HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-23, Page 1bit 01 En
Vol.'33. No. 37 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO,
New Advertisements,
Coming—T, P. Smith.
Seeds—Geo. Thomson.
Concerti --Foot Ball Club.
Tenders—John Davidson.
Loral—W, J. McCracken.
Inonbatore—John Wright,
Millinery—McEinnon & Orn
Attotion Sale—John McNab.
Amnion Sale—Philip Amont.
Aeeigneee Notice—F, 8, Scott.
Spring Millinery—.Mise Straohnn.
Lion Brand Clothing—D. 0. Roue.
New Baggies—John Onber & Sone.
Election expenses—Thos. Straohen.
Millinery Opening—Minn Habkirk.
Millinery Opening—Roche & Baynroft.
Eigh °lase tailoring—Dodds& Habkirk.
Mistritt Xitbas.
halt el.
This week D. Milne attended a etoolt
sale at Guelph on the look out for good
Some of one young men have been
riding the Odd Fellows' goat at 'Brunets
Several from this locality will attend
the Fruit Institute meeting in 'Brussels
an Thursday afternoon of next week at
2 o'olook,
Eyestrain usesbp ti
nerves and drains
vitality. It is dander -
nus to health and life.
We save life and en.
'ours health by rernov.
Miss Teenie Sample
MARCH 23, 1905
Grey township Council will meet here
murk M o bay, A busy day's work is
Isaao Rathwell, who has been working
in the viointy of Stratford all Winter,
has returned to hie home in Grey town-
Wm. Gray is ill at present.
Rev. W. J. Wont was at Toronto this
George Aitobeeon at, is feeling poorly
we are sorry to state,
Mies Nellie Bargees spent a few days
last week at Wingham,
Mre, Code, of Trowbridge, is visiting
her uncle Joseph Leach.
Wm. Sanderson in back from Toronto
to spend the Summer here.
Joseph Leech entertained a number of
hie friends on Friday evening,
Mre. Small, of Wingbam, has been
visiting her daughter Mrs, Baby.
Rev. Wesley Leech, of Toronto, ie
visiting his brother Joeeph Leech, •
"Doo." Messer, of Hamilton, was a
visitor at his old home here this week.
Mee McAllister, of Hillegreen,is
engaged with Dire.. Bailey for the season.
Mra, Sohoales has returned from Bervse
where she has bean visiting her daughter
Mrs. Balaton.
Brussels Foot :Bali Club
Admission 25o. Children 15e.
The 25o. Seats may be reserved at Fax's
Drag Store Marob 81st.
Don't Miss this Musical Treat
Millinery Openings
March 31st and eA pril lst
The Misses Habkirk
Wish to announce that on the above named dates
they will hold their Spring Millinery Openings,
when they will present a large and well assorted
stock of Trimmed Hats and Ready -to -wears,, ilial/
the Latest and Best Styles.
A Cordial 'Invitation is extended to the Lathes
to attend and inspect.
Friday, March 3lst
Saturday, April 1st
Misses The
A partnership has been formed by • the undersigned for
carrying on a High Class Tailoring
Business in the
Stretton Block Brussels
Shop will be open Saturday, March 25th, when our
full new stock will be on display.
Before ordering your Spring Suit see our choice goods,
O. X Dodds
J. J. Habkirk
Charles Coulter is house from Listowel
and is euffering from a bad °old.
Owing to the condition of the roads rho
ohuroh eerviaee were poorly attended OR
Quite a number of young people were
entertained at the home of the home of
Arob, and Mre, Patereo on Tuesday
night before their departure to Wingham,
VV'it- ttxtit*0 .
Merton Howe is visiting friends at
Earl Armstrong left for the Weet on
School opened in the Town Hall on
Robert Harris spent a few days of last
week in Toronto.
Frank Mibchefl and family left for
Pilot Mound last week.
Mrs. G, Town renewed acquaintances
in the village Inst week.
Mise E. Perking, of Gorrie, called on
friends here on Monday,
Leopard and Mrs. Brown are visiting
friends in Morriebank this week.
Mise Victoria Simmons returned from
a visit with relabives in Brussels on Fri-
Mrs. N. J. Robinao left for Oakville
on Monday to attend the funeral of a
N. McNeil and family left for Allen -
park last Wednesday where they will
make their home.
The young people of the village enjoy-
ed a dance at the home of Jos. Lovell, of
Taroberry, on Tuesday evening,
Mies Agnes. Mogeroher accompanied
Mr, and Mre, Mogeroher, of Howiok, on
a visit to Washington on Thursday,
John Hartley returned from Owen
Sound where be has been attending
school during hie month's holidays, and
Mies Henry from her home in White-
church on Saturday, and commenced
teaching in the Town Hall on Monday.
A meeting of the ratepayers of the
village was held laet Friday night, to take
into consideration the advisability of
potting up a suitable Town Hall, The
meeting wee fairly well attended and the
I have secured the agency
for one of the best Cana-
dian makes of Incubators.
Prices right:
Buff Orpington's. My
birds are bred- from the
best in Canada. None
rrA'1 -.4ille.
W, H. KERB, .Prop,
ratepayers seemed in favor of going on
with the work, with the exception of a
few kickers who would rather never see
an improvement than pay out one dollar
a year in taxes.
Owing to the bad state of the wade on
Sunday Rev, E, A. Hall was unable to
get through, John Hartley took the
service in the Episcopal church in his
absence, Rev. Mr. Osterhout made an
attempt to go to Belmore but was oblig-
ed to turn back.
Juenaa, tower.
Tho roads are bud and will be till the
meow is past.
O. Rion, of Marnooh, hoe moved to
the farm lately vacated by 33. Payne,
Joseph Coombes is home from Blyth
where he bas been spending the past
John and Mre, Simpson left Tuesday
for the Northweeb, Tbo former is a son
of A. Simpson.
J. T. Strachan,' our talented speaker
mod debater, will go to Teeswater on the
31st to join in a debate there,
W. A. Mines who recently sold his
farm to Mr, Peacock, has purobased
another place from Jas• Robinson, of
Taroberry township and will move there.
We wish him prosperity.
Last Sabbath evening in the absence of
Rev. Mr. West, of Blaevale, who was not
able to get here on account of the almost
impassible roads, Tbos. Strachan took
charge of the service in the Hall.
Lnomt1Ru.—Fridley evening of tide week
Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter, will deliver
his popular lecture, "The Cotter's Satur-
day Night," in Victoria Hall, under the
auspices of the Young People's Society.
Lecture will commence at 8 o'clock, A
collection will be taken for the Society.
Mise Martin, of Seaforeh, ;e visiting
friends in town.
John Grimoldby whose hand was
lacerated in the sawmill last week is
progressing favorably.
Simeon Barrows was again stricken
with partial paralysis last week
still in a very serious condition, and is
There was no service in St. George's
Int Sabbath, the rentor finding it im-
possible to reach here, owing to the bad
• R, H. Ferguson has received soma
cheques for right of way lands along the
0. P. R. route which he is turning over
to the.farmere interested in return for
'their deeds,
Joshua Pollard has disposed of his
well-known sorrel team to W. C. Dick-
son for the fair figure of 5400. Josh. is
well known for the first class quality of
his stock.
Dr. F. 0. Neal has returned from
Winnipeg for a short time. He reports
it extremely difficult to get offices in
desirable portions of the city. He left
on Tuesday for Niagara district on a
proepa tting tour.
O. Forrest, of Waterloo, was a visit
bare thio week.
Roade will
not be worth angthin
until the snow gets away.
It is hinted theta Wingh¢mite ma
open op a store in the stand former'
000npied by A. McNair.
Joseph Reymann, of Loudon, was
vieitor with relatives and friends Ihi
week. He'e always welcome,
Mise Ethel Molonis entertained
a number
of her'
salest Th
e emu
. A mon net en'o
time J
spent.. Y wen
Dr. and Mre. Turnbull and baby, o
Goderioh, Mr. and alias Mulholland, o
Seatortb, were visitors at A. MoNairte
for a few days Ian week.
Friday afternoon of this week Jno. B.
Hyde's auction sale will be held. Mr.
Hyde purposes removing to Stretford
shortly, where he in well aognainted.
Owing to the bad state of the roads
Ian Sabbath Rev. D. B. McBee walked
to Ethel for hie afternoon eervboe, This
was the 01d • time manner of travel not
moth in vogue inthese days.
The auction sale of farm, farm stock,
implements, &a , belonging to John Me•
Nabb, Lot 16, eon. 13, will take plane on
Wedoeeday afternoon of next week. F.
8. Sone will bathe auctioneer.
This week F 13 Sostt disposed of the
farm '
ae6 Eget
J of ern
k owned
Phillip Amens, of Brweeele, for the' sum
of $6,600. There are 130 acres and the
pwcbaeer be Samuel Balfour, of Mogil
lop. He gate p0sseaoion on April let.
•The farm le a good one,
Bloat reek.
Mre, D. MoDoald, 7th line, Morrie,
m nota
Iter let
Psiker, by MiBB
Hielo Maggie
p, is visiting in Berlin and GRIL
Owing to the bad roads Rea, Dr. Cool:,
of Clinton, who wag announced to preach
in Jeokeon'e church, 8th line, last Sun.
day afternoon did not get there.
Aire. W. D. Cowley, of Stratford, wag
a atelier ander the parental . roof during
the past week. She is a daughter of
Jno. and Mre, Manning, 5th line, Morrie.
We are pleaeed to welcome ex•Ooonoil.
for Jaokeon end wife bank frcm their
enjoyable trip to California and the West.
They were atony two months and put in
a fine tithe.
James McCall shipped a car of settlers'
effects from Brunk; on Tureday of this
week to Abernaty, N. W. T. The owner
accompanied the oar. He has been in
the Weed before.
Harry Kirkby arrived home from
Torooto lest Friday afternoon having
c m
term at the
Will al
eDoo, Wnb
of Welton, during the intervening period
retnrning to callers next Fall.
Fog alga WRIT,—On Tneeday after•
noon of this week a oar of Bottlers' effeebs
wan forwarded from Bennie by Peter
on 8th line,
0 to
T dale
N. W.
in which localityMr, Jaokenn purposes
fanning gonn I
The oat
acoompen;ed by David and Lyle,thus
Of Mr. Jackson, and Robert' Mainprize,
of Brneele. In the oaten of Iwo wain;
Mmmill eoott�lrheObh mebetfthe Ninny will
follow. We wine them well. The farm
of Mr. Jaokaon hero had beau Inward by
hie nephew,
INaonan.—Alax, Mnetard, 20d JIM,
woe eer;uasly injured last week while
meaning in taking a now to Brune a for
ahipment. Mr. Monad wenn lemdh•g the
animal whittle became baulky and on
beim[ urged by a party behind her the
cow made a plunge with her bead down
and naught Mr. Mustard in the grow on
ane of bee borne, ceasing a dar,gerona
wound. The iujared man was conveyed
to hie ° ho
enured.We hope he will 00onttbedable
to he about as usual.
Tuesday of thio week Henry Bone, 3rd
line, pnrobaeed the well known itppatted
attire etalilml "Sunlight" II pet from
MoGavin Broe., of Mogiiop tow,t:hip.
The horse will be continued on much the
aurae route as last year, which will be
good neve to horsemen. For the i est 4
years s country and d"h a luten in
prizes at See forth, Brunets, Alitob,', and
Staffs in 1902 3 and 4 in the draft uoree
claesee. A news item from Dublin bear.
ing on the anbjeat says :—J. J. McGrath,
the well known horse breeder of $iehert,
recently sold to Peter Arborgaet, of
Sebringville, 'a ten months' old crit, far
which lee received $15. Tele fine colt
was bred by Mr. McGrath and aarrfed off
three first prizes last Fall. It was bred
from the imported horse, "Sunlight" and
is a credit to him:
Ger ea,.
Township Content will meet at Ethel
,,ext Monday, Several reports on arsine
will be read, '
A. Hielop, M. P. P., went to Toronto
Wednesday morning to attend to hie
parliamentary duties.
Mrs. Peter Sinclair ie very ill at
preeent bat her many friends hope sbe
will soma be well again.
R Houston has engaged with Mrs, 13,
MaNair'e this Spring and as mei, are
50eroe they made no mistake in eeottring
AIr, Hoeton. We wish you neaten
There wee a snit entered at 'Goderieb
by Mesere. Rendall, of the Soorheeler
part of the township against the O,:nneil
over the opening of a roadway. In was
to have been heard last week btu was
traversed antiithe Jane Court and the
probabilities are tbatit will be dropped
ae the tremble has been largely redr •:sed.
This week the Calder family removed
from their old home, 121b con., to the
Northweeb, takings oar of stook anal set-
tlers' effeote with them. The'oar was •tbip•
ped from Brussels on Tuesday. Ineisfafl
is the objeotive point in the West, Mrs.
Calder and the members of her family
will be greatly missed as they have ever
been most willing to advance every good
word and work in aonneotion with the
church or out of it. They carry with
them the beet wiebee of a large circle of
friends for their future prosperity. As
they have been noted for their industry
we expect to hear of a large measure of
amen attending their efforts in their
new b Ome,i
Qa deC
Will Ont'
Tune io
her position 00 teacher of Oranbraok
soh ool.
Punede Ezeentwerroy.—The examination
held on Friday of last week in 8. B. No.
10 (Wbitfield'e school) was through the
noised efforts of pupils, parents, }onng
people Rod teacher a complete noose.
Every part of the Behoof room was taste.
folly decorated for the o0oaeio with
g , evergreens,drawings, g , creat
euthne;aem woe hown by all oonocrned,
and before noon nearly every bowie in the
eection was well represented there. The
visiting teachers were Mines Magay,
Shannon, Nicholls and Smith and
Miners. Bnobauan, Roes and Echmier
who did their part well. At noon a
dainty lunch was served in abandanoe by
the ladies at the notion, to which ail did
justice, During the afternoon an excel.
lent program was rendered the eeleotione
alternating with the tenons taught.
Special mention must be made of the
ottoman given by the pupils who were
well trained by Mies Emma Buttrey
also of the violin solos rendered in
pleasing style by Jas. end Fred. Hanna
and Jno, Hollenbeok, all of which select•
ions were heartily encored. A epeofal
feature woe a spelling match between
Masan of
10 reapeat'v
t el
condo ed by Teacher Rose. A nu:rtbar
of short epeeabee were given, made op of
Irish humor and words of appreciation
of the work done by the pupils d grog
the past two years under the merman
melee of teaoher Lamont, A hearty vote
of thanks was tendered all who had
helped on in the good work. Atter the
singing of the National Anthem the +arge
wan again stn t•
g d toant of
eandwioli, cake, tea, &o., shortly 4
0 oI
ook whine thews thetthing were not
done by balvee, and that hospitality was
not looking, Tbie over the crowd, well
eatfefled, left for home all oonvino=,d ae
urinal that No, 10, never falba to give a
10001 enjoyable time.
C11[114111 (111111E5.
Review in the Sabbath Schools on the
past gnarter'e lessons.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. Lang.
"Ford wan tumble to get to Walton for
hie nervine in St, George's church owing
to the bad condition of the romde,
The special Committee, appointod by
the Executive Of Wingham tltatriot
Epworth Leagne will meet in Winrham
to draft the program Ise the Summer
Sobool to be held 06 Kincardine in
" b e B
B w r ofB 1
was Rev, T. W.
Gems' t '
n 0 t01Sabbath
in the evening "The fiery f tinaoei�' Y watt
the theme. The separate Saheb'
question looms in for enure hot Bent in
dealing with the subjeot.
Rev. John Rose B. A.., ban been eon.
fined to his
bonenn g t
d Yin bo peel week
Rao n
Oa tL
Owsevere oold,
f1Wleg to
hie illness the morning nation in
Melville obnrab last Sabbath wag non•
dnoted by W, H, Kerr and the evening
melee was withdrawn. We hop., the
reverend gentleman will aeon be all
At ehe Convention, torn Dbe heldb Sabbath Wednesday SchoolWe
edertblylbette now,to hire. that lOnsenscon.
next week, W. H. Kerr, of Tau Poem, is turned home Saturday night,
down for the topio "A bogie can to
advaeue•" Provincial secrebary Yellow. ADI)5TLONAL LOCAL.
lees, of Toronto, le do be moa of the
epeakersand Rev. Jno. Holmes, of Blyth. Ona.—A fine young man was called
They always have a good Convention at away from earthy names on March 11 it,
Auburn. Dinner and tea will be served in the person et William D. Wilson, of
in the basement of the church. Howiok township, brother to S. 0. Wil.
SAaMBRN IRICBDYToRR.—At the meeting eon, of Brussels. Deceased was the
of the Presbytery of Seagate a resolution yon gest son of the late Charles Wil ou
was adopted tbat the mall the k'd
members of Parlimmentw thin Row ok, owrite and watt on
nwq ohn thhexdied.l Ha 1,,,th I1
the hounds of the Presbytery and re, been 111 wibb pneumonia and phut ley a
quest them to nee all their iuflaenoe to year ago which was followed by cu•
prevent the establishment of separate eumptioo, Last Summer deceased for k
sohoole lo the new provinces in the a trip to the Weer with a view of promos.
West. The Presbytery granted Rev. ing his beadle but the object wee not
Mr. Cameron, of Harriston, six menthe aetaoed and he oalmly and patiently
leave of absence from his congregation to awaited the oloeiog out of this life with
recruit hie health in the far West, the assurance of a larger and happier
The matter of eyetemabio giving to re life beyond. The pall found him ready.
tgions pnrpoese was also dieouesed with Mr, Wiisoo wee nearly 35 years ot age ;
the result that a motion was passed was unmarried ; was a faithful member
favoring the appointment of a committee of the Presbyterian church ; and enjoy -
to see after this matter throughout the ed the esteem of a wide eirolo of relatives
Presbytery, and (decide, who regret his dentine. The
Rev. Mr. Onsterhoat, the pushing funeral took place to the M¢IDtosh
poster of the Methodist church Wroxeter cemetery on the Monday .following hie
oirouit, bas iesaed the first number of an demise, the service being taken by Rev,
eight page quarterly entitled "A pastoral Mr, Radford, of Bellmore, assisted by
visit." Four pages are devoted to church Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter. Funeral
and looal items of the oironit, withwas largely attended ted was under tea
advertbsemenba to aid in paying the direction of the A. F. & A. M., of Wan:.
coat of publication, and cm the inside are °ter, of which Order the subjectof this
issued the well known "Ram's Horn" of notice was a member. This is the fourth
Ohioago, in which pointed and interest. death in the family in the past 5
fog matter is given. A charge of 25o yearn
g per viz :now EW. mother, Mre, i, C. Wilson
annum is abated as the eabeoription rate• and now W. D. The surviving children
The aouvey paper
church news to threetohle for are appoint. Mildmay; Mr . Brunetti MillDrer, of •1lorr,s.
menta, It will entail aoaaiderable addi• bank ; and Mies Mary, at hums. It is
tidal work on the pastor if he perseveres 44 years nine dlr. Wilson er. took up the
in bis nadertaking. The plan has been homestead in Howiok,
found helpful in a number of inetanoee. BUTTER AND UHDnejt.—A!thog10 de.
prived of pro:eooting his canvas awing to
;lineae, W. W. Barrie intends to carry .
out hie intention of plaoiog eh up to
date better making plant in Brueseta
°baeee factory where both chetah and
butter will be manufactured daring the
coming season. Factory will open early
in May and the obeene .making will be
in °barge o1 Mr. Thomson the acme as
last year. Cream will be gatheredevery
second day the route extending South.
ward so as to include the Bol, line of -
Morrie and the 18th con. of Grey with
intervening territory Northward. A com-
petent butter maker will be employed.
Mr. Harris met with a great deal of
eneonragemenb when concerning with
the farming community and hopes to
complete the preliminary arrangements
at an early date eo as to ,start op with a
good supply of cream. We commend' hie
enterprise and hope the famine will
fall in heartily with the plan and thereby
have two strings to their bow bo the way
of choice. Of course a much wider
territory can be served in Latter making
than cheese owing to the (apply for the
former only having to do with -the cream '
which permits of a much longer route.
Mr. Harris' intention is to have two riga
gathering the cream.. All interacted
simnel talk the subjectup, more
especially as the genial proprietor of the
factory is atilt a prisoner to hie borne
although improving nicely in health,
Eau Ethane FARBIaio' IN8TITUTx.--
Tuesday afternoon a meeting of .East
Hero Farmers' Institute direotare was
held in the Connoit Member Brussels,
President McMillan in the chair. The
other Directors present were Jno. Mc.
Wm. Perri
e, Perre Wm. Michie
EL 1100 a }
r arena d
W. H. $err,
the bad
roads no doubt detaining many from at.
tending. Following resolution of eon.
dolehoe was passed and the Secretary
asked to send a copy to Mrs. Hood :—
Mrs. George Stood :
Dane MADAti,—Io one capacity es offi-
cers and Directors of East Boron Farm-
ers' Institute we desire to express one
sympathy with yon in the demise of the
partner of your life for so many long
years. Mr, Hood.fitled the .onerous and
responsible position of Secretary Treas-
urer of the Riding Iastitote for seven
years and it is almost needless to state
that hie work woe done in a meat salla•
factory manner. Few on the Board but
noticed, blue and again, his zeal and
industry attending the work. We
admired hie integrity and the many
ovidenoes of high minded nobility of
ammeter, o er in
d for nn
g who
aesoosated with him. He has passed
away to bis toward but hie name will
not soon be forgotten We trust that
the God who has promised to be a
husband to the widow may be your
solace and that anticipated joy of a re.
onion beyond the Jordan may often
°beer yon. Signed by
Taos. MoMilhen, President,
W. H. KERR, Secretary pro tem.
Meath 1905.
It wee moved,seoonded and carried that
the atom of 530, be paid Mre. Hood in
fall as remuneration for the service of
Mr, Hood. P. A. MoArbhnr, a well
known young mac of Grey tnwntltip,
was appointed Secretary✓Preasorer for
the Institute, the books to be handed
over to him as soon Rs the Aching Score.
tory 2reaeursr completes the returns of
recently held supplementary inert ego.
On motion the 800retary was instruoted,
to issue bills for the Fruit Inet;tnt° ment.
fug to be held in the Town 'fall, Erna.
sell, Thursdayof next week, March B0 h'
at 2o'olook. Ie was agreed to hold the
next annual meeting of the Institute in
Brussels on Tuesday, Jame 0th, cont•
mencing at 1.80 p, as., for the election
of officers, raaeiving 61,0 Auditors' ro.
port, &o, Brnnob Director is urged to
make a oanvae for new members eo as to
be able
at be
r t
n i
P aninal timothy.
plied on apiiwilla•
ontiontohe Secretary,
Brusesls P. 0,
Taysatook Gaaettea--Obi Tuesday after.
noon, Match 7, Thos. Rouen! and Peter
So tt
o discovered ov tad a bald.hsaded eak'e
lying g dead
1. Me, Rueatl 's
wounds'but undine no
the irogigue ws on
pool of blood which issued from its
month before it died. The eagle was a
grand haven Leettitneo of six i%oheelhrorn stiptotipand
weighing fourteen pomade,
People We Talk About.
Mies Pipe, Queen street, has been on
the sick list this week,
Mies Mary Oliver is the guest of bier
sister, Mrs. Jno. Leoki°.
Mre, John Tait has returned from a
visit with relativee in Ayr.
Brine Soott, of Palmerston, °pent
Sunday at hie bones here.
Geo. Walker was in the Queen Oity
for a day or two this week.
Mies Dolmage, of Rotbsay, is visiting
her eieter, Mrs. W. W. Harris.
Joe Hooter is taking a holiday among
old Meade at Blyth and Auburn,
Charles Ritchie was away to Miobigan
on a visit with relatives and old friends.
Mrs. Wm. Blair, ot Bright, was a
visitor with her anat, Mre: John Ooneley.
M. and Mre, McKenzie left on Wedoee
day of this week for their home in Dako•
Mre. D. Livingston left Thnreday
morning on a visit to her daughter in
Mrs. J. Love, of Tuokeremith, was the
guest of Mre, T. Nicholls, Brussels, last
Bert Gerry and George MoLanoblin
were in town • this week palling on
Mies Mabel Erratt, of Auburn, was
visiting her cousin, Miss Mina Hunter, of
R. Nioholle, of Ohiselbaret, wan visit.
Mg hie brother, T. Nicholls, Taroberry
street, Bretagne.
Earl Backer, of Se. Marys, was home
here on Wedoeeday attending the funeral
of h'
g moths
Urn, J. L. Kerr woe able to be down
street last week after a long housing lap
from paanmonio Is grippe.
Councillor Stewart was ander the
dootor'e care this week Buffering Eram his
old tormentor—rbenmatiem.
Mies Mary Wilson, of Howiok, was
visiting in Brussels this week. S. 0.
WileoD, is a brother to the vieitor.
Mr. Henry er., who was threatened
with gangrene in hie foot, is improving
quite nioely we are plasma] to sante,
Dan. Fulton, who was on the eiok list
for the past few weeks, se improving and
will coon resume bie work in P, Soott's
It, and Mrs. Andareon and son are
visiting friends in Stratford, The little
lad has been on the eiok list we are merry
to bear.
R. Mainprize left on Tuesday on a
roe eel'
to trip li b t
P g o he
P West and it be
finds what suits him he may remove
from Bruesele,
0. H. and Mrs. Dodds arrived bank to
Brussels on Monday. The farmer woe at
Berlin picking op pointers of clotting 10
the tailoring business.
We are pleased to state tbat W. W.
Harris, who has been i11 for the past 7
weeks is able to elk
upnow and
we lin
be will soon be convalescent.
The Atwood Bee
ea e
;—Mies A.
Baia, of Brunetti, bag taen aa situation
with Hngb Porter as tailorese. Her
mother is with her at the borne of L.
and Mre, Pelton,
Dr, Toole was in Toronto tbie week
attending the Grand Council of the
Ob sen
Friends d as the representative
from Brussels. Tie little Misses Toole
accompanied their father on the Vale.
Rues, Brown left on Thursday after-
noon for Toronto where be will attend
Central Bneiness College. We wish nim
enema, He will be on hand to help
the Foot Bali Boys when bie eervioea are
Invibatione are oat for the marriage of
D. D. Ferguson, of Calgary, N. W, T,,
and one of Jimmie popular young
ladies, in the person of Mini Jean Forbes,
The ceremony will take plaoe Wednesday
of next week,
W. H. Herr was
t Tor
a Ontb
needay with a delegation arranging fee
the annnet Farmers' Extensions to the
Monet Farm, Guelph, next June. These
popular outings promise to be more
popular than ever,
Will, Jamieson who 10 well Ilnown to
many people ein
e and
it the
p)0 y Of R L ea herdal
e &So'
Furniture store is now employed in Jas.
Cline's •Cpholitering Factory, Stratterd.
We wish him en0eeen.
Mre, (Rev j Oceans wag enmmonod to
Seaforth lest Week Doming rte the satins
Sheen of her Vallee, Bober' Goven)oolt.