HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-23, Page 4e cit cis Vast,
THURSDAY, MAR. 23, 1905.
QUEEN ALEXANDRIA wan not forgetful of
the blah, soldier boyo on St. Patrick's
Day tie she preeented a sprig of ehemroolt
to every soldier stationed at Chelsea
barracks. No doubt the eone of Erin
appreciated the token of good will ooming
from her Majesty.
INSneneorroe ie etill to the front in
Russia and will probably oontinue even
if very deeetio and brutal methods are
put in force to quiet the troubles. Father
Gopon strongly urges the peasant class
to oontinue the agitation until at least a
small measure of redress in given to their
many grievances.
WITH a view of keeping up the supply
of feathered game 120 dozen pairs of
quail have been brought from the U. S.
and will be distributed in Western On.
tario. Under a close season the birds
will be guarded in the hope of increased
propagation and future prospects for the
sportsmen. A wet Spring is very detri•
mental to the young birds.
Sonia of the college boys in Toronto
painted one another a beautiful purple on
St. Patrick's day in a Bort of rough and.
tenable tussle. Violet ink was used and
before order wan rentorrd considerable
clothing was deetroyed and personal ap•
pearanoeo were mitered no that some of
the yon0be might have passed for Indian
braves, minae the feathers. The Uui•
vereity authorities are investigating the
scrimmage and may make the combat•
auto "pat ap" for their frolic.
Tan Jape are determined if Russia will
not agree to terms of peace to lose no
time. in aggressively pressing the Dara
paha. Russia's idle boaet' at the open•
ing of the war as to how they would
epeedily fly their flag at Tokio, the
Japanese capital, and drive the islanders
into the 080 shows bow much easier it 19
to promise tbau perform. At the present
time it 'Doke more like the Jap banner
floating aver St. Petersburg. Russia has
been taaebt a lesson Dot likely to be soon
forgotten that will have, we believe, e
Providential bearing on the internal
affairs of the Czar's domains.
SOME iutereetiog diacueaione are being
revived over the gneatioh of the extension
of the fraoohiee to women. Speaking in
this commotion Frances E. Willard spoke
as follows ;—All ages have witnessed to
some degree the chivalry of man, but this
age in giving ne a new development—the
chivalry of woman, for the magnificent
material civilization of force has a worm
in the bud. It is not more safe than
jangles are dangerous because of lions,
and rooky valleye because of snakes,
than that cities have their wild beasts
and stealthy serpents, Man baa killed
off tbe roaring beaete and creeping
, things that hies and spit out venom,
because be hae a strong arm and a stout
heart, Si, George elew the dragon and
reocued the beaatifnl maid, bat women
eainte are stout of heart against the
serpent of the still, against the wild beast
of impurity and Ube stealthy tiger of the
gambling den. Women wield the sword
of the Spirit with nntrembliog hands, and
their chivalry toward man shall clear the
jangles of oivilzation from the trio of
000arge0 that lie in wait to devour him
body and soul. The watchword those
who believe in Prohibition by woman's
ballot 1e "two votes for the home where
it now has but one." We can inno other
way eo re•inforce the nation's coosoienoe
or purify the polluted blood of the body
politic, Hands that have jest put down
the wbiekey bottle or ebnffisd the greasy
pack of dards in a saloon, are patting
ballots in the box that are like the mato!)
to a powder mine. God grant that soon
those other hands may be released that
have been busy with home's moat sacred
minietriea ; that have sheltered helpless
infancy ; cooled the fevered brow of
anxious manhood and been oleaped in
prayer, while women's voices have oried
out,' How long 0 God how long 1"
North Perth Limon Commissioners
met at Stratford for organization. W.
J. Cleland wag appointed Chairman, and
it was deoided to have the board make a
tour of the riding this week to size op
the 0onditlone in the betels before the
new Bosuns are famed,
Dudley Helmet) has proteated the Elea
tion of M G. Cameron in West Heron,
and F. R. Latchford, ex•Attorney Gen-
eral, has entered a protect against the
election of T. MnGatry to Soatb Ran•
frew. The papers were filed at Pembroke
on Saturday. It io alleged that certain
railway interests spent 925,000 to defeat
the Minister. This makes a total of
eight pretests, the others being Port
Arthur, Kingston, North and South Nor.
folic, South Ontario and Seale Ste,
Mario, The petitioners against the oleo,
tion of C. N. Smith of the loo are
Tlhomae Johnston, contraotor ; Alex.
Hand, merchant, end Edgar Brown,
broker. The protest in South Ontario
against the election of Marten Calder
wee not entered, AEI stated in setae quart
era, by or on the request of John Dryden,
the former Minister of Agrioaltnre.
Meagre, Robinette & Godfrey, who aro
the aolioilors ontrdated with the protest,
are aobfbal solely on tbo request of the
Liberals of the riding, repreee0ted by
Robert NI, Boultboe, Reach townehip •,
David F. Pugh, Piokering, and Barnard
Not relief ttroreTy, brit lectin
Stooks, Fleet Whitby, three of the most
eubebantiel of Bomb Ontario farmers,
who are confident that the reealt will be
the upsetting of the election. There ie
no intention of arranging a "saw off,"
anti the protest will be pealed to e
Frank Wheeler Writes from
B. 0,
DEA, EDITOR —According 00 premieee
before I left ear old borne, I Bend a few
linos to the pree0. The next morning
after leaving home at eight o'olook we
arrived in the windy oity, Chicago, where
we stayed till 4 p. m. Next morning
about nine we got to St. Paul and left
again about eleven on our long journey
West. In two days more we got to
Malta, a town about the centre of Mon.
tang, where we stayed for a week's visit
and rest with Bones friends, and epent a
very enjoyable time, It isleomething new
for pereou coming 0101 of a thickly pop
ulated place like Ontario to see how
people live in a ranching country, like
the grave land of the "dry State," wbiob
it may well be called, for there bee been
no rain canoe May. Leaving Montana
we made the Coast in two and one half
rive, having had a fine trip and due
s000mmodatioo. We like the Southern
route fine.
It being fourteen years eiaoe I saw
Vanoonver, I notice a great change,
It nae grown mush end is keeping it up,
boildiug and spreading outall around..
Aa for the inbabitaote, they are made op
of all nationalities, China and Japan
being well repreeeoted. .6. great many
Dome here for tbe Winter, espeaielly
from Manitoba and the Territories. The
olimate seems to atlraot the people.
December aed January furnished oon«id•
-erable rain, and enough snow about
Ohrietmae to make the ground white, but
it wan all gone in a few hours. February
has been very fine ; the fore part was
fine and cool and the latter part warmer.
People are making their gardens ; tinware
are in bloom outdoors and Thee and moa.
guitnee are amusing themselves here.
I see by tbo preen that they would
not be very comfortable in Ontario
now. It is very nice to look up at the
euow on the moo0taine but that ie close
enough after last Winter's alarm in
As a good many of our old friends
know, it was for Mre. Wheeler's health
that we came oat; hrre, I am glad to be
able to say it has had the desired effeot.
She is wonderfully improved, in tact we
are all well and hearty and like the plane
well. There is a good living here for any
person who will get up and rustle for it,
and I always aotioed 'hat I had to do
that in the East or come out abort.
Thanking you Mr, Editor, for yoar
valuable space, and extending beet wiehee
to old friends, I remain as ever,
N. Vanoonver, B. 0.
Experiments with Farm Crops.
The members of the Ontario Agri.
cultural aed Experimental Union are
pleased to state tbat for 1905 they are
prepared to dietribnte into every town
ehip of Ontario material for experiments
with fodder orop, roots, grains, graeeee,
olovere, and fertilizers, Upwarde of
1,600 varieties of farm grope have been
tested in tbe Experimental Department
of the Ontario Agricultural Oollege,
Guelph. for at least five years in emcee
eiou. These ooneist of nearly all the
Canadian sorts and several hundred new
varieties, some of which have done ex
oeedingly well in the carefully coodooted
experiments at the College and are now
bring distributed free of °barge for 00•
operative experiments throughout Ont
ario. The following is the list of 00.
operative experiments in Agrioultnre for
1905 :
No. Experiments. Plote,
1-3 varieties of Oats 8
2-2 varieties of Barley 2
3-2 varieties of bulling Barley 2
4-2 varieties of Spriog Wheat 2
5-2 varieties of Buckwheat 2
6—.2 varieties of field Peas for North•
ern Ontario 2
7—Emmer and Spelt 2
8-2 varieties of Soy, Soja, or Japan-
ese Beane 2
9-3 varieties of hacking Corn 3
10-2 varietiee of Maugelda 3
11-2 varieties of Sugar Beate for feed-
ing purpoeee 2
12-3 varietiee of Bwedieh Turnips3
13—Kohl Rabi and two varieties of Fall
Turnips 3
14—Parsnips and 2 varieties of Carrots 8
15-3 varietiee of Fodder or Silage Corn 3
16-3 varieties of Millet 3
17-3 varieties of Sorghum 3
18—Grass Peas & 2 varieties of Vetches 8
19-2 varieties of Rape 2
20-3 varieties of Glover 3
21—Sainfoin, Lucerne, and Burnet,8
22-7 varieties of Grasses 7
23-3 varietiee of field Beane 3
24-3 varieties of sweet Corn 3
25—Fertilizers with Corn 6
26—Fertilizers with Swedish Turnips6
27—Growing Potatoes on the level and
in hills 2
28-2 varieties of early, medium, or
late Potatoes 2
29-3 grain mixtarea for grain pro.
duction 3
30—Planting Corn in rowe and in
squares 2
The sizeot snob plot in each of the
arab twentysix experiments and of No.
29 is to be two rode long by one rod
wide ; io Noe. 27 and 28, one rod square ;
and in No. 30, four rode square (one•
tenth of an acre.)
Eaob person in Ontario who wishes to
join in the work may thecae any ONE of
the experiments for 1905, and apply for
the game. The material will be furnish.
ed in the order in which the applioatione
are reoeived until the supply is exhausted.
It might be well for each applicant to
make a oeoond choice, for fear the fleet
mould not be granted. All material will
be furnished entirely free of charge to
each applioanb, and the peoduee of the
plots will, of ooaree, become the property
of the pereon who conducts the expert•
Guelph, 0. A. Desire, Direotor,
Canada's flahorfee yielded 928,101,878
in 1903.
Three young men were arreeted at
Pstrolia on the charge of fotging and
Netting bank oheoks.
Barnard Brittotl, of Ottawa, was shot
in the leg by a constable daring a souffle,
and le in the hospital la a very weak eon.
talc- tutor,. tiro O)t (eery 1:.0'
George Watson, pesttnaster at Athell,
died eaddealy.
Mre, Wi Ilam Wainwright, wife of the
Controller of the Gonad Truck Railway,
died in England.
James Nevin, who bas a wife in Scot.
land, pleaded guilty of bigamy at Win-
nipeg, He married a roepeotabla young
English girl in that city,
Dr, Jeeeop, M. P, P„ was presented
with an address and a silver water puohor
and Mr. Fraser, M, P, P., was pereeuted
with an addreee and a silver lovlu„ sup
by the Lincoln County Ooueervative
,High Court of Justice.
Sprlug Session for Huron Courtly.
A Light Docket,
Tb•, Spring Benicia of the High (loam
of Justice, with jory, opened ou Tueeday
afternoon of last week in the Jima
House, Goderioll, before the Hon. Ja•tioe
Meredith. Ao there were no ermined
oases on the docket there wee oo aerated
Jury, and ooneegaently Hie Lordsbip
received a pair of white gloves. The
Weil docket waa made op of (our owes to
be tried with jury and two without.
'l'be first case tried wan Wright ve.
Grand Trunk Railway Oompauy -- Ar,
aotioo to recuver for damages to ht.neelt,
a wagon and a team of horeee. The
evidence was onnoluded at 11 a. m. Wed•
oeeday, and after the addressee tf conn
eel His Lord -hip Bummed up, tin jury
retired, and after an abaenoe of nearly
three hours, returned a verdict in favor
of plaintiff for 9380 and costa. Wm.
Proudfoot, K. 0., and R. S. Hays
appeared for plaintiff, and Riddell, K.
C., for the defendant Company,
McDonald ve. McIver — Au aotioo for
slander. There were hot few witueeeee
examined, and the jory atter a short
absence found for the plaintiff 9200 and
coats, R. Vanetone for plaintiff, Wm,
Proudfoot, K. C., fur defendant.
Sharpie vs. Bennett — An aotioo for
aeaault, was tried by a jury. It did not
east long, and the result was a verdtat for
defendant, Mr. Morphy appear,6 for
plaintiff and R. Vanetone for defendant.
Shoemaker vs. Hooper, A. Spotton
for plaintiff, R. Vanetone for d,fendant ,
township of Ashfield vs. ooauty of
Huron, Proudfoot, Hays & Blair for
plaiutiff, Diokineon & Garrow for de.
fendente ; and Kendall ve. towoabip of
Grey, Makin & Hanley for plaintiff,
Proudfoot, Hays & Blair for defendants,
were adjourned to the June 0eseloue and
the Court oloeed,
A-. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge.
The 27th annual seeeion of the Grand
Lodge of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen of Ontario, whish opened
Wednesday morning of last week iu the
Temple building, Toronto with over 500
delegates present, after some eightimam'
warm debate, deoided Wodneeday night
by a majority of nearly three to tone, to
raise the assessment rated praatioally up
to the Government eoale, ae recommend
ed by the Executive Committee The
Hunter stale of rates reoemm .nded by
the Executive Committee wee not adopt•
ed, but another schedule introduced by
Dr. Weagant, of Ottawa, making the
Hunter rates .lightly lower for ,young
men up to 37 years of age and alightly
higher for the older men in the Order,
was endorsed, though not without a
vigorous proteet from the delegatee
representing the veterans.
The new eoale will pat the Order on, a
citable ineuranoe basis, and should
stimulate the bringing in of young men,
although it will prove eomewbat of a
hardship to the men who have been in
the Order for .many years.
The most of the forenoon was devoted
to routine beelines. Grand Mester
Peregrine made the following appoint.
mote :—Assistant Grand Gnidee, Joseph
Rosa, Hamilton:. G. W. Miller, Graven.
hunt ; and A. D. Molunis, Cache Bay ;
Aeeietant Watabman, Frank Sanders,
Capt. T. M. Cornett, Past Grand
Master Workman, conferred the /;'rand
Lodge Degree on all the new delegates.
Fully ball of them present were there
t or the first time.
The Grand Maker Workman gave an
address of welcome, in wbiob 00eoial
reference was made to the preeen,te of
lady delegates for the first time, Oar of
whom were in the room.
The other appointments made were as
follows :—A. James, of the Stateeinan,
Bowmanville, wan made official reporter,
with F. W. Nadel ae assistant. Ile, T.
A. Eby, Baaorott ; Frank Sau•,dere,
Toronto ; F. !Mason, Perth ; Jae. Roes,
Hamilton, and W, fl. Cam, man,
Obesterville, composed the commit,ee on
The following grand offioere were in
attendance ;—Joseph Gibson Poet Grand
Master Workman Iugereoll ; J. M.
Peregrine, Grand Mager Workman,
Hamilton ; O. E. Cameron, Grand Fore.
man, Irogaoie ; M, D. Carder, Grand
Reoorder, Toronto I F. G. Iowood, ()rand
Treasurer, Toronto ; Robert Ingram,
Grand Guide, Ottawa ; Harry Harris,
Graud Inside Watchman, Gnelph ; W.
W. Bargees, Grand Oateide Watchman,
Mimico ; A. G. F. Lawrence, Grand So -
Baiter, Toronto ; J. Milton Oolto,, M.
D., Grand Medical Examiner, Toros.
HUM MULE 006000100NDED
Charles E. Cameron, Grand Foreman,
promoted the report of the Executive
Committee on the question of adjustment
of rates, recommending the adoption of
the Hunter or Government smile.
M. D. Carder, G. R , read a telegram
from the Grand Lodge of Mauttoba,
stating that they have adopted the
Hunter rate at their reoeot annual see•
ei on.
Fred, G. Inwood, F. G. M. W., intro.
dnoed the chief officers of the Independ•
ant Order of Foresters :—John A Mo.
(iillivray, Supreme Secretary ; R. A.
Collins, Dr. Milburn and Hon. F. 0.
Stephenson, Snpremc Committer. They
were received by the Grand Lodge up-
standing. Col. McGillivray and Roti.
Mr. Steplemon conveyed fraternal
greetinge from the I. 0. F., which were
acknowledged by Past Grand Maeter Joe.
A delegation from tbo Sone of Scotland
was introduced by Judge D. F, Mao Watt,
in the persona of A ex, Fraser, Grand
Chief, sod Major D. M. Robertson, Grand
Seorotery, who bore fraternal greetings.
Hon, Grorgo P. Graham, P. G. 141. W.,
responded on behalf Of the Grand Lodge.
A LIVELY 0011000
Tho afternoon and evening se00io00
were occupied almost entirely by 111e
dissuasion of ad,quate rates. The prin-
oipal speakers were •, J. A. Chapman,
Pert Light ; Jelin Moore, Mt. Albert ; W.
Watson, Toronto ; Stewart Atobeoon,
Wiarton : J. Onto,, London ; Jos. Ron,
Hamilton ; J. Looltte W lloon, Alexund•
riu ; A. O Graham, Aylmer ; Asa Kiege•
bury, Keewatin ; F, Mason, Perth ; Dr.
A, A, Weagant, Ottawa ; ThOV. !Ulm,
'Toronto ; Tboe, Myers, [mono i'le ; T,
Beattie St. Cotharioee ; Capt. la. Cornett,
Gananogoe ; Rev. D'Aroy, T. Olayton,
Kars ; Judge C. F, MeoWatt, Sarnia ;
Joseph Gibson, P. G. 141. W , Ingersoll.
TH0 MODIFIED 000000010.
A modified robedule of rano, intro.
duped by Dr. Weagant, Ottawa, whish le
the Hooter rates slightly modified, mak•
ing the rotes lower for young men tip to
37 years, was adopted by a vote of 28,379
for to 10,551 against.
This oohednis was prepared by Grand
Recorder Carder, and is ae follows :—
Rate per Anneal
Age 61,000 payments
18 . $ 74 $ 8 88
19 76 9 12
20 78 9 36
21 81 9 72
22 84 10 08
23 87 10 44
24 90 10 80
25 94 11 28
26 98 11 76
27 1 02 12 24
28 1 06 12 72
29 1 10 18 20
30 1 16 13 92
31 1 20 14 04
82 1 24 14 88
33 1 28 15 36
34 1 86 16 32
35 1 40 16 80
36 1 44 17 28
37 1 54 1848
38 1 61 19 32
39 1 66 19 92
40 1 72 20 64
41 1 82 21 84
42 1 93 23 16
43 2 00 24 00
44 2 05 24 GO
45 2 19 26 28
46 2 34 28 08
47 2 42 29 04
48 2 50 30 00
49 ,... 2 69 32 28
The Grand Lodge of Ontario, A. 0. U.
W., followed up their adoption of new
rates by deciding Thnreday morning that
the neweahedule Bhall go into 10 00 May
let, 1905. Grand 'fleeter Workman, J.
41. Peregrine, was inetrooted to eppoiot
a committee to deviee a form of options
for the aged members of the Order. A
motion for the r,•duotion Of repreeeata-
tion at the Grand Lrdge was oammarily
voted down.
The delegatee on resolution of Repre-
sentative Fisher, voted themselves three
daye' pay, $9, for two days' attendance
on the ground that many of the delegatee
could not reach home before Friday
night. The Grand Master wee voted an
honorarium of 91,000,
T. G. Cornott reported for the Oom•
mitten on Union that efforts towards
federation with Grand Lodges of the
other Canadian Provinces had not yet
-progressed far. The committee was in.
etruoted to continue the work.
On motion of Joseph Gibson, 9300 was
appropriated to endow an A. 0. U W.
cot in the Free Coneomption Sanitarium
Hospital at Graveohurat.
Toronto was chosen as the place of
meeting for 1906.
All the Grand Lodge officers were re-
eleoted. There was a 00,000t for Grand
Foreman between C. E. Cameron and T.
J. Enright, but Mr. Cameron was re.
elected by a large mejlrity. F. G. 1n•
wood bad a eontee1 for the Grand Treae•
nrerahip, brit won out easily.
Tan of test yeat'a district deputies
were re sleeted. The fifteen new men
are R. Williams, Eeeex ; Fred. A. Mo -
Cully, St. Thome ; James Armitage,
London ; Fred. Viokert, Princeton ;
John Peobler, Hamilton ; J. E. Masters,
Niagara on the Lake ; R E. Nelson,
Guelph ; W H Kerr, Brussels ; J. A.
Chapman, Port Elgin ; J. J. Reith,
Grand Valley; Joseph Strong, Bolton;
H. Fisher, Thornhill ; 0. J. Wbile,
Quints ; Robert Hughes, Carleton Place ;
W. Glare, Oerdinol,
Joseph Rose, Hamilton, was the only
new man elected to the Exeoutive Com
mittee. George Clay and Charles G.
Knott, Toronto, were eleoted Anditore.
The Grand Proeteee elected were J.
Lookie Wilson, Alexandria ; H. T. Farr,
Brookvil'e, and Dr. ,J. N. Simmons,
Perth County.
Berry J. Clegg, late of Mitchell, nee
gone into business in Winnipeg as plumb.
The bank purposes opening up at
Monkton every day in the week after the
let of April,
Mise Fannie Nioholeon, Logan, ie pre.
paring for her emend year's examination
at the Toronto Ooneervatory of 'Music,
W. J. Thompson, Logan, at tbo Orange
Grand Lodge held in Midland, was ap-
pointed Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Dr. Babb, of London, has reeigned his
position es chief of the hospital reeideot
staff, to take pace April let. Dr, Babb
in a nephew of R Babb, Mitchell.
Rev. Oswald W. Howard, B. A„ B. D.,
Professor at the Montreal Diocesan
Theological College, is the choice of the
vestry of St. James' church, Stratford,
for tbo vacant rectorship.
A. Robertson, South Eaethope bas sold
hie handsome pair of black coach horses
to the Toronto Junction fire department.
No doubt Mr. Robertson reooived a good
long prove as they were a very fine pair.
While Joseph Connery, who lives on
the Stratford road, near Conroy, Downie,
was falling a tree one day a dead limb
fell and otruok him on the top of the
bead. The result was a very bad gulp
wound, which required five or six
Mrs. L. Sanderson, of Stratford, re.
oeived notice of her appointment by the
Ontario Government to the position of
Oonnty Genet etenographer. This ap•
pointment wag made at the unanimous
reoommeodetion of the bar of Stretford
and the county onunoil.
MoLagan'o factory, Stratford, bad a
email blaze Friday morning about 5
o'clock, but fortunately the damage wee
Blight end the fire was put one without
any aeeietanoe by the automatic eprayor.
The blaze onmmenood in a pile of rage
flatoratod with oil need by the trnisbere
whish had begot 80/1100104 and
Arthur Hyde, Downie street, Stratford,
lost the little finger of lye right hand
while operating a planer at the Bridge
& Iron Works,
Hon, Thos, Jiallantyne, Stratford, has
returned from Mount Clemons. He ie
gradually recovering from hie reoeut
attack of eoiatioa,
South Perth Lioeuse Commieeionere
0101 in Mitchell for the purpose of organ•
izing. John Benneweie, of Logan, was
appointed ch .Irma,, and. Geo. D. Lawrie,
of St. Mert'e, etorelary,
Mayor il'erguron, Stratford, has re.
oohed a oommuuioablou from Mr, Leon.
ard, of the 0. P. R., stating that he
would appoint the earliest poonible date
for a oouferenoe re 0. P. R. ma tare.
J. P. Mabee, B. 0., was oond0eting the
defense of Rattan in the Heating° bogus
ballot box oars, Ile is reported no hav•
ing put the witne0e, Phillip Lott,
through a most searching oroae•examiea.
Peter Waleh, en employee of the G. T.
R. ehope, Stratford, met with a very
painful accident while at work, He wan
engaged in rolling a heavy iron ring for a
boiler, weighing about half a ton, when
it 1.11 upon his foot, badly ornehing it.
About forty friends surprised Ald. J.
D Hamilton at hie residence on Albert
street, Stratford, Tbnreday night of last
week, the occasion being the alderman's
61st birtbday, and n p!eaeant Mme spent
iu games and dancing. During the even•
ing he wan preeented with a pretty china
cup and eauoer. Guests were present
from Dublin, Newton, Iugereoll and
other pointe.
The nomination meeting held in Mit-
obeli Town Hall Friday evening of last
week for the purpose of nominating
eounoillore to fill the vaoanoiee canoed by
the resignations of 0ounoillere T. Stone.
man, A. Matton and L Hord, was very
well attended, there being five nominated,
an follows :—Thos. Henry, J. Herr, John
Skinner, F. Hord and Wm. Graham.
The former three gentlemen were present
and with a short epeeob consented to
stand. F. H. Thompeon, in the chair,
palled on the mayor, S. R. Stuart, and
Councillor Hnrlbort, who laid the state.
mem of the electric light plant and the
Hill loan before those present.
The auditors' report for the town of
M,tobell shows tbat $2,320 were received
last year as electric tight rental's ; other
rests, 9205 ; fines, $16 ; licensee, 9626 ;
taxes, $16,073 ; grants, 9310. Expeudi•
three, salaries, 62,870 ; printing and
etationery, 6190 ; law costs, $256 ; High
school, $1,600 ; Public school, 93 300 ;
street watering, 9300 ; grants, 65951
bank dieoanute, 9391 ; county rate, $875 ;
sicking fund, 91,193 ; relief, 9167 ;
waterworks, $5,54915 ; e'entrio light,
$9,245 ; Board of Work•', 61.203 ; Park,
Shade trees:and Properly, $269. Available
meets, 61,532 ; Iiabilitlee, debentures not
inoloded, $9,625.
A meeting in connection with tbe
bolding of a horse show in Stratford this
year was held in MoPhereon'e & David•
boo's office and a good representation of
horsemen attended. It was deoided to
hold another such event, and conoiderab'e
dincaenion followed an to whether it wee
beet to hold it in the Spring or Fall.
The Fall was at length deoided upon, as
it wan thought this would be more eatia•
factory to farmers and Tuesday, Wednee•
day and Thursday following the Weetern
Fair London, were pieked;upon. It will be
Life Insurance
An Accumulation Policy
in the Confederation
Life will bring you peace
of mind and will relieve
you from a heavy re-
The exceptionally liberal feat-
ures of the Policy will commend
it to your judgment.
The Guarantees are def-
inite and are plainly set
forth. The contract is
a model of simplicity
and clearness.
An interview with one of the
Company's agents will be inter-
esting to you. You can find out
how you can save safely for your
own benefit while at the same
time you can keep your family
from want in case of your death.
Immediate attention to
this matter may mean
much to you.
W. H. K E R R
held in oonjnnotion with the Fell Fair as
lost yoar, bu'Itho Agrioa''nral Scoiety will
have the privilege to show etook at the
none elbow 1f it eo dooir o. On motion
of John Arbroaot and W J. McCully ib
was deoided to form a company to be
celled the Stretford Horse Show Limited
and to motion of J. A. Devidece and P.
H. Petrie, to apply for a enactor, and
that tbe capital stock bo $10,000, with
shares of $10 sash oarried,
vltloee of finubrook, lately occupied
by A,MoNair,who hue sold out. Terme
reasonable. Apply to J, LUNO, Oraubrook,
rooms. soft and bard ,voter, elorm
windows storm and ee0Oen doors. Good
Stable, I acres of laud 15 fruit trees. Vary
law taxes, A ennllorn,bio horse 0000p,
Apply to R, N, DOFF, Bluevalo P. 0„ Ont.
montbe obi. with drat class pedigree,
and from epleudid mlltttilg strain, for sale.
While the animal romaine hero he will be
kept for cervico at 001 (0 AWOL. GARDIN
PR, Let 23, Con. 14, McKillop, or Diemen,
undareieued will keep for service on
Lot 10, Con. 14, Grey, a Tboro'-bred Durham
Bull. Terme $1.00, with privilege of return-
ing if mammary. JAS. 8101101.0,
34.4 Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for nervier, on
Lot 22, oon.0. Grey, a tboro' bred Yorkshire
bog, Oak Lodge Jnatiee, bred by Juo. Breth•
our, of Burford. Pedigree may be Been on
slow ion.w Terme $1.00 to be paid at time
privilege of returning if
neeeeeary, ALEX. D, LAMONT,
24- Proprietor.
andereigued bag purchased the well
bred Dinham Bull. "Captain Forrester"
=10003= and will keep him for service ou Lot
7, Con. 0, Grey. Pedigree way be ween on
application. Terme, 01.50 for erudite and
$4 00 for tbnro' brads, w,th privilege of re•
turotol 11 necessary. JNO. 01119RAR,
35.4 Proprietor,
sale, NI Lot 15, Con IL Grey. Easy
terms, Apply t1 1E0. B. HYDE, on tbo
11m enl0os, tirtnnbrook 1', 0„ or F,11. Scott,
llruoeelo. _... 26
50 00x0 !tutu 1'or ogle, being South halt
0010, Lion. 7, Grey. Mostly seeded down
and well manumit Good bank barn and
oomfort,1, o house Oloee to eobnol and 21
miles fro,' Brussels a scree of Fall wheat
in, Appis to J, 0, if 0708, Brussels. 09.0
bort.natead-100 aoroe—in tho Town-
obtp of Ali rile, Hurc.1 county. For partlo.
ulars apply to
3 tf 5"0 Butburet 8t. Toronto,
son, meed of 1113 noise, Lotd0, Goo 13,
Grey 85 .area 0185 ed and balance timber-
ed, half o.: Jar, Got 1 Lame bonne and bank
barn, wol' Dinned. • sly d mils from Oran-.
brook wit' re are o' Probes, atone, school,
shone, die. Apply o, F. 8, soott, Bivaeels,
n' JNO, AtoNABii, rn the premises, Gran.
brook P. 1.. 3544
eing CONTAth IN-
Lots 15 ad t 10, 001.. 1, Grey. Comfortable
frame bon te, 000111, 100, orchard, &o. Only
4 miles f• nn Moire worth. Good tonality
and tine twirls, 11,, nedia to poesee0lon. For
further p,,rtleular `:ter y to or wr ruaeels.
derr:ined off: es her100 acre farin, be-
ing Lot 20 Con. 7, '3rey, for sale. There
is a comfortable :muse, bank barn, ors
char,t,;wr,'o,&o. form is only t mile from
the tbriviag village of Ethel, For further
partioulese as to p• ice, terms, 30., apply to
M118. KATE, HOLLAND, 73 Sbuter street,
Torun to.
Thr undoreig led offer for ealo his
farm, being Lot 1, Gnu. I3. Grey. It is sit.
vaned ou rho Gravel road, 3 miles South of
Brussels end contains 100 mires of good land,
all cleared but 12 aoroe. There fe a first
01080 brie,; house and kitchen, boated with
furnace, wood elicit, artesian well with
windmill ,.nd water is pumped to barn.
Barn is 35,58 feet w ill atone stables. B uy
barn 50000 foot, Go: el orchard, farm well
fenced ; 1 loasantly unmated W111 be sold
on easy ti rms. A1• -.'ly on premises or Brus-
sels P, O„ S0NEAS 11105000, 10.01
Toys, Dolls, Book &c.
as the room is wanted for other pur-
poses, the balance of the goods will be
sold at COST for 30 days.
The Great Remedy for Pain, I:;ternlei or External
notstn!t,'h14,N,l','lli t,ee'betees ion,
GOLDEN LIQUID ie the Dead Shot Core for pain. Every pain instantly
relieved by one thorough Rppliutbiot. Sprains, B. nine, 5, ff Joints, Headache,
Toothaohe, Pain in Side or Limbs, Contracted Mucosa, Pain ,0 Cheat, Lame Back,
Lumbago, Soiatio, banished like Magic. It is migl ':y eeareh'ng otnff and immed•
lately diepele all pained purely vegetable and PERFECTLY Hnr.iionse to the smallest
Nothing Equals ft for Burne, Scalds, Mutations. Chaflnge, Insect Bites, Frosted
Feet or Eare, Obildbleine and Sore Feet.
INTERNALLY.—Bowel Complaints relieved in a few 010100(0. Cured Cramps,
Spam ,e Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Summer Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dyeeotery,
Oolio, Wind in Bowels, Cholera Morbus ; oleo Rub Stomach Externally in these
eomplainbe with the GOLDEN LIQUID.
Do not neglect to teat 0 for any pain at once. The direnaione are to rub and
bathe with it until the pain is gone, perhaps one minute, Elie loneest•eeated pain in
lees than fifteen minntre. You simply know from its trial that the GOLDEN
LIQUID omen pain immediately, as dew disappears before tar, morning ann.
E'QR HORSES AND CATTLE. — For Opts, Swelling, Bailees, Sprains,
Strains, Lameness, Btiffneee, Contractions of the liJneoloe, Sore Throat, Celle.
Apply GOLDEN LIQUID in accordance with the diotates of common sense, rub«
biug the parte affected thoroughly.
It should always be Inept in the hoose. Its nee will prove beneficial on all
occasions of pain and eiokneoe. There to nothing in the world that will atop pain or
arrest the progress of disease as quiok as the GOLDEN LIQUID,
To MR. CRONE, Brunets 1
I have used your Golden Liquid and have
found it to he a perfect oure Inr Rheuma-
tism, Yours t, sly,
Oranbrook, Ang. 5th, 1904.
In regard to Golden Liquid it in a great
remedy for I ttcumatinm. It 001110000 all
pain and stiffness (rein the Joints, It is al.
00 a,1 ex00Netlt remedy for wore throat and
all internal pain. I cannot spank too high.
ly of it, O. H. DODDe.
Brunets, May 2114, 1904.
Thin is to certify that f leave need Golden
Liquid and And it to be the beet thine that
I ever got a held of for rheumatism 1 have
used a good many remedies «and also don-
tor's medicines without any benefit but Gel-
don Lignld ;gave the almost lnetOot relief
both from pain and lameness. I ant fie well
0e ever I was.. - 3010 MUltlt,
Bruesele, April 25111,1004.
MR R 01.oN10:
Beret fire,—llavlug used'your Golden
Limit for ithoumattam I have found it the
beat remedy I eve, got hold of. I was in
bed with Rhoumati'ou and of tor the e000nd
bathing wttwl able tr get up, and in two daye
was cut w"wing 0 0114, You would not
know I brut been laid np at all, Hoping
thie may help same others who are suffer-
ing vie I was to be oomplately restored to
health, I am, You,e (rn,yy
Brussels, Nov, Ord, 1904,
DEAR gin,--'I1',•leivod yoar letter asks
ing mo for ely oph,itu of Goldm0 Liquid.. 1t
19 tb0 beat medicine 1 ever used, It le worth
100 weight in 8016 Every 0110 Binge its
nraleos. Through she 'mane 01 Golden
Liquid my daugl,lo as life was saved. llko
had lr,ilammatiou of the bowels. You hood
not ba afraid to rear 110018 WHITEHEAD.