HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-16, Page 3'L 2 ALT . 'r' HOME DONT'S 1''OR WOMEN. There 18 no woman who does not, secretly or' avpwa fly, desire to be beautiful, to preserve what good looks she may possess ancl, if pos- sible, to enhanoo 1'ur charms by such adventitious a:ds as may con- duce to the desired cull. Yet, singu- larly enough, not one woman in ton goes to work the'right way- about it. Pretty new clothes, cosmetics and the like, are but ton frequently re- lied upon to do the work. IA few aintp/c rules aro laid clown, which every woman would do well to lay to heart. They aro called beauty's seven nlr(Ses. Don't forget that rho nurses of a woman's beauty aro seven -fresh ah', sunshine, warmth, rest, sleep, food, and whatever stirs the blood, be it exercise or enthusiasm. Don't neglect sleep. You can sleep yourself into good looks. A long nap and a hot bath •,vill make any woman mora attractive, and lift years from her shoulders. Don't eat when tired, and don't work tvhen tired. It Is a mistake to work when not, in ilt condition, -bad for the work and worse .for you. Don't miss your 'beauty sleep.' It is a mistake to go to bed late at night, rise at daybreak, and imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an hour gained. Don't give unnecessary time to a certain established routine of house- , work, when it could he much more profitably spent in rest and recrea- tion. Don't sit down to table as soon as you come in Prom work, or a round of social duties. Lie down, or sit down, for ten minutes, waiting until you can partake of your dinner with the physical machinery rested and refreshed. 'Don't bathe in hard water. Soften it with a little powdered borax, or a handful of oatmeal. Don't bathe the face while it is very waren or very cold. Don't wash the face while travel- ling, unless it is with a little alco- hol and water. or a little cold cream, Don't attempt to 'remove dust with cold water. Clive the face a hot hath with soap and then rinse thor- oughly with clear Cepid or cold water. Don't rub the face with too coarse a towel. Treat it as you would the finest porcelain, tenderly and deli- cately. Don't be afraid of sunshine and fresh air. They offer you bloom and color. Don't forget that hearty laughter is a source of relaxation. So are all high thoughts, as those of hope, beauty, trust and love. Don't forget that beauty is a pow- er. There is nothing more potent. It is to a woman what capital is to a merchant. Its absence is a mis- fortune; its culture wise and proper. I11+`ALTH TENTS. Toothache is often relieved by rins- ing the tooth and gams with warm strong salt and water. Swollen face as the result of a cold or decayed tooth, should be fermented with hot, water, or milit- ant' milk -and -water. Palo People should not always re- sort to iron preparations as a rem- edy. The system needs to be pre- pared before that drug can be ab- sorbed. Colic is a. painful spasmodic con- traction of the muscles of the stom- ach. Iint fonlcntations, freely sprinkled with laudanum, give great relief. This curds hysteria. -To remove the tendency of Hysteria, plenty of active exercise should bo taken. Rise early, take regular meals, have nourishing food, variety of scene, and 'cheerful company. That sinking sensation is dee • to the affects of indigestion, grief, or nervous depression from some cause or other aoting upon the large, sym- pathetic nerves. Stimulants should be avoided, and great care exercised as to diet, When baby screams it is invari- ably an indication that the child is suffering from pain in some particu- lar organ of the body. It is gener- ally traceable to somo digestive dis- turbance, and is the effect of dyspep- sia. Slight colds, common at this sea- son of the year, should be promptly dealt with, in order to avoid more Serious trouble, l'ut the feet in hot water, take ten grains of Dover's powdor, a large cupful of riot genal, and go straight to bed. If these measures are insufficient, remain in beet next day, and take fifteen to twenty chops of spirit of camphor on a limp Of sugar every four hotel's, Mothers should know that convul- sions 111 children are usually tho re- sult of brain irritation, Caused by indigestible teething, 1 lh ci nstCb � food or v , g , by fright, n.nger; and grief, The child shoulc1 be iu2liOI'sed in a warm bath up to its noek, enol kept there for a quarter of all hour, with cold cloths applied to its head, then wrapped in a waned blanket and put .to bed, A teaspoonfui of castor-oil should he given its soon as the 01211(1 can swal- low. LENGTH 0)1' EUROPEAN LIVES,. Of European nations the Norwo- glans and Swedish aro the longest lived, the Spaniards the shortest, Ac- cording to a foreign statistical re- turn recently issued, the average dr.rratioe of life is as f011OWa(S. WOd0l and Norway, fifty years; England, forty -Ove year's and three months; Belgiufn, forty-four years and eleven months; Swit'erlaltil, ferty40ur p01010 and four months; .France, forty-tluroe year's toed 121;0 months; Austria, thir- ty-nine years and eight months; l'russia and Italy, t:tirty-nine ,years; Pavaria, thirty -she years; and Spaie, tarty -two years dn.d four menthe. I HEALTHY LUNGS. Depend Upon Rich, Red Blood- Poox Blood 1Y4eans Weals Lung and Fatal Consumption, Every drop of blood in the body mu0t go through the lungs. That 1 why the lungs aro helped, and healed and strengthened with the grea blood -builder, Dr. Wllllaans' Pini Pills, They 1111 the veins with pure rich red blood that gives health and vigor to weak lungs. That Is the way Dr, Williams' Pini: Pills brace the lungs to throw o11 bronchitis an heavy colds. That is the way fly Williams' bink fills build up the lungs after an attack of la grippe or pneumonia, That 1s the way 11r•, Williams' Pink Pills have saved hun- dreds in Canada from 20112Uurptives' graves, No other' medicine does this work so opeedily and so well. Mrs. Jana A. Kennedy, Douglastown, quo., says: "My sister, a young and delicate girl, took a severe cold when about seventeen years old. No- thing wo dict for her seemed to do any good, and we feared oho was going into consumption, Often after a bail night I would got up early to see !f she had spit blood during the night. A friend strongly urged me to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and within a month Prom the time she had begun their use, she had al- most recovered her health. Under the continued use of the Pills she is now well and strong." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only make weak Lungs strong, but they cure all troubles arising from a poor or deficient blood supply, such as anaemia, indigestion, rheum:Aisne, neuralgia, general weakness, St. Vitus dance, headaches and back- aches, kidney troubles, palpitation of the heart, and the special secret ailments of young girls and women. Insist upon the genuine with the full name "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around each box. Sold by medicine deal - ors everywhere, or by mail at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 "Good -morning, Lucy dear!" said the gushing Miss Welworn. "How strange I should meet you -and on lay birthday, too!" ' Is it really your birthday, deur?" said her charming friend. "Why, how old are you now?" "Twenty-five, clear." Lucy drew on her stock of recollec- tions for a moment. "Isn't it won- derful how slowly time passes?" she said. MOTHER'S ADVICE, SENTENCE SERMONS. A joy unshaved is always short s rivet!. Making a life is greater than snak- ing a living. Peace on earth waits for the peace front Heaven, s There will be good will in all when Clod's will is over all, You cannot touch men as long as you think of them as musses. The man who suspects everybody is surely a suspicious character. Running in old rats may be more risky than blazing now trails, d Tho man who sows nothing always • reaps something a good Ileal worse. You cont expect a nieida's worth of religion to last you over Monday, The flowers on the streets of heav- en are tho transplanted sorrows of earth, It is oasy to preach on the benefits of walking when ,you are in the band wagon. They who really pray for the poor find tbemseiveo saying Amen at their door. There's something wrong about a man's piety when it provokes others to profanity. When a ratan thinks he has a cinch on sin he is apt to find that the hal- ter is on him. You never know how much religion you have until some one treads on your best corn. Our biggest, blackest troubles are often only the locomotive drawing our richest treasure train. It will take a lot of nerve for some Christians to stand up anil look over their lives at last and hear the judge say: "Well done, good and faithful servant!". "I would advise mothers to stop dosing their little ones with nause- ous castor oil and soothing stuffs, and use only Baby's Own Tablets." This is the advice of Mrs. Joseph E. Harley, of Worthington, Ont., who has proved the Tablets the best medicine in the world for the trou- bles that alllict young children. :vires. Marley adds: --"My little one hail no other medicine but the Tablets since she was two months old, and they have, kept her the picture of good health." These Tablets are good for children of every age, and speedily cure all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds, prevent croup, expel worms and allay the irritation of teething. And you liave a solemn guarantee that there is not a particle of opiate or harm- ful drug in this medicine. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail et 26 cents a box by writing The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 THE CZAR IN PROVERB. His Luck, His Power and His Limitations. In a recent number of Tho Paris Figaro were found collated some characteristic Russian proverbs that regard the Czar and his position, and find much current application: "When the Ozer spits into a dish, it breaks into pieces. for very pride," "The crown does not protect the Czar from headache." "Even the lungs of the Czar can- not blow out the sun." "The Czar's back, too, wael(1 blood if it were gashed with the knout, "The Czar even covered with boils is declared to bo in good health."' "When the Czar rides behind a tired horse every step is charged as a league.'' "Phe. Czar may be a cousin of God, blit His brother he is not." "Tete Czar's arm is long, but it cannot roach to heaven." "Neither can the Czar's vinegar make anything sweet." "The hand of the Czar, too, has only five fingers." "The voice of the Czar hos an echo even when there aro no moun- tains in the vicinity." "The troika (team of throe horses abreast) of the Czar leave a deep trace behind it." "It is no m0ro diflcult for Death to carry a fat Czar than to carry a loan beggar." "Tito tear in the eye of the Czar costs his country many, many a handkerchief." "When tho Czar writes veeses-w00 be to the peed" "When the Cear plays, 1115 minis- ters have only nee eye and the coun- trymen tore blind.'' "What the °ear cannot accomplish Lisle can do.," "Even the Ozar's cow amulet bring anything else into the world but a calf," "What the Czar has the smallpox his country boars the scars." "Tho edge on a razor," said the garrylaus barber, "improves by lay- ing it away for ltl,time." "'That be- ing theease," rejoined the victim in the Chair. "I'd advise you to lay the 011e you a4,,t ogling away f01• 01)0tlt tWo thousand years(" "Are you fetid of that nt.olstaoho you are; wearing'?'"'Well, I thrill like it very well at rivet; but it's the, sort of thing that grows ou one, you knowl" 4 THF' OPEN-AI1T. TREATMENT. The advantages of the open-air treatment for conslmrptiVes may be thus briefly summarized: Thu patient exposed continuously to fresh air gains in appetite, assimilates his food better, sleeps more soundly and awakens more refreshed, writes Dr. $. W, G. Mackenzie. Free exposure to air is the best nntipy'retic. Sweat- ing at night, formerly so common a symptom, usually ceases. Colds are practically unknown auto11g patients leading an open-air life. Secondary infection, on account of the compara- tive freedom of the alr from enlceo- organisms, is mur-h loss likely to oc- cur. Tolerance of outside air is very quickly established, and no one who has tried the open-air life will wil- lingly go back to the former condi- tions of stuffiness. I have never seen any one made worse by exposure to fresh air. Even during a thick London fog patients get on better lying in bed on a balcony or in rooms with windows wide open and a good fire burning than when at- tempts are made to shut. out the fog by keeping the windows slut. 4 "BROWSING" ON BANK -NOTES. Probably one of the oddest claims ever made on a bank is recorded as having been made against the Na- tional Bank of Belgium. An old peasant woman had laid on the grass a jacket containing bank -notes' of small denomination for $240 in the pocket, and while she was at work her pet nanny -goat had got at the notes, which it had eaten. The' animal was killed, and the chewed paper recovered from the stomach' was submitted in support of a claim' for compensation, which the bank paid after verifying the facts by, chemical analysis and other inquiry THE TRICKS. Coffee Plays on Some. It hardly pays to laugh before you aro certain of facts, for it is souse - times humiliating to think of after- wards. "When I was a young girl I was a lover of coffee, 11111 was skit so much the doctor told me to quit, and I did, but after my marriage my huslianel begged m0 to think it agai,n,. as he did not think it ;.was the coffee Caused the troubles. "So I commenced it again and continued about six 211031ths until' my stomach commenced acting bad and choking as if I had swallowed something the size of an egg. One doctor said it was neuralgia and indigestion, "Ove day I tool: a (11180 with my husband three miles in the country, and I drank a cup of coffee for din- ner. I thought sure I would die before I got back to town to a doc- tor, I was drawn double in the bug- gy, and when my husband hitched the horse to got me out into the doctor's office, misery canto up in my throat and seemed to shut my breath oil entirely, tltort left all in a flash anil went to my heart, The doctor pronounced it nervous Heart trouble, and when T got home I was sol weak I could not sit tip. "My husband brought my supper to my bedside with a nice cup of hot coffee, but I said: 'Take that book, dear, I will never drink an- other cu of coli if p coffee YouR 'ave- mo everything you aro worth, for ;it Is lust killing rare.' I•Te end t110 others laughed at nun and said; " The idea, of coffee killing any- body,' 'Well.' T said, 'it is nothing else but coffee that is doing it.'... "In the grocery one (1x8 my hue - band was persuaded to buy a box of P0steln, which he brought home, and I made it for Milner, and we both thought holy good it was, but said nothing to the hired sten and they thought they had drank coffee 1111111 We laughed and told them. Well we kept on with Posture and it was net long before the color came back to my cheeks, and I got stout and feli. SA good as I ever did In my life. I have no more stomach trouble, and T 1(11028 T owe it all to Postale in place of coffee, "My hush; nn rias gained good health on 1'ostrnn, as well as baby and 1, stud We all think nothing is too goed 80 say about it." Noma given by Postum 0e., Battle Creek, 1111(111, THE POSTMASTER TELLS HIS SECRET HIS HEALTH MAINLY DUE TO THE USE OT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Years Younger Than His Seventy -Six 'Rears and He Gives the Credit to the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Tabuclntac, Cumberland Co., 5,13,, March 13-(Spacial).,-!Ioratio J. Lee, postmaster here, is now in his seventy-sixth year, but so bright and healthy does he look and so ener- getic is ho in his movements that he would easily pass for ten years younger, "Bow do I keep young looking," the postmaster says. "Wall I at- tribute it largely to my good health and my health is mainly due to the use of Dodd's Kidney Pins. "I first learned the value of this Kidney Remedy some Years "ggo. I was then suffering from Kidney Dis- ease. My feet and legs swelled and I had to rise eight cr• ten 'tunes in the night because of urinary trou- bles. Six boxes of Dodd's !Kidney Pills restored my health at that time ' and T have used them at intervals since. "To anyone afflicted with Kidney Trouble I say 'Dodd's Kidney fills are all right.' Try them and you will be sura to find a bennfrt." BEAUTIFUL BI)ILINUA'S BEAU. Belinda Brook's bashful beau, Bil- ly Bateman, brought Belinda bright blossoms, beautifully blended. Be- linda blushed bewitchingly behind Billy's bouquet. Billy being beloved by Belinda, but being backward, Be- linda's burly bachelor brother Dob bantered Billy. Billy becoming bolder, Bob bliss- fully beheld Belinda's betrothal, be- stowing benign brotherly blessings. Blazing bonfires beautified Iielinda's bridal. But betimes bitter blow be - fel Belinda. Believing burglars be- low, Belinda bade Billy beware; but Billy blundered. Burglars, brandish- ing bludgeons, brutally belabored Billy. Belinda beheld 13i11y's bruised, bleeding body. Belinda, bewidowed, bewailed beloved Billy's burial. CAREFUL MOTHERS. The little troubles that afflict chil- dren comp without warning, and the careful mother should keep at hand a medicine to relieve and mire the ail- ments of childhood. There is no medicine 'toes this so speedily and thoroughly as Baby's Own Tablets, and the mother knows this medicine is safe, because it is guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. These Tablets euro Colic, indigestion, constipation, di- arrhoea, simple fever, and teething troubles. They break up colds, pre- vent croup, and bring natural sleep. Mrs. Mary Pair, Escott, Ont„ says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets with the very best results, and would not be without them in the house." Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by, mail at 26 cents a box by writ- ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GIVING HIS NAME. At an auction recently, when an article was knocked down to the highest bidder, the clerk called out, "What name, please?" And a small man with a small voice answered, "It's me." "I know it's you, but will you oblige enc with your name?" said the clerk. The salve answer came back in the sante apologizing tones, "It's me." Getting angry, the young man with the book -shouted, Supposing are a foundling, suroly'in a Christi- an country ' they called you some- thing -Street, Brown, Jones, Robin- soie-we can't wait -hurry upl" Still the weak Voicereplied, "It's me." At last the auctioneer remonstrat- ed: "Aro you deaf or mad, my good man? If you can't give us your name the article you bought must be put up again." "Hard luck," was the meek reply, "just because any father wasn't call- ed .Tones I must lose a table. 1'11 spell my name; maybe it is a bit misleading and personal -Mee. Me." And the laugh was turned against tho smart auctioneer and his impa- tient clerk, WISHED HE WAS THERE. Ho had just eaten her home -anode bread for the first time, and was pensive. "Darling," asked the bride, with a joyous senile, "of what were you thinking?" "1't thinking," was t h '[ g, o said slowly, "of &lemma." "]t 11111811 be a beautiful place," she said, "blit why Samoa?" There MI5 a far -away look in his eyes as he. mn'(i1nlr00: "Bread grows on trees there," :INSTEAD OF SOAP, Housewives in reside serelb their Boors with oranges. in 0111102t any town in the ol'augO'groWing districts woman may be siren using the lttiait exactly es the use song. They cut the oranges 111 halves, and rub the flat., exposed pulp on the floor. The acid in the oranges door the cleans- ing, nnrl 'does it well, for the boards ere as white as S11020 after 11112 ap- plication Dolly.' -•"When T refused .Jack, l,e vowed tit,t he wotild do Sntn'ething desperate," \deify'"Nonsense! 1•Te prepose'tl to one last MOW Dolly "C eodiussl I heti no idea he'»mant What he fetid!" Results from common soaps; eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. REDUCES EXPENSE, ar nu;' the Oefage11 rte^ A PARIS 'P110511 WRINKLE. The French telephone service has just, accorded to the public ono of those little amenities of civilization which might, with obvious advant- age, be extended throughout the world, In every public office there will henceforth be hung a white linen handkerchief, treated with a chemical solution, with which every person can cleanse and disinfect the plate or tube before using it. These handkerchiefs are renewed daily, SETTLERS LOW RATES WEST. 'Via the Chicago and North Western By. every day from March 1st to May lath, 1905, settlers one-way Isecond-class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points In (Utah, Montano, Nevada, Idaho, Ore- gon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Roseland and other points in (the Kootenay District. Correspond- ingly low rates from all points in 'Canada. Write for full particulars and folders to 13. H. Bennett, Gener- al Agent, 2 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. Dr, Pillsbury -"I don't like that cough of yours." Mr. Kidder -"I'm sorry, doctor; but it's the best one I've got!" �^ Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion andkindred ailments, take wings be- fore the healing qualities. of South American Nervine. Thornes Hoskins, of Durham, Ont., took his preacher's advice, followed directions and was cured permanently of the worst form Of Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia. He has recommended it. to others with gratifying results. It's a great nerve builder. -12 Happiness is the harvest of helpful- ness. Millard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Worry never made anything -but wrinkles. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Bead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. Mrs. De Bride -"George, do you really think that distance lends en- chantment?" Mr. De Bride -"Look here, Minnie, I thought we agreed no' to speak of your mother again?" MESSRS. 0. O. RICHARDS .0 00. Gentlemen, -Theodora Dorais, a customer of mine, ' was completely cured of rheumatism after five years of suffering, by the judicious use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The above facts can be verified by writing to hint, to the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isadore, Que., 12th May, '98. Higbee -"Do you consider it more blessed to give than to receive?" Wylde "It depends on what you get l" FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays pain, cures windcoiie, regulates thestomach and bowels, And 10 the .best remedy for: Diarrhoea. !Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure .and ask for 'Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup." 22-04 Snacks -"Did your wife's mother treat you with silent scorn?" Jacks - "No such luck -she just treated mo with seem". Kidney Duty. - It is the particular function of the kidneys to filter out poisons which pass through them into the blood. When the kidneys are dis- eased they cannot do their whole duty, and should have the ]yelp and strength that South American Ifidney Duro will afford in any and all forms of kidney disorder. 1t relieves in 6 hours, -14 TOBACCO BLINDNESS, Dr. McNab, of the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Lias discovered hitherto undreamt -of pedis in the humble pipe. Giving evidence in a compensation case at the local county court, ho said he considered the defective Vision of a plaintiff was caused, not by 0 blow from a bride, but by blindness." saidid that 000 and a hull ounces of to- bacco a week were quite stillicient to impair the eyesight, end he had known a case where a man of mid- dle age was a sufferer from the ef- fects of half an ounce a week. The R - fre hien a.— Fra ranee OF A HOT CUP OF STSAflINO lindnicaskY/SItluaIRISSESSCPSNus Is the comfort of all women who have tiled It. TIRED NERVES artirs:nes0Ilsd INVIGORATED The Flavor Is Most Delicious, ONLY ON BEST TE i'e—BLUE RIBBON'S IT , Made big enough for a big man to work in with comfort. Has more material in it than any other brand of' shirt in Canada. Made on the H.B.K. scale it requires 391e to 42 yards per dozen, whereas common shirts have only 32 to 33 yards. That's the reason why the H.B.K. "Big" Shirt never chafes the armpits, is never tight at the neck or wrist- bands, is always loose, full and comfortable and wears well. Each shirt bears a tiny book that tells the whole history of the " Big" Shirt, and also contains a notarial declaration that the H.B.K. " Big" Shirt contains 3952 to 42 yards of material per dozen. Sold at all dealers but only with this brand:— HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 4 Male "Let rale see, a cynic is a man who is tired of the world, is he not?" the young student of language asked "No, no my, child," replied the know- ing tutor. "A cynic is a man of whom tho world is tired!" Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc He who does not give does not live. Those Worrying Piles 1 - Ono appli- cation of Dr, Agnew's Ointment will. give you comfort. Applied every night for three to six nights and a cure is effected in the most stubborn cases of Blind, Bleeding, or Itching Files. Dr, Agnew's Ointment cures Emma and all Itching and burning skin diseases. It acts like magic. 85 cents -15 Ireland's bogs cntltain tho equiva- lent of 5,000,000,000 tons of coal, according to the estimate of Sir Richard Sanhel. Minard's Linlm int for sale euery&tere No woman needs the ballot to en- force her rights; she call do it with tears and a handkerchief, pilesTo prove 80 you that 'De, Chase's Ointmentisncer'tain and absalnte euro for oadt and overt/ form of ipii118t blocdingnud ln'otrudingqpilss, he manuraetnrers leave enarr.ateed It. Seoo fes. immolate in the daily press e.ncl ask your neigh (ars what they think o'11, You eau use it and tet 1•our Molloy bask if not allied. Olio a hex, al 111� dealers 00lenni,lnsoN,1 rtis.� Co..'I'eroniO 1p 4A reas ' ir'intro e ATI GIiillaTANY'S NEW EMPIRE. It is twenty years shwa Germany began to build up a colonial empire, and the not result is that, after Spending nearly $100,000,000, she has a0c(uh'ed more than a million square miles of territory, with a sparsely scattered German popula- tine of betwecnr five and six thou- sand souls --mon, Wnnton, and chil- dren. 0f the ad11111 male population e1 third are oillicials or soldiers, "I manage to keep my paying - guests 1011901' than you do, at any rate: said the fit's,' landlady, "Olt, I don't know,'1 replied the otter, "Yoe keep theta so' thin that they, look lenges' than they really, are:'! ifillEZBERFEBOEIRBEEIRBREIBINIEIRSIO4 FihinerSets Free FOR GASH TRADE. BENEFITS THE MERCHANTS BENEFITS THE CUSTOMER A Merchant in your neighborhood le showing hie appreofation of each trade by prte` absolutely free, these DINNER FlICTIi. If you do not know thin Morohant, writo ur end we will not only tell you who he In, but forward you s Medeome eonraalr FEES The British Canadian Crookery Co., Ltd. TORONTO, OANADA, giniliMINNINIEMMIMESIMIS RANO TRUNNY `ft ONE-WAY EgCU9SIC -TO- Billings, Moat., Colerado Springs, Denver, Helena, Butte, Mont., Ogden, Salt Lake City, 'Utah, Nelson, Rossland, B. C., Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Se- attle, Wash., Vancouver, B. C., San Francisco, Cal. S Rates $34.25 to $44,00 Tickets on sale March 1st to May 15th. ALL GRAND TRUNK TICKET :AGENTS. FOR LAMP OM ECONOMY Sarnia USE Frame 011 White No realneed to buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER 12 used and KEPT CLEAN, If you want a BIG LIGHT -THREE OR FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE - (ween TRY A City BEAUTIFUL 0IA LICHT Lamp The Choicest 011 Made is PRATT'S ASTRAL For Sale by Dealers. TILE QUEEN CITY OIL CO., Tertonto. Dyeing ! Cleaning !or the very lento and year work to the "BRITISH AMEWH1AN DYEING 00.1" Lek f.r Mont la you Kure or nod dime. Montroal,Toropto, Ottawa, QuoMs. Only a woman is capable of arriv- ing at a conclusion without using either reason or judgment. Dr. Agnew's Cure for t he Heart acts directly. and quickly, stimulates the heart's action, stops most acute pain, dispels all signs of weakness; fluttering, sinking, smothering, or palpitation. This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries the heart -sick patient into the haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives relief in most acute forms of heart disease 1,. 80 minutes, -11 "Look at Mabel Ca,shxlr's diamonds ' Mother! I wonder however she manages to afford such jewellery!" "My clear, haven't you heard that glass has just gone down in price?" Minard s Liniment Relieve; Neuralgia Don't expect your friends to bo stuck on your jokes if they are point- less. Skin Diseases relieved in a few minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves instantly, and cures Tetter, Salt ?rheum, Scald ?lead, Ecze- ma, Ulcers, Blotches, and all Eruptions of the Skin It Is soothing and quiet- ing and acts 111)0 magic in all Baby Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or Beetles during teething time. 85 cents a box, -7 "When ITragloy starts talking' to mo it always makes mo thirsty," "You mean because he's so dry?" "Well, n0; I think it's because so many of the statements he makes Have to be taken with a grain of; salt." The harder you cough, the worse the cough gots. hHHog af8t,iih1 i ��� TiTolen`' Lung " • IQ is guaranteed to cute. It it doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give you your money back. i'rioasi S. C. Wst r,s &Co, OS Ms, Eke $1 Y sltog,N. Y., Toronto, Odin. ISSU1? NO, 1OeeOf5" If