The Brussels Post, 1905-3-9, Page 4bcrssCsls, THURSDAY, MAR, 9, 1905. PnovrNwIAL Parliament will open on Wednesday, 22nd inst. The session will be one of been interest owing to the change in administration, Trig government is after thefellow who melte down brown ringer, perfamee it with maple bark and labels it "Pare Maple Syrup" Man may be full of iu• gennity but this one point on which a Lull slop ehoald be pat to bis elevernees, Timm appears to be no email amount of unrest in the government affairs of the motherland and some of the wordy °lashes are'uot by any mans oouahed in the kindliest aentenoes. The Irish party is the cause of a good deal of the die. turbenoe. A Nora from Alberta eaye that plowing is taking the attention of the ferment and that seeding has commenced. Tbie sounds real musical ulnae we are still enveloped in snow and the only plowing in vogue is with the snowplow. Onr turn will noon be here. M12,I9TER of AGRIoDLTnaa 81ONTEITR has a large share of important work ant out for hie department and the advanced steps being taken along agrioultural lines will mean muob larger expenditure. No one will find fault bowever as this Province must oontinne to lend the van. Resew. will have to ',whack up" over $350,000 ae an indemnity for the igoor- anon of their fleet in not knowing e. Brit- ish fiehing emaok from a Jap. torpedo beet. It looks ae if their blunderiug in many other iaatancee will cost them considerably more before peace is pro claimed at home and abroad. HON. G W. Ross in to be presented with a oaeh te.timenial from the Liberal party on hie return from Jamaica and R. Be Gamey ie also elated for a gilt from the Ooneervetiver, "not on a000ant of its in trinsio worth but as a token of &a." It must surely pay to be either great or notorious. We hope if Mr, Gamey gets the money that he wont have any trouble with the deposit clip this time. THERE is at the present time an i0mate for every oell in the Central prison locat- ed at Toronto, 410 in all. Thin must surely be the "growing time" in badness as well as in goodaeee. Some people aver that the jails and prisons of thie 000ntry are a trill: too comfortable to prove muob of a deterrent to evildoer* and think that a trifid more "mit" would not •be a bad ingredient to add to the bill of fare. THE demise of E. F. Clark, M. P., of Tlrooto, removes a men of more than ordinary ability and one wbo by hie real worth had won many triende. He had risen by his own efforts from a printer in Toronto to the Mayor's obair and eeete in Parliamentary halle at Toronto and O.tu wa. Mr. Clark wee the owner of the Orange Sentinel. He was born in Bailieboro,' Co, Cavan, Ireland, in 1860 and died ot heart weakness following pneumonia. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. He was familiarly known among his intimate friends as GREAT BRITAIN will not allow any other Nation to displace her well earned right, a8 mistress of the 'sae, if np•to date methode will do it. Six million dollars has been voted for a new contingent of battleships and cruisers. I8 seems a great pity in the 20th century that these large expenditures are necessary in keep• ing np a cavy when the money ie so badly needed to further Ibe arts of peace. By the way Admiral Togo battered the Rae - sign warships oak of Mutinous the old style of guns and ship do not ant muob of a figure in a rad hot engegement, hence the tneaeeeiky of the modern methods. BY an order in oonnoil the divieion court inspector's] office has been transfer. red from the department of the Commie. stoner of Public worke to the Attorney. General's department. This office, whioh has oharge of the division courts through- out the Province, bae been for foor years ander the Commissioner of Poblio Werke and before that was under the Provinoiel Treasurer. It he felt that it will be better to be ausooiabed with. the Attorney General'! department. An important feature of the °Moe is the extended patronage it controls in the appointment of divisional court oterite and bailiffs. Tho roeidenee of R. W, Sawyer, drug- gist at Wiarton, wee destroyed by Are on Friday night. Robert titeen, aged 18, fell down an elevator theft at Nordhoimere', Toronto, and died in the hospital, The It. Greening Wire Cumpany'a worsts et Hamilton, suffered 810,000 damage by fire, An exploeion at the Dominion Iron & Steel Oompany'e works at Sydney ren• dared four buret furnaces inoperative for severe' dayo, No one With injured. Crown Attorney Curry, will pro080ute the obarge of murder ageinet Leonardo Motiteparto, the Ito tan, notwithstanding the fact that the Corner's jury returned verdtot of maneladgb'er. Three Workmen were buried ander tone el iron ore at the Dominion Steel Worke at Sydney by the cave iu of the stook. pile. All were rationed after several min• ute8, without Betimes injoriee. The Ooroner'e jury on the death of Al. oide Laurin, kilted in a hookey game at Maxville an Friday f evening, found that death was oaneed by a blow from Loney's hockey etiok, not given in eel,. defeooe. The Ooroner'e jury at Orangeville in the aaee of Aex, Robineon'e death re - thread a verdict that death wee due to natural mimeo, aggravated by wounde and exposure. The Montgomery! and William Harrison were oampletely exon meted. Grey Council Meeting. The Municipal Connell of the township of Grev, met at the Townahip Hall, Feb, 27th, pertinent to adjournment. Members were all present, Reeve in the °heir. Minster! at feet meeting were read and passed. The Engineer's Report on the Silver Corner's Drain improvement wee receiv. ed by the Clerk on the 7th day of Febrn cry, and it was moved by William Fraser, seconded by J. ho Great, that the Olerk notify all pereoos assessed for said drain, of the estimated noel of the drain and the amount of their aseesement and that the adjourned reading of the Engineer'e report will be read, considered on the 27th day of February, et 11 a. in. Carried, Moved by William Fraser, ascended by Juo. Grant that the report of the Engin ear on the Silver Oorner'e drain improve ment be now read and considered. Oer ried. A number of the ratepayers melees ed were present at the meeting and th report was read and aoneidered. Moved by Demme Johnston, seaooded by Jno.' Brown that the Engineer's report be adopted and that the Clerk be authorized to have a by law prepared for Mame. Carried, Moved by Jao, Brown, seconded by Damien Johnston flet the agreement ot the contractors, A. Hill & Go., for the enperettecture of the White and Cran brook bridges, se emaciated, be aooepted, The Reeve was authorized to nigh the same on behalf of the corporation and the oorporate seal be attached tbereto and a copy of said agreemeut be filed with the Clerk. Carried, The following tenders for the coo etruotion of the White and the Craobrook bridge abutments were received :- T. W. Hill, cement, 55 50 per an. yd. P. J. McDonald, cement, $5 25 per 00. yd. and 5425 per aa. yd, if allowed to use broken atone, and 530 00 for removing old bridge and abutments, Excavation 30 cents per ea. yd. A. Hislop, cement, $5 00 per on. yd., removing old bridgee and abatmente, and excavation included. H. Alcock, cement, $4 50 per an. yd. and $4 40 per on. yd. if allowed to nee broker' atone and $25 00 eaob for taking down old bridgee and removiag abut. menta and 10 conte per 00. yd, for exaav• ati0n. George Barolay, dement, $4 65 per on. yd. end $4 50 per on. yd. if avowed to nee broken atone and $60 00 for taking down eaob bridge and removing ubntmeote and 35 tante per an. yd. for excavation. Nagle & Looby, Orenbrook bridge abut- ments, oemeot, $4 40 per on. yd. - If allowed to use broken atone, $4.00 per. en. yd. and 512 50 for taking down old bridge. Excavation 45 cents per on. yd. Nagle & Looby, White bridge abut- ments, oemeot, $436 per aa. yd. If allowed to nee broken stone, $4 00 per on. yd. and 812 50 for taking down old bridge and removing abutments. Exam, °tion 45 Dente per an. yd. Moved by Joo. Brown, seconded by Jno. Grant that the tender of Nagle & Looby be accepted at 54 00 per aa. yd., allowing broken atone 6o be need, taking down both old bridgee for $25.00 and exoavating if required for 45 pante per an. yd., work to be satisfactory to the iaepeator in oharge. Ooniraotor is to pay one half of inepeotor'e fees, which mast not exceed 52 00 per day. Contract to be completed ae early as the (Jonooil de. anode. Security to be eatiefaotory to Coanoil. Carried. • • • PATDAfSBTERB, North Boaodary-Geo. McDonald, S. G. Sangster and Henry Armatrong. Cone. 1-2-Jno. Outt, Donald lila• Donald, Edward Bryaue, Job L, King, Jno. McDonald, Geo. Brown, Geo. Coats and Amos Smith. Cone. 3-4-Danoan Taylor, Alex. R MoDonald, William Lowe, Jos. Raynard, Jae. Peareon, Wm. Bremner, Daniel Spillet and David Dauber, Oona. 6-6-Jno. Oliver, Thos. Strachan, Angus Sheet, Peter McIntosh, Thoe. Voddeo, Joshua Flood, Robert Close and John F Boirnee, Cone. 7 - 8 - Nelson Cardiff, Robert Inglis, Amens Lamont, Peter Lamont, Christian Eekmier, Robert Bremner, L. A. Meson, Wm. Young and Oborohill Bawtinheimer, Oona. 9 -10 -Wm. J. Hemingway, Jno. Greene jr., Jno. Stehle, Wm. Smaildon, Jonathan Wright, Ieaao Lake and J. K. Baker. Blind Line Div. -Charles Alderson, Clone. 11 -12 -Jae. Betz, Albert Carter, Jae, A. blcLeuohlin, Wm. Cameron, Jure P. Molntoeb, Levi Whitfield and Jae. Denman. Oona 13-14 - David Ritobie, Wm. Blake jr , Donald Stewart, Jno, MoNabb, Jacob Ziegler, Jae, McNair jr„ Albert Whitfield and Joe. Whitfield. S. R. Div. -Robert Miller. 0orte, 16 - 10 -Ted Nolan, William Tatter, Jae. Heaton, Jae. Perris, Geo. Dunlop, D. Liviugeton mad Geo. McKay. Clone. 17-18 - Joseph Bennett, Jno. Smiley, Wm. Doaoeeeon, Jae. W. Williamson, Jno, Williamson, Alfred Smith and Wm. Meehan. S.11 Div. -Hugh Ramsey. Gravel Road - Samuel Snell Jae, Strachan, Jae. Pere, Geo. McFarlane, Wm. Rands and Wm. Sboldioe. Graham's Survey -Hugh Elliott. Walton village -R. H. Ferguson, Go motion of John Brown, aeaonded by Jno. Grant the tollowiug Reorients were ordered to be paid :- Mmtioipal World, 6 oopie0 Aeaea• 8or'6 Gnidee and Aee'ment Roll$ 6 68 G. T, R., rental on culvert Lamont Man. Drain, Morrie 25 Kreuter et Ritahie, oil and taokh72 Jno. Gainer, Peet award, bdy Grey & Elena, Grey'o there,15 60 Peale Beirnee, dtawiug and ahoy oiling gravel, lot 32, eon. 6,..,1 66 Jno, Long, taking Jemea Richard eon to Loudon asylum .14 80 W'iuiam Coate, tee re title of trees artr'e Beautifies! . 4 25 R. W. Livingston, orepe0988 to growth, excellent in quality, and per, Wingham, re Farmed appeal.. 1 60 manent in ohareotar. R. 0. Gavels & Go. supplies for auditors 42 Philip Amens, poets for culvert, lot 82, son, 17 8 20 Wm. Coate, regieteriug By law No 280 2 00 Moved eeognd04 and oarried that the Council do now adjourn to meet at call of Reeve. done Molise, en, 0,erk. New Features In Millinery.. The entire "newness" is the moat die • tioguisbing feature of the Spring models. In shapes!, size, trimmings, and colors the departure from recant 110,9 le very marked, and shows the lendonoy to me, direly new toren, wbile the combining of oolore is invariably shown, the emall amount of blanit is noteworthy, eepea Tally as it is most frequently relieved by tooahee of Dolor. In abapee the flit tops, and also the email round Drown ie very new ; the trimming is maimed et the back, and gives a decided tilt over the frith. In cetera the olive and bronze greens lead, while white, bine, pink and the burnt onion are exceedingly ropalar. Oreamente °hada to tone in with trim. ming8, ae do the ribbone, Shaded rib. bone, shot moire and metallic effecter, in the eoft weaves all show mnoh 1808968 coloring, some blending from Fele green to deep tangerine, others the exgtueite tints of the opal. As to flowers and foliage, "an 0npre• oedented season" say the knowing °nee, most popular ie the rose in all hues and sizes, with the tendaooy to tbe medium Biz*, following oloealy ie the set pieoe "t the emelt button timers baoked with glossy green leaves, quilt shaped. Thee' are moat effectively need an the new models. The long ties of tulle and velvet rib• bon appear on the dressy palterne, which allow gaantitiee of tulle. Tulle 18 lav• iehly abed in every oonaeiveble way. The crinoline braids are of tra0epareut quality, and combine with tulle most eaooesefally. A partionlarly good model in Ole style was in the burnt onion tunes, the ehape a sort of poke Napoleon, the annotate braid bad 8 eoft faal,19 of tulle enoiraled with email pink ro8ee and ought o0 the left aide with a baonh of pastel blue flowers -a oharming calor contrast, The new combining of many colors in ribbon trimming was effectively developed on a haodeome model nn the olive lonee, with large fiat top of arino• line braid and fanny straw 6a0deaux, the only trimming being a loug vari-oolored ribbon plume adjusted on one aide be- neath the flat top. In many models the band, while nen row in front,/00008008 in depth to the beck, and allows mutt banking of ffowere, foliage and ribbon. A reeeda pattern following these linea was finished et the bank with roses of soft ribbon, and two tips, ehading from reeeda to white, thus indicating that feather* are to stay, Aigrettes are also in demand, The newest lane, the "Broderia An• glaiee"-copying the old English 0m. broideriee-and the Irieh lathe are high in favor. Many handsome modal* are entirely of Moe. A perfeat bat of this desoription to be worn with the new velamim ine style of gown had a alightly drooping brim, the Drown wreathed with exquisite white rosea, the book centred with a handsome ornament bolding a quaint bow of moss velvet ribbon, and long 1108 of velvet and inane. AmoLg the ready•to•wear designs the variety and etylee snit all teethe, and must be seen to be appreoiated, while the imwenes galea denote their increasing popularity. Pasture Crops. The area of cleared land devoted to pasture in Ontario amo0010 to nearly three million acres, and that devoted to hay and plover to about two and one. half million Gores a0naa117. A large number of varieties of greases and clovers have been grown in the Experimental Department of the Ontario Agrinnitural College, both singly and in combination, for pasture and for hay. The mixture of Beed now ueed for the produotir,o of pasture for a two years' stand in the abort rotation on the Oollege farm ie ae follows :-Red Clover, 7 Ibe. ; Alathe Clover, 2 lbs. ; Timothy, 4 Ibe. ; and Ocollard Grate, 5 Ibe , making a total of 18 Ibe. per core. Tbie mixture eau also be need for hay, but when the chief aim i8 the production of bay, the O.ahard Grate ie not included and only 15 lbs. of seed per more are sawn. Farmere frequently write in the °pring of the year, meting that through lack of germination of the graee and clover seed, the killing of the planta by the hot dry weather of the Summer, or the heaving of the clover in the early Spring, the pasture orop ie likely to be deficient in the coming seethe, and asking whet they ca0 sow in the Spring of the year that will farnieb the beet paeiere in the same season is which the need was Bowl,. As a result of these experiments wo find that we oa0 get better returns from a combination of varieties than from any one variety mown by itself. The follow• ing mixtare, when eown in the Spring, is likely to be ready for use at about six weeks after the seed is sown and to give good satiefaotion in furnishing potters throughout the Summer ; nate, one and one•balf beebele ; early amber eager Orme, thirty pounde ; and common red clover, seven pounds ; thea making a total of eighty eight pounds of seen per care. Sometimes a farm aotaine a eon sidereble amount of comparatively rough land, or fields wbiob lie at a long didactics from the baildinge, and the owt,or le anxious to nee a mixture of gra0see and ala0ere whieb will make a permanent Nature, From twenty year9' results in te8tiug different 08rietie9 of graeeee and olovere, botb singly and in oombiaxtion, we would suggest the following m•xtrtte for permanent pasture on an average soil :-Orabard geese, 4 lbs. ; m,.adow teepee, 4 Ibe, ; tall oat grime, 8 Ibe, ; timothy, 2 lbs. ; meadow loatail, 2 Ibe. ; lucerne, 5 lbs. ; Mello oiover, 2 lbs ; and white clover, 2 lbs, ; thus making a total of 24 poende of meed per a0re. Some of these varieties prodnoe grass very early in the Spring ; while inhere are later and tarnish a good bite during the bot dry Weather which oo0nre fre• gently in the months of July end Auuuet. The seed pan be gown in earl y Spring either witb or without a groin prop, Snob a mixture ae this, when once well established on editable l'tnd, should form a paetare attendees in P1Cw00(8. John Johnson left for Munising, Mioh., where be has boomed a poeitlon with a j waile gyruer, Harvey, 1061) ocn., East, ie eon. Hoed to bed buffering from a eevero cold acid from being badly run down in health, Jae Dialteo„'e sale was a grand 8009008, totslting ever 51,900 whinh with horses sold before the sale, brought the total up close to 52,500. Thee. Neebitt hoe sold hie comfortable briok reaidenoe 00 Mein street, to Mre. Peeress who i8 now p000pying it, Mr. Neebitt is oaaupyiog the bootie formerly owned by Wea. Candler, until each time ae he moves to the Weet. The residents of Elite village and eare ronudiog oo0ntry were greatly shocked when word wee received by wire on Bet. nrdav morning of last week that Lathe Stewart had died early tbab morning in St. Joseph's boepital, Gue'ph. Very few knew that he bad been 111 and us be was alwoye looked upon se a strong, sturdy fellow, hie sudden dealt Oam9 ae a great enemata to ell. Lobe heti been at world in Gneiph for tom time and the week before Inst oontreoted a beavy oold. On Sunday he feet vary mieerab.e and a chem of hie advised him to call Eu a doctor, On Mouthy be did so, and the doctor pronounced it a severe attaok of pneumonia and rd•dered him to be taken to the hospital, He entered the hospital 0a Wednesday and there he received every attention, bat all in veto the disease had secured too fi-m a hold on him, and on Saturday morning he died, after a day or two of intense suffering. The body wee broagbt to the home of his grandfather, John Bell, on Batordey evening, The funeral took p10oeron Mon• day at 2 p. m, and was largely attended. Rev. itIr. MoVioar conducted the Beryline. Po rd w1eti. H. Granville is confined to the beano with a severe attaok of gangrene. The Ferman' Inetit088 will hold their 8un0al meeting here on March 11th to the new hall. Jno. Strong has purchased the Downey farm, jest West or R Harding'° farm on the 10th con., for 52,000. Thos. Goggin has Kone to (Javan to wait at the bedside of hie brother -in law, who is not expeoted to recover, Wm. N. Seery reaeived the 0,ntract of putti0g iu the mutant abutments for the two new steel bridgee to be erected in Howiek next Summer. Tenders for the two new steel bridgee were discussed at last Council meeting. There were 5 tenders in far the steel work. After due ooueideration it VMS moved by tethers. Winters a.,d Hainetook that the tender of the Mitchell Bridge Co, to hui:d two steel bridgee for the Bum of $1580, the Pratt trace to be on both bridves, be accepted -Carried. Go Monday, Feb, 20.h, death invaded the home of Robt. Hooey, of Oberlton, Nipiaoiug Dietriot, an0 removed the mother at the age of 60 years end two days, She had been a sufferer for some time from tuberaoloaie of the iaoge and h+r death was expected fur gems weeks. The daoeaeed was born in Darlington towaehipand in her youthful years she moved with her parents to Cartwright towoebip, where she was married to Robert Hooey about 87 years ago. Shortly Mier their marriage they moved to Howiek, About 1890 they gave 0p farming and retired to Fnrdwioh, where they roaided until May, 1892, when they removed to Charlton, where the deoeaeed peened away. She wee a Mud and affectionate wife and mother and a veru obliging neighbor. Sbe leaves a Borrow ing hoeband, who ie in 111 health, o0e eon and one daughter, who were with her in her lest momenta, Perth County. The Stratford hospital ball netted $300. The Odidfellowe have plaoed a piano in their ball at Mitchell. John Thorn, who spent the past fifteen years in Mitohell, left last week to try hie look in Manitoba. On Toeeday evening, March 14th, the Canadian Order of Foresters will give an oyster supper to all its members in Mitchell. Ohne. Lemon bee disposed of hie barber bueiueee in Mit.ohell to Wm. Hofiinh, an employee in Chars, Pella• kowoky's ebop. A former Mitchell High school ►eeoh• er was i0 tbat;lowo laet week but few knew him, He ie a perfect wreck and was wilhont a shirt to hie batik, St. Marys pays its clerk $360 ; tree - Borer, 5300 ; 800800or, 5150 ; collector, $100 ; ohief oonetable and truant officer, $400 ; night covetable, $400, and night wetohmn, $400. 1n view old W. White's aooeptance of the Liaenee Inap'otorebip of South Perth be hue decided to resign his seat as county councillor, ea he cannot, ander the law, bold both poeitione. 0:iver Harris, ex Reeve, of Pullarto0, wilt likely succeed him. POVERTY IN ENGLAND -1'. H. Race, who re0ently retuned teem England, Nivea the following appalling narrative of tom e of the eight8 he witnessed in Liverpool "Bat the teal eaene0 of poverty still awaited me. On leaving the premises already deeoribed, the party of 08 were token through the streets and olleywaye of the adjoining district. I never want to witness such a eight again. Fifteen minutes of it WW1 an 41181 I wanted, and I begged to be allowed to_return to the world of oivilizatiou. Bat there waft 00 way 0111 that poverty and equator did not confront One. Along the narrow alleyways women were sitting o0 the stone etepe, or in the doorways, somotimee two twiddled together wi h one rugged shawl palled oloeely about them. Bometimee two women each with a baby would be hod• dled together with tt large oauvae bag, or a piece of old eail pulled tightly about them ; and in one oath I sew three women to this oonditon with a fainly good shawl about them that Boma good Samaritan had provided. Bat the pictures of those (eon, more demon than human, were enough to haunt one in hie dreame. The obildren, 00meron8 almost ea the oobble atones on which they limped a boat, surrounded De on every hand and begged for liokete. A tioket.wite an admission to the soup kitchen and was gond for a plate of soup end a think elioe of bread, Earth fiokst repreeentn on8•18811 penny, end that the adult! °est of the repeat of bread and temp It would eoaroely be possible on a humanity beetle to describe the fame and peered appeurevoe of those children, 00 little of the human flee divine was there pictured in thein, They live together, more lilte anima's than Unman beings. without any regard to morality or any reetraluing iafiuenoee that would tend to keep alive the Human instinct," Tho propoeit'on to n6Bi0t Hill & Co , Mi 013011, seems to have fallen through, The 001Oloil met to ooneider the question of enbmitting a by•lew, when it was found that oounoillor Burritt, who up to this time fathered the eoheme, was now out flatdooted against it. In the selection of a Liaenee Iuepeatar for South Perth the dark horse won out. The plum pee to Wm. White, of Hibbert, and there bae been tome 8trou9 kioking over the appointment, Several hold that on a00o0nt of hie helping to defeat Mr. Pridham for the Commons that he lied ha deem to the ethos, end all kinds of thraate are being made against Hon. Mr. Monteith when be offers for election. Announcement came of the death of Miss Luoe, Jameetow0, N. Y. The young lady was well known in Mitchell, having spent her vacation there almost every Sommer, the guest of Misses K. 'ler. It implant -9 that she wae decor. ating the roam of Mee Hall, a oo.nurse in the Hospital, who wee expected from England. While near the top of a ,tap ladder ebe fell, breaking a leg, and a temple of ribs. The latter are aupposed to have penetrated alung, and the un• fortunate young woman died on Tuesday. Rev. Samuel Macauley, superannuated Methodist minister, died at Belleville. Mrs, Peter McLaohli0, of Arnprtor, died 'suddenly while driving home from (thumb. The infant daughter of George Goold, of Hamilton, was fatally burned by her ',lathing catching fire, Right Rev, D. J. Brainard watt installed ae Biehop of tbe new Roman Catholic dimmer, of Sault Ste, Marie. A Greek named Pothakoe wan fatally stabbed at Fort Wi !ism while walking on the street with hie young eon. Two children of Walter Phillips, of Niagara Falls were burned to death dor. tug their parent! absence from the house. An Italian named Palable wee probably fatally stabbed by a fellow countryman at St. Calbariuee and the assailant eeoap. ed. The hardware dealers of Montreal will appeal to the Federal Government f,r relief from the alleged hardware maw bine. Bondholders of the Kingston Street Railway have deoided to ran no more Dare until they make an arrangement witb the oity for a eopply of power. William Lockhart, an aged farmer of South Goafield, and Mies Kaye were streak by a train while driving over a aroesing near Kingsville, and both, it is feared, are fatally injured. Colonel John F. Gaynor and Capt. Benjamin N. Greene, two fugitives from Am-rioan justice, were arrested et Qoebeo and taken to Month -al to appear before the Extradition Commission, IMPORTANT NOTICES t (TORE TO -RENT IN THE kJ village of Oraubtook, lately oaounted by A. MoNair. wbo bae sold out. Terme reaeoaable, Apply to J. LONG, Oraubrook. HOUSE FOR SALE. - 10 11 rooms. soft and hard water, storm windows, atom' and screen doors. Good Stable. f acres of land. 15 fruit trees. Very low taxes. A comfortable home cheap. Apply to R. N. DUFF, Bluevale P. 0., Out. NOUNG DURHAM BULL 20 menthe old, with first clava pedigree, and from splendid milking strain. for sale. While the animal remains barn he will be kept for service at $1 60 ALES.. GARDIN- E11, Lot 28, Con, 19, Mc%t110p, or Leaabury P.O. 30.08 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Heron. In the matter of the estate of George Hood, late of the'i.'ownehip of Morrie, in the County of Heron, farmer, deceased. Notice is bereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, Chap. 129, Seo. 38, that ell creditors and otbere having claims against the estate of Goorge Hood, late of the Township of Morrie, in the said Oounty, farmer, who died on or about the 504 day nt February, A.D. 1006, at the Town- ebi of Morrie, r ere p pre a M e hereby a ll er 10 to send by poet, preSunshine P. delivernt r of the llast Wil and Ten P. 0., the he mid of the oo will od A. 05, Testament a the sate Veorge Hood, en to A. B, Macdonald, of the ereVillage of Brussels, his 6olioitor, on or before the 23rd day of Marob, A.D. 1005, theirfull pamep, addressee and the full particulars of their claim'', and the nature ol the eeouri. ties (if any) held by them. 4,04 notice whereby given that after said last mentioned date, the said Executor will proceed to dietrl huto the assets of the deceased amongst .the persons entitled thereto, having regard;only to the Matins of which notice shall have been given es above required, and toe said Executor will not be ,esponeible for the assete or any part thereof so distributed, to any person whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels. this 21st day of Febru. are. 4. D„ 1006. A. B. MACDONALD, 38.8 Solicitor for Exeoutor, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Robert Wateon Skelton, late of the Town• ahip of Morrie, in the County of Huron, farmer, deeeaeed. Settee is hereby given purapant to Revle. ed Statutee of Ontario, 1807,0hap, 129, that all creditors and others having. claims ngainet the Estate of the late Robert teat - the Skelton. who died on or about the 2nd day of February, A.D. 1005, are required on or before the 11th day of March next to send by poet prepaid, to Albert Rowlett, Bruecele Post Officio, or deliver to 0,m at the Townelip of Morrie in said county, one of the Executors of the Will of the Bald deceased, the 1,011 partieulare of their claims, a statement of their n000nnte end the nature of their eecurltien (if an)) held by them. And further take notice that after said Jest mentioned date the Executers will proceed to .distribute the assets of the deceasedamongthe patties entitled Mel'od°, having re and only to the claims of wheat notfoc sbapil then have been given, andtbat the Bald Exeoutnrs will not be Mable for the said aaeote or any part thereof to any per. 000 of whale 'Mame notion than not town been 080018ed by them at the time of 60o10 distribution, Dated 81 Goderiob, thle Met day of Fob - teary, A. D.,1050, P1t0UDb'001', HAYS d: 13LAIR, Weld/ohs for Wm. 8. Skelton, T'hoe, 01. Ohl - ten end Albert Howlett, Extohtore, STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERTIQE,-THE undersigned will keep for eervloe on Let 10, Coo, 14, Grey, tt 7,'boro'-bred Durban. Bull, Toms $1.00, with prlvliega of return - Mg if mummery. JAB, BHI19L8, 84.9 Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.- THE uuderoigued 80111 keep for pelvic(' on Lot20, con, 9, Orey, a thorn bred Yorkshire hog,u01 liurford.JllPedigreetiMay Geos oil ou application. Terme $1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if 900810ary, ALEX. D. LAMONT, 24- Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. GOOD 50 ACRE FARM FOR Bale, B 3 Lot 25, Cou 11, Grey, Eaay terms. Apply to JNO, B. HYDE, on the premises, t1run0rook P.O., or 3,8, Scott, Brussels. 25 FARM FOR SALE. -CHOICE 50 acre farm for sale, being South ball Lot 0, Con 7, Grey. Mostly eeeded down and woll immured. Good bank barn and comfortable house. Close to salmi and 25 miles from Brussels, 5 acres of Fall w11e00 its. Apply to 5, 0. 'PUCK, Brussels, 00-tf 'FARM FOR SALE.- GOOD homestead -300 acres -In the Town- ebip of Morrie, Burou ooanty. For nettle Wars apply to 1 BENNETT, 8 tt 550 Bathurst St, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE CONTAIN- ING 90 Acres, being North buttes of Lots 16 and 10, 0013.1, Grey. Comfortable frame house, bank burn, orchard, dto. Only 9 miles from Melesworth. Good locality anti 000 roads. Immediate 11080008108. Far further particulars apply to or write W. H, SERB, Brussel°, ,ARM POR SAI1E.-Tf1E UN- dersiP,ned afore her 100 (Lore fano, be- ing Lot 20, Cnu, 7, Grey, for sale. There is a comfortable house, bank barn, or- chard,'wells ,tte. farm is only i mile from the thriving village of Ethel, For further particulate as to pries, terms, 90., apply to MRS. SAT,, HOLLAND, 7313huter street, Toronto. GOOD FARM FOR SALE.- Tha nndereigued offer for ease his farm, being Lot 1, Con. Morey. It is sit. uated ou the Gravel road,2 miles South of Bruecele and contains 388 acres of good lend, all cleared but 10 Roves. 'There to a Stet plass brick house and kitchen, boated with furnace, wood shed, artesian well with windmill and water in pumped to barn. Barn is 80x58 feet with atone BtabWs's. Bay barn 88x88 foot. Goad orchard, farm well fenced ; pleasantly situated Will be sold on easy terms. Apply on premises or Brus- sels P.O., ENEA6 0111033, 154r NIMINMCVMMAIIMMIMNoms LOOK A E AD To -day is your oppor- tunity. While you are in health prepare for the to -morrow of sickness, adversity and old age. A n Accnmulation Pol- icy in the Confudoration Life will make these prepar- ations for you. On account of its lib- erality, clearness and freedom from conditions the Accumulation Policy is the contract you will find that exactly meets your requirements. DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE AND FULL INFORMATION 8i1NT ON APPLICATION TO W. H. KERR AGENT, BRUSSELS. AT COST WITH THE OBJECT OF CLEARING OFF THE STOCK OF Toys, Dolls, Books, &e. as the room is wanted for other pur- poses, the balance of the goods will be sold at COST for 30 days. POST BOOKSTORE BRUSSELS. MARC$ 1 TO MARCH 11 BARGAINS 9 Every Day Ea{gain Day 11,50 %el iled111.1101i 910101 During this time, in order to make roam for two car- loads of Buggies and Machinery, we will offer everything in stock at prices to move them. Following are a few of the Bargains to be had for Cash only ;- 1 only MsKie Special Buggy regular $S0 00 now 565 00 1 only Palmerston Special Buggy 80 00 " 65 00 1 only Sunol Jogging Cart " 38 00 " 38 00 1 only Road Cart t` 23 00 " 18 00 1 Perrin Single Riding Plow 35 00 " 26 00 (Plowed a few acres) 1 Kangaroo Plow, used a few days " 26 00 " 18 00 1 Bell Two -furrow Plow with straight and rolling coulters '° 80 00 't 25 00 2 Listowel No. 17 General Purpose Plows " 13 00 "' 11 00 1 Singer and 2 White Sewing Machines, nothing better made, at Bargain Prices for immediate sale: A number of good serviceable Second-hand Cutters and I3uggies at your own prices, A NumberDrivers of Sorkin Horses ��.� from 4 years old up, and 1 Cow 7 years old will be sold worth tbo money. Horses, etc., can be seen at the stable formerly used as a Sale Stable by G. L. Walker. "la ao'ill'111515t'4P 1,90.1ittlAll,'luel Neil MeLauchlin R AGENT, BRUSSELS. 1