HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-9, Page 5TRAIN UP A CHILD And when up readEo him or her i /..STOWEL 'Perm opens AprII lithe 1904 Two Courses— Commercial and 8L orEhaud Bond for Collage Journal. r� A. L. MOIN OY10E, Branagan, `dt BUSINESS CARDS. j ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cent, F.8. SCOTT, Brunets, TVH. MaCRAOKEN- 1}eaer of hlarriago Lfoenoes, 01- 1 ee at Grocery, Turnborry .treat, Brueeelg, ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN - A. DERSIONRn line several good Farms for tale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey, F B. SCOTT,Braesel C. 0. F. Court Prinoege Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. 1P., Brooeelo, meets in their Lodge Room, Bias - hill Block, on the 2ud and last Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'olook, Visitiug brethren always welcome. JAS, BURGESS, 0. R. A. E. MELLISH, R. S. NI. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INBORANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. J, LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, 0ffioe over Huraley'a Drug Store, Nov. Brd, 1902. 30.3w Brnaeol2. Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co., EoTABLIanED 1040 Insurance taken on the cash and premium note system at current rates. Before insur- ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGEIRS, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. }t S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • ran, will toil for bettor prices, to better mem In lees time and loge chargee than any other Anotlnneor in East Enron or be won't etarge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ROST. H. GARNISS BLUE VALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Salem arranged for at the office of Tan Po00, Bru0eele. 2281 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— ...A • Honor draduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals -1n a Oompot. ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Deotletry and Milk Fever. Calle promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnbetry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND E UNVEYANCINO, A• B. MACDONALD— Barrister, Bolioltor, Notary, Etc. Suoeeesor to t4. F, Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. politan Bank. IvM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solioltor, iConvoyanoer, Notary Public, bee. Uilloe—Stewart's Bleak 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pLIOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. W. PRorDFOOT,K. C. R. C. Bari G. F. MAID. Offices—Those formerly occupied by Meilen • Cameron & Holt. Goinnuou, ONTARIO. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON. 81. De O. M., Trinity University,Fellow Trinity Medioal College, Member 020050 of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege o1- le o of Physlolans and Licentiate of Mid- willory, Edinburgh, IsrTelephone No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College Of 1loual Burgeons of Ontario and Fh•atolaes Honor Graduate of Toronto Univoreit . Ofnee next to Rrower'e Phoregreph Gallery, BRU8BEL6, t A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. VP The largest and meet eu000seful Commerolal and Shorthand School11 ht Western Ontario, Our acurse0are un- to -date and practical, Loading001- loges in Canada and tbo tutted tates employ amraduatee ae teacher% Write for Miee oetaloguo. You may f.• enter Many time, fyI I3LLIOfT & aMOI,A0IILAN, Principals, Ti A GREAT St HON, .3LLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. 77/, Con. YOUNG AND ALEXANDER 8 oi1Ts A School that is not living on "peat reputation" butmnthe genuine work daily "at the pigment tinu." COLLEGE OPEN ENTIRE YEAR 1N1'ltl ANY TIME, Write for Magnificent Catalogue. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal, $8etatortlr. Beaforth ie making a bid for a Govern- ment poatoffioe building. The tentb annnel exhibition of the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association will be held at Seafcrth on November 20, 21, 22 and 23, 1905. At a meeting of poultry fanciers in town the following °donee were appointed : Hon. president, 13. 13. Gann, M. P. ; hon. vioe•prooident, H. Etlber, M. P. P. ; president, Dr. Boott ; vioe.preeidont, Peter Dill; secretary, J. P. Daly ; assistant eeoretary, W. Harley ; treasurer, Allan Close ; board of direolore, J. Y. Smiley, E. Daley, F. L Willie, And. Calder, Robt, Miller, jr„ Rnbt. Murdie. Mot *es visor tn- ScnaoL RgpouT.—Following ie report of U. 8, B. No. 4, Moloewortb, for the month of February. Averagealtendanoe 44. 7—Ella Fraser, M. Mitchell, 8, Elliot. Gr. IV—L. Campbell, T, Men• ziee, R. Elliot, I. Mitchell, A. Brown, D. Smith, E. Kippen, E. Elliot, A. Mo - Donald. Jr. IV—M. dangster, A. Bur- ton, W. Brown, 0. Donglae, B. Douglne, A, Scott, J. Elliot. Sr. III -0, Mo1ee, 0. Stewart, D. Fraser, K. Hannah. 0. Murray, M. Burton, H. Molntoeh, N. Stewart, R. McKee, E Burton, 0, Austin. 'Jr. III—G. McDonald, A. Stewart, J. 'Stewart, A. Armstrong, H. Elliot, Jr. II—M. Brown, M. Cumming' A. 1McIntoob, D. McDonald, J. Douglas. Pr. 11-0. MoKe", G. Seehaver, E' Barnett, Pt. I—H. Cumming, H, Mo• Donald, M. Waled). R. Gramm Fntenn, Teaober. Liicko ow. Angus Cameron left on Tuesday of loot week for Winnie"v, Manitoba, where he intends spending the Sommer, J. W. Murray has returned Lome from Los Angeles, California, where Mre. and Miss Murray are spending the Winter. nlliooionery oormone were preaohed in the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening by Rev. Dr. Oook, or Clinton Some four weeks ago William Bleak, of Hendrnm, Minnesota, flame here to visit hie Mater, Mre. Joseph Fenner, who ie Stopping with her daughter, Mre. J ill 01iff, of tbie village. About two weeps ago he wee taken ill witherysipelae in the aeok wbioh spread to the face and bead and he mooed away to the great beyond on Sunday of last week. De ceased was in 11is 66th year and woe well Frown and highly esteemed in the Deo• tion where he lived. The remains were interred in the Kinloss cemetery. Trowbrtdf:e. Another of Trowbridge'} old reeidente has paeeed away in the person of Mre. Nesbitt, be'oved wife of John Nesbitt, who died at the borne of her eon.iu•Iaw, Jamee Porter, on Saturday evening, Feb. 25th, at the ripe age of 86 years. She took a paralytic stroke while on a visit to her daughter, about eleven weeks ago, from whioh she never reoovered. The deoeaeed, whore maiden name was Jane Moore, was a native of County Haven, Ireland, and came out to Oanada with her parents, the late Wm. and Mre. Moore, when about fifteen years of age. The family settled in Derham Conntv. The deoeaeed was married al Ooboorg 86 years ago to John Nesbitt, who 0nrvivee her. After residing some years on the 9212 line of Wellesley, Mr. and Mre. Notelet removed to Trowbridge 33 years ago, and have einoe lived on the form adjoining the village. Besides her hue. band, who is now in hie 87th year, one eon, Wm. Henry Nesbitt, of Roland, Manitoba, and tour dongbtere survive, her loath being the first break in the family, The daughters, who are all mar. ried, are Mre, Whitfield Mo0ormiok, Trowbridge ; Mre, Jamee Porter, Elmo gravel road ; Mrs, Widdee Jaokeon, At. wood ; and Mrs, W. J. T0ghen, Trow- bridge. Henry Mt ore, of the and con., of E ma, is a brother of the deoeaeed. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon of last week to Elate Centre cemetery, and watt attended by a very large circle of Mende and aogoaintinoes. Rev, Mr. Tiffin of the Me8hediet ohurob, of which deceased was a life long member, 000• darned the services. C,I,etowel. Mies Scheeler hae bought the millinery and fanny goods stock of Mre. Little, and will oobtiune the buoineeo in the present stand, Mr. McKinnon, the new proprietor of the Arlington, is having a cement base- ment put ander the whole of the building and ie alto making other interior improvo- mente. Hay Bros,, of town, have bought Jae. Morphy'e grain elovatore at Mount Forest. A. Meyers, formerly of Listowel, will take charge of the business for Hay Bros. John Collins, Main street, who hae been laid hp with an absoese in hie throat ie progressing favorably einoe the gather- ing broke some daye ago and hopes to be around again shortly. Evongolietio serviette oommenoed Son• day in 1110 Methodist Church, Robert Mofdordy, the well known evangelieb from Toronto ie mudding the pastor, Rev, J. H141 . 0 004 in two melte of opetial Oerviae0, A large arid eotbneiaetio meeting woe held in the Queen's hotel on Wednesday eveuiog or lust week for the purpose, of organising en Intermediate end Junior football club, Following were the officers elected Eon. Pree,, B, Fora eaytho ; Hon. Vann Pres R. Arhell ; Preo. H. R. Morphy 108 Vice Pree, P. 6. CennolIv ; 2.1.1 Vice Pres , Geo. Bray; Man., Ed. Stewart ; Captain, Geo. Lorne ; flea, Treat,, J. 3, Montgomery 1 'Tenni Com C Bricker. M Scott W it :it<lbf9 Ramsay, along with olller ofliears Ground Com, Jae G ,icon, W. Z I i,x, Jae. Moorehead, Dalegatee to limiln, A. A. Bamford, o , E i. Btnwar'. It was de aided to enter a team in b th tits Inter. mediate and antler tV, 10'. A, It ie the intention of the olobe to hold a grand concert in the neat future. il,rrrtr„ BOWWWI. Broom —Following le the °Landing of the puede of B, B, No. 4, Morrie, for the month of February ;— V—Jennie Robb. Sr, IV—G aoe Robb, Willie Mo0utgbeon, Oliver Walker, Willie Badgley, Lorne Nichol, George erdan. Jr, IV—John Sprite, Leslie Thnell, Willie MaUu Moon, Ben Walker, Harold Speir. Jr. III—George Davie, Roy Thuell, George Badgley, Martha Ma0aiobeon. Barry Me0utcheen, Willie Thuell Pl. II—Willie Burton. MIs} HATTIE Dominic, Teacher. T Imata seen. The chair factory cad the Bell taotory are now Mooing full time. Town Clerk's office has been tarnished with a new desk about flfteen feet long, The Ditectoro of Tu'nberry Agrionl- tarnl Society have decided to hold the Fall Fair on September 28 and 29 Miele Cooper, who had charge of OOoper'e bookstore here for tome time, eft for 7'orontn to accept a position, Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Wingham, hae received the appointment from the Biehop of Huron ae Rural Dean of Heron ooanty. H. C. Kent, who hae been at the local branch of the Beek of Hamilton for up• wards of two years, hae been transferred to the heed office at Hamilton, After being an employee in the Bell furniture factory for about 25 years, Robs, Allen severed hie connection with it, and inlends entering the meroteutile business at Gk. Helene. Will, Bradley slipped ae he wag going into Mrs Carson's and in endeavoring to gave himself from falling, one of hie beads went through a large pane of glaeo, and was severely oohed by the broken glees. Iliivth Mre, Wm. Brown is very 01 at present with la grippe. T. W. Scott woe oslfed to the family home in London township on Friday, owing to the 000100° illnees of his father, who watt stricken with paralysis. Mr. Scott returned on Monday evening of lael week and feet accounts from the eiok ohamber do not show much im• provement in his father's condition. J. A. Taylor, B. A., principal of Dutton high school, eon of Jno. and Mra. Taylor, of this village, was ap- pointed assistant science matter of the London collegiate institute at a epeeist/ meeting of the London Board of Edam), kion on Monday afternoon of last week. On Tuesday the London board received a telegram from Mr. Taylor skating he could not =opt the position, ae the Dutton school board refund to release him, At the leak meeting of the O6ioial Board of Blyth bletbodiet ohuroh an in• vitatien was given Rev, J. Holmes 10 remain as pastor for a fourth year. Mr. Holmes accepted the invitation and will return for another year, providing the stationing committee of the 000ferenoe ooneents. The many friends of Mr. Holmes in Blyth will be glad to tree him back another year, for he No proved himself a good preaoher and an excellent' .pastor, and le a gentleman who le popular with all olessee of the community. i[3lesevalve. TanNooattY Contio 1,,—Minatee of Connell meeting held in the Clerk's ofiioe, Bl0evale, on Monday Feb. 13111, Members of Oonnoil all present excopt John Co0pidnd ; the Reeve in the obatr. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Meesre. Kelly and Moffett. Moved by Mr. Kelly, beclouded by Mr. Rutherford that we grant 612, toward erecting a wire fence on three aides of the original market square fn Wingham town plot.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Moffett, aeoonded by Mr. Kelly that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a by law to ley before the come. ail at their next meeting for the rep. poio4meot of John Slick ae caretaker of the Government ground North of the river is Wingham town plot.—Uarried. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. Kelly that drainage by•law, No, 6, 1905 be passed to snood drainage bylaw, No. 13, 1903—Carried. The auditors' re port was laid before the Council for final audit. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, eeo• ended by Mr, Mt /felt that the aw10000' report be a lopled,—Carried, meta ,1 by Mr Kelly, seconded by Mr. Rtt'herford that any riuepoyer wauuug oh tnge Of pelhmarter will notify awn • member of the council before next meeting,—Uarried. The following 0000Unte were passed and obegaee tested :.—Munigipal World, rolls, sabednloe, oto., $71 Jaffrey Mnogrore, gravel and damages, 98,05 ; Douglas Fraser, andil ; Alex, Mof''wen, audit, 910, audit ; John Motarove, audit, 92 Andrew Miller, benching on B. Line, $4 25 ; R Vanetone, debentures, 92 ; Wm. E. Mitebell, survey 12,11 con. drain ; Robert Dobson, survey 12 con. drain, John Little, survey 12 con, drain ; Andrew Campbell, 0nrvey 12 eon, drain, 75 ; Wm. P. Smith, local Bank of Hamilton, 92 lieleare ve, Mrs. T. B. Braudon, who bee been seriously i11, le improving nicely, Mite Minnie Brope, of Brlgrave, has bean laid up with an attack of guiney, Charlet MoReo hae been ou the oink list bat ie getting tome better now. Mre. B. Wdkineon, or Rip'ey, re visit• ing W. K. and Mre. Whaley and other friend°. The two oldest men tri the townebip of Morrie are said to be Wm. Hanna, of the 3rd 11061, dud Wm. Jackson of the 4111 line ; they are both hale and hearty, about 90 yenro of age, and likely to live for a long time to tome. Wm. Corbett, of Brlgrave, was united in marrirer;e oo Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, in Stratford, to Miee Duuglaee, a highly esteemed young lady of that city. The young 000ple are taking op their home on the Oorbett homeetead, adjoining Bel. grave. Mre. Brooke paeeed away, at 1110 Ira duatriel Home, 0 intoe, on Tbnreday, Feb. 23rd, and wad laid at rest by the aide of her hatband in the Brandon amatory. Her huebaud premed away tome 12 years ago. They were at one time early residents of East Wawanoeh, and well and favorably known. Belgrave Lodge, No. 321, A, 0. U. W., held an Oyster Sapper on Friday eves. ing, 3rd ineb., in honor of five of its mom• berg, who are removing to new fields of Tabor—namely, Dr. MoAsh, who at going to Europe; Ed. Wightmen, Hy. Wight man, Jamee Wightman and Henry Leiehman, all going to the Northwest Territories. Nitrol. A NCBLE LIFE 01,0000.—A death to which the glory of "life that sen never die," was witnessed on Thuroday Feb. 23rd, in the pulsing away of the spirit of Edzobeth Ellie, the beloved wife of Rev, H. A. Newcombe, of Clinton, to a better world, at the age of 68 years. The late Mre. Newcombe was a native of Prince Edward Ieland, and became the wife of Rev H. A. Newcombe, while a mreeio0• ary in the Bible Ohrietian °botch in that part of Canada. Their fleet station wag in Tweed, Ontario, where the aooiety wee small, but while there, their efforts were owned and blessed by God. Mr. and Mre. Newcombe were next called to Fenelon Fels, where the deceased organized the Sunday Sohool, and became its superiu. tendeot and choir leader, and each was bar desire wherever it became their lot to be cast, woe to labor ea ze0100013 for her Master ae her talents would permit, and that 0000000 and appreciation of her efforts were eetoliehed, it need only lee mentioned that never was Mre. New. aombe permitted to leave a field of labor without tome tangible reaoguition of her services. She was especially 0aaeeesf0l in Sunday Sohootand temperance work, and no greater encomium could be placed upon a wife by her hueband than that expressed by Bev. Mr. Newnambe in the great part the played in making hie labor in the ministry and mission fields that 0000000 which attended him. Their last etotion wee at Ethel, While engaged in her labor of love, was stricken with grippe, from which the never fully re. covered. They moved to Clinton 12 years ago ; foto yeara later Mre. Newcombe eofferiog a alight stroke of paralysis which enfeebled be mind and the was pra0ticalty ao invalid since, but in all her trials elle retained the same mieeion. ary spirit that obaranterized her format lite and was always delighted to welcome the servants of God. She was also benevolent beyond methane, often at extreme esorifloe to herself and family. An estimable family of two sone and three daughtero, also remain to oall her blessed, and are living examplee of that Christian influence, wbioh she abed abroad. Mre. Woodmen, of Boston, who was home for the funeral and le visit. £adifes' fine Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard hem you want another tt just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying, . i fere are a few: -- -On Saturday, March 4th, we place on our Bargain Counter 21 pairs of Ladies' Dongola Laced and l3uttoned Shoes, price was $1.50 to $8 ; your choice for $1. Sizes 8 & 8 . Harness Department Single Harness at Reduced Prices for 80 days for Cash. Trunks and Valises very cheap. Comfortable Dwelling and 9 tore land for sale cheap. Convenient to Wool, z.0. RICHARD . lag in "l'o'on, Idea. (Dr.) Evade, Mira !faro' .via and Woeiey. The funeral thou h ta'road private waa large y attended n.tturday afternoon. The den m a ' • hp0se were moot 110110100. ivo. Rita. Metiero. Wade, Greene, Dr. Uook and Manning taking part, the latter delivering au excellent and e, nobling addroee for the 000aaion. Interment took place In Clinton cemetery, Sonday everting Dr, Cook preafl Fd nemoria I Pennon en their derkdeither, eelogizing on the beautiful Carietiao life that had jaet 010304. 422110123082. Poelmeoter Scott hue a. gore "gather- ing" In hie left hand, named by pioking a pimple with a knife point. The Iuouranoe Oompaulee have paid over 930,000 to the Doherty Organ Co. here on their recent fire loeeeo, A farmer who brought a sleigh load of Lake Huron herriug here from Drye dale, the other day, found ready gale for them at 20a a dozen, Mies Miller, who molder' with her sister, Mre. James Walkinebaw, had the misfortune to elip down jest as the was entering a aide door of the poet office and broke her lent leg at the tbigb, It ie a serious break and will lay per op for some time. On February 22, at her reoldeooe, Aberdeen Avenue, Toronto, Mre, Gray, widow of the late Rev, James Gray, Beoretary.Treaenrer of the Superannea• tioa Fund, watt called home. Detonated wee IDs her eeventy•flret year. Mre. Gray had many friends in Clinton, who will regret her death, the late Bev. Gray hav- ing ben pastor of Ralteubury 130, Metho- diet Church. Oantelon Bros., who are at all timed willing to bring the name of Clinton to the foreground, have otruck on a new idea. They now have a robber stamp, which reads "Quality guaranteed by the Clinton Dairy Farm" and the words are }tamped on every egg that goes to flret-olaee dealers, in the Eaotern Market, Though new laid eggs are eoaroe, gelling at 20o and bnyere paying 18a, 1500 dozen were taken in by the above firm the peat week. A epeoial meeting of the council was held, all the members being present, The epeoial buboes to be dito0eeed was the bylaw in reference to Billiard and Pool room lioeneee. There was a variety of opinion() expressed in relerenoe to the matter, but it wart finally decided to ohenge the license from $50 now being paid, to 935 for the first table, 925 for the tad, and $15 for 3rd, whioh means that the town will derive $75 from this source for next year. For a Hamner of ,years the Retinae fee stood at 950 for the first table and 925 for each additional table, hot the commit of 1902 reduced the fee to $50 for four tables, t.aorlertolo. Reg. Blank opened op on Saturday in the store next to Wm. Shanmanee oboe attire a men'S furnishing and tailoring buolnese. Alex. Young, of Sbepperdtoe, who was laid up tor several weeks from the effects of a eevere kick from a horse, is able to be about again, There is a good deal of epeonlalion ae to whether the 0. P. R. trestlework across the river will stand the Spring flood. The testing time wilt mon onto now. The negotiation for the purobaae of the Horton property on SI George's crescent hae been completed. Dr. Whiteley ie the porohaser and the non• sideration is $5000. Word baa been received from George Aoheeon, who with Mre. Aoheeon ie still in Calitoroia, that be has divided hie orange ranch into building lots and has sold the property at good prioee. The news woe received of the death of Rev. Maloolui MacGillivray, eon of the late Rev. A. MaoGillivray, of Gaderioh, which matured al Childeroburg, Ala., Wednoeday of last week. The deceased was a minister of the Preebylerian ahorob, A sort of temporary bridge ie being laid moron the South arm of the river to permit of teams beeline the material comae for the dement abutments to be built in the water at this aide of the river. A couple of engines are kept running pumping water ont of the cofferdam° around the foundation of two abutments whish are started on the other side of the river. Abont 200 oarloade of earth per day are brought down from the steam abovel and dumped on the island or in the Booth branch of the river. WEDDING,—At high noon at Goderiah on Saturday, February 251b, at Alford Lodge, the reeidenoo of the bride's father, A. Farrow, ()aflutter of Ouetome, and brother to Poatmaeter Farrow, of Brae. eels, was the anent of a very pretty wed- ding, when hie oldest daughter became the wife of Richard W. Reid, of Brook. lyn, N. Y. Tho bride who looked ohartn• fog in a gown of white Brnaeole net over ivory taffeta Bilk, handsomely trimmed with r0011inge of net and Bilk chiffon ap. plique, and carrying a boguet of proem roast and maiden hair fern, entered the drawing room on the arm of her father, to the strains of Lollongrin'e wedding march, played by Mire MaLaoohlin, of Brueerlo. She woe preceded by her sister, Mies Laura E , who anted as bridesmaid, gowned In a bine eilk oolienne over blue silk taffeta and parried pink mos end maiden heir fern. After the wedding ceremony, wbioh was performed by the Rev. G. Hazen, B. A., and oongratnla• tions, the wedding party retired to sign the register, when Mies MoVittie, of Goderiob, sang very sweetly "0 Fair, O Sweet and Holy." The gueete then repaired to the dining room, where a dainty wadding luncheon was served. The table d000ratione were in green and white. The wedding pressing were very handsome, nnmerotte and eoetly. The groom'e present to the bride wee a hand. some pearl and diamond armband. To the bridesmaid e. pearl 013000ent and to the groomsman a tie pin. The bride's father presented her with a megniflo0nt cabinet of silver. The groom'e interims were looked after by G. Bnyder,of Brook- lyn, N Y. The ceremony vette witnessed only by the immediate relative,' of the bride end groom. The bride's going Owa;v gown was natty blue broddoloth trimmed with Persian silk and Bilk ap- plique, with hat of burnt tomato velvet, trimmed with Bilk roma. The bride and groom lett on the 8 p, et, train for New York, from vehenee they sail for Bermuda, on their honeymoon, after wbioh iliey will roeide its Braoldyn, 11, Y. T10 guests from a dietanoo were R. and Mrs, Farrow, Ottawa ; Mr, acid Mro, Moa. greys, Blnovalt; G. Reid (banker Mount FOrOBt ; Mr, and Afro. $ray, St. Relent) ; .xxxacalc== cam' r a tiny c i is ,y. tj MOK i N lel O N & a. �T 3 TJ IV EW SPRING WASH GOODS It ie impossible for uo to deeoribe the beauties of weave and alluding of the new treene0 we are Mowing. Never before hat such febrios been aeon in Blyth. Pay a visit to our Wash Goads department, and allow our ealeepeople to show you the goods, end explain their mantas to you. Printed Voile Sextette, a moat dainty fabric, printed in fierel patterns, in delioobe shadinge or pink, sky green, 010., at 15e, 202, 252 and 35d, Vesting°, in basket weaves, floret patterns and stripe°, very dwell goods, at 15%, 250, 35a and SOe. Cotton Voiles, in colors of pink, oky green and linen r fftate, at 10e, 12,3,•, 15o, 20o and 25o, Scotch Ginehame, in °mel! cheeks, in black and white and pink and white, also in larger rebooks, in a variety of new designs, at 100, 124o, 15•', and I8a, Spot Mneline, in email and large coio spot, sprays and flint! deaigne, at 5o, 80, 100, 15a, 20o and 25o. New Prints, in English and Canadian triode, inolndtng the celebrated Oram's and Aebton'e goods, at ffia l0o and 1240. CARPETS AND CURTAINS Our New Carpets are now open for inepeotiou, They were all bought before the advanoe in wool and will be sold at old prioee. Union Carpets, in new patterns and oolors, at 25o, 35o, 40a and 50o, Wool Carpets, new patterne, reversible, at 65o, 75o and 90e, Tapestry Oarpeto, all new deaigne, at 25o, 85o, 50o and 75e. We show a great snap in Laoe Ourtaioe, which we imported direot, 34 yerde long, 60 inohee wide, good value at $1,35, for $1, X X xo r, xx t XX X twbb>,,i' X #. W. H. Reid, Clarke ; Mies Jean Mc. Orimmoa, Ripley ; Mre. Smith, Blue vale ; Miss Reid, Millbrook ; W. Austin and Mre. Mahoney, Guelph ; Mee Jean MoLaaohlio, Bruseele. A deputation of merohante from Quebec Province will go to Ottawa to urge leeisla8ion against tradioe etampe. The political quarrel in Quebec bee been patched np, Premier Parent, who ie ill, will probably retire after the see- eio0 of the Legielotare. Mho Edith Barvie, an eoLimable young lady of Stratford, wee attacked an the street by an unknown woman and girl, who threw oarbolio void, burning the side of her face and neck. The Boron de Hirsch Institute at Montreal 10 in receipt of $10000 from Hermann Landau, of London, Eng'and, who le closely connected with the Rothe. ohiide, The money ie to be applied to the assistance of 400 Remittal Jews now oo the way to Canada, %/ A. Z1fl T AXX A Lome! Salesman for BRUSSELS and enrronnding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES." Newest varieties and epeoialtiee in Hardy /quite, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornament ale and Roese. A permanent situation end territory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write for parlioular°, and send 26 cents for our pocket miorogaope, just the tbing to ase in examining trees and planta for insects. Stone & Wellington FONTRILL NURSERIES over 800 acres TORONTO, — — ONTARIO SETTLERS' TRAINS Will leave 'reroute every Tuesday During March and April AT9P.AL„ FOR MANITOBA and the NORTH-WEST and run via Toronto, Grand Trunk, North Bay and Canadian Pacific). A Ooloniat Sleeper will be attaohetl to mash train. Pae. 0engere travelling without; live stook should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.48 p.m, Train leaving Toronto at 9 p. m. is for pus, 0euaers travelling with stook, Full partiaulnre and copy of "Western Canada,' from 0uy Canadian Pacific Rail- way Agent Or 0, B. Fosman, D. P,!A„ Toren. to, 83.4 In the Quebec, Legislature Mr. Leblanc asked for a committee of inquiry un the obargee against Premier Parent. • ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal I1all Steamers Grout Sr. John From Halifax norintblaii Sat.,Feh. le Mon ., Feb, 20 Parialan 01 '' 27 Sicilian Mar. 4 Mar. 0 Bavorlan " 11 " 1a RAPES OF PASSAGE First Cabin, 550 and upwards, according to 'daintier and acnammndarm, ; Sornnd Cabin, Liverpool and Lou.iond• err, 1037.50 and 3340, according to pt,+„lnn r, l,nnnau 002.00 extra ; Third Class, 427 57, 011,ei ter aa• onmmOdatlon, Liverpool, Derry, 18rlfo013, Glasgow, London. New fork fn Glasgow Laurentian ...• Thursday, March 2, I0 0.m First Cabin, 440 and up-2ud C obis, $35-3M Class, 52750. For+fnl•tber particulars apply to W. H. KERR, Agent, Iirneeels. Watches Clocks and Jewelry For a Choice Stock of Goods at FAIR PRICES the Public cannot do better than buy at my store, A Specialty of Repairing and all work Guaranteed. Call in. J. C. JONES CHANGE OF BUSINESS 1 Card of Thanks On amount of ill health I have disposed of my interest in the firm of Wilton & Turnbull to MR. WM. GILLESPIE, of Ripley, Ont,, and I lake ibis opportunity of extending my thanks to our many oe0tomero and Mende for their 000tinued pat. renege and confidence in our kindness reletione witb them for the poet nine yearn the firm :hae been in baeioels. I treat the sorbs and increased pat. ronoge may be extended my ettee 00or and the new firm. I remain, Yonne truly, JA.S. TURNBULL. Brussels, Fob. 20, 1905. WILTON & Notice to Debtors. All parties owing the firm of Wilton & Turnbull up to January, 1905, are request- ed to call at the store and settle either by cash or note on or before the 15th day of March as we want to got our books closed up by that elate if possible. Yours Truly, WILTON & TURNBULL.