HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-16, Page 8i+titaest rnit„r.ti'a Cure That Cold Our Blood Root Cough pure is just the thing that will do it surely and quickly. The longer a gold ie allowed to run the harder it is to effect a cure, Do not neglect it and keep a bottle of our Blood Root Cough Cure in the house, and start taking it when the first symp- toms appear. Blood Root Cough Cure promotes ex- pectoration, soothes inflammation, and will cure any cold of the ordinary kind. Your money back if it fails to help in your ease. Price 25c. a bottle only from 0121210711 o® •SMITH. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. &a. Trains leave Brunets Station, North and South, as follows; einem SOUTH (loam NORTH. Mail 7:15 a.m I Mixed 9:00 a.m Mised........ ,12.80 a.mMail 1:25 p.m Express 8:08p.m I ... Express 8:85 p.m rug Reba Items. A obiel'e among ye takir' n0tee, An' faith he'll prent DID von receive a Valentine ? A, O. U. W. Friday evening of this week. Tres days are stretching out very per- ceptibly. A saw more (Menges of property le on the tepie. THE Muniaipal Assessors got to work on Wednesday of this week. A can of marble from Vermont arrived thie week for the Marble Works here. Bucovina will supply the bride for a near et band wedding, es Dame Rumor whispers. THE street grader should be called into regoioition to level the banks of enow along the aides of Tnroberry street. Zaeo weather has been faebionable and very heavy roads, ornamented with numerous pitahbolee, are quite oommoo. Lead M roday Wm. Baker took over the butchering business of Wm. Heffron and will oontiune it in the old stand, Nesbitt block. GEO. AND Msg. POTTER were nailed to Lambtoo Go. owing to the injury followed by death of Mr. Potter's brother. Re wasibjured in the bush, we uoderetand. THE D,xie Show, announced for Brus- sels Town Hall last Saturday, failed to materialize and no word from them so far se THE PoeT hoe heard. It may be ae well. SEVERAL applioatione have been handed in to Tam Pose for the expected ooming of farm'aborere from the Old Country thio Spring. The orders should Dome early to make sure of the help, MRs. GEO. THOMSON, Mie+' Winnie Mo• Guire, Miee Vinnie Oardiff, J. G. Jones and D. Ewan, of tbio locality, are billed to a08iet in 8 Rona of Temperance Oon - pet et Ethel on Friday evening of thie week. W. H. KERB, of THE POST, 18 Seore tary-Treasurer, pro tem of East Huron Farmers' Institute, shoe the illness and enbsegaent decease of the late George Hood, and will attend to any matters of boaineee requiring attention. Toon ILL. -Monday morning es Jae, Richardson, of the 4th coo., Grey town. ship, was working with the G. T. R. 5801100 gang in the yard at Brussels, he took a weak spell and falling egainet a car inflicted quite a gaeb in his head. A. phyeioian had to be palled to wait upon the patient. ROBERT ANDERe0N has disposed of :hie. house and lot, on Elizabeth street, to Samuel Garter wbo Me moved to it this week. Mr. and Mre. Anderson and eon will remove from Brusele to Michigan where the former has the offer of e. position we understand. THE Po -T wiebee them moose but would rather see them remain in town, J. T. Woon, the bustling proprietor of the knitting factory and woolen mill here, has now 16 bands on hie staff with orders already in hand for several months running and good prospects for a heavy increase. He hart the factory in good ebape and figure° that considerable ad- dition will have to be made to tbe number of his employees. Tbie is the kind of news Tem Pose finds pleaeure in ahronioliug regarding our looelindnetries and we hope the boom will continue in all oar mills, factories, &o. MATRIMONIAL. -A. quiet wedding took pipe at the home of Mre. M. G. Riohard• eon, Albert street, Brussels, at 4 o'olook on Wednesday afternoon, when William VMnffatE a well to do young farmer o f 1nruberry towuebip, and Miss Annie Riaha•deon joined hand end heart. "Rev. Jno. Roee, B. A., performed the Dere• ninny. The pritcipale were unattended and will take tip their residence in Tnrn• berry where they oommenoe married life with the good wiehee of a wide circle 0f relotiveO and friends. May their joys be mauv Tum VoNDOME.-Thio week Jno. Walker 188t gone to Teeswater where he has leased the Veodrime hotel, a well known bootlery of that town, for a term of years, horn W. P. Vermin, owner of the same. 'Mr. Walker bas spent hie life in tide locality, moving from bis farm to Brunetti eleven years ago and for nearly five years wee engaged in the furniture and undertaking Mirthless in town, Belling Out to Moore Brea. last year. He is a eharp, ohrewd, eivil man wbo bee a way all his own of getting along with the DeWitt. Mr. Walker nag not diepoeed of his comfortable reeidenoe, Elizabeth street but will (nage it. Mrs. Walker and children will probably remove to Teee• water hest week ae Will Alex, Walker, brother to the proprietor. '1eeetveter hag gaite a *timber of formet 13rae8elites now am0r051 th• 111 being Reeve Ferguson, S. Aeltio, W. Habkirk, I', Friendship and Principal Strachan, Dm you see the Ban dogs last Monday ? Some of the weather wise predict a Spell of rough weather. IT ie paid Doo. Warwick may go into °tittle ranobing in Alberta. He has a brother and nvmeroue other friends in the West. Owa re to irregular running of freight trains [tome of the local boyars of stock had to canoe] ehipmeote arranged for daring the past week. Some tbermometere in town are said to have registered 24 below zero Tuesday morning. It was an old stinger and frozen or frost bitten cheeks and erre will not likely be out of faebioo. Ona Outlets were to have bad a game with Wingham last Friday bat the mix. op in the running of the trains deprived them of the opportunity to "coop 'er up." Tbey have not turned a stone this Win- ter. LAeT Sunday a pair of brown gauntlet mitts were exchanged for a pair of blank dog akin in cutters in Melville oharoh shed. Inc. Lowe, of Grey, the owner of the former, will be pleased to receive hie own and hand over the ones left in their stead. BAND HURT. -About 4 weeks ago Robert MoKenzie, eon of Jao. McKenzie, Brussels, had two fingers on bis left hand injured to & machine in the Deering Works, Hamilton, where he is employed. He le getting along-ae well 8e could be expected and will soon be at work again. Ten G. T. R. stopping plane at "Dan- 0ettville" 18 0n0e more in use. It IB not shown on the regular time card but the enowbaoke don't give a Gent for tbe Grand Trunk time table. A new stop Ma been opened East of Semple, the first pall for several years being on Mon. day night or early Tuesday morning. Four engines al stopped at one time here. It 18 no sport for the employees nor very mnoh for the travelling public,. THE Wingham Times of last week eaye : Mre. Browett, Miee Browett and Mrs. H. B. Elliott, were in Brussels on Tuesday, to be present at the birthday party given in honor of Mre. Deadman, of Delaware, who i8 now in her 83rd year, and is spending the Winter with her eon, G. A. Deadman. The old lady ie atilt bale and hearty and reoeived many hearty o0ngratulatione and a number of handsome preemie, Mrs, Elliott ie an ex pupil of Mrs. Deadman in maeie, bav hag spent her girlhood days io Deleware, SOME move should be made by the Municipal Counoile of Grey, Morrie and Brneeele to take immediate action r • e lative to the improvement of the road for the first mile end a quarter South of Brunets. It poeeibly might be a level headed move to let the job by tender every Fall for the keeping open of the gravel road and attending to the pitoh holes both North and South. All wbo travel the South road very often these days would vote for some plats of tbie kind we are sure and those who oppoee it should be driven over it a couple of times a day as ten illustration of the necessity of the work being done. ADDRESS AND PREB0NTATION•-Before the aiming bymn wee snug in the Methodist oharoh last Sabbath morning, Mre Fletcher, who bee been a member of the °huroh for years and ie now leaving Brussels for Winnipeg, was presented with a neatly framed large photo of the ohnroh and parsonage. The following address wae read by Postmaster Farrow and Mre. (Rev.) Ooseue made the pree- entotion Mre. T. Pletcher : Dun FRIEND.-Ae a congregation we take this opportunity of expressing our regrets over your expected removal from Brunets. For over 25 yeare you have been among us and it will appear strange to see your pew vacant. For many yeere our tete Bro. Fletcher 000apied a seat on theffioial Board and also taught 0 t g in the Sabbath School with acceptance, while your many helpful deeds and words will not Boon be forgotten. We are glad to say we do not look upon life art a game of abeam bat rather as a field of neefalneeo and eervioe, in which those who seek Divine guidance will be direoted into pleasant paths and we bast this will be your happy lot wherever your future borne may be. As a small inemeolo of your 8Beooiation with as we ark you to aeoept this framed photo of oar obormb and nope it may remind you of many happy days as the years go by. Oar best wishes for yourself and two promieing sone accompany the gift and one elnoere hope is that when the meetinge and part loge of this ohangefol life are over that we all may meet to part no more. "Whore ooegregatione neer break up And Sabbaths bevy no end," Signed in behalf of Brdesele Methodiet Chetah, T. Wenn! Come, PaetMr, W. H. Keen, Rea, Steward. The reoipient briefly bat feelingly and appropriately returned thaoke foe the kind worde add highly prized gift. Rev, Mr. Ooeene Spoke words befitting the 00008100, Mre. Fletcher will visit tela• tivee and Mende at Laoknow, Moore. field, Toronto and other points before going West. Many regret° are expreesed at het eemovel from town after so many voile residence and kind wishes Will a0 o..mpeny her to her new home and the hope expressed of at Meet oeoaeionel visite to neo nnrneroae Old friends in Braeaofs and logality, Standard Bank of Canada METROPOLITAN BAN K 3- ST-8.3l2.,I0 EXit 10572 AVRPLUe, OR RESERVE FUN )............0 1,000.000 TOTAL A88ETB OVER 10,000,00) A G-eneral Sattleing 1Buw,linetea3 Trail 0avated ""'SSA V/NGS BANK/'," -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on Which INTEREST I8 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. AOORUED INTEREST i9 added to aoouuote every six months and beoomee principal. -MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita without the iniorvenbion of any person. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES GASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAF17•KEEPING only for which no charge is m, ie. YOUR BUSINESS will deceive our careful and ooarteoue attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. Tam Seaforth stage did not make the usual trip on Wednesday owing to bad roads, and doubtful arrival of traits. 1011N Street roadway has been levelled and widened by a double horse -now- . plow to enable tho owners of eg,inee to exercise them and miss some of the pitch holes formed on Main street, WILL TAKE A ReeT.-07/hog 80 c utia- ved ill health and ultra prospect 1.1 res. toration while in praatioe Dr. J. A. Mo. Naughton bee decided to take a complete rest for a year with the espeatae. in of regaining his old time vigor. He vo"l not dispose of bin pra0tioe, ae he may 0r0ume it the vexation proves effeotnal. The Dr. will probably go to London, 07r., for treatment and perhaps take a recreation tour to Manitoba and the Western States next Sommer. He will be buoy u lying up his aoaoanta for time before .Iola! away. His many friends wish thee hie fondest hopes may be realized in hie invigoration. Tan Grand Trunk system bee been bothered with the recent storms and trains bave been off schedule in spire of snow plows, double headers, sbavellet 1,&c. Friday afternoon the mail train was stalled at Ripley and the night train oonergnently did not get past Wingham. Saturday the plow opened np this line but the trains from Kincardine did not get down nutil after dinner. Monday there wae another blockade from Sou• day's drifting and passenger sad freight traffic were badly out of joint. Neither traine nor mails ebowed up -Tee• day or Wednesday, as 4 engines were stack in a snow bank 275 miles East of Brneee'e and snowplow and engines stall. ed near Lnoknow. A train with mail got here about 4 a. m. Thursday via I Yalmeretoo bat from leinoardiee way there were no arrivals until afternoon. ' But cheer np this kind or•, thing na0't last forever and wegeese t to railroad people are not sorry that it Met. Ia the proposed plan of the Salvation Army -in art angling to bring int a good ola^e of farm laborere to Canada from the Old Land -works all right a problem of no small moment will be solved to a large extent for the !arming community. A number of persons have applied to W. H. Kerr, tbe local agent at Bromide, for help and applioatiou forme may be had by others desiring to mute men. The vessel is expeoted to sail from Liverpool in the latter part of March and on arrival at Portland the men will be forwarded to the different pointe from wbenoe applioatione were reoeived. It is said the men will be of a mnob better type than many of the emigrant elaee and will be sohooled to a oertain extent 011 the voyage 000 as to Oauadian ways by an Army official. The point deeired to be iniP reseed is the Hees ,t tiey of an early and positive appliontiop, the question of wages being decided when the employer and employee meet. Rail way fare is paid for the men oomi°g to the destination they are direoted to from the landing port by the Goverumeut. HYmENEAL.-The Halifax Chronio'e, of Feb, god, in its correspondence from Aotigonish, epeake of the merria'ie of Miee Mary, daughter of James Broad. toot, former of Brussels as follows ''The Queen's Hotel was the soene of a pretty and interesting ceremony ynoter• day afternoon, wbeo Miee Mary, d'togh• ter of the proprietor, James M. B -cad• foot, was joined in matrimony with bred, B. Armour, of Charlottetown, P E, I. The groom was attended by Mr. Brtheat, of tbe Poet Office staff at Charlotte:owe, and Miee Linda Hellyer performed the Medea of bridesmaid, Rev. J. R. Mauro, pastor of St. James Church, tiers the nuptial knot in the presence of tbefemily and a few of their intimate friends, The parlor wee very neatly and arb(Nl0ally decorated for the occasion. The bride was demoted in a blue broadcloth treyell. ing suit with white broadoloth vest and wore a blank platers bat. Miee Deed, of Bridgeport, a friend of the bride, neeyed the Wedding March in her meal excel. lent style. The popularity of the :Irhde wag evidenced by the nomerone veetable and noetal presents, wbioh she reoeived. The happy oonple leave today for their future borne in Oharlottetown." The bride he a granddaughter of John l3•'oad• fool, of thin locality, OBIT -Last Thursday William Giese, of Wingham pelted away t i e o hie raw rd .P Y g in hie 88thear. He y wan only f n y ill for about a week with pdenmoota. De ceased moved to Wingham 8 years ago from McKillop township where be had farmed for a good many years. Mrs. Glave' maiden name wag Lacy Colvin, Mine a Meter to Geo. Oolvin and Mre. Griffith, of this piece. Three chi :leen Rarvive, George, of Nelson, B. 0. ; Mrs. Maslotyre, of Portage la Prairie, Man. ; and Mre, Irving, of Winnipeg A' other daughter, Teeeie, died in the West 4 or 5 years ago. The remains were- bteught to Brussels for interment. The el,bjeot of this notice was an honest, indae'riooe man, Coneervellre in politica, an etdent Orangeman and a feitbl01 member of the Methodist oburah, The inners!. 55rvioe took p18oe on BAtitrday at hie late homey oondaoted by Rev. Dr. Gandy, aesieted by Rev. Me Bnrwasb, after whieh the remixing were taken to Brae• eels by train where Rev. T. W. Cosens took charge of the eervioe ab the grave. The pall bearer' Dame from Wingham, members of the L. 0 Le and were Wm. Niolioleon, lea. Deviation, A. Young, A, Barbour, 0, Thornton and W. Moore, There were 10 members of the Order in all from Wingham, Mre, Oleos end the ofher membure of the family wilt be comforted with the thought that these partings are not forever. Arrangements are being made for the anniversary eervi0es of Brussel. Epworth League, whiah take plane in Merob. FORTY feet will be added to the already large brick stable at the Central Hotel by George Brawn east season. The addition will go to the Eat* toward John Street. Herbert Williamson, of Ripley, was in town thie week visiting hie brothers while en route to Toronto where he will take a p0011100 in the tooeonial parlor of his brother, Neleoo, who recently pur- obaeed the shop in connection with the Irogvole Hotel. Lent week Two POEM omitted the name of Mies Frankie.MoOraelien in the list of enaoeeefal pnpile in the reoent moeloal examination at T A Hawkine' studio. Mise McCracken took honors in Primary piano and hide fair to melte her mark in the mueioel world. We wish hit 500)085 in developing her talent. Dr. and Mee. Graham arrived in town by last Saturday nigbt'e train from Tor- onto and have Mime up reeidetroe here once more Their may old friends are pleased to greet them Dr. Grebam still Owing a floe brink Wools and a double dwelling bones in Brueeels. He will re• genie praotioe having his home and office iu hie block DR. BUTLER, the Landon specialist, will visit Brume; professionally and may be fooud at the American Hotel on TUESDAY, MARCH 7th APRIL 4th MAY . 2nd MAY t JUNE 27th80h A'1 interested ehould bear these dates in mind, HoaoEY.-A Bookey genie welt played here between the local team and Wroxeter on Wednesday afternoon. Brussels .won by a eoore of 5 to 1. The teams wire :- WnoxemmR BLueoNrs M Bowm Goal A E Melzeh D Rapier Goal H Montgomery P Smith Cover ...............R Brown F Ardoll Rover...............3 Gerrie W Miller Genw'e , • 8 Booth N Harrle R Wing H Lowry J Rae L Wtng G Tbomeou IDEATE Oa JOHN ELLIOTT.-Thr Exeter Advoaabe of last week gives the fel owing a000tlnt of the demise of the father of Jae. Elliott, Mill street Bruaeele :-Thle week another of our pioneer reeideoro parte ed over to the ai ent majority, is the person of Jobe Elliott, Carleton Street, who died on Sunday last at the great age of 87 years. For some time Mr Elliott ban been physically in a rather feeble aondi• tion bot eoffering from no particular diaeaee, simply a does of vitality end iufl mitieo incident to old sae. On Tbmreday be took hie bed and it was plainly manifested that the orieis was upon him for be gradually sank until death claimed him. Born inrt N•o h timberland, England, be came to Canaria when about 10 years of age and easel, d in Peterborough, where he remained for some time. From there be rem :ved to the Oonnty of Oxford, thence to Bromley in the t)wuobip of McGillivray. Abont eighteen years ago drosaaed moved with hie family to Exeter where they have since made their bore, Mr. El intt was twine married and leaves to mourn hie death two daughters and one eou, by the first wife, and two daughters by the second, Mrs. E liott aleo survives him Mr, Elliott was 8 Methodist in religion and a Reformer in politics, Hie romaine were conveyed by train Wednesday to the village of Bright, where interment took place. Mr Elliott, of town, attended. the funeral. DIED Oa PNEvNosIA. The Daily Mia- eoallo, of Miesoulin, Montana, of Jan. 27tb, gives the following partiovlare of the demise of Zebu Ellie, eldest eon of Wm and MTs. EI ie Of Brussels, of whose deoeaee THE Poor Kooks n few wealth ago :-"John Ellie, one of the beet known employees of the lumbar limps of Moutaba, died yesterday morning at the Sister's hospital, of pneumonia, after an illness of about four days. Ellis Med been engaged at the oamps of the Big Blackfoot °emptily near Potomac until he Walltakedown rI , When removed v ed to rhe hospital hie life wee deepoired of, as is said he bad Buffeted a relapse, Ellis was about 85 steam of age and had been a resident of Western Montana for abuut eight years, having worked in moot all of the logging Damp, in Western Montana. Reae well we n ku w o n through g int the Bitter Root, Coeur d'Aleneeand the Eastern part of Miseetlla county. So far as known he has no reietivee in tale emotion, hie people reelding in the Canadian Northwest. Relatives of the deceased were entitled by wire yesterday and no disposition of the rernaine will be made until a reply ie had from them.' The Daily Miseoolian of Feb. 0th says : -The funeral of J. len Ellie, the lumber. man, who died on Jan, 26, took place from the undertaking eetabliehmelt of ;oho Luoy at 2 o'olook yoeterday after- noon. W. H. Ellie, a brother of the deceased from Sanhaloob, Northwest Territory, was present, Quite a nom• her of the friends of the deoeaned who had known him during the yeare he had worked in and about Missoula, followed the remains to the grave," The deaeae• ed wag eomeWhat Unfortunate in his experiences. 16 years ago he was two menthe in a Miohigen hospital as a re. milt of a orusbing be received in breaking Up a jam of loge in the river and 5 yaate later be eaffered from a severe blueing at Thompson, Deltoid, In the °toeing hones of hie life hie brother reports the eubjeot of this notice found the favor of the Oood Master and posed gniotty away. The bereaved will be deeply sympathised With in their sorrow. The long distance and exorbitant figure C4f I'1'AL-Paid up $1,000,000 ItLSERYE FUND) • - $1,000,000 REV. R. R, WARDEN D, D„ Directors WARDEN, 8. J. MOORE, President. Vice -President, T7100, BRADSHAW, F 1.8, 000010001010 Mn w MoIrrantn ()Lana 10,0. n, E. Tno00001, 10. 0, JOHN r'IR8TEROon HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D. R088 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANDING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Die000nted, r a&` -a .Z$.1P°,W Big mummer Interest nt HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 61 and upwards B'izr'SS1481560 theaJVW1F A. E. MELLISH, Manager. charged fbrbode bringing the remains here for interment. Business Locals. SEED Perm for sale apply to Mao. Taos. CALDER, Lot 9, Oon. 12, Grey, Woon for Bale, either dry or green, soft or bard. JNo, MaNAe, Oraebrook. BLANKETS and Robes at coat for 80 days to clear them Out, at JNo, DONALDSON'S, SEED Peae just arrived, a oar of Mae: koka Beautise. G. E. KING, Wiugham. YOUNG bull for Bale -Apply to D. GLASSIER, Lot 3, Con, 11, Grey, or Brae eels P. 0 HOUSEHOLD geode for sale. Apply to Mae. Goo. MBAs, Graham block, Bruit eels. BLADE wool shawl loot. Finder will muob oblige by leaving same at Tim POST Pnbliaoing House. Women wanted to armlet in Brussels Laundry. Donee t0 oommenoe March let. R. WILLIAMSON ,9LEIims or nutters in exchange for long or short wood. Apply to D. Ewell & Co. Brussels. Sews repaired and your life insured by having sews gummed, eat and filed by T. MaGi000n, Mill street, Brneeele. WANTED- Choice Roll Butter ,• 20e, Try our home and cattle food, calf meal and poultry meat for beet manila. G. E KING, Wingham. Burr Orpiogtone aro c000eded by Experimental Farms at Guelph and Ot taw& to be our beet Winter layers. This breed is taking the lead and le the beet all round hen today. Coekerale for sale, Eggs iu season, JNo. WR1one, Mill 8t., Brussels. ('11111tt'11 CHIMES. Regn'ar eervioe in the R. 0. oharoh, Brueeels, next Sabbath morning at the Mattel hour. There wag no eervioe iu St. John's mbnroh last Sunday as Rev. Mr. Lang. ford, the new incumbent, was unable to get here but ie expected to be bere for next Sabbath to ralte charge, Rev. John Roee, B. A., epoke Met Bab. bath morning from the text "Let your light eo shine before men, &o" and in the evening delivered another of the die. coarses be ie preaching on "Lite." The two dienoereee in the Methodiet ohurab last Sabbath were on the Lord's Prayer, tbe morning petition being "Give 0e this day oar daily bread" and at night "Forgive us our debts 0e we forgive -our debtors." N at Sabbath Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D , of Kincardine, Chairman of the Wia bam District will preset( Mission- ary sermons in the Methodist oharoh in his pleas and tbe annual oontribvtione will be asked for. Rev, Mr. Philp is a grid preeoher. The pastor will supply at Kipaardioe. The stun of about 913.00 was enbecrib• on a $15 reg0O0t at the Epworth League eervioe last Sabbath evening toward a' fund of 9150 of the Wingham District to reimburee Rev. G. H Raley,. Missionary at Kitamaat, B. C., for lose of personal property by the wreaking of a 8teamer last Fall. W. 3, McCracken and Cheater Armstrong were appointed oo'leotore and have the lista. Money is asked to be paid ay March let The Fordwiob Record of last week epeake ae follows in reference to the ennivereaay eervioee of the Presbyterian oharolitbere ou a recent Sabbath. :- "Rev. J. Roee, B. A., of Brussels, con- duoted the serviette of the day, taking for hie text in the morning, St. Matt. 21 ; 10, test elapse, "Who is this ?" Re brougbt out tbe follnwing pointy with great ener- gy said power :-(1) hem, the world's tenet* servant; 2) truest Saint 1 8 truest sufferer ; 4�only Saviour ; (5 only So er i u le evening eervIme was well attended, nolwithetanding that the weather bad turned stormy towards even- ing, a goodly number from the Meter eon. gregatione favoring the -.evicts with their presence. Mr. Roes' text in the evening war from Joobua 6 ' 29 and Hebrews 11 : 30, from which the following heads were emphasised with tbe same vigor as in the morning disooarse :-(1) Faith relies in a divine person ; (2) divine pro mise' (3) Faith obeys a divine precept ; (4) Faith tri nm he throughb divine power. In the 0rat ! Mr. ROBE reminded the oongregetioo that be had ocndaoted a eervioe toe them in the old building some 28 yeaae ago at the indootion of their tormer pastor, Rev. Mr. Muir." .I.a..e.axr z>=Iso, MosiATT-RIoaa00soN.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Brussels, on Feb. 15th, by Rev. John Rose, B. A., Mr. William V. Moffatt, of Turn - berry, to Mies Annie, daughter of Mrs. M. G. Richardson, aroma, allYD. BAwDeN,'-In London, on February 7th, Coto Bawden, third daughter of Mre Thomas Sawdeo, of Clinton, formerly of Blyth, egad 2i years. ELLIOTT.-In Exeter on February 5th,' John Elliott, aged 87 years. GA0ee-In .Wingham, on Feb. 9th, William Giese, formerly of Mo. Killop, aged 65 years, 11 months and 26 days, 9700ADOBa0.-In Blyth, on February 2nd, Mrs. Fraooie Mabangbey, aged 66 years. Tereven -.In Grey, on Feb. 11th, Jean, bided dnrighter of Wm, and Mar. garet Telfer, aged 29 years and 6 Months. n,'07CTIos0' s.A,I E - FRIDAY, Fen 17 -Farm monk, Impla. meote, &o., Lot 15, Oon. 9, Grey. Sale unreserved as 1 o'clock. J. A. Plenary, Prop. F S Seats, Ane. MONDAY, FEB, 20 -Farm stook, imple• meats, &G., at Lot 5, (Jou.. 10 & 11, Grey. Postponed from Tuesday last. Sale at 1 p. m. 0. Rozeil, prop. ; F. S. Soott, ano, TUIPDAY, FEB 21. -Form crook, im. plem,ube, &s. Lot 12, Con. 6, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook, WM. Barn, Prop, F. 8. Same, Ana. WEDNESDAY, FEB 22 -Farm °tock, implements, &r., Lot 10, eon. 14, Grey, sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. NoLvoN AsoxN, prop. F. S SCOTT, Ano. FRIDAY, Fan 24. -Form, farm stook, implements, &o, at Late 15 & 16, Oon, 1, Grey. Bale at 1 o'olook, T. W. Jaoklin, prop ; le. S. Santt, atm. MONDAY, FEB. 27, -Farm, farm stook, &o., at Lot 17, Oon. 9, Grey. Sale, no reserved, et 1 o'clock. Robt. MoDonald, prop. ; P'. S. Scott, alio: T0e0DAY, FEB 28. -Farm, Ferro stock, implements &o., North a Lot 16, Oon. 9, Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. W. Skelton, A. Howlett and T. Skelton, Executors, F. 8. Soott, ono. SM. 'S< -i+.^--. n_,S Stns?,. XHIC=^_cs, 95 98 40 40 60 65 32 94 17 18 18 19 5 50 6 00 5 60 6 00 35 95 1 00 1 25 4 50 4 50 17 18 1 00 70 Fall Wheat Barley Peas Oate Butter, tube and rol.e.., Eggs per dozen.........., Hay per ton Four, per bbl Potatoes per bus Apples (per bbl.) Hoge, Live Wool Sa b, per bb'., retail THE PEOPLE'S CO1,UNIN. TO RENT. -100 ACRE FARM .L in good shape, 8rd Oon, Morrie, For further particulars apply to W. GALD BIOS., Ni Lot 28,0 on 8, Morrie. 81-11 STORE TO RENT IN THE village of Ora8brook, lately 000unied by A.MoNair, who bas sold out, Terme reasonable. Apply to J. LONG, Oranbrook, HOUSE FOR SALE. - 10 rooms. soft and hard water, storm windows, storm aid Bergen doors. Good Stable, Iacres of land 15 fust trees. Vary low taxes. A comfortable home cheap. Apply to R. N. DUFF, Bitment° P. 0., Ont, L EICESTERS FOR SALE, either sex or aYg u a This flockw been very eaeseful at tbe local Sh s vocal Bboe. Have also for sale a prize winning young Durham Bull, Apply at Lot 10 Oen. . 15, Gtokor 0. 1URNB0LL, 15-11 Walcott P.0. BOAR FOR SERVICE.- THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 22, con. 9, Grey, a thorn' brad Yorkebi re bog, Oak Lodge .Justice, bred by Jio. Broth - our, of Burford. Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms 81 00 to be paid at time of eervioe withprivilege et returning if nooereary. ALEX, D, LAMONT, 24• �_-- Proprietor. YOUNG DURHAM BULL, 20 mootte ol•', with first Maga pedigree, and from splendid milldeg strain, for sale. While the animal remotes here he will be kept for service at 01 50 ALICE. GARDIN- ER, Lot 28, Con. 14, McMillen, or Leoabnry P.0_ 80:81 To Builders. Tondoro) will be received by the nuder- signed up t0 February 18eh for the erection of three dwelling Mauna on Lot U of the Villake of Brueeels. Plane aid epe•ilma- tions may be seen at my °Moe, The townet or any louder not neoes,arily aeoepted, 81.2 D. ROBB, to ueeele. Guaranteed - Tooth Brushes The Imported Tooth Brushes we sell at'25c. are guaranteed. If they shod bristles, mat down or show any defect, you get a new Brush FREE for the asking at . . . DRUG STORE. rpHORO'• BRED COWS AND 11 Heifers for ea10. Priso w'nning stook. Lot 8,008. 0, Grey, Or 1iru5.ele P 0, 11.11 D. ROBER MON, Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. NOifoo is hereby elven that the partner- ship horetnfore eul,eieting between ns, the undsreigiled, as Mersbnnt Tailors, in the vihnge of Benesels,hao this day been dla- solved by mutual consent. All dehta owing to the said r?'dp beanoare to be pn id to D. 0 Rosa, Esquire, a1 ;he Village of Brnasals nfm•eamid, cud all o1',lwo 00800,1 the said partierobin are to oe pr•eseeted to the said O. O. Roos, Esquire, by whom the same will be settled, Dav, tedA, atD. Brus1905.eols •his 1st„ day of Feb. ruar Wituoee : D. 0. 110008, A. B. MAon010405, 0. 13_ DODDS. AUCTION S ALE OF FARM 8000010, Lulu 1INNT8 &e, -F, 8- Roost, auctioneer, bee row iced iustruotlane from the underelgned to gall by pnbiie an0tiou at Lot 10, Con. 14, r rev, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, at. 1 obtra, the following valuable property, viz 0-1 beavv draught horseris- ing 0 years. Them' draught mare rising 4 yenta from Glenn':: ie Prince; 1 heavy draught gelding riel tg 8 years from 'Oleu- drio Prisoe) 1 heavy draught gelding rising 2 years old Irom'Bn ear,' 2. COWS *apposed in calf, 11.ei4tr rising A yearn iu calf. 2 furrow vows, 1 fat 0017, 9 heifers reliug a years, 2 tboro'-bred hailers rising 2 )ears, 9 heifers rlsiog2 years 2 oto^rarising 2 ye •re, 8 steers rteine 1 year, 2 brood sows with pig, 1-tboro' bred Ynrltn'ire bog with pedieree, 8pigs 8 months old, 00 helm. 1 Msoeey-Harrio binder with ducks and sherd -carrier nearly new, 1 Massey hio"ler, 1 T'ront5 mower with pea harvester 1 Maoso; Barrie rake nearly new, 1 land rola r, 1 Mae ev-Horrie dis0 barrow, 1 single plow, 1 two.fcrrowed plow 1 set iron barrows, 1 root eel. filer, 1 fanning mill, 1 lumber wnnop, 1 double buggy, 1 single bug- gy, 2 sets oob-olvioba, 1 outter, 1 hay fork with repel Ind !1ml'.,yn, 1 set of slings,1 hey reek,1 set n0ubta b knees. 1 sat ail eve her. 05'S, 1 Meal road araper, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 grindatoun,1 new kettle, quantity of hay and numerous other articles, Bale unreser- ved AR loitimetot bee rented hie !arm. Terms -A 11 sums r.: 05,00 and under, cosh, over that rmouut 9 monbbe' credit will be given on to melting approved joint notes. 5 per cert. Ito r en8Otr allowed off for oath on credit amouate. NELSON A8SIN, Proprie- tor; F. S. &COTT, 80 otloneer, EXECUTORS' SALE or FARM, J FAR]f STOOK, IMRLEAIENTS, F0121I- T1111E, &u. -Phe Esc au tort of the late Robert Skelton bpes in.t. opted F 8 Bontt, au0- t mieor. to offer for tile by public auction at Nk Lot 18, l0 8 Morrie, on wog al Feb. 00 th, 1 t IZ -3lm the following valuable propel ty, viz.: -1 .1' 8, rials! 8 years, 1 aged mare,l driving hot a, 2 fresh .calved cows.1 now to calf, 1 heifer rising 8 years in calf, 2 steers rieb,1 8 years, 1 steer rising 2 years, 2 belfe•R rlet ng 2vett e, 8 steers nolo!], year, 1 calf 8 wealte old, t brood sow withig, 7 pie a 4 menthe old, 70 bene, 1 Massey -Berrie bin der,l lumber wr gnn.1 boggy nearlynew, 1 Witter nearly nen 1 set of bob -sleighs, 1 two•furrow d plow, 1 sittgle plow, 1 set iron barrows, 1 turnip I ilper, 1 fanning mill. 1 set goatee (dap. 1200 Ills). 1 wheelbarrow, 1 grindstone,.1 hay r.olc,1 pig rook, 1 set plow harneae, 1 set dont e harness nearly new, 1 set single hareem„ nearly new2 robes, a quantify of hay, 510 bushels of (late, 26 hue - hole of poi Moak, 0Obuebole of turnips, 1 cook stove, 1 dozen ohairs, 2 ta'Ilee, 2 bed- stoade, 1 eleok, I 1 'inboard, 1 churn, 60 sap pails aid alttm000n0 other articles, The farm contain 100 11.000, about 88 aoree clear- ed and 10 acres of btteb ;. •there i0 n: comfort- able frame hruan batik baro, &o.;- Fall 1lowiug nearly all done 1 aloes to: sober.] and thumb ; 5 utile, from Blyth and 71 from Brussels ; lmtnodr,Ito possession ran be .tl ueSud liepoprietor',tBAlmmof $5 anto d un- der oath, oVor that Mount 10 mouths' ore - Mt will be given on furldebfig approved ionic notes , 8 per r ens, off (far oaeh on mkt- itaamounts ' hay, vote potatoes and turnips to be mesh Torras forbore made known on day of sale 07 011 01+.r110att011 to the Moen - tura W. 1Bi5LTON, G. S, Boom, A • iOOWL,,tTT, Executors. Auctioneer. T, dl.(111LTon, CREAT REDUCTO. SiVCk-(�kl�g Sale Commencing Saturday, Feb. llth Ending Saturday, March 1.th. We will, dining this time, offer our large stook of Winter Boots & Shoes, Heavy Rubbers, Robes, Blankets and 13,118 at Greatly Re- duced Prieea for CASH. This is your chalice for Genuine Bargains. We have too large a stock and have determined to mark the goods at prices that 'will clear them out before stock -taking to make room for Spring Dods, g Come and secure yourshare of the extra values we will offer. Remember the dote and remember these rices are for cash, ' 't14,r111'Iletoilet ;bre r'. I. C. RICHARDS