HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-23, Page 8he Sick Ones
This mouth finds many sick folks, and how hest to
attend to their recovery is a matter in which we can
be of assistance to you. We have a full stock of
Atomizers mot Water Bottles
Fountain Syringes
of the very beat quality and prices low. You no doubt
may require snob preparations as CAMPHORATED
LETS for making Solution for use in Atomizer, EX-
TRACT OF BEEF, &a. We ,keep them on hand.
sOrmagreti naming= W. 0. & 9.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and Soabb, me follows;
Gomel Berme SOINO Nonni.
Mail 7:15 am' l Mixed 9:00 a.m
Maxed...... -1230 &Ea Mail 1.25 p,w
Express 8:08 p.m 1 Express ......8:95 p.m
rzzat Rehm Items,
A ohiel'e amens ye takir '810859,
An' faith he'll prent ic
• House Fair Thursday next.
Tug ice harvest is well nigh over.
Mgesne WILTON & Glummer are now
fatly inttiated as snowman to Wilton &
Turebate •
Ocoee Penman A.1,13Xathmt No. 94.
0. 0. F., Bruseele, will meet next Tues-
day evening:
0. NEMER of fine agricultural horses
were den vered at Brussels on Monday for
Revers Thelma and aloalann.
LAST Saturday evening Miss Maggie
Minot had her nose broken by a fall on
the skating rink. We hope ehe Will aeon
be as well as ever.
BARRY AND MRti. JAMS moved to their
new home, recently purchased from H.
Bunton, Turnberry atreet, on Tuesday
of this week. We wish them molten in
their new premises.
WE would rather be the Editor of Tao
Pon than the Ozer of Russia, especially
while the bomb pia-nios are on the
program. If see were the Czar we would
travel by balloon and fly at a good
altitude. It would be healthier.
MEENRS. SLACK & BARR, who bad a
shipment of cattle waiting here to the
pan week, got them off on Wedineday,
loading in a box oar. The shippers have
had their own troubles in the mix-up of
the reilways owing to the storms.
Sonatas Tneras.-By advertisement
in another °Memo it will be observed
that the 0. P. R. is arranging for the
running of their Annual Settlers' Ex
omelette to the Weet. Trains will leave
Toronto every Tneeday at 9 p. m., during
the mottles of March and April,
LAST Monday we received a great shook
and as you couldn't guess what nosed it
we will whisper it in your ear. A Ll el anbscriber in Oregon sent Tao Porn a
85 bitl whittle paid his subsoription to
alarob let 1908, We return thanks and
are now ready for the next shock.
Sometimes they are dreadful far apart
Teas week the household effeots of Rev.
Er. Langford have arrived and been
placed in the rectory. Mr. Laogford is
here and will 0004001 the inaugural
eervioee of his incumbency next. Sunday.
Mrs. Langford and family are expected
to arrive [Monty. Tan Poem extends a
cordial welcome and widen them many
happy proeperous years iv Brussels.
ORANGE OF Bosniass,-Alies E, R, Little
having (imposed of her Millinery Resinous
to Mies I Straohan wishes to thank the
ladies of Brussels and surrounding
country for their esteemed and liberal
patronage daring the three years in Brus-
sels and hopes for a continuance of the
same for her fitIOCESSOr. Else Little will
be at the shop Saturday and next week to
receive payment of amonets due,
nide of Doa. Warwiok's Vaterloaey prao•
tioe and hie decision of going West, a
sale of trotbing bred stook, &o , will be
bald at the stables of Masora. Scott &
WarWiek, Brownie, on Thursday, March
2ed. Ten well bred equines of various
ages and fleet of limb will be offered
along with rigs, harnees, &o. The list
may be read in rtnotber oolumn.
AUOTIoNSER P. S. SCOTT bas a busy
week of it, having farm stook sales every
day. The list consign ot 0. Rozell, Mon.
day ; W. Reid, Tneeday ; N. Askin,
Wednesday ; J. A, Menary, ThuradaY ;
Jaoklin, Friday ; aud Jas. Lindsay
Saturday. Next week the Berne auctioneer
follows up by melee for R. McDonald,
Monday ; the Re Skelton estate, Tun
day ; D. Neable, Wednesday ; Scott &
Thersiley ; and the estate of
the late George Hood, Friday. With the
condition of roads getting about the sur -
pejo is that then salsa are so well attend.
ed, Aneartotion irate heel a good deal of
attraction for a large majority of people.
letter from Eseanaba, Mioh., whioh talks
out load and rep:tient '10 000101008 exeept
thanks from us ;anti:ten Sear -Mean find
enolond oheok for 815 to rettew my stile
eoription to THE Banana Pose ail I see
by the label that my °wilt expires Jan,
let, 1905. I ontspy the entire third floor
elf The Fair &nano Bank Departmental
Store building shown 113 eat on this then
and am doing very nicely, Ont city le
growing and basineee or thie year prom
lees to be good, The boys from Brunets
end vioinlly are doing well, namely,
• Thee. Malcom Thee, Plethora and Thos.
0, Wilkinson. We are having ;net lovely
Winter Weather, jest enough snow for
eleighing. Wishing 90n a happy and
prOapetone year I am Yours Respeotfully,
the B. Winkt81108.” Mt. WIlltineon was
it (onion firtleeelite and le a eon of demo
Wilkinson, 4 Well known resident of Bel.
grate. Youete a dandy Jim,
Won is wanted at the Bruseels knit•
ting 2508003'.
MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels Thurs-
day of nest week.
A. 901113E13 from town attended a social
gathering at the reeidenee of Jamee
Ferguson, 9t11 con., Grey, on Wednesday
Tim interior of Palmerston G. T. R.
depot was wombed by fire on Wednee.
day evening. It wee recently overhauled
and greatly improved.
THIO woolen toque has assumed great
popularity this Winter and the gents are
not taking s book seat either in the use of
this oomfortable headgear for s cold or
stormy day.
Goole Hoes. - Sam. Bork, let eon.,
Grey, sold 12 pigs to Blame. Black &
Barr that turned nut good. They were
7 mouths old, of York and Tem oross and
weighed 8,190 pounds At si ciente they
brought Mr. Bark $167.47.
WALTER Wrzeme le getting about now
after being confined to the house for a
feta weeke owing to a bad gash inflicted
on hie right instep by an axe he was
ming in the bush. It °aught in a limb of
a tree and did the damage in short order.
jAlfail HUNTER, of Huron township,
Bruoe Co., of whose eerioue Meese Tun
POST referred last issue died lttet week.
He was a brother of John Hunter's, Jobn
street, Bressels. The snow blockade on
the railway forbade relatives here attend
ing the femoral, greatly to their regret.
ABOUT One hundred thoundid feet of
logo are in the Ament millyard and the
sawmill wad be set to work as soon as
the weather moderates. After the cut-
ting le done here the Ariel mill -yard
stook will be tackled. Some of tbe
machinery in the new factory was set to
work last week and ran all right.
THE house and fine half eon of land,
corner of Queen and Princess streets, be•
Mining to Anthony Sample, hes been
sold to Jas. Sharpe, of Morrie, for the
suns of $1000. Tbe parohatter will get
poeseesion next month and will make hie
home there having disposed of his farm.
Robert and Mre. Sample will continue to
reside in town.
day of this week was tbe date set for the
nuptials of Norman McDonald, of Syd•
ney, N S., and Min Cora, daagbter of
Reeve Ferguson, of Teesevater. Several
relatives from Brussels were to be pests
but the great now storme in the East
tied up railway traffic and the groom was
unable to get away, hewn the postpone.
ment until Tuesday of next week.
PORTALISTER Fennow and his ruminants
had a busy time 01 11 when 4 or 5 or more
days' delayed mail (arrived. There ie
big room for a little bean oipbering ONE
of available roatee in instate/tee like the
above by the Superintendent, espeofally
at pointe like Brussels wbere two stage
ines reach railways North and Smith of
18. The employment of the telegraph
and telephone more frequently so ae to
obviate long delays in forwarding Mail
matter would be most favorably received
by the palette who are often put to no
010.11 inoonvenience and lose by etnneoes
ary holding of lettere and daily papers at
some divisieurel point,
Tars week Mrs. T. Fletcher disposed
of her store and reeidenoe attached to
Jno. Hewitt, tonsorial artist, for the emu
f e2150. He gets immediate ponession
and will have it tip-top chop and most
omforbablo borne as Mrs. Fletaher went
a considerable expense last year in
enlarging modernizing and improving the
remisee and only sold on account of
°moving from Brunele. Mr. Hewitt
as oold the residenee he parohased /tool
Leakie, William street, to A. 0.
Dames who will be removing to it. Some
ay Ali. intends to get married but when
uizzed be wears that 'ntaile that won't
come off" aud answers in a problematic
tyle that still leaves tha questioner in
19511 0.5L5.89 WINTER. - Thareday of
0.88cveek we thougbt the blockade on our
Me of railway 0.0.8 0.1 an end but the
nowplow and three angina stalled about
miles Bast of Bruseele and the Ant
aesenger train for days, following the
low aloo steak and could 008 08811 bank
p to the filiation. About 75 shovellere
ere employed and Saturday evening the
reek was opened up irons Palmerston to
Wingham. The men Who were wielding
he shovels bad their diener at the hotels
ere on the arrival of the plow Saturday
fternoon. Passengers were delayed for
aye, and mail matter came in very
mall instalments until a sleigh and
am brought a goodly ehare of tbe belat.
(1 letters and papers on Saturday from
ItImeraton. The rig tarried bare over
igbt and took our mail away Sunday
owing. Monday trains were tanning,
ithongh North of Linoknow SCOW was
Ill bothering, and now the regular
beanie is onee More 10 vogue and delay.90,8011109a mail, expreoe and freight 90,8011109 op.
en ore still engaged in widening the
te whet% the wow' plow Was unable to
ork with !fleet and we hope the worst
the blockade is OM lot 1905. Persons
awning the highways (and wow ofte
em Are Well named hignways, /eat no)
y there is a greater depth of 8000. than
5133' time hod year. Towing OM in
eating tip le attended With great difflt
ity and no email danger in many in.
anew, A good many of the Made have
been plowed Oki and thereby dOneiderably
Standard Bank of Canada TLIE METROPOLITAN BANK
M2,21:3137M3L 1E572
SURPLUS. on RESEIWE Print 0 1,000,000
TOTAL Aligla'Pei (Melt 10,01)0,000
A. General Eilaallxixs= Ettasillesti Trantgtteted
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and opwarde reoaived on wbioh
is added to accounts every six monthe and bowmen prinoipal,
-MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any person.
only for wbioh no charge ie mode.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive one oarefnl and courteous attentdon.
Tan L 0, 0. F. has been having a
steady barman to their memberehtp.
We are sorry to hear that our fortn•
or townsman, James Oliver, has been
quite 111 during the past week at Thee.
ealon. The probabilities are that life
may not be extended mob longer ae he
is well op toward 90 years,
We welcome P. J. McDonald and
family, of Grey, to Brunets as resulents.
They moved in on Wednesday. ad t. Mo -
Donald hee rented hie farm an will
follow up bis trade as cement. builder, &e.
They have lanced one of L C. Riohards'
lumen on Thonnte 810881,
Little sold her Millinery bueineee to
Miss Isabel Straohan, who hes taken
poseession, The purchaser has heit
penience in some of the best houen in
the cities; and will no doubt do well here.
Alin Little has not definitely decided
where the will locate and may remain in
Brnasele for a time if she dose not go to
Dn. Bonn, the London speoialist,
will visit Brussels professiooalle and
may be forted at the American BOtot on
APRIL 4tai
MAY 2,4
MAY 30 11
4t JUNE 27.h
All interested should bear these clatt in
alTinttar; Brookville Recorder says of 0.
former Brusselite who Insisted retie: ely at
a Hospital benefit entertainment hi that
town t -F, El, Gilroy, teller of the :Jeno
!retina Bank, sang a couple of solOS witb
exquisite taste. Mr. Gilroy bee r clear
baritone veioe and last evening hr was
heard at hie beet and to put it minify, lee
aoquitted himself in a manner Meal left
no doubt that in him Brookville bas a
eoloiet of rare abilities. He will benoe•
forth be a deoided aoquisitien to the
mental talent of the town.
Dundee Banner of that week, gives the
following very iotereeting a-atiety
note 0000000189 0. young lady a framer
resident of Brussels :-Dondas is about
to lose one of her moot attractive
daughters, in the person of Min Winnie
Sellery eldest daughter of Rev. S. B nary
B. D., and one whose &beaten will teen
a blank with a large oirole of friends.
We are glad, however, that the oireura•
etanoes are not without their compensat-
ing aepeate to the lady herself, AB she
is about to enter tbat state which all look
forward to ea a orown of joy. She ie to
be married on Saturday to Dr. °arty, an
American gentleman, who baa received an
ear:anent' appointment as Dr. Noble's
assistant 81 Hong Eon. They. go , tract
so Hong Hong. Miss Sellery as a very
great favorite with all who have the good
tenons to know her, and her departure
from Dundee will be a nese of einitere
regret to many. The many !ricotta of
the bride here wish be and her husband
many happy yeare.
Oa Thursdey, Feb. 2ad, Henry those,
father of Alm. W. F. Stewart, of lerne•
sele, departed thie lite at hie home, Port•
land, Oregon, aged 86 years. Deeettied
was born ab Newaastle, on the Tyne,
Euglaud, and an ooming to &marina 05 -
sided at Rochester'N. Y. before moving
to Vitoodatook, Ontarlo, Where be and hie
brothers engaged in the brick and tile
bueinees. as moved to the West 17
years ago wbere hie sons reside. De.
ceased wag a great lover of made and,
asemiated with hie brotheribenpplied the
orobestra for early day abarob sarvises
and society gatherings and had to do
With the first brass band at Woodstock.
He was married twin, Mrs, Stewart's
mother being a. Min Sarah Doane of
Beohester. Mies Weeks, of Woodltook,
was the second wife. Mr. Olose was 08
blethodiet in oburoh relationship and is
eurvived by his wife, ems daughter and
four sone. He was only 111 for four days
and had been a remarkably hearty man.
The great distanoe, of coarse, probtulted
Mrs. Stewart attending the funeral of
her father. He was a kind husband and
good parent aud took a great deal of teal
enjoyment out of life.
tive papers have been publishing the
following false and silly yarn that must
have erainated from an addled Maio
',About a year ago appropriations ag.
gregatiog UNDO $28,000 were made for 4
ROW pOetoftta0 bolding et Wieehena.
Two lots were purohaeed at oonsideliably
more than their value, and just lettere
the Int Federal elections a flour •Ming
dart was mule at the forindatioae. The
late Dewily Speaker thought it world be
e. strong wird to play, but his 88155,8 201.
lowed, The work then Mopped end 'calla',
and nothing hoe been done farm, A.
relative 01 8118 ex•Deputy Speaker 1., still
employed ae iespeotar, although no work
bas been done for month's." As a matter
01 fact Use atone foundatione war., wm.
pleted last Pall add ea briok etruesuree
are not (mooted during the Vitiator tn..nbint
the [Mena Week was tweeted over until
Spring. 125,000 briok for inside valls
are on the ground ; from 80 to 70 .oads
of sand hauled and severe' care of out
done from St. Marys dellveved. The
preened brink Will come by train in the
Spring and Contractor Cooper fe ready
to push the building 011819 0.8 80'U as
riettonable weathet arrive& WM, N 11101-
000, the inflpeOtOr, iB no relative to Dr,
fdaoDonald Whatever, The story fti given
publioation with a visa' of getting a Map
el Dr, MacDonald but people whn know
the author ate not eiirprised 81 its
eillinese. There wee 5 oornmodiartr end
comfortable divelling on One of tbe lots
purchased and Afterwards Bold, Ax to
Supplementary Meetings.
Meetings of Ent Huron Fernier& /o-
stitnte fon the disouseion of Agricultural
and kindred eubjeute will be held aa
follows :-
ST. COLUMBIAN, Saturday, Mardi 4
WINTHROP, Monday, 6
BLUEVALE, Tuesday, 7
ETHEL, Wedneedey, 8
Thursday, 9
MOLESWORTH, Friday, 00
10180 001018, Beton-lay, " 11
Addresses by H. G. Reed, of George
town, and J. L. 1,Varren, of Anon.
Meetings open at 1,80 and 7 80 p. m.
All are cordially invited to attend and
take an intelligent part iu the dieenseion
of the varied subjeota introdueed.
whether the am mut voted as stated
above is carted or nob we are nob pre
paid to 80.9 50 we have not the data to
hand bat it may be 0.8 far off ae be other
Business Locals.
San Peas for sale apply to Mos. Taos.
Ceram% Lot 9, Con, 12, Grey.
Wools for sale, either dry or green, soft
or hard. JNO. MoNee, Oranbrook.
SEED oats for eale-Oentory vatiety.
JAS. Dusome, Lob 27, 41b line, Morrie.
Bommees and Robes at met for BO days
to Wear them 008, at 3100, DONALDSON'S.
Suto Peas jest arrived, a oar of Mae
koka Beauties, G. B. Rum, Wingbam.
YOUNG bull for 88l8 -Apply to D.
GLASSIER, Lot 8, Oon, 11, Grey, or Brae
eels P. 0.
WOMAN minted to assist in Bruesele
Lauudry. Dates to commence March
let. • R. Weradeateme,
Sews repaired and your life Mitered by
having eaves gummed, set and Dee by
T. NoCtimocat, Mill Street, Brussels.
Bon Orpingtons are =needed by
Experimental Fars at Guelph and Os•
tawa to be our best Winter layers. This
brted ie taking the lead and is the beat
all round bey today. Cookerale for sale.
Egg in Beason, Jur., WRIGHT, Mill et.,
People We Know.
Miss Cash, of Seaforth, le visiting iter
sister, Mre. A. 1, Currie.
Mrs. George Baeker was on the sick
list during the past week.
Barrister Sitailtur was in the Co. town
on legal business this week.
Mies Mabel Colviu is attending the
MilIinsry Openings at London.
Mrs, Joseph Pagh, of Bluevale, 0.0.8 0.
visitor with Ere, R, Paul last week.
Rev. and Mre, Conine end De Witt
were vieltors at Trowbridge this week.
Dirs. A, A. Hayti, of Luelinow, is the
pleat of Dire. Will. Ainley, Turnbetry
Lennie Gillespie, of Seaforth, was
0.7181108 with Alines Pearl and Laura
Miss Habkirk ie in Toronto attending
the Millinery Openings and pioking ap
millinery novelties,
Mies Jean MoLemohlin will go to Gods -
vide on Friday to attend the wedding of
Miss Farrow on Saturday.
Mise Vera Danford, who has been
borne from Toronto for a well earned
holiday, will leave shortly for the Queen
Mrs. (Rev.) Paul bas been confined to
the house by an attaok of erysipelas in
her faoe but we bops she will soon be as
well 148 ever. '
Too. and Iflre. Landesboro', of Winni-
peg, are bank to Brunetti again after a
tonr among relatives aud Mende at
'Sortie, Harriaton, Seaforth end other
TStmt.-Among those who have
been or 508 818 the sick fiat are Jno. and
Mrs. Howard, Mre. Slennnoo, Mre. J. H.
Cameron, Oherlie Leckie and Miss
Gorda Ewan.
Will. Elliott bad his right band out by
a skate at the rink one evening last
week. George Mute remised s out on
his chin at the same plaoe from the
glancing of it hockey stick.
Barrister MacDonald was among the
storm stayed last week, He bad been
at the Go. town on legal basiness.
Walking 0.88 the only sure mode of
locomotion for a few days.
Jamee Weight, who has been visiting
relatives in Brunets and other points Mt
the past oouple of months, lef 8 for hie
home in Castleton, North Dakota, on
Thursday morning of this week.
Mrs. S. T. Plata is a prisoner to her
hems owing to rheumatism with which
We has been troubled for the past two
monthe. We hope Mae will Won be free
ftom thie very disagreeable oornpanion.
Warden Donaldeon, of Atwood, wee
a caller on THE Pool on Tnewley, lis
took it run 09 011 the train on hearing of
the interns Of his brother.iwlavr, W. W.
CAPITAL -Paid up 81,000,000
RESERVE niND $1.000,000
1891, 15,18, WARDEN, D. D., S. moono,
President, Vice -President.
9E05,13E50004W, 910.. Ina IRMO; MU. W. sfeballtart 010; Z.O. 11,30, uniennION, E. 0.
MEN I7505T13115O9
Drafts Bought and Sold, Vermont' Notes Diewunted.
rim es° 1 Ant Baraierotzwer
Interest at HIGHEST OURRENT RATES allowed on all some of 111 and upwards
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
Harris, who bag beset() dangerously ill
with pneumonia, bot who is pulling along
favorably now we are glad to say.
Mies Ethel Creighton, sister to Mrs.
H. L. Jaokson, of town, has sweated a
situation as milliner for 1905 at Nekton,
R. C., and will leave shortly for the
West. Mies Oreightoe io now in Toron•
to abtending the Millinery openings. For
several Beason she bee been all Grand
1311URcii Duel.
Service wag cancelled in St, John's
oburoh last Sunday ea the new motor bad
not arrived through failure of train
"Immortality" was the theme of Rev.
T. W. ClOsens last Sabbath evetiing in
Melville °bomb. His text was "If a
man die Isbell he live again 7" The
sermon wee full of Waren.
Minimax), Annivereary was not ob-
served in the Methodist oburoh last
Sabbath owing to the inability of Rev.
Hr. Philp to get here on account of
trains being blooked. Another date will
be set,
Rev. T. W. Oosene oompleted the 7th
and last of s series of Bertoone on the
Lord's Prayer last sabbath morning in
the Mettiodiet oburoh. Rev. Mr, Ross,
of Melville oburoh, moupied the pulpit in
the evening, discoursing profitably on
"The radiant Life."
herald it forth that :-A Restful Bab.
bath ie a hygienio necessity. A Quiet
Sabbath is the greatest moral force of tbe
world, A Oivio Sabbath ie the strongest
pillar in the temp e of Liberty. A. Sacred
Sabbath bs tbe mightiest police force of
the land. A. Worshipful Sabbath ie in.
dispensable to spiritual power. A Chris.
Man Sabbath is tbe bulwark in defenee of
all Righteousness. A Secular Sabbath is
destruotive of all good.
SDAW.-At Brandon, Manitoba, on Feb,
15tie, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaw,
a sOn.
Braut-Wema.-At tbe residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. end Un- George
Welsh, on Feb. 2208 by the Rev. D.
B MeEae, Mr. William Alvin Barr
to Min Selina Welsh, both of Grey.
BRODIE-RITERISI.-At the residenoe of the
bride's brother in-law, J. P. Me.
Lamb, on Feb. 22nd, by Rev. D. B,
Aloliae'Ur. Charles Brodie, of Sra.
forth, to Min Mary Ritchie, of
CERRY-SELLIMIY.-At the Methodist
Paisonage, Dundee, on 81301811 Feb.,
by Rev. S. Battery, B. D., father of
the b ide, Miss Mabel Winifred, to
Dr, Emerson G. Curry, of Plainfield,
New Jersey. Dr. and Mrs. Curry
bail from San Franoieoo on the 2511
Feb., for Hong Kong, where they
will reside.
OLOC4.-A.1 Portland, Oregon, on Feb.
And, Henry Olon, father of Alm. W.
F 'Stewart, Brussels, aged 86 years.
BAWTINNEIMen,-In Grey, on Feb. 1911i,
El tzabeth Churchill, relict of the late
Wm. Bawtinheimer, aged 54 years.
.6.-07aTzc80• 00.4.I.
mum, 24. -Farm, farm stook,
implements, &o, at Lots 15 & 16, Con. 1,
Grey. Bele at 1 o'olook. 1. W. Jaoklin,
prop. ; F. S. Soon, amt.
MONDAY, FEB. 27. -Farm, farm etook,
&o , at Lot 17, Oon, 9, Grey. Sale, nn
reserved, at 1 o'clock. Robb. McDonald,
prop. : S. Scott, auo.
TozallAY, r1/13 28 --Farm, Farm etook,
implements &ce, North Lot 16, Con. 9,
Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock.
W. • Skelton, A. Howlett and T. Skelton,
Executors. E. 8. Soon, atm
TIMItimAT, Menem 2. -Trotting bred
•stook, &o., Brunets, Sale at 1 p. m.
Bow & Warwick, props. F. S. 1:11oott,
8.-S. W. lot 10, con.
5, Morrie. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook.
Estate of the late George Hood, Win,
Datable, Executor t F. 13. Scott, we,
71 -.et -.3- 01•0103:_,0.
Pall Wheat 95 I 00
Barley 40 40
Peal 80 55
Oats 84 85
Butter, tube and retie..., 17 18
Eggs per dozen 21 •22
l3ay Eler ton 5 50 6 00
Flour, per bbl 5 60 6 00
Potatoes per bus 85 85
Apples (per Mei.) 1 00 1 25
Hog, Lin „ 5 26 6 25
Woe) 17 18
ilia 6, per bbl., retail 1 00 • 70
Reitere for sale. Prize winning stook.
Lot 8,0013,0, tiny, or Brunie 0.
9141 D, RODENT 8011.
Notice to Debtors.
Bowing sold out 019 130.1811 and Tile Yard
at Heetry h 1 desire ail parttee mdebtott to
me to square up tut same on et before
Mouth 1st, aft I intend going West. Atter
that date am:tomato Wilt be plaood In other
bandit for collection,
83.1 8. WRIGHT, tlenfityn,
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the eptate of Robert
Wooten Skelton, late of the Town-
ship of Morris, in the County of
Huron, farnaer, deemed,
Hattie is hereby given pursuant to Hoyle.
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1897,0hap. 190, that
all creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Hebert Wat-
son Skolton. who died en or about the end
day of Vebruary, A.D. 1905, are required on
or before the Ilth day of Slarobxt, to
send by post prepaid, to Albert Howlett,
13russels Post 001ce,or deliver to h m at
the Townsbie of Morrie in said county, one
of the Executors of the Will el the said
(1owsased, the tun paxtioulars of their
claims, a statement of Caelr aecounts and
the nature of their securities (if any) held
by them.
And further take notice that after said
last mentioned data the Masoutors will
premed to dietributo the assets of the
deceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the /dolma of which
notice shall thee have beau given, and that
the aaid Execinioni will not be liable TO r the
said assets 00 0.119 part thereof to any per-
son of whose Maims notice shall not have
been received by them at the time of anon
Dated at Goderieli, this 2Ie t day ei Feb-
ruary, A. , 1905,
Senators for Wm. 8. Skelton, Tiler. B. Skel-
ton mid Albert Howlett,11xeoutors.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Enron. In the matter of the estate
of George Hood, late of the Township
of Morris, in the County of Soren,
farmer, deoeased.
Notice In hereby given, pursuant to the
Itebeeed Bratntes of Ontario, 1897, Oben. 108,
See. 98, that ell oreditors and others ha.ving
(dolma agelnet theertato of George Hood.
late of the Township of Morrie, in the said
Comity, farmer, who died on or about the
8rd day of February, A.D 1005, at the Town-
ship of Morris, are hereby requested to send
bv peat, prepaid, or to 8518370 80 Willie=
Weide, Sunshine P. 0., the Executor of the
last Will and Teetameut of the said George
Hood, or to A. B. Macidouald, of the Village
of Brussela, his Solicitor, on or before the
29rd day of hfaroli, A.0.1905, tbeirtull name.,
addresses anti the full particulars of
their Makes, and the nature of tha seouri-
ties ((t nay) held by thorn.
And notice isbereby given that after said
last mentioned date, the lead Executor
will proeeed to distribute the assets of the
donned amongst the person entitled
thereto, baying regard only to the claims of
width notice shalt have been given as above
required. and the said Exeoutar will not
be responsible for the assets or any part
thereof so distributed, to any person whose
Maim notice shall not have been received at
the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brunetti this filst day of Febru-
ary, A. D., 1905.
138.0 Solicitor for Executor.
T1250 BRED 0.9000., Ltxas, 19181319955 80,
-''strliii8tiSori"Eittbr'oma°t°1ibel°u.Tilre'rshigutledn°8081vseill len;
nubile, atiotiou at their stables, Bruseele, 00
Thursday. Earn end, at 1 n'elook. the fol.
lowing valuable trotting bred Stook , viz, :-1
roadster mare 8 years old, sired by 'Wild
Brtho'; 1 roadster mare 6 man old, sired by
'Costumer.; 1 r oedeter geldiu g rising 5 yearn
sired by lOnstumer'; 1 roadster mare 5
years old , alred by 'OeStumer,' full sister to
'Lady Muth.' trotted mile in 350: 1 road -
tater me re.q.,ady Mints,' 0 yens old, trotted
mile in 227 and a half iu 1,120 1 roadster
mare 6 years 01d, sired by 'Young Fel ton' ; 11
roadster foul, sired by 'Costumer,' daln by
'Wild Brine' ; 1 roadster filly 0 yeare old,
sired by 'Eaplan' 2055, dem by Canada
Southern'; 1 roadster Ally 2 years 818, 8(504
by 'Replan' 1085, dam by Stantou' ; 1 road-
ster filly 8 yearn old, sired by 'Hanlon' 2085,
dam 'Ludy Minto.' staudard and registered ;
bugglee, I cutter, 1 speed sleigh, 2 bike
eart. 1 jogging cart, 1 set of bobedeigbe,
0585 01 allele barium,' eat of team harness,
1 plow, 1 set of Iron harrowe. 1 wagon leak, 2
rome. Sale unmarred as Mr. Warwick is
going West. colts are ail broken to hernees
awl quiet. Terms -Ai t sums ot $5 and un-
der clash, over that amouut 10 months' credit
will be 5(708 50 furuiebteg approved joint
notes; 0 per cent. off for nab 011 credit
amounts. 80017, & WARWICK, Proprie-
tors ; E. s. 80077, Anotioneer.
49 '11.
The last Cough you
had wouldn't have
lasted at all had
you used our
White Pine
and Tar
Try it. 26 Cents
per bottle at
_C1. 87000.
87001C AND IMELENENTE 860 -Sawed
Wright hos Inatru.acal Alox.'Morrieou
sell bv ;midi° multi 05893.1.010 84 awl 85,
co°90:010:1311:'2:71,eb,orla.4tvaluvcoliti b H 18 1s"hanfrc310n0til'tealatflo°01"Nio'DwKtult.'g';
valuable property '-1 team of =dolled
blames .8 and 9 eettrt old,1 peeing Mote, reg-
istered pedigree v care teld , 1 heavy horse,
An uodore 42,NlamereaWBB 1381111Jan,
therobreil Hereford heifer cobras, 2 them.
bred bull 0311VOR, 1 smile cow 4 years old
euppomed 10 deaf, 1 Jamey eesw 4 years old
suppolied ealt,2 eat/ bred Teeny heifer
.3.1.1i4r, shoo] ftia,8r
onsm icrai1a
f ,1 agri eboll8
about. 150 1083808,1 top buggy, 1 democrat
wagon, 2 seats, pole and shafts, 2 wagone,
1 clutter. 2 wood ra,,ks, 1 hay rack, 1 root
Lug' pine r,awleD, %%rtear, yg b,i5uwel 0Deeagyn emIawnitiOnettioc
nearly umv,hroad aud narrOw sbsane,1 seed
drill, 1 McCormick rake nearly new, 1
Listowel WOW neer y now, 1 Fermis plow, 1
miller, 2 gong Ph ws, 1 Chatham fanning
01(10and bagger.2 iota iron harrows. 1 Oho
rhottirir8orwo„ b1.gyrigk 0?'113,114331(4 1 n.toeirleys.t11
barrow, 1 engar kettle, pow set of town
8e37ee0,1 tlett plev barnen, 1 oat Ideate
harness, work 110001 011(11,100,1 omit stove
feeder with oven, 1 wood stove, 1 wagon
box, 1 gravel box 2 Minna, quantity of
cedar poste If not sold before day et sale,
water trough., stone eon, teed bOX, 1 lutu per,
2 grindsteues, 1 Sieger sewing =whine,
tank ler 01,101 coolors, 2 writing deska, fruit
fare,' ease minima d, 2 bed springs and
tnaitraesel eltaanti, v of fowl. Sale without
reServe (15' the pri,priebar has Bold bio
property. Terme -411 Infine ol 135 and
under, wish Over that 001011131 10 months'
credit vill be give..10 furnishing approved
joint uothe or a dieeount of 6 per want, per
annum oft for oath on credit amulets 8.
WRIDELT, Proprietor ; AMEX. Mon/Mott,
Innat STOOS Immumune, &.n'The
Eaceenter of the late George Hood, hos in-
struoted 2' 8. Scott, anetioneer, to offer for
rale by public 00018.0 ab 8W 5 1.00 10, Con.
5, Morrie, on Friday, March Sul. at 1 o'clock,
the following valo,ble property, vis 0-2
aged Intone One Of them in Mal to 'Havrard-
on,' 1 mare 5 yeare • el in foal to 'fle.wardeu,'
g newly ealved sows, 1 Dorsey cow fall bred
in nit, 1 once euppeeed In all, 1 fat sow,
Steers rising 1 years 1 laelfer rieing 8 years.
2 belferg rigiag 8901 re, 2 steers tieing 2 yrs,
1 yearling ateer, 2 ;voting calves, 12 breeding
ewes, 0510.0 pigs, 96 hew, 1 brood sow, 1
Massey -Harris binder, 1 sinule furrow riding
plow, 2 waromon plvere, 1 gang plow, idiso
barrow, 1 sot heti harrows, 1 set wooden
hartowe, 2 lumber wagone, 1 pair bob-
sleighs,' democrat, 2 begetee, 1 eulky rake,
1 mower, 1 fanning mill with bagger attach-
ed,' set of settles )204 l(3s), 1 shrew cutter, 2
turnip mitten, hay toile and allege with
ropes and walleye, 1 hay rack, 1 wheel-
barrow, 1 truck barrow, 1 grain cradle, 1
swami 8110701, 1 lureece kettle, 1 griedstone,
18 cattle chains, 2 dozen grain bags, 1 log
boat, 1 stoma boat, Et number of cedar posts,
a quantity of loth lomber, 1 set double bar.
1008, 2 sate single Lamm, 203110(0, 2 gets
whiftletreee, 1 mewl) ar, 1 punt took, 0(5800'
1119 01 bay and turrnpa, forks, spades, log-
ging eludes, saythen, 2 ladders, 1 churn, a
number of milk ve as, 1 kitchen table and
other AWOL's too minimum to mention.
The farm eentaine 100 wares, composed of
the 5 W 5 .1.ot 10, C‘41. 5, and 74W 8151 10,
Oen. 8. lev.irything must be sold in order to
wind up estate. a eenui-All stuns of $5 and
tuntet cash, ever that amount 9 mouths' ore-
dit will be given en lureithing approved
joiut mate}, ; 63180 ,1801-. per 8505080 Off for
Oren credit =mite ; bay and turnip to
be ()ash. • Terule foe farm made known on
day of sale, WILLIaM fdICHTE, Executor;
F, B. BOoTT, Anoideeeer.
N_A • linear We mute 01 0028 Ontario Vet-
erinary Colima, is prepared to treat alt dia•
ammo of derneetioatod auinade in a eranlfet-
ent 02an180r. Peatinter attention mild to
Veterinary 1381 ,1100,), y and Paine b'ever. Cans
Protontly ottani:leo to. Ottloe and mammy
-Four dome North of bridge, leinrnberry
Slocilliill Sale
Commencing Saturday, Feb. llth
Ending Saturday, March llth.
We will, during this time, offer our largo stock of Winter Boots
86 Shoes, Heavy Rubbers, Robes, Blankets and Bells at Greatly Re-
duced Prices for CASH. This is your chance for Genuine Bargains.
We have too large a stock and have determined to mark the goods
at prices that will clear them out before
stock -taking to make room for Spring
goods. Come and secure your share
of the extra values we will offer.
Remember the date and remember
these prices are for cash,