HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-9, Page 1rit Vol. 88. No, 35 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1903 W. H.KERR, Prop._ New Advertisements, Koval -Jobe Hewitt, Bpriug Tan -Jae. Pox. Rings -H. L. Jackson. Page Fencing -R. Oloee. Golden Liquid -R. Crone. Don't Worry -D. 0. Rose. Ease far eyes -Mien S..mple. Farm for Bale-Jno. MoNab. Ball for Service-Jno. Orerar. Bpriug Hate-alaliinnon & 00. Barker Brand Ooilare-D. 0. Roes. te Ease For Eyes. Seeing requires e• muscular strain only from those with int. I perfect eyes. By perfectindsidht we remove all slrain,then G !elides and heaviness ` over the eyes dhow.. . v e y s�� \s pear. a.) 'ri J •� NI1 Miss Teenie Sample OPTICIAN BRUSSELS 3itext .ebas. Jamestown. Colds are very prevaleut around here at prevent, J. B. Innes bee taken a position in Galt, in oue of the best stone in that town. Geo. Balmier has let the °entreat of his new clement shop to Peter McDonald, oontraotor, Brunets. John MoAllieter, held the oervie° in the Hid I last Sunday night. R. Shaw is to hold forth next Sunday night. Mr. Blokes is et preeent very poorly and Imre are entertained for his recovery. Heart trouble is the foundation of his ailment. The store ie getting in their Spring goods et a lively rate and means by all appearance to rush things, Batter is 210 and eggs 20a. B elu•ra•ve. W. L. Jones, of Port Elgin, spent a few days with hie brotber, Rev. A. E Jones. The Balgrave choir of the Methodist aharoh spent a pleasant evening at the Pamimeo. a week ago Friday night Some property has been changing band in Belgrave recently.. Mr. Haelem hes sold hie store to Mr. McKenzie, of Wingham. Tbe hotel property ie aleo reported to be add. Dr. MoAeh baa moved hie household effeota to Clinton where Mre. MoAeh and family will make their home during the doctor's absence taking a epeoial ovaria in the Old Laud. Dr Hamilton enoeead° Dr. MoAeh here cad is already in prac- tise. The Woman's Missionary Sooiety of the Methodist church will give a pie social at the Parsonage, Balgrave, on Friday evening, Mar. 17th, at 7 o'clock. The prooeede will be devoted to the 1 ENCACEMENTAND WEDDING RINGS NEW STYLES AND SPEOIAL VALUES IN Diamond Rings, Pearl Set Rings, Opal Rings, and others set with Garnets, Sapphires, Rubies, Emeralds, Topas, Turquois, &c., &c. We are showing the largest stook ever shown to Brussels public. We have Rings from $1.00 to $80.00 each in stock, and our $5.00 Rings are beauties -Special value. We keep no Shoddy Rings, our Rings are all SOLID GOLD from the most expensive down to the cheapest. You are assured of quality if your Ring was purchased of H. L. JACKSON, JEWELLER. P. 0. -We guarantee you eatiefeation or money refunded in Watch Repairing. No job too d,ffionit. 1 are Sole Agents in Ii ON- sets for the Barker Brand. Collars. Tailoring- Furnishings - D. C. ROSS -Men's and Boys' Ready- --to-Wear Clothing, Hats oxtenaion work of the Society snob as the building of a new eobool in Sofa, Japan, end the enlarging of the Orphanage at Montreal. Balgrave A. 0. 0. W. Lodge will be represented at the Grand Ledge next week at Toronto by H. Johnston, who was the alternate delegate. Mr. Wight. man wae unable to attend, At the farewell sapper in the A. 0. W. Hall here, for the departing brethren, Iaet Friday evening, a epleudid time was enjoyed by the large company. About 10 gallons o! oyster° were introduced to the department of the interior of pasta plus a good where of the other luxuries of life. Oonnoillor Taylor filled the bill as chairman in good etyle and the program consisted of complimentary, and common datory addresses with the expression of the greatest sauna by Rode. Meagre. Jones and Haetie and 0o. Councillor Iebieter. Songs were Bang by J L. Geddee, and N. McRae ; and inatrnmental seleotiooe nnmeroae and obeiee provided by M, sere. Davide, Geddes and Stewart with Misses Laura McRae and Porterfield ae aceom• paniete. The departing brethren are Dr. MoAeh, Ed. Henry and Jno. Wight - man and Howard Leiehmao, who reepond• ed to the good wishes. With the exception of the first mentioned gentleman the oompany will go to the Northwest, and it would be diffioult to fled a better ooutingent. They will be greatly mieeed in this locality bar we hope the beet of eaooees may attend them in their new bonne, where they should do well. l+ltlt nl. Mre. Fletcher Sperling and Mre. Watson Ainlay, of Brussels, were vieitore with Mrs. Wm. Blemmon, Farmers' Institute meeting in the .Township Hall here ab Thureday after noon and evening of this week. The monthly meeting of the Women'e Inetitote will be held at the home of Mrs. Lang, Thnreday, March 16th. All logien auterested are invited to attend. HARD To .BEAT, -John Jamieson sold 2 Inge that weighed 480 pounds although they lacked 6 days of being 6 mouths old. They were of Berkshire -Tamworth breed PAGE FENCING. - Tbe uudereigned ie prepared to attend promptly to the sale or building of Page Wire fencing. Prices are lower Ibis year so intending perches era should take advantage of the same. RooT. ()LOSE, Ethel, 800000 RaPORT.-O+vee V. -Exam. in Ale. Hist., biking, Comp. and Arith.- CT. Imlay, 85 ; W. Ooatea, 83 ; M. Imlay, 57 ; M. Slemmon, 54 ; N. Simpson, 63 ; B. McKee, 46 ; L. Members. Sr. IV- Eaum, in Spell., Hist., Geo., Comp., Arith.-P. Bremner, 86 ; S. Dunbar, 83 ; E. Freeman, 81 ; G. Dunbar, 81 ; H Coates, 79 ;B. Eokmier, 79 F. Imlay, 74 ; M. McCallum, 62 ; E. Dunbar, 57, Jr. IV. -Exam. in Spell„ Hiet., Geo., Oomp., Arita. -W. Hemsworth, 72 ; G. McKee, 70'; J. McCallum, 70 : L, Oooper, 66 ; B. MaIntoeb, 65 ; E. McKee, 59 ; W. Barr, 52 ; K. McLeod, 49 ; I. Hogarth, 45 ; E. Balmier, 37. Sr. III. -Exam. in Spell., Hiet., Geo., Comp., Arith.- R. Eokmier, 83 ; R. Fraser, 78 ; E. Hemsworth, 76 ; L. McLeod, 72 ; R Love, 67 ; I. Heath, 60 ; L• Straohan, 45. Jr- III. -Exam. in Spell., Hist., Geo., Comp., Arith,-E. Thompson, 89 a .1. Bremner, 82 ; A. eloKee, 77 ; 0. Dane, 76 ; 0. Haneuld, 72 ; A. Hemawortb, 72 ; R. Gill, 68 ; H'. Eokmier, 61 : F. Freeman, 69 ; V. McCall, 64 ; L. McIntosh, 58 ; A. Cooper, 51 ; F. MoOatllum 51 ; A. Barr, 40 ; A. Fletcher, 38 ; L. Henry, 31 ; P. McKee, 27. Average attendance for the month 43. L. SHANNON, Principal. Jr. Department. -Examined in Geo., Arith., •Writ, and Bpell.-Sr.IL-R. Thompson, W. Eokmier, J. Oooper, H. Fogel. Jr. IL -E. McLeod. B. Hemewortb, P. Gig, 0. Euomier,E. Dobson, V. Pollard, 0. Dauber, El. Strachan, R. Coates, .H. Saville, M. MoNeeland, A, MoNeeland. Pt. Hee-E. Pratt, N McKee, G. Eokmier, N. Aifiiy, R. Hall, R. Gill, W. Yue, E. Heath, O, Cooper, O. Davidepn, Y. Bate mars. Sr. Pt. II -A. Ward, G. dole, R. Eokmier, R Bemeworth, W. Thompson, E. Forename -Jr. Pt: L -H, Tyerman, G. Pollard, W. Orale, F. Sanders. Aver age attendauoe 30. LAURA E. Nronemes, Teacher. • W rorcet.tit Thos. Wella left on Friday for Mani- toba. Mre, J. Stafford ie' emending a few weeks in Toronto. George Brown, of Brueeels, was in the village on Friday. W. Egteeen, of Turnberry, moved to the village last week. Mies Clara Rutherford is the gneste of relatives at Harrietoo, W. and Mre. Greer returned to Chair borne in Wiarton on Monday. • Stewart Gillies, of Wiarton, is n, visitor at the home of Mrs. G. Harriet er. Mise Mary Miller hae gone to Toronto where she will vieit for a few weeks. Leonard McKelvey, of Oheeley, is spending a few weeks in the village. Min Moffatt, of Turnberry, ie visiting her emit, Are. R. Moffatt, on Ann street. Harry'Beneon has•returoed to Toronto after spending four weeks at "Oatmose Perm," Mies Geortie Howe lett for Hoepefer on 8atdrday where she, will Agit for a few weeks, Miae Stewart; of Salmons, is spending a few d'at'e with her gousin, Mina Millie Barris. Matthew Moffitt, cif 'Owen :Bound, is epe❑dippr is few bolidayeWith hie brother, 'A. H. Mbfutt: Warden Miller is in Goderieb this week attending a meeting of the Weed- en's Oommittee. W. Leckie moved last week t0 his harm South of the village, which he pew. closetedfrom J. Timm. Mies Miller, of Mount Farhat, was the own) of be meter, 0.11110 Gotten- Hones, for two days last week. Two rinks of ourlare [roan bore attend. ed the Bodepiel in Wingham, Monday and Tuesday of this week. lamed Bailantyno and felinity hive returned to the village from Prowbridge and are living in part of Mre, H. Smith's reeideene, A.few young people attended a dance given at the home of J. 8. MaTavisb, in Turnberry, on Thnreday evening. Alex. and Mea. McDongell and daughter have returned from a manth'e visit with the former'e father in Mich- igan. An enjoyable and well attended parlor eooial was hold at the reeideooe of Mr. Lewie, Howie% street, on Monday evening, ander the aaepioee of the Metbodiet choir. The 0. 0. F. concert hold in the Town Hall Friday evening, wee a deoided saoaeee. The talent engaged, Jae. Fax, comic ; Miae Alexaodrer, elocutionist ; and Mies McMullen, violinist, gave an exoeilent program. The Hall WSW filed to the doora, about 090 being the amount taken iu: About half•paet four on Saturday morning fire wae discovered in the wood- ehed of George Jackie reeideooe. Thomas Hemphill, who was the first to arrive on the Boone had great difficulty in awaking Mr. and Mre. Jack, who by the time they were aroused were nearly over oome with smoke. A sewing machine and table were the only articles saved. Inearance in the Howiole Mutual to the amount of $460 00 wi:l Over the lose fairly well. Car tees t) 0.0(1 I. A number of this locality have applied for farm help from the antioipated oom• pany of Imre:grante expected next month, from Liverpool. A. Reymann has been appointed Post- master se euooeseor to A. i toNair, who reoeotly reeigned. As Mr. Reymann be aleo Township Treaearer the combination of the offices will work all right. Francis Ennio, writing from Neepawa, Men., on Feb. 28ab, in remitting for Tan POST sage :-Manitoba is enjoying lovely weatber. It has been a fine Winter all through. I see by Tax Pose that your trains have been blocked. One thing Manitoba hae ie good roade. David Olark, 14th oon., hae pnrohoeed the 97 aore farm of Dr. R. Knetebtel, of Winnipeg, the property being three quarters of a mile from Mr. Olark'e home. The prioe was $4,000. Posses- sion will be given on April let. Bale was made by F. B. Scott, of Brussels, this being hie eighth farm eale since the open- ing of the year. 131ti e`v lt•l e. Charles Conitee, of Lietowel, visited at big home here last week. Jno. and Mre, Elliott, of East Wawa. nosh, visited Mre. Anderson, Rev. W. J. West was a visitor with relatives at Woodetook teat week. Mies Nellie BOrgese spent last week with her sister, Mre. W. L. Fraser, in Morrie. W. H. Haney and Wm. Brooke attend. ed the Dooglae-Nichol wedding in Morrie last week. Malcolm Aikenhead, Principal of our school, vieited at hie home et Stanfield last week. Mies May Powell, of Turnberry, spent last week with her aunt, Mre. George McDonald. Miss Cora Messer, who attende Lie - towel High School, visited at her home here last week. Mies Edna McDonald, of Molesworth, visited at the home of her uncle, George McDonald, last week. Jno. and Mrs. McIntosh and children, of Molesworth, visited Thos. and Mrs. Coultas last Thnreday. Meseta. Doff & Stewart have a large quantity of loge in their millyard and the sawmill is now at work converting them into lumber. Thenad death of Mre. Bargees on Monday at Owen Bound oaoeed a gloom to rest upon many in this neighborhood. Deceased was a daughter of Duncan King and was well known here. Among thoee who attended the funeral were Peter and John King, Jno. Bargees and Geo. McDonald The bereaved husband and 'family will ehire largely in the sympathy of relatives and old friends in Blnevale and looality. neatens' INSTITUTE -Wednesday after. noon of this week an intereetiog meeting was held in the Foreetera Ball here ander the auspices of East Huron Farmers' Inetitote. Vine President Elliott, occupied the chair with accept anoe, . President McMillan was the first speaker taking the plane on the program of Mr. Warren, of Acton, He dwelt on "Clover ae a fertilizer." It was a practical addreeo and was of deep interest, evoking many queries and an animated dieoneeioo, Dr. Reed, of Georgetown, followed on "Demises of the Horse." Addrese wait toll of in• formation and blued on a long and wide experience as a veterinary aboald bu of valve to those who were fortunate enonkh to be there. A chart wee well utilized and the Dr. will be welcomed beak at any time. Among those who took part in the dieonesion were Meson. Elliott, Smiley, Romany, Musgrove, Wheeler cad Mathera. There WAS an attendance of about 50, a horse Fair at Wingham proving a counter attraction. In the evening Dr. Reed spoke en "Farmers eons," in which good solid advice was given to the young people 00 the ad. vantages of continuing on the farm. He showed that the oalliug WAS an aneelieh one and that the fernier' is the real pro- ducer, Parente should enooarage their children by giving tome lioauoial income for their own. He closed a thoughtful address by urging faithful rearview on the part of young people, Miss Paterson tang a choice gotta Mre, Gannett, noted ae n000mpeniet. Mr. McMillan was called upon end hie remarks were along linea of wisdomand practicability, hie topic being "Agrioniturel education and development" aid figurer were given to show the; deservedly high plaoe agriculture bed taken In Canada, Song "The man behind," wee rendered by Wm. Haney, amidet applanee, A hnmoroue recitation by Mr, Mille wag well done. W. H. Kerr epoke for a few minutee and thio intereating gathering dicpereed after all joined in the Natiomol Anthem. Soots! new. members wore Owen Sound WWI saddened Monday night when the news spread of a runaway aooldent, wbioh resulted in Mre, H. H. Burgess, wife of the popular Pablio Bohool Ioapeotor, being iuetaolly killed, At 8 o'olook, in eompaay with her eon, Fred, 14 years old, she vase driving along Division etreet. The bar connecting the shaft and the ootter broke, ogeeing the horse to run away. Within a few feet of the corner of Poutette street, the bnoinees ventre of the town, the natter elewed. Mre. Bargees wse thrown violently oat, her head etriking an iron lamp poet, and fracturing her forehead jest above the left eye. She was carried to D. A. Oam- eroo & Company's drug store by Bernie Doyle and S. W. Watt, Meaford, who had endeavored to atop the runaway animal, bat ale died before the store was reaobed. The boy eeoaped unhurt. The absence of Mr, Burgess, who wee in Markdale, was a sad part of the tragedy. He wag telephoned for, and arrived on the 10 40 train that night. Besides a buabaud and eon, the deceased leavee Mini three daughters, lytic Lyle student at Hamilton Normal who ie a ohoot, and Minn Maggie and Nellie, tee mrri,r. ' Mies Pearl Sharpe ie home from Lon don. Township Council veal meet on Wed• nesday, 1516 inet. R. Bewley and Jae. Bowman, of Morrie, aon J. White, of Grey, will serve as Jarore at the 0o. town next week. The 100 aore farm of the late George Hood, 5th line, has been purohaeed, it to said, by Joseph Greepy, of Hallett, at $4,000. Executor Wm. Miobie made the este. We are pleased to state that word has been received that Mrs, Henry Mooney, of Weyburn, N. W. T., is aoneiderably better. Her many old friends here hope speedy convalescence may follow. Thursday afternoon of neat week Walter $. Davidson, eon. 2, will bold an auction sale of farm stook, implemente, &o., ae he intends giving up farming. R. I. eternise will be the auctioneer. We are sorry to bear of Mr. Davidson's proposed removal. Thursday of last week John Robb, 6th line, disported of a fine span of young agrionitural horses to 'deserts. Dickson & Matinee, horse buyers, for the tidy Sum of $416. Last year the same gentleman sold a span for $460. It evidently pays to keep the beet grade of animals on the farm• Mies Mary R. Fiodlater, daughter of Wm. Fiodlater, of Morrie, who will be graduated from the Woman's Medical College of Philadelphia in May of this year, has been appointed to the position of Resident Phyeieian on the eta$ of nbe New England Hospital, Boston, Mam., going o0 duty in July. Oat of a clews of forty•three students, Mies Findlater wee one of three who were chosen for the position. Mre. John Clegg is a sister to Mies Mediator. A short time ago ae Walter Miller and Jen, Petoh were driving, with a horse and cutter, down the hill opposite the school house on the 5th line, their driver took a tumble and rolled over against the fence upsetting the cutter. The harnees was unfastened to give the animal a thence to get np but in itseffirt it rolled down the embankment and brought np against a tree not mach the worse of ite escapade. The horse was taken in by the furnace in the basement of the school house and dried off. It was fortunate the gentlemen did not toboggan as well ae the equine or the remits might have been worse. The wonder is with so muni snow and the diffioolty of taming ont that 10 aooidente have not happened for every one recorded. Walton. John G. Turnbull is spending a few Jaye with Wendel in Telemeter. Walton has been the armee of a pro. greseive la grippe party thio Winter. Mr. and Miee Ounitee, of Elms, were vieitore at W. M. Smith's on Sunday last. There woe no eervioo in Dnff'e church Sabbath evening, Rev. MaoNab having been out to Bethel in the afternoon and not arriving in time at Walton. John and Mies Rachel Barrows left on Monday for their return trip to the Northwest. They found weloome far warmer than weather in Ontario. The work of Dotting through Blair's hill for the 0, P. R. goes merrily on there being now only about SO feet at the top between the two excavations. It is ex. peated that the cutting will be entirely through early in May. It ie expected shat R. H. Ferguson will be paymaster of the monies owing the femora along the G. & G. Sly. for right of way, he havidg reoeived a oommuuioa. bon from dol. A. H. MacDonald, of Guelph, netting him to accept the poet. The pay day will likely be in the near foturo. The Young People's Oirole held a very saooeselnl box social et Thos. William. eon's on Tuesday evening.. The program consisted of games in the early part of the evening followed by the distribution of the boxes with is unique method of teetering partnere. The next meeting will be at Heigh Falton'o, At a meeting of the Trueteee of Walton Methodist church it was deoided to (arty oat, with all speed, the improve. menta on the church. These will take the form of a oement baol•meot, floored and fitted np for Sabbath School and Epworth League theme. The body of the thumb will aleo be remodelled and made more modern. Siooe the moving of the aura building to Walton there Bao been a giatifyiug interest token in the ohuroh work hare, ae evidenced in the inoreesing atteudence and williugneae of the members to put their hands to the worst, Rev: 640. Baker preached laet Sabbath afternoon a rousing, sermon on "The rebuilding of the Temple 1u Jer nealem" and again in the evening to a large congregation en the text "Ye will not Dome unto to MO, that yo might have life", Rev. Mr,'Beker. is to be oongrat• elated upon the 1000000 of bis peetorate Iters e0 far, and we hope the revival of interest in thio church will prove fasting. PRE0FNTey10N -0n Tuesday a large number of the members and adherante of St. Georgette aharoh 'met at Wm. Sholdloe'o sr., and presented his dangh• tare, Minnie Grace and Maud, with a puree of money, in recognition of tbelr faithful and eBofent 00001000 au organist and ohoir leader respeotivsly. John Bolger read an eddrees enabling forth the nppreoiatioo of the oongregation for their efforts, and showing that the congregation of Bt. George's ohoroh ie grateful in return. The evening wee then enjoyably spent in games end conversation. (Grit' 0:4'. Pitch holes are "adorning" the corn oee,ion linea in nnmeroae places now. 'tin a vial and eon re Mra. R. McNichol a g s friande and relatives on the 14th end 16th line. Thos, and Mre. Williamson entertained friends at a dance and card party on Thursday evening. We are pleased to state that Mre. R. Panne, of Monarieff, has recovered from her reoent lineae. Mies Amelia Speiran is spending a week with her oonein, Mre. Hugh Mo. Intoeb, in Moliillop. Harry Gorealitz, 12th von., gave hie friends a jolly good time at hie borne 00 Wedneeday of last week. Iasao Rathweil has returned from near Stratford where he has been working in the woods daring the past few menthe. Mies Mood Rathwell who has spent the past year near Varna, along with her cousin, Miele Effie, ie holidaying ander the parental roof, 10th con. Among those that attended the carnival at Monktoo on Friday evening from Monorieff were Harvey Buchanan and MISS Nettie MoNaoght. They report an enjoyable time. Jno, B. Hyde, 11th oon., will hold an unreserved emotion sale of hie farm stook, implements, &o , on Friday, 24th Met. He has dietoeed of bio farm to A. Oamp- lane hence the reason for the Bale. James Lindsay hae porobaeed the Hayes livery stable in Listowel end hie Bona are now in charge, He recently depend of his farm, 8th con., and will remove to Listowel. We wish them enooeee in their new e0terpriee. Last week Hngb Lamont and family removed from their old home, 7th von , which they Bold to Rioh. S. Armstrong, of Biome, to their newly purohaeed 200 acres, Done. 10 and 11. We hope they may enjoy many happy and prosperous years in their new location. We auderetand that Mre. R. Robertson, 15th von., has parobaead a house in Monktoo and intends moving into it in the near future. Her many friends wish her a long and well earned rest. She hae been a kind and obliging neighbor during her stay of over 30 }ware in Grey and our lose will be Monkton'a gain. 8oH0oLREPORT-Fo110Wing is the re. port of B. B. No; 2, Grey for month of February, name in order of merit. Jr. III. -R. Cunningham, M. Stewart. Sr. II. =W. Turnbull, M. Oliver, J. Outdo, O. Stewart, I. Barrie. Jr. II. -J. Oliver, 0. Melee, M. Outgo. P1, I. -A. Stewart, L. Stelae, L. Oliver. MABEL ZeattoER, Teacher. May, the little daughter of James and Mre. Armstrong, 1003 aon., arrived home trona Toronto last Saturday afternoon Elbe had spent 7 weeks at the Childrene' Hospital, where she underwent treat ment for a species of paralyaie interrupt- ing bar locomotion. We hope she will be mnoh benefitted by the remedies em ployed and soon be folly restored to vig- orous health and activity. Osrr.-Last Monday Damian Robert• eon, formerly of the 13th oon. of Grey, died at the family bome in Brun town ship, County of Bruce, aged 34 years. The deceased was the third eon of the late John Robertson, and removed with the family from Grey to Bruce Co. 12 yeare ago. Funeral took place on Wed. nesday of thie week, the remains being taken to Kincardine and conveyed by train to Brneeele where interment was made in the afternoon of the Dame day. Dan. and J. M. Robertson, brothers to the deoeeaed, were well known in tbie locality in the yearn gone by. Edwin A. King, of Oreelman, N. W. T., formerly of this towoehip, Benda Tux Pose the following chatty note that will be read with interest :-We have had the moat beantifal weather for the teat week in feat all Winter but this last week it bag been thawing and you Dau see the prairie grass for miles, it ie a regular ohinook wind, I think we are faring better than the folke in the Eaet. The cattle are one grazing and are look ing fine. We are looking forward to a great rash 01 40001000 this Spring. The land is being bought up all the way from $10 to 020 per more and still we oan supply the demand. There are two new railroads going North of as tale year, an extension from Beaten, Man., to Wolseley, Asea., and 0, N, R. We are greatly elated over being made into the new Province of Saelratchewan in plane of Asea, The change will be July 1st. I am just newly Metalled MaeooyHarrie agent, for this plane, of aonree it is the garden of the Week bore. I am glad to get THE POST every week for 1t fit nearly 00 good as a letter. Brussels Council. The neural monthly meeting of Benguela Connell was held on Monday evening of this week, Reeve Henderson in the chair end Councillors Thomson. Plum, Jones end Stewart in their plaoee. Minnlee of last meeting read and pane. ed. The following Recounts were vegetated: Jno. Lott, work on street 0 75 Zoo. Petah, work on street ...:75 Alex. MoLanohli0, eatery 25 00 Thee, Snider, work on etreet. 75 Jno. Peteb,-work on street - - 75 Municipal World ...:..:.......,5 89 Joseph Bonet, mnnieipal supplies 5 76 R. Henderson, work en road 2 00. Moved by J. 0, Judea, eeoonded by W. F. Stewart that above a000unto be paid, Carried. Moved by R. Thomson, eeoondod by W. fe, Stewart that Jno, Long,' salary as Tax Collector, 046.85, be paid. Our. rued, The returns from the aoaleo fol• Febru- ary were reported by Weightuaster Me. Lanoblin ae $28 25. Commit thou adjourned. SPRING WEATHER VP YELLOW OlIASS, ASSA: Letter from a Former ieeell Ilnoit•It Melttileptte. DEAR EDITOR. - Enclosed please find 01 De ST Slid Montsubscription o real WeeklyWitneea which expired yesterday. We gee by Tan POST from week to week bow you are all doing. We often think of you all but ft is enrprielag t how eats 'n lookingback isee than 3 Y many of oar old friends .and ueightare have passed away. Among some of Oleo I eeem to mise Mr. Swallow, our nearest neighbor in McKillop, L. MoDonald, Geo. MoMamn, Rev. R. Paul, 3. 0. Morri• son, Frank Morrison, Jno. McKinnon and tri Mr. Hood, while among oar lady ends are Mre. 0. Ritchie, Mre. Oolemau, Mrs. Stitt, Mre. Matthew Morrison, Mre. Boyd, and my niece Mrs, J. Pollard. We are all enjoying good health bore. at preeent. My daughter, Mattie, was ill for some time but is now reooveriug. We Wee had a fine Winter so far, except the last week in January and the two first weeks in February, whet' the thermometer regietered 400 below zero, with very often high winds. A week. ago Sunday I noticed my. eon, Roy, sit. ting outside reading a book, having no Dost on and wearing a straw hut. It has been quite warm ever since and et mmn. bar of people are working on the land but we are looking for gold weather yet. I think we have a fine eountry bore and am glad to have e, part in laying . the foundation. Oor township with three others, was formed into a municipality end my eon, Wm., was elected Connoillor for our township. To give some idea of the business done here, in one week over $10,000 wag paid eo the 0. P. R. forfreigbt. A half seotion of land, four miles from town, wee sold Last week for 013,000. Everything is very high in this wen - try and with the railways and imple, ment agents the farmer is kept baey to hold hie own, but 0 Sir Wilfrid Mande by us we'll pall through. I was very mach pleased to see our 041 friend Hislop returned with so nice a majority for he oertainly had largo odds against him. To my mind it was hie personal popularity that saved him, for the Government fooled the people too lone and the Weet think they got their deserts. Not that we expoot any better from the others but it was the only way t0 get at them. Believe me to be Yours Truly, R. POLLARD. Yellow Grass, Asea., March let 1005. WAR IN THE EAST. Wednesday dailies say :-A report reoeived in London early this morning stated that General Karopatkin bad re. treated from Mnkden and gone to Foshan, and that the former place had been set on fire by the Japaneee ehelle. The forces of Marshal 0yame, however, have not yet entered Muteden. On the West front, South of Mnkden, the moat determined fighting was reported. There 60,000 Japaneee, with 200 pieces of artillery, made repeated attacks, but they were euoceeefully repulsed. The loans on both aides were enormous. At thio point General Teerpinsky diatingnisbed himself, charging on horeebadk, at the head of his troops, upon a position that had repeatedly changed hands, and oaptnring it. Tbe troops on both aides are said to be nearly exhausted with their eleven days of contin0one fighting. Marshal Oyameat strategy, it to evident proved too meth for General Kuropatkin in ate early days of the movement. When the Japanese made their 000,80010 advance upon Teinkbetoben, on the Rneeia❑ left, General Kuropatkin with- draw his first oorpe from hie.right, oc- copying rte place by regime0te of title - men, end gent the aortae to meet General. Kuroki. He thus weakened his right, and the Japanese, taking advantage of this, threw nine divisions ogaiost the Ressian right, turned it book and pat the riflemen to rout with great loss. Oyama thus wee able to extend hie left North. ward and to the rear of Mnkden, and still bolds most of the positions gained. It is reported in St. Petersburg that General Koropatkin'e ventre le broken end that thirteen heavy eiego guns have been captured by the Japanese. O'1to latter are ten miles Northweet of Mukdee, and a oonnter•at0aok there by one divie 10 of the Ruseiane with seventy gone was repulsed, The Japanose are using siege 00100 from Port Arthur, with a range of eight miles, wbioh are doing terrible intention, Bosnia's financial ouppliee are now likely to be out off, according to a report that comes from Paris. Itis said that the French banking houses have rednred the loan wbioh Rosie, desires to na.lee eight hundred to five hundred milli an franca, and have furthermore notified the Russian Miniater of Flnanoe that Rosie, cannot aunt any for,ller loans in Paris for several years to come. Lae Pirie is the principal entree for replenialr.. ing Swede's treasure ohne, thie intima. tion may have an effect upon the peeking. ation of the war, Charles Pettypieoe„etdoet eon nt H, .7. Pettypieae, ex A, P. P., aged 20 yearn, died at Feru l , The Ontario Government hug netted foe the resignation of the Temiokamitig Roth way Onmmioeion, Hon, Nelson Mo❑toitb ennobrieed that the grant [or dairy i0etr0ntfon would be inereaaed thie year: Joseph Wynn, one of the beet hewn old residente of Niagara Fells, Ont„ tried Tuesday night, agog 09 years. Le Journal, of MOnerettl, the French Ooneervative organ, hag attspanded pub Nation. a,nd in int valouietory spike oat plainly about the position of the Conger. vative party in Quebec,.