HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-3-2, Page 1Vo1.33. Na, 34 tleik BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1908 W. H. KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. & Co, by s0veral of the talented company, guests eeparated for their hopes in the morning hiura, thanking Mr. and Mra. Summon for their appteoiated hospitality and wishing the bridal pale happy and prosperous years sail over the matrjmonjal sea. "-" '" "— W 018 Colt. The sawmill lo again tanning in tall blast. Mise Maude Ferguson is visiting friends in Reno= this week, H. B. and Pare. Moore, of Hallett, were bonne, wishing Mr. and Mre, Reid and fanny many nappy, prosperous years. They left for Owen Sound on Wednesday of tine week, The farm has been per. chatted by Robert Lowe who moves to at once from the 3 d non, We wish him and hie prosperity on their new plantation, Andrew Sharpe loaves tbie week on hie return trip to Oryetal City, Man. Mr, Sharpe le greatly taken up with the West and we think by appearance the climate agrees well with him. Before returning the brothere and Rioters met at R Dil worth's and had a merry time talking over the good days gone by, Pantie Leann —Oliver Tornbnll and Oliver Harris, 1511, oon., bave leased, Lot 11 of the =me °a:amnion, lying be (ween their forme, for a Wm of five year, from Robt. Douglas, of Park River, Nortb Dakota. The 100 acres on the 14th aen., belonging to Mr. Douglas bee been rented by A. 0. Dames, of Brussels, y who will pat saltie upon it, We wish them well. D. MOOallum bag been the tenant. The emotion sale of Nelson Askin, 141b, oo°., went with a good swing, the reeeipte exoeedi°g the estimate of the proprietor. Mr. and Mrs, Aekin have moved from the term and are vieitiog Braeaele relative before leaving for the Western S:atee, We wieb them well. The farm has been leased by James Douglas, Morrie, who, with his bride, has taken poaeeesion. May they and life in Grey towoabip happy and prosperous. This week John B. lavde disposed of his choice 50 tare farm, EOM 25, con. 11, to Angng Oampbell, whose property ed joined, for 58,300 This will give Mr, Campbell 125 aorta now. He will get possession from Mr. Hyde early in April. The latter will hold an auction Bale of farm stook, implements, 1)o, and after their disposal contemplates removal to Stretford. He has been 10 year, in Grey township. We hope be will do well in the Olassic city. the evening and everybody hnd aeplendid time. Mr. apd 111m. Douglas will tube np housekeeping on the Akin farm, ldtb con., Grey, wbioh the groom ; bee leaed it for a term of years. Tbey oommence married life with the beet wisbee many. HYMENEAL.—A pretty hone wedding took Maas on Wedneadey evening, Feb, 16th, at 8 o'olook, at the home of Henry and Mn,rRichmond, Maple Ridge farm, Morrie township, when their eldest dnaghter, Bain Mary Chrietenn, wan married to Thomoe Pate, a prosperous young fanner of Henna. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr, MoLean, Biyth, The bride was attired in a very pretty connote of cream crepe de °bine' and chiffon, and carried white carnations and ferns. They entered the parlor the strains of Mendelesohn wedding weroh, played by Mies Sbobbrook. The young couple left on the morning ',rein Inc Toronto and other Eastern. points, with kite best wishes of their many frieude and acquaint°nogg, GOLDEN WEDDING, To a very taw aoa lee cornea the o P opportunity of Dale- bratiug eo important au event ea a golden wedding and hence the deep interest centring •around snob an interesting event. On Wednesday evening of this week Wm. J. and Mre. Johnston, old and well known reatdalts of the let line, osis• of brated the 50th anniversary of their marriage by a gathering of relatives and friends when a most enjoyable lime was ape°',. The groomsman at the wedding of Mr, Johnston and Sarah Devideen, 50 years ago, in Goderib township, wee present in the parson of George Johnston let line, whom everybody knows. The late Mrs, S. Shaw (Mary Devidso° eieter to Mrs. Jobneton, was bridesmaid, Mr. end Mee. Johnebon received many eon• gretalabiont on the way they had stood life's battles end enjoying so large degree of good health yet. All their children were present viz ;—Robert and Hugh of Manitoba ; Wm., Richard, Edward, Silas, end Mre, G. Matthews, all of Morrie towngibp and Mise Sarah at home. The boat bad the honor of filling the Reeve's chair and other municipal ,•ffi°ee in his earlier years and has been very eloeely and °emmislently oenneeted with Methodism in the church upon the owner of lits farm for many a long day. In fact the Johnston home was the paraao'mbustopping hplace hundreds of times d thumb ga erings their premises were appropriated ea beat united the visitore. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were and are noted for their geniality and hospitality, Goth are et the real old Irish type. That their passing yeare may be crowned with all the blesai°ge of tbie life and bye and bye by the better blessings of the life eternal is the wieb of many friends, — of Tempera0oe deserve credit for their willingness to aid deserving charities Irom year to year and the people of the community evidently appreotate their off°rte by the support accorded, At the of oonolaeion of the Concert the talent from Btaesele wee most boepttably ao0ertained at the home of Mrs, Spenoe, CAPPILII WEDDED,—At 5 p. m. on Wed- needay of Met week, "Mount Pleasant," the a"mmodioue reeidenoe of A, G. and Mrs, Weleb, Bab con, Grey, wad the magnetic spot to a large pitons of rola• tints and friends that being the date and place of the o°n°ammation of Oapid'e of work in the uniting of heart and hand in a matrimonial alliance between Alvin W. Burr, of this place, and Min 8elinu, daughter of the host and bonen. The 10 nuptial bow was tied by Rev. D. 13, Me Rae, of 0ranbrook, the bride being given away by her tether, Mies Helen Barr, sieler to the groom, played the Wedding Marmb in good style. The priooi ole p were anal/ended. A meet becoming ooetume of white silk, bridal veil, &a., Waa worn by the bribe. The oompauy est dawn t° a most elaborate spread and the ordinary ability of the hostess was well proven, Rev. Mr. Moline pro• posed the beet to the bride which was responded to by the groom. A delight. ful time was spent 10 the evening in games, enlist obat, vocal and i°atr° mental music, sddreeseo, recitation and general merry makiog in whiob the "twine" were onnepiaaone. Speeebe were given by R. Maxey, R. Barr, H, Weleb, F. Mason, B, 0. Davies, W. Monorleff, Will. Leatherdale and others, Songs, sacred and mower wore well sang by B. 0. Davis,, Will, Spence, min Vinnie Cardiff, Mies Jaha Langmtrobh, Minn R. and L. Spence, Mise Ma- Ilwein, Mr. Hamilton and Master Harold Monorieff. In Monumental timbers a the bride, W. Spence, A. Brown and others contributed and pleasing retina tions were given by Mise Cole and Mise Mason. Among the goemte from a distance were Meters. Monorieff, of Teterboro', Mra. Joo, Monorieff, Mie Mary Monorleff, Master Harold Moa- °rieff sad Mies Morrison, unpin, aunt and 0000100 of the bride respectively ; Mies Laogetrotb, Seatorth ; Edgar and Mises Sarah and Bertha $nrrimon and Albert Armstrong, of Kioloee ; mise Mohwaio, of Toronto ; and Min Emy lane Welsh, sister of the bride, who IB training as a nurse at Naw York and will spend a few weeks here before returning to the atty. Tee bride's goingaway dress woe bine with blue shirred hat to manna Mr, and Mrs. Barr lett on a wadding roar to Toronto, Teterboro' and obber pointe and on their return will locate on the groom's farm near here, where many old friends will unite in wishing them Godspeed on their voyage over the matrimonial sea. It ie hinted that some parson may have some knots to tie in the future over the result of heart -to• heart talks at the weddingminor Lestivitfee. The large company voted Mr, and Mee. 4Veieh A 1 entertainer.. A number of the relatives drove to Brunets on There day and had n photo taken as a part of the sport of the day. The cow bell at. taahmeot kept p the company from run• ning over anybody en route. over the globe, generally within sixty home of six p. in, on the 20th, t'A. reaotiooar,y atom, period will be central on the 27th, 28tb and 29th.. At this time the temperature wilt ries deoidedly, the barometer will fall pro gresaivaly from Weet to East, and general storms of rain and wind, turning to snow in the North, will pees Han. wardty across the oopntry, all followed by another decided rise of tbo barometer, North westerly winds and mnob wider, "lbs month will not bring a max. imam of cold, but mush precipitation in the form of rein, sleet or snow will °sour, with disagreeable fluctuations of bemperetare, an unsteady nate of the barometer, and some furious donate, A Venue period °entering near the time of the Vernal egnfn,a, le always an admonition that di-egreeable weather and manysevere to dangerous stomas and otheperterbntiona are to be ex- pentad. " present and the datum]The Epworth League and Sub the offarfttga will show a the Peet year. In at =theme two ggartette. "1 SStbandman," and "Roll ocean" wsra agog. Rev dressed a few words to t Mise Lizzie Ferguson hi on Japan. Rev. Mr, Cos Kinoardine on Sunday. Rev. J E. Banter, wt his course et Viuturia Ct and will be ordained a: friends ministry at the London 0 held at Lietowel neat aur a amaaimoae invitation t gait to beeorne their p acoepied subject to the ra Stationing Committee and he already has an noquai, people having spent one y daring his probation. Re and HU is a moat the aid and with the aid of ' should awned better than son of John Hunter, of .i°I The dates of the E Annivereary in 00013•°ti Methodist ohnroh, Brace. Sunday and kindly, Mar Rev. W. E Milleon, Preai nor Diatriat Epworth Leag on the Sabbath at 10 30 an on Monday evening, sem o'e+an e, a =meioal and l' tainmeut will be held. setae are 10 be given by Killeen and Avioon ; tee notions by W. A Grewar Mre. Jaokeon ; and a rev Minnie MrNaogbton. 0'h mid also take part. Thee 000aeione have been mirky (MOMS end the Leaguer forward to a profiteete tie' named. Ameroioge INAUGURAL — morning Rev. H. W. Lang rector of Si. John's aluroh, his initial =rein. After ti the day thy teat was annex tastes 8th chapter and vers the molted buried, who i goes from the p toe of Mel were for,. otten in the city SY ao done." Before ante sermon the reverend gent) to his doming to Bruaeele ed and thanked the ton their zeal and kindoeee an lined what the remit of 0 would be able to a0oomptie Lang Ford i° his disocnr e privileges with wbioh we a and palled attention to the only constituted a moans o they were properly utilize of religion without fruit is is Hying against ligbt and to a life of oontinued faleeh ioo°mbent has a good vof and fluent delivery and demonstrate the Troth wit prtfit to his congregation Canadian by birth, first eee of da at Granton, Middies y oompletioo of hie O dlege looated at Oalgary, N. W, and then was appointed t Ontario, wlere he bas op tares years with marked removal being g deeply reg Lang Ford, who by the wa to nee. I. M. Webb, Wham here, has taken an native athletics and in bis student football and base bell teems tortes. Mrs, Deng Ford's Bernie and aloe g with ant etitntee the rector's home Laug.Ford ie not all Retire ae be 'pent two weeks in Br the inatmbe0oy of Rev. 0 now of Preston. We bid th a hearty welcome to Brume their stn sere will ba pleaea Y p °mut marked by the r wood word and •work, Rev. Ford will continue to min People of St. George's ahuru his predeoeseore have done. Dog Ioet—A. 61oNeil, Purse 106E—THE POET, Auction tale—R. Kneobtsl. Ball for aervloe—Jamas athlete.many Riga for atilt—Oliver Turnbull. Girls wanted—Miens Habkirk. Bargains—Nail 5, lWo nuahhn, Seed barley for eats—tiff Smith. Notice to debtors—J D, Warwick. Ladies' floe ebuoa—I. O. Rlbarde. Spring meth goods—Mc$tOno0 * i;.,. ifl '� brx.ex41r1, J vcatttng in tow° thio week. Mre Kinney is Oohing her daughter, Mee, es Dennie, in Toronto this week. Mies Nary Iffa(isviu, of Seef,rth, few WV rOXIO(ter, Inspector Robb spent Monday Village. R. Farrel and men bane retnrned Hamilton. N, Oook, of Hansell, visited over Beadily. ' Charles Stewart, of Woodbridge, tow0 thio week, R. T. Miller, of Toronto, is spending few holidays at his home here. S. M. Robinson, of Wingham, Sunday under the parental roof. Robert Rae, of Listowel, spent any with hie brother, Thomas Rae. Mies Alice Hamilton left on for a visit with relating at Oheeley. Mrs. W. Johnson returned from with relatiyee in Berrie/on on Monday. Mies Annie Richardson, of Toronto, epent eaveral doye with Mre. A. Mai, 0, and Mre. Koehler, of AVtou, guest's of the latter'e rimer, Mrs. Moffitt. Mies Agnes Black returned from don last week where she has visited erverol weeks. Mre. Oliver Smith returned from eele on Thursday where she had week with relatives, The annual Gowen of the 0. whiob wee postponed will be held Pride Msreb 3rd, Friday, Member. of the School Board OOgnoil dr°te•to Fordwiel3 and last Saturday and inepeated the in each place. Leonard Brown end family have into the reeidenoe lately vacated Frank Mitchell who leaves for Manitoba the latter part of next week. Farmers' Imabitgte meetings will held at Bloevale next Wednesday Fordwioh an Saturday. Meetings and 7 BO p. m. on dates named. At the meeting of the Quarterly of the Wroxeter circuit held recently the Salem °hatch, a very cordial unanimous invitation was give° by board to the pastor, Rev. Mr. Oaterhoui, to remain on the circuit for another He is doing good work, in the from friends i0 in a spent Tbure• Monday a visit an. ere A. H. Lon• for Brno• epenb a O. F. on and Gorrie aehool moved by be and at 1.90 Board at and the year. Steil ware of the y are at eon The fn the The and in gave beet their to an the i g epee', a days with friends in aviator; Mlle weals, Rev. Mr, Lsug•Ford, the new incumbent of Se. George's oharab, took hie first service here last Sabbath afternoon and wee heartily received, A nightcap box Social will be held b the Young Peopie'e Circle at Thomas Williameou'e next Tuesday evening, An enjoyable time is anticipated. f y P Our resideute were Blocked by the sudden death of Mrs. W, Moore, who was well known and popular here. A large number of Waltoniane attended her funeral on Monday. WAR IN THE EAST. ---- Wedneeday'e daily says :—The Japan. est have apparently determined to drive the Russians oat of Makdeo, the capital of Manchuria, before the ice me to in the rivers and the roads become useless for the movements of artillery. There ie ample reasons in the physical conditions envir0DIDg him Inc Oyoma'e deoieion. The country held by the °entre columns of both armies is flat and well watered, Ditches, narrow etreame, and et least one great river, the Hun, lie between the Japanese quarters on the She. River, a little Nortn of Yenta' and Makden. The Japanese gone 01001 noes thee° water ways en the 10a. So long as thie means is open to nee, a atoning can be made et any time and at the moat unexpected plane, whereas were the rivers open the larger °nee ooald only be craned by p30• tonus and under the concentrated fire of the enemy. The Russian despatches last night spoke of bolding the line of the Sha River, the first important atrium on the map Snub of the Hun. It wee admitted, however, that on the extreme Russian lett—tbat is, the right hand -side of the map—Raroki was on the move and was menaoing Fueh°n°he°g on the Hon River. If Kuroki oan cross the Hun there and out bbe Raeaian line of nom- mnoioatioo he wilt be able to drive Karo patkio out of M°kden and torte a retreat to Tieling, which le a narrow ling (pan) in the motnntaium. Through this gorge, not three ranee wide, the Liao River, the Manchurian Railway and the Ohineee Imperial highway all pass. The position is an excellent one, end there wee general earpriee that Karopalki° did not choose it in the first plan for his stand against the Japanese advance. He is seeking now to hinder the advance of Kuroki on the Best by tnkiog the offensive ageiomt the Japtosse oentre and left. Some saooaases have followed hie i°itia• rive, but it is too soon yet to tell what is happeoiug behind the smoke of the gnus. A bottle with 600 000 men en a g g' ed and eatendiog over 100 ranee of front age oaanot be weigbed and parcelled oat like the results of a morning's shopping, cin tutbroole, Wm. Dann has gone to Manitoba after a holiday here. Mines Oaider have returned to the Prairie Province. Mille Mabel Zimmer, of Braeaele, spent Sunday with Mile Lizzie Man$ay• Jno. and Mrs. Forrest, and blies Allis are visitors at M„orefield this week. Mies Ritchie, of Belmore, wag here last week, a guest at the Ritobie—Brodle wedding. Mrs. D. B MaoRee entertained the ladle of the W. F. M. B. at the mantle on Tbureday of last week. Mail carrier Heather is once more on duty atter an enforced holiday owing to an stta°Ic of theamatism. Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Joe. Philp, of Kincardine, preached a fine 'Missionary. sermon in the Methodist °hurob here. The lime works ber, are not likely to to be operated thio year owing to the in• creased wet of fuel and labor whish praotivaliy wipes ont the necessary pro. fit• A. McDonald i° recovering all right from the severe buruing he received last week from the aoetyl°ne gnu eaplcaion in his sellar, Garfield Long was also among the °lightly wounded. It might easily have been worse, Otanbrock is looking ap. Atter an aoeidsut which noun= in oar village on Tuesday of this week the ambulance with a 00008 in abtondaooe was called out. Tea oonveyaooa is drawn by a rather spirited horse judging by the difficulty the driver bad in keeping the road, We would reoommeod that a more careful driver be appctut ee ORANGE BLoa'oMB.—A very pretty wed• ding took plana on Wednesday noun of last week at the reeidenoe of J. P. and Macintosh, 13th eon., when Miae fiery Rm[bie, eieter of the hostess, sol Obarlee Brodie, of Seaforth, were married. Upon the °onalueion of a solo "Tbe volae ttntb breathed o'er Eden", Rev. D. B. McRae performed the ceremony. The bride wore her going away gown of brown Frebah LBbBIin° with hat to match. In• mead of the Quaternary huqueb of roe°, tae bride onrrmed an ivory bound teats• mart. Mies A. Jean Forret, me mai of honor, nuaturell assisted in a very dainty manner. The house deoorbiona were beautiful. wipe, 0urm,tions and hyaoinlhe made the rooms look very pretty. �O'Ir. and ora. Brodie left Ethel on the 8 80 lraiu for their ',tome is Seatorth followed by the good wiehee et a large situ's of friends, — .UAorrles. Jas, Bbarpe h.., 18 away to Toledo, Ohio, on a business trip. Assessor Watson is at work on hie annual visit to the residents of Morrie. Francis Duncan, 4th line, is home from a 7 weeks' visit with rotative° at Lindsay. A welcome visitor to the oommnnity is Geo. A. Pipe, of Oshawa, who ie a former resident of Morrie, Robert Ball, of the 2nd o00. of Grey, was a visitor at his son a, Jno. R. Ball, 8th lice, for a few weeks. We are sorry to bear of the serious ill. nese al Mee. Henry Mooney, of Weyburn, N. W. T., formerly of Morrie township, bat hope for better news along the line of speedy convalescence. James, the little 000 of Harry palmate, 41h fine, has been Calla poorly daring the past few weeks. The little lad makes his borne with hie grandparents, Allan and Mrs. Bpeir, ainoe the decease of his mother, We hope be will soon be ae 'mart as anal, Dnezo om Jzaaxm TaQMPeoze.—The Ayr Newe, of Pe b. 23rd, a peeks am follows of the death of the little nein of Alex and Mre. Forsyth, and line Morrie •: "Oc Monday last the oommuoity was very meal] pained to learn of the death from pneumonia of a bright little tri in the g person of Jeeeie Elizabeth, only child of Henry and Mrs. Thompson, at the age of 8 ears and 2 menthe. She attended the Y Public school, being one of Mise r, wilh'e P°pile, and wee an apt scholar, with ag sweet, Bunny disposition. She was Y the idol of the home and numb sympathy is =pressed for the eorell' bereaved parents. The funeral took place to Ayr oemebery on Wednesday efeernocn, the all bearers being P g Reg. Bleeder, Nor. man $all, Owen Comerford, 0 Watson, floral aoob Geo. SFibm eo. A beautiful floral Libor from the e01,00land beautiful teebified Eo the esteem in whish Jessie wee held by botb teachers and school- mates." Mr. and Mrs, Forsyth attended the faneraI, OmT—One of the pioneer residents of Morris township passed away on Thgre day Feb. 26th m the person of John Fowler in hie 83rd year. Deoeamed had been a =tamer for many years and for the peat few years wan not able to leave bis chair. Mr. Fowler was a native of Scotland, and with hie brother, the late Peter Fowler, who died in December, 1899, earns to Morrie nearly. 60 years ago and settled on the farm on whiob he died, on the B nevale road. Dammed was to blacksmith by trade and op to e few yeare ago followed this occupation in a shop at the front of bis farm. The shop, one of the old landmarks of the Bioevale road, was only removed some two years ng"` He was a member of the pinnate Presbyterian Ohurah and a Liberal in politica, Deceased was twice married and is survived by his widow, wbo ie now leer eighties. He had a family of two and two daughbere, viz :—Mrs. Thee. Hislop, now looaeoed ; Wm, Fowler, Teeewater ; John fowler, an the and Mr(, Jae. Moffat of Prince Albert, N. W. T. The funeral place on Saturday afternoon to the Blgevale cemetery. BELLS — Wednesday after- pf this Week at 8 o'°look the home Robert Nichol, 6th line, wan the scene a large gathering when about 75 vela. apd blends assembled to Witneao tying of the matrimonial knot be Jas. Douglas, a well known young of this locant and Miall Myrtle g Y y J„ eldest dam btor of tae boat Rev, John Ron, B. A., of Beeo. per new ttte ctr°mony, after the Pa h bad been In ad h Mise P Y Y •M allied• The attendants were Mies Alberta L. Nichol,, eieter of the and Tbon, Miller. Bride wee most attired 1n a dame of gloria with Oriental lace and earl trim. the br , s mai 05 ids d wore a cream' trimmed with chiffon roabing Oriental lace. After aongrntnlaltone fine supper wits nerved to which ample end a wag don ' -a - c ` p 0 done, 16 wedding gifko hnmaroue, _Oeefol hlaSdaome and thanked =looted, flowers, bunting, deo,, are a pleaatng 10010h to the borne. A Deeds for the young people was hell in for g P Pat II -;heel. Mise Annie Mason entertained a num- her of her youngf time. Taeeday evening. All report an A 1 time. We are torr _to state that James Kerr, y Is not dwiimprovingas toot as hie many friends frieude would wieb but hope the Spring will prove beneficial to him. W. Greig, at Algoma, woo hse bee° vielbing hie sister, Mee. L. Mason, left for Toronto Wednesdaywhere be will upend a few days visiting riends before return• 1ag home. Robert Dilworth bee added 60 acres more to bis farm, having parobeeed the Audrew Sharpe bameeteed, lately owned by Wiliam Memoo. This give° him a dos farm of 400 sores. Mr. Mason will take a prospecting trip to the Weet and if sulked vita tbe 000nery will locate in some part of the Western elates. We wish bim swoons whereever be goes. g Mne. (REV) NEwoottas DEAD, Thera• day of last week Mrs. (Rev,) H, A. New. Combe of Clinton, formers of Etbel, y extended 'pMee8se.awtBybetlwaser a aomveryat elle ble person and is survived by her husband and a grown up family, Mre. Newcombe le remembered by many here by her kindliness, and sympathy is expressed Inc the bereaved. A Gann S000asa,—Notwithstanding the postponement of the Sone of Temper- encs Concert, owing to the stormy wrath. er, it would be difficult to o000sive of a more enjoyable program than was render. ed last Friday night, The Hall was well filled and those whet thought they did not receive big value for their money are surely hard to eni1, ae there was not a poor number on the program, Owing to the illness of Mr. McLeod, wbo was en- 0o0n0ed to supply the humorous songs and sketahee, the Committee enured Will. J. Whits, of Toronto, who captured the andienoe from the short and made a record for himself that will not be easily outdone. The bill of fare Wee as follow° ; Bele lion from Ethel Orchestra ; solo, R. o 0. bavin; manta song, Will. J. White ; recitation, Mise Winnie McGuire, Berea dole; Bolo, J. G. Jones; Braeaele ; Bong, Will, J. White ; selections on the violin and piano, D. Ewan end Mrs. Gen. Thomson, Bruesele ; solo, Mies R. 8penae ; sang, W. J. White ;solo, Mise Vionle Oordiff ; inetrnmentel, Mre, ameon and D. wan ; reoltation, Mies Ida Cole ; Bong, W. J. White , gotta J. G. Jones; nictitation, Mies Winnie MoGnire; song, Mies Aline Thornton, Bruseele 1 solo, Mies Oatdsff, bamorous gong, Will. J. White ; National Anthem, The audience was enthusiastic end attentive eo that bona the entertainers and enter. bained had a good time. Most bemditteble indeed was the effort of each taking part in the ro ram and owlet not easily be P g Y •and improved upon and the talent Wae well worthy of the hearty vote of thanks eery neatly moved and sae°eded by R. Mo. Kay and AiLamont. Mr. Whits was ver Y I In garments in tie responses and gave some instances double enooreo. His costumes are good and hie ape hefying very oornioal Good service wag accorded bythe g"2201, n Min Maggie Daab a°and Benguela, of Braeaolg, anti Mises Alice Davies and Leers Spence, of Ethel. The Abair Wee occupied by W. H Kerr, of Tim Poets the piano ' iP fee M. Davies for tae (oo0aeion, who was wth kindly loaned by ae for the same, When expatiate) liquidated the balance of the pro• will be forwarded to the Hospital Sick Children P Torontd. +let -thio Jainern CO Wi lu. James and Mre. Strachan, Thos. Taylor ebn5 and Duncan and y se at Teewater on Tuesday se guests McDonald—Ferguson wedding. The g 6 relating; of the bride. • MATntvro8x x,—A quiet, bub veryprettyMre. q wedding took place on February 16th the home of Peter Scott, Purnberry, when his den ghter, Wes Ellen J., became 6 the happy bride of Andrew Simpson, of Andrew Simpson, of Jametoww bride looked charming being becomingly attired in cream lustre, with dainty trimmings of chiffon, satin and embroid• eredMBred Minden net, whtlea olas•re a 1081ge ie adorned her ball, The bridal couple, unattended, tools their place the rattily decorated parlor at 6 o'alaok tut the Wedding March from Lohenghrin was being played by Mies Jennie Simpe°n. Rev, W. J. West, of Bluevate, performed and pleas. the meremouy 11i the reverend ing manner of the reverend gentleman. After oongratmlations ware over guests repaired t° the dining room, where a agmptuoas supper wee served. thiel were prettily decorated heavily laden with the beet of the land, 'bowing Mre. S°otbte deftness In cookery, A very pleaant evening was spent games, social obex, einging and market =Motions on violin by Mr. Stewart, cousin of the bride. The bride several rnoaioal selections, which delight. ad all present. After lunch had partaken of, the oompauy took departure as the woe' hour': began dawn, voting Mr. and Mee. Scott examllent haat and hostess. On following Monday evening a reoeptiun wee given at "Sunny Knowe,' the home of the groom's parenle. The young people of the community were invited, bringing with them valuable gifts whiob bespoke the esteem in which the bride andgroom are held byall. The evening wail enjoyably spent in game, Minn must° and siuging, seieuttono being given l 9li1tCl1 CHIMES. r Hicks' Forecasts for March. �..— Maitland Presbytery will hold its re _ g alar meeting in Wingbam on Tuesday next, The evening 0arvi°e in St. John's butch last Sunday was withdrawn on aoaomot of the rector suffering from a severe cold, The Oouuty of Porth 8. S. Annotation will bold Ile next annual Convention ie Knox °berth, Stratford on April 12th end 1311. "Hope" was the eubjeob of Rev, John Rosa' germ= last Sabbath morning in t g eevelninlg theme. and "Service was the Monthly Missionary service in the Methodist Sabbath School neat Soolay afternoon. The Junior League will give a abort program. The Ashfield Quarterly Beerd at its February meeting extended a unanimous Invitation to Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., formerly of this locality, to remain their pastor for another year. Rev. Mr. MoLennen bee tendered his resignation of hie charge at Kipple, bay ing aoompted n position as District Soper- lotendeot for an insurance company. He will make hie headquarters at Owen Sound. Mr, MaLeonen does this, not because of any Motion with hie cone= gation overitba late els°tion—as there`is none—but because it offers him a much wirier field and better remuneration then he nae been receiving, Last Sabbath the annual Miseioo,ery an. niversar woe observed in the Methodist y here and was one of large interest noticeable inane= in $r,anoe. The preacher was Rev. Joeepb Philp, B. D•, Kincardine, Chairman of the Wing. ition District. In rbc morning the text wag Rev. 14th abapter and 6113 verse I saw another angel $y to the arn•had midst of the heavens having the ever. goalie' to preach unto them that Fort in hes earth sad 10 every Hatton QoFmliz kindred and tongue and people." an interesting introduction the .°barge elboreted three prinotples viz: ford the Gospel power is a work of in benevolence ; It is to be of rapid the or ro res ; It is the ever. Liver P Gat el n and is to be proclaimeda The illaetratfoe In the were raotiaal and painted at ( P p d ie C3°odrieil sermon was well worthy of the attention it received. "Thy testi• the are wonderful;' Pel. 110 and owing verse wen the verde chosen at the serein ° m wbble the innervation church, power of the Bible wee dealt with, thousands plat) pursued being (1) It was wonder. in its age ; (2)In ite oonetrc°bion ; corner its preservation ;(4)ID its bar. has ; as o its d with e. Theppdie. Health was concluded with an appeal to the rd' - . Iro a eamll NNali and give Israel wo derfuf o 1 11 1 Hook to all me ha B Bev, Royal Philp it al 008 welcome ie Braeee inquire kis two Bsrmon( teal Sunday heel in i the goal 0pminna as to lel movement he ntrib g. T oil aWont u talied Ra $719 whittle will be no doubt 3n. River d b b i t — -- The following extracts are taken from Rev. Irl. R. Hides' 1ormaata for March :— "The Srel dietnrbsnomo tor Match will be central on the 3rd, 4th and Eta• These reactionary' bores will culminate in high temperature, low barometer, with ram end high winds on and totohing the Stb, ending in snow storms over mach of g tae country to tae Northward. The Mercury dieburbanoe being ()antral on the 7th, bbe probabilities are that 00n P tinned ill oouklo05 into[ the regular storm tions w period following. "A sadden high barometer with quick and eevere change to boreal winds and blizzardous conditions may result in the Northern sections on and about the 6th, but a rapid reaction to warmer will eel in boat the 7th, followed by telling barometer from Western extreme, end leg in genal storms of rain, sleet and snow during the Voloan storm period exteodbog from the 7th to the 12th. Careful students oL our forecasts will not forget that our little globe passes a magoeto•eleotrio crisis oe and bout March the Nib each year. This fact always incomes the probabilities of storms, tidal waves end seismic per. torbatione about Tbie time, Severe boreal Unitas with a March gold wave need not eurprie any one from ahnat the 11th to the 14th. "It must be remembered that the • Vernal equinoctial period extends over ohorab q P all this month, and that storm condi/ions and may arise at almost any time, even 'ma side of the regular storm periods. Bat of the moot pronounced and general die. ham t°rban°ae will arise, and reach their culminating °limexom, daring then '+And regular periods. The 15th to the 17th will beteg a marked storm period, cul• lasting urinating in low barometer, rising tem dwell patentee and general storm conditions, and ending m wide areae of rain and scow. Atter Another high barometer and Metall cold (meeker wave may soddenly slip fn from the Thal Nortb.Wesb from about the 17th to the tellfgent 19th, bat it will give way se suddenly as develo'tiient it Dome, and the monk general and violent Iselin storm condition et the month will everywhere, •tween appear doting the atom period im• die°ourne mediately following, Y g, lbs "Tbie storm period is from the 19th 10 aloes the 24th, being at its centre on the 2let, mnmfe the central day of Earth's vernal 129th a m°ostial period, With the Maw at the 9 P evening full, on the beleetiai equator end in and Perigee, The indications ere that the tropical atom= and hurtioanee will ertel reach the extreme parts of one South (8)In mp notably about the ling to E21 morn notably on and loo°ping the 21St and course that rain and high winde tinning to fulfill t g snow and very cold for the season,will tete o i meet the i-wsab, t, equatorial arOb hl from Mr. the North -poet. A severe MarOh blizzard and over mnob of the nanny orthwttr is y N d, atrenglhened among the prnbanilities at leis cried. sermonizin Weenie t P re b a id eelgmie di -anthems= will over remit s. mi.:,mum ntw'a of AvAltatib (;r r e:a • A livery rig has started from $enfrye to the 8rd line of Morrie. Any one wish• ins to ',eke the overland rugae should call on Archin, James and Urn. Fergnemm, 9th con., attended the wedding of their grand. daughter, Miss Cora Ferguson, to Nor men McDonald, a Nova Scotieo, at Teeawater, on Tae -day of this week. Owing to the decease of Jobo MQKin. nob, bie son John, who wag engaged in the Braying bnaiuese at Sault Ste. Marie, Out,, has some home and will be aero Mated with hie brother Donald in work ing the hire. Jack 15 welcome bank, ADDItEda AND PHE0ENTATION.—Leat Fri. day evening a jolly e.mpeny of 40 or more neighbors nod friends assembled at the home of Win. and Mrs. Reid, 6th o00„ to bid them ood•b a before remote g y ing to their new home at Owen Sound. An address was read by.Joseph Shaw tend John Lowe preeented the hoot and beet en with n fine mettle olook. Following in wsa lbs address :— sone Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Raid : DEAn Flavin. — It 1( with deepest homestead, w° teem that yon have decided to happy book the old hen" and all abs haId to locate mmong strangers, We realize that amegyournew ac uaint. you will spun Ifave manywarmWEDDING but we do not think or will Boon °o0n the 0 0101 i fDrrnan in tete of of It mB the wish of y000 many fives that AB you enter foto year new the mayrne and surroundings that the greatest 9 ydronend farmer God'e Helmet blotting may be your As a token of the high esteem M wbiot3 you are held by no, Will yen nooses. anent thio mantis °look, Signed Wedding behalf of your friends and neighboee, Jos, Steely, i?cisme Jim. Los= bride, aril Mrs, Reid replied in suitable beomingiy recording' their Meeker tar the Bilk neighborly eats and as reegin mingand P � appreciation 01 the addreoe an cashmere, gilt. A program of vocal and and mesio Wee rendered 10 a 8 gcamophor,e played its pad well, 'nobi p 1 were oleo ineltiiged in and other( were .he light fentestio. An elegant well wail served at 12 0 olook, after gave the t'iBrbore left for their reopen/IVo arty P airs J. Brown died 9ndde paler. Balton County bee adopt of county roads. Isaao F. Ayle.worth, of f found lend in bis stable. Hamilton's tax rate wee twenty milli on the dollar. Wesley Ksrorike was ki' msthiner.y of the Haotinge to Luigi Ramondi, who was 0 over Garde, Toronto, died in t Sonth Ontario Liberate mil: elealioa of Charles Oalder to lateen The bondholder( have take Sio'mtnn street reilwa , will Y paid of late. Twentydirectors Were Mei annual meting of the Indust Board. A street oar jumped the Queen and MoCaul streets, Tc into a afore. Wheat is being shipped k William to Manitoba D a better price. Felix Doyle Lae been arse of murdering his math and lodged in Brantford The new turbine steamer Allan Line will rohmll p col for Halifax on Mar orma limait naval otati°u y abandoned and folk of ad anedownt Thera ie unlit of a (neral BE smelter man of British to the defeat 01 the ei 1 Oe S Itnd last i+ g S ay W tl°y VAn°nmver, sabsi tta donate t° ministate The Nipimeing Hotel bund{ of King end George 81o. g been nn em Orange. d °°d by t am I4 is rumored in Montreni 1 • is to be abaft Committal= a , be a into the tariff, Ib i(reported from Port, r A r ie started for the rfromks of rip an their from Ontario and Choir regret leave aaaooiatione ante friends forget locality, frieude, nooses that reward; in pisses on Mr. words, kindly, their handsome inatenrnental whit Gm= tripped nipper Wbieb �, w �,�� /' �����I! Our Rim3es� /i� Glasses the Particular. They aro fitted as commr(ty to • urea of each The nr%lah Spectaclewarelafault.• it 050, the Rt perct°t, OOF - ev ` r , t.� Please �" � -i be, •I� the teat.,. , putrba• j of our � ' s. �( '' afJ `, #ole, ti , _ Miss Teenie sxCxtY1T DRUBS o� r } ty, s� '1 ' 1� Sample 6 L S n °reads y nu eor pt Dna from pereone 0100 to Manitoba. Dos from the hurt[ School and large pain 050r f,litlurr 10 two faro illy need 01 on thou mlgbty ikfr. Philip ad - be Lragne after td read u paper one pent:had at i0 le completing iliege, 'reroute, 1 the iiu•bedist nfenim:e, to be to, hue reneivmd tom Bervie Cle- aner, He has t,Ination of the will do well es teen with the ear with them v. Mr. Banter ooesetal worker Um" Bunter ever, He ie a 1a street. pwortb League on with the le, are set for °1112 and 13, dent of Wind. ()e, will preaeb d 7 o'olnok and men°ieg at 8 3terary enter - adrenal: Aand Revde. hissers. trnmeatal eel. E H.5, and tatien by Mies e ab0ra11 choir e a0nivereary d by no email ° are looking a On the dates Leet Sebbtatb Ford, the new BrDeeela, 1001c 0 iesan',e for na d, Eaolee. e 10, '•I naw tad come and 1ely and they here they bad Fuze on Ibe ,mat referred c•in3p'imen t- •,regarinn for d brie fly out. 011ed service h. Rev. Mr. elf wed the re enrronnded rant that they DI holineee ae d. Profession =Melees. It knowledge and Wenn; • The new VON a pleasing will no doubt h ability and e. He is a fog the light ex Oo. At the ou0ree he was T„ for a year o Werdeville, ant the pees 0500000, hie rotted. Mr. y ie a omen be succeeds interest in days helped to win via lom0 was at y Nora sou. 0ircle, Me. atrenglr bare nune0 during eo. J. Ahoy, e neW°omere Brunel • and trust nt, profitab'e on of every Mr. Lang. Teter to the b, Walton, ae fly at Hes. ad a mystem dun, was fixed : ab led in the entry. lot i° a row 3a boepibel. protest the the Logia• n over the oU has net seed at the rlel Exhib• Creeks at 00010, end auk fr, ne where 1t ted on the et 81 1011. j oil. Victorian of v sail foetal oh 28. has been Cnmmodnre fi;g, tike timing 0otambia, 3t-hntir bill, Method •a0 d °ver r tie y experts. e, "g on the , `Toronto, N. Medical het Hon. 3, elan of the ppointed to kline thatre, 0naeamnn of and Raiity atlt1e$atio3i