HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-9, Page 8or the Sick Ones dlI II i la'yt'0.109 1.0vI Il 2 This month finds many sick folks, and how best to attend to their recovery'is a matter in which we can be of assistance to you. We have a full stock of Atomizers not 'Water Bottles Fountain. Syringes of the very best quality and prices low. You no doubt may require such preparations as CAMPHORATED OIL, EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL, TAB- LETS for making Solution for use in Atomizer, EX- TRACT OF BEEF, 8c. We ;keep them on hand. .'yds,'Ital,n,,'h,qunra,rwva'yeh's Fa DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. T GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 60nTREBN EXTENSION W. 0, & B. Trains Jaded Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Goma SOUTH GOING NORTH, Mail. 7:16 a.m i Mixed 9:00 a.m Mtaed.........12:00 a.m'Mall 1:20 p,w Exore6S 8:08 p,m 13'lxprese 8:85 p.m Poi Reims Items. A ohiel'e amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent BoHo LBoard will meet on Friday eveniug ofthis week. Tan engine on the morning train had a breakdown at Riptry last Friday and was late in arriving here. WESTERN STAR LODGE, I. 0. 0. F. Brue- sele, hue been having a number of acces- sions to fie membership of late and more to follow. IT i8 rep'rted that Dr.Berne, of Sim• 009, will hake obarge of Dr. MaNangbton's praotioe here fur a year, daring the latter'a absence at London. TONSORIAL PARLOR.— auo. Hewitt has removed tits barber ebop from the Stret• ton biook to the premieee lately purohaeed from Piths. Fletober where he is prepared to attend to the wants of the public as naual. A 'ERY large crowd attended the Horse Fair Thuesday ot last week in Brussels and a number of salsa were made. The next Fair will be held on Thursday, April 6th. This will be the last for this Beason. Keep the date in mind. Tam additional gang of snow ahoy - ellen who have been employed on the G. T. R. were relieved of their labors on Monday ot this week. They had a batty time of it, some having to deeert on mount of snow bliudnees, WARDEN MILLER Was in Goderioil on Tuesday of last week, haviog been sign. ing the $20,000 worth of debentures, whioh are being leaned for the 0annty for bridge building and Rouse of Refuge en• iargement expenditure. He signed bio name six haudred times. FOOT BALs —Next Monday evening a meeting of all interested in the re• orgenizttion of Brassie Foot Ball Club will be held in the Connell Chamber oommeuoing at 8 o'clock. A. good attend rime le asked for as several important questions will come tip for dieoueeion. 20 APPLIOATION5 for help for farmers of thie locality have been forwarded by W. R. Kerr, the local agent, to Brigadier Howell, of Toronto, in oonneetion with the proposed Doming of a large oontingeut of immigra0ta before long from the Old Land. They are expeoted to arrive about the 1st of April. Near we.k the Grand Lodge of the .8., 0. U. W. will meet in Toronto. Brae sale Lod,;e, No. 188, will be represented by W. E. Kerr. One of the big game bone to be dieoneeed will be the proposal to increase the rains of insurance so e9 to place beyond any question the re- liability of tbe Orderto be prepared to meet all metering claims. A BtEETiNG of the Warden's Committee was he'd at Goderiob on Tuesday to oonsider the question of settlement of law suit with the townehip of Ashfield over damages caused by a breakage in the river artificial boundary at Port Albert for which the townehip was asking re• dress. No notion was taken. The case will not be beard now until June, if at all. HAND Iannute. — A short time ago Walter, eon of James Petob, now in Brands, had the misfortune to have Nie right hand I80erated by a oiroalar saw, while Dotting wood near Grand Forks, North Dakota. He was taken to Win- nipeg hospital where he bat been under- going treatment. It was feared ab one time that he might lose tbe hand but later adytoes say tbie will not be the one although it will be somewhat damaged by the a0otden0. We hope he will soon be o. k. BERT. GERRY, who recently gold bis hardware business in Listowel, has purohaeed what was known as the Fieb leigh stook in Wingham end is now in postmaster', George MOLauohiin, who has been employed in the store of N. F. Gerry, now Ginty & Walker, has gone to Wingham to take a position in Mr. Garry's store. Wieghamitee and the people of that locality will find both Mr. Gerry and Mr, MoLaaohlin obliging and attentive, We wieh the new proprietor emcees, This move puts a Gerry hard ware etnre fn Brueeele, Wingbam and Blyth. SALT WELLS 000880.—The east well at Stapleton bee beets shot down and the 0118208 Nowa Record underetancle, there will in all probability in a abort time not be a well in operation in this county iu wbioh it has beet one of the leading indaetriee for the poet forty years, The places offeated will be Clinton, Goderiob, Beaforth, Wingbam and Brunets. It i8' said that the bulk of sato mantfeetured in this province will be made in wells at Sarnia and Windier, where gas duet from the big mine will he utilized as fuel. What is known ae the Dominion Salt (7o, ie alleged to control the iddnetry, Tan Ament sawmill commenced work on 'Thursday of last week, They have about seven hundred thousand feet to out. CARD or'1'aaaxs,—We with to siaoerely thank Alex. Roe, and P. and Mtge Dad• ley for their kind and cheerful aeeistanoe during our reoent illness. It was very highly appreciated. Wu. Asn Mae. Emirs. A OAR of stook for A. C. Dames was held over here but was taken away by the special freight on Sunday. It is strange how the trains manage to get through on the so called day of rest to the G. T. R. W. H. SALTER was called to Exeter Tuesday on account of the death of Mervin Brace, youngest child of hie brother, Martin Salter, Exeter, aged 7 mouths. Funeral took pesos on Wed• needay afternoon. GOLD WATCH PaxeENTeexon.—Thursday evening of chits week a company of friends of J. D. Warwick will assemble in the Town Hall to present him with a valuable god watch as a farewell gift on his re- moval from Brussels to the Northwest. THE 88rd Battalion will go into camp at Loudon on June 0, the Minister of Muitia haviog given iue0ruotions that the entire force of No.3. Division—Lendon— shall go into training at that time. The 33rd Battalion consists of 336 men and 82 officers. Jona HEWITT moved from the Stratton block last Mouday to the premises re. Gently purohaeed from Mre. F.etober, where be will have one of the finest barber Shope in the county. Mr. Hewitt and family will money the apartmeute in oouneotiou with the building as their home. Mrs. Fletober fitted them up Ian year in first-class shape ioteuding. then to make her home here. EAST HURON CONSERVATIVES. — Friday afternoon of this week a meeting of East Huron Conservative Association Eze• dative will be held in Brussels to dis ous0 among other gneetiens that of patronage in thie riding. It is said the Linage Commiaeiouers recommended are J. A. Strong, Howiok ; Jet. Cardiff, Grey ; and Jno. Shannon, MoKillop. Several names are mentioned as po•sible aepirauts for the Inspectorship but tbe probabilities are, as far as we hear, that ex -Warden Jamas Bowman may be the tholes. Friday's meeting will probably decide the matter. A Lawn farewell party, numbering 80 or 40 wits tendered Jno. and Mre.Londee• bozo, of Winnipeg, by R. Leatherdale and family Thursday evening of last week when after a bountiful and tasty lonaheon complimentary speeches were made by B. Gerry, A. M. McKay, J. J. Gilpin and R. L. Leatherdale and reeponed to by Mr. Londeeboro. Choices music Wag rendered by Prof. Hawkins. After Bing. ing, "God be with you tilt we meet again," the company said their Good bye's, Mr. and Mre. Londeeboro left for Beaforth, Galt and Hamilton, where they will vied for a few weeks before returning to their Western home in April. WEST HURON LICENSE Balm—The Clinton New Era of Met week says •;— "The Executive of West Huron Con eervative A,eooiation met at Goderiob, on Tuesday, to consider several matters of party interest, among them that of eele0ting a new License Inspector, and recommending License Commissioners. The aspirants for the position of License Inepeotor were said to be 16 in number, among them being H. Oaobelon and 0. Johnston, Clinton ; Meade. Van Norman, MoLean, end Forbes, of Wingbam ; Alfred Aekwith, of Auburn, and others. The committee recommend the appoint- ment of Mc. Askwitb, ae Inspector, and Thomae Churobill, of Goderiob townehip, R. Derain, West Wawanoeh, and ed, Lookhar6, East Wawanoob, as License Commissioners. The reoom• mendatioo of the oommlttee, so far as the proposed Lioenee Inspector is eon. oerned, us said to have aroused strong oppoeltion from the friends of Messrs. H. Cantelon and O. Johnston. It may be said that Mr. Paisley has reoeived no notice of his intended diemiewal, and, it is po8eible, he may be retained, he hay. log reoeived all the papers to go on with the dative es anal.' ' There is not mach doubt but Mt. Paisley will reoelve hie uo0ioe to quit in dee time. Hone SALE.—Tbureday afternoon of last week the anotion sale of trotting bred stook belonging to Meseta. Scott. & Warwick took plaoe at their wtablee here. There was 8 very large attendaooe almost too large to be conveniently handled. F. S. Scott was the anotioneer. Following gales were made ;-2 year old filly to M. Blank, Morris, at $169 ; 5 year old horse to A, libelee, M. P. P,, (trey, for $85 ; "Lady Minto," to A. 0. Dames. Brendle, for $280 ; "Alice" to Mayor Watson, Listowel, $202 ; 2 year old filly "Lady Repine," to P Scott, Braoaele at $145 ; a yearling filly to Robt. •Wildon, Beaforth, $135 ; a drlving mare to 00, Oannoillor Iauteter, Mortis, $171a roadster to Jno. Lamont, Grey, et 4154, "Lady Minto" bee since been resold to Robe. McDonald, Grey, at an advance in prion. TWO sale of borne wee made owing to Doo. W8rwiolf, one of the proprietors, beving disposed of his veterinary praotioe, and intending to re- move to the Northwest. The stallion "Kaplan" 2 08e, and "Ooettmer" will be retained in town ae formerly. Mr. War. wi01t will likely leave next week on a Standard Bank �of Canada,:" METROPO-LITAN $18, 1,000,000,000000 ' SURPLUS, OR RESERVE FUND T01!81, ASSET a (iVER .A: General Yiaakiing F$uSiine8iat Transacted. ""VSA VING'S BANK°Fa.- -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DA'T'E OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BAPiK RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST ie added to eooupnte evt.ty six mouths and beoomes prinoipal. —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Dopoaite without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES GASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be lett for SAFEKEEPING only for whioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoelve our careful and 00nrteo0S attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AoagT. ,W.. prospeoting tour. Mre. Warwick and family will continue to reside in Brine Bela until a permanent locution i8 decided upon i0 the West. Cattle ranching am pears to be the line Doo. purposes to am. bark in and if so his experienoe on the farm and in veteeinary praotioe should be of ooneiderable value to him. Fool BALL Fri BRUSSELS roe 1905.—The season ie now at hand for the re•erganiz ation of the Foot Ball Club of Bruseele and the sooner it is done the better so as to afford ample time to get into ebupe for the eeason'e oempaign. Proepeoto for a strong team are favorable ae a ', oodly number of tones who oarried the Bros sale oolore to championship honorslast year ere available for 1905 and a likely coterie of entbaeiastie youthful Makers 18 growing ap. Oar Foot Ball teams bave had a very worthy record in past weasone as the following facet will attest :—In the Spring eeriee of 1902 our intermediate team was in the semi flneOS ; in 1908 they won the silver oop ohampioneh p for Western Ontario and the Joniees did likewise ; 1904 the Intermediate cap was retained battling with the beet terms in the league. If Brunets wine this year they will have a record that haa.not been' equalled by any other Intermediate teem. It to no easy matter to finance the eff.are of Roy athletic as000iation anleoe the treasury is well filled. Last year Brae eels would have fend all right however had not Mildmay defaulted in the retort match at Braeeele and the impossibility. of enuring a team to take their plane so ae to noun the gate receipts. Milverton kindly drove over for the next evening but all the expenees were paid by our °lab ot course. The Junior aeries last year was not a moneymaker and the de- floieuoiee had to be made np by the Inter. mediates. A "dry" treasury is not a good starting point home the boys par• pose bolding a concert in the near future to supply the needful. Brueselitee bave been very enthosiaetio in past 00n8one and no doubt the neo868ary preliminaries will be taken hold of if they understand the situation. There's nothing like a good start. The organizotioo ,malting will be held in the Council Manlier on - Monday evening of next week at 8 o'olook. Business Locals. Genes wanted to learn the millinery. Apply to MISSES BARIUM. SEED Peas for Bale apply to Mae. THoe. CALDER, Lot 9, Con. 12, Grey. BRED oats for Bale—Oeatory variety. JAS. DUNo9N, Lot 27, 4111 line, Morrie. YOUNG collie dog lost last Saturday. Information thankfully .received by A. M0NE0; Snoehioe. Sews repaired and your lite insured by having saws gummed, set and Mei by T. MoGasooa, Mill street, Braaeels, Beau leather puree with obain lost on Friday afternoon. The finder will mach oblige the owner by leaving it at Tan PORT Publishing Roues. SEED barley for sale. 450 buebtie of Mendiebeari variety, .six rowed, telde well. Better and cleaner Beed ie head to get. Pride 50o. per bushel. ELI Surma, lot 4, con. 7, Grey, Brussels P. 0. BUFF Orpiogtoae are oonoeded by Experimental Farms at.Gaelpb ar 1 00. taws to be oar best Winter layers; This breed is taking the lead and is ill, beet all round hen today. Cookerale fur sale. Eggs in anon, JNo. Wa1GH0, Mi'1 et., Brussels. Dn. Bonne, the London specialist, will visit Brussels 'profeoaionali; and may be found at the Amerioan Hotel on TUESDAY, APRIL 4th " MAY 2n4 - " MAY 80'h- - " JUNE 27312 All interested should bear these dates in mind. CIIUitCII Cif IMES. Maitland Presbytery met on Tuesday in Wingbam. Rev. Mr. Roes and Elder Stewart attended from Brussels. A Mieoiouary sermon Wag preached last Sabbath morning by Rev. Jobe Rose, B. A., in Melville ohuroh from the well known words "Go ye into an the world, &o." At the eervioein the even- ing the topic was "The rewarde of eer• vioe," Bleeeed are the pare in heart for they shall sea God" was the foondatioe of Rev. T. W. Goeeoe morning airmen laid Sabbath. The evening dieooarse was directed largely to the young people from the text "The Lord was with Joseph. and he was a proeperone man." • At the monthly Mieaionary 8808008 in the Methodist Sabbath School last Snit day the oolleotinn was $8 52 making a total of $84,96 for 11 menthe. The program by the Junior League correlated of a Bolo by Vera Aiolay ;reoitation by Fannie Stubbs; reeding, Carrie Mo. Oraoken ; reoibation, Elate ()ober ; aid ohorns by the Lonna. The Oreheetra of the school, which has been in eaooeeb. fel operation,for many years has been strengthened by Mr, Daum, a via/inlet, and W. J. Mo0raoken on the baso viol. Next Sabbath Rev. Walter E. Milleon, of Romney, Kent Coe will preaoh the. anniversary Epworth League germane is the Methodist Ohnroh Brueeele. The Leagaere will Weepy the centre paws. Roll Dail at close of evening emrvio19. Monday evening a mneioal and 11t00ary program will be given at wbiah Ea. Mt. Hinson and Mr, Aeieon, of Aimee Will MoNaughton will reoite ; Masers. Jaokeon and Grauer and Mre. Jaokeon, will eon. tribnte instrumental trios ; and tbe oltoir will Bing. PERSONA 11 PA RAG RA MIS. R. Mainprize was at Wingham on Tuesday. Miss Sarah Agar ie visiting in' Grey this week. Mre,. Glees, of Wingbam, ie visiting her sitters here. J. T. Wood was in Toronto this week on a business trip. Geo, Brown made a business trip to Durham tbie week, Jure Donaldson was at Toronto this week on a business trip. Mise efay Kennedy returned to her home in Biytb on Tuesday. T. A. Hawkine was a visitor with his parents at Goderiob lest week. A. T. and Mrs. Currie were visitors with Beaforth relatives for a day thie woeit. S. and Mrs, Aadereon, of Winnipeg, were vioiting with Geo. Brown and family this week. Thos. Bell, of St. Marys, spent several days in town with hie sister, Mrs. Fletcher Sperling. Philip Ament is away to Ariel this week on n bneiueea trip is connection with his mill and !amber blindness there. A. 0. and Mre. MacFarlane were oalled to Durham this week owing to the demise of the former's father last Mon- day. Mre. Alex. McAllister and eons, Lyle and Herold, of Grey, are visitors et D. 0. Rosa', Brussels. Mre. Roes and Mrs. McAllister aro sisters. Albert McCall, who has been visiting here for the poet few menthe left for hie home at Frobieber, Man,, Tuesday of this week. His sister, Miee Minnie, a000mpanied him. Mrs. Allan George, nee Mies May Rinks, formerly of Atwood, has been visiting old friends in town during this week. She will return to her home at Verden Mau., on Saturday. Mise FlorenceBaohenen lett on Bata day to accept a position as teacher in Winona, Ont. She oomthenoed work on Monday. Mies Buchanan is a good teacher and we have no fear as to her 8000500. Miee Ela Fune'oa, who has accepted a position in the Oommeroial Room of the Stratford Basilian Grillage for the neat few months, was home for a few daye,.retaruing on Tuesday to her work, We exptot she wi'-1 do well. Robert Rade left Brueeele Iaet week for Oollingwood where the steamboat be ie engineer upon le keine fitted out for next Beaton's trade. .I'. Rosa has seen a good deal of the world for a young man. We with him a successful time and a safe return. Charlie Wllbee, a former Braeselite, was married on Feb. 16o1,, at Situ Francisco. It is 17 years gloms he left Brunie. Mr. Wilben ie a brother, to Wilbee Bros of this locality and !)'Ire. P. Await, of town. We wish him and We bride .happiness and prosperity. Wm. Wllood, eon of the' Late, Chas, Wilson, is seriously ill at his borne in Howiok at present and it is not' expected that hie life will be prolonged many days. He has been Buffering for almost a year. A trip to Manitoba last Summer failed to recuperate him. Mr. Wilson ie a brother 30.8. 0. Wilson, of Bet:einla. • The lateer bee,spent some rime' with 'the patient during the past few weeke. The .7:11 Pass (Texas) Herald of Feb. 21st gays —"Paet . gnartermaeber ser- geaut Oliver Bmitb end bride returned to the post yesterday. from a 13 .days' fur. lough. The.. sergeant woe married in San Frenaieoo, Oai„ February 15th. Mre. Smith is well pleased .with Fort Bliss and earroundinge." The above mention- ed young gentleman,. is a son of Alex. Smith, of Ffroxeter, and known to a good many in this locality, CAPITAL,—Paid lip 91,000,000 RESERVE FUND 91.000,000 RPM. R. H. WAESI7N, D, D, D100 Ore S. J. MOORS, President, Vtoa•President. TH08, BRAD8nAW, A LA, Hie HONOR pin. W. MORTI8MER Malin, 00.0, D. ID, 3E10M00N, R. 0, JOHN T'IntTnao0R HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, R. R05151 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANEING' BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Dieoonnted, Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed ou all Bums of 91 and upwards NEFASWIS LS Si83M'CI1 A. E. MELLISH, Manager. Thos. Neweome talke of seeing the the Northwest during the doming Som. mer. He will push his proposed new reeidenoe, Ring et., this Spring. James Ritchie will leave on Friday for the Northwest. He haw not definitely decided where he will 'mate until he gets there. We with him proeperity. Tuesday our old friend John Roddiok, Con 13, Grey, was in town. Mr. Rod. dick is in his 84th year and hie health is comparatively good. It ie many a long day since the old gentleman drove his yoke of cattle and an extemporized waggon from St. Marys to the then bash lot in Grey, He started out with a sleigh bot au the sleighing played out be had to eeoare wheels, The gravel road between Beaforth and Brants was being built at -this time and travelling was done under ooneiderable dimoulty. Some of these pioneers had a ragged road to travel and M. Roddiak among them. He left his farm temporarily, and went to Montreal where he labored to enure the "needful." 90 YEARS OLD,—Mre. Oliver BOA la, mother to John Smith, Turnberry street, Bru.eele; Alex, and Thomas Smith, of Wroxeter ; Jae., of Galt ; Wm. of Hamilton ; Nire. Alex. Stewart, 8th con., Grey, and Mre. A. Turnbull, of the 15th oon, of the eeme townehip, and Mies Smith, of Broesele, will be 90 yearn of age on Friday of this week. The old lady makes her home with tbe firet mentioned eon and ie quite hearty. She was born in Roxboro'ehire, Scotland, and along witb bar huebaod and family came to Canada in June 1866, locating in Grey townehip where they were well known reaidente for many years. Mr. Smith died 24 years ago, Mrs. Smith possesses all her fa0nitiee to a marked degree and her memory has been re• roarkably good. She oan call up in• teresting events of many yeare past. We aongratulate Mre. Smith on the near approach of ba 90th anniversary and hope she may enj.,y a good many years yet of life. , BALLANTYNL.—In Brueeele, on March 5th, to Mr, and Mre. James Ballantyne, • 9 eon. Bsoxon.—In Brueeele, on Mardh 9th, to Mr. and Mre. Jonas Beaker, a eon. FOWLER —In Morrie, on Feb. 151h, to Mr. and Mrs Peter Fowler, a daughter. Joanne —In Tornberry, on Feb. 18th, to Mr. and lira. Robert, Johnston, a daughter. MOGiE.—In Bloevale, on Feb. 27th, to Mr, and Mre. Alex. McGee, a hon. �aax�r�xan, OOTLTEB—LEVER.—At the residence of the bride's parents, East Wawanoeb, on February 22nd, by Rev. J, J. Untie, of Belgrave, Mr. George F. Ootltee, to Mies Jennie Lever. daughter of Mr. and Mre. Thos. Lever, both of East Wawanoob. axEa, CLAnx.—A t 92 Niagara street, Victoria, B. 0., on Feb. 4 h, I906, Walter Clark, millwright and engineer, brother of Mre, (Rev.) L. Perrin, Wrnxeter. Nseaorg.-.Io Elme, on Feb. 25th, Jane Moore, wife of John Nesbitt, Trow• bridge, and 86 years. PLANT, — In Howiok, on .Mar. 2nd, Mary Ann Marsh, wife of William Plant, aged 57 yenre. ROBERTSON —In Bruce townehip, Bruce Co., on March 6th, Dittman Robert- son, formerly of 13th eon, of Grey, aged 84 yeare. ' A.'L7'GTZON' S.A.I30 - TaunsDAY, MARCH 16—Anotion Bale of firm stook and implements, S. ,j lot 22, coo. 2, Morrie ; sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. Walter l3. Davideon, Prop ; R. H. Garniss, Aum. FRIDAY, MARCH 24111..— Ferm stock, implements, &o.' S e Lot. 25, Coo. 12, Grey. dale nnreeerved, at 1 p. m. Jno. B. Hyde, prop. ; F. B. Scott, ata. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE BOYS Let thein. have a good time—boys will be boys, it doesn't pay to worry about their mischief =the rips—the tears— the misshapen Clothes. But it does pay to buy Clothes that will stand .the hard knocks that any boy will give, them, PUT THEM IN Clothing that will hold through the roughest of the shed—under a fence. "Lion Brand"` Clothing g together and hold its shape boyish sports—up a tree --over safe■tfr�ttl.�� give nddreeues and bolos • Mies fan elwtw Rocs Minnie . Al V ii g ' Ass SOLEAGENT IN BRUSSELS. NOM '70001I..0; HZA2''v TITM=0, Fall Wheat 1 00 1 00 Barley 40 40 Peas 60 65 Oats 88 39 Butter, tube and rolle.,., 18 18 Eggs per dozen 16 17 Hay per to,., 5 60 6 00 Roar, per bbl 5 50 6 20 Potatoes per bas 45 45 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 Hoge, Live 5 40 6 40 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 0 YORKSHIRE SOWS AND 20 TURNLRULt, hob10 Oon,16, Grey,OWa--on P.O. j"ARM FOR SALE. - BEING composed of 100 -aeras, Lot 10, Oou 10, Gray. 86 aures cleared and balance, timber- ed, half cedar. i3ood Maim, bou.e and bank ham, well fenced. Only t mile from Oran - brook where are oburoliu, stores, sobool, shope, &o. Apply to F. e. Scott, Brussels, or JNO. MCNABB, on the premises, -Oran. brook P. O. 054f S P.IR/I-NG • A N Spring Breezes Tan. and Roughen many complex- ions that are exempt from injury at other seasons. Protection and cure are afforded by our delight- ful skin -feeding and bleaching Witch Hazel Cream Works promptly, Sat- isfaction Guaranteed. Used by Il, great many Ladies orad praised by all who use it. 5 cents per ounce at 7 DRUG STORE. Notice to Debtors. All persona indebted to the undersigned are asked to 0010 end Fettle the lama by oash or unto at once as I purpose removing from town in the ncar future 84.0 3. D. WARWICK. BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned .tae purobased the well bred Durham Bull."Forrester"...45568 and, willkeep him 100 1087100 00 Lot 7, (Jou. D. Grey. Perl;9ree ma yin seen on application. Terme,18100 for credos and 84.00' /or tboro' broils, with privilt40 of 00b02010g 10 05080- 0201. 4170. 010ERAR, 85.4 Proprietor, G L D E N LI U I D The treat Remedy for Pain, Internal or External m,,wild'Udbd6A6"tnl,'yllllt,'yPLPt19r GOLDEN LIQUID is the Dead Shot Cure for pain, Every pain instantly relieved by one thorough applim,tioo. Sprains, Ben;eee, Stiff Joint!, Headache, Toothache, Pain in Side or Limbs, Contracted Monies, Pain in Cheat, Lame Back, Lumbago, Soiatio, banished like Magic. It le mighty eearo1'ing etnff and immed• lately diepele ell pained purely vegetable and PERFECTLY BASELESS to the (smallest Infant. Nothing Equalsit for Barns, Soalde, Eraptinne, Ohaflnge, Insect Bites, Frosted Feet or Ears, Ohildblains and Bore Feet. INTERNALLY.—Bowel Complaints relieved in a few minutes, Ouree Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomaoh, Heartburn, Bummer Oomplaiut, Diarrhoea, Dyeentery, Oolio, Wind in Bowels, Cholera Morbus ; also Rub Stomach Externally in these eomplainte with the GOLDEN LIQUID. Do not neglect to teat it for any pain at nnoe. The direo'ione are to rub and bathe with it until the path is gone, perhaps one minute, The longest seated pain in lees than fifteen minutes. Yon simply know from its Grim that the GOLDEN LIQUID mares pain immediately, as dew dieappeare before the morning eon. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE — For Cute, Sweliing, Brnieee, Sprains, Strains, Lameness, St'ffneae, Contractions of the 8faeelee, Sore Throat, Colic. Apply GOLDEN LIQUID in accordance with the dictates of common souse, rub- bing the parts affected thoroughly. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Itehonld always be kept in -the house. Ile nae will prove beneficial on all 000asione of pain and 000lmees. There is no bine in the world that will atop pain or street the progress of diatom es quiok ae the GOLDEN LIQUID. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY ABOUT GOLDEN LIQUID To MR. DRONE, Brussels : I have need your Golden Liquid and leave found it to be a porfeot cure for Rheuma- tism. Yours truly, MRS. D. MOQUARRIE.. Oranbrook, Aug. 6111_1604 In regard to Golden Liquid 1t is a great remedy for Rheumatism. It removes all pain and stiffness from the joints. It is al- so an excellent remedy for sore throat and all intoned pain, I cannot speak too high- ly of it, 0. H. DODDS. Brussels, May 2ad,1004. This ie-to•eerti[y.that I bave used: Golden Liquid and find it to be the bias thine that I over got a held of for rheumatism I have used a good many remedies and also doo- tor'o medioinee without any benont but Got. den Liquid ,gave me almost latent relief. both from pain anti lameness. I am se well as ever [ was, 3010 MU1t3, Brussels, April 26(11,1004 MR R. CRONE DEAR Sm,—Having used Four Golden Liquid for .Rheumatism I have found it the beat remedy I over got hold of. I wee in bed with Rhnumsti:.m and after the eeeond bathing was able tr. get up, and in two days was out walking at: 'mud. You would' not know I had been luid up at all. Hoping this may help tomo othere who are suffer. ing as I was to be completely restored to health ,I am, Yew truly, HARRY MERGER. Brussels, Nov. 28rd, 1001 MR. ORONE Omen tyro I r.ceived your letter ask- ing me for my eon:: m of Golden Liquid. It is the best moth eine I ever. used, It leworth ite weight in gni°. Every one slugs ire pl'ai8ee. 7111rOasb the means of Golden Liquid m•y, daupltter'e life was saved. She bad 0, fiammatiotl of the bowels, You need nob boafraid to red" omaUPSVVHITE11I7 D.- PUT ONLY BY R. CRONE:, RRTJSSE LS x 14 Trcxxocxxxx'acx 0 =cc= .lo nom e lr / C KINNO N & CO. 13LY'T1-1 Now Spring Lefts for Men. We are malting a spectrl show of Man's Hate in the ,:ew Spring shapes and shades, making special mention of our leaders—Kine, Edward, Whit... ney,seri Bifton. We also ebow several' new betake for Spring in Britleh geode by 00011 makers es Knox, Yoomane, Miriade, eta, We show cane special lines in Fine Fur Pelt Has, in bleak and oolors, all new styles for Spring, at $1, $125, 91 60, $1 75 and $2, also a emoted line of Wool Felt. Hate, naw ebupee, at 50o, 750aed, $1. MEN'S NEW -SPRING NECKWEAR We have just received and mend into strait a magnifl0ent aesottment;, of new Spring Neckwear for men, in Pufta, Aeoots, Foot in kande, Knots, Bowe and String Ties; in all the new colors and .ehadee, at 150, 25o, BSo and 500, • BOOTS AND. SHOES Oar Spring Work of Boole and Shoes i0 now °pen for inepeolion, We show the largest and best untied ' etealt of ih(.•s this Spring we ever carried, including the celebrated King Quality SI.oee for Men arid Women, the Williams' Patent Adjustable Shoes for Working Men, They are made of whole 'stook, waterproof and wear like iron, Our Lodiee' Ostorde for Spring are bare in all the new style's, in biaok, tun sod oe000le8.8 Ae Tan Shoes are to be greatly in evidence this season, we have laid in a heavy stook for Alen, Women, Mleaee and Children. Ladies' lenbbere, 36o op. We pay tho highest price in Cash of Trade for Eggs, Dried Apples, 1+ite xxxxxxxxxxxm `t