The Brussels Post, 1905-3-16, Page 8SPRINGS
An excellent Spring Medicine. Heals skin eruptions
a,nd is a powerful purifier of the blood. It will be
found a safe and reliable remedy, and recommended
in the treatment of :many diseases common to this
time of year.
For those who have the time and desire to prepare
their own medicine at home, will be found to be an
excellent package. It is composed of roots, leaves and
seeds, carefully selected and mixed in the right pro-
portion. 25c. per large package.
-Perhaps you have a Recipe of your own. If 80 bring
it in and have it carefully filled by us.
F. R S I T H
Trains brave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Mail 7:15 man Masa 9:00 a=
MIEed...-....12:90 a.m Mail 1:25 p.m
Exercise- 9:08 p.m Express 8:98 p.m
Tug Ran Pm.
.6. ohiel's amang ye takix ' notes,
An' faith he'll pentis.
ANOTHRR wedding on the tapia.
FRIDAY will be St. Patriok'e Day.
Gee the snow off your share of the
Peons= Parliament opens next
A tileteen of the Metropolitan Bank bas
been opeeed at Elneira.
The pay oar paned through here on
its monthly trip on Tuesday.
TRH School Board did not meet last
week as a quorum was not present.
As A mealy was held M the Tows
Hall last Friday evening when an enjoy-
able time was spent by all.
EVENING parties have been a heavy
orop thin Winter in Brussels and locality.
It appears' diffioult to get a night oles.r,
Dn. Burnes, of Simooe, who is to take
charge of D. J..6.. MoNaughton'e prao
tioe for the next year, will arrive in
town thie week to mamma hie profession-
al duties.
THE promotion examinations for the
publlo schools of Huron will be held on
April 13.11 and 14th. Tesobere should
write to tris public school inspector
stating the number of papers required
for eaoh class.
QUITE a number Irene here took in tbe
hookey match at Listowel on Tuesday
evening of this week between Wingham
and Earriston, for the championsbip of
the Northern District, on amount of the
tie between the two teams. Wingham
won by a more of 8-1 after an hour of
exciting play. Referee Waghorue, of
Toronto, was A. 1 and gave good Batista°
tion. Tbe speohil arrived back in
Brunets about midnight.
Pam BALL CoNOERT.-Bruseals Foot
Bali Otub will hold a Concert in the
Town Hall on Friday evening, 31et
inst., at wbioh a firet Ohm program will
be rendered. Seats may be reserved at
25o it tiokebe are bought in advance.
Plan of Hall will open at Fox's drug
store, on Friday 24911. Children 15a.
Pereone wbo 6611 10 tiokets will be given
free admission. The Committee of
management Mies jean MoLaucanin, T.
A. Hawkins, Jae. Ballantyne and R.
Cardiff. Further partioulare later,
Keep tbe date clear and give the boys a
bumper house.
Tim Exeter Advocate says :-The
angel of death invaded the home of
Martin F and Mrs. Salter, London Road
South, Ueborne Township, on Monday
afternoon lase stud called hence the spirit
of their intent eon, Mervin Brume a
bright little babe 7 months old. The
little one had been very ill for several
days suffering from inflammation of the
brain. Everything possible was done to
leaven the enffering of the bobe, and to
save its life but all to no avail, with the
result as above (Mated. The funeral took
place on Wednesday at 2 o'clock to the
Exeter cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Salter
have tbe sympathy of many Weeds in
their sad bereavement,
Marion weather has been "sornosm•
tioua," go far.
MONTHLY Horse Fair at Brussels on
Muncie% April, 6th.
A. 0 U. W. Londe will meet Friday
evening of this week.
DR, Ovees, of London, Eye and Ear
Samson will be at Smitla's Deng Store,
Fridev, April 14. Hours 1 to 7.
Dreep forget the Foot Ball Oonoert on
Friday evening, Marob 31e1, in the
Town Hall. ()erne and help the boys.
Auer Baosoie.-One day last week Mrs.
Dittman MaLanobiln, Turuberry street,
Bruesels, had tbe misfortune to fall from
a abair in her home and as a result broke
her right arm near the wrist. We hope
ehe will 900n regain its nee.
Searea Tent -The Spring term in the
popular Elliott Briefness College, Toronto,
opens on April 3rd. This wheal ie
thoroughly up to date and enjoys
splendid attandancie. The Principal,
W. J. Eaton, will be pleased to send a
catalogue to all intending to mann a,
business or short hand education.
DIRECTORS To MEET.-Tnesday after-
ii0On of next week a meeting of the
Direatore of East Huron Farmers' In•
etitote will be bred in the Council
Ohamber, Brussels, et 1 30 o'olook, for
the purpose of appointing a Seoretary•
Treasurer to encased the late sgeorge
Houtt, of Sunabine. All the Direotore
are asked to attend.
MATRIDIONIAL,-A. very pleasing event
took plane et "Ferndale" Palmerston,
Me home of Robt. and lire. Hearer' on
Wednesday March 9th, at 6 o'olook p. m
when their nieoe, Mies Lizzie Goodwio,
formerly of Brume's, was united in
marriage to Wiliam Wells, of Winnipeg.
Tbe cieremmey was performed by Rev.
J. Simpson, of Orangeville, in the Fes
enoe of a large number of friends and
relatives assembled in the drawing room
which was prettily decorated with paime,
ferns ane flowers. The wedding march
was played by Miss Maude Pollock, of
Drayton. The bride, wbo wan nuanced -
ed, looked very charming, attired in a
dress of oream ioeline with chiffon
trimmings and carried a boquet of cream
roees. After the ceremony the
oompony sat down to a anmptuooe
dinner, The many presents bespoke the
bigh esteem in vehicle the young couple
are held. Mrs. and. Mr. Walla left on the
evening train to visit friends near Lieto
wel and other points after whioh they
intend leaving for Winnipeg. They
carry with them the best wishes of a
large oirole of friende, the friends of
the bride in this locality joining in the
Awasc.-The following obituary notioe is
taken from the Durham Review of March
9eh the deoeased being the father of A.. 0.
edsoferlaue, of the Standard Bank,
Brussels :-We little thought teat week
wben we wrote hopefully of the above
gentlemen, that the chariot(' of Death
were so near, and that another /MHO was
to be added to the long roll of those, who
this Winter, bave paeeed from worldly
oare. He died on Monday morning from
a heart weakness following (levered weeks'
tuff,.eing tram kidney tumble, wbioh
phyeioiaoe and many friers& here hoped
he would surmount, bot which hae proved
fatal, Mr. Macfarlane was over the
allotted epee of human lite and, until
lately, was heeethy and vigorous for one
of hie yeare. His wife, for whom he
deeply mourned, died lama nine yeare
ago, and their six obildren will always
oberieb the memory of parente whose ex-
ample and precept were preaions bene.
diction% His eons are ; David, Oaledon ;
George, Glencoe ; Robert, in business
here and Arable 0. of Brussels. Mrs. J.
P. Hunter and Mrs. A. H. Jankson, of
this town, are daaghbere, Outside of the
domestic) [There, where children and
grandobildren einoseely mourn, are many
who will long remember the kindly
qualities of bead and heart that ohmmeter -
teed the damaged as neighbor and friend,
In public life the deoeaeed was public)
spirited to a degree. He eat for many
mare in the menial and no public
question, even up to the last, failed to
receive hie attention or awaken bio
interest. He took an active part in
politics in bio younger days and wee
otinsiderable strength to the Reform
perty, with wbioh he always identified
himself. Bak the foroe of hie life was
not all spent in tempered affair% He was
a liberal contributor and an carnage and
devoted member of the Presbyteriee
ohurob, for many yeah) be taught in th
Sabbath wheel, took an interest in it
welfare at all pinta, and in health hi
place at the serviette, Sunday or wee
day, was seldom or ever vacant, Hi
paneling 'somewhat eaddenly leaves
noticeable gap, whiela time will fill
but a prominent Bel( between early and
modern timee is aevered by hie death
MN. Macfarlane wad born in Paisley
Soetlend, and name to this sionntry with
ble parents when about 10 years old, Hi
youth wag spent chiefly in Brander
where be Was marled and he moved t
Durham in 1862, opening a Mutineer' a
bleeketnith and carpenter and sticteeded
in Making for himself a otenfoetabl
home. Vox some years baok hie lite he
beon leimeely, but be foetid spheres fo
hie activity in several oongenlal waye
and wag a weleknown figure on on
street% He is to be buried today. Wed
ileeday, alt hie family beieg panne.
PREsEttrATION.-Thnrsday evening of
last week a goodly company aseembled
at the Town Hall for the sake of enjoy.
ing an evening with J. D. Warwiele, V. S.
before Isis removal aeries Brinson% J.
Leckie took the chair 'led in a neat
spode presented a valuable gold, open
faired atop watob to the guest of the
evening. The inscription on the ineide of
the case was "Presented to J. D.
Warwials, V. S., by bis friends in
Brunelle Marob 9th 1905 " A brief
but suitable reply was made by the
reotpleni in which be Winked all for
their nnexpeoted and bighly prized
gift. Short speeches' were also
given by A. O. Dames, la S. Scott, OM
Thompeun, P. Soon and others' expreeive
of good wishes to our departing towns.
man, Songs were sung by Geo. Cline, of
Wingham and instrumental music by J,
Kinoade, of Manitoba, and Mise Jam Ma
Lauohlin. Atter this' department of the
tirogrem was completed the floor wee
teemed and deeding followed for several
hones. A tasty lunch wan served and
the company departed wishing Mr. Ware
wiok health, wealth and prosperity.
Tneadey morning Mr. Warwick left
.13ruseele an route to Ildmontoo. N. W. T
He will probably Visit several looetitiee
before he definitely deoides where be well
Iowa° and engage in battle ranobing,
edea, Warwick and family will °entente
in town far this year at any rate, They
have leased a bome belonging to Mrs. 13
L. Jetikeon, Qneen Wed, Tete Peer MI q
With Doe. Werwiok's numerotta frindo
in tbe hope that afresh he has made hie
pile he will come beak to Bewail() and
enjoy the faith of big labors. He hag a
brother le the Weet who will probably be
eteeogiated with hien iti bis Imeineee.
, eclipse ;
Standard Bank of Canada Tot E METROPOLITAN BANK.SPRING
7VTaT00a"n=x) 1,97M
81311,PLEO, OR ltrit4elEY11 FUND 8 1,000009
TOTAL 4.893Wee.`FEB lealueene
ek General Jleettialaing Suolittess Trantimeted
-DB208128 OF ONE DOLLAR and (Tweeds reueived on which
is added to amounts sway eix mouths and becomee
-MARRIED WOMEN en' MINORS may melte and withdraw
Deposits ?gamut the intervention of any person,
only for whioh no charge is muds.
YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our careful and acineteous attention,
TONSORIAL PARLOR.- Jno. Hewitt bag
removed his barber shop from the Stmt.
toe block to the premises lately purr based
from Mu. Flambee where he le prepared
to oaten(' to the want(' of the public as
G. T. R. SHIMENTS.-B. & J. Rana.
ford shipped 5 oer of seat to St. John,
N. B, ; R. Graham, oar of Mime to
Exeter ; R. & 3. Raneford, 050 Of Suit to
Vankleek Hill• T. Lott, oar of malesLotI, to
Worchester • A. Beaker, oar of wheat to
Exeter 1 A Beaker, oar of bay to
Toronto : T. Lott, oar of ashes to
Brownville, Maas. ; Dominion ealt
Apace, oar of salt to Milverton ; Geo.
Best oar of hogs to Oollintwood ;
J. Dough's, oar of household effects to
Dauphin, Mao.; G. Beet, oar of hoge to
Ingersoll ; Dr. MoNanghton, oar of house
hold goods to London ; Oober & Son, oar
of baggies to Calgary. Inward. -Stewart
& Lowiok, oar of ooal from Black Roak
W. B. Thomson, oar of meal from Re.
Ewe Bars, ORGANIZATION. Monday
evening a meeting of those iisterested in
the re organization of Bruesels Foot. Ball
team for 1905 was held in the (1ennoll
Chamber. Alfred Baeker was voted to
Ibe ohair and the work of the past year
was reviewed. The treasury only lacked
61.00 of balancing the moments of 1904
and a vigorous effort will be meee to
"braise up" the finanose before the mason
opens up. Following wege the lficers
Ghoul' Pres., D ' 0 Roes ; Pres.,
A. B. MacDonald ; Vice Pres., C. H.
Broad toot ; See., J. Leslie Kerr ; Treas.,
A. H. Montgomery ; Exeoutive Com.,
Jas. Ballentyne, Fred. Downing, AIL
Beaker, P. Fergusou and L. El, Danlord ;
espresentative to at:nivel W. F. A meet.
ine at Berlin, Jae. Ballantyne ; faeound
Oommittee, R. Cercliff, A Moore, N.
Smith, C. Baeker and 0. (emeriti. It was
deoided to enter a team tee Interme-
diate series to defend the eilver cap now
in poseession of Brussels for two yeare
and it will not be surrendered withent a
vigorous effort to retain it in whiali no
doubt numerous other teams will as
warmly oonteet th(s honor. A. looal Con.
met will be held under the auspices of
ihe Olnb in the Town Hall on Friday
31at inet. for which an entertaining
program be preeented. A Commit-
tee ooneinting of Pain Jean MoLattohlin,
T. A. Hawkins, Jas. Ballantyne a'td R.
Cardiff was appointed to arrange foe the
musical and literary bill of fare. Be.
served seats may be obtained for 250, by
purohasing titillate in advance. The
plan of Hall will open at J. Feet. drug
store a week previous to Concert. Leeild
ren admitted at 15o. Persono selling 10
adult.tiakete will )30 given a compasiene
may ticket. There'e nothing like a good
start so all who desire to promote the
intereste of ohempionship Foot B.11 in
Brussels for 1905 are asked to lend a
hand at this initial season.
People We Know.
Mee Jean MaLanohli- u was vigning at
Philip Ament arrived home from Ariel
on Wedneeday.
W. H. McCracken was a visitor 40 the
Queen city this week.
Will. Leatherdrae spent a few days in
Galt visiting old friends
Roe. Brown and Roy Pugh spent few
dave at Wingham last week.
Robt. Faunae, wife and daughter,
spent Sunday in Oranbrook.
W. H. Kerr ie at Toronto attending
the A, 0. U. W. Grand Lodge.
Jae. Belt, pf Nelson, Out., was eavisitor
in town. He was it former resident.
Miss Millie Grower was vieiting in
Wingham for a day or so thie week.
Mrs. 5, T. Plum le still confined to the
house with an attack of rheumatism.
Druggiet Fox had a catch asettoh.oan
with a mild attack of la grippe this week.
Mies L. HamPhIll, of Wroxeter, was
twheeegkqest of Mies Eva eloOraoken east
John and fare. Kennedy and Master
Willie, of Blyth, visited at P. McQuarrie's
on Sunday.
Mies Linda (Main hae arrived home
firnomwienvoilitmwith her aunt, '61re. GMalri
Mimi Annie Gordon hae taken n pos-
ition in Misses , Roohe & Rayoroft'e
millinery shop.
W. W. Hanle, who hag been 00 00010110.
ly ill, ie slowly improving although still
oonfined to the hone%
Mee It Jacsson, of Mimioo, ie visit.
ing relatives and friends in Bruseele and
locality for a few weals%
Thursday morning of this Week Dr,
and Mrs. MoNaughton left for London
ethere they will reeide for a while.
Mrs (Rev.) Cowing was called lo Sea
forth Thureday of this week owing to the
Dime's of her father, Robt. Govenlook.
Jae, Kinottide and family, who were
vieiting here, left for a visit with Ohealey
friends before returning to Mole home in
Mrs. Elliott, who resides with A.
Somers, John Anse has been ill with an
Week of la grippe but we hope ehe will
soon be o, k.
Clara, the eldest datighter of John and
Mrs. Sintrnons, Atm street, is not, enjoy
Mg very good health bob we hope ehe tern
Boon be all right again.
Mimes Mary Rosa, Olve Mrioney,
Aileen Scott and Minoie Walker are on
the staff of embryotio milliners With the
Magee elablOrk We station.
J. K and Mrs. Blain, known to a good
moony in Bruseele have located et Able%
don , One, where they hav °Nemec! he
Mereentile bueinese, We wish tbens
Will. Hat/croft bag been on the eiok
liet at Hamilton bot we hope he is o. k.
by this time.
Mies Simranne, of Wroxeter, ie visit.
ing ber brother, John Simmons and
family, John etreet.
Mise Minnie MoNaugbton, bee been
on the sick list daring the past week with
the faohimiable cold.
MissZetta Ferguson, of Teeswater, le
holidaying with relatives and Mende in
Brumele and locality.
T. A. Hawkins goes to Wingbam on
Friday evening to take pin in a St.
Patrick's minuet in that town.
Mrs. Slammon who hae been on the
Molt list for some time past is able to be
out again we are pleaeed to state.
Mre. T. Fletcher, who ie visiting in
Luoknow, hae been on the sick list but
we hope she will soon be convalescent.
Miss Minnie Comm and Rev. A. O.
Tiffin, of Trowbridge, were visitore at
the Methodist Pareonage, Bruseels, on
Miss Paul Sample will fi 1 a millinery
position at Gladstone, Man., this Beason.
Her health did not permit her to continua
in her situation at Calgary last year.
Herbert Lowry, youngest son of D. A.
Lowry, hae gone to Toronto where be
will be employed for a time. His
brother Edward ie working in the Queen
'3. J. Ball, of Wingham was renewing
old friendehips in Bruseds last Friday.
He left for a trip to the West on Monday,
and if he finds what suits him will likely
Mee. Wilbee an, who hes been 'very
siok for the past three weeks ie not im-
proving as her many friends would like.
We hope ehe will eoon reoover her usual
good health.
Miss Jennie Edwards, who has been
attending the eiok family of Geo. Bate.
man at Ethel for several weeks, is home
again, the petiente having reoovered from
their attack of fever.
We understand that at the East Huron
Conservative Executive meeting last
Friday that James Bowman, of Morrie,
was nominated as Latrine inspector for
thio Riding as suariessor to Jno. R.
Miller who has filled the dame for years.
Mrs. J. Leckie and Oharlie arrived
home from Theasalou on Saturday night.
Mies Mary Oliver a000mpanied them as
far as Toronto where she its visiting be
fore coming, 00 80 Brussels. Mee Oliver'('
health is somewhat improved. She will
continue to matte her home in Thema.
loo with ber daughters.
Business Locals.
CA.PITAL-Paid jip $1,000,000
ltaliellaVa FUND • • 51,000,000
Bele er, le WARDEN, D. Do 8. 3, MOOltel,
anieldent, V100.PYOSICIOUt.
TII011, BRADSHAW, 9011, 018 010808 MR. W. nroRTMEXt OLann, 5.0, D. 79, 8010510051,51, 0.
W, 17,01038 - GENDBAL MANAG/511
Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted.
&PINGS .oz DEPAzonwavr
Interest) at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all eutne of $1 and opwarde
GUMS wanted to learn the millinery.
PAWIDIARER wanted at onee. 4pply to
D. 0. Roes, Brunie.
WANTED. -A strong boy to learn black
eoeithing. Apply at once, 8. E. JACKSON,
SZED 05110 for sale-Oenttlry variety.
Ls. Dunne Lot 27, 4th line, Morris.
SAWS repaired and your life insured by
having sews gummed, set and Mel by
T. MoGercooe, tliib etreet, Brussels.
SKIED barley for sale. 450 buohele of
Meudisheuri variety, eix rowed, yields
well, Baiter and oleaner Reed M herd to
get. Prioe 50o, per bushel. Eel SMITH.
lot 4, coo. 7, Grey, Brussels P. 0.
Burr Qrpinotone are conceded, by,
Experimental Forme at Guelph and 011
taws to be oar beet Winter layer% This
breed is tekhig the lead and ie the beet
all round ben today. Coekerals for sale.
Eggs in Batmen, 3170. Witlosir, Mill et.,
Brussels. •
Dn. RAMER, tbe London seeolalist,
wilt visit Brunets professionally and
may be found at the Arnerioan•Hotel on
MAY 2nd
MAY. 80th
• I JUNE • 27th
All ineerested ehould bear these dates in
elifUlt()11. (11111111k14.
There 'will be High Mesa in 'the
Cetholio Church, Brussels, on Sunday
next at 10.30 o'clock a. m,
Coinmsuoing with Wedoeeday evening
of lad week eervioee will be held each
week during Lent in St. John's oburoh.
A box of °loathe( and other articles is
being sent to the Deancieess' Home at
Toronto by the Ladies' Missionary
Society of Brussels Methodist church.
Rev. John Rosa, B. A.., took for hie
theme, in Melville ohnrob lest Sunday
morning, "Christian Wee' In the even
log he oontinued hie discourse on
A thousand itnmigrttnie will sail from
London for Canada next month, undo
(Marge of Colonel Lamb, of the Salvation
Army. k Canadian Government agent
and a number of experienced Canadian
Salvation Offloers will ecoompeny the
party, and ocinduot a labor and escheats
bureau atithig the peseage out.
The Rev, JObo Wateon (Ian Maolaren)
has resigned the pastorehip of the Stitoii
Park Presbyterian Church at LiVerpOol.
In hie feeevvell 'Wring De. Watson seed
he wag worn not and could not go on
13e melee had been strong, he enid, and
had to do hie work with hindranoes from
bodily weariness, and new hie strength le
nearly exhaneted.
Sirodity, May 2let uext, le the day
ahosen by the Preabyteriens of Seraland
for the celebrating of the tone hunde dth
Anniversary of the birth of the great
Soottigh eaformer, John Knox, The
Moot, date of Kaxo birth ia not Mimeo,
#o 81110 one le arbitrarily ohogen. In an
A. 10. MELLISH, Manager.
probability the Preebyteriane of tbie
oontiuent will join in the aelebratiou,
House of Refuge Investigation.
Committee Investigates Charges Made
Against the nanagement iead
Find them. 'Unfounded.
On the 81st of January Met Ar.
that Oantelon, of Clinton, eent a letter
to the County Clerk. In this letter Mr.
Oantelon stated that oertain inmates
were illtreated, that he bad oalled the
attention of the keeper, InSpeator and
P hyeioian to the treatment given to
certain inmategebta got no satisfaction
from these °Montle.
Mr. Oantelon, in that letter and in the
name of humanity, oalled for an in•
vestigation and stated that he could
bring about a dozen witnesses to prove
his statements.
On receipt of tbie letter Mr. Speak-
man, Ohairmem of the House of Refuge
Committee, then oalled a meeting of tbie
committee, which met at the Waverly
H ouse, Clinton, Tnesday, and itekea that
Mr. Frances, keeper of the House of
Refuge, J. Torranoe, Inspeotor, Dr,
Shaw, phyaioian of the House 1 Refuge
and Mr. Coats, former inspeotor, to ate
pear before the committee. There were
preeent the above gentlemen, also Chair
man Speakman, Warden Miller, Clerk
Lane, Counoillors Currie aria Lamont.
Mr. Oantelon was heard in reference
to this matter. He could not make any
charges of oruelty to inmates against
any official at the House, bat ' aokuow.
iedged that the illtreaiment be had oom
pleined of was diet:inter' or quarrels' among
certain inmates. Pereonally he did not
know much, but relied on etoriee told
him by inmates. He was asked to bring
any witneeses he bad to Ruppert him in
his statements, but he said he had none
that be could conveniently get ahold of
Masers. Freneb, Torranoe, Colas and
Shaw appeared before the committee
and all agreed go far as they knew that
there Was no foundation for the oom
plaints Mr. Oantelon bad made.
Dr. Shaw said the inmates were pro.
party eared for and in case of inners
were partionlarly well oared for, even
supplied with dela:eerie% That theroome
were kept in a sanitary oondition. That
the keeper was kind and attentive to
inmetee, so far OK poeoihle, and supported
what the other offiaiale had etated, that
tbe management of the house wae good.
The committee after hearing these
partiee, paeeed tbe following resolu.
"Moved by Wm. Lamont, seconded by
J. T. Currie, that after ooneidering and
investigating the several ohargee mede
by A. Oantelon, against the management
and the keeper of the Honee of Range.
D. French, of alleged cruelty and halal
treatment to several of the inmatee of
gelid institution, we find, after a careful
inquiry and thorough examination of the
fatties who have been and now are in
nooneotion with the management at said
House, viz : Mr. Cloaks, Mr. Torranoe and
Dr. Shaw, that there is no hut cause for
oomplaint and we entirely exonerate Mr.
French of the above charges made by A.
CilVseel°conne."mittee thinking it wise to in•
form Mr. Oantelon what action they
intended to take and make him acquaint
eel with the reeolutinn, passed, reoalled
Mr, Oantelon after dinner and impreeeed
upon him the umeeeity of retraoting hie
°bargee. This was done with the beet of
feeling between all ooncerned, as the
following written statement submitted to
the committee shows
"After hearing the investigation and
considering the matter all over, I coma
to the conclusion that there is no ill
treatment towards any of the inmates of
the Home of Refuge, and that no blame
oan be attached to any of the officers of
the above inst(istelatniciena.)
'Ann1711 °AMNION
- -
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland mat In
Wingham on March 7th with Rev, 3 3,
Hardie, Moderator, in the obair. The
attenclanne wag Tare, every minister hi
the Presbytery but one being peasant.
Rev. S. M. Midas' was appointed
Convener of the Preebvtery'e Horne
Mansion Committee'and Rev, D, Perrie,
Convener of the Augmentation Corn.
Beginning with the year 1908 own-
monion rolls aee to be presented to the
Preebytery for inspection along with
senior( records at the regular meeting in
Rev. W. G Hannft'B. A., of Mount
Forma wag nominateir d for the chaof
New Testament literature) and Exegesis
in Knox Colleee.
Report') on Sabbath flohoola ealburoh
life and work, and Young Peopleg'
Societiee, were read by Revs. C. M.
Rutherford, G. M. Dunn, and J. 3.
eeopeotively. The Newt en•
armee:zing of Mega was that on Sabbath
aohoole. The moot eneouraeing wag
perhaps that on Young Peoples! Societies.
One gratifying feature in this) report ig
the indioetion of considerable improee.
merit in the oontributiona of the young
peoole for Miaeione.
The follnwine miniatera were appoiet•
ed Commiesioners to the General
Lefiembiy, Whieh mega in Kingeton in
anee, mama/ :-L Perrin, Wroxeter ; R
MoLeod, Ripley ; W, J. Went, B,uevale ;
arid D. T. L. Molterr011, Looknow,
Peter Clark, Elder, St. Helen% ente aloe
tippointed. The geseione of South Kin.
loee, Wingham and Ashfield have eaoh
the right to nomivate nue of their num.
ber ae Commissioner to the Assembly.
Rev. R. McLeod and Peter Clerk were
appointed members of the Assembly's
Committee on Bills and Overturee.
Rev, D. Perrie, and A. 0. Stewart were
appointed members of the Synod's Oom'
minim on Bills and Overtures, and the
Rev. John Ross was nominated as
Moderator of Synod.
The Clerk reported Met the ociriemittee
appointed for the purpose hail prepared
the following resolution of syropthy,
which be had duly transmitted co the
widow of the late Prinoipal Oaveo : -We,
the Preebytery of Maitlend, heard recent
ly with profound eoerow of the death of
yoor late hosbend, the Rev, Prinoipal
Cavite, and we hereby tender to you, and
the member(' of your fernier, our sincere
eympueby in tbe bereavement that God,
in the fulfilment of Hie wise, and he
mutable purposes, has men fit to send
you. We thank God for the life that be
was enabled to live -a life full of gentle.
uess, untiring devotion, imurage, and
work -a life spent from ite early dawn
till the shadows of night Wooed upon it,
in unwearying effort for the betterment
of man, and for the glory of God. His
work toadied the lives of men profoundly
and in those whom he influenoed he still
lives, and hie work goes on. We cheetah
his memory ae that of a 'saintly man,
whom life "adorned the doctrine of God
hie Saviour." We pray that the God
of all consolation and greats may sustain
you one and all and that a beam of the
light that surrounds the throne, may
matter the gloom that inevitably an.
companiee the departure of those beloved
from the midet of Moss who love,
It was agreed that the next regular
meeting of the Presbytery take pla0e in
Belgrave on Tuesday May 16th, at 10
A. elaotTan,
a, m.
Presbytery Clerk, Walton.
Hugh Black, who for the peat forty
yeara hae ao.ed as librarian for the
Meolianies' 'mallet% 50 Kincardine and
latterly for the public library, passed
away Sunday in the 71st year of hie age,
atter an Meese of about one month.
DRAGON -In Eget Wawanoeh, Marob 7,
Mae Sam. Deacon, a daughter.
Zi:C.9.4.1 RIMS%
blatemes-Lexantene-At the residencie
ot the briciaa father, near Marnoob,
on Meath 7(h, by Rev. J. Edmonds,
Mr. Albert Menziee, of Amnia, As
einiboie, to Mies Merv, third dangh•
tar of 01r. Itiobeed Letahmaa.
ellseer,-Jeanues.-At Sharon Springs
farm, East Wawanosb, the reeidi uoe
of the bride's parente, on March let,
by Rev. B. Clement, Mr. Wm. Snell,
of Kellett, to Miss Anna aloud,
eldeet daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Giles Jenkins.
WELLS-GOODWIN -In PalMerlitOrt' on
March 81111, at the reaidenoe ofMr.
and Mrs. R. Kearns, by Rev, J.
Simpson, of Orangeville, Mr.
William Wells, of Winnipeg, to
Mies Lizzie Goodwin, formerly of
Emee-In East Wawanoeh, on Marob
7th, Arlington, only eon of J. E. and
Pare. Ellie, aged.18 year% 9 months
and 3 days.
MAOPM1LANE.-At Daraam, on March
Sob, Robert Maeferlane, aged '72
31oNas.-In Grey, on March 9 h, John
A., youngest eon of Joha and Mary
MoNabb, aged 6 months and 10 daye.
WILSON.-- In Howick, on Marob 31th,
William D. Wilson, aged 84 years
and 11 ITIOS.
Spi ing Drones Tan and
Roughen many complex-
ions that are exempt
from injury at other
Protection and cure are
afforded by our delight-
ful skin- feeding and
Witch Hazel Cream
Works promptly, Sat.
isfpction Guaranteed.
Usod by s great many
Lathes ai.d praised by
all who use it. 6 cents
per ounce at
.41.;t7CITI0.0IsT 98,41.Z.
- -
Fen/a, MAROR 24th. - Farm dock,
implements, &o. S Lot. 25, Con, la,
Grey. Salo puree:reed, at 1 p. m. Jno.
B. Hyde, prop. ; 13. Scobe, oho,
13=i -0r S00=1.. -1 nrc.A.1.1,===i3,
Fall Wheat 95 95
Barley 40 . 40
65 70
Oats 89 40
Butter, tubs and ',ells17 18
Eggs per dozen 15 16
Hey per ton 6 00 6 50
Tioor, per bbl 5 60 , 6 20
Potatoes oer bus 45 45
Apple's (p. r tibia 1 00 , 1 35 ' •
flogs, Live 5 40 5 40
Wool 17 18
Ss 1,900 1.11., rake 1 00 70
L) Fillies, genera' purpose, and an 'agee
mare for f. de. Matt/Miff LIN , Lot
11, 00n ervibrook P. 0. 88-2
0070110 the gr to at Lot 16, Oen, 18and
Lot 20,110. . 13, Grey, Met Tuesday. Pi oder
will pleas( leave it at IOPLII SIGNABIPS,
worm my old Kende ad the public •
generally tat I bay . resumed the praotice
of Media' t. in rt..ssels. °Maas in the
rooms fort,,erly oect.pled by the late Alex.
Hunter, over inmost tat's store
86-40 WM. GRAHAM.
80,010, IMPLY MINTS, F019191011a5, &e,
-I' 8. Boo 11, auotl neer, has received in-
etructions itom the undersigued to sell by
public /melon 511 83 0,011 95, Con. 11, Grey,
on Friday Handl 04.13, at 1 o'clock, the fol-
lowing vtouable p ..perby, vlz. :-1 mare 10
years old 1 mare 1.1 years old in foal to
'Pride of fuoroiog,'1 00111 rising 2 years brok-
en to harnese, 11110007 colt aired by 'Child.
wick Bea thetton,' 3 colt riding 1 year sired
by •Custon Boy,' 1 r esh cow, 5 cows suppoli-
ed in en ir, t heifer rising 8 years, 1 heifer
trios 2 ye as, 0 stet es rising 2 years, 8 steers
rising 1 yr.,,r, 2 beif, at rising 1 year, 0.0500 2
months ol 1, 50111100 bred Plymouth Bock
eunets, 7 r Me bred %Cinema pullets, 20 hens
other bree I, 1 sow . ith litter 8 weeks old,
Champ:, a seed chill, 1 mower, 1 °mitt
bay rake, - Gillis & olartin gang piow, 1 No.
21 Maury, low, 1110 reels, 1 souther nearly'
new,1 twt .v0-1 oot itamond ItarrOW, 1 Wag-
on 3 in. tn u, 3, Mikhail, maker 1 1 wagon
box, 1 gravUl box, 1 mggy nearly new, 1 road
road cart,/ °Utter, 1 hold roller, 1 putper, 1
pair bob.s vigils, 1 N.axwell binder, 1 Oltuton
running meal set beaus Boehm, 1 set double
herbage, 1 set sing' , harness nearly new, 1
Water trough, 1 hl,. knife, 1 ladder 25 feet
long, 1 lau.,er 19 feet, long, 7 tons good tim-
othy hay, a quantity of turnips, a number
of 0004 60,1113 posts knd stakes,. a quantity
01 98800 In.qs, 1 box stove, 1 daisy uhurn,, 1
milk can, 005001 ‘, of bouseholuforniture,
forks, dInthle, seytti..e and numerate otlier
artialea. Fiala utirtverved- as ply prletor has
sold his beau. Ter osi-611 sults of 99 and
under onh, over that amount 9 Months'
credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint notet. ; 0 per cent. off for cash on ere.
Mt 50101,01 hay and roots to be oath.
P. 8. SCOTT,
Aualeneer, 0100. B. 138013,
...15111111•61,1C1110.111.1 100111110=111=MMIIIMINIMIll
DrDcozxxxxxar:x xadocxx x=olcac
N New Spring Dregs Goods
We ebow an immense stook of New Deese Geode for Spring, Every
r week we receive additione to our stook in 5100 dollen'', ea soon as they are
produced. Oar gales in tbe Drees Goode department hates been larger this
'wagon than ever before, just beannee we keep tbe correct styles that evay-
1 body ie looking for and our prioee are alwitye the lowest,
We aleo keep a fun range of Drage Trtnetriinge to tetatob the Drees
G0008, in Applique, Gimps, Sequin, Refilling, etre Beim we mention a
few linee, bet our Drees Goode hey° to be seen lo be appreoiated.
Sieilians, in bleak and oolore, line glossy finisb, 66 ioehe" wide, good value
at 65o, for 60o.
Black and Colored Venetians' at 600, 750,51 and e1.25.
Oreepine Cloth, in colon) of book, brown, tievy, resift, eto., make(' a
etylieb rola, at 600, 70a, 750 and 51.
We also ebow a full range of Duchess Voile% Crape DOOilineS, Laine
fl DeSoles atreneclinee, Me., at 'noes prioes,
Bleok end &awed Endear are in great eemand, We heels a large &Mort,
meet in 'might glossy goode, than 25o to 51, •
Our NeW Shirt Waists for Spring are here. We eh ee n Varied 4611Ort•
i ment in all the newest designs. We find a growing oemancl for better
goode in this line, and this season vie have imported a netali better class
Lcfartrad8eibtatnW"auk:t1;, in bleak, brown end omens, at el, $1,50 and $1.75
Shirt Waists, Made of fine Nahmook, trimmed with fit3 11100 and inset.,
tion, large eleevee, at 751,51 and $1 50,
Elbe Muslin and Orgenaie Shirt Wow, trinm. 'cl With 6,10 twee' ifieeetian
else eal.over embroidery, at $1, 51,50, 02 and 00.50. pt
X4C9CXCICOIC 0 =XXX= pcp4:cacto ,
\ 1
11 I'I