HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-9, Page 8Cure That Cold Our Blood Root Cough Cure is just the thing that will do it surely and quickly. The longer a cold is allowed to run the harder it is to effect a cure. Do not neglect it and keep a bottle of our Blood Root Cough Cure in the house, and start taking it when the first symp- toms appear. Blood Root Cough Cure promotes ex- pectoration, soothes inflammation, and will cure any cold of the ordinary kind. Your money back if it fails to help in your case. Price 25e. a bottle only from MINSTIDIF DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 80UTHEHN EXTRNSION W. 8. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, are follows : GOING BaUTH GOING N019T8. Mall 7:15 a.m I Mixed 9:00 a,m Mixed 12:80 a.m I Mail.. ......1:25 p.m Expre08 3:08p.m Expreee 8:85 p.m ural ItErfs C1I1 4 A obiel'a among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. COLD weather. LAGRIPPE is busy. Tea Poem gives the news. THE grain market ie quiet just now. NEXT Tuesday will be St. Valentine's Day. A FEW 08089 of Soarlet fever in tbie locality. Baussuue Sohool Board Friday evening of this week. Tan storms of this week hove put the roads in bad shape. Twins from the Eaet are a long piece behind their eoeeduled time these days. "D1xme's in Old Virginia" io the Town Hall, &ease10, Saturday evening of tbie week. SEATING bas been good nn the rink managed by George Cunningham and Frank Oliver. 151PE09018 Roan is asking for tenders for the ereotioo of three dwelling bonen next season. Advt, may be read in this inns of Tan PoeT, Mies WIomIE MOGuran took part in a Oonoert program in Blnevale on Friday evening and her elocutionary numbers are very favorably oommeuted upon. NOME. - All accounts due Mrs. Fletcher must be settled forwitb ae elle purposes removing from town at once and after that remaining aoouaotewill have to be planed in other hands for collection. Mita J. R. FLETCHER. JAMBS TURNBULL was appointed &9009000 for Brunetti for 1905 at a salary of $40.00. Ae the Business tax law comes into vogue this year additional Dare will be oeoeesary in doing the work. Mr. Turnbull should fill the bill and will be at liberty to at tend to it owing to his retiring from the store. DEPUTIES PAID. -W. H. Kerr, Returning Offioer for East Riding of Huron, has reoeived 5486.00 on Dominion Election 8000001 of lest November and the same has been disbursed to the various Deputy Returning Officers to pay for their ser vices and those of tbe Poll Clerks and Constables. The rent for booths woe also included. Mileage and other mat- ters are being dealt with now by the Auditor General's department from which returns are expected ehortty, T. A. HAwame was honored on Tues. day evening of this week by a number of bis lady friends passing a couple of hours in hie °beery studio, Assisted by some members of the oompany a delightful program of moeio, songs and readings was given by kir. Hawkins who contrib- uted several charming selections on the Musical glasses. The following ladies were present Mesdames ()ober, McGuire, Stewart, Gerry and Best and Baines Mo. Rae, Habkirk and McNabb. FORGIVENESS I8 FREELY GRANTED. -A eubeoriber writea THE POST this week as follows :-"DEA. Sin, - Am enclosing herewith one dollar to pay for my sub- eoription for THE Poem for 1906, I moat wave your pardon for omitting this at the New Year, bat THE POST hes always seemed to me so mnob like a member of the familythat I forgot it took money to bring it to us until it failed to appear last week, when I bethought myself to look up the label and found it was long over- due. Tinting that you will kindly over• look thin error and "next time I'll do better", I am,'2onre very sincerely,--" We will not be one bit diepleaeod if many more take a look at the address label and then following np the next step recorded in above note, Or INTEREST TO LODGES -The sae• pension of a lodge member for aret..oee does not release him• from paying the game. This wae,tbe decision of Judge O'tllenra in the Ottawa division coact NM week. A test use was made.regard ing the Unity Protestant Benevolent Society. J. T. Preeton,wae a member for some yeare bat deoided to drop one. No fennel notice of his intention was bent the etiolate., although hie father stated to the treasurer that bio son was intending to drop ont, After there were six months' arrears Preston was euvpended, in p008008oe of the bylaws of the 'moiety. The society then need Inc the arrears for the Mx monthe, $1.60, and Cleo 51 aeeeaement for death of a member. Counsel for Penton argued that the eaepeneion wiped cut the debt, and the eooioty had no other remedy Judge -O'Meara, however, deoided that the eOBpeneion was merely to protect the society against paying olaime 10 members In arreare, Mind did not talkers each members from payment of their dues for ei$ months, Judgment woe given for the fall amount, There are about 50 similar Bailee in the 'moiety and the action was taken ae a teat: Base, Mumma of Boron Co. Oonnoil are crowded out of tbie issue. ANNUAL meeting of Howiak Mutual Fire I08nran00 Co. will be held at Gerrie on Friday afternoon of this week. This ie one of the hushing institutions of iia kind in Ontario. BaAUT1FOL.-Last Saturday Mrs. Chas, Wheeler, 4th Zine, Morrie, bronght Tao Pon a ohoioe sample of beautiful flowers from a Chrietmao 'notes. The plant is a wonderful one for growth and cannot be taken tbrooeh a door way. It has been in almost solid boom since Ohriatmaa. A GaAND chorus of talented artiste, genoine Louisiana Jubilee eingere and plantation ehon1ere, (Milan Musical Quartette who are known for sweet mn8ic. Solo Cornet Band and superb Orchestra. Hear good sooge, new songs, old songs, gond darnels, ladies and gents. Admission 86e. • reserved seats, 60o. Special matinee, Saturday at 2.15 p. m., Town Hall, Brussels, Feb. llth. Dn. BUTLER, the London specialist, will visit Brussels professionally and may be found at the Amerioao Hotel on TUESDAY, MARCH 7th APRIL 4111 MAY 2nd MAY 30th JUNE 27th Ail interested ebonld beNr these dates in mind. Fames evening the Poblio Library Board met in the Reading Room, J. H. Cameron was re-elected chairman and A. E. Mellish was obosen Secretary - Treasurer. In spanning the amounts it was deoided that 5100 was needed to wipe 000 the indebtedness and ways and means of providing for this were disown- ed, one plan snogestod being tbe opening of a eobeoription list whereby pobiio spirited citizens or others could lend a hand in Ibis very worthy enterpriee and the way is now open. Friday evening of Ole week, at 8 o'aioak, the annaa' sale of magazines will take place at the Public Library. Attend and entire bargains in good literature• The members of the Pablio Library Board. are :-J. H. Oameron, Inepeotor Robb, Rev. T. W. Ooeeee, Reeve Henderson, A. E. Mellish, W. L. Leatberdale and W. H. Kerr. Do you patronize the Library ? The sale of magazines has been postponed until Sntnrday evening. ALL S000aeertre. - Charles Percy, F. L. 0. M., of the London Conservatory of Muth, visited Brussels on Wednesday of last week for the purpose of hearing a cumber of Mr. Hawkine' pupils whom he bad prepared for examination. The following splendid record ie the remit :- Bertha Armstrong, a pa's in Junior Piano and first olaee Honore in Primary rudiments ; Beagle Wateon, Honore in Junior Piano ; Mabel Adams, firer olaee Honore in Primary Piano) Mand Fee - Ration, first class Honors in Primary Piano ; Minerva Jones, first class Honors in Primary Piano ; Jessie Moffat, first olase Honore in Primary Piano ; Maggie Bewley, Honore in Primary Piano 1 Rookie( Mows, Honors in Primary Piano. This is the firet time Mr. Buskins has had an examiner visit Braseele and be certainly has given ample proof of hie ability to impart ioetraotion in the divine art of Music. NawerAPORIAL.-Tho Atwood Bee has entered oo its 16th year and is a tidy, newsy ebeet. It was started by R. B. Pelton, a graduate of Tag Pon, now proprietor of the St. Lawrence Newe, Iroquois, but for nearly three years Grant Anderson bee held the editorial quill -to say nothing about the scissors and paste pot -and is keeping the Bee well to the front in looal journalism. We wish him MOMS and adviee the roost bnaineee men to make money by patronizing the oolums of the 138e more largely, -Last week the Goderioh Star pot in a sew Potter 2 revolution news press and will now be better prepared than ever to push their work. The Star is a oredit to Megan, Mitebell & Todd end the Co. town ae well and about the only advice THE Pon could give them would be to advise hese viralenoe in political dieouesione in their oolomng. -The Fordwioh Record hes added a enb.editor, Hie name is Wattere and he took bis place upon the staff oe Jan. 28.. VIITEBINARY BUSINESS GOLD. -It Wte quite It eurpriee to the people of Brunie arid locality to bear that J. D, Warwiok, the well known V. 8., of this town, had disposed of hie lucrative preetioe to Geo. Cunningham, of Brussels, who graduated a year ago, and the purdbaeer will take poasemeion on the 20111 inst. Doo, War. wick, who ham been bere for the post 16 years, nurpoaee going to Alberta, N. W. T., next Spring and in consequence will have a Bale of his stook of horses, rigs, &o. The etalliooe in which Mr, Warwick is interested will remain here. John Oaoningham, father to the V. S,, has bought the residence et Mr. Warwick and will remove to it about the middle of March, The location will gait Mr. Cunt ningham for his home as it will be con. eiderabfy nearer his Apple Evaporator. Deo, Warwiob le Viae President of Grey Branch Agricultural 805iely, and Chair• man of the local Liberal Association. We age awry be is leaving town but wieb him 0000808 fn 'the Weet. Mr, Cunningham enpplled the plane of Doe, Wilson at Wingham all Iamt 80110000111 the latter'a abeehce, and 18 well rip to the I Standard Bank of Canada MST, A.1t26:HS3172) 1@72 SEEPLU9, Olt 111 BERVF) FUND 1 1,000000 TOTAL AB8ET8 GVPUR 10,000,000 .A Genova.' 130.itektriat IiuRelief?laa Train (aactad —ateSA VINGSS BANK era -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reaeived on which INTEREST IS ALLO''"ED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BAND RATE, ACCRUED INTEREST ie added to motion weir nix mouths and beoomee principal, -MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for.whioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive oar oareful and courteous attention. A. O. MACFARLANE, AGENT. latest and best methods of Veterinary science, and we expect he will do well here ae be is wall acquainted in the eom- mnnity. Do You WANT HELP ?-Staff Captain W. Patterson, of Toronto, Was in town last Friday on burdens in oonneution with the Doming of farm laborers from the 0 11 Oonntry, The Salvation Army has chartered the steamship Veneerer and in Maroh Che will sail from Liver- pool for St. John with 1,200 or 1,500 farm laborers and mechanics. The object is to alleviate distress and help bumaeity, W. H Kerr will aot ae local ag..nb at Brussels and farmers or others deairiug help should make their appiioatione early so as to help those interested witb the planing of the men. The men are seid to belong to the better class and are not the pauper olem--nt• Domestics will also be supplied as long ae the supply lasts, Business Locals. SEED Peae for sale apply to Mae. Taos. Cause, Lot 9, Oon. 12, Grey. Woon for sale, either dry or green, soft or bard. JNo. MoNAB, Oranbrook. BLANEET0 and Robes at net for 80 days t0 Clear them oat, at JNo, DONALDSON S. SEED Peae just arrived, a oar of Mae- koka Beauties. G. E. KIND, Wingham. Yonas ball for sale -Apply to D. GLAeaIaa, Lot 3, Oon, 11, Grey, or Brae Bele P. 0. HOUSEHOLD goods tor, eale. Apply to Mae. GED. MOKAY, Graham blook, Bros eels. Wooas wanted to assist in Brunie Laundry. Duties to commence March let. R. WSLL0AMe000 BLEroae or oilmen in exchange for long or short wood. Apply to D. Beam at Co. Brussels. Goon eonnd cedar poets for Bale, apply to Richard Mitobell, Lot 29, 3rd tine, Morrie, or Broeeeie P. 0. Tag undersigned has a Rood on110r for sale. Mee. JNo. LOTT, Albert street, Brnieele. SAWS repaired and your lite insured by having saws gummed, set and fite•I by T. MoGltzooa, Mill street, Brnesele• WANTED.- Choices Roll Better, 20e. Try our horse and cattle food, calf meal and poultry meat for beat results. G. E. Mee, Winghem. Bur Orpingtoos are oonoeded by Experimental Farms at Guelph arm 00 tawa to be oar beet Winter layers. This breed is taking the lead and is the beet all round ben today. Ooakerala for nate. Egg' in season, JNo. Walo1T, Mill et., Brunets. People We Talk About. Inspector Robb is visiting Soeforth Peblio Schools this week, Mies Mattie Orr, of Wingham, is the guest o1 Miee Nettie Brown. Mies Ida Yeandle, of Birtle, Mao., is the guest of Miee Tornio Sinolair. Miee Maud Paul, of Morrie, ie vit'ting with her grandmuther, Princees stet et. Mr. Daum, of Hanover, has taken a position in J. Donaldson's harness shop. Miee Nora Holmee has gone to Clinton to be the geese] of Mies Jean MaoPhereon. Chas. Dodds has gone to Berlin to take leesone in tatting in a large tailoring eetabliebment. Mr. Clark, of Toronto, has taken a position in the tailoring department of D. 0, Rose' store. Miee Mildred Soon is home Phan an extended visit of several menthe with Hamilton relatives. 13. and Mrs. Gerry were both confined to the house for the past week with the prevailing grippe and sold. Mise Jennie Edwards is nneetog typhoid fever patients at the home of George Bateman, near Ethel. Mre, James Stretton has been animus. ly ill dating the past week but we hope a change' for the better will anon ease -t. Ino• H. Kerney was an the eiok I(at but was able to get to his store on Wednes- day for a short time and will soon be o. k, we trust. Mies Blackstone, of Goderiob, woe a guest of the Minn Habkirk, for a few days and lett oo Tuesday for Sarnia for a month's visit with Mende there. Jae. and Mrs, Kiooaide and children, of Rathwell, Man„ are visitors at Not) Mo. Lauohlin'e, Telephony street. etre. Kinoaide is a Mater of Mre, MnLaoeblla. hare, R. H. Green, of Trowbridge, and Mise Phillips, of Toronto, were vieltore at Mre. Harvie', Thomas street, Mr. and Mre. Green will shortly remove to Cale dente, from which point Mr. Green will attend to his duties in oonneution witb the Dairymen's Assooiatien atter taking. a short acerae at Strathroy Dairy Sohool, CHURC11�0111MEN. The monthly Missionary collection in the Methodist Sabbath School last Sun. day amounted to 58.17. Over $70 )a now in band for 11118 Oonferenee year, wad two oolleotione yet to be taken. Rev. Dim Dobson, of Fordwioh, oaod• pied the Melville church pulpit here last Sabbath and pencilled two egonilent discourses, that were well received by the congregation. Rev. Mr, ROSS was at Fordwioh. Last Sunday J. Hartley, of Wroxeter, took charge of the 8 591018 in St. J',bn'e °Itnrnh and next Sunday, Rev, Mr, Cong. ford, the new inobrbent, teem War:, Ville, 18 expected. Mr, Hartley'. Minion have bean very highly appre0iated daring the vacaooy and St. John's ahurob people will be pleased to have him bank on future 000a°lons. At a meeting held last week the Senate of Knox College, Toronto, deoided by a unanimoae and cordial vote, to outer the degree of Doctor or Divioty on Rev, John Roes, B.. A., of WI -nasals. Mr. Rose having signified his acceptance of the intended honor, the deg'ee will be con. fared publiely ou April 0th ilt oonueotion with the closing ex9roieee of the college. Oar oongratutatione are extend,d as we believe the rev. gentleman well worthy of the honor. "The Divine Magnet" was the theme or Rev. T. Wesley Owens at the Quarter- ly (Jommuoiou services in the Methodiet Oharuh last Sabbath morning. The fourth of the series of dieaonrees on the Lord's Prayer "Thy will be done on earth as ft ie in Heaven" wee taken up at the evening Berri oe. Sacramental 8erv108 followed after the morning 'memo') and the usual fellowship meeting at the oonolaeion of the regular service ',:at night Miee Ida Bailey presided at the organ, as 00acees• or to Mise L. Banetou, and porfdrmed her part well, The bill respecting autonomy for the Territoriee will not be ready until the second week iu February at the earliest, Tam Pon advoaatee the attendance of all young ferment at the short courses given at the Ontario Aeriooltoral Col lege, Guelph, in stook judging, &o. The small expense to the student je mounter Endowed ten fold in the valuable,prao tioat information received and ie the gateway opening into wider fields of Usefulness to the community generally, Ontario's agrioultoral interests will con thine to progress as the young men master the situation milt keep pan with the rapid advancement in their calling, HURON KERR. - At tbe Methodiet Poreonegs, Blenheim, on Feb. 6th, to Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Kerr, a doubter. Mmaan.-Iu Grey, on Jon. 24th, to Mr. and hire Wm. Michel, a daughter. Sraonem. In Paris, on Feb. 411], to Mr. and Mro. John Sinolair, a daughter. WATTRR0.-In Fordwioh on. Jan. 28th, to Mr, and Mee. Wm. Watters, a eon. reA.lxrzIE12,- BARNETT - HAELEWOon. - In Denver, Colorado, on Jan. 2203, by the Rev. T. A. Hawke, Miee Mary Hazlewood, of Wr•.•xeter, to Mr, Chas. Francis Barnett, of Eaetonvilla, Colorado. MILLma- Lemma-Atthe residence of the bride's parents, on February let, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. James Minty, of Ga,afraxa townehip, Dufferin 00. to Miee Ella Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamont, of Grey township. 1721 HOOD -In Morris, on Feb. 3rd, George Hoed, in hie 80th year., Huerae.-In Sault Ste, -Marie, Mich., on Feb. 4th, Eunioe Ada Hupfer, eldest daughter of J. and Mee. Hnpfer, formerly of Wroxeter, aged 12 years and 6 moieties. RUxHEa0ORD-In Howiek, on Feb. 4111 Isabella Rutherford, aged 64 years, _ .8.'V ZCN' SA2,FJ. Fames Fon 10, -Farm steak, imple• men he, &o, Lit 4, Con. 2, Grey. Sale unreeerved, at 1 o'clock. P. J. MaDONALD Prop. F. B. Soon, Ano. TUESDAY, Pmn 14 -Farm stook, imple merits, en., lot 5, cone. 10 and 11, Grey. Sale at 1 O'clock p m. Chas. Ronan, prop., F. S. Soots, ane. Fames, FEB 17 -Farm stook, Imple. meats, &o.,Lot 15, Oon. 9, Grey. Sale unreserved a0 1 o'olook, J. A. !Denary, Prop. F B Butt, Ani, TDIt?DAY, FEB al. -Farm Stook, im• prem. eta, &o, Lut 12, Oon, 6, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 O'elook, Wm, REID, Prop. F. 8. 80099, Aur, WEDNESDAY, Fon 22 -Farm stook, implements, &o., Lot 10, eon. 14, Grey, gale tlnreeerved, at 1 0'010011, NELSON Anus, prop. F. S SCOTT, Auo. Fall Wheat 95 98 Barley - 40 40 Peas - 60 65 Oats - 82 84 Butter, tubs and rot e.,,, 17 18 Eggs per dozen 18 19 Hay per ton 5 50 6 00 Four, per bbl 6 60 6 00 Eotetoee per bee 36 86 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 . 1 26 Hoge, Live 4 60 4 60 Wont - 17 18 So 1, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, VOTING DURHAM BULL, 20 months old. with first Med pedigree, et from splendid milling strain, tor sale. kept for the ab 81 60 naALIOX, G O: N- Lea DIN- El0 Lot 2a, Con. 14, 11ao1iiilop, or Leo. fury P. o, so•tf To Builders. Tendert,' will be 90081903 by the under. Signed Up to Piebraary 18111 for the erection Of three 3100111115 hnu-ee on Lot V of tbn Village of Brunets. Pious and epeoillca- tioes tray be seen at toy °Olen. 'PhD lowest or any tender notno0888ar l epted, 91.2 D. R0aoo11B, !Mucks. METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL-1'nid up $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND • e $1,000,000 Plreetors REV, R. H. WARDEN, D. D. 8..1, 5100101,President, Viae -President, 9H00, BRADe1AW, PIA, HIS Motion MR, w, WORM= OLAEE, 11,0, D, 9. 90°01805, R, 0, HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, 5, 10088 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted. tf'at ldre' °'ane Pargraaa r Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all mime of 51 and upward° A. 15. MELLISH, Manager. rpHOR0r- BRED COWS AND 710 RENT, -100 AORE FARM .1 Heifers for sale. Prize winning stook. .,L in good shape, 8rd Con, Morrie. For Lot 8,00U. 9, Grey, or Brussels P.O. further particulars apply 00 W. 0AL1)01000, 91.90 D, ROBERTSON, Ni Lot .28,0en 8, Morrie. 91.10 Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partner. ship heretofore euheleting between us, the undersigbed, as Merchant Tailors, in the village of Brueeele,has this day been dig. volved by mutual 00116001, All debts nwing to the said portuereht} are to be paid to D. 0 Roes Esquire, at the Village of Brussels aforesaid, ao l all olaime egaloet the said partnership are to be presented to the said D, 0, Bo's, Esquire, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Brusselsthis let„ day of Fob. raarv, A, D, 1906, Witness : D.O. R098, A. B. MAononALD. 0. H. DODDB. AUCTION SALE OF FARM BTo0E, 7o1PLatfNNTe, &o. -F. e, Geoff, auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by poblle auction 1t 9.01 10, Oon.14, Grey, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, at 1 o'eleok the following valuable property, viz :-1 heavy draught horee ris- ing 0 years, 1heavy draught mare rising 4 yenta from Glendrle Prinoe,' 1 heavy draught gelding rising 9 years from 'Olen. rlrie Prince,' 1 heavy draught gelding rising 2 years old from 'Bursar,' 2 cows supposed in coif, 11eiter rising 9 years in malt, 2 farrow cows, 1 fat cow, 9 heifers rising 3 yeare, 2 th0r0'-bred heifers rising 2 years, 8 heifers rising 2 years 2 doers rising 2 ye,re,8 steers rising 1 year, 2 brood Howe with pig, 1 Moro' broil Yorkshire hog with pedigree, 8 pigs 9 months old, 60 hens, 1 Massey -Barrie Moder with tracks and ebpat.earrier nearly new, 1 ?Massey binder. 1 Toronto mower with pea harvester 1 Massey -Harris rake nearly new, l land roller, 1 Maesey.Hnn•io died harrow,1 single plow, 1 twmfurrowed plow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 root ecufiler, 1 fanning mill, 1 lumber wagou,1 double buggy, 1 single bug- iy, 2 seta bob -sleighs, 1 nutter, 1 bay fork with r0pe8 and pulleys, 1 set of diege,1 hay 000,1 set double barmen, 1 set sit gm bar Pete, 1 steel road scraper, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 grindstone, 1 sugar kettle, quite City of hay and numerooe other articles, 8910 unreser- ved as p,°or .tor him rented his farm. Terme-All some of 86,00 and under, oaeh, over that amount 9 mouths' credit will be given on fu• fishing approved joint notes. 6 per omit. per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts NELSON A8BIN, Proprie- tor; If, 8. 80001!, Auctioneer. HOUSE FOR SALE. — 10 rooms. sort and hard water, storm window., storm and screen doors, Good Stable, 3 acres of land 15 fruit trues. Vary low taxes. A csmfortable home cheap. Apply to 16. N. DUFF, Rluevale P. 0., Ont. Guaranteed ooth t BI ashes The Imported Tooth Brushes wo sell at 25c. are guaranteed. If they shed bristles, mat down or show any defeat, you get a new Brush FREE for the asking at . . . DRUG STORE. Imported Bull For Sex'vice. Star Chief (Vol. 20) The nndereigoed will keep for sarvloe on LOT 23, 00N. 14, McEILLOP, the splendid imported bull, "Star Obiet," (Vol. 20). Roan ; calved January 25,3903 ; bred Scotlanby T Ain nderson, Ballaohraggao, Roes -shire, BEEEDEna OF DAMS DAM SIaEe BREEDERS OF BIRgs Challenger totter) J Wilson Star Gem (1100) =48082= Sliver Star (78027) W Duthie 131gg Gem 2nd Marebull Duke (67780) W S .fare '9 A Anderson J Scott G Broom G Bruce W A Mitoheil W A Mitchell W A Mitchell W A Mitchell g Gem L90po11 (68100) Gem of the Vale 4th Samson (47008) Gem of the Vale Lord Irwin (20128) Plower of tbn Vale X84110 01700) Pride of the Vale Loyal ty (28708) Sultana Bertram (174081) Lady Raglan California (12028) V rtey Arabella Young Hov0re.'10 (7641) A Orui'cksb auk Young 1„nn The Peer (6460) le Crofton Joue (pnrcbaeed from Mr Burnett, Some Mains) 191 Shepherd .7 W & E Cruickshank W Linton Duke of Buouleaoh 9 Cruickshank G Shepherd r - OHALLENO'R (74199) belongs to the favorite Cruickshank 01ipph• tribe. He Was got by Prinne•of Sauguhar (7120]), Ciao a v.ry well bred Clipper who was hought trout J Wilson, of Gower Pirrieetntll, by Deaue•Wllila at the Newton sale 1u 1898 .ad wan in the herd at Banton Manor until the Autumn o! 1899 when he was brought book to Lower Pirriaomlll. While 10 Mr Willis' hands he had 0. distinguished career in the South 0f England and won many first prises le the North In 1897 and 1800 Challenger was out 01 Oeetrepieoo, by the Ruglau bull Hevoolae (644241, a eon of the r 0, ed ('lear•the-Way (476:,.), who was sire of bath first and Second In ize eteern at the Smithfield Club Phew,1801, ale•. of tho eteor which won first prize find reserve for the Breed Oup, tame ehow,1694, SILVER STAR (78027), a Crocus, bred at Oullyule, was goo by Twinl:)A,g Star (04981) (a son of the great Star of Morning (60189 ' oub of Oroeu6 14111by the Clniekehunk Violet or Vil- lage Rose bull Prinoe Pabv.too (57039) (a vary euoceeelul sire ) • 111AI101AL Drum (67739) belongs to the Marr D1i:.eie tribe probal'ly the west talked of Bootoh faintly to -day. Tue great English ch0mpiau Marengo (60008) wee a al fable, Tbo 00which brought 80000 at public auction 111 Chicago was a Mimi- ',fid Mr Marr refueee to part with any more females or tbo strain. Mat eh 111 tui Duke was gni. ny the great uld (Muck. °bank Orange Blossom sire William of Orange (66894), out of MieeIv 'l8rd, by Prince Charlie (421wLeone D (55100), a 8bel11tn Lovely, was got by the Lustre belt Lorne (46728), out of Love. ly 29th, by lxion (44288). g d. Lovely 18111, by Bir C1arios (10046). Terme-53 00 for grades and $8 00 for pedigreed animate, with privilege of returning 1f ne0eeaary. 81-1f A. GARDINER, Proprietor. THE Big ale }.ontmues FOR TWO WEEKS Owing to the interest manifested by the public in the Sale of Clothing, Furnishings, &c,, I have decided to continue the Sale for 2 Weeks Longer during which time Goods will be sold at PRICES FAR BELOW THE REOULAR Men's Fine Dress Overcoats in sizes from 86 to 44, made from fine bleak beaver sloth, dark grey cheviots and fanny tweeds, beautifully lined with black farmer's satin. This is the beet 512.00 ooat we Bell, eale prioe $ Men's grey end bleak all wool frieze and beaver cloth Overooate, made in the new long full style, first class lining, onr beet $10 Overooat and leader at that, sale prioe Youths' Overcoats] made from floe dark grey wool freizo with velvet collar, also with large Storm colleen, sizes 38 to 35, tegular $7.60 to $10.00 Coate, all at 000 prioe 8 60 6 50 6 75 Men's $20 Blue Serge Suits for $16.50 During Ibis sale we will MAKE TO ORDER any of oar beet $18 to $20 Navy Blue Serge suite, with first olase linings for We are offering liberal reductions on all made•to• order Overcoats. We bnee n first °lase stook of blank and navy beavers, oheviote, meltone, tam tweeds, etc., to choose from, at a!moeb any prioe you with to pay, Boys' Knickers at 49c 50 pairs Boys' Knickers made with doubleseats and knees, regular price 75o, Sale Pride Men's $1.00 Caps for 50e 8 doz Men's Winter Cape in all the new and staple chappa, made from beaver oloth aleo tweede, to clear the int at 16 50 49,1 600 Men's nod Ladies' Beaver and Bleck Astrachan Far Cape, our beet $3,50 and $3 75 <1 0118100, one price 2 60 2 doz. pair Mena Genuine Book sad 10iooha Mitts and Gloves in all size., oar bent 5160 and $2.00 Gloves daring this Bale only for 1 00 Boys' 35c Caps for 10e Un0 0vaoli boy 2 doz. only Bove' Winter Cape with peak and pull down band, in sizes 6i to 7, the best 26o Lind 350 Caps we have, all one 'prise A Discount of 20 per cent. on all Boys' Clothing - Bayg' Overcoats made from dark alt wool frieze, velvet arid Sturm oollare, beat 55 Oo,tte for BOYS' REEFERS Small Sizes $1 95 Meditm 52 50 Large 52 75 60 Men's Suite made from newest Oani'dian Tweeds and Sergee, in sizes 36 to 44 Your ohoioe during this side of any of the above $10 Suite for 6 95 100 pairs Men', extra heavy rib all wont Box, home made and Pno1m'y knit, one best 850 and 400 Sox for 1Oo our 8 50 25 8 dozen Black Way Mufflers 85c & 40c for 25c ' 20 dozen Mule fine $'e500 wool Shiite and Drawers, in Owe from 82 to 42. The bent 751 Underwear we have for 40 The undersigned wishes to thank the Public for the generous patronage accord- ed him for many years and he solicits a continuance of the highly appreciated trade, Good. Goods at fair Prices is my Motto and a well pleased customer is the best recommendation. Call in and get prices and prove the advantage ot'this Sale to your pocket. µ. , lert 41101M Mrai lab AO Sale Prices for Cash only, assiminimusw. The Leading Clothier, tlrussels.