HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-23, Page 1rit
Vol. 88. No. 83
New Advertisements.
Bay—James Fox.
Local—Mtge Little,
Seed oats—Jao. Damian.
Auction sale—S, Wright.
Settlors' Trains—O. P. R.
Card—G, A. Ounninghem.
Notice to debtors -8, Wright.
Meetings—Farmers' Institute,
Exeoutor'e sale—Wm. Miobie.
Auction Bale—Scott & WarwIok.
For the B1011 ones—F, R, Smith,
Auditors' abetraot—Twp. of Morrie.
Opening new goode—McKinnon & Co,
Notioe to oreditore—A, B. Macdonald.
Change of baeineee—Wilton & Turn.
Notice to oreditore—Proadfoot, Hays
& Blair.
istrzca Attu,
Partnere' Inatitnte meeting will be
held in the Foresters' Hall here on
Wednesday, March 8th. Addreeeee will
given by Veterinary Reid, of Georgetown,
on "Uneoundneee in horses and how to
detest it," illustrated by a Living spot -
Easily Tired
Indicate Eyestrain.
Neglect of this con=
'dition invites disease:
Protect your health
by removing the
,We examine eyes free
and recommend
glasses only when
absolutely beneficial.
Miss Teenie Sample
men ; and J. L. Warren, of Anton, wbooe
enbjeot will be "Glover ae a food and
fertilizer." Ab the evening gelation the
same two gentlemen will speak and a
mneioel program will be added. A wet.
some extended to all, No admission tee.
25o will entitle anybody to memberehip
for a year and gives them all the reportu
and bulletins, &a„ published. James
Elliott, ofTarnberry, is the Vice Preei•
dent of East Huron Iuetitute, and
Stewart Smillie is ono of the Directors.
Hata rays.
Other Belgrove items on page 5.
Ohaa. Garnies, of New Liskeard, is
spending the Winter with hie father,
Wm. Garnies, 2nd line, Morrie.
Jahn T. Bell, 5th Zine Morrie, has been
buoy- rebuilding hie engine and boiler.
Having put a full set of new flees in, boiler
tt ie In 8 good condition and he ie now
buoy cutting feuae elate.
Mre, Sarah Oaten, of 752 Broadview
Avenue, Toronto, passed into rest Febrn•
cry 15, She woo predeoeaeed by her
hueband, Robert Oaten, by a year, lack•
ing two weeks. There remain of a fam-
ily of eine, four sone, Henry, of Toronto ;
Julian 8 , of Alpena, Mich. ; Rev. Fred.
J., of Belmont, London Conference,
formerly of Belgrove ; Rev. Chun, R , of
Minnesota Oobferenoe,and three daugh-
ters, Mrs. D. E. Bastedo, of Braoebridge ;
Mre, Eli Sharman, of Toronto, and Alm
Kato, of the Toronto Kindergarten staff,
The funeral on February 18, was eon.
ducted by Rev. G. M, Brown, President
of Toronto Oonlorenoe, assisted by Revs.
Dr. Caldwell, Geo, Leech, and MoFadyen
(Presbyterian). From early, womanhood
Will leave Termite every Tuesday
Daring March and April
AT 0 P. hl., FOR
and run via Toronto, Grand Trunk, North
Bay and Cnuadian Pacing. A Colonist
Sleeper will be attaobod to each train. Pen
seniors '.ravelling without live stook should
take the train leaving Toronto la 140 p, m.
Train leaving Toronto at 0 . m. is for pas -
Hangers (ravelling with stook,
Full particulars and copy of "Western
Canada,' from any Cauadlan Pacific Rail-
way Agent or 0. B. FOSTER, D. P, A., Toron •
to. 8s-4
YEAR 1904
Balance on baud Jan. let 3 3678 25
Taxes levied on townehip 11191 67
Hallett share dub. debt, U. S
S. No. 12 194 30
Boundary line acct. 1908 67 52
License fund 34 67
Interest .. 28 35
L ane 825 00
Reaoipte for grader 3 75
Legislative eobool grant 303 00
E. Laandy, fenoeviewer'e oasts 3 00
Dieoount on notes 2 45
I. Smith, engineer's 00818 4 00
Roads and bridges $ 2048 14
Misoel'aneous 253 96
OMoere' salaries 735 n0
Printing 79 83
Board of Health 113 00
Taxes 2364 45
Loans 825 00
Saboole 4983 22
Charity 1I 00
Interest 9 55
Drainage 546 80
School debeutaree and 00gporte 280 00
' -
Total $16325 861 Total $12199 95
Oaeh on hand Deo. 3let $ 4125 91
Uncolleoted texas 405 40
Road grader 200 00
Township Hall 970 00
Total $ 5701 31
County rate $ 2361 00
Debentures 804 33
Total $ 3165 38
We, the nndereignad Anditnre, declare the foregoing to be a oorreot Abetradt
Statement of the Receipts and Expenditure and of the Aeeete and Liabilities of the
township lor the year 1904.
Tnneonn8R's 0vi'Ioio, Monnxe, FED. 1, 1905. R. JOHNSTON
cHc of �I�Ess
Card of Thanks
Notice to Debtors.
On %coount of ill health I have
disposed of my iutereet in the firm
of Wilton & 'lutnbull to MR. WM,
GILLESP1E, of Ripley, Ont., and
I take this opportunity of extending
my thanks to our many customers
and Mende for their ()enthused pat
nonage and oonfldenoe in our baaiueae
relations with them for the pant nine
years the firm ;hue been in bueiuesta
I traet the same and inoreaeed pat.
renege may be extended my su000eeor
and the now firm.
I remain, Yaare truly,
Brussels, Feb, 20,1905.
All parties owing the firm-•
of Wilton & Turnbull upto
January, 1905, are request-
ed to call at the 8tore and
settle either by cash or note
On or before the 15111 day of
March as we want to get. our
books closed
s d up by that date
if possible.
Yours Trtily,
,.... .-._ _.... _,..—._ ,.._..
elle eerved Methodism in many depart.
mente with marked ability and gentle,
Chrietlilco spirit.
Leet Sunday evening Jno, Hartley, of
Wroxeter, took the 0000100 at Victoria
On Feb. 15th, a fine baby boy came to
the home of Arthur Shaw, Brandon,
formerly of Grey townehlp. Congratula-
T. W, Jaoklin,e auction Bale of farm
stunk, implements, &o., North Boundary
Friday afternoon of this week, The
farm will also be offered for Bale.
The other day Samuel Bark plowed
2i• miles of the road, 1I miles East and
Booth of Jamestown and did a good job.
Somebody else should wahine the good
We regret to hear that the young matt
Riobardeou, 4th non,, became 80 much
worse during the past week that he was
taken to London for treatment on W edneo.
day. Hie ailment (e of a mental attar•
voter but we hope he will Boon improve.
Mise Margaret MoDonald returned
from Toronto on Saturday.
R. H. and Mrs. Ferguson entertained a
few friends on Monday evening.
E. and Mre, MoVittie, of Hallett, were
visiting Walton friends this week,
There was no service in Bt. George's
church again last Sunday owing to the
severe eborme of Inst week.
The sawmill has been abut down for 9.
few days to install a new eawdaet obaiu
for conveying sawdust to the furnace,
The stage driver, 8. Carter, has received
many enooniama from our residents, ou
hie faitbfulueaeand pluck in hie recent
battles with old Boreae,
The Trnatee Board of the Methodist
church is considering the impr0vemente
necessary in the 011Or0h building. It ie
understood the work Will be oommenoed
as Boon as poeeible.
David McLaughlin, who recently be-
came a resident of our village, was mar
ried last week. Howiak supplied lbs
bride. Tag POST joiue with their many
friends in wishing them bappineea.
The Young People'e Oirole held their
regular meeting at Geo. Grigg's on Tues.
day evening. The program aoneieted of
progressive oonvereatien test, and a
taffy pull and was heartily enjoyed by all.
It is understood that a box eooial will be
the next form of entertainment.
Henn -via.
Cole, the well known 8awm111er, of Ethel,
has purchased tba brick and tile yard
and busineae of S. Wright, who has run
it successfully for the pant 10 years. The
latter will bold art anotion sale of heroes,
cattle, imp'emeute, household effeete, &o.,
next Monday afternoon ae be intends
taking a prospecting tour to the Weet
where be may locate if he $ode what
Quite him. We wieh bim and his family
sucoeae, He had a good bueinees here.
Mr. Cole will no doubt keep up the record
es he hi well and favorably known and
the Henfryn brick - and tile has a good
line, BAwTINHEtozgoe PASSES AwAr,—
Last Bentley, at 11 o'olook, Mre. Wm.
Bawtinheimer, an old acid moat highly
esteemed resident of this locality passed
away to her reward after a brief illneee
from blood poisoning. She was able to
be about her work on the previous There.
day, Deceased's maiden name was
Elizabeth Ohurchill and she was pre
deceased by her hueband by several years.
One eon, °barohill, and two daughters
survive to bear loving remembrance of a
good mother. The funeral took' plane
from her eon's reeideooe on Wednesday
afternoon to Elma Centre Cemetery,
Sympathy ie expressed for the bereaved
in their enlooked for Borrow. Mrs,
Sawtinheimer was held in great reape01
by all who had the pleasure of her ao•
quaintenoe and surprise and regret will
be felt over her demise.
Dr, S. B. Bmale has recovered from
hie repent illness.
George D me, of Hamilton, spent Mon•
day in the village.
Mies Millie Hartle visited with friends
near Belmore feet week.
Mico Carrie Lawrie has teturned from
8 visit with relatjvee in Wingham,
Miss Hastings, of Turnberry, is the
gae01 of het meter, Mrs R. J. Rant.
Dr. and Mre. Brown entertained a
number of frieude Thursday evening.
Two rinks of ourlere from here played
n Palmerston and Harrieton on Wednee
Miss M. Taylor, of Jamestown, was
be guest et friends in the village last
John Hartley occupied the pulpit at
/1010018 Ball, Jamestown, on Snadey
Jae. and Mre, Bsllanbyue and Grabam,
f Trowbridge, spent a few days of last
week with old friends here.
Owing to the Toronto talent being
lookaded last Tuesday the 0. O. F.
onoert did not take plans but will Dome
of instead on the evening of Marsh 9rd
Owing to the severe weather the
e0tare which w8e to have been given by
uv, L. Perrin at the meeting 01 the
Weetmineter Guild ban been postponed.
Al a meeting of the School Board last
eek, it was decided that school ebould
a held in the `Town Hall commencing on
atoll 201b, when it is hoped the 0evereet
of the Winter will be past.
One day last weelt daring the homey
lea that blew, about six feet of emoke
ak of the power house broke off
ortunately it was a clean break so that
e draught of the titan wag not affaoled.
Albert Paulin, liveryman, le hound not
be either behind time or ahead of the
slue thief weather, and hag at hie own
pMute put op a telephone wire, from
e house 10 the 018tiod. W, Carrie of the
orlon Setae, is also putting in an
gtrurnent in the hotel, whiob will work
b folio over t
n er ho eame am wird;
hones will 1 ro
p va n great eonvetienoe to
e travelling publio and the above
nll8men might to be oemmended for
sir enterpri00,
In your write np of the Hockey match
of last week we might draw your attention
to an error in the line op of the Wroxeter
team. They only played six men against
the Braeeele 80908 and considering this
drawbaok and the ooutiogal unoheoked
offside play of the Broasela forwards, our
team did remarkably well to bold the
sore so low.
There is quite a bit of talk around town
about the erection of a new Town Hall
this coming Bummer and we hope it will
not end in talk. The present Hall is al
together too small, and ie a very nn4om•
fortable bnildiog. We would like to vee a
Hall erected that would be a credit to our
lively little village. City Fathers stir
yourselves and Elbow ea what you can
tea t, e, 1 .
Additional Ethel neve may be read on
page $ of tbie issue of THE Pon.
James and Mre. Sharpe, of Morrie,
were visiting at R. Dilworth'a teat week
Harry and Mrs. Tindall, of Egmond•
villa, were visiting relatives in this lo.
oality last week.
Wednesday evening el thie week Alvin
Barr and Miss Selina Welsh were united
in marriage. May their joys be many,
Grey township Cloonail will meet here
next Monday. The Eugineer's report on
Silver Corners Drain will be read at 11
4. m.
The Bone of Temperance Concert, a0
noonoed for Friday evening of last week,
was postponed on a000Ont of the storm to
Friday evening of thie week.
Oar mail and trains were badly mixed
np teat week owing to the snow blookede,
We reoeived mail on Saturday and Sao.
day by the overland route—a team and
sleigh from Palmerston and Brussels.
-Jao. and Mrs. Vodden, who were visit.
i0g relatives and friends in thie looaliby
for the past two menthe, left for their
home at Boissevaio, Manitoba, where
they have epent the pant three years.
Mr. Vodden has prospered in the Weet
WR are ploaeed to hear and we wieh him
and hie family continued prosperity.
Thursday Marsh 6th the Farmers'
Ioetitute meeting will be 12e14 here.
Meetings at 1.80 and 7 30 p.118., to be ad•
dressed by H. E. Reed, of Georgetown,
whose tepiee will be "Breeding horses to
meet the present market," and "A talk to
Femora' Sona" and J. L. Warren, of
Acton, hie subjeote being "Clover as a
rood and fertilizer", and "The Ioetitute
as au education to farmere' sone and
daughters." A mneioel program will
oleo be given at the evening meeting.
CT, r
Grey Council meeting will be held next
The roads have been very bad, in fact
dangerous to travel upon.
Jno. B. Smith hag now poeeegeion of
the farm 4th con., leased for some years
by W. Cook, whose term had expired.
There was no preaching 'service in
Roe's church last Sabbath as the pastor
could not get there owing to bad roads.
J. A. Menery's anotion sale, 9th non.,
annouttosd for last Friday was postponed
until Thursday afternoon of this week,
owing to the etorm and bad roads.
Mies Belle Livingston is home from no
extended etay in Detroit. Mies Mary
Livingston, who was enjoying a holiday
here, returned to Toronto on the reeump•
tion of treble on the railway.
Lindaay Bros., 8'h 000., oontemplabo
going into the hardware business at Wel.
ton. We wish them 0000ea9. James
Lindsay's auction sale of farm stook &a.,
takes plane on Saturday afternoon of thie
Owing to the foot that Robert Mc-
Donald, 9th con., intends taking a pros.
panting tour through the West next
Spring be has deoided to bold an auction
gale on Monday afternoon next when he
will offer hie farm and farm etook for
sale, He has a lot of well bred stook.
OARD OF THANKS —Mr. Kerr, Baueegne
PoeT, Dear Sir and Friend,—Exoaee me
taking the liberty of writing you bub
knowing that your paper is very largely
read I melt you as a favour to thank my
many kind frfende through your news•
paper. During my long stay I met
nothing but kindness all through (my
many Mende being warmer to me than
the weather) en old Scotch e8ying, The
heat way I have of thanking them fa
through your valuable paper and I bore
that I wilt have the pleasure of seeing
them or at 10801 some of them iu Soot
land. Again thanking your for your past
kindneee and hoping you will oblige. I
remain, Your einoere friend, WMMASI
MANN, I. A. D. M. 482 Bt. G org0'8 R,d.
Glasgow, Scotland, Feb., 5th 1905.
ot•tri v
Mise Minnie McCall pnrpn809 return•
i0g to the West with her brother, Albert,
before long,
The Anditoro' Abatraot for 1904 may
be read in this latae of Tat Poet and also
the Oonnoi! minntee.
Wedding next Wednesday afternoon on
the 64h line. The interested partiea will
take up their reeidenoo on the 14th 000.,
Grey townehip.
Thomas Rueeell, an old and well
known resident of the 6111 line, bee been
on the eiok list but we are pleeeed to
hear that he i8 getting all right once
more, These veterans are made of good
stuff and don't give in to ailments an•
tit it is oompuleory.
Owing to the donee of George Hood
hie 100 acre farm, farm stack, &o, 5th
line, at Sunshine, will be offered for sale
by pablfo anotion on Friday afternoon of
next weak, Wm. Otiohie its the L''xeootor.
Gideon Hood, of Bay City, Mich„ is atilt
here and will temnin nhtil after the
We. F. S. Soott will bo the auctioneer,
The 100 core farm of Janne Sharp, 5th
non„ haa boon bought by his eon James,
who recently name borne from Toledo,
and intends mumble agrioaltnral pan
suite. Mr, and Mrs. Sharp and dangbtera
will remove to Brumsele whore they have
puns/need a eomtort8ble home. Their
many old Mende will beremafniglad eo know
that a
y are tttie
locality. We dont lroow who Jim
it; going to have forihoneekeeper but prob-
ably he does. He retains stook, IDS.
Stemmata, &o., en the farm,
The Exeoutore' oafs ut farm, farm
stook, &o,, belonging to the estate of the
late Robert Skelton, will take plane on
Tueeday afternoon of next week, North
;} lot 16, 000, 9.
Last Taeeday a telegram was received
by Mra. Alexander Forsyth, 8rd line,
stating that her noise, JesefejThompean, of
Ayr, aged 8 years, had died on Monday
evening at 7 O'olook.
Sao Eloug Contteo —The Toledo Blade
Bays ;—"A wife found dying by husband
on return from work, Mrs. Earnest
Martin, of West Toledo, died suddenly
at her borne this morning of apoplexy.
Mr. Martin, who is employed as night
fireman at Beyere' greenhouse, returned
home this morning to find his wile lying
on the bed a000neoiouo, Dr. Oberry was
summoned but Mrs. Martin was beyond
medical aid, Coroner Storz bold an
inquest and pr000unoed her death due to
apoplexy. Odra. Martin was 38 yeura, 9
months and 11 days old and was adaugh
ter of the late Samuel Love, of the 5oh
line of Morrie, better known ae Mary
Ann Love, boo bad lived in Toledo for
.600 eight years, where she leaves a
large oirole of friends. She was married
nine months ago bo Earnest Martin, their
marriage proving an unusually happy
one, The husband is prostrated with
grief nod 110 arraogemeote for the
funeral will be made an111 word is re-
ceived from relatives." Mrs. E. Martin
was burled from her residence West
Toledo, at 10 O'o•oolt Sunday;`"" January
29th 1905. Her brother John Love and
Meter Odra. Thomae Kirkoonnell, of Roee
bush, Miob., and Joseph Love and
Baronet Forbes, brotber•in-low, of Mo•
Kiilop 001„ attended the funeral.
Among Oranges and
To the Editor of Tire Poo
DEAR Sxo.—I take this opportunity of
writiog you a few Hues and I think Mrs.
Jookeon will also write. I will tell a
little about Colton, California, On Jan.
20th we got to Colton at 1 p. m., it was
raining quite smart, James Barnhill
met ue at the etation with a covered
carriage and took us to hie beautiful
home 1i miles distant. Colton and the
Ref/lanais are famines for orange growing
and other fruits ouch 0e grapes, lineae,
peaches, almonds, aprioobe, pears, plume,
apples, cherries, Walnuts, peraimmone,
olives, quince, pomegranitea, table grapes,
blackberries, raspberries and other
fruits. This ie a beagtifal valley nearly
surrounded with mountains ranging i0
height from 8,000 to 12,000 ft. and snow
on them the year round. It is gaibe
oon1raet, Winter and Sommer so near
together. Here are btndrede of e0rea
oovaved with orange trees, moat beautiful
to look upon and just ae good as you oars
get to eat. The pulling hi meetly done
by /odium. They get from 3 to 4 oente
par box and one man can pull from 60
to 70 boxes per day. A box holds 70 lbs.
People here have a Fruit Ae000iabion and
have a pecking house of their own where
the fruit is drawn on spring wagons.
The proems of pecking is very quick, the
girls wrap them in paper and pack them
for 27Ao per box 70 Ibe. Boxes are made
by hand, one man nailing together 300 or
400 per day. They can pack and load
4 care per day at this house. Last year
this Aeeooiation shipped 600 oars and
will have more thio year. Mr. Barnhill
expecte to have about 40 oars of hie own
his year, He fa President of the As -
()dation and the Iorgeet prodaoar of the
ompany, The Redlands nearby shipped
,000 oars last year.
We left Colton for Loa Angelo, 50
miles, fruit growing district nearly all
be way. Loa Angeles in a very busy
o•ahead plane with a population of 900.-
00. Leave 11 30 p. on. for Saoramento.
his olty has 45,000 population, `l'hfs ie
he rainy season though most of our
ime here the weather has been flee Tike
May at home. Farmers finished seeding
oat month and vegetables of every kind
re brought to tome daily. Building of
very kind going on all the time. Going
o Oakland and San Fraoofeco. This is
fie of the largest and bneieat planes I
ver was in. The streets are narrow,
he buildings 10 to 15 etoriee high and
he rush day and night le something
ouderfal. The parka are beautiful.
e visited Golden Gate Park, walked
II we were tired and did not ese one
'nrth of it. 1110 4 or 5 miles in extent,
a want to the 019 Hoa0e by the ocean
fid eaw the seals on the melte 0nnni0g
emeelvee, hundreds of visitors walking
n the Band and the waves rolling to,
ard I he shore,,
Stayed at the Romeo
name for the night, very comfortable
nd reasonable charge $1,25 per day for
OM. Board at restaurant, what ever
u nail for, ham and eggs 25o, obiolten
o and so on, °reseed over to Oakland,
mike, on boat and vieited friends and
watery. Stayed over night and left
r Sacramento. Population of San
8noiaao ie eaid to be 400,000 and one
a'd think they were nearly all oat on
e etreeta. We are getting ready to
ve Sacramento tonight at 1180 for
Wand to visit son in law and danuh•
of William Blaehill, formerly of Bros,
e, and on to Beattie and Vanoonver
d take the C. P. R. for Manitoba,
ere we will stay for some time,
Yours truly,
Ono. JAOIteON.
Sacramento, Feb. 9th,
William Warren, the hold•np man, es.
oaped from jail at Portage la Prairie,
The Canadian Olabhonae on the St,
Clair Bate wee burned. Loss $10,000,
James MoOliekey was caught in a
leather 0p111ti0g machine at Aurora and
fatally injured.
Hamilton Oenoorvativee preaeuted H.
Canoe len, M. P. P., with a gold•headed
cane and an addroee,
Hie Honor Judge Doyle, Goderiob,
handed ont hie judgment in the Weet
Hatton re•aonnb, holding that M. G.
Cameron had a majority of two of the
total 00109 e
M , Holm
three votes, Mr. Dickinson, ooansel for
Mr, Heimeo, bite given notice that be
trill 4ppeal from hie honor'e judgment,
to a high oonet jadge 8t Toronto. In the G
Garrow Beak election of 1900 Mr,
Garrow was declared eleoted by the oast•
i0g vote of the returning officer.
A Mori'lsiic in California,
To the Editor of Tnn Pont
DEAll Sla.—Jost a few liaee to Tue
PO8T 80 let oar Mende know bow we ere
progressing on oar trip. After leaving
Seaforth Jan. 11th, on oar journey, we
reached Fort Worth, Texas, after three
days and two nights steady travelling.
In the few days of our stay with friends
there, we experienced the moat severely
cold weather they had known for five
years, quite froety bat no snow jnet Borne
sleet. Port Worth is a large, busy city
but did not show at its best then on
8000001 of the anoeoai cold, From
Fort Worth we travelled through a rough,
mo0ntainoaa country, where the differ -
ant opeoiee of the oaatae plant grow wild
by the million. When we reaohed E'
Paseo, an old city on the border of
Mexico, the weather was beautifully
mild and as we journeyed up through
Oalifornia it seemed like Spring time.
When we revolted Dolton, where we
visited James Barnhill and family for a
few days, the orange trees were green
and fresh and laden with ripe oranges
and d;were blooming in the gardens.
'The town of Colton ie situated in the
beaatifal valley of San Bardino. Wben
looking from the balcony of a home
where we were oalling, I was wondering
if the Garden of Edell WEB much more
lovely than the view over the miles of
orange groves, go evenly and exaotly
planted in rows. From that same view
one oould see the towns of San. Bardino,
Redlands, Highlands and Ooltoo. We
visited the Packing Boase in Colton
whiob is a great industry and where I
was highly pleaeed with the expert
manner io whiob the girle ae8ort and
pack the ara0gee. We also drove over to
Rialto, whiob is another great orange
packing station, While there we called
on Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, formerly of At
wood, who were very hoepitable. Jut
imagine me piokiug a baguet of roeee in
Mts. Duane garden on the 24th of
January. From Dolton we went to
Sacramento, where we visited my
brothers, Jae. A. and R. B. Laidlaw, and
the Claming', family, formerly of Tooker
smith, and spent two days in the coaatey
at the home of John Fairbairn, a pros
pero0e farmer. We also spent a day
with John Houston and family, who ie
a aootraotor and builder. Also met
with Mrs. Robert Fairbairn, formerly of
Grey. From Sacramento we made a
short visit in Portland with Mr, and
Mn.r}Lagoa, and took a glimpse al the
Fair Bailditge for the great Exposition
of the oomioq Summer. Leaving Port
land we nam to Williappa, a email
village near South Bend on the Paoitio
coast, where we are spending a few days
pleasantly in the home of S. S, MoEwing.
If you gee fit to Doll any items out of
Tie letter for the benefit of your readers,
it will save me writing too many lettere
as I have been troubled with ioflammo•
tion in my eyes and have not been either
writing or reading any more than I eau
help. Your atooerely,
MRS. GED, JAoxaop.
Williappa, Feb. 14th.
P. S.—I omitted Baying anything of
the cities of San Francisco or Los
Angeles as we only spent a short time its
either plane.
Our Export Egg Trade.
Following i0 a oopy of a letter received
by the extension of markets Division,
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, from
Mesas. Watson, Fraser & Co., Glasgow,
in whioh is eeb forth the views of a firm
who are the largest importers of eggs in
Dear Sire—On the whole we regret to
report that the Canadian egg trade haa
been a dieastroae one this year, both to
the exporter and importer. The chief
reason for this was, that the markets in
Canada in the Spring of 1904 were far too
high, and this made the prose of preserved
eggs mooh dearer than they bad ever
been before. Fewer contracts were plan.
ed, and than who made them bad prao-
tioaily to rsell out at abet. Even at
present there are fairly large stooks
lying over both in Liverpool and Glaegow
and ib 19 not at all likely importers on
thio aide will take the risk of paying such
extreme prio08 another season for prelmr9•
ed eggs.
Prioea kept well ay throughout the
whole season, and the mutt wan that
freeb and (told stored eggs were from 20 to
24 Dente per hundred dearer than they
were the previoae year. Thie has a great
effect on oar markets. Ir there were no
other eggs but Canadian coming into our
market it would be all right, but shippers
in Oaoada meet bear in mind that Ramie,
is °reaping np on them every year, both
as regards quality and average they ship
to our markets,
The quality of Rankin eggs this season
has been very flue and hag given buyers
every eatiefaation. Some of oar eastern
ere, in fact who generally go on to Can.
alone, have worked entirely with Rea
slang and left Canadians severely alone.
It its to be hoped therefore, that the
market thio Spring will not be tushed up,
but will Dame down to more oh a level
with two or three years ago, and thus
maid importers t0 keep the Canadian
eggs well to the front, As already
mentioned, Canadians must not forget
that other oonntriee are sending 0gg0 into
Sootoh and English markets, Boob as
Denmark, and the price of these baa been
praotioally the same na the pr00eding
years, and it has been with great diffl
culty that impeeter8 On this aide have
managed to get a profit oat of the
Canadians this 0eeeon,
It fe a .matter of great imporbaneo,
that Canadian farmers bring their two
clean to Canadian buyers, They should
also endeavor to get a larger breed of
bend eo 88 to sonue larger
,ae the
Lim '
e to not tar Off when all eggs will be
bought in Canada by weight,
Youre fnithfnlly,
WATSON, Pakten & Co,
laegow, Jan, 17, 1905,
GUELPH Agricultural Coll, go had 690
students in attoodanoe in January teat,
HON. G. W. Rears has gone to Jamaica
for a reo0perating trip. His daughters
accompany him and they will be Agent
for a few months it is said.
Bums in their little neato agree
But 'tis a shameful sight
When Qaebeo Province M. P, P.'e
Fail oat and quarrel and light.
r 4, x
ALL the members of the New Provin.
alai Cabinet were re eleoted by aoolam
ation, The date of the meeting of the
Legislature ie expected to be ann0uneed
at an08.
LOAD STRATHOONA 1e Still confined to
his room. His physicians forbid hem to
traneaot any bgoioeaa whatever, tut
they are very satisfied with his pro.
$2,000,000 will be voted by the Domin-
ion Government to be expouded fo the
detenoe and maintenance of /I direst and
Eegnimoalt, B, C. Canadian troope
will constitute the 580010008. CanadR
can well afford to relieve Great Britain
of thio oxpenditnro borne for years.
Tae Temperance people are after Hon.
Mr. Whitney's Cabinet with a Liberia
stick. They say because many Prohibi-
tionists voted to oust Premier Rosa it
does not follow that they will support n
stand still or retrograde polioy on the
part of the new Government, So Mr.
Whitney had better watch oat.
ONE of the big gneetions of this eeeelon
of the Dominion Parliament is the
formation of two new Provinces in the
Northwest Territories. They are to bo
nailed Alberta and Saskatchewan, with
Edmonton and Regina as the proposed
oapitale, This will put new life into the,
political situation in the West and be a
step forward in that band of wonderlot
possibilities. Separate Schools will be
maintained. It is said Sir Wilfrid
Laurier made one of the beat epeeohea of
hie life in introdoning the bill.
Bono talk of pease proposale between
Japan and Regain. The former ie to get
Port Arthur and the peninsula and have
charge of Korea ; China ie to have
Manchuria book t the Siberian railway
is to become public property ; and the
Vladivoetook harbor is to be open to the
world. Io addition Russia will have to
"nongh up" a tidy indemnityto the Jape.
This will be a bitter pill for the Czar and
his tyraoniaal advisers but they will
probably find out that their home
troubles will give them all they non
attend to for some mouths to 00001.
Kir Charles and Lady Tupper left
Winnipeg tor Italy.
Lord Stratboona haa sent a oheque for
$10,000 to Ottawa College.
Joseph Jallie, a retired fanner, aged 70
years, hanged bimeeli at Brantford.
Joseph Hodges, Mitchell, has sold his
farm near Oarlingford to Geo. Leversage,
Knox Presbyterian Church at
Mary's was burned this week. Load
about $20,000,
If you would like to experience all the
seneatione of a sea voyage, joat take a
drive over the Logan road.
The seven weeka•old child of David
Strong, of Merriton, was found dead, end
an inquest will be held,
B. Telfer, a Winnipeg real estate
dealer, was eentrnoed to two years in
lor the theft of $900.
Friends of Valentine $took, ex M. P,
P. for South Perth, present,d hhn and
Mrs. Stools each with a handsome ohuir.
Arthur Dowd, a well•to do farmer of
Morningbon, hanged himself neo 0coonnt
of brooding over hia loos in the tornado a
year ago,
Mr. Labrosse, the regular Liberal
nominee, has been eleoted to the 11,141.,
latnre for Prescott by the vote of the
returning ottiaer,
An unknown than was drowned in the
St. Clair river, opposite Sarnia, otter a
long straggle with floating foe, whiob mag
witnessed from the shore.
Montreal City Council have pane a
bylaw making it oompn1001'y for mobil
stores to close on Woduoedaye and Thu a.
days at 7 o'clock. The penalty for id.
tringemont is $40.
Andrew Seifried, blaokgmlth, Welsen.
berg, after driving to school for hie obi'd•
ran, was found dead by them at the
sohoolbouee door in his natter on Tues-
day, where the horse had stopped of its
own aoeerd. He lett a frion4'e holt •e
shortly before, in apparently good bealtlt,
Heart trouble ie supposed to be the canal
of death. He wee 40 yeare old, and w 8
well known in the vi0101ty of West Mont.
These °Moors were eleoted for the
Provinoial Fairs' A00oolation at 30001110
lest week :—President, 3, W. Shepherd,
°minas ; first vice pre0idsnt, Jamas
Mitchell, Goderioh ; seamed oleo pl•esi•
dent, Bev. C. B. Cilartc, Motoaif ; 10.
cording eeorolary, Alex. MaoFarlatto,
Ott i
ery ile'
aommitt e
e Joh
Fatten, Foroot ; W. 13. Sanders, Btnv.
ner ; William A'axander, I3drlt's Falls ;
R. Honey, Brinkley ; J. Thome MMtnrphy,
Shaine ; W, Blank, Parham ; D. Quin-.
lou, Bettie.