green. E. G. Rattan was acquitted at Belle- ville on the charge of 0onepir00y ib 000- neotiob with the ballot box oases. William Phelan, a usually offectiooate fattier, murdered his eon at Montreal, beating the boy on the head with an iron poker. NTIED I A Local Salesman for BRUSSELS and enrronnding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATESTN IIneERIEB. n Newest varieties and epeoialtiee in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornament- als and Roeee. A permanent situation and territory reeerved for the right man. Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write forP articulare and send 25 Genie for our pocket miorosoope, jest the thing to use in examining treats and plante for innate. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES over 000 acres TORONTO, - - ONTARIO SETTLERS' TRAINS Will leave Toronto every Tuesday During March and April AT 0 P. M., FOR MANITOBA and the NORTB-WtiST and ran via Toronto, Grand Trunk, North Bay and Canadian Paine. A Colonist Sleeper will be attached to earth train. Pas- sengers travelling without' live stook abould take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m. !Prato leaving Toronto at 8 p. in, is for pas- seuaere travelling with stook. Pull particulars and copy of "Western Canada," from ally Canadian Paoi&e Rail- way Agent or 0, B, FooTEn, D.P. A.,Toron- to, 83 4 4011011111611.0111.1 The funeral of Col. M. J. Burke, . United States Consul, took plane at St, Thomas. The Quebec Electric Power Company will bond a dam 90 feet high in lice Montmorency River. ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LO1•D0NDERRY Royal bail Steamers Prom St. Jelin From llailntx Tunisian .........Bat, Mar. 20 3100, Liar. 27 P 'rieian " Apr, 1 Apr. 3 Victorian (now) " ' 8 " 10 RATES OF PASSAGE First Cabin, 865 and upwards, according to steamer and a000mmodati on ; Secon Cabin, Liverpool and Londonderry, :5760 840, and 042.50, accordion to steamer, Lou- don 02.50 extra ; Third Claes, 927.10. to Liv- erpool. Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London, Victorian, 82676 New Vorlr to Glasgow Laurentian Thursday, March 2, 10 a.m First Cabin, 846 and np-2nd Cabin, 835-300 Claes, 827 00. Ford ur b particulars apply to t erp ppY W. H. KERR, Agent, Bennis. Watches Clocks and Jewelry For a Choice Stock of Goods at FAIR PRICES the Public cannot do better than buy at my store. iminsesarommonsmos A Specialty of Repairing and all wont Guaranteed. Call in. J. G - JONES enamel CHANCE OF BUSINESS Card of Thanks Notice to Debtors. On amount of ill health I have A11 parties owing the ft'ln disposed of my interest in the firm of Wilton & Turnbull up to of Wilton ell Turnbull to MR, WM, GILLESPIE, of Ripley, Ont., and January, 1905, are 1'equeSt- Italc, chic opportunity of extending my thanks to our many 000tomere - ed to Call at the store and and friende for their continued pat• Settle either by each or note ravage and oonfidenoo in our bueineee on 0r before the 15th day of relations with them for the past bine yeare the firm has been in bueineee, March a8 WO want to get 0113 I tract the came and increased pat. books closed up by that date renege may be extended my enooeeoor and the new firm, if possible. I remain, Yours truly, Yours Truly, Bennie, Feb. 20,1905.RNBULL, WILTON & TURNBULL. TURNBULLILTON .. .. -ass-t•.�..e