The Brussels Post, 1905-3-16, Page 513 r i" t M 3 JSagrt'l:i*'d S a Sv a ti:3 volumes in the library le 88808, With 'u+ TRAIN UP A CHILD Spring Terris from April 8 And when up saps him or r' ZLIoT Alar to w ` O TORONTO, XPiONT` CCGCl% Term opoll8 AprIi 11IIl, 1904 Twp Vouraea- Omm r o e og ora i n Shoi h t and. ,f}y 11 Bond fo of lfl Si r O lege INTY 1. A. L, MolNTY14E,.Managor, BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT G l'EB Dent, F. B.800TT, Bruseele, WI3. MoCRACKEN— • Issuer of Marriage 040011 et, Of- aoe'atGrooOry,Tnrnberly street, Bruseele, HARMS FOR SALE—TEE UN• 122112210x1212 has several good Farmefor sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. P S. 800T'P, Brussel 0. 0. F. Court Prfnoeee Alexandria, No.24, 0, 0. F„ Brunets, matte 1a their Lodge Room, i31os- hill Bleak, ou the Bud and last Tuesdays of eeoh month, ate o'clock. Visiting brethren always Welcome, JAS. 13II10GESB. O, R, A. B. M14LL1S13, B. S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM; 1208DnANOa, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J, LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE), LOAN AND REAL narA'IT4 AGENT, Office over Hereley's Drug Store,. Nov. 80,1002.. 80•8m Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance ('u., EsTADLffin00 1810 Insurance take s n on the tuba and f reInur. Inge system at n t rates. signore Maur. ing 11130 Comps call -on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . man, will sell for better prices, to better men in lose time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't ahemo anything. Dates and orders 0011 always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ROST. H. GARNISS BLIIEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sated arranged for at the oaoe of Tan Posy, Brussels. 2833 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— ...A • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, le prepared to treat all dls- eaee2 of domesticated animals in a 00112800- 0110 11221100r. Particular attention paid to Voteoioaoy Dentistry and Milk Fover. Calle promptly attended to. ONloe and Infirmary -Four doors North 01 bridge, Turnberry et., $measle. LEDAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etta. Successor to G. F, Blair. Mee over Stan- dard Bank, Rruseel8, Solicitor for Metro- politanBank. WM. SINCLAIR-- • Barrister, Solicitor, e0onveyanoor, Notary Public,. &e, O8lee-8towart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. paouDFooT, HAYS d BLAIR-- BARRISTERS, SOLIOITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, 1000. • W. Pno!Dlrooi,11, C. R, 0. Mesa • - G. F. BLAIR, Oflioee-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, , GOD12nron, OwTAitIO. MEDICAL CARDS. -- J. A. M'NAUGHTON. 111. b„ Trinity Univerelty, Fellow Trinity Medloal College, Member Collage 01 Pbyetelane and Surgeons Out, Licentiate of the Royal Col. lege of i 'hyelclans end Licentiate of Mid. Witery, Edinburgh. tarTolop13one No.18, Reei'denoe-Mill street, Breeselg. DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Fi•st•elaOe Honor Graduate of Toronto University, - Office next to Brewor'e Photograph Gallery, BNDSSEL8, fit'-' E a3` 6' ? C. 1FAMOUS pLHOo1 CENTRALp . STRATFORD, ONT. Bnnin00e men lido Rewiredthat. our Graduates are pOeparod for posh tined of mort.e Ns ntlen in Canada ane do 1110120 for 120 030100128 that mile one. Our gr0duate0' alwayt eeouro vvtr, noel/Ram Write foe ' our tree Bata• ire_ Ioguo,itiaahandsome 'one, Uu..ft Spring l tELLibI&Mot, 01AN, 021lneipnls. t;wi i 3"11 ii 1 6At 1 $ Oon YonD12 Ann AL2842D1212 Brnooma 9 Thish ala Grade College 1 a making g u most remarkable record this year for placing Its atudente 10 geed post. tiena, We give the beat training -the kiud that preduoce the hest reoulto, Students admitted at any time. Col lege open the entire year. Msgoilloont catalogue tree. W. 8. ELLIOTT, Prina!pal, 165343 $ t5llmFit t9istrici B.ebas, I,l In to w e l . A. J. Vaodriak has sold out hie store buafoese to his brother 0, F. Vendriok, Tho resignation of 3. H, MoDonitld as a member of the = ,ard of Health was ao- oepted and F. Vaudriok appointed iu his stead. Rev. 3. 0, Speer*, D. D , of Toronto, will feature for the Epworth League in the Methodist oharoh, Lietowel, on Mon- day, M,iroh 27th. Telephone instruments have been p'aoed in the town building., and will be a decided ronvenieeioe both for officiate and oitizena: The null numbers are as follows ;-68-Town Hall • 89 - Pub io• Sohuol 28 -High Sobool ; 12 -Pumping Station, Water Works, The tower on the water tank was filled and running over for the first time on Tuesday of last week, showing that the eenneoting of the other well hoe consider ably increased the supply of water. Wlth the tank full the pressure on the gouge at the etution steed nt 56 pounds, after the pumps were stopped. While pumping the pressure had run up to 60 pounds, the highest point to which it a,uld be, fouled. At the town Oounoil it wee moved by J. N. Hay, eeaonded by P. Walters that the lender of Jenne & Droner for 5764 for a 14 foot roadway and a 5 foot, foot bridge le, eeoepied, being the lowest lender, and oaptrnat signed, bridge to be cnmp'et-d by May 15th. -Carried. The Mayor stated tint at a meeting of the shareholders of the Bent Chair Oa., a resolution it n had been adopted a tit tin n e the direotore to en!l the property to the beet advantage. Thie atop will enable tate town to obtain poeseaeion without delay and the Mayor added that he had negotiations under way and hoped to be able to submit a proposition to the town. Hview: t L Mrs. J. O. Stoneman hae been laid n ier some days with a severe attack o sciatica. James Clark, who has been a partoe in the Bern of BfMWS & Olark, is gnittie the busmen and making preparations t go out heat. While coming down stairs Mre, W Chapman or., tripped and fell to tb bottom of the stairs receiving a sever eoalp wound. The Twelve O'olook Assembly On beg to tummies that no more aseemb• lies will be bald under the auspices of the &!nb during the Winter. While planning a hoard at the Bele- hon Machine Werke Fred. Bueoh had the misfortune to hit Fife hand egainet a hoz planer, and had the °entre of the palm badly torn. Ae soon 90 Spring opens, a large ad• clition will be built to the East end of the Kelehon Works extending to the street. The material to be need will be Dement blood. The present staff of 19 is not sufficient to fill the orders air fast as they are pouring in, but when the additions are made and new machinery installed the work will proceed mach more rabidly. The wage roll will soon reaoh $1000 a month. The Observer Saye :-We stated in the Observer of a recent date that Mr. Kele. hon wan prepared to patin a complete system of water worke with eland pipe and Wretinghouee pump capable of throwing over 2,000 gallons a minute, for 55,000. As we have at present a fire protection, only in name, not until we have a big conflagration will oar citizens waits up to the necessity of providing something better than we have at present. A fine engine and water supplywou'd nest se much as eyetem of water works, A meeting of the rate. payers 0honid be called and the matter given thorough ventelation. An ounce of prevention i8 worth a pound of oure. r. w intra It kart - Wingham Citizens' Band will have a concert about the end of Maroh. J. J. Bali to speeding a few days at hie hotne in town before going West. Carrie & Rintoolehipped a oar of very fine hoteee to Indian Head, N. W. T,, on Teeedte of fast week, Mrs, Eliza Walmeley, wife of John. Welmelry, a former oondnotor on 1131 L , H & B., died at her borne in London, aged 84 years, A amen fire in the machine shop was n0tioed in time to save dried .demsge. A large hole wee burned through the floor of the building. W. J. Telford, who has for tome time beendruteoled with the Western Foundry (Jo., le golug to Hamilton, where he hae ea°epted a position in the Moore stove foundry Rev. Wm. ?,owe, Grand Chaplain and Wm. Greer were in Midland last week' attendings the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Orange Ledge of .,Ontario Nest.' Boy, ii, 11011210, of Sbratbroy, Preei, dent of the London Conferenne, and a former pastor of the Wingham, Metho, diet oharoh, 00009)ed the pulpit of tint Church on Sunday mottling and evening, The Auditors' toport ehoWe that 016 electric lighting system was a paying investment for the corporation for the thirteen and a holt menthe, ending De- eember net, 1904 Frain the report it f0 shown that the per fife for that time amounted to $1003 61. The total aseete to the lighting plant amounted to o167and d he liabilities, 5305.24.79., In the general bueineee of the town we find that the esOete for the yoar 1004 anmeeted 10 $768615 and the .linbilitiee, $6459.04. With the Public Library the year'. r 'onion wept $586 70; and expend. 'tore fi 6 G leavingit baa on hand 51B$78 21 The cattle the hooka in the library 1s given at $2500.00 and there are Mine Mute of 5140, The nnmber of P g 0 e b the Sohcol Board Ibe total reoeipta for the year amounted 10 54008 76, and the expenditure 54476 08. A lodge of Orange lung BrlEoneair been formed in Wingham, known au No. 11, O,Y B. The tulle iu w r g are the afii• sere t - W, Maetar-W, Adams ; D. Mester-Ates, lioherteoo ; Cbaplala- David Adams ; Reo, Seo.-Joeepb Clued; Fin, Sea. -John Qampbeil` Trenearer- Herbs rt Mha hell • D. of O, -J Reid • Letterer -Jag. Robertoon ; Inside Tyler -John Baird ; Ootaide Tyler -Hugh Deus, tae, There have been several /matinees changes in town recently. John Taylor, botober, hits disposed of Isis businese to T. Fella. 0, 3, Reeding has disposed of his pump bueineee to O. Thornton, who has been sesooiated with kim for same time past in the bueineee, Mr. Davie, the regent purohaeer of the Fiehle.gh hard ware stook, has Bold eat to Bert. Gerry, 000 of B, Gerry, of Bundle, Mr. Gerry recently disposed of hie Listowel bold- ness and bas oome to Wingbam. We hope he will find our town fully op to hie cementations. J. H. Bowman hoe Bold his four and teed business to J. Bose, of town, and we u',deretand Mr. Bowman intends, like Mr. Taylor, to see what the prospects ace in the West. IExe tee., Mise Northoott hair taken a position in Baden se milliner. Miss May Armstrong returned from attending the millinery op'ninge at Lon. doe and ham resumed her clutter] with J. A. Stewart, The interior of the Trivitt Memorial eburob has undergone a amine of 000092• tion and now presents a 11311011 improved appearance, Archie Bodged, who some time ago War] se unfortunate air to freeze ono of his feet, is sow suffering from an attack -of gangerene from the effects of the injury. The Ontario Gazette anuouuoee the appointment among many others of the following liaenee oommiee'oaere for the constituency of South Enron ; P. Doug- las, W. Delbridge, Joseph Canning. Mise Millie Martin, who hae been teaching ort Auburn, has been obliged to suspend duties for a time owing to illness and hae returned to her home here. Mies Lille Robinson left here to fill the 000200, during Mise Martin's illness. Congratulations are doe Joseph Cobble. dick on hie being elected Viae President of the National Portland Gement Co., at Durham. Mr.Oobblediok i0 a man of wide budder! ac' ex p lanae, and the oonft. donee of the company is well bestowed. The general store business at Bengali, of R. E. Piedra, of town, was sold t, Wm, Bawden, of the firm of Bowden re MoDonell, who will plooe it in oharge of his eon, Sandy Bowden -and step eon, William Oeok, to oondnot the future bueineee. 133 v tfe. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Blyth Presbyterian church purpose giving a =steal entertainment in the lactate room of the oburoh on Wedneeday, March 22nd. Mise Ella Moser hae returned from London, where she attended the Spring millinery openings in the wholesale hotted, and will leave shortly forZurioh to assume charge of the millinery depart. meat of a large general store. Tuesday of last week vial monthly fair day io Blyth, and a very successful one it proved to be. The weather was all that could be desired and there was good crowd of vieitore in the village. Some sales of live stock were made and good pride realized, Robert Mershon, of Beet Wawanoeh, Bold one borne for 5210. . The local anion of Christian Endeavor and Epworth League 0 0ieti00 has elected the following tffioere for the seining year 1 -President, Mies Elia Anderson; Seoretary, A. H. Wilford ; Treasurer, Harry Wanless ; prase reporter, Mies J. B. Kirkby; Look•ont Committee, E. Bender, John Somers, Mies Sara Bentley, Mise Mahal Steinhoff and Mies Berta Carr. An agent for the Haney thread ad 6i ; Wi Ile Speiran, 67 ; Nelly Oareor, dressed the Sobool Board we the merits : 56; (Hunter Baker, 62 ; axe, Ilolieubaok, of that system of heating. Moved by. 40. Jr. 111 - gee, Beane, 60 ; Iva Trustee a Cowen, demoted used by Treetop S Pel rn n 6 2 b itUeld ; Ad, that in the opinion of this Doull, B4 ; Myrtle Speiran, 68 ; IreneBoard it ia';advitatbletDuharke2130 system Engler, 50 sr.I-Sar,airtita risco 'n, of he ti a ng our public egbooi, Bo air to son 04• Mar nob o Alex M a , 6y ; A rx Hyde, utilize coal for feel, and that we adopt 60 ; Joe. Hyde, 08 Lily Evan,,, 04 tbelCeleey warm air generator. -Carried. Robert Piokerell, 58 • Hermann Perks tender was received fr,,m 3, G. tfoeer stall, 61 ; Percy Ward, 60 Sr, Pc, II - for 313e installing ai r t o k a two 4t $sire Ye No. Hartwell alta n, Bedell do rte. Fred. 24ar w m air geaeratore, sad plans and die COX, Minnie Hanna, Willie Ward. epeoifioatione of the oonlraot submitted, Jr. Pt. II -Stanley Maohao, Sr. Pt. I- bat potion in the matter wan by oommon Willie Cox, Edith Piokerell. Jr, Pb. I - consent deferred anti! next meeting. ,Milton Oxtoby, Gerrie Speiran, 3odrew Conde, Maggie Love, S, B. Laken, Ltnc,lintow• 1nether. Bev. Walter Treleaven spent a few slays with Maude In town last week. Watley Oook'e reeldenee on the 1st oonoeeelob of Bioloee wag destroyedby fire on Thursday Mar. 2nd. The origin of the fire hi a mystery as the family wax away from home at the time. A parlor ooneert under the aanpioes of the Ladiea' Aid Society of the Methodist charah wil be given at the home of Mrs. W H, Johnston on Friday evening Maroh 17111. An Irieb program will be given, Ott Monday evening of last week an "At Home" at the Methodist parsonage; for the young people of the Looknow Methodist church was given' by Mr. and Mrs Mlliyard, About 60 young people responded. Atter enjoying themeolves in a very eooial and interesting way, a most sumptuous repeat wag agreed end thoroughly appreciated by all present. Then a short impromptu program was reordered ooneietibg of reoftatione, Bolos, duets and °hornees, which did oredit to all who took part. &SetaIe,rth. George Good, of Toronto, an old Sea forthite, has been eleotod chairman of the grooera' eeoti,n of the Retail Merohante Association of Canada. S. Dickson, eon of Postmaeter Diokeon, has been appointed Bret assistant of the Supreme Court at Edmonton, and hae moved from Fort Saskatchewan, where be wag premising, to that city.. Rev. Mr. Berry, of Parkhill, hae been ee'eated ley the congregation of St. Thoma*' obcrch era their pastor in goo. session to Rev. Mr. Hodgins. Mr. Berry nae anoepted the oall and it baa been sanctioned by the Biebop. The saw mill, stave and beading factory of•Wm. Ament le an important and valuable industry in tbie town of which we do not often hear a great deal, litfr. Amon turns b a na over a got of mosey in a year. He hae now in his yards about 512,000 worth of stook, all of which was pnrehaeed in this immediate vicinity. The weather during the fore part of the Winter was favorable for getting oat loge and Mr. Aimed improved hie opporton- itiee with the result that hie yards are well filled and more are coming in daily. He *aye he never had a better stook of loge than he has this Winter. G r re s• . Sumer. RevnaT, - Following is the school report for S. S. No. 6, Grey, for the month of February. Sr. IV -Mel• villa .Blair, 73 ; Lizzie Brewer, 54 ; George Hutchinson, 54 ; Bertha Blair, 52 ; Willie Jaaklin, 48 ; Eddie Stephen. son, 46; Penelope Brewer, 45 ; Lillian Oolelongh,45; Maggie Hntohineon, 44 Sr. III-Peroy Stephenson, 57 ; Garrison Jaoklin, 43. Jr. III -Fred, Smeltzer, 47; Helena elitobell, 87. Sr. II -Edna Reid, 58 ; Daweina Blair, 50; Joseph Jooklin, 40. Pt, II -Sarah Hntohineon, Norman Douglae, Herbert Bateman. LIzzx12 MeoARTAO0, Teacher. The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 10, for the month of February, as ascertained by examination. Claes V -Osla Bothwell, 04. Sr. 1V-• Louise, Careen, 70 ; RoyOxtoby, 69; Jae, Matte, 56 ; May Oxtoby, 52 ; Francis Baker, 48. Jr. IV -Eva Rathweil, 66 ; Grace Speiran, 62 ; Lents Engler, 62 ; Mamie Denman, 61 ; Beth Engler, 59 ; Florence Whitfield, 68 ; Charlie Buttery, 63 ; Stanley Hutchinson, 49 ; Jeeaie Oampbell, 48. Sr. III -Pearl Oxtoby, 64 ; Alma Speiran, 62 ; Katie Denman, GOLDEN LIQUID The Great Remedy for Pain, Internal or External aveot laaretattattowhate'hPNhdW GOLDEN LIQUID ie the Dead Shot Cure for pain. Every pain instantly relieved by one thorough applioetion. Sprains, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Headaobe, Toothache, Pain in Side or Limbs, Contracted Maeotes, Pain in Chest, Lame Baok, Lnmbago, Sciatic,banished like Magic. It is mighty oearohing stuff and immed- iately dispels all pained purely vegetable and PLASMMM HAelfa1208 t0 the smallest Infant. Nothing Equals it for Burne, Snide, Eruptione, Ohafinge, Ineeot Bites, Frosted Feat or Eare, Ohildbleine and Sore Feet. INTERNALLY, -Bowel Oompininte relieved in a few minutes. Odd Cramps, Spawns, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Summer Complaint, Diarrbwa, Dyeentery, Colic, Wind in Bowels, Cholera Morbus ; oleo Rub Stomach Externally in these. complaint* with the GOLDEN LIQUID, Do sot neglect to teat it for any pale at onoe. The direotiono are to rub nod bathe with it until the pate is gone, perhaps one minute. The longeat•eeated pain in 1e,t es bant fit senit m ltltee You simply n pl y k w ofrom its trial that the GOLDEN LIQUID ogres pain immediately, as dew dieappeare before the morning eau, FOR HORSES AND CATTLE - For Oute, Swelling; Blunts, Sprains, Strang, Lameness, Stiffneee, Contractions of the Meealee, Sore Throat, Colic, Apply GOLDEN LIQUID in aoaordanoe with the dictates of common sense, rubs biog the parts affected thoroughly. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT 1T. I1 should sive' bo kept in the hoose. Iia nee will prove bene8oial on all occasions of pain and eioknges. There ie no,bing in the world that will atop pain or arrest the progress of diode air quick ire the GOLDEN LIQUIb, WIIAT THE PEOPLE SKY ABOUT GOLDEN LIQUID To MR. CRONE, Brp0ole : I have used your Golden Liquid and have found it to he a perfect mire for fiheumd• ti0m, hours truly, D, MOQ17ABRIE, 0ranbrook, Aug. 8th, iota. In regard to Golden Liquid it is a groat remedy for Rheumatism, It removes all Pain and otlffneoe Wont the iambs. It le al., scan 0000I2ent remedy for sora throat and all internal pain, I cannot speak too high. ly of lt, 0. H. DODDS. Brussels, May 2nd, 1004. Thio is to sonify that I have steed Golden Liquid and and it to be the beet thins that i ever got e, hold of for rheumatism. I have Maul a good many rem di and oleo 2100. tor'* m ulloin08 without rimy beee$t but 3161= sou Lialuid fgavo me almeOt in0t*nE relief both from pain autl lamonpsa I'a111 air well as 01001 f Vail, 3020 14Ultld, Bruleela,Aoki] 25011,1304, MR. R. CRONE : DEAN 8111, -Raving tend your Golden Liquid for Rheumatism I (lave found it the beet remedy I ever gat hold of. I Wes in bed with Rheumatism and erne the second beth/ng was able to get tip, and in two days was oat welkibg around, You would not know I bad been laid up at Mi. Hoping this may help some others wile are suffer. ing eel w 10U strHileitRaYly teetered to health,/ am, Yours MT 02002 . Bruesele, Noy, 282)4, 1804• MR. CRONE : 012412 8119,-0 reooivod goat letter ask - go in mt for my opinion of Gokloki L!id. It ie filo best olOdlohie I over need, It to worth its Weight in gold, Every one Huge ire Prideful, 2'bro,gb the raceme of G01den Llquld my daughter's life was saved. lithe had io0ammattoo of rho !Jerrold. Vett need not be afraid to recetntnead )108. W1ITEREa1D. PITT IIP R CRONE ONLY BY Vllee ton. An exceedingly large orange waft shown no a fewdaye ago by El, Bart!ff that w, felled 17 ezf, Robert Moore, late of the Doherty Organ Co., left for Winnipeg, where be has accepted a rituation. Pair Bros. gold eighteen bead of choice export cattle to B. H. Smith the other day, -a pair of them weighing 8480. P. McNeil will shortly withdrew trrm the Erin of Ford & McNeil, and 'olebde to gomontonWest fn the Spring, poeeibl3 to Ed- , Temporary arrangements have been made to utilize part of the work .hop of Tho.. Mo$euzie, for the manatee nee of the Doherty Orgao. A Citlzen'e League for the town of Clinton was formed and we are to d they will take an active part in all quer, ions of temperance and moral reform. Meagre. Kerr and Moffatt have 11 d the boa ,and dray business to. Joel. Cook, there not being enough in the boe:neee to warrent the two remaining at it. Clerk Maophereoo received a cheque for$800, from the Dominion Govern meat, being part of the 800000t for the stem. little walk surrounding the poet -Moe. Reuben Graham has bought the deed House propt, sod l eu managementerairy,Boon air thewilleeoaoe ,rne f Milos. Brandeobnrger expires, which ie the let of May. Mise Ethel Doherty, (daughter of W. W. D,herty) who la in deflate health, ieevee title week on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Magee, at Calgary, in the hope that the obange may do her good. Prof. C. G. Chant, of Toronto Univer- sity, brother of H. B. Chant, is nae of 0fx men selected by the Royal Arde nnom Taal Society to go to Labrador an 1 wit. bees the Solar eclipse that takes plaoe shortly. A goodly representative gathering of Huron 0oanty neeembled at tht Nor. maadie, Thursday of net week 1 . talk. over boeined matters, get better aermaint• ed, and vegetate matters that would be agreeable to all. Ed. Swartz, of the Britirh Ex..hange Hotel, Goderiob, (eon of Geo, kwartz, Olieton,) while playing in a genie of hockey ort Monday evening of lest week tell on the toe and had the misfortune to break bis Ieg. The match was between the Bedford House and the British Ex. ohanee, and had been put 00 for the belied: of the hospital. Thos. Jackson jr. wae°alled toT„ronto, Monday, of last week having received a telephone menage Sunday that hie ao0ompliehed young da,:ghter, Mies Irene, (who is attending Hovergall Hall) had suffered a hemorrhag,+, Al- though he wee able to see her on hie arrival in the oity, be wag not allowed to talk with her, lest the exertion might be iojerions, and be returned to town. after geeing that the wag under the care of a good rause, and likely to be better in a few days. Mrs. James Scott, wife of oar post- master, died very suddenly about eight o'olook Wednesday of last wealsShe bad been ill the day previously and the doctor had been in attendance, ha wee alto summoned daring the night, lint no fatal molts were feared, Between+ seven and eight o'alook an going to the bedside her daughter found her mother had °eased to breathe, the vital spark had fled The awful suddenness of her death bee in• teneified the grief of the etrioken `a.mily, the bereaved husband and three ch•idren. Mre. Scott wee a kindly Obristie° Doman, The funeral was on Friday afternoon, The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen for Canada is in session at Calgary, N. W. T, The weather in Manitoba is 0priuglike. Nothing like its mildoeae so early to the Beason hae been known einem 1879 A Freooh firm is about to plane 01 the market a novelty in postal cards. To ate ordinary 910400al pard le affixed a thin transparent gelatine disk, on whiob i0 impressed a gramophone maid! , -cord, A bole is pieroed through the center of the disk, and the postcard oan be placed on an ordinary "talking machin,” and prayed in the usual way. Should Edward Farrell ouooeasluliy pass through the oonvaleseeot pmriod of the operation performed 0pou his spinal cord on Saturday night in the $'edioo• Ohirurgioal Hospital, Pbiladolpb..e, the surgeons of that inetituton will have achieved a notable victory. The ratient fell from a loft in a stable on 'Friday night, breaking his baokbone. As a remit of the injury he was paralysed from the want down and was tallun to the hospital, where the physician,' de. aided that the only chance to Saye the menet life was to operate. Peahen of the spinal cord were out out and the ends spliced. Farrell stood the operation uioely and Tuesday was said to he in a most eatiefaotary condition. Only male before within the last five years has a similar operation been attempted The eargebne believe that the man wit! re. cover, Prances Lamanohe, aged 20, the girl who 'masqueraded in Cincinnati SS a boy, "Frank WlJiams," ail who wee employed at the Grabs Hotel bar as. a porter, flied Tuesday evening in the 010001nati Hospital. The girl's story, Which fir credited by the I1.spital anthoritien, was that oho was been at Limogoe, France. Her Whet was a comedian and her mother a dancer and einger. She said her father woo killed by mistake in'a saloon row in Chloago, and that her mother aniseed her even in her early yenta act a boy, telling hot that 0om0 day she wenid have to do for her• self and that boys had tar better op• portnnitiee than gir10. She 0aid that for a very ehoct time elle tried to be n j, ekey, She attended a boyo' eahool at a bay, for a time, at Reoktifr, la. She *se not 11008 very long before liar seg wee die - wooed, and she had to go. Thee ehe wee placed in a (=nvont, at 0ninmhut, Ohio, but doelnred the wearing Of Skirts annoyed her, aid Ohofinally ran away, BRUSSELS LS DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE BOYS Let them have a good time --boys will be boys, it doesn't pay worry about their mischief—the ripe—the tears— the misshapen Clothes, But it does pity to buy Clothes that will stand the hard knocks that any boy will give them, PITT THEM IN "Lion, araire Clothing Clothing that will hold together and hold its shape. through the roughest of boyish sports—up a tree—over the shed --under a fence. D. 0. Ross SOLE AGENT, IN BRUSSELS She wee a newepaper reporter for a time, then a bookkeeper, supporting hernelf and her mother, who had been long an invalid. After her mother died ebe tried living as a girl for a abort time with relatives in Wheeling, W. Va., but ebe aeon gave op gowns and name to Qinoiunati to wear boy's .clothe°. She was employed at the Grand Hotel as a boy until she was taken ill and went to a hospital, The minion of A. Gladetoce Dowie, who visited Zion City as the ambassador of hie father, Dr. John Alexander Dowie, has been disolosed at secret meeting of the elders and ntembore io high standing of the Christian Oathoii0 church. The pert made public was Ibe definite an• oonecemeut that a new Zion is Boon to be established near the oity of Mexico, where Dr. Dowie now le. The "apoebolio letter," wbiob had been looked forward to with much interest by the members of the church who had become uneasy through the persistent rumors of find - Bial diffioultiee, was oo0oiliatory and encouraging in toes. It hae been rumor. ed persistently that Dr. Dowie never will WA. NIT WA IC XI I A Loos/ Salesman for BRUSSELS and surrounding territory to represent "CANADA'S 0n2AT00T Nn2812aIee." Newest varieties and specialties in Hardy Penile, Small Fruits, Strube, Ornament. ale and Rome. A permanent situation and territory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write for particuiars, and nand 25 cents for our pocket mioronoope, just the thing to nee n examining trees and plants for innate. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NCASERIES ever 800 armee ORONTO, - - ONTARIO SHIMS ' TRAINS Will leave Toronto every Tuesday During March and April AT 9 P. M., FOR • M E $A ad the NORTBMIT and run via Toronto, Grand Trunk, North Bay and Canadian Pacific, A Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. Pas- sengers travelling without Hive stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.46 Train leaving Toronto at 0 p, m, is for pas. more travelling with stook. Full particulars and copy of "Western Canada,' from any Canadian Paoffio Rail- way Agent or 0, B, Fianna, D.P. A„Toron- to, 88.4 return to Zion 0ity permanently, that Ws advancing years and ill health have made it imperative upon him to assume lees responsibilities and to . prepare the way for hie successor, who in all probability will be his eon. ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal !fail a 1 SteamersS From. Bt. Joltu Front ➢rn)03113Z Corinthian Sat.,Eeb.18 Mon ., Feb. 20 Pnl1eian„ ” 2; 27 Sicilian ” Mar. 4 Mar. 0 Bavarian" 11 " " 18 RATES OP PASSAGE First Cabin, 080 and upwards, according to steamer and accommodation ; Second Cahn,'Liverpool and Londonderry, S87 50 and 040, according to steamer. London 52.60 extra; Third Class, $27 GO, superior on oommodanon Liverpool, Derry, Benoist,Glasgow, London, New Yorlr to Elnalrow Laurentian Thursday, Marais 2, 10 eon Moat Oabin, $40 and up -2nd Cabin, 585-8nd Claes, 02750. For+fortber particulars apply to W. H. HERR, Agent, Brussels. Watches Clocks a)d Jewelry For a Choice Stock of Goods at FAIR PRICES the Public cannot do better than buy at my store. A Specialty of Repairing and all work Guaranteed. Call in. JIc11J ES CHANCE OF BUST Card of Thanks On aoecent of f/1 health 1 have disposed of my interlard in the firm of Wilton & Turnbull to MR. WM. GILLESPIE, of Ripley, Ont., and I take this opportunity of extending my thanks to our many oustomer0 and friends for their continued pat• nonage and oonfidenoe in'our bnaineso reletione with them for the poet nine yearn the firm ,hae been in btteioese; I treat the same and lnOreaoed pat. nonage may be extended my eneeeeao0 and the 130W firm, 1 remain, Yours truly,. JAS. TURNBULL. Brnetele, Feb. 20, 1905, Notice to Debtors. All parties owing the firm of Wilton to Turnbull up to J'anuary, 1906, are request- ed to tail at the store and settle either by cash or note on0 r before e the 15.th da of March as we want to get our bolills closed up by that date if possible. Yours Truly, 'WILTON 65'fUItNI3ULL. WILTON & TU.1NSULL