HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-2, Page 8For the Sick Ones
This month finds many sick folks, and how best to
attend to their recovery is a matter in whioh we can
be of assistance to you. We have a full stock of
Atomizers Hot Water Bottles
Fountain. Syringes
of the very beet quality and prices low. You no doubt
may require such preparations as CAMPHORATED
LETS for making Solution for use in Atomizer, EX-
TRACT OF BEEF, &c. We ;keep them on hand.
Trains leave Brussels Bastion, North
and South, as follows:
Mall 7:15 a.m I Mixed............ 9:00 a,m
e.m I Mall .. ......1:25 p.m
ExpressMe p.m Express ,..... 8:55 p.m
f acal Etas emu.
A ohiel'e among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent if.
MEASLES are on the program.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
BLUEdAYa have made their appearanoe
once more. 1e this a harbinger of
Spring ?
Tera week R. Leatherdale & Son plan•
ed a 10 set reed Bell organ, cathedral
Case, in the Presbyterian ohuroh, Molee-
Tan Equity Fire Insurance Co., has
this day appointed H. R. Brewer their
agent at Brussels to.auaceed Geo. Rogers
TRAINS are running with their ac-
customed regularity once more. The
snowplow opened up the way last Sun-
day after Saturday evening's bloater.
Monday Juo. Hewitt, tonsorial artist,
will remove from hie precept shop to the
store formerly known as the Fletcher
Jewelry store, Brussels. He has pur-
chased the building.
AFTER an enjoyable visit of six months,
in whioh Detroit, California and Nevada
were visited, Mies Bede Livingston will
resume dress -making next week, occupy
ing the same apartments, over W. A.
Grower's grocery, Brneeele.
MONTHLY Horne Fair on Thursday of
this week. Few plane successfully
compete with the Fairs held on the let
Tbareday of each month in Brussels.
There are usually a Targe number of
local and outdid° buyers in attendanoo
and the quantity and quality of horse•
flesh sought after is not often wanting.
The next Fair will be held on Thursday,
April 8th. Mark the date down.
A Ycncg wee before the "beak” for the
too free use of profane language on the
Street, He was let off with a good
reprimand on promise of better be•
haviour. Reeve Henderson and J.
Leckie, J. P., presided. If a few other
individuale were nabbed for the same
offence the morals of the town would not
suffer. No map, either young or old,
bee any right to nee blaephemane and
often iudeeent language and if they have
not respect for themselves they should be
inetraoted as to the tights of other
people by the Statutory route.
FIRE. Adeepatoh from Dundee speaks
as follows of the lose by fire to 8 former
Bruoaelite.—About 10 o'elook Friday
morning fire broke oat in the drying kiln
of the Refrigerator Manufacturing
Company, lately built by E. D.
Pennington of this town. Owing to the
building being ant of town it was some
minetee before the fireman reaohed the
Scene. By thio time the fire was beyond
oont0ol, and completely destroyed the
kiln and all the °entente. The kiln oon•
rained about 75,000 feel of ooetly wood,
valued at about $4,000, The main bnild•
ing was alightly damaged. Lose fully
oovered by 1000ran00.
PRETTY WEDDING. — Wedding bells
chimed merrily on Taeeday, at bigb noon,
in Teeewater when at the reeidenoe of
Reeve and Mre. Perdition their
estimable daaehter Mies Cora E , became
the bride of Norman L, McDonald, of
Sydney, N. B. As the Wedding March
was played by Mise Zetta Forenoon the
wedding party took their places in the
drawing room, the bride being given
away by her father, when Rev. Mr. Mal.
°elm, Presbyterian minieter, performed
the interesting Ceremony in the presence
of about 80 guests, Bridesmaid was
Miee, Thema Gilliee and the groom was
supported by Dr. Bert. Ferguson, brother
of the bride. The bride looked obarming
robed fa cream de Paris dress with bridal
veil and parried a beautiful bogoet of
cream roses. The bridesmaid wore a
moat beooming costume and parried pink
and white carnations, Hearty congratu-
lations followed when a sumptuous repeat
was pertelteo ot, the table decorations
being daffadille and 9mi11ax, Dr. Gillies
jr„ proposed the bride's health in a
felioitone manner to whioh the groom re•
eponded in appropriate terme. Ex.
Warden Strachan also addressed a few
words. Mr, and Mrs, McDonald took the
afternoon ttain for the East ehawered by
rine and good wieheo. The bride'e going
away dress was green cloth, witb hat to
match, Elegant, nnmerone and valuable
was the oolleetion of wedding gifts attest -
Mg to the bribe's popularity. The
groom's present was a fine piano. Miea
Gilllea anti Miee pelta Ferguson were the
reaipienteof gold tinge with twig poarle.
The bride wee deservedly popular and
while sorry to see her remove from Teel,.
water her many Mende wish ber and
Mr, MoDoneld all the, joys of harried
A envy company of Bresseliteo took a
trip to James Russell's 51h line, Morrie,
last Mouday evening and enjoyed a tip.
top time.
TEE water ways to the Gowers have
been cleared by A. MaLenohlin pre-
paratory to the expected thaw. Thera is
a great depth of snow on the streets.
Piton. A. M. Sateenn%, the well known
medicine vendor, who has been a regular
visitor to this town eelliog hie own
preparation, "Pride of the valley," died
very suddenly at hie home in Detroit.
EwAN & Co are getting 40 buggies ready
for next season and 8 lumber wagons.
They parted with all their [tatters and
15 sett of sleighs daring the Winter and
are now making a push to be ready for
the wbeeling days. The machinery
utilized, and greatly aide in faoili.ating the
Da. BUTLER, the London specialist,
will visit Brussels professionally and
may be found at the Amerioan Hotel 00
MAY 2nd
JUNE 27th
All interested should bear these dates in
A Cepa°, Michigan, subscriber writes ;—
1 enoloee $1.00 for BRUSSELS POST for thio
year. I raw a piece in Tan Pose about
bow surprised you were over that $5.00
that man tent you, so I thought it was
about time I Bent my dollar. We always
look for Tan Pose as at is art goo3'ae a
letter. We used to live about 5 miles
from Bruesele. I was born and brought
up on Lot 12, Con. 6, Grey.
To olear out and make room for new
Spring goods Neil S. MoLanohlin, ins.
plement dealer, Bruesele, has decided to
give apeoial bargains from March let to
11th in riga, implements and sewing
machines. See what he has to say. He
believes in the nimble sixpence rather
than waiting for the slow going dollar.
Hie showroom is Weet of the Town Hall,
Flora street, Mr. MoLaaahlin has also
eeverol horses for sale.
MATRIttoram,—A very pretty wedding
was oo:emnized at the pareonage, Sea•
forth, on Wedneeday, Feb. 22nd, by Rev.
Mr. Birks, the Oentraoting pmrtiem being
Miss Sadie Jamieson, Kinburo, formerly
of Braude, and Geo. Sommerville, a
proeperoao young farmer of Medora,
Manitoba, Atter the ceremony ibe wed-
ding party returned to the residence of
Mr. and Mre. Jamieson where a sump
Mons repeat was laid. The bride looked
sweet in a dress of bine silk over epun
glass with yoke of white eiik and applique
trimming. Her going away dreee was
brown obeviot with bat to matob. Tbe
presents were nameroae and beautiful.
Groom's gift to the bride was a Persian
lamb goat. After visiting friends in
Bruesele for a few days the happy couple
left for their home in Medora. Their
many old friends wieb them prosperity.
Lug. Otevno Proses AWAY.—An old
resident of Brneeele passed away on Moo
day last, February 27th, in the person of
James Oliver, who died at the home of
his daughter, Mre. Wm. Thompson,
Tbeeaolon. Mr. Oliver was a native of
Devonshire, England, where he was
born, December 22nd 1815. About thirty
veare ago Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, witb their
family, took up their reeidenoe in Brits•
eels. Daring the coarse of bis long reei•
dem io this town Mr, Oliver has won
many friends, espeoially in connection
with the Methodiet church, of whiob be
was a faithful and consistent member
during the whole of hie reeidenoe here,
About five menthe ago, a000mpanied by
hie wife and daughter, Miee Mary, Mr.
O•iver left Brussels for Thessalon.
Sinoe that time hie health has gradually
failed, and during the past few weeke he
sank rapidly, until on Monday morning
last death relieved hie suffering% Mr.
Oliver died as be lived. His strong
Faith, cherished and nurtured with the
peening years, sustained him in hie laet
hours of extreme weakneee and differing.
"Preoioae in the eight of the Lord ie the
death of his [mints." For over halt a
oentnry Mr. and Mre. Oliver have
journeyed together down the pathway of
life as husband and wife, partnere in
the Faith of Jenne Ohriet and though
eeparated now by the hand of death, it
is not without hope of the happy re•
union in the morning of Eternity. Be
aide the widow, rix daughters are left to
mourn the Ione of a devoted father,
tee :—Mre. Young, Moeeomin, Aeta. ;
Mre. John Leckie, of our own town ;
.Oro. Wm. A. McEwan and Mre, Wm.
Thompson, of Theesalen 1 Mre. P. D,
McKinnon, Winnipeg, Man., and Mies
Mary Oliver. The funeral was held on
Wedneeday afternoon, being oonduoted
by Rev. Geo. G. Webber, pastor of the
Tbeeetilnn Methodist obnroh, misted by
Rev. 0. E. A. P0000k, of the Presby
terian ohurcb, Tbeeealon. The remaine
were interred in the Thesealon oemetery.
Mre. Leckie and son Charlie, of Brooeels,
attended the funeral, Mre. Oliver and
her daughters will have the empathy
of many friends ie their bereavement.
Mr. OIiver'e deoeatie 9900 not an nnexpeo•.
Mel event a0 he had been very ill for some
time, MTB. Oliver hag not been very
well for the past few weeks we are [lorry'
to hear and is now oonlned to bed but
we hope ehe will Doan be able to be about
as aerial,
Standard Bank of Canada
T1SSTA"wT+ISFLf]27 1,87M
SURPLUS OR,Rk19ERYE FUND ,,.,,.,5 0,000.000
TOTAL ASSETS l'V.611i 16,000,OQ0
A G °,neral Bn,lilcin-' l3uSinewta T reexisteeted
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR end upwards received on Wh10h
is added to amulets every rix months and becomes prinoipal,
—MARRIED WOMEN ono MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any person.
only for which no °barge le made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive one careful and courteous attention.
A 0UBSORIBER remitting from Colorado
City Bays :—"We enjoy getting the home
news each week and eau gay Tan Pose hi
a welcome visitor."
Tan Clinton Record of last week Bays
of a eon of John Hill, Brneeele :—J. W.
Hill leaves next week for Oxbow, Agea.,
and in a few weeks will be followed by
hie family who will take np their reei•
dense in that place or at some other point
to be decided upon by Mr. Hill. He is a
abrewd, energetic business man and the
News -Record regrets to gee him leaving.
Rio estimable family will also be muds
WINTER WEnnata.—The Dundas Star
of Feb. 18th says :—A very pretty, but
quiet wedding took plaoe at high noon on
Saturday at the reeidenoe of the bride's
father, Rev. S. Bellery, M. A., B. D ,
formerly of Breesels, when hie eldest
daughter, M. Winifred was married to
Dr. Emerson G. Garry, of Plainfield, N•
J. The ceremony was performed by the
bride'e father, and took plane in the
drawiegroom, whiob was beautifully
decorated for the ocoaeiou. The bride
looked °harming in her tailor made going
away gown of green and 'brown, with a
dainty bat of green silk and tulle to
matob. She was attended by her sister
Mies Florence, who was beoomiugly
dressed in white. The bride and her
attendant each carried a sheaf of lovely
roeee. The gift of the groom to hie bride
wae a handsome pearl and amythiet pin,
to the bridesmaid, a ring of whole pearls,
and to Min Carrie Horning, who payed
the wedding march, a dainty 000000nt of
pearls. Atter oongratulatione the wed-
ding breakfast was served. The bride
end groom left for their new hotne in
Hong Kong, amid showers of rine end
good wisher. The presents were both
uumeroae and costly, testifying to the
popularity of the bride and the groom.
ENTERED INTO REST.—Atter a abort ill-
ness of five days, of pneumonia, 'Mary
MOGavio, beloved wife of Wm. M.
Moore, passed away at her home, Teron•
to, on Thursday morning of last week.
aged 35 years and 3 months, Deoeaeed
was the eldest daughter of Robert Ma•
Gavin, of the 17th con, of Grey township
end was born in the township of Morrie.
Twelve years ago ehe was united in
marriage to ber now bereft partner and
they have resided iu Winnipeg and Tor.
onto dom., Three interesting daughters,
Annie, Sadie and Jeanie are left to the
Dare of the father. Friday evening o
service was aondnated by Rev. Mo. Geggie
at the late home of deoeaeed ane the
remains were brought to Brneeele on
Saturday afternoon and conveyed to the
home of the hueband'e parents, D. B. and
Mre. Moore, Turnberry street, Broesels,
from whence the funeral took plane ..Sion•
day afternoon to Braseelo cemetery.
Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A., took °barge of
the eervioe. The pallbearers were John,
Robert and Frank MoGavin, J. A. Moore,
D. Laidlaw and A. MoGowan. Mre.
Moore wee beloved by a large circle of
relatives and 'friend[ who received the
intimation of her death with no email
degree of sorrow. She was always a
welcome visitor in this community and
the bereaved will be large sharers ill the
sympathy of many in their unlooked for
Borrow. Jobe MoGavin, brother to
deoeaeed, arrived here from Winnipeg on.
Saturday evening for the funeral. While
hopeful to the last Mre. Moore disarmed
with her bneband certain details s,9 to
her funeral, the disposition of the child•
ren and other matter° too sacred for
public reference.
DEATH OF MRS. REED.—The following
partioulare oonoerning the decease of
Mre. Reed, whose maiden name was
Edith Stacey, being the youngest dough.
ter of the late Riohard Stacey, formerly
of Brussels, is taken from a Denver,
Col. paper :—Mre. Edith May Reed, wife
of Profaner Joseph Reed, prinoipal of
the high school at Glenwood Springs,
died of pneumonia and spinal meningitis
Wednesday, January 26, at 821 Hoath
Twelfth street, at the age of 26 years.
Deoeaeed wee born in Bream's, Ont„
March 4, 1878. She came to Denver
with her mother and sisters when 11
years of ave and bad made her home
Isere since that time, having beoome a
member of the Fifth. Avenue M. E.
church shortly after her arrival in Den.
ver, She was a beautiful young lady,
with an even and kindly disposition
whioh bad woo for her a boat of friends,
She was married to Professor Reed three
years ago last June. The funeral was
held Sunday at 2 p. m. trona the Fifth
Avenue church. Rev. Hatton took hie
text from the Pealme. A quartette
composed of Metiers. Hetrick and Ira
Stnkey, Mre, Heieter and Mies Wash-
burn sang"Asleep in Jesus," "Beckon-
ing Heade" and °Nearer My God to
Thee," which haat pians deemed sang so
beautifully while in ber delirium. Her
six brothere•in•law were the pailbearero.
Her seven teeters were with her daring
her eiokneee and were at the the ftlneral.
Interment wae in Riverside. Besides
her husband and 2.year old eon. Waiter,
the survivors are her seven rioters—Mre;
William Lawson, Mre, Charles Hese,
Mre. Fred, Hill, Mre. 0 ef, Rooe, Mrs,
G. W. Pell, of Greely, Mrs. Wm, Knox
and Mite Agnes Stacey. Mise Phoebe
Ainlay, daughter of John Ainley, of
Nebraska State, attended the funeral.
The Windsor. Hotel at Rapid City,
Man., was destroyed by lire.
Lord Strathaoge Balled from Liverpool
for New York on Wednesday en et de to
The bank of Montreal building et Re-
g me
e•gine wae iltuned. Manager Angel and
family narrowly °soaped with their lleee,
Lord Strathoane has given $1,000 to
the Royal Jubilee Hospital at Rat
Tbe oonnty of Delbert) ie taking eters
to diesolve the union with Northumber-
land.and set up ad independent moni•
The Hudson's Bay Company have
received word of their miseiug steamer,
Stork, The captain found Hadeon'e
Straits choked with toe and turned bank.
Business Locals.
Grans wanted to learn the millinery.
SEED Peas for Sale apply to MRS. Tues.
CALDER, Lot 9, Con. 12, Grey.
SEED nate for sale—Century variety.
JAS. Donee, Lot 27, 4th line, Morrie.
BLANKETS and Robes' et Dont for 30 days
to clear them oat, at JNo, DONALDSON'S.
YOUNG bull for Bale—Apply to D.
Get maana, Lot 3, Con, 11, Grey, or Brae.
Bele 1'. 0.
YOUNG collie dog loot last Saturday,
Information thanktu'ly received by
A. MaNEre, Sunshine.
SAWS repaired and your life insured by
having saws gummed, Bet and filed by
T. MaGan000, 81i11 street, Brussels,
BLACK loather puree with chain lost on
Friday afternoon. The finder will much
oblige the owner by leaving it at THE
Pose Publishing Home.
SEED barley for Sale. 450 basbelo of
Mendieheari variety, six rowed, yields
well. Baiter and cleaner seed is hard to
get. Price 50o. per barbel. ELI SMITH,
lot 4, con. 7, Grey, Braesele P. 0.
BUFF Orpingtons are conceded by
Experimental Farms at Guelph and OV"
taws, to be our beet Winter layers. Thio
breed 10 taking the lead and le the beet
all round hen today. Cookerale for Bale.
Eggs in eea00n, Juo. WEIGHT, Mill et.,
People We Talk About.
Druggist Fox paid a visit to Toronto
this week.
Mrs. Chas. Dodds ie enjoying a visit
with friends at Galt and other pointe.
W. D. Ooneley, of Stratford, made a
short visit to relatives here last week.
Wee Belle Btraohan was in the Queen
airy taking in the Spring Millinery Open.
Mre, Oliver smith, of Wroxeter, wee
renewing old friendibipa in Brussels last
Misses Rodeo & Hayorott are attending
the Toronto Millinery Openings this
Mre Dowuiog has been on the sink list
but ie improving now we are pleased to
Fletcher Sperling combined bueioeeo
and pleasure in a trip to Carlingford this
D. M. and Mre. Scott, of Hamilton,
are visitors at F. S. Scott's, William
Mime Josie and Florence Buchanan
are visiting relatives and friends at Blyth
and looetity.
Inc. Ritchie, of Beaforth, was home
over Sunday. Beaforth evidently agrees
well with him.
Mre. W. A. Matthews, who wee visite
ing in town for a few weeks, returned to
Oanningtou ou Wednesday.
B. Gerry wag in Listowel on Monday.
His Hort Berte has sold oat hie hardware
heathen there and may go West.
Mre, John Wright has been the enbjeo
of the prevailing bad °old going the
rounds bat is considerably better now.
Mies Ethel Creighton, milliner, lett
Toronto lest Friday en route to Nelson,.
B. 0„ where she Mae [tempted a poli•
Robert Dark has been under the doe.
tor's °are this week and Mre. Dark was
poorly also. We hope for speedy oon•
Mrs. Fletcher is visiting her parents at
Lnoknow. Her mother met with an ao
oideot by falling Ind we hope she will
soon be all right,
Mre, Inc. Meadows, an old and well
known resident of Bruesele, has been on
the sick list bat we am pleased to state
ehe is better again,
Dan. Fulton has been laid np with a
tbreatenod attaok of appendioitie bot we
hope, as he le a good patient, that, he will
Boon be able to resume hie oocnpetion.
Nelson and Mrs. Askin, of Grey, are
visiting in town preparatory to removal
to Montana, Wo wish them a pleasant
trip and a prosperous pad enjoyable slay.
John sober has hardly been up to his
asuel good health daring the past two
weeks but is considerably better now and
we hope he will soon be as vigorous as
Dr, and Mre. MoNaughton, are in Lon•
don for a few days this week and will
take up their reeidenoe there ohortly,
where the former will tape a rest and
nudism° modioal treatment,
Mieeeo Lizzie Porgnoon, Carrie
Hingeton and Mead Bryant and .lOIre,
Geo. Beat were at Teeowater this week
attending the marriage of Blies Cora
Ferguson and Mr. McDonald, of Sydney,
Nova Bootie.
Au illicit still was seized on the farm
of Fred, Fettered], Brook township,
Kingston Oonaervativee have entered a
prated against the 'election of Mr, Tense
to the Le iolature.
The i o.don Street Railway Oempany
have voluntarily motea00d 111e pay of
their determent and °m tactor%,
CAPITAL—Paid up $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $1,000,000
8. J. MOORS,
Ta00, BRADSHAW, R LA, 810 8010001 flit. W. MORTIMER CLARK, XA, D. E. THOMSON, x, 0.
Drafts Bought and Bold, Farmers' Notoa Dieoounted,
(-s ant ATARIVaze
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATER allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards
Mims/mos' ,B d dFM°dtP
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
Ex Mayor Thos. Gilroy, of Winnipeg is
The typhoid fever epidemic at Winni-
peg Mae been e000eeefully dealt with.
Knight Bros.' each and door factory at
Burk's Falls was burned. Loss,
The Oobban Manufacturing Company's
Montreal branoh factory was gutted by
fire. Lose $30,000.
The railways iutereeted have agreed on
a tunnel under the Detroit River between
Windsor and Detroit.
Two monks were killed by the buret•
ing of a roller in the work shop of the
Trappist monastery at Oka.
Tbe Bell Telephone Company are offer-
ing a service to the farmers of Waterloo
oonoty at apeoial rates.
Mrs, Doyle, of Burford, was found
dead in her woodshed, with a gash in ber
head and her skull fractured.
The Standard Ohomioal Co'e. wood
alcohol and charcoal works at Longford
Mille were damaged by fire to the extent
of $30,000.
Augustus Agnew, of Montreal, a cadet
at the Royal Military College, her been
expelled for getting married in defiance
of the roles.
The Southwestern Traction Company
have made an agreement with the city
of St. Thomas to ran their oars over the
street railway traoko.
The frnit•growera-of the Niagara die•
Witt have appointed a deputation to
wait on the Ontario Minister of Agriool-
tore to formulate plane for fighting the
San Jose settle and other evils this year.
The Supreme Court has given judg-
ment sustaining the 0. P. We contention
in regard to the right of municipalities to
impose taxation upon the Company's
lands in Manitoba and the Northwest
KILLED BY a COMRADE.—Little Joseph
Charles Burridge, known among his cure
pinions as Charley, was killed by an
acoidental blow from an axe in the hands
of a playmate, George Fox, about 6
o'clock Monday eveniug on Riverview
avenue, South London, near the home of
Joseph T. and Mre. Berridge, the par -
ante of the dead boy, who are prostrated
with grief, as is also the lad who was the
Dense of the fatality. The tatter's par-
ents are G. M. and Mre, Fox, of River-
view avenue. The dead boy wee 13
years of age and the other jest a year
hie senior. Four lade, Charley Berridge,
George Fox, Allison Lewis, and Robert
Watt, were playing together in the eoow
after aohool. They had built a small
snow fort on the declivity which elopes
from Riverview avenue to the river and
were pretending, as only boye know how,
that they werehostilearmiee, engaged in
a battle, All the boys were good friend°
and no ill -feeling entered into their sport
in any way. George Fox was defending
the fort and had plotted op an old axe
that lay near at hand. "Come on," he
[Monied in monk defiance to the boyo who
were below him on the elope, at the same
time °winging the weapon in his band.
Charley Burridge was immediately be.
low George and was stooping down in
the act of making a snowball when the
axe slipped from George's band and
struck Charley a frightful blow on the
bead. Young Burridge was carried into
his home and died nine hours afterwards.
DUPES.—In Brussels, on Feb. 23rd., to
Mr. and Mre. D. Dupee, a daughter.
Seeweee.—Io Wroxeter, on Feb 26111, to
Mr. and Mre. Charles 0. Stewart, a
Do0GLAe—N00000.—At .the reeidenoe of
the bride's parents, Morris, on March
let, by Rev. John Roes, B, A., Mr.
James Douglas to Mise Myrtle M. J.,
eldeot daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
Robert Moho), of Morris townehip,
dance of the bride's parents, Tees.
water, on Feb. 281h, by Rev, Mr,
Malooim, Mr. Norman L. McDonald,
of Sydney,_N. S., to Miro Cora E ,
eldeet daughter of Mr. and Mre, D.
Ferguson, of Teeowater.
Blatesee—Sours,—At the home of the
bride's parents, Turnberry, on Feb,
15th, by Rev. W. J, Weet, M. A., Mr.
John Simpson, of Grey, to Mise
Ellen J., daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Pater Scott, of Turnberry, Huron
HARVEY.—In Elena, on Saturday, Feb.
19, 1905, Mary Leckie, relict of the
late Moeee Harvey, in the 79th year
of her age.
JAOQOEe.—In Howiolt on Feb. 26th, John
Wesley Jacques, aged 70 years.
Meoia —In Tor,mto, on Feb. 28rd, Mary
MoGavin, beloved wife of Wm, M.
Moore, aged 86 years and 8 months.
OLIvea.-At 'Tbeeoaloe, on Feb. 27611,
Julien Oliver, formerly of Brneeele,
in hie 50th year.
:318 CD MI:7, JCS.. Mt 7re'; GT,
Fall Wheat 05 100
Berle ,. 40
Seeley . ._ 40
Pearl ...... ...... .....:. 60
0atg.,:. .. .. ...,. 84 86
Butter, tubs and rolle.,;, 20 20
711gge per dozen 19 20
Hay per ton 6 50 8 00
]Lone, par bbl ,5 60 0 00
Potatoes per hue.. 46 46
A :
f>p °g (pet Mbl,) .. . 1 00 1 26
00110, Live ,. .5 26 6 26
Wool ....... 17 18
Salt, per bbl.' retafi.. , , ., 1 00 70
FRIDAY, MARCH 9.-8. W. lot 10, eon,
5, Morris. Bale unreserved at 1 o'clock,
Estate of the late George Hood, Wm.
Michie, Exoonlor ; F. 8. Scott, a00,
Auction Sale
—OF A—
F. 8. goon, Auctioneer, has been instruct-
ed by the undersigned to offer by Public
Auction at the
American Hotel, Brussels
on Saturday, March 18
1906, at 2 o'alook, that valuable 97 core form,
being Lot 9, 00n.13. Grey. On the promisee
le a good brick house, frame barn, orohard,
6 cores bush, &a. Pommes ion given at once.
Terme will be mado known on day of Salo
or on application to the undersigned.
F.8. 800T8, R. RNECHTEL, IILD.,
Auctioneer. Proprietor, Wiubipeg.
The last Cough you
bad wouldn't have
lasted n,t all had
you used. our
White Pine
and Tar
Try it. 25 Cents
per bottle at
TORN BULL, Lotigs six ireolti- 10, Oon.16, Grey,old for Palo.OWalLIVt n
Notice to Debtors.
All persons indented to the undersigned
ere naked to call a1.1 settle the sense by
cash or note at once as I purpose removing
from town in the near future
84.2 J. D. WARWIOB,
uuderaignod w111 lceep for service on
Lot 19, non, 14, Gm, a Tboro'-brod Durham
Bull, Terme 81,00, with privilege of return-
ing if necessary. JAB, 8HI171,0,
84.4 Proprietor.
them you
cradles) 1
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
comfort, very durable.
When you discard
want another " just like the last .ones."
our prices are not the least pleasing part of
(he ii:li'ina,
Here are a few:-
-On Saturday, March 4th, we place on our Bargain Counter
21 pairs of Ladies' Dongola Laced and Buttoned Shoes,
price was $1.50 to $3 ; your choice for $1. Sizes 8 & 3t�.
Harness Department
Single Harness at Reduced Prices for 30 days for Cash.
Trunks and Valises vel'y cheap.
Comfortable Dwelling and e sore land for sale cheap. Convenient to oohed.
Every say. Bargain Day
During this time, in order to make room for two car-
loads of Buggies and Machinery, we will offer everything
in stock at prices to move them. Following are a few of
the Bargains to be had for Cash only :-
1 only McKie Special Buggy
1 only Palmerston Special Buggy
1 only Sunol Jogging Cart
1 only Road Cart
1 Perrin Single Riding Plow
(Plowed a few cores).
1 Kangaroo Plow, used a few days
1 Bell Two -furrow Plow with straight
and rolling coulters.
2 Listowel No. 17 General Purpose Plows
regular $80 00 now $65 00
" 80 00 't 65 00
88 00 " 33 00
23 00 " 18 00
3500 " 2600
26 00 " 18 00
1 Singer and 2 White Sewing Machines,
Bargain Prices for immediate sale.
A number of good serviceable Second-hand
at your own prices.
80 00 25 00
" 13 00 11 00
nothing better made, at
Cutters and
.A Number of Working Horses b o sss end Drivers
from 4 years old up, and 1 Cow 7 years old will be sold worth the
money. Horses, etc., can be seen at the stable formerly used as a
Sale Stable by G. L. Walker.