HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-2, Page 5't) TRAIN UP A CHILD
And whoulle4 8084him Or
A 4:49141AT S(110014
Term opens April lith, 1904
Two Cou roes—
Comnierolal and Shorthand,
Send for College Journal,
A. L. Ale1NTXR10, Manager.
*fra5;%&,a9t1Cag 4e/aaglitrfa91c4'
tient, F.8, SCOTT, Brussele,
v v • lamer of Marriage Lioenoes, 01.
Doe at Grocery, Turnborry ttreet, l3russels,
.1, 80110I00E0 has several good Venue tor
Bale and to rent, °my bor0180 11, Townohips
of Morris and Grey. S. SCOTT, Brunel
C. 0, F.
Court Princess Alexandria, 04o, 24 0.0. 18.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Romn, Bias -
hill Block, on the aud and last Tuesdaya of
each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always 19013301110. JAS. BURGESS, 0.11,
A. 14. kilOLLIHEI, R. FL
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Oillae ovor Horsley's Drug Store.
Nov. fird, 1002. 80.3m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
EsTANLienun 1840
Insurance taker] on the cash and premium
note system at current rates. Enter() (astir-
ing elsewhere oall on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
J. • Ban, 'I11 sell for better priceo, to
better men, in loss time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Baron or
he won't °barge anything. Dottie and orders
can always be arranged at this °Moe or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reaeonable, Sales arranged for
at the 011100 of Tun Pon, Brussels, 2281
...A • Honor Lb manna, 01 8140 Ontario Vol.
°riflery College, is prepared to treat all dh-
ows of domesticated animals In a compet-
ent manner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and ABM Fever, Calls
promptly attended to. Office rand Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et.,
. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta.
&cleanser to G. F. Blair, 01.1100 OVor Stan-
dard 8 auk, Brussels. Solioltor for Metro-
politan 13 ank.
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, 00. Office—Stewart's Blook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solloitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PROVIONOT, H. O. B. 0. Rave
G. F. 13nAn0.
Oilloes—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron dc Solt,
Gonnnunr, ONTARIO.
II. D., C. es.,
Trinity University, S'ellow Trinity Mediae]
College, Member College of Phyeicians and
Surgeons, Oct, Licentiate of the Royal Col.
lege of Physiolana and Licentiate of Slid.
wife*, Edinbu rgh. Lis -Telephone No.14,
Residence—Mill street,13russels,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Pirst.olass Roller
Graduate of Toronto University, Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Tho largest and moat sucemesful
Cointlabrolal and Shorthand Sohool 18
Weetern Ontario. Our courses ere litr•
ir loges in 08110,310, and the United Statea
to -date arid peaotloal, Leading Col -
employ out' catenates as taaaber
08 Write for flee catalogue, You may
enter at any time. fa
MLL10'ete & MOLAORLAN, 1rn
Colt, Yetotrnn AFEXANDOn Sonoma
A Bohm( that is not living on "peat
reputetion" bat on the genuine work done
daily "at the preentime."
0218110 ANY 11001,
eYrtte nor 31111tgoliteent CalitIOINO43,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prianipal.
Fort ret yes] Oh.
Jno. Jagnee he been seriouely ill with
pneumonia. He is also a, sufferer from
Rolm. Gibson, of New Liskeard, is on
the mend after a eerioue attack of
The oounoil will erect two new steel
bridges this year—one a mile and a
quarter Earn of Fordwich and the other
about three miles South of Gerrie.
W. A. Edwards will semi 10 new
dement house the mooing Summer on the
lot in tbe rear of the Methodist church
sheds, whioh be recently purahansd.
:Ma Edwards has ordered a oar of °Maul
from Owen Sound and ie busy making
the cement blooke,
Liam° W441.
Mee. Little haft given up her fanoy
goods store in town and goes to Toronto
to live. Her daughters will accompany
A. 0. Brioker and and 11 A. Seaman
were iu Toronto last week repreeenting
the local council at the Grand Council
R. T. of T. meeting.
MRS J. M. Green, who has been
spending a few weeks with her mother in
town, left for Toronto. From the open-
ings Mien Green goes to Belleville, where
she has taken a poeition ea bead milliner
iro a large mercantile eatebliebnient.
G. MoD. Allan, of Goderioh, repre-
mutative of the Frontons° Cereal Com-
pany, Kingeton, Blipped oo a London
sidewalk last week, and has since been a•
patient at the Loudon House, having torn
several of the ligamenta of hie arm.
The Chairman of the Board of Werke
had a gang of men and teame employed
laeu week rem .ving the banks of snow off
the bridges and from the streets in front
of the etoree, where it wee piled to a
height that obstructed the roadwey.
The pltoh-holes on Main street East and
West have also been levelled.
George Loree, leader of the town band,
was promoted with a silver tenor elide
trombone by tbe members of the hand.
The presentation was made at the band
practice, Walter Morrie reading an
appreciative addrees, and Arthur Staple
ton making the presentat on, to whioh
bandmaster Loree made a ealtable reply.
Bert. Gerry Me mild out hie hardware
booiness on Wallace street to A. Howard
& 0o. of Newmarket, who took pommaion
on Monday. Jobe F. Dandy, an exper
tamed hardware man, moon:monied Mr.
Howard to town, and these gentlemen,
along with Ed. Moffitt, who retains hie
poeition as clerk, will be in Marge of the
Moines% Mr. Seward, who is a married
man, intends taking up his resideme in
Grotto rich.
James Mitobell was elated first vim.
president of the Fall Fairs Association at
the m Ming in Toronto.
The Telephone Clemently is putting a
telephone line is from their office to the
office of the breakwater ontructore on
the North pier.
J. MoOlay has sold out hie bakery on
Hamilton street to the Warner Broe.,
who are now in possession. Mr. MeClay
intends removing to the Week in the
The iron for the bridge over Dunlop's
hill readied the depob laet week, and ie
being moved to its destination, and, with
fine weather, will soon be placed in
position. The contratotor is waiting for
the bridge to enable him to use it along
the hill oicle from Dealop'e oat to Gold
thrope's. Between Goderioh and Elmira
many miles of the track are ready for the
relics, and many of the foundations for
the bridges along the route are ready
for the superstructures.
The contraotore for the outside break.
water are now pushing wads on the mita,
and preparing material for them Three
cribs are now well advanced, the (anode.
Non of another ia being placed, and the
fifth will be laid in a few day& , Stone is
being delivered ab the harbor in large
quantities, thomande of loads having
already been delivered, yet Mill the line
of atone laden eleighs pluming through'the
town memo unbroken. From the nippear•
atom of the oribe and the material On the
ground it !mks 1133 through our mariners
will have a shelter to proteob them when
they begin the Fall delivery of !Manitoba
R. M. Motley returned from Toronto,
where he bad been completing a couree
ill an option! ornlege.
E. Livingston and family moved to
their new home oti Westmoreland street
last week, and Janet's Cutt and family
are moving into the houee yearned by
Mr, Livingston on the corner of Dinaley
and Morris streets. 114r; Livingston's
new borne is a neat and tidy one and his
many Mende hope that be and his
family will be long spared to enjoy it,
Mrs. Elizabeth 0. Bainton died at her
residence, 00 the corner of Queen and
Weettnoreland etreats, about 10 °Vac&
on Saturday night Feb, 18111, after only
one week's illneen with pneumonia and
bronchitis. The aall 14,14 (loth wag and•
den and unexpected. For the peat 15
years deeetteed 01180 10 great anfferer from
rheunaatlam and during that time wee
unable to help herself, ao crippled bad
her body bsootbe from the dinette°. .4.1-
11400514 ole anffered greatly, and tbe
pia at times was very severe, she bore
ber tiffitation with greet Christian forti-
tude, atid when the end came was pre -
'paved to enter ber eternal bome, She
Wag a WOMan of many admirable traite
of oharnoter and one clearly loved by her
ohildren. Her husband died 25 yearn
go and elle limes nine cauldron to
own 8(818 (040 of r, kind and affectionate
nether, The children nee Wm, of Berea
; John Henry, of Plymouth, Michigan ;
Elisabeth, of Saginaw, Miehlyan
aella of Salt ; 0, of Lendon ;
I Jeale, Bert, Prank and Etele, of Myth,
abi of whom worn here, excepting John
Henry, The funeral left her late
residence Thursday morning at
nine o'clock and prooceded to tho Wing.
ham oernetery, where interment was
roade, We j with the many frivnde
of oho bereaved ones in extending syrn•
Township printing for tbe year 1905
was awarded to the Viclette at the last
Council for the sum of 580.
Alex. Hamilton removed into the
houee reoently mingled by S. 0. Hatt.
well ; Wm. Roe le moving in J. IL
Williams' home, Mr. Williams having
moved into the dwelling above ble store.
Rich. Carson is moving into the resi•
denim be parohaeed from Mrs, Hap,.
We understand that Mat Porterfield,
father of Vet, Porterfield, will move to
town and ooaupy the residence recently
vacated by Alex. Harniltou. Wm. Audi.
son has moved to town and is living in
T. FI. MoLaughlin's residence near the
0. P. R. traoks.
Hensell has more well or ill.bred dogs
to the equate ioob than any place of its
size in the onntry.
Owing to the trains being blocked our
couriers did not go 8t London to compete
in the (teals foe tbe Oolt'e Cep.
It Hemell twirlers could play away
from home ea well as they do at home,
they would sweep the Province.
Reeve Smallacombe has a janitor oolt's
rick in training which premien to put
old and experienced curlers on their
metal. Tbe young lade thaw wonderful
aptitude for the game.
Another change of property kook place
whom John MacArthur, 'ex•bauker, die.
posed of his house and two Iota where he
has lived for a good number of years, to
Robert Dryadale, of Drysdale, who will
take poesession in the Spring,
i sta turn .
N. T. Bitable, P. L. El., of Winnipeg,
Man., formerly of Wiogbam, wee visiting
in town last week.
Thee. Watt has purcineed the new
and oommoclione reeidenoe on Patrick
'street, from the estate of the late W. T.
A. Fi,bleigh.
The Street Committee of the Council
have had the snowbanks that lined oar
Utah) street mattered on the centre of
the street. It took tbree men and a
team three daye.
James Fleecy received word of the
death of hie brother Samuel, who died
at Brentwood, ERROR 00., England, on
January Ellet, in the 65th year of bis
age. He had been Buffering from
paralysis for over a year, end a abort
time since was taken to the hospital,
where be expired after being there a few
weeks. He was the father of Samuel
Fleuty, who learned the printing bud.'
nme at the Advance office, and after-
ward(' became editor and proprietor of
the Palmerston Reporter, and died in
that town some few years ago.
lt_1 11 ex ton. •
Miss Wallace had the miefortune to
fall and break her arm.
Dr. John Goan was laid up for a' few
days last week from an attack of
Annivereary services will be held in
Wesley °batch on Sunday, Marob 12, to
be toonduated by Rev. Thoth Manning, of
Bt. Marys.
Clinton is now without a Chime
watthee mon, Mr. Consigney havoug
bought out Li Hang Chang, who hoe Lae
left for another field of labor.
Several of the employees of the organ
faotory have obtained employment else-
where. 0. Glean and 111. Graelis have
gone to Woodetook, W. Towehend to
Strathroy and Lester Sage to Stratford,
Daring the stormy weather of last week
while the made were impaseible, Mies
Olive Cooper, of town, who Meshes on
the 16th eon. of Goderiob bewnehip,
made the trip to and from her school on
enow shoes.
The Minister said in the Dominion
Parliament that Col. Otter might reoeive
one of tbe larger commando whioh would
probably be created under the readjust.
meet and enlargement of military
distriets. This may carry with it pro.
motion to the rank of Brigadier -General.
He is a well known Huronian, having
been born within half a•mile of. Clinton.
The annual meeting of Willis Chart%
%vas held oo Monday evening of last weals
with a good attendame. Satisfaotory
reports were presented by the treasurer
and the different sooietiea menet:Wed with
the church. The three retiring trasteee,
W. Brydone, D, MoOormick and F. Mo
.Ewen were re-elected for another three
years. It was decided in future to
publish annual, detailed financial reports
for the information of the naembera.
Supplementary Meetings,
Meetings of E let Heron Farmers' In•
OHM() for the discussion of Agricultural
and kindred aubjeote will be held ae
ST, COLUA113IAN, Saturday, Maroh 4
WINTHROP, Mooday, 0 6
HARLOOR, Toeedity, " 7
BLUEVALE, Wedni May, " 8
ETHEL, Thu reday, "
MOLESWORTEf, Friday, 't 10
FORDWICEL Saturday, " IL
Addressee by H. G. Reed, of George
town, and J. L. Warren, of Acton.
Meetings open at 1 30 and 7 30 p. on.
All are cordially invited to attend and
take an intelligent part in the discussion
of the varied subjects introduced.
The Immo by death &wine the past year,
27, were the largest in th. history of the
ohuroh, Ag the jubilee of the oburehat
e08arnishrnent-50 ywa—ocoors in 1907
steps will be taken for a imitable obtierv•
acne of this important /Mut.
Liu clan° ws..
Miss Lou Campbell left for Revelstoke,
B. 0 , where she has seoured a good
poeition in a large dry role home in
that plaoe.
Miss Harris, who will open a millinery
shop in the etore now occupied by John
Murchison, about the 5114 of Manila lam
secured tbe aervicies of Mies McCall, of
Under the auspices of the Holyrood
Public Library a Concert will be given
on Friday, March 3rd, The foiowing
artiste will take part. Misses Johnston
and Robertson, Luoknow ; Mee Percy,
Teamster ; D. McLeod, Ripley ; Ripley
Male Quartette composed of D. Munn, R.
Meson, 11 Irwin, W. J. Crawford ;
Homer Harris and Min B. Strath,
Holyrood ; R. Lane, Kiniough ; Messrs,
Logan and Stanley, Purple Grove ;
Johueton and Harris, Holyrood ; Erneet
Allieton, Kinloss ; Mies Dora Lees,
Luoknovf, Amompanist.
Farmer Broe. bad a plate glass placed
in the front of their More, whioh they are
Ed. Biesett, of Winnipeg, while sorting
meat recently, had the misfortune to ont
off part of one of hie fingers.
Two boys while playing outside of
Carling Broe, more moidently broke one
of the windows in front of tbe atore. The
pane into Dime been replacted.
Dr. D. A. Anderson, who meetly re-
turned from visiting his mother, Mra.
J. R. Anderson at Wetmore Midi.,
received the sad intelligeuoe that elm bad
since died, 9800105 00107 on Tuesday of
last week.
Last week saw another of the brighteek
and most popular of Exeter's former
residents laid to rent amoug 10 number of
the friends of his younger and brighter
days and he now eleepa the eternal sleep.
We refer to the demise of John Nelson
Hooper, who died at tbe hospital, Winni.
peg, Man., on Friday, 17th all., :,ab the
age of 52 yeare. The deoeaeed had been
in failing health for several months from
the effeote of dropsy and heart trouble
and while all possible means known to
medical skill were resorted to, his con-
dition did not improve Red as above stet.
ed he enooumbed to the embotion, John
Nelson Heoper was a eon of the late Rev.
William Hooper and was born in Bow-
manville, Ont., but for the greater part
of hie life he made Exeter his home. As
dry.goode Mork he emend an apprentice.
ship with the late James Piokard. •He
showed mourn promise in hoe (Moose
oompation and recognizing his superior
oapabilitiee he was assigned charge of
the dry geode department. Ito this per
iod he had woo the respect and canifidence
of all by hie good qualitiee and -endeared
himself socially by his reedy laympathies
and One qualities of mind and heart. He
poeseesed to a marked degree the quality
of raeulinen and was in physique and
appearance a typithol gentleman. Sta.
tioued at Winnipeg, some yeare ago he
went on the road as commercial traveller,
taking as his ground Manitoba and the
Territories. His health tailing him he
was compelled to quit the road and take
some indoor eraplosment. The firm
took him in the wholesale department,
where he remaibed up to about four
months ago when the nature of hia
Card of Thanks
Oa aeconnt of ill health I have
diaposed of my interest in the firm
of Wilton & Turnbull to MR. WM.
GILLESP1D, of Ripley, -Ont., and
I take this opportunity of extending
my thanks to our many easterners
and Mende for their motioned pat
Nonage and amilideme in our busineas
relatione with them for the post nine
years the firm ;hag been in badness
I trust the some and inorensed pat.
renege may be extended my onecessor
and the now flan.
I Mena= Yours truly,
Brownie, Feb. 20, 1905.
Notice to Debtors.
All parties owing the firm
of Wilton & Turnbull up to
January, 1906, are request-
ed to call at the store and
settle either by cash or note
on or before the 15th day of
March as we want to get our
books closed tip by that date
if possible.
Yours Trimly,
ailllotinn rn ooffested Itself 10 such an
extetti iit.t tie was compelled to love up
Nig go &c, Ole boruntel with the
I result a., Vtated above. He was buried at
Ex -1.1 c wry.
arlinesto wet.
Last Sunday evening Batt. Shaw, of
Booted(''preaoleed in 'Gloom Hall here,
Miss Ainelia Sprain, of the 14th eon.,
of Grey, 1,3 0. visitor with Mrs, John
Mies Allis McKelvey hag returned to
Toronto where she ie employed at demo-
Geritoo, aeoond son of Wm. Holt, is on
the NM list from jaundice bat we hope
he will soon be o. k.
L. and Mrs. Eekmier and Miss Eck.
mier were laid up with lagrippe but we
hope they will mon be better.
We are pleased to hear that William
McKelvey ie improving ooneiderably in
health and we hope continued program
may be made.
Saturday kat President Ibibibor and
Vice President Bryant) attended the
monthly meeting of the Howiok Mutual
Fire lumina= (Jo. at Gorrie.
Leat week Bernice Payne moved to the
P. J. McDonald farm which he bee
leased for a term of yeare. Mr. Skinn,
of Wawanosli, will become the tenant of
the Rae farm, vacated by Mr. Payee.
Rev. W. T. Hall, formerly pastor of
Beigrave Presbyterian March, hart been
extended a unanimous call from the con-
gregation of Ninth Presbyterian ober,*
St. Paul, Minnesota. The offer is $1200,
free mama and holidaye.
The death of Wm. Abraham, uncle of
Thomas Abraham, of Wingham, has re-
moved another of the landmarks of the
past, pointing back to pioneer days in
Huron county. Deceased was born in
t` (Aunty of Fermanagh, Ireland,
eighty-nine yeare ago, sal was of a long.
lived family, many of them reaching
near to the four more and ten oaark. He
emigrated to Canada fifty seven years
ago, and 00018 to East Wawanosh about
the year 1856—half a century ago. By
bard work be made a home for hie family
in the new township. He was a mem•
ber of the ohuroh of Ilugland, a staunch
Conservative, and for seventy years a
member of the Orange society. He woe
esteimed for hie upright obaraoter, He
leaves 0010 00100 and two daughters. The
lama are Thomas, ot East Wawanoeb
and William of Turaberry ; the daugh-
ters—Mrs. John McDonald, of Wing -
ham and Mrs. W. Ooeemore, of Morrie.
Interment was made in Belgrave came
tery on Monday of last week, a large
number following the remains to their
last resting plaoe.
Mrs. (Rev.) Penhall Is confined to
bed with au 'meek of pleurisy.
We regret to report the illness of
Andrew Donaldson. He was taken seri
solely siok with kidney trouble.
Robb. Ford, of Donegal, last week mot,
ed into his home parchased from Lemuel
On Saturday, Feb. 18tb, Mrs. Moses
Harvey, 10th con., Emit, depsrted (hie
tire after an ilneses of only a few days.
Mrs. Harvey bad been a aufferer from
rupture for yeare and when the attack
oeourred again sloe requested an opstation
although the doctors were not anxious to
perform it owing to her advanced age.
However Mail was her spirit that four
dootorn performed the critical operation
on Friday afternoon. The results seem -
ad satisfactory till well on towards Sat
urday morning when,. she sank rapidly
and passed peacefully away, no doubt not
having the neameary rallying powers.
Tbe funeral took place on Tuesday after.
noon and was oondnoted by Rev. Mr.
Penbell assisted by Rev. Mr. alaVloar
and Rev. Mr, Tiffin. A large concourse
of people bore eloquent testimony to the
high esteem in which deceased was held
by all who had the pleasure of knowing
her exemplary Christiad life and her
many mote of real kindliest'.
Rev. A, MoVioar, formerly of Hunts-
ville, was formally indnoted to his new
oharge in Atwood on Feb. 16, A special
meeting of Stratford Presbytery wee
held in Atwood for thet purpose and the
attendance was large in spite of
very unfavorable weather oonditions.
Mr. MoVioar, who war the unanimous
choice of the oongregation, begins hie
pastorate under moist favorable °iron=
mama, and a period of inoreased pros•
parity is looked forward to. The indno.
tion took place in the afternoon. The
women was preaohed by Rev. Mr. Hardie,
who presided. Rev. Mr. Cameron after.
wards addressed the minister and Rev.
Mr. McKinnon the oongreigation. In the
evening a reception for Rev. Mr. MoVioar
wan held. After aupper, which was
Served in the !Atli* a well rendered pro-
gram of singing and addressee was given.
A pleasant feature was the presentation
of a puree containing 850 to Rev. J. W.
Cameron in recognition of hie services as
interim moderator. At the meeting of
the Presbytery the resignation of Rev,
James &bray from the pastorate of
Monkton, was oonaidered and aceepted,
Rev. N. D. MaKinnon, of Milverton,
being appointed interim =Aerator.
Hon. W. EL Fielding hen returned to
Ottawa from Europe.
Alfred Giroux, of Qoebeo was run over
by en eleotrio oar and out in Iwo,
The Model and Pnblio sohool building
at Athens was burned. Lose $9,000,
R. 181. MoDonald, a Pere Marquette
ewitehman, was killed at St. Thomas.
Rev. David J. Soolard was oonseorated
first Bishop of the new Roman Catholic
dioaeae of Sault Ste, Marie by Arch.
bitahop Gauthier at Peterboro'.
The report is in airs elation that an
American syudiaate is negotiating for the
parehme of a controlling Internet iu the
iuduatries of the E. 33. Eddy company.
A deepatob from Yale, Mich., nye
Miss Caroline Livingston, sister of Mrs,
James McColl, of that place, and dangb
ter of James Lieingeton, of Baden, Ont.,
is dead here of thberunlooie.
H. and A. Allan, of Montreal, have
signed a contract with the Doreinion
Government for a eteamerohip eeevioe to
Frame. The centred is for three years,
and four steaMships are to be emoloyed.
Jos, Jenking, 87 yearn of age, a retired
allipbailder, living above Walkerville,
died Saturday of lank Week. He wee one
ot 21 children, twenty boys and ono girl.
Fie built his first 13013k in 1853 for Dr.
Russell, of Detroit, and tho,present Ring
Edward oroescd on it over to Detroit
when be Made hie visit to Canada an
Prince of Wales, Captain ;reeking won
a silver Cup wh ob he moored in a yeatob
rade in 1858 with a boat built by hinneelf,
It ie impossible for ne to describe the beauties of weave and 'Morning
of the new tisanes 016 004 allowing. Never before 1104 enol fabricie been
men in Blyth. Pay a visit 00 000 Wash Goods department, and allow our
salespeople to show you the goode, and explain their merits to you.
Printed Voile Sextette, a most dainty !Abdo, printed in floral patterns,
in delicate shadings of pink, sky green, eta., at 15e, 20a, '25t and 35s.
Veetinge, bo basket weaves, floral patterns and stripes, very swell geode,
at 15e, 26n, 860 and 60o,
Cotton What, in oolore of pink, sky green and linen (fleets, at 10e, 12i .,
15o, 20,1 and 25o.
Scotola Ginahams, to email obeake, in black and white and pink and white,
also in larger Meeks, in a variety of new designs, at 10s, 120, I5s,
and 180.
Spot hemline, in small end large (loin spot, sprays end floral designe, ut
So, 8o, 10o, 15o, 20o and 26o.
New Prints, in Engliab and Canadian goods, inaluding the celebrated
Ornm'e and Atlitou'e geode, at 8., 10e and 1240,
Our New Carpets are now open for inspection. They were all bough
before the advance in wool and will be Bold at old prime.
Union Carpets, in new patterns end coolers, at 25o, 35o, 40o and 50e,
Wool Oarpets, new patterns, revereible, at 65o, 75a and 90,.
Tapestry Carpets, all new designs, at 26a, 36o, 50o and 750.
Yi'a show a great snap in Lace Carte -ins, whioh vse imported direct,' 34 g
yards long, 60 inches wide, good valoe 00 01.85, for $1.
Bxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx%12xia
The Dominion Government has deoid•
ed to make the 00,n0,113 free of toile for an•
other year.
L, Jantzi was killed while driving to
Baden, hie load of wood slipping off and
crashing bine.
The Coati000k, Que., Opera House
was burned, and Fireman John (Ionise
was killed by the roof falling upon him.
The Heti Oenbury Refrigerator Com•
pauy's drying kiln at Dundas was burn•
ed, with a lot of vulaable wood. Lees
Thomas J. Burney, aged 42, living in
the rear of 96 Seaton street, Toronto,
took hie lite with a ballet Saturday alter•
ncon of last week, while despondent.
Burney was a mill band for Soholey
Bros., Ontario street, until two weeks
ago, when he was laid off. He was a
bachelor and he and bio brother John, an
engineer, lived together. To.day, the
brother says, demand eame into the
house and oomplained of his non.employ.
moot and hie affairs generally. He then
went up etairs. .a, little later a shot WM
heard. John found his brother kneeling
against the bed, with a wound in the
temple. Dr. Carlyle was Bent for but
tbe mao was quite dead. The body was
was taken to an undertaker's and the
coroner notified.
Alaide Laurin, of Alexandria, eon of A.
Laurin, vosinerary surgeon of that place,
was killed at a hockey game Saturday
night at Moxville. The young man'who
was priater in the employ of Ole Glen.
garrian of Alexandria. He went to Max -
villa with the Alexandria hookey team to
play the hlaxvilles. In the midst of the
game he was etrnok in the head with a
hockey stick in the bands of A. Loney of
the Maxedlle team, and died almost im-
mediately after. Referee O'Connor,
previous to the game warned the players
that roughness would not be tolerated,
and referred to three players who bad
been almost killed while playing hookey
reeently. Mr O'Connor, during the first
six minutes ot the game, ruled
off five of the Maxvilles and one
of the members of the Alexandria team.
A. Loney and Weide Laurin went for the
pmts. Loney streak Laurin a heavy
blow soros° the shine, then smashed
Laurin's hookey etiok, When hie stick
wm ion.% Toronto °yen, Tuesday
During Mara and April
AT 9 P. M., FOR
and run via Toronto, Grand Trunk, North
Bay and Canadian Pacific. A. Colonist
Sleeper will be attaohed to each train. Pas-
sengers travelling without i live stook should
take the train leaving Toronto 181 1.40 0,113,
Train leaving Toronto at 9 p. m. is for pas-
sengere travelling with stook,
Full partioulara and copy of "Western
Oauada," from any Canadian Pacific Ball.
way Agent 01 0. B. FORTlitt, Tom -
to, 884
was broken Laurin went up to Loney
and pushed him baok, The retiree st
onoe blew the whotle, Loney then
struck Laurin a b'ow on the brad,
Laurin was instantly killed. The re.
maiva were taken to Alexandria.
•••••••••• r
Royal J1ai1 Steamers
Prom St..1301in Front Halifax
, Feb. 18 Mou., Feb. 20
01 " " 27
Sicilian " Mar. 4 " Mar.
Bavarian " " 11 " " 19
First Cabin, $50 and upwards, acoording
to steamer and tunoraniodation ; Second
Cabin, Liverpool aud Londonderry, 81700
and 090, atto.,rdine to steamer, London
02.50 extra ; Third Ole.as, $27 50, superior ao-
OetnraodatiOn, Liverpool, Derry, Belfast,
Glasgow, London,
Laurentian Thursday, Unroll 2, 10 am
Easet.,00r616 040 and up —2nd Cabin, $85—Ord
For furthoi piti Maulers apply to
Agent, B r easels.
For a Choice Stock
of Goods at FAIR
PRICES the Public
cannot do better than
buy at my store.
A Specialty of Repairing and all
work Guaranteed.
Oall iu.
Toys, Dolls, Books, &c.
as the room is wanted for other pur-
poses, the balance of the goods will be
sold at COST for 80 days.