HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-16, Page 1Vol. 83, No. 36.
New Advertisements.
Loom—Dr. Ovens,
Loot—John MoNebb,
Oard—Wm, Gruhem.
Icing Hate—D. 0. Rose.
J3oy wanted—S, H, Jaolreon,
Auction sale—John B, Hyde.
Pautmoker wanted—D, C. Roes,
Spring's Sareapariila—F. R, Smitb,
A. Famed School—Central Bne, Dol.
Hordes for sale—Jae. A, MoLonohiin.
Spring Drees Goode—Me/Lund or 0o.
Spring term—Elliott Business College.
Mxstxxxt gam
One of Clinton's oideat citizens, in the
person of Benjamin Webb er., died Mom
dee at the age of 70, from heart failure.
He was found dead beeide an app e tree
which he had been pruning. The drama
ed served for fifteen years on a enamor -
war in the British navy, being Ionated in
the Eaet Indies and Australia. He
leaves a widow and seven children, all of
whom are married.
Dr, Brawn was on the eiok list last
Oewin Smith left for Fleming, N. W.
T. on Tuesday,
Mrs. Stewart, of Arthur, wag the gent
of Mende here Net week.
Mies Jean Moffitt is visiting her aunt
Mre. Koehler in Ayton.
H. Wendt, of Clifford, epent Townley
with hie nephew J. R. Wendt.
The Salem and Wroxeter a anion
meeting in the Methodist oharoh bete
Friday evening,
While empbyed in the sawmill favi
week Arthur Rae had hie band
badly ont, a portion of the 'hetet, Laving
to be amputated.
At the meeting of the Weetmineter
Guild last Friday evening Rev. L. Perrin
gave a lecture on the poem "The Cotter's
A. load of membere of the A. F. & A.
110. Lodge attended the funeral of the
late William D. Wilson, of Howiok, on
Monday afternoon.
>< gut
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We are experts In re:
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Miss Teenie Sample
Mre, Jae, Fox returned to Bruoeelo on
Friday after spending e. few days with
Mre 0, 0, Stewart,
A. ,'umber of young people attended the
aeoembiy given by the Forester's in Ford
wioh on Wedneeday evening,
About twenty from here attended the
Wingham and Harriston hockey matoh
in Horrieton last Wednesday.
Jae. McNeil hes sold his reeidenoe on
Hewlett street to George Jook for the sem
of $800 Geo. Tronoh lass oleo pnrshaeed
Mre. Brownie reeidenoe Howick at,
On Monday evening, 18th inst., some
of the members of the Biddle appoint,
meat remembered the needs of the horse
of their pastor, Rev. Geo, Baker, and
kindly enrprieed him by leaving a load of
oda in the arable, It is refreshing to
have thoughtful friends.
The willing workers of the Methodist
oburah Blnevale, held their quarterly
eaoiol teeth the basement of the Wauroh,
last Monday evening 18th inst. They
had a very enjoyab e time. The beanti•
fel weather wee in their favor, and the
majority of those invited were present,
After the lea the tablas were cleared and
an interesting program of Aloe, doers,
ahornoee and instrumental eeleotiote, also
readings and reoitation, were given.
Crass brook:.
Mre. A. Fieoher wae visiting with
friends in Logan over Sunday. --
Rev. D. B. ItloRae attended Maitland
Presbytery at Wlnubam last week.
John MoNabb offers his 100 aore farm
for este. It is a very conveniently Nolo.
ed plana.
Will. Ballantyne is home from Bay
City, M'ah. Hie many frieude here are
gladto see llim,
Jahn Calder'
ofSarnia, who has been
employed in a of
etore in that pled le
visiting at bis old home here before the
family inovee out Weat.• -
A number from this locality attended
the Farmers' Institute meetings at Ethel
on Thoreday afternoon end evening of
hist week. They report a good meeting
and large attendance, .
The Brussele Intermediate Foot Bali
Champions of the W. F. A. intend bold.
ing a grand oonoert la the Town Hall
Brneeelo, on Friday evening Mnroh Slat.
A good program will be given. Don't
forget the date. Plan of Hall at Fox'e
Drug store.
We are sorry to report the death of
John A„ the youngest eon of John and
in Nabb o t '
F bre
oa It wb,'
p sae ou Thnreday of last week,
The child was 6 months and 10 days old.
Funeral took place Saturday afternoon to
Oretnb r
r,ok cemetery.
The following i em of neve wae taken
hem the Goderfoh pipers last week. It
raters to a daughter of A MoNeir, well
known to Cranbrookitee i —Oa Tbnreday
last Mre, J. L Turnbull lefb for Cbioago
to spend a few daye therewith her hus-
band, where the latter has been attending
the hospitals for some ooneid-ruble time
on bis annual comae of study. After a
sew demi e
there they intend to start for
home, and will spend a few days on the
old homestead before returning to
Goderiuh, when the doctor' will resume
hie practice. Since the doctor left hie
brother, Dr. Water Turnbull, hae
taken charge of the rant'
g toe.
Leat Friday afternoon the teavher and
penile of the senior department of our
euboil epent a pieaeant belabour in the
junior department, when the pupils of
the .atter roam rendered the
following program: — Dialogue, "Wel.
Dome," 7 girls ; speech, Arnold Tiddler ;
recitation, Muriel Sparitog ; recitation,
Lucy Alderson ; solo, Mamie Cameron
are Sole Agents in 13.ru$-
seas -for the
Spring Novelties.
in Felt Hats
Also Nobby p and Alpines t ti' s
in a'. Full Range of Colors
See our Lines before Baying.
',minor 9 ,'' ees doe
D® C. Cl‘ 5, RF,er'
—Men's and Boys'. Bead�'
--to•Wenx Clothing, Hato
reading, Lein MoDouald ; reaitation,
Russel Knight ; reoitation, Hazel MoDou•
old ; recitation, Jessie Menzies ; duet,
Beatrice MoQuarrle apd L. McDonald
reoitation, Addie Sperling ; reading,
Bessie Aidereoo • reoitation, Lathe
Perrie ; recitation, Leila Sperling ;
reoitation, Mamie Cameron ; nolo, Jeeaie
WI attain ; dialogue, "The Uoioo Jaok,"
7 pupils ; recitation, Gordon Cameron ;
recitation, Lillian Dark i recitation,
Beatrice McQuarrie ; chorus, five girls ;
recitation, Mete L. MaoHay,
nal awn.
A. and Mre. Maine were vieitore at W.
Naal'e on Sunday.
tliee Dora Kenney spent a few' days
title week with friends in Leadbury.
Frank MoGavin returned to Toronto
on Tuesday to complete a course in the
Boaineee College there.
W. G. Neal went to Toronto on Tnee•
day ae delegate from Walton to the
Grand Lodge of A. 0. U. W.
Coneiderabve improvement has been
made in the condition of the roads on the
gravel, for whittle the travelling public
are devoutly thankful.
Mrs. 0. MaTaggartwent to Belleville
on Tuesday of last week to attend the
deathbed of her mother, Mre. Ashley,
who passed away on Tbnreday. She
was nearly a centenarian.
The Braseele Iotermediate Foot Ball
Champions of the W. F. A. intend hold.
ing a grand concert in the Town Hail
Brueeels, on Friday evening Marob 31st
A good program will be given. Don't
forget the date. Plan of Hail at Foxe
Dreg store.
Tbe Managing Board ot the Pgblio
Library met on Monday evening, Mies
Maud Johnston resigned bar position
an Librarian, and Mies Jean
Fergneon waa appointed in her steed.
It is hoped that the reading public will
patronize the Library liberally this year
and epeoial efforte will be put forth to
boom thie important part of our town's
paelio work.
John Gtimoldby was the victim of a
eeriooa aooinent whioh occurred in the
sawmill on Taeeday, while edging e
board, in some manner hie hand was
thrown against the saw, which severed
three fingers and the tbnmb of hie right
hand, leaving only the index finger intaot.
Medical aid was soon procured and the
wound dressed, but the injury ie a very
painful one. We hope, however, to see
Jaok aronod again shortly.
Otte et.
A oar o al
of was unloaded d d at the
T. R. Net week..
The sawmill hae begun work onoe more
and there is a fine stook' t' o out.
Ao outhouse was burned at D. Milne'a
uigbt last week. No other damage
wae done fortunately.
It ie said that Robert Barr will take a
trip to the Northwest Ibis season and
may locate tbere if a eatiefaotoryopening
George Bateman', family, who have
been eo sorely tried with typhoid fever,
are making favorable progress and will
aoon be fully restored, we hope.
All who are bndebbed to S. S. Cole are
Aired to gall and settle up before Mar.
81st, Aa on a0000nt of running the briok
end tile yard as well ae the lumber bae-
ioeee here he meet have his money in
by the date.
The horse belonging to Hotel.keeper
Loo ewe
g y that was iujared by having a
ontter abaft penetrate its breast while
passing a rig on the road, ie making
favorable progress, It hae been in the
betide of a veterinary. e
Peen PHNOINM. — The undersigned is
prepared to attend promptly to the sale
or building of Page Wire fencing. Pride
are lower this year eo intending parade
ere should take advantage of the same.
Ronk. Cooao, Ethel.
The Braeeele Intermediate Foot Bali
Chompione of the W. F. A. intend held
ing a grand oonoert in the tow. Halt,
Brussels, on Friday, March 81st. A
goad program wilt be given. Don't for-
get the date. Plan of Hall at Fox'a
Drug eters.
Jae. P. Douglas, who recently disposed
of his farm to Wm. Lang; of this plane,
left tbie week for Dauphin, Man., where
he pnrpoeee residing. He took a oar of
stook and sentare' effects with bim,
leaving Brunette on Tuesday. We wish
Mr. D •aglae autumn in the Weet.
TOWNSHIP Comm -On Monday 27th
fuer„ the towoehip Council will meet in
the Hall here and will deal with no lege
than Ave drain Engineer's reports. Tbey
will be considered at the following
hours :—Balfouro'clock at 11 a. m. •, McDonald
at.1 p. m • Jeokli„ at 2 • Tamara
at 3 o'clock f and Coss at 4, 'Title win
clue a busy, day for the townebip fathers,
The notifications have been mailed to the
interested parties by Clerk McIntosh,
Famine' Lowerrome —A largely at•
tended meeting was held in the Towo•
snip Hall here onTbareday afternoon of
lest week, under the aaepieee of East
Huron. Farmers' Inetitate. Viae Presi•
dent occupied the chair an President Ma.
Milian was on the program supplying the
place of J. L Warren, of Acton, who
was Bent elsewhere. The fleet oubjeot
disoneaed was 'Breeding bored to meet
the pram market," by H. G. Reed, V.
S., 01 Georgetown. He is not a etranger
hero ue he bae done inotitate work at
Ethel on 15 former '00000ion, .The' Dr.
"luetrated his points by a large chart
and gave, a very pleasing and praeti°al
addreea aoeweriog numerous questions,
"Glover es it food and fertilizer" wan
disoussed by T. McMillan in which he
detn.betrated that no farmer ehottld fail
to. growdover, Those: who toots part in
he diaonesion were D Dunbar, Jno. Jaok
ion, N. A. Milne, A. Smith, P. A, Ma
Arthur, D. Milne, Wm, ging, L. A
Nation, S. Howlett, M, MoNnir and
Ivie Campbell. The evening meeting
drew a full house and after the intro•
doototy remarks of the obairman the
following interesting program waa
given :—Solo, Alex. D. Lemont; Dr.
Reed, addreee, "A talk to farmers'
eons ;" eeteotio0 by Orchestra ; Aldred
by Mr. McMillan on 0EneettragemetiL of
Canadian agriculture ;" organ solo, Mieo
N, Simplon i eater Mtee Bertha Sharpe ;
remarks by W. H. Rem ; instrumental.
aeiention, MIA Helen Barr ; solo, MSS
Edith Freemen ; selootionby Orchestra ;
recitation, humorous, by Geo. Addie ;
solo, Alex, Lamont. A moss enjoyable
time wee spent and a large number gave
their namee in as membere for 1955.
The Institute meetings here alwey' go
well and it is said the speakers always
look upon Ethel as one of their best
The Ladies, Iuetiiule of thio piece held
their third At Home on the dib of Marob
at the comfortable reeidenoe of Dr. and
Mrs, Ferguson. The evening was floe a
good number gathered together for a
000ial evening, The evening was passed
in games meth as Go Beng, Pitt, Orooin.
ole, 0 d Mail Bean Bage, and Parlor
Queue, until about 12 o'olook when
luuoheon was served, which all seemed to
eejay. After tea an hoar or more was
spent in twinge, speeobee, instrumentals,
reoitations and jokes. After a hearty
vote of tbanks to the hoot and hostess
all repaired to their homes agreeing to
meet and hold the last gathering of the
kind for this year at the home of J. and
Mre. McDonald (merobant) on April
1110.1eje woa•tia.
A new furnace bee been pat in the
All the old trustees were re•eleoted for
Molesworth cemetery at a meeting held
last weak.
Mies Maud Mitchell has been appoint.
ed orianietin the Preabyterlan oharoh
and D. Oampbell leader of the oboir.
Jno. Molntoeh inlende removing to
the Nortbweet wbdre he purpoaee mak
iog hie home, bolding an auction sale
before going,
Our old friend George Gibson intends
to retire from motive farming and In
aoneegtu•nae held an eation Bale this
week. He will aontivae to reside on the
farm an formerly. A. Doig Jr, has reek•
ed the farm.
INSTITUTE —Friday Afternoon n public
meeting was held in the Orange Hall
here under the aaepieee of the Farmer's
Institute, The attendance was not as
large as it might have been but no more
interesting nor animated diaooesione were
had at any of the other meetings of the
aeries. Jae. Elliott, the Moe preeideot
of the Riding Aaeooietion, presided and
addressed introdoolory words imitable to
the occasion. "Diseaeeelikely to attack
newly calved cows and preventative treat.
meat" wee oompetently bandied by Dr.
Reed, of Georgetown,
a ,great
deal of valuable advie along veterinary
lines. Dorn and the silo" was the;eubjeot
down for J. L. Warren, of Anton, said in
abeeooe3t was taken byThos. o. Mo•
Millan, President, who although aloeely
quizzed and oateebieed proved Ilse nom
peutenoy to defend the eland he took.
edema. Elliott, Mitchell, Ronald, Smith
and a cumber of othere had a share in
threshing out the topica with pry fit :o the
meeting. In the evening Dr. Reed's
subject was a very enterteiuing one,
viz ;—"Development and training of
young horses." Mr. McMillan spoke well
on "Farmi
L to andp
TEE PosT wasn W. H the last epeaker, Tbe
Natrona! Anthem was encu and the
meetingo e
foe d. 24 new members were
eeoared by Director Amoa Smith for the
membership roll. o were Those who
w r not in
atlendanoe missed a good meeting.
Farmers are laying their pians for
S. Houston lett on Tuesday for Grand
View, N. W. T. We wish him well,
Roe. Porter, of Atwood, was vieiling
under the parental roof, 10th eon., this
Mre. Jae. Fergneon, of the 9th eon.,
hae been on the eiok fiat daring the peat
week. We hope she will soon be o. k.
F. Lattimore, who Kati been living at
Hit fidget—ads moved to the 14th ann. and
will assist Andrew Bieiop in dredgiug
next 000000.
Geo. A. Pipe, of Oshawa, formerly of
Morrie, visited last week with Mre. D.
MoNair and family, 14th oon, Geo. still'
bae a warm epotin bie heart for the gide
in Grey.
After a piearant sojourn with relatives
and friends in Grey for a couple of
months James Hislop started on the
return journey in Artois, N. W. T., on
Tuesday of Ibis week.
David Boddie*, eldest son of David.
and Mrs. Ritchie, 18th eon., underwent
a medical operation at Brussels, last
week, from which he ie making Attie.
favtory recovery we are pleased to state.
Archibald Hislop, M, P. P., will leave
for Toronto next week to attend to bie
Parliamentary -duties. The Hones opens
on Wednesday afternoon. Mr, Hielop
will sit to the left of the Speaker this
Leat weals Jno. Smith and family, late
of Lander, Man„ took possession of the
line farm be recently pnrohaeed from
Jae. Lindeav, 8th eon. The latter hae
removed to Lietnwel where he hae per.
obaaed a livery arable,
Won, Cooper, 10th oon„ lost a vainabie
bores Monday morning. He was Water,
ing his horses when the animals started
kicking with the above renn!t, Mr.
Cooper was offered $190 for it Inet Fair
lay and roused to take the offer,
The Brueaele Intermediate. Foot Ball
Ohampione of the W. F. A, intend bold•
Ng a grand oonoert in the Tnwn Hall,
Brueeels, on Friday evening, Minch 81st.
A good program will be given, Don't
forget the date. Plan of Hall at Foxe
Drag atoro,
It ie said that Andrew Hielop, jr. 14th
bon„ who hue developed into quite a
drainage oontraotor, hae pnrshaeed a
steal dredge whioh will be utilized . in
poahing the work on the Lamont drain
in Morwe and Grey. Work will likely
aommen00 se soon as the snow gots
Last Saturday F. S. Scott, of Brueeels,
Add the farm of Robert Hoy, lot 7, Con.
8, containing 100 agree to Dan. Mirth,
who lives opposite, for the enm of $2.750.
He gets poaeeaeion on April let. Mr.
Hoye been wee burned during the phot
year. Ile will go into the botokering
W. H. KERR, Prop.
Tuesday of thin week, James Ilielop,
who hae been Meiling here for the past
three months returned to his home near
Amok, Arent, Mies Isabel, hie sister,
a000mpanied him to Toronto.
Township (Napoli met on Wedneeday
of thio week.
Mice Frank Clegg, of 1at line Morrie,
is spending a few days at the parental
borne Sunshine.
We are sorry to say that the little
daughter of Wtn. Armstrong is laid up
with Scarlet fever. -
Samuel Walker, 6th line, left on a trip
to the Weet Taeeday morning of this
week. We hope he will have au enjoy
able time.
Owing to there being no baeiueae for
the Grand Jury at the Adieu in Gods,
doh thio week, Richard Bewlee and
Jne. Bowmen were notified that their
reseed was not necessary at the Co,
James Sharpe will move from bie
farm, 6th line, on which be hae resided
for many yearn, to Braeeel%, baying pur.
phased the residence' of A. Semple,
corner of Queen and Primes street. Jae,
Sharpe jr„ has bought the farm,
Gideon Hood hae returned to hie home
in Saginaw, Miall. While here he ooeist.
ed in the singing end B. S. work in the
Sunshine Methodist ohargh wit re in
former days he was a valued teaol.er, 8,
8. Superintendent and ohoir leader.
The Brunets Intermediate Foot Ball
Champions of the W. F. A. i'.tendo
holdiog a grand oonoert to the Town
Hall, Bruneete, on Mural] 81st. A gond
program will be given. Don't forget the
date. Plan of Hall at Fox'o Drug store.
John Heuneberg is at Toronbo this
week eltending the Grand Lodge of the
A. 0. U. W.
MoMiohael Broe, shipped a coop a oars
of horses from here Ibis week. They
went to the Weet,
It was deoided by the Howiok Town-
ship Agrio01inral Society direato a last
week, to bold a Spring Show. 7 Le dale
will be anoonooad shortly and wilt be in
a circuit with Boyers! other places.
Fordwioh bae one of the neatest and
most up to•date Halle in the °minter. It
is the property of the Canadian 0, ler of
Foresters and is heated with coal F rneoe,
illuminated with aoetyiene gag sad has
both piano and organ for entertainments!
APpoa PREeEevATION•—Jno. Olollmnd, e
k a resident
S} mike Edit o4 this village, show+d Tato
Pon scribe last Saturday, sample: of an
apple known tea the onakeekin golden
russet which he bee kept from 11'•, •trop
of 1902. Tbe fruit was planed in harrelk
in the cellar andthe reoond year they
were planed in open cheese bonne in
the oellar. 75% of these apple were
Bound in 2nd year and Ially 70% the 3rd
year. Apples have mooh the Iliad of
banaunas. Mr. Holland ie quite elated
over the en:oecu of hie experiment
Fettered ex Comma. — There was a
splendid turn ont of farmers ab Fordwioh
Net Saturday afternoon when the meet•
ing for the dieoneeion of topica of f?tereet
to tbe tillers of the eoil, nnder the sue.
idea Edit p Det Huron Farmers In.titate,
was held in the fine hall owned by the
Toreatera.t '
A soot tntrodaotory speech
was made by Vine President Elliot., who
officiated as ohntrmen, in which be re.
!erred to the regret fait over the removal.
by death of the faithful Swamp.
Teesmerer, Geo, Hood. Dr. Reed, of
Georgetown, was the firot speaker who
had ae hie theme, "The care and reeding
of horeee with a view to preventing dig.
ease." It proved a moat profitable ad
dress and a manifeet interest was'olt by
the sndienoe, a goodly number joining in
the dinoaeeion, among the number being
BIeeere. Gibeau, Arinetrong, V. a., and
Elliott. President McMillan was molted
to epealr on "Clover a0 a food and fertil
iter," he taking the topic allotted. to 0,
L Warren, of Aoton, wbo was eent else-
where. The speaker dealt wish bie
,object from a wide experience and gave'
fond of information of value to the
audttore, Meeero Gregg, Edgar, Reach
art, Reinhard, Wm. Edgar, Harding and
Elliott added their oaperienow and
threshed the subject ont well. A dumber
of oboioe iuotrnmental eeleobion, were
rendered at the evening gathering by the
orchestra and Mies Castle deliebted the
audience with the solo, "Whieper and I
shall hear," with violin and piano
accompaniment. Addressee were deliver.
ed by iter. MoMillau and Dr. Reed in
whiob the importance of Agrioaltare
were set forth and the young people on
the farm urged to dine their calline and
make their part of it worthy of record,
There was a large attendance. Viae
President Elliott 000npied the obetr until
time for lana to leave for hie train when
Postmaster Gibem,r officiated in good
style Fordwioh does itself oredit in the
enthusiaotio manner in which thee boom
anything they take bold of. It page to
do so.
It le with a feeling of sorrow that we
write a few linea in oonoeotion with the
death of John W. Jaques, whieb took
plane at big beautiful home "Balsam
Lena Farm,' on Sunday evening, bob.
26th, at the full age of the allotte 1 time.
of man, 70 years and ft day, The
funeral took place on the Wedneeday
afternoon following and wag one of the
iargeel Rein in these parte, Cher being
abed 180 oonveyaneee-i0 the preneegion.
Six of hie gone in -few were pal nearer,
while hie other ann.iu.law wan in °harge
of the pallbearers' oodveyanoe, true pro.
minion proceeded in eolemu iii, neo to
Trinity ohurah, Fordwiall, Whit was'
two thirds full of frieude and heavily
draped before the f°neral arrive', The
rotor, Rev, Mr. Hall, took for )t e text
,lob 19:25, 20. 27, speaking prineirally on
three main divisions,—Death, Reyarreo
Mon and Perianal recognition, after
which the remains, enoased in the moat
beentifnl misled that could be procured,
were parried and laid to rent in. 0' i'dwieh
cemetery until the morning of tit.. ream.
rection day, sabre we Mat it wil, riga In
glorified harm, Ae Ostia Isar said
When I awake in Thy likeness I shall
be satisfied." From the large uamber
who turned oat in the bad 000dition of
the roade to pay their Net sad respects
to the departed, it may easily be seen
that Mr. Jegaee, one of the piooeere of
oar county, was a man held in high
esteem, witnessed oleo by the fact that
darlug bie lifetime he held some of the
higbeet offices in tae gift of the county.
He was a man of strong conviction,, 'a
etannab Conservative and a member of
the Oharob of England. Haying made
very substantial progreee dog the line
of $oaoee, be was termed wealthy. He
leaves to mourn bie departure a loving
wife, three Bone and eight daughters, two
children having died in infancy. Hie
seven eoos•in-law are Remail Barrie,
Wm. Audition, Charles Hartle, Robert
Graham, Robert Aehtop, George Hub..
bard and Albert Gallagher, all Jiving
neer the old homestead of their late
Epworth League
Leet Sabbath the annivereary services
in connection with the Epworth League
of the Methodist churoh, Brussels, were
held and were moat enjoyable and enc.
meld. Rev. Walter E. M-illeon, of
Romney, President of the Windsor
District Epworth League, was the
preacher, the Leaguers o0oapying the
aeutre pewe in the ohorab. Tbe theme
in the morning was "Tbe strong helping
the weak," in wbtah thio important duty
was pointedly, kindly and practically
preeented. "White morning gilds the
sky" and "Nearer nay God to Thee"
were the anthem rendered by the choir.
In the alternadn Rev, Mr. Milleon
briefly addreeeed the Sunday School and
aaug a beautiful and appropriate solo,
"Somebody's Boy."
Beate were ata premium at the evening
service. "By Grtoe are ye saved tbrongb
Faith" wan the text oloeen, the discourse
being of the evangelistic type and well
directed. Moe lee
M Zoete Ferg ne a
0 of Tees.
water, rendered the Bolo, "A dream of
Paradise" with good effeot. The choir
gave the anthem "The Lord ie my Shep
herd," and Rev. Mr. Millman Aug, as
only he oan sing it, "My Saviour first of
Monday evening the annual entertain•
meat was held when a large audience was
present. .The pastor, Rev. T. Weeley
Ootene, 0000pied the chair and a varied
and well rendered program woe preempted
ae follows :— Inetrnmental trio, H. L.
and Mre. Jackson and W. A. Grewar
anthem, "Tbe voice of many waters, by
the their ; prayer ; solo, "Twin Oitiee,'
Mies Zetta Ferguson, of Teeawater ; colo,
"Heroee and Gentleman," Rev. Mr. Mill.
eon 1 Bolo, "After the Harvest," Rev. H.
W. Aviion Alma ; tro
eo 0
W. A.
Grewar o "Dome back o to Oanada,
Rev. Mr. solo, on ; address, Mr. Avid'',
hie topic being "Safeguards" ;. reaitatioo,
Mr. Million ; instrumental duet, Mr. and
Mre. Jackson ; eddreee, Rev. A. C. Tiffin,
of Trowbridge ; solo, ' Queen of -toe'
Earth," Mr. Aviion ; trombone Bolo, W.
A. Grevear ; address, Mr. Million ; Bolo,
"Cut loose from the shore," Mr. Aviion ;
solo, "Satisfied," Mr. M{Il000 ; anthem
by the choir ; Benediction. All did well
and the talent was well worthy of the
oordial vote of tbanke a000rded on mot
ion of President Salter and Vioe Preei.
dent Parker. Mise Ida Bailey, ne a000m
paoiet, did her part in a most proficient
manger. Financial proceeds of the
evening 080 831,00
The League officers are well pleased
with the mnooees of the Annivereery and
excellence of the eervioes rendered by
Revd,. Messrs. Million and Aviion and
ltfiee Ferguson ae well as the local talent
and will go into the neat years work
greatly e000uraged by the helpfulness of
the earviaee. Mr. Aviion, who hat a
large number of friends in this locality
,petit a few day! in town before returning
to pie work at Alms%
Wednesday's daily gays :—General
Huropatkin bae madded in getting his
army safely into Tie Pee, where he ie
no doubt preparing for the advance of
the Japanese. The main army of the
latter ie about twelve miles South of the
page, and ie reported to be almost nom•
pletely exhausted from the effeete of its
terrible efforte• With the men that
General Karopatkin bae saved from the
rent, end the reinforoemento that oonld
be brtngbt down from Harbin, General
Hnropatkin meat have something over
200,000 men, h formidable army yet to
maize a frontal attack aeon, Ii General
$eropatkin etande by the pass Marebal
Oyama will no doubt endeavor to get
around him, with the ae0ietanoe of
Gemara! Ramamara, who is operating
The absence of definite news from the
seat ot war yesterday is due to the faot
that the Rataiane have nothing to report.
beyond that they are in Tie Paae, while
Oyama, if he be engaged in another
movement, ie not likely to report till
something is a000mpliehed. The
130esian soldiery are said to have
recovered their morale, while It is the
Japanese who are in a somewhat die.
organized state.
The bound{ of War in St. Vetere -burg
yesterday decided the question of oene
tinning the War in the affirmative. A
bold way cal of the porplexitioe of the
present satiation has been eoggeeted,
namely, that Emperor Niobolae travel in
,Gate to the ended naplta{ ot Meeoow,
enm'mon the nobler and leading membere
OS the Remetvos around him iu filo
snored preoiuote ot the Kremlin, frankly.
lay the ritoation before them, publicly
pledge bie word tor the eaeoution of the -
projected refarms and make a etirring
pereoaal appeal through them to the
people to loyally rally to the lappet of
the Baaeian arme and oo•operate In pro.
seaming the war to it eaooeaofol tormina•
Stich a pereooal appeal from the
Sovereign undoubtedly would .have a
powerful effeet throoghont the openery,.
and for the dynoety-would .},0t.' ,cit
advantage over the plan of eubbibttiing
the gneolion of peace br war to the
Zemeky Sober, whiob some of the newo•
papers are again urging.
A St, Peterebgrg report atetee that a
force of Japanese hae appeared in the
neighborhood of Vladivostok, and this is
taken to mean Haat siege will be laid to
Rueeie't only ,deport in the Far Etat,
Jottings .From the Post Office.
To the Bettor of Tan roam
Uses Sot, -4G may be taken for grant.
ed that the poetoMn
oe staff take pride i-""'
doing their work ae faithfully and efl.
oientiy as poeeible, and with the added
advantage of long experience and perfect
knowledge, The knowledge is more ex.
teueive than many people imagine, lea
eluding not only names of heads of
famitiee but all members of femitiee
receiving mail. here ; the names of all
the box bolder, and their . numbers ; the
poetoffioe regulations and rates . on all
°laseee of matter for all countries; the -
maoy, and oomplioated'' regulations
governing tbe issue of pastel notes and
money orders ; besides very frequent
changes, and a general' Familiarity with
all the poetoffioes in all parte of Canada.
Postoffioe ofioiale are net 'perfeot and
mietakee will 0000r even in the beet
regulated postoffiuea, yet, perhape, the
number le no larger then might be ex•
peoted in view of the great number of
thieve to be remembered eo quiokiy, and
the enormooe increase in the quantity of
mail matter eepeaially news papers,
transect papers,oatelogaee, &o.
tbe other hand a large preoentage
of the work in a poetoffioe is due to the
want of thought, on look ot knowledge, on
the part of patrons. No doubt the
majority of . them would obeerfully do
their part in any way they could to
enable the staff to perform their ditties
with the higheet degree al effiuienoy. To
help each and all, but especially the
kindly dieposed,'the following biota and
worde of the de-
regulations, and partly inferred
from them and others founded on simple
oommoo sense and experience, are eab•
mitred for
metal r edi
e n and practical
g p ao aaI
application :—
(1) Always do your own lioking (of
(2) Mail all netters in good time, more
especially when sending in large quanti-
(3) Address all mail matter in a legible
and complete manner in ink. Don't nee
a pencil in addressing newapepere.
(4) When writing poetaarde write the
address first.
(5) Register all valuable lettere or
pa reels.
(6) Always band in regietered lettere a
money order wicket, and get receipt. Da)
not droptit
the letter iter box. 'h
regulations require that registered lettere
and pntoele be handed in at least half an
hour or.
o r bet a the dispatch of the mail by
which it le desired tont they shall be
(7) As _far ae pomade avoid using the
°mteids fetter boxes for papers and
mods. Tbe bi see beoome full and
letters are crowded oat.
(8) Fasten the covers of newepapere
firmly eo at to prevent their elipping out.
(9) When a number of Giroulets or let•
fere are posted, tie them in a bundle,
with the addressee all in one direotion.
(10) In remitting money by mnil the
postal note or money order ie .the beet
resettle:, Patronize the poetoffioe for
you are one of the shareholders.
(11) Every letter ebould ' bear on the
envelope the full name and address of
the tender (or hie boa number) in order
to ine0re its return, If the person to
whom it ft directed oanoot be Mind.
(12) See thitt every letter,. oewepapee Or,
other packet sent by post, le naively
folded and sealed. Every each paoket
bae to be several times handled, and even
robed in the mail bag is exposedto
pree00re and [motion.
(18) In addreaeing a letter alwnya leave
00000 to affix the stamp in tbe proper
place --toe upper right hand Corner,
Some lettere are eo covered with the ad.
dress that it is itnposeible to put on the
stamp waited covering a part of the ad.
dreoe. -
A tetter once posted beootnet the
property of the person to whom At le
addressed, and must ' be forwarded am
cording to direotiooe. On no opplioae
Mon, however urgent, can it be lawfully
handed book to the writer or to any
person. Don't try to make the post.
matter commit a crime.
Lettere for persona who are travailing
from place to plaoe should be 00 addreae.
ed teat they will not be delivered to
other persona of the same name who get
mail -regularly at the offiPei to which
arttold are bettlg Bent.
Postmasters ere not allowed to sell
etampe on credit.
A poebmaeter oanoot be required tie
deliver a letter or parcel until all postage
due thereon has been paid by the party
to whom it hi addressed.
A registered letter may not be dative
ed to the addreee until it'hae been d1Uiv
tigued for in the book of reword. -
A Postmaster is not required to redeem
or toexchange postage 'tramp'.
H. M.fdilebrist,for font mune General
Secretary, of the Stratford V. M, 0. A.,
hag resigned to take a position at Feriae
where Ole new building will be opened ori
May let. The resignation bite beta
accepted with mnoh releotaaoe, ae bIt.,
Gilohriot Watt looked Upon ne a most,
satisfactory Secretary. He carne here.
from Hamilton and to hie diligent wart
to largely credited the immeute strides,
Made in Y. M.D. A, Work it that city
recent year ,