HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-16, Page 41~l,r%n ai r:ass.ei `lgsfi,
THURS 04Y, FEB. 16, 1905.
Huron CountY Couneil.
The January eeeeion of the minty
oounoil of Huron opened on Tutsday
afternoon, Jan, 310, in purenenoe of
ndjourument and concluded ou Friday
Appltuatiooe for the position of
county Auditor were reueived from the
following gentlemen and left ou the
table : J, Gavenlook ; 11, W, Irwin, Bay.
field ; H, W. Ball ; M, Lockhart, Au
born ; N. Robson, Clinton ; W. Molter -
cher, Wroxeter ; F. Morley, Whalen ;
M. Blank, Bruseee ; R A. Carrick, Kin•
tail ; J, Britton, Oonetaaoe ; P. Oantelon,
Clinton ; E, Zeller, publisher Zuriob
W. Moffatt, J. H. Cameron, and L. 0,
Fleming applied to be appointed on the
County Board of Examiners.
The Prisoners' Aid Association and
the E'at Heron Women's Instibute asked
for grants,
Moved by Mesere. Morrison and Grieve,
that R. S. gays be appointed trustee of
Seaforth collegiate Institute.
Moved by Messrs. Canteen and Ferris,
that John Raneford be appointed ttastee
of Clinton Collegiate Institute.
Moved in amendment by Masers.
Isbieter and Currie that Jona Torrance
be appointed trustee of Clinton Collegiate
Moved by Messrs. MoLean and Iebieter
that Rev. Dr, Ure be appointed trustee of
Goderiob Collegiate Iuatitate.
These four motions were Bent to the
Education committee.
J. Bartley, reeve of Ashfield ; W.
Huuter, ooanoiilor, and ex reeve Dalton
waited on the oonnril in reference to the
washout at Port Albert, The matter
wee referred to the Road and Bridge oom•
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by
Mr. McQuillan, that the new members of
thio Council go out to Port Albert and
examine the bridge fur themselves. Car-
The afternoon eeeeion on Wednesday
was a short one, in order to allow the
membere to drive out to Port Albert.
Oa Thursday afternoon a deputation
waited on the Council in esterenle to a
proposed change in the boundaries of U.
S. S. No 4, Goderiob and Hazlett town.
ships. A large number of gentlemen ad-
areaeed the council and the matter was
passed on to tbe E•laoation committee.
The Read end .Bridge Committee re
commended the a0oeptanoe of the tenders
of the Sarnia Bridge Oornpany for the
enperatruotare of tbe Amberley bridge,
span 95 rt., at $1,460 ; Laoknow bridge,
smut 60 f
epee 110 ft., 91,510 ; McO& n'e bridge,
span 60 ft., 6840 ; total, $4,650. These
were the lowest tendere. Tbe committee
advised the acceptance of the tender of
Frank Gottridge, Seaforth, for the con
orate abutments at Amberley bridge, at
96 25 per cubic yard ; of Nelle & Labey,
for SioUaon'e bridge, at $4 95 per cubic
• yard ; of Charles Barber, Winghaen, for
Morriebaak bridge, at 94 76, and for
Luohnow bridge, at $4 85. The com-
mittee recommended no 'union with refer.
n ee to the deputation from Aabfield in
ooaneotion with the Port Albert bridge ;
that no action be taken with reference to
the communication of Mr. Campbell,
o ommiasioner- of Highways for the
Province of Ontario, with reference to
Government grant ; that oo action be
taken with reference to the invitation
from the Western Ontario Good Roads
Aseooiation to a meeting in Toronto next
Febr'tary. The report wag amended to
the effect that Charles Barber be given
the contract for the abutments of the
Amberley bridge instead of Frank Gat-
The County Oommieeionerr reported
that several bridges would require to be
refloated daring the coming Summer
and in some eeeee new joists were needed.
He recommended that, where new joists
were needed on old steel bridges, ateel
joists aheald be procured if possible in
order to make a permanent improvement.
Most of the iron and eteel bridges should
be painted during the coming Summer.
The Bleok Creek and Z+Hand bridges
bad bean satisfactorily completed with
the exception of the painting of Zetland
bridge, which wan being held off mail the
warm weather. The total Bromine of
orders issued during 1904 was $22,203 23 ;
amount leaned eince December session,
$5,681 30.
The Ednoation oommtttee'e report as
adopted by the oounoil, appointed John
Reneford as trustee for Clinton Collegiate
Iaetitute ; R. 8. Hays for Seaforth Col.
legiate Inetitate ; and Rev. Dr. 'Ore for
the Goderiob Collegiate Institute. The
oommittee recommended no action in
reference to the regneet from the Trustees
Aeeooiation to eeud a delegation to the
convention to be held in Toronto. In
refereuce to the request from ratepayers
of U. 8. S. No, 4, Goderioh and Hallett
townehipe, to dieeolve the steatitic, the
committee reoommended that all parties
nit having already done °o be requested
to pre° nt in writing what Changes they
deeire to the County Clerk in order that
all queetione in diepate may be fairly
dente with, and recommended that H.
Hatton, Exeter ; W. Clegg, Wineham ;
the junior oonnty Judge; and the In.
epeotore of Emit end Wen Huron oom•
pose a board of arbitrators.
Statietioe of Clinton Collegiate were as
follows :
1002 1905 1004
Total' attendance 21,887 211179 02442
County puplla .. 10,019 10,208 10,100
Oust Of
maintenance 88,100.98 85,007,67 $5,466,81
Amount of
Leglelative grant ,$088 26 5988 81 8942 10
Seaforth Collegiate :
Total attendance 28,417 27,792 26629
flaunty pu0ile... 18 415 11.882 12,520
Groes expenditure 85,64228 $5,71110 55,617 28
Legislative grant 056 68 936801 5082 70
Goderiob Collegiate;
Total attendance 81,477 80,709 03,608
County pupils' 9,718 9 080 11,724
arras expenditure 50,162 77 $6 556 80 $6,85800
Leeigtative grant $1,021 07 $1,02 12 51,08680
Inepeoboe Tom reported three hew
brick and one new Dement blook eohoel,
',alit daring the year in hie inepeatorate.
The element eohool fn U. S. 8. No, 4,
Goderioh and Hullett, cost 91,400, the
new sohoal le 8. S. No. 6, Stanley, net
91,300, onone0iag about $1,800 Was built
le 8, S. No. 8, Stephen, and one coating
ttbot7t 91,200 in le. 8, Na, 10, Ueborne.
A.bool $8,500 wee [spent en the improve•
menta ae the Goderioh Model,
were a ill four school houses whish e
be repaired or replaced, At peasant
were 56 brio's, 5 atone end 43
eubogl home, In many of the a
swine the oondition 01 the ground
diagrams, bot in many other
grounds were neatly kept ; lMet year
were 47 men and 84 women teethe
against 50 men and 82 women
previous year ; the average °clary p
men was 9444 end to women 930
oompared with $406 and 9300 respe
ly i0 1903 ; ohaugee of teachers d
the yeer, 54 ; total attendance,
aeoinecrease t in 0thin 1903 a number of there r
teaohere; the number of pupils i
Oootiuuatinn °lessee had inoreaoed
601 in 1908 to 630 is 1904 ;
at the trustees had puroh
libraries during the year •
Exeter public school was doing
junior leaviug and aommeroial
with remarkable 0000008 ; the teat,
throughout the inspectorate were fait
but the frequent change of teaohere,
oonob.rnt obange in course of studied
the iaeaperience of many teaohere made
it impoeeible to snare eatiefaotory reunite
iu all cares ; there were many teaohere
with neither the experienoe nor the
maturity to perform their duties Gonne
fully ; all the schools were vieited twine.
D. Robb iuepeotor for East Huron,
reported 37 male and 87 female teaohere ;
e deoreaee of 2 male -and an inareaee of 2
female teaohere : 44 eohoule °hanged
teaohere; average eatery paid men 9453,
an inoreoee of 930 over the preceding
year ; average salary paid, women $317
The tweeter referred to the leaden
MS of the0moaut of oorporal punishment
irflloted and mentioned the oaae of S. S.
No. 4 Grey, where the discipline, order,
prope,ratiou of 'woos, calling and die.
mieeiug school, etc., were left entirely to
the pupils, who attended to these matters
tbroogb their elected representative, tbe
pupils had also purchased a library,
rte experiment was nompletely eueeee
there were 14 libraries in the 83 ru
schools, whioh was considered a regreta
smell number ; to 1890 6.285 papile w
enrolled in the rural wheels in 1904 0
There and Ikliteheil and Pudd, The Remota
board of the louder of Saunders, & Creech, nein
there the lowest, was accepted,. A ga.;ple
frame memory report recommended the
obool usual greet of 9600 to enppletnerlt the
e was pay of the men of the 33rd reg.:mot
a the while in oarnp, the grant not in any gees
there to exceed 25 manta per day per men,
re, as Tbe Sperdal Committee reoonem.•.lded
the that the petitiou of the village of Zeck*
eid to to be inoorpurated as a polio° villotr be
9, as granted and that it by•laa to 'bet .ffeot
olive. be passed at the June geeelon ; that the
urine Cleric and Treasurer alga the petition
5,778, from the Mayor of Tornio in regard to
a de the amendment to the charter of the
nand telephone companies ; that no satin.' be
n the taken in regent to the memorials from
from the aunty of Yurk regardiug powers of
many motor vehicles on the highways. The
awed report was adopted.
the In regard to a atter from Prouetoot,
In 1 Hayti & Blair re Livingstone ve, Huron
work the Finenoe Committee reported they
bare ao0eidered the o000ty liable for 900.12
and recommended the wane to be lurid
and that the County Engineer be aekod 80
make explanation to the Connell regard
ing same.
The Jailer reported 7 vagrant,', 1
tueane inmate, 8 persons oaofined for
heft and 1 for fraud.
Moved by Mesere. Cantelon and
Lamont that E Z •filer, of Zurich, and F,
Kerley, of Ueborue, be County as litore
for this year. Oarried.
Moved by Mance. Speakman and
Morrison that a by-law be prepared
authorizing the Warden and Treaeo,er to
borrow 940,000 for current expt'utee.
Moved by Aimee. Spaokman and
Morrison that Meagre. Moffett and
Oameron be appointed on the Board of
County Exeminera. Carried,
Moved by Mr. MoKenz,e, emended by
Mr. McQuillan that tbie Council now In
end session ueeire to expreea oar eymiiatby
stet with Mr. Griffin, our present jailer, in
rel the loge of one of hie family by death and
bly in hie own serious illness, and we hope he
ere will soon be teetered, and that e. Dopy of
my this resolution be sent to Mr. Griffin.
Moved by Meearg. McKenzie and
tree Alex, Stewart, booth Noeft G, J. n,
14 : vote,00 by law 8 Q0
• ' 91 McNaught, boot!, No. 4 C$ J, 1t
vote on by law 8 00
Jno, Oust, boot', No, 1, nr10010ipel
elootion 8 00
Joe. L. Davidson; booth No. 2,
municipal eectian# .
,..,, 3 00
Alex. Stewart, booth Nu8, munt-
nipat 0e0t10n 3 00
H. McNaught, bo,lb No. 4, muni
oipal eleuti"n .. 8 90
Jou. Duobtte, buoth No 0, mound
pnl election 8 00
A Reymann, booth No. 7, munici-
paleeoliou 8 00
Jnu Cut, booth No. 1, promote)
eleottgn 4 00
Joo, L Davideon, booth No. 2 pro
vinaial election 4 00
Alex. Stevrari, booth No. 8, previa` •
Mat 4 00
H. McNaught, booth No 4, prole
oial Mediae 4 00
Joe. Dauber, booth No 6, provtu
offal election 4 00
A. Ray memo, booth No, 7, Previte
oial election 4 00
J. Kreuter, ea'ary as Oolleotor
South Division 45 00
J. $ranter, postage and stationery 2 00
P. J Bishop, salary as Oolleotor
North Diviei''n 40 00
P. J. Bishop, postage & stationery 2 00
Jae Livingetone, eatery ae auditor 12 00
Juo. M. Davies, salary as auditor 12 00
D. W. Daubar, wood for Hall,,,. 5 00
A. McDonald, clmhee for Jacob
Stamm) to go to Houma of Refage 1 20
D. Johnston, expeuaee to Clinton
with Jacob Stemma 5 65
Wm. Golhraitb, gravelling on bdy
Grey & Elma, Grey's share2 50
Ethel Public Library 5 00
.Ino, Forrest, spikes 2 50
A. MaNeir. postage, stationery and •
ealary 12 10
Lougeway d; ',OOoOa• they per 8.
- Cole, timber for bridges 6 Con
Drain 22 68
R. W. Livingston, telephone rid
Goderiuh and Brendle ' 75
Ou m'tion the Oonnwit then ndjnarnod to
meet on Monday, Feb. 27th at 10 a. m.
JOHN 5OlNToeu, Clerk.
8 755,' deoreaee of 40 per nab in 14 years
iu urban naban schools the deoreaee for the
see Oantelon that the Warden and Mr. Our.
same period was 25 per cent; the aver
attendance had iuereaeed from 53 to
per cent.
Wm. Coate' returns for the year 19
allowed the following figures ;-To
umber of inetrnmeote regiotered dart
the veer, 4,037 ; total fees theref
$4,536 05 ; the instruments register
were ;-1 patent, I,434 deeds, 9
mortgagee 1,095 dioohargee of mort6ag
I82 wile, 4 leo ee, 8 meobanioe tie
ocher instruments 351 ; entracte fnrnie
ed 606, aearehea 941, fees earned a
not reueived 9620.35, erose fees for ye
95.75760 gross amount for previous ye
90,666, amount paidto deputy regietr
91.200 other charges paid by regietr
$1,245 46 ; amount of surplus of gro
"looms paid to county 91,128.80, amoe
of net surplus paid to the county 9866
net amount received by registrar 92,096 6
01 the mortgagee registered 18 were f
ver $5.000, 273 between 92,000 a
95.000,243;between 91,000 and 62,00
413 under 91,000, 13 amount nominal
aogreeete amoua1of all euoh mortgag
$1,444,589 12.
60 ria sell the old material of the Zerlan
bridge to the beet advantage for eh
County. Carried.
Moved by Meagre. 1fcQlhi;lan and
04 MoLean that Mr. Iebieter be appeInte
nal iuepeotor of the cement work oe tb
0g Morriebank bridge. Carried.
or, Moves by Messrs, McLean and Doig
ed that Mr. McQuillan be appointed inepeoto
61 of Dement work on the bridge Son,lt o
as, Luokuow. Carrhed.
ne, Moved by Meagre. MoNaugbton and
h• Spaokman that Mr, Morrieou be.appuiut-
nd ed iuepeotor of cement work on the M0
ar Cann bridge. Carried,
ar Moved by Meeers.0ontelon and Fee.
ar re that lir. McKenzie be appoi0ted to
ar inepe00 the concrete work at the Amber.
ea ley bridge. Carried.
7, B7•LAwt PA9eED.
7. Bylaw No. 1 was paaeed appointing
or W. Lane sed D. Oautelonmilkers of
nd Criminal jnetine a00oante, and Frank
0, Morley and E. Zeller to audit and ieport
; on all other 00om0000 affecting the dor.
0e poralion, the auditote of orimival jlsttee
accounts to receive 93 per day and 10o. a
mile, one way oorv, and the Miler
anditore to rnooive 940 each.
e• Bylaw, No, 2 was passed authoeiz'ng
e the Warden and Treaearer to borrow
o money for county parpoeee anti' the
r• taxes were received, the total amount eo
borrowed not to exceed $40,000
o Bylaw No. 3 was pasted appointing
r Jades Holt; H. Huston, Exeter •; and
n Wm, Clegg, Winghem, arbitrators in
r reference to the dieeolution of U. 8, 8,
No. 4, Qoderiah and Hulett town rape.
o A numberof ratepayers of the ecatiou
o had petitioned the ounces of the two
f townships concerned to take the nem:
o eery steps, Hallett had grantee' the
petition, bot Goderiob township tailed
, to do so, henoe the petition to the oonnly
enroll. The petition t0 the towuship
ora t onoile tweed that lot 29, oonoeeeen 4,
Hallett, and -lots 27, 28 and 29, con. 6,
Hallett, be added to. the U. 8. S. No. 2,
Hallett, and that Iota 35 and 36,. ann. 8.
Hallett, be added to 8. 8. No. 6..Hulleet.
Moltesiwgrtit. '
d George Gr.hum, formerly oe ,Howiok,
e but now of Etme, had the mietortuue, to
have bis leg broken in two paces by hie
sleigh upsetting nod is irnpruvieg very
d slowly.
8 The milkdrawing for the season of
1905 was let le lite Orange Half on Sat.
:Inlay, 4th limalimaSome ienteo went high-
: ' 8r and seine lower than 1904 a000rding to
f the wraps:eldest. ' Rubs Cetherr, the
veteran milk drawer of the 4th con., sot
/51PRovPDIENTS TO COUNTY PRORATEThe County Proberty committee r
commended that eight storm window
be purchased for the ground floor of th
eget, the work to be nuder the supe
vision of Ounncillor McLean and ,Tarn
key Knox (bat the counter in th
registry office be replaced by a oirouia
o0e,the work to be ander the eapervieio
of Councillor McLean and Regietra
Coate and the poet not to exceed 950
the committee also recommended ah
placing of one storm window in th
Crown Attorney's office, the Meaning o
a steam valve in the County Olerk'
office, the placing of a new window in
Judge Holt''s office to provide more ligbe
two etorm wtndowe for the law library
and two for Judge Doyle'° room : tba
the roof of the apart house be repaired
and the question o! repairs in the aoart
room be left in the hands of Council of
MoLean to.aeoertain the probable 0080 of
a metallic °ailing, papering the walla and
varaishiug the woodwork, Mr. McLean
to report at the Jane meeting. The
report was adopted.
The House of Refage committee re•
ported vi0fting Oleo home January the
310 and finding' 86 inmates, too many
for thela000mmodation. The committee
were well satisfiedwith the mangement.
The windmill was cal of order and should
be attended to. A new heater hod been
pat in the lanudry at a coat of 930. The
committee recommended the appointment
of Mr. French as 0o001y Constable. The
report was adopted.
The Building Committee of the Hoose
of Refuge reported that the contractor
had done namely anything Ritmo their
last report, dated Deo. 6th, 1904. The
builders' risk of insurance parrying the
riek on the old building and (temente was
renewed till March Slat at a oast of $10
per month. A oopy of a letter to the
contemner from the architect called
attention to damage done by the weather
and requested 'him to plaoe the large
skylight in position at 0008 or otherwise
properly protect the same opening by
towering the same with boarding and tar
paper. The 0ontrag8Or wonid be charged
with the ooet of tbe heat the oommittee
direoted lir. French to turn on.
OTHER 1(01118170.
The Exeontive Committee reaomended
that John Knox reoeive 950 per month so
long as he is doting fn the capacity of
jailer ; that the Ontario Statutes for 1905
be obtained for each member of the
Couuoil and the Consolidated Municipal
Aot for emelt of the new membere. also
that The Monioipal World for each
member ; that 0o action be taken on the
retry et for a grant to the Women's
Inetitato of Emit Huron ; that the
following 000el grants' be made ; Child
ren'o Aid Society, 960 ; Agelaultnral
and Hortioulturel Sooietiee, taolt 920;
Public Libraries each 915 ;Ten/lens Inot
into, each 925 ; IF'armera' institute,
moll 825 ; Prisoners' Ald Aoeomiation,•
910 ; Sink Children's Hospital, 920 ; for
flowers at oturt house gronnde, 910
The amounts to be paid the three Col,
legiate Inatitateo were lie follow; ;-
Seaforth 92 221 88 •, Clinton $2,054.87 ;
Goderleb, 91,900 ; Ste Mary's for attend
arson of 909110 from the County of Huron
951,17, Tender° for printing had been
received trete Venattor & Robertson,
Applsford & Duncan, Sanndero & Creech
Grey Council Meeting.
The Commit met pursuant to order in
the Township Hall, Monday, Feb 6:h al
10. a. m., the Reeve in the chair and the
other members all prawn►. The min-
utest of last meeting were read and ap-
proved. Oa motion of Grant and
Fraser; Bylaw No. 230, known its
Steel Bridge Bylaw, was read a second
time. Co motion of Brown and John.
°ton By law No. 230 was reed a third
time and finally passed. On motion of
Fraser and Brown Bylaw No. 238 wee
read let, and and 8rd time and finally
passed, authorizing the Reeve and Treas-
urer to borrow from the Standard Bank
on au overdrawn account the money
required to meet o0rrent expenditure.
Carried, The Auditors' Report was
received and read over and finally audit•
ed by the Council. 1'e was moved by
Fraser, seconded by Grant, that the
Anditore' Report be adopted and then the
Clerk be authorized to have 50 copies
printed. Carried. Moved by Brown,
seconded by Fraser that the township
printing be given to W. H Kerr at the
deme figure as Teat year, $50.00 Carried.
',loved by Brown, ascended by Grate that
tenders be remised up lo next meeting of
Connell- for the building of clement abut. -
meats at White's and Uranbrook bridges,
contraction to tender by the noble yen
100 oement and excavation, Carried.
-Moved by Grant, seconded by Brown
then as 000n as the eeoaritiee of the
Treaeurer are eatiefaotory to the Anch•
tore the books and much will be headed
over to the Trooeurer, parried, Moved
by Johnston, seconded by Brown that
the Clerk order six onpiea of the Now
Assessment Aot for membere of the
Connotl. Carried. Moved by Johnston,
ee0oaded by Prager that Neil McNair be
appointed Ammer for the year 1905,10
eatery 9100 Carried, Moved by lnbm
e'en, emended by Grant that An'hotey ,of
Reymann be appointed Treasurer at a eh
oa'ary of 9100. Moved in amendment by : to
Veneer, seconded by Brown that James.+
Turnbull be appointed Treasurer. The l et.
Reeve voted for the motion and it was lie
deolered carried. On motion of Brown, tin
eeeonded by Johnston the following et
aoc0un0e Were ordered to be paid :-- Ro
Man. World Asamt, Roll and 009.
lee Man. W.,rld for Coattail,...:$ 7 84 hot
Alex. Morrison, work on Grey & De
17 ma bdy, per Ben, Brent.- 17 75
Me old route at en Adeline, J. Briebin
wielded the hummer.
sale, 8 i Lot 25Oon 31, Grey. Easy
terms. Apply to 0140. 11. x010, on the
l',remises, Urenbrook P. 0., or 1', 8, Scott,
irneseis, 25
l 1AR111 FOR SALE.-OBOT0h7
GO acro farm for eale, being 8.,uth half
Lot O,Uou 7, Gley, Mostly seeded down
and well mannred, Good bank barn and
comfortable bonito. Close to eolhool and 21
miles from Brussels. G gores of Pall wheat
in. Apply to .1, 0, TIIUS, Brussels, 80.0f
homoetead-100 a0ra0-in the Town-
ship of Morrie, Huron county, For partlo•
niers apply to
' 9 0!- J' BEINNETT.
350 Bathurst et, Toronto,
It0 90 sorsa, being North halvea of
Lute 15 outs 16, Ooe.1, 07eyy. comfortable
0rume bones, book barn, orchard, &o, O
4 miles from ldoleawortb. Good locality
nod line roads. Immediate poe0e0eton. For
further partloulare apply to or write
W H. 11770308, Brussels.
A. ing Lot 201g(ion, 7, trey too a salfarm,
lir Th
is a 0001 Portable house, bank barn, or.
chard, wells, &o, Pram is only i mile from
the thriving village of Ethel., For further
l'ortioutare 08 to price, terms, &o., apply to
92108. EAT14 HOLLANll, 78 Sinter street,
The undersigned offer for sale his
farm. being Lot 1, Oon. 18, Grey, It 10 010.
toted on rho Gravel road,2 miles South of
all cle red but 13 contains
100 There f good
a 1 first
class brick house and kitchen, heated with
furnace, wood abed, ertesiun well with
windmill and water le pumped to baro.
bun Ham 98 80 feet. et.Good orchard, statues
teueed ; pleasantly situated Will be sold
nn easy terms. ' Apply on premieoo or Brus•
eels P. 0.. EN17A8 0BI011.
of Greyyacres
1 of 10, Ooh • 14n100 acreTownship t 1
Oon 14,100 acres ; and Wi Lot 18,. con. 74,
60 sores -250 emu'. An iu excellent. condi-
tion with fire0•olaealtuliding,; brick hones
barn, r0dern ' oot and straw house, 'gable,
80. Well watered. From 95 to 40 mores of
'.10iug100 acres ofiret-class Con, good
frame house and largo bank baro nearly-
new. The property can be cold in two or
three mullet0 to avis purehaeme. -Terme
liberal. Alio a commodious dwelling twine
and lot in lruseeln: For tartber partlou-
lare app`ly to•the• owner ou the promiaea,
Idrvseele. 21.00
WIZ' , W AT O. i 3
A By-law
o •authorize. the issue 'of Debentures of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Hvn'ooe, for the purpose of constructing
• Cement or. Steel Bridges and Gement or Mone Abutmtefits in
the said Township of Grey.
desirable t
raise a° byway y of loan for the sal
purpose the sum of Th`rty Thomsen
Dollars ($30,000.00), and it will be neons
sexy to issue debentures of the said Town
ship of Grey, for'the Haid sum of $30
000.00, as hereinafter provided, whioh i
the debt intended to be created by thi
By-law, the proceeds of the said Deben
tures to be applied to the purposes afore
said and to no other parpoeee.
Aud whereas the amore' t required by
the Consolidated Municipal Aot, 1903, to
be raised annually by *pedal rate for
paying the said debt and interest, is the
cum of 92207.40, payable in twenty equal
annual payments of principal and interest
And whereas the amount of the whole
rateable property of the Township of
Grey, according to the last revised As-
sessment Roll thereof, is 91,795,826.
And whereas the amoun6•of the exist-
ing debenture debt of the said Township
of Grey is $44,132.39, of whioh neither
principal nor interest is in arrear. -
Therefore the corporation of the Town-
ship of Grey, by the Municipal Council
thereof, enaote as follows :-
o house, School Section No. 1 -James Mit-
d ohell, Deputy Returning Officer.
d Polling Subdivision No. 3, at school
- house, School Section No. 2 -Oliver
- Turnbull, Deputy Returning Officer.
Polling Sub -division No, 4, at sohool
El house, School Section No. 9 -Neil Mo-
s Nair, Deputy Returning Officer.
Pollidg Sub-divison No. 5, at Township
- Hall, Ethel -John McIntosh, Deputy
Returning Officer.
Polling. Sub -division No. 6, at sobool
house, School Bowdon No. 5 - Amos
Smith, Deputy Returning Officer.
Polling Sub -division No. 7, at the For-
esters' Hall, Craubrook-A, Reymann,
Deputy Returning Officer, -
7. .On. Tuesday, the Twentieth day of
December, A. D. 1904, the Reeve of the
said Township of Grey shall aetend at
the Clerk's Office in the Village of Ethel,
in the said Township of Grey, at ten
o'olook in the forenoon, to appoint persons
to attend at various polling places afore-
said, and at the final summing up of the
Mee by the Clerk on behalf of the per-
sona interested in and promoting or
opposing the passing of this By-law re-
8. The Clerk of the said Township of
Grey shall attend at the said Clerk's
office at 2 o'olook in the afternoon of
Tuesday, the Third day of Jannary,, A.
D. 1905, to sum up the number of votes
given for and against this By-law.
Dated at the Township Hell„in the
Village of E hel, in the Township of Grey,
this 24th day of November, A. D. 1904,
[OOALj - ROHEAT L1vm089oN, Reeve.
TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is
a true copy of a protioeed By-law which
has been taken into consideration, and
whioh will be finally passed by the Coon -
oil of the Municipality of Grey, (in the
event of the assent of the electors entitled
t0 vote thereon being obtained) after one
month from the first publication in Tau
BRnssuno P089 newspaper, the date of
whioh first publication was Thareday, the
First day of December, A. D, 1904, and
that the votes of the duly qualified elect-
ors of the said Township of Grey will be
taken thereon, on the day and at the
hours and places therein fined.
Dated this twenty-fourth day of Nov-
ember, A, D. 1904.
JOHN Moloroon, (clerk,
1. For the purpose of raising the sum
of 930,000.00, to be expended as opacified
in this lay -law, debentures of the said
Township of' Grey to the amount of
930 000.00, in sums of not less than
9100.00 each, shall be issued on the
Twelfth day of May, A. D. 1906, each of
whioh debentures shall be dated on the
day of the issue thereof, and shall be
payable within twenty yours thereafter.
2. Each of the said debentures shall
be signed by the Reeve of the said Town,
ship or by some other person authorized
by by-law to sign the came ; and oleo by
the Treaearer thereof, and the Clerk •of
the said Township shall attach thereto
elm Corporate Seal of the said Corpora-
3, The said debt and the debentures
issued therefore shall bear interne at the
rate of four per cent. per annum from
the date thereof, and the said debentures
both o. to principal and interest shall be
payable annually, on the Fifteenth day
of January, at the Metropolitan Bank in
the Village of Brussels, and shall have
attached coupons for paytnent of said
interest, whioh coupons shall be signed
by the Reeve of the said Township, or by
some other person authorized by By-law
to sign the same, and aleo by Ill Treas-
urer thereof.
4. During the currency of the said
debentures there shall be raised in each
year by epeo00l rate on all the rateable
property in the Llai 1 Township of Grey, a
sum euOiaient to dleoharge the instalment
of principal and interest accruing, due on
the ward debt.
5. Thie By-law shall take effect on the
nal passing thereof,
6. The votes of the duty qualified
eaten of the said Township of Grey
all be taken on this by' -law at the fra-
ming times and places, thee: le to say :-
On Monday, the Second"day of 'Inoue
y, A. D. 1905, commencing at the hone
otos o'cloolr In the forenoon and oob-
uing until live o'clock in the afternoon
the same day, by the following Deputy
turning Officers, that is to any :-
Polling Subedivision No. 1, a6 Mattel
use, School Section No. 4 -John that,
linty Itoturnin$ ()flirter,
Polling Bub-divtoion No. 2, at aahool
The above is a true copy of a By-law
provisionally passed by the Munioipal
Council of the Township of Grey on the
Twenty-fourth day of November, A. D,
1904. And all persona are hereby re-
quired to balsa notice that any one desire
one of applying to have emelt By-law or
any part thereof gnashed, must make hie
application for that repose to the High
Court of Justice within throe months
next after the publication of rife notice
once a week, for three ouaceesive weeks,
in the newspaper called Tom Bauesnre
POST, oe he will be too late to be beard in
that behalf.
Jong Mailmoen, Mang.
Finally passed in open Council this
Sixth day of February A. D. 1905,
[sNA1j 30,020 M I620 110, 0`LIVTNGSVON1001Reeve.
TeStirnoniaZ,s of Grateful, people who
have received health and Happiness
from using that .New and br'
Remedy, OIL OF PINES'. Celebrated
The Medicine of the 20th Century
W UdtUI101Ulll"tel,nN'll,'lldll,'Ipge'
The en0rm,00 sale of this popular Southern remedy in Canada the past two
yearn is one of the many proofs of its great merits. Phyafoiane, both in the
city and country, are now proeoribing Oil of PION for Li Grippe and it hue proved
to be a speedy and infallible cure for that dangero0l and eubtle dieeo,e. When
treated whit this remedy there will be ro reentrance of the malady. -no after
For dleeaaes of the Lunge, Coaghe, Oolde, Asthma, Bronchitis end Catarrh of
the Head, Throat and Stomsoh, 011 of Pines etande unrivalled,
The manufaotnrer of Oil of Pines has in his pameeseion thnnoande of testimnniale
from grateful people who have been oared by this remedy, when they were in an
advanced stage of Consumption.
Compounded with the Pine Oil whioh forme the body of this remedy, are other
ingredient° calculated to °leauee the Liver, Purify the Blood, end put the Kidneys
in proper working order.
If you are troubled with a pain in the beck, take a done of Oil of Pees on
going to bed, and you will find the pain gone in the morning. We speak thus
positively became we have never !theme the remedy to fail,ite effects in such oases
being next to magical. Do not hesitate to bay a treatinent of tide medicine. Be
eeoeible. Keep the dootor out of your house, and you will not have hie big bills
to pay.
This is to certify that I have been a Miiii evrere suf-
ferer from Rheumatism all through my limbs and body,
for ten years or more and at times it became
so painful
that I could do no work at all for 3 or 4 w(leks at a time,
I tried numerous remedies but got no relief or cure Over
one year ago I was urged to tly Prof, Dykes' famous
remedy called "Oil of Pines. It gave me immediate re-
lief and by the time I had finished one bottle I found my-
self completely cured and that is near two years ago, and
in that time I -have not suffered the least symptom of the
disease, One bottle of "Oil of Pines" is equal to three
of other remedies at same price per bottle because the
oil is only taken in drops instead of tablespoonful's and
teaspoonfulls per dose. And it is Fo pleasing to the taste
that any child can take it. My sister•in-law, with whom
I board, used the oil also and found it a wonderful remedy
for external use. I consider that "Oil of Pines" is the
best remedy ori the market. I would urge any one who
suffered as I did to go and purchaoe a bottle of the oil at
once. Yours truly, COLIN 5. HODSON, Hensall.
Prof, 0BM.11Dykee,Erre Heooall, 0,,or t., Propist rietorors not
Maonifsoturer. Allders to
proprice.mptly filled and forwarded to all parte of 13. 8. and Canada upon receipt of
Take no Substitute. Dykes "Oil of Pines" is the only Original
and Genuine.
We bane just received a car load of "Brockvilles," the kind
that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as
these:are fast sellers.
We have the "Bell" Oylinder Root
Polper, the BEST on the market.
See them.
Should you have any grass to kill or
sod or rough ground to work remem•
bar the "Frost & Wood" and "Wind•
ear" are the dieke that will do 10.
If you want a General Purpose Plow,
than which there le no better; secure
a No. 20, Frost'& Wood.
If you want It leoond•hand Buggy,
Cart, Gutter, Plow or Implement of
any kind be mare to call on ae.
We have also the U. 8. Cream Sep.
motor, Singer Sewing Machines,
Volmar Washing Maohinee always
on hand.
We on supply you with a good
Driving or Work Boise cheap or
Stook of any kind on abort notice.
E can supply you at once with any
but as the
you mayb
time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we
would like to tell you that we are fully pre-
pared to meet your every want in the Cut-
ter as well as in the Sleigh line We have
the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment
of Cutters that can be found anvwh
„ ere,
ready for inspection, and would be pleased
to have e
you call and see them. Prices
TWO COWS Welt 8AL17,