HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-23, Page 4it is ItInoscis .O2t1 THURSOAY, FEB. 23, 1905. $AVE you selected your emote under the new Government 7 Tam Britiab Columbia Legielature opened its sessions recently. It is to be hoped the dove of peace ben finally perobed in that ohamber es they have had stormy times in B. C., euough to weary almost any man unless he is built on the pattern of "fighting" Joe Martin, TUESDAY, Feb. 28th, is the date set for the Provinoial bye-eleotione in aonneotion with the Whitney Cabinet. It is likely e number of the new Ministers will be retnrued by aoolamatiou but in some ridings there are rumors of a contest In the majority of oaeee the members in. tereated had good majorities. Temente one man's bungle many another has to enffer. In the Federal eleotion in Wentworth the Deputy Re. turning Officer numbered all the ballots and as a result there have been several legal tangles, the moo who fairly won lost the seat, it being given to his op. ponent, and now the Ooorte have decided that a new election will have to be held. Tae POST is of the opinion more and more net D.paty Returning OfSeee should undergo an examivalion as to their dnttee before an election is held. 11 so many troubles would be obviated. IF the ears of the Municipal daddies of Grey, Morrie and Brussels did not burn for a while this week the old addage in referenoe to people talking about yon (Maria hold good ae some "hot stuff" was worked eft by people who had to drive through the pitch holes South of Bra0981s. Not very muoh wonder either as the road wee in a sorry plight and 'natively dangerous, A. great deal has been said and written about Summer nada but if we have many Winters like this year and the past wee then road m,kiue and keeping for the Winter will be as newesuary, it not more ao, than in the "good old Summer time." We believe every Pathmaster should see that after every storm proper attention, with plowing, horses or what ever may be neoesoory, be paid eo that the pnblic may be as little inconvenieuoed ae possible, to soy nothing about the loans or dangers euwonutered. The Munioipal Councils eheuld eee that thio is done. One break down may now cost a man 10 times the amount his taxes wouid be inoreaeed by the plan mentioned above and the comfort to be derived from the more modern method would be beyond aom. pare, Some townships have pioneered the way throngb this problem by laying down a well defined plan for every road and the resnit appears to be most satiefaotary to the ratepayers, The pitoh butes within the corporation of Brussels should be "doctored" also and the Main street kept in better shape by the Street Committee, Worthy of Perusal. To the Editor of Tam Pos0 DEMO SIR,—Kiudty allow me a little of your valuable space to call the attention of parents who have the welfare of their ebildren at heart, end also of young people who wish to ries in the world, to one of the beet institutions of becoming neefol and honored citizens of a works day world,—/ mean our exoelleat Public Library. Eduoabion is a woutiunoae promise and e. person who does not men- tions bie reading alter leaving eohool, no matter how long he has attended that inititntion, soon becomes a beak number and a piece of mere driftwood on the ocean of intellectual life. At least fi:ty per not. of the people or Ontario leave school before they are 12 years of age, yet there is no reason why these may got become, in time, well edaoated men and women. President Lincoln had but a few Winter menthe at a Publio School, yet throueb hie habit of reading he became the foremost man of hie lime. Books were bie constant onmpanton. A friend says : "We grubbed, ploughed, weeded end worked together, barefooted in the field, Whenever Abe had a chance, while tett work in 0101101d or in bbe house, be would stop and read." Ono of the prominent membere of the Dominion Parliament and who for it long period represented one of the Horone at Ottawa was a self ednoated mac. When a full grown man he began reading and read to snob purpoee that be became a ready, clear and $sent epewker anis 8 perfect mine of agricultural, fitanoial and political information. 1 do sot know of anything that will keep a person from all temptation so well as this bebit of reading. Time never }lenge heavy on the Mande of a reader. IIs Nae no lonesome evenrnge. He ono hive, not only a pleasant but a very profitable time without either pard play. ing or ioaflng. He he at hie oommaud the uobleet thoughts of the moat gifted men that ever lived. He saes a prooeasion on July 12th, he roaohee for b1aoauley's li,etory of Eng. land and reads a most sOal.etireing tIateative of how a body of determined men—mere ahOpkespers—held at bay for 106 daye a disolplined army ander one of the beet generals of hie day. He has bat t, look into Parkman'e Hisbory of Canada to see why the English eettlere with their individual initiative won a Ooutinent from the French ooloniets with a Nation et their beak. lie has but to read the life of Nelson to gee how a noble lame of duty had made England greet, Thio vitlag r hits an exoeilent library of [ o Well 80:50101 books and paronto, should p aee that their children acquire the road• log habit and that part of their evenings be given to the s0quiriug of useful know. ledge rather than in learning evil on the public streets. Remember if you allow evil seed to be Bowe nothing bat evil will be reaped. I would earaeetly appeal to young people to prepare ttlem. selves for something better tine what they are now at, The opportunity comes to every one, bus to profit by it you meet be ready. Reed instal books ; read carefully and make what you read your own. Lay oat a definite oeuree of reed• ing sued ae History, Geography or Saienoe. Ocoaeiouully read a uovel but remember that Scott's "Ivanhoe" is wortb all the Henry books ever written, Of course you should read at least one work of every great master of &otien enah as Dickens, Thaokerey or Elliot, but read, read, read, Yours very truly, A Ream. WELO)ME NOTE FROM SAN DIEGO, CAL. To the Editor of TAE PoeT DEAR 8111.—Here we are again Southern California, only 10 milee No of old Mexico, population 25,000, with beautiful satiny .climate almost m summer in character bat having mu more rain than in former years, meal chilly winde and a good deal of grip among the large number of boeri always berg dnriug Winter. With a fi landInkedharbor, 3 miles from t great recede neap, this arty has future before it. The fleet harbor Nor of Panama canal ; high rolling laude a great mountains in rear from whioh, mllee away, it gets e. fine water suppl parried from a monutain stream all th dietauoe in a large, open, wooden flame a reservoir oloee by, then piped all ov the pity, It owne a 1400 mare park the suburbs and towards the foot bil over whioh we took a drive the other da L its of teams levelling and grading, 1r planting, main boulivard grade pile whioh permanently absorbs all Band dos The valleys, rtoh in Boil, are crowd with Chinamen, raising vegetables an making money in their quiet, indnatrin efforts. They also make the moat r tient and reliaitle laundrymen. A trai ing warebip entered the harbor late! tilled with some 450 to 500 young oadet to get ¢applies, while going farther Soot for targst praatiae. The sea is ever attractive to 'inflame so down we strolled the other day to di water front to eee the fishing yaoh arrive with their boats of fish, each wit probably 100 to 200 averaging the leant of your arm—yellow, some striped like barber's pole—nob 00 all invitin monetroae heads, big, ugly eyes an motthe almost bigger than their bodie opening up like a wide open sank, tb piatare and symbol of gluttonous raeoality It is a good thing these beads are "d capitated" before they are sent t market, peaked in ice, to inland town These fishing smacks have now eaah a smelt gasoline engine to propel them or 5 miles an boar to ensure their promp return la event of a oalm or bad hes winde. The papers here always fall o sensational news snob as medals boodlers, murders, divorces and all ego trashy reading, are more than fall label or the bribery charges against four a California's Senators. Charges ar allowed ap with positive detafle o evidenoe against tbem, aooepting con iderable same of money to 00080 Legiela ion itt favor of pertain Loan Companies The grand jury has found a true bit gaiost them and ail have been arrested ew out on bail, Their declaration the when the trial comes they will be able t whitewash themselves ie not believed i y the common peuple. Parallel oaee t Grand Rapids, St. Louie, Chicago biladeiphie and other leading (metres o 'oivilization" clearly shwa the advent of he old propbetioal sayings when 'r Tb on nail cease to ehine, the moon dark ned and the stars of Heaven falling eaven and earth passing away, the end t the world or age approaching," ymbolio that the end of the present eaime of Ohristianiby ie overbakiog the eopie before the dawn of a better and igher orthodoxy and life in harmony berewitb. See Rev. 21. Modern beology (Swedenborgian) eebabliebee the inner sense" of these paeans to mean the sun aeaeing to give her heat and ght" ae representing the death of piritaal life in man ; "the moon being arkened" the extinguishment of true ith 1 "the stare fallietallier/from Heaven" be Int troths of Christianity ; in the omplex ebbe end of the age"—a new yolo of life—the aimed coming—as ortrayed throughout the eotiptoree and nd apeoially in Revelations of t, John. Another proof instance, cattle rancher from Montana ams in aur building and in the) smoking om at leisere, we bad long converse. one. Re denon0oed, with considerable hemeuoe, the greedy, diehoaorable feelings he had to suffer from the Beef ruet, the Big Four they are 001161, rmonr, Swift, Oudahay and Morrie, hen these men wanted to bay a larks t of cattle they would to into the arkete purohasing a few at high figures, vadat) it well, then a rush of cattle en shipped in train loads resulting in ly one buyer in the market offering a in away bedew.bedew.what they oat the tile raisers. No help bat to accept the ly offer 520 to 522 each when their tnalaoet was $26 to 528. Next day els these cattle divided among the big or, yet when cattle he lower beef is •'her by similar manipulations, ae !Iowa. If a iocal beadier bays cattle om farmers and sella beef himself at it vela¢, the Big Fon at once starts a ore alongside and undersells until he le ome0 Or nerved out oe buys only from ern and sells at their pries. The meat ode of the 0oanlry and Oman the rid is in the control of Ibis Big Four. ar (Attie friend nye there is only one needy for them and that is to getbebeldam to prevent them 0r any man m owning over one million dollars, er that all to go to the Government, as air great rower lies in their immenge tilde. "Roars truly" fore the poor die mane' milleninm will he long in ming Hence Roosevelt's great aim of e is to neigh out the life and nations of en dangerous monopoltes whioh unless 0w erme will Bonner 00 later crash out e life and liberty of thle great Ile. bile. The War party in the U, S. Senate old only lately get appropriatione seed enough to build 2 new warships, 10 rtb a id• oh ng pe ate oe he a th nd 60 Y. t So er in la, 7. Be d, t. ed us y, li n to h h 0. 5, a. s. a 4 • d h P 1 0 e e one Senator remarking "they did not aha to have the largest navy in the world (up to England) but the% did aim to bane the meet eflioieut,'t At the same time there are at present 28 war• ships under ponstrautioo, 13 bade ships and 15 other orttisers, torpedo boabe, dice quite a fleet in itself, The Smoot trial at Washington, B. 0., drags along slowly. You will remember Abend a year ago 400 women pati lotted Goverumeut that es a Sender from Utah he should be expelled an a po y gamier representative, Poor Smoot hall proven tbie to be a flee Charge a: d to the trial has shown polygamy to tee on the decrease, in tact dying out. The commons of opinion seems to be, letter to let it alone and let the old generation die with it to take oars of what wives and Children they have rather th,:n to annul and disperse them to Ines these wives and children without a fulher's Care end protection. Smoot ante the younger generations are all Recliu50 polygamy and the trend of Convict, n ie it will Boon mean t0 exist. - Here oomee Tam POST, 01 Mei inn, with its quota of home news. rimed to read Mies Sage's letter from C" Igary with newsy pointers and hope she will no:dines them. It reminds me of a frieod'e remark in Brussels 0u int last return saying be was sorry to see me back beoanee there would be no more letter , wbioh was quite aomplime r Lary. Hies Sage too can take the hint, Pleae ed to en Dr. and Mre. Graham heIdling Brneeeleward. Yon may leotore them gently for lank of lettere as of yore, Mr. Leckie and Mr. Leatherdele doing HO well in their late Western trip. Yours truly, J. D. Rotuuta. San. Diego, California, Feb. 10. P. S.—Met oar mutual friend J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, on street hers to day looking remarkably well. J. D. R. Lively Times at Saskatoon. DEte EDrrOR,—'Itis "Wanderer" is on the scene and not frozen up either ae eo many friends predioted. What a dr•tight rut Winter we have bad eo far 1 Oold 'tie true but with mob bright eaoshiny days, one never thiuka of the many degrees below zero. We have no.e of diet Setae biting wind eo prevalent in Ontario, and whioh makes you wielf you were thio enough that you made' feel it. As yet we hen little more than six inohee of snow, jest euough to make eplendid sleighing, with a marked absents of the faunae pitch holes. As I write I think of the many times I have driven to town in Ontario, a distance of three milee, and wanting the pitoh•boles AS we went. I think, if I remember rtgbtly, they numbered eometbing in the bnndrede. The river whioh thundered by the town bas been stlenoed for some time and has beoome instead of a stream to float yachts a driving rendezvous for the pleasure loving. It's Unita were exaee"ingly beautiful and are to my mind even more so now, piled up behind the leafless trees you get visions of the towering banks frowning down upon you. I felt tient I ooald teach Wolfe's asoeat to the Plains of Abraham better after standing at the bottom and gazing up the heights before me. A Presbyterian s.ndeut here in referring bo the Sasbtatehe. wan River said to me, "3 consider this the grandest eight I have Been eincaI left borne." "Where is your tome" I remark- ed. "I lived by the St. Lawrene:." I felt be could have paid cur river no grand• er tribute. Settlers have been landing for some weeks past, preperabory to going to their homesteads. I think no one realizes Ibis as mach as teaohera do, for almost every day we ars greeted at the door by eager v0ioe9 eayiug "Another new echofar to. day 1" Needless to Bay we have a great time olaeeifying them, some pupile being so tar behind oar. in their work. How- ever, en oar Hockey boyo say I can truly say—"The Coterie pupils are all milt," the Publio Sohooi standard of Ontario and that of Abe North West being most nearly alike. I can only a000unt for this by the fact that the West is mostly sup plied with Ontario teaohere. Our town is not lacking in eporl8. Last week we h. Id oar annual Boreplel, and the prizes our worthy townsmen put up were well worth competing for. Der. ing the Bonspiel the Ladies' 130.pttal Aid nerved lunch to the curlers each afternoon and evening and made at least 5180. Our er. Hockey teem is also makit.t; it8 .mark, the last game played was at Prfnae Albertfrom whioh oar boys nameoff victorious. Last evening we bed ant first Band Carnival and it certainly leas a great enooeee. The aoatomes both b' auti• ful and oomio, showed plainly that dile Northern weather is n splendid dont ening stimulator. Last week the Marks Gros. also gave a series of entertainments whioh were enjoyed by all. This up•to date town has se its Meyer one of Morris' former cahoot temehers in the person of Malcolm Iebister, brother of Co Connaillor Wm. Isbister. To chow that oar towo ie il:,deed advancing the reoeipte ot the nada- were $10,000 more its 1904 than in 1908, The town Oounoil iobetids spending a large amount of money in the coming tiering in a ayatem of waterworks and sew rage, as the town can be easily drained luta the Saskatchewan. I meat a Be say it is the latest and moat sanguine ambition etf all enterprising Saekat000ites that at the forth naming division of the Tei titer ise into Provinces it is confidently expect• ed that Saskatoon will be the oapit tl of one of them. A new Baptist ohuroh fe oomp+eted, the opening serving being preached by Rev, Mr. Soaokhonee. On Sunday next Bishop Newham, of Saskateb gran, will be here to dedicate the new Eaglieh charob. Wining you a prosperoaa year, I remain, A WAN1rnnoa. Saskatoon, T'eb. 8, 1905, • IMPORTANT NOTICES To RENT. -100 ACRE FARM in gond ahape, Ord (dons Morris.• Per further parttoulare apply to W.OALnlian t, 01 Lot 20,4Ion 3 Morrie, 31•te TORE TO RENT IN—..TEE 1J 'Allege of Oranbroak, lately eoraeled by A. MsNalr,wbn bee weld out. 'cerins roasenable, Apply to J, LONG, Orenbrook. HOUSE FOR SALE, --• 10 rooms. sat and bard water, moan wrbdowe, storm and sateen doors, Good Stable, I acres of land 1010811 trees. 'para env Applyafo10. DUPE'', Biuolvaap,O,runtp. C'3OIITE'ORTABLE DOUSE AND J a bent sore of land for aide en Queen street, Brgtaola. Good stable, &o. For fur- ther pavtiu niers 013 to price and tering ap. ply mine preemies or write to lirnseela P.O. A. SAMPLE, LEICESTERS FOR SALE, etcher flexor ally age. This Rook has been vary auooeeeful at the local Shows.. Rave also mor aide n prize winning yonug Dufbem Ball. A.5011' et Lot 10 pan, 10, Gray, nr U. TURNIP:7E , l6dt --_-- _ Walton P, O, n OAR FOR SERVICE.— THE 1.) undersigned will keep for cervico on Lot 22, 080.9, d rey, a thorn bred Yorkshire Log, Oak Lodge Juatlee, brad by Jut), Breth- our, of Burford. Pedigree may be seen on application. Tonna 81.00 to be paid at time of em'vioo with privilege of returning if aeoo0enry, ALEX, D. LAAfr1NT, 24• Proprietor, YOUNG DURHAM BULL, 20 mouths old, with drat class pedigree, mud froin splendid milking attain, for sale. frBe100iusRseptoevloat remains 3ADIN ER, Lot 20, Con. 14, 040E111°p, or Lea.abury P.0, 30-tf AUCTION SALES. �XEOUTORS' SALE oP FARM, J FADE SToolr, Inrpnausere, Punta• rung, &o, -Phe F.xeottors of the late Robert Skelton have instructed 'F' S. Scott apo- tioneer,to offer forsale bypublicauction at 05 Lot 10, Con 0,31011.1s, 00 Tuesday, Feb. 28th, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property, viz.: -1 mare rising 8 years, 1 aged mare ,1 driving horse, 2 fresh calved oowe, 1 flow to ea1f, 1 heifer rising 9 years in calf, 2 steers rising 3 years, 1 steer riving 2 years, 2 heifers rleiug 2 years, 3 steers rising 1 year, 1 calf 8 weeks old, 1 brood sew with" pig, '7 pigs 4 months old, 70 hens, 1 Maescy-Harris tinder.1 lumber wagon, 1 buggy nearly sew, 1 cutter nearly now, 1 set of bob-0let01s, 1 two.furrowed. plow, 1 single plow, 1 set Iron bnrrowe, 1 turnip pumper, 1 fanning mill, 1 set scales loop, 1200 Thal, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 grindstone, 1 hay ruck, 1 pig rook, 1 set plow Damage, 1 set double harness nearly new, 1 set single 0000855 Dearly new, 2 robes, a quantity of hay, 500 buebels of oats, 25 bus- hels of potatoes, 200 bushels of turnips, 1 cook stove, 1 dozen chairs, 2 ta1,les, 2 bed- steads, 1 °look, 1 oupboard, 1 oburn, 60 sap pails and numerous other articles. The farm oontairte 100 acres, about 85 some clear- ed and 10 acres of bash ; there is a comfort- able frame benne bank barn, &o. ; Full plowing nearly all done ; aloe to school and oborob ; 6 mile- from 'Blyth and 75 from Brussels ; immedlnte possession onn be given. Bale unr06erved owing to decease of proprietor. l'e,ma—All sums of 86 and un- der sash, over that amount 10 moans' ore - dB will he given on furbishing approved joint metes; 6 per cent. Off 'for cash on cre- dit. amounts • bay, oats, potatoes and turnips to be dash. Terme for farm made known on day of sale or on apppltoation t7 the Exeon- F.B ture. , W. (SKELTON, SCOTT, A. HOWLETT. iExecutore. Auctioneer. T. SHELTON, 1 REAL ESTATE. GOOD 50 ACRE FARM FOR sale, 05 Lot 25, Cos 11, Grey, EASY terms, Apply to 1210. 11. H5(DI8, en the emee ie, Oranitrook 5, 0,, F. or S. Boort, ?3u'ruesole. 05 .ARM FOR SALE.—OHOICL Lot 0, 0 acre r n for tale, being South ball ay, Mostly seeded down and well mann, ed. Good bank Nato and comfortable house. Close to sok 01 and 25 miles from Stoma's, 5 mores of Fall wheat iu, Apply to J.0. TUCK, Bruseele, 80-0f -WARM FOR SALE.— GOOD hotuestoad-100 gorse—in the Town- ship of Morrie, Huron county, For petite• ulars apply to J. AFINNETT, 0 tf 650 Bathurst St. Toronto. I.( `ARM FOR SALE CONTAIN— xna 00 earns. being North balvee of Lots 16 and 10, Con, 1, Grey. Comfortable frame house, bunk barn,or'obard, &o, Only 4 tulles from dloleawortb. Good locality and flue roads. 1mmodtate posoeeslon. For further particulars apply to or write W. H. BENa, Nroeeele. FARM FOR SALE.—`,rIIE UN- deraigued offers ber 100 aura farm, be- ing 00020, Con, 7, Grey, for Bale, There is a comfortable house, bank baro, or- obard,;weile,&o. Farm is onlytulle from the thriving village of Ethel, For furter nerti0ulare 09 to price, terms, &a., apply to 7,1105 SATIo HOLLAND, 73 Shiner street, Toronto. GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— The underelgned offer for aide bis farm, being Lot 1, Con. 18, Grey. It is sit- uated on the Gravel road,2 miles South of Brussels and contains 100 norms ofgood laud, all cleared tint 15 notes, There fs a tint class brink house and kitchen, heated with furnace wood abed, artesian well with. windmill and water is pumped to 'barn,, Barn te 8508 feB ay barn 38 00 feetB4Good with o ohnrd,atariliew wall fended ;. pledeantly situated Will be sold On easy terms. Apply on premises or Brus- eels P, 0„ ENEAS ORION, 15 11 'WARMS FOR SALE. — 350 1. aoree 5ret-class land in the Township of Grey—bot 10, Cou. 14, 100 acres 1 Lot 17, 0ou 14,100 noroe ; and W5 Lot 18, Con. 14, 60 aoree-250 acres. All 1n excellent condi- tion with tret•olaso buildings ; brick house with all modern aouvenienoee, and large bank barn, root and straw house, stables, &o. Well watered. From 85 to 40 mares of good hardwood bush. Lot 10, Con. 18, con- taining 100 acres of drat -amass laud, goad frame house and large bank barn nearly new. The property can bo sold in two or three parcels to stilt purchasers. Terme liberal. Also acommodious dwelling house and let in Brussels. For ]antler particu- lars app ly to the owner on the premises, LAUORLIN MoNi•;IL, or to JNO. 1E0E1E1, Brussels. 21-01 si.4 ale r4 W 0. 51x93 0 OF THE 'TOWNSHIP OF GREY A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, for the purpose of constructing Gement or Steel Bridges and Cement or Stone Abutments in the said Township of Grey. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to raise by way of loan for the said purpose the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), and it will be neoee- saryta issue debentures of the said Town- ship of Grey, for the said sum of $80,- 000.00, as hereinafter provided, whioh is the debt intended to be oreated by this By-law, the proceeds of the said Deben- tures to be applied to the purposes afore- said unci to uo other purposes. And whereas the amount required by the Consolidated Municipal Aot, 1903, to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest, is the sum of $2207.40, payable in twenty equal annual payments of principal and interest combined. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Township of Grey, according to the last revised Ae- 0800ment Roll thereof, is 51,795,826. And whereas the amonnt of the exist- ing debenture debt of the said Township of Grey is $44,182.89, of whioh neither principal nor Interest is in arrear. Therefore the corporation of the Town- ship of Grey, by the Municipal Council thereof, enacts as follows :— 1. For the purpose of raising the sum of $30,000.00, to be expended as speoiied in this By-law, debentures of the said Township of Grey to the amount of $80 000.00, in sums of not less than $100.00 each, shall he issued on the Twelfth day of May, A. D. 1905, eaoh of whioh debentures shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof, and shall be payable within twenty years thereafter. 2. Each of the seed debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Town- ship or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same ; and also by the Treasurer thereof, and the Clerk of the said Township shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Corpora Mon. 8. The said debt and the debentures issued therefore shall bear interest at the rate of four per oent. per annum from the date thereof, and the said debentures both a. to principal and intermit shall be payable annually, on the Fifteenth day of January, at the Metropolitan Bank, in the Viilage.of Brunelle, and shall have attached coupons for payment of said interest, whioh coupons aball be signed by the Reeve of the said Township, or by some other per -on authorized by By-law to sign the same, and also by the T0eas- urer thereof, 4. Daring the currency of the said debentures there shall be raieed in each year by special tato of all the rateable property in the eai1'Pownehip of Grey, a earn suffiaiout 10 discharge the instalment of principal and ioterost accruing, due on the said debt. 5. Thie By-law shall take affect on the final passing thereof. 6. The votes of the duly qualified eleotore of the said Township of Groy shall he taken on this by-law at the fol• lowing times and plane, that is to say :— On Monday. the Second day of Jane. ary, A, D. 1905, commencing ab the hour of nine o'olook 111 the forenoon and con- doning until flee o'clock in the afternoon of the eamo day, by the following Deputy itetnrnfng Mints, that be to bay Polling Sub-dieitlon Na, 1, at 8dhool houte, School Section No. 4—John Ctitt, Docility Returning Miner. Polling Soli-M.011iou No. 2, at sohoel house, School Section No. 1—James Mit- chell, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Sub -division No. 3, at school house, School Section No. 2 —Oliver Turnbull, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Sub -division No, 4, at eohool house, School Stadion No. 9—Neil Mc- Nair, Deputy Returning Often. Polling Sub-divison No. 5, at Township Hall, Ethel—John Molntoeh, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Sub -division No. 6, ab school house, School Section No, 5 — Amos Smith, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Bub -division No, 7, at the For - Beton' Hall, Craubrook—A, Reymann, Deputy Returning Officer. 7. On Tuesday, the Twentieth day of December, A. D. 1904, the Reeve of the said Township of. Grey shall attend at the Clerk's Office in the Village of Ethel, in the said Township of Grey, at ten o'olook in the forenoon, to appoint persona to attend at various polling plicas afore- said, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk an behalf of the per - eons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this By-law re- Opeobively, 8, The Clerk of the said Township of Grey shall attend at the said Clerk's ofoe at 2 o'oloak in the afternoon of Tuesday, the Third day of January, A. D. 1906, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law, Dated at the Township Hall, in the Village of E hel, in the Township of Grey, this 24th day of November, A. D. 1904, (Signed) [SEAL] Roman Livnfosso t, Reeve. JOHN MOINTooa, Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed By-law whioh has beau taken into consideration, and which will bo finally passed by the Sonn- et of the Municipality of Grey, (in the event of the assent of the electors entitled to vote thereon being obtained) after one month from the first publication in Tan Bnnsanne Foam newspaper, the date of which first publication was Thursday, the First day of December A. D. 1904, and that the votes of the duly qualified elect- ors of the said '1'ownahip of Grey will be taken thereon, on the day and at the Boars and planes therein fixed. Dated tine twenty-fourth day of Nov- ember, A. D. 1904. Jona Melwoosa, Clerk. NOTIOE. The above le a true dopy of a By-law provisionally paseed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Grey on the Twenty-fourth day of November, A. 1). 1904. And all parsons are hereby re- quired to take notice that any one dosis. our of applying t6 have such By-law or any part thereof quashed, must make hie application for that purpose to the High Court of justice within three menthe next after the publication of this notice Mice a week, for three 0000500130 weeks, in the newspaper celled Tag-Bnnsemfs POST, or he will be too lato to be heard in that behalf. hum Finally passedanin open Council Olio Sixth dtty of February A. D, 1905, (Signed) [01140 3oar1nMoarmoan,Ola EOM AUDITOR'S' ABSTRACT —00' THE— TOWNSHIP OF GREY FOR THE YEAR 1904 RE0111PT8, Bat, on hand at last audit ....5 746 76 Omit from Colleobors. 21670 08 Legislative grant to Pub. schools 888 00 Refuted of loan to drain amount 1464 85 Rent of Hall 3 00 99 81 50 00 93 69 12089 06 27 50 Silver Corner's Drain License fund Land improvement fund Oath front Bank loans Grey's stars, from Elma bdx John Grant, sale of old bridge timber 25 50 Gov. grant to Ethel Pub. Lib14 34 L. Frain, overoharge on order60 Thos. MoEwen, over expenses for a horse 1 00 J, McIntosh, ootnmutation Sta Labor, Walton 8 00 Reba, Livingstone, sale of timber S. R. 9, eon, 10 3 00 Wm. Fraser, sale of timber8 86 Cash for debentures sold 12932 47 Cash on hand for Municipal drains 15242 55 Interest 527 42 Speoial levy Whitfield Drain 188 60 " ' Bolton Drain 125 00 " " Breeder Drain 148 70 Refund local account to Beau- champ Drain 24 88 Total 565164 66 DISBURSEMENTS, Roads and Bridges... $ 9601 67 Salaries 1018 54 Printing and stationery 269 50 Schools 6424 80 County Rates 2184 03 Drainage 1656 61 Mieaellaneoue 297 89 Debentures 2098 27 Coupons 1 Interest 10510 66 t Doane 9089 05 Board of Health 50 00 Legal • 4 00 Charity 29 19 Expended on Municipal Drains 10687 68 Balance on hand and in Bank., 20669 08 Total $65164 66 ASSETS. Cash on hand to pay Drraiaage Debentures $ 2822 14 Penh on hand for Hall Drain 1212 20 " " " 14th Con. Drain 779 78 " " " Fraser " 28 44 " " " Beauchamp " 1689 86 McTaggart " 177 41 Looking 88 03 Kreuter 'r 86 61 Hanna 2776 96 Lamont 4588 01 McLean " 946 78 Whitfield " 114 97 6th Con, " 5236 28 Hislop 152 81. Bolton " 125 00 Uucolleoted taxes 4429 70 Township Hall 1000 00 Safe 40 00 Grader 210 00 Collectable under Clark Drain By-law 76 81 Loans to Municipal Drains— Col. under N. W. Dr. By-law 14 75 " Mollillop " 12 86 Liabilities over assets 29898 96 Total 566361 65 LIABILITIES. Balance County Rate $°1189 85 Debentures Silver Corners drain 1686 20 Fraser " 1195 32 Beauchamp 14084 00 Hall 8988 0 14th Con. 1515 70 Gregg MoTaggart Kreuter Looping Bolton Hanna Lamont McLean Whitfield 6th Con. 467 65 2362 00 1458 87 845 56 547 90 3592 68 3313 52 1200 28 1889 80 292 40 Hislop 18918 00 Drain Debentnree and Coupons payable in 1905 8428 78 Collector's salaries unpaid ..., 85 00 Total 556851 65 We have examined the books and accounts of the Township Treasurer and find them correot with balance on hand and 'n bank : to pay Drainage Debentures 82822.14 ; for the Municipal Drain m000un $17846.94. JOHN M. DAVIES JAMES LIVINGSTONE AUDITons. CUTTER S THAT TALC ,esaea'4,r4r'Le4N01101104,'11, lieltetlMr We have just received a car load of tBroekvilles," the kind that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as these are fast sellers. We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root Pulper, the BEST ou the market. See them. Should you have any grass to kill or sod or roush ground to work remem• ber the "Front & Wood" and "Wind. tor" are the disks diet will do it. I1 yon want a General Purpose Plow, then whioh there is no better, enure a No. 20, Frost & Wood. If you want is aeoond.baod Buggy, Cart, Cutter, Pow or Implement of any kind be sure to call on es. We have alae the U. S. Cream Sep. arator, Ringer Sewing Machines, Volmar Washing Maohines always on hand. We eau supply you aitb a good Driving or Werk Florae cheap or Stook of any kind on short nntioe. N. S. McLAUCLIN AG R11 T. COBER CARRIAGE Co. E can supply you at once with any Buggy you may want but as the time for purchasing CUTTER:3 has come we would like to tell you that we are 'fully pre- pared to meet your everywant in the Cut- ter as well as in the Sleigh ,line. We have g the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment of Cutters that can be found anywhere, readyfor inspection, . p , and would be pleased to have you call and see them y Prices Right, TWO 170w8 FOIL BALE, JOHNCOBir`.'R c SONS. •