HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-9, Page 600 �t 000004
When I ant really sick abed
It isn't over any fun.
I. feel all achy in xuy head
An' hate to talcs Illy medlsen,
Th' sheets get stiekeish au' hot,
But I am net allowed to Lies
'Em o0', er read, er talk a lot
When I am tick,
I hate for all the folks about
To come an' pat me on the face
Are say, "Poor child, you'll soon be
An' tiptoe all around tit' place.
They go when I pretend to be
Asleep -I du it for a trick;
I don't like folks to pity um
• When I am sick.
Aly mother's di .:tint -I don't care
If she sits by me once or twice
'An' rats "Pour boy,' an smoothes
my hair,
She ain't just tryin' to be nice.
They bring \term squashy things to
Poe meals, an' make ale eat. 'Om
I'm cnis'reble as I can be
When 1 nut sick.
want pockets in my new pants"
sail Toddy.
You alae too little," said mama,
"Please, mama!" Teddy- pleaded, take the pills she had almost receive
"Pockets go with pants. All the erect 1 er usual health. Under a fur -
big boys have therm" then use of the pills she is now well
"Well," ulama replied, "I suppose and strong, and 1 ran recommend
to ever
weak person."
Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia
or Consumption Often Pollees 0
Neglected Cold -Avert the Dan-
ger by Keeping the Blood Pure
and. Warm.
ITeavy colds strain. the lungs,
weaken the chest, banish the appe-
tite, cause melancholy. Pale weak
co le whose hands and feet are
chilled for want of rich, rod blood,
always catch cull, Their lungs aro
sort -the heart cannot send out blood
enough to make them sound and
Wong, Then 100105 the cold and,
cough, racking the frame and tear-;
Mg the lungs. The cold may turn
into pneumonia, influenza, consume-,
tion or bronchitis -a lingering 111-1
nese or a swifter death. All weak.
Nils, lThesho'trich,ld sredrboodituns' Pink'
they make
strengthens the heart, and it semis
this warm, healing blood to the'
lung's, and once again the patient is
a strong-lunge:1, warm-blooded man
or woman. Mrs. J ane A. Kennedy,
Douglastown, Clue., bears the
strongest testimony to the value of
Br. Williams' fink Pills in cases of
this kind. She says: "My sister, a
delicate girl, took a severe cold when
about seventeen y'ear's old. 11'e 11[5(1
many inelicines for her, but she ap-
peared to be constantly growing
worse, and we feared she was going
into consumption. Often after she
had spit any blood. At this stage a
eougd, I would get up to sero if she
had sett any bfood,. At this stage a
friend strongly urge 1 me to give her
Pr. Williams' Pink Pills. Within a
•m o g
it O
you twist have them. Yes I will put the pills with confidence , y
An English Bone -setter Perforins
Some Very Remarkable
There arrived in London, England
recently, from Lancashire, II, A.
Barker, a laments "bone eater."
The Lundell Express tells of wine
of the operations performed. 'A well
known footballer who had been
under treatment for sprained ankle
first arrived.
"It is not a amain at all," said
Mr. Barker, after a brief examina-
tion, "One of the small bones of
the ankle is displaced, and ossinca-
tion has already begun. If you had
waited another eight weeks you
would probably have had a diseased
bone. You will hear rho bone go
back into its place,"
Ito gripped the heel between his
knees, and grasped the feet with
both hands. A sudden powerful
wrench followed, and then n load
,snap, es if a bone had broken, Ten
'minutes later the footballer walked
into Bond street wilt hardly a limp,
The nest pet.ient was Miss (101110
',Kemp. a pretty girl, who had come
'from Crewe thu Previous day, and
;whose dark eyes shone with the joy
she felt • at Mr. Berkor's suceessfui
i She said she Was teeny -one, and
had been a cripple practically all
her life, At the ago of five she met
with an accident. Since than site
has been treated by n'lmerous sur-
;gedns for hip disease, and was in
,birminlhnM Spine Heespit.nl fel' Many
She Did Not Believe in Thein, but
To -day She Is Strong and Well,
Collingwood, Ont., Jan, 80-
(fipecial), •-lzrs, Thos. Adapts, who
staved here about two years ago
front Durk's Palls, is one of the
Teeny Canadians who once had
Bright's Disease and are now sLrong
and well. Like all the others she
was cured by Dudd's Kidney Pills.
"I was eight months an invalid,"
says Mrs. Adams, "and no one can
tell what I snitererl. i1iy doctor said
I had Blight's disease and :sciatica,
but I got, no relief from anything he
gado tae. At last a friend of my
husband induced me to give Dodd's
Kidney Pills a trial. I had no faith
fn them, for I thought I never would
get better, but alter taking three
bones of them I was able to do my
work. ,1 have had good health ever
since T used Dodcl's Kidney Pills."
Interesting Gossip About Some
Prominent People.
Lines. who
eutly celebrated her eightieth birth-
day, is the oldest practising woman
doctor in the world. She has prac-
tised in New York City since 1854.
Anteing the Pope's treasures is an
some fit," egg which he received from an ing-
"Nensense!" exclaimed Aunt Em- Dr. Williams' Pint: Pills are. a cel• months. Sixteen year•.; 01 Iter yours t lish lady one Easter. The shell is
fly. "Clara, you don't mean to let taut cure for all blood .and nerve life \cut. spent in bedt made of ivory, its lining Is of white
that baby have pockets? ide will troubles, such as anaemia, deUSlity, crutches with asix-irrrh •cork hoot' satin, and the yolk is a golden case
have teem lull of rubbish and in a' bung complaints, rheumatism, noun -I She paid her hest visit to Mr.containing a largo ruby set in dia-
dreadful condition all the time. He's algin, St. Vitus dance, partial par -,Parker two months ago. IIe clime- „eunds; the 1011010 is worth upwards
too little for trousers, to say noth-. alysis, and the troubles that make nosed a dislocated hip of sixteen of 510,000.
ing of packets." the lives of so many women miser- '\wars sUuuthlg with no disease rat 8rolliers aro seldom found in the
Bet mama put the pockets in, and obis. Be surd you get the e:enutna all. IIe replan:it the joint intm1li ranks of Ambassadors stmttitanaous-
I'etl was happy. Ile went round Pills with the full name "Dr. Rif- stele and the girl threw away bee lv, yet the Centime family ean boast
with his hands in those little snug- Hams' Pink 7111s for Pale 1001110•'' crutches and the cork boot. of having aura this distinction, whlt[le
genes, feeling very proud and grown- on the wrapper around each Lox. It was ]ter third visit, ami Mr. 9I. Paul Cembon represents France
up, and trying to whistle; and by Sold by all medicine dealers or sent Parker fold her be did not want to
by mail at 50 cents a box or six at the Court of St. .lames, his bra -
anal U,v he began to put things into see her again. \loth legs are now they acts in a similar capacity at
boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. rxnrtiv c ural in length. Site stilt
thein.q Washington,
"I[ 1 had the darning cotton I Williair ' Medicine Co., Brockville' limps a little, but this is due to the P1iuce Charles of Denmark is an
wool 1 mend the stockings," said Ont. expert
graedma, "but it isn't in the bas-
"Ilere. it is," said Teddy, taking a
little black ball out of bis right
pocket. 'I found it behind the door,
grandma. I didn't know it was darn
cotton; I thought It was just
"You didn't happen to find my
pencil, did you?" as' ed Sister Sue.
"I lost it yesterday, and I can't find
it anywhere." still continued. She did not dare to "1 cannot cure this case, said 511.
"Yes," said Teddy. "It was fn sixty-two, le passionately fond of ,ellen. This is probably the only or.-
tlnn w.,steUaskot. T move, for baby's eyes were narrow- I3nrker, "but I can give considerable music -•not of "military ]rands 10 1
picked it out and; ing drowsily to little blue slits, and,relfef, There are dislocations °f drive away the stillness of • 1110 castan in the past twenty yours ihni.
put it in my pocket. I didn't know they must not Oy open again, Whea'small bones in each foot, and great -Ir. ChaI erlatn has taken an Re -
it W115 yours, Susie," he said, as he at last the noise stopped, they w'era night,•' hut of the pianoforte and tivu part in the ballroom
paeseei it to her, growths of osseous m'atler have cc.- the violin, of both of which Im fs a A hood stow is told about ATr.
Prot soon mama could not find shut, and baby had landed on Nod -'minted tate dislocations." judge. Musicians visiting
For three con
Pretty die's island after a long trip on a He took the malformed foot ill a
her ti amble. "I had it this morn-,.,chopi'y" sea• .'Powerful grip of knees and hands,
ire," she said, "and all at once I• Molly tiptoed into the room. ' ' Do not je'lc your In he said,
ai'odd it. Tam sorry, for it was g'
the one you ave mo. Emily.,, "Mal1,y,' mama said, gravely, "or 1 shall dislocate the ankle." a lavish scale, The Sultan also
€' "didn't you hear me tell you to There was a sudden tremendous
1Tcre it is,'' said Teddy. "I' takes a gruff interest in natural his -
101111l it down in the pansy bed. I; stop drununirg on Che pinno'Y' s''ain and a couple Of dull 1\\1115 tory Like all Turks, he is fond of
f llhy, I net11, manure whLsporottt „I 1005 \wren, ," Bald AIr. Slacker,
meant to give it to y oil, but I or-; Molly surprised "I haven't been in animals.
i t' f
the mesio -roam a tall.
"Molly,'' mama called, softly,
"don't dear! ].'.aby's just beginning of airs. brown, who came ir,:m Ux- 1.ngilsh, and she types most of shine in. Some Limo age, however,
to get sleepy:" bridge. Her feet wore terribly do- prince Christian's German culre-
The sharp little ratter of trills formed. ,..he wore boots fitted with Mr. Chamberlain, wht+n staying with
peed spondence for him, Another ltnyal Lard and Lady 1leauchanto, attended
and scales on the piano leapt on, un- thick steel rolls that were sera typist is the Princess of Wales, who a hall I'ni bythe I.ord Mayor of
diminished. to each leg as far as the lcnes. She nick, and types some
"Molly, sic, playing at once!" had worn the boots for five ,years, is extremely q Y Birmingham; Mr, Chamberlain clave-
3 P of \tor own letters In quite a pro- ed several items on the programme,
Mama's voice had the ring of corn - :and had been to many doctors and tensional style, tnclncliu,, throe waltzes and a set of
wand In it, but the patter of notes unsay hospitals with no good i'••.,tllt' Tho Sultan of Turkey, who is just lancers but 'end 1101 attempt the
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolen,
nor the surface off linens. •
E 11PEN c,1
MU for 100 0rtacou iter,
and all kind, of bootie llunxluco, ileo
I1>!l.U0 a CURTAINS DYED i a LUM411D
Write to on about. route.
BRITISH AM/110An 0011NG 00., Box 155, Montt
farms for sale; near Yorkton,
Assiniboia; on crop payments. Janes
Armstrong, 1, Rlehntond street, east,
For''tthe Winter
The "Land of Slmsh!na,
Fruit 011(1 Flowers."
Round trip tourist tickets
on sale daily.
Runt Diem " Mineral Baths
Situated on direct line of Gland
St. Cathariines ldneral Springs
Those who need a rest should
spend a fete clays or weeks u,t this
delightful resort. Best of hotel a1-
e-th:071.4 47-e4.14,940'
ate -7,
Wo can handle your poultry either,
alive or dressed to best advantage.
Also your butter, eggs, honey and
other produce.
Oor. Weak M;trlrot ani Colborne ate,, TOISONTO.
System Proposed to Prevent
Flooding ---healthiest City
in the World.
The London County Council has
now in progress a gigantic drainage
scheme for London which, from nest
to last, will test 17,000,000, and
will include 300 miles of main anti
flood sewere, says the London Daily
T xpress.
A report on the work, which has
been sent to the members of the
Council, gives retails of a proposed
expenditure of come £3,000,000,
rendered necessary by the fact that
London is growing at the rate of
1,000 houses per month.
The P1'Incipel 1Cly wot'ks and their
approximate cost comprise sewers
West London to Barleing.l1,G14,46O
Old Peril to Barking ...... 817,000
For tickets and full infowtation Hammersmith to Bow . 100,000
call at any Grand Trunk Ticket Of- 11 unstcad and C afford,,. 848,417
fico. New Wese End drains 795,000
Relict sewer from ITollotvay 80,000
Battersea limping station 7,000
votlon to his mother, Lady Ludlow, Bernlon.dmey pumping station
is one of, the most delightful traits (Wile valyl 10,000
in his character. and when she was Kew outfall sourer 818,117
nmrried last. year she had the some- The \Voris Department of 1110
what unusual experience of being Council is at present engaged in
given away by her own son, . building a section of a double tun -
That the ex -Colonial Secretary can fel for a 111W RCWe1•, which will ex-
tend from Old Ford to barking.
Saeid muscles, and will Pass awaY. 17ert typist, while Princess Chris- waltz will be a surprise to most Peo-
MAD WITH. DELIGHT. Man is also a clever ntaniputat•,r of elle, as one would fancy dancing is
Still more remarkable was the case the "keys." The tatter's nlarnilte an accomplishment altogether too
has Cermau cilnraclers as well as frivolous for Mr. Chamberlain to
This sewer nt•rst be carried under
the main lino of the Great Eastern
Railway, within a foot or so of the
tails at a point where there are four
sets of double lines.
To accomplish this the lines will
have to be diverted in sections, for
the traflle is so heavy here -some
.10(1 trains pass over this point every
twenty-four ]tours -that it cannot be
checked for a moment.
Unlike rnodern towns, London is
not tlese( With two systems of
draivage-Ono for houses and the
other for streets. Thus it comes
capitalj 6 P101`pont Morgan. o about that, when there is tt heavy
Constanteneasi with goad 1n1rodtte- secnl1Ye days the great financier ecu- fall of rain, floodings invariably iol-
tIols nee raspy admitted to piny vied an empty birdcage in his hand lots,
before +11r Sutton, who pays them of to and from his office. On the third At the last heavy downpour 2,000
clay one of his ,junior managers Yen- houses were flooded with sewage, and
tetrad to ask why he carried that tradesmen had great quantities of
apparently useless article. "To goods damaged.
see," replied Pierpont 'Morgan, "If When all these works are complet-
ed four or five years berate, floods
as he wined the persp ra .Ion tom C;atueele reemunzto, the famous
gat anyone would have the lmtpurlence to 1c{11 h° n thin of the past, and in
"It must have fallen oft the win -t his brow, "I can cure this case." Italian pont and novelist, has a g
claw -sill," said mama. "T renorslberj "Then it must lime been faith,; After ten nniMelee' Manipulationask me why I did so," "T beg the meantime wore will have been
but it cads t sound lila her, She era?e Fur Idols• In his villa at -°"-your pardon," began the inquirer,
mine 1 was sitting by the garden : he feet had been reduced to some- 11ngn01to, near 110.101111, he has a g found far thousands or arca,
window." , re011,y Plays little train." "7-- "you needn't do that" The under tonucl v:yrlcs alone in-
"Faithle's out in the hatutnock, ;thing rrsem•bii le normal shape. The large coon lull of these "divinitloa," said the chief, grimly smiling. I
That afternoon Sister Mary as'ced; steel supports anti straps wire re mostly _Indian, Lhineso, 014 Japan- velem ei ergeou 701 of 18;000,000-
lf anybody had seen a button, fur, tnA; qhv!" mama said. "And the 1.001.•.11 ft•onn the boots before the pa- ese. lie pays any fair sunt for a had a bet with a Man that I. had at an operation larger than any city
si,e ha,i lost one elf her blue dress; tient put them on. least one W 10 th wi to soma curt a- has yet undcrtnken in modern 1/110,1 -
the toe's are gone. ll'ho could- good spoaimen of his favorite gores. sity, T'Te won the money; but in cipral history -and when the whale
Tom inquired if 001/10110 had run "eland up." sold Mr. Slarkrt'• Iia 10 so nnicit against anyone being
Karl.h S fnLuro don't ask questions about enlerprten is complete London will
across his jack-kndte, which he was the patter of notes again, runni,ag Tine Patient looked around help- admitted into his sanctuary when he things that cion'. •concern •you." bo the healthiest city In the world,
using at noon and mislaid; Johnny ❑p and down the keyboard. Molly's less'.Y• is away that, before leaving the vii-
ucr.Pe4 a 1110(0 of String in a hurry; "7 cannot stand without the The Duke and Duch•oss of Dedo 11 -p-�-
eyes erns Uig with astonislunent, la, he always dives strict orders to shire have probably established an
S d t Mrs. 1lenpoek-"If it hadei t been
for the South African Campat ga
you wouldn't have been my
band." Mr. Henpeck (savagcly)-
"What a curse war is!"
err Over Alsty Year.
entsw Mit ow't Se lrnleru a wee,' h n hoary tt7
mlllloneof mobhres fur thea uall;IgamrhiAa 'eaShQroi
and grandpa could not find a little
nail. All these things Teddy pro-
duced as they were wanted.
"I take it all back, Ted," said
Aunt Emily, laughing. "Your p. e' on each other's Noels. :walked 001055 the room. A few nun -
Then 11 stopped short, Mama held utes later she walked clown two
ores in the family, You don't hap- out her hand to Molly, and they: flights of stairs unaided, carrying in
pen to have a box of chocolates, do stole to the music -roost door to- her lined the appliances of steels and
Y°�r?' gether. No one there. Peter P011 strays which she had warn so long. oegh; her poet, Shakespeare; her
No," Teddy replied, soberly, "but laycurled on the sofa in a doze, not S1,o went from Bond street to the
painter, .hubens; her writer, Dickens;
I have some randy that isn't chow- leering at ell as if he had just seen Tem station without assistance. her color, sky-blue; her flower, the
late. Mr. Smith gave it to me. It's ghost. So the emcee little mys "T Pori that 7 shall go mad with forget -me -net; her favorite Hume, Ed.
tatty ' •
Aunt Emily laughed again. "'There,
Clara," she said, 'I told you so!"
It was e, queer little tuneless jig, steels," she said, .-h0 ha no his ae1'v011ta not Lo allow anybody in historical record in the entertniu
with rests and "andantes" and "for- stood without them for ave years. under any pretence whatever. histo of Royalty. Within flee
tissimos" playing tag through it, i "..Ye+, you can," said itIr, Barker, Queen Alexandra some time ago months last year King Within d was
d A Oats and 11 shares stepping and the woman stood up and then l Wrote a few of her likes and dislikes the guest of the 'Mike and Duchess
in an album reserved for the fur- rip DovonshIre at no fewer than live
pose, her favorite King being Rich -
of their homes. At the Ueginning of
ard Coeur de Lion; her Queen, Dag -
the year:Ills Majesty went to Mats -
near of Denmark; leer hero. Maribor -
Worth: later he paid a visit to L1s-
more Oostle; then ho was entertained
at Devonshire House, and again
spent a week -end at Compton Place+
Eastbourne, and he has also been
entertained at the 'Duke's Newmlarket
residence. Probably no British.
nobleman in the whole course of
history has ever entertained the
reigning Sovereign in this manner
Goodhear1.-"I've got you down
for a couple of tickets. We're get-
ting up a ratite for a poor man of
our neighborhood.'' Joakley-
"None for me, thank yOul I
wouldn't know what to do with a
poor man if T won him,"
Ethel -"Who was that meta you
just bowed to?" Penelope --"That
was Dobson, the great composer."
Ethel -"A composer, did you say,?"
Penelope -"He inanufacturos sooth-
ing syrup."
•beeli:ing has the best value as
y/amlasties for the mint. "You
Mail never break clown in a speech,"
a.0id Sydney Smith, "on the day on
which you have walked twelve
me, s." 7n the English universities
the reading men are daily perform -
fog their punctual training in the
haat clubs or a long gallop of many
\miles in the saddle, or taking their
tented "constitutionals" -walks of
Mehl. and tee miles. "Walking,"
erect Rousseau, "has something
which animates and vivifies my
Ideas." And Plato said of exer-
cise that "It would utmost cure a
gully com nonce." "Ivor the living
out of doors and simple fare 0n(1
gymnastic exercises and. the morals
nl companions. produce the greatest
effect an the way o1 virtue and of
Few men know how to take a
vralk. The qualifications of a pro -
Metier are endurance, plain clothes,
"old seems an eve for netul'n, good
sery stayed undiscovered until, a delight," she said again and agate
clay or two after, Molly suddenly to her companion.
stepped right into the middle of 11.
She was hurrying through the hall-4--
T —.
when she heard the piano "going"
again in the funny way. TRINIDAD'S PITCH LAKE.
"0, myl" she thought. "There 'tis
playing on itself again -why -eel" Where Much of the Asphalt Pave -
For she had stopped at the deer, mint Comes From.
and there was Peter Purr playing a .
Lune all to himself! Peter Purr! One of the most singular lakes ill tnngndticelt figure, superb black hair.
Who ever would have thought? Molly the world is the celebrated lake of and beautiful teeth. Around het, rev,
stood and watched him d0 11. ide the Island of Trinidad. This lake
lea ed from the piano -stool to the spreads over an area of ninety -mine en tresses she \years an aureole of
keyboard, and whisked lightly hack acres, and its surface is conp0sed of ribbon adorned with gold hairpins,
and forth, in great delight at his one great floating mass of asphaltum and her costume Is that of a nurse
in the well-to-do middle-class of
Roma This fortunate young Wo-
man is paid $120 a month for two
years, and is likely to have a pen-
sion M $600 a year for the rest of
ward; her favorite dish, Yorkshire
pudding; her favorite spot, Eng-
land; and her ambition, 'Never to
interfere with the business of other
Little Prince Humbert's new nurse
is now a conspicuous personage in
contemporary history. Tho wife
of a gamekeeper in the Royal ser-
vice, she is twenty-three, and has a
own music, Bis soft, padded toes
seruck the notes gently and made
funny trills and quavers. Over and.
over again the Lune played under his
feet, and then it came to a sudden i
end. Peter Purr leaped down to the
floor, and before Molly could un-
screw the little round 0I" of as-
tonishment her lips made, he was
fast asleep on the sola.
seamed with veins of cleat' avatar,
I1rom it and a similar lake in Vene-
zuela the world's srpply of asphalt
is drawn,
The pitch lake is a vile place, as
far as smells are concerned, for the her 11fe,
stir all about it is heavy with fox- Lord Howard do Walden is about
toes vapors, and from the centre of to start on a big -game hunting ex -
the lake gushes a fountain of liquid peditien in East Africa, where he
asphaltum, in which there float and has bought extensive lands near the
break bubbles containing most hor-
rible gases,
— The workmen 'go out an the ear -
A. medicine. that will keeps Infants face of title lake and cut great slabs land, but is little dcnown in society,
a.ntl young children plump, geed. nee et asphaltum, which are carried as his tastes all lie in the direction
Mired with a elver (WO and a 1 On •• away, lira the next morning the of sport and a country life, This de -
skin, is a boon not only to mother:' bele they left is filled et, again with
i)ntnnr• vast e111'osity. goad speenh, fait to bu100ni17. Such a 0111111 11' Ila. pi ti 11 which has risen during the—•—�'—•-------•••
good silcnee and nothing too much. is cony's OWU 't'ab'ling, Ail 11I1 1'!,rll1., so that the supply s••eals to
----._-,-4.--- promptly Oure all 011 Min,11 I11- Li" iunsbcuitib10.
JAPANb chill 1'kI'7lt. meets of little ones, anq makes theta 'eels •'trrinog 1411) 1'110 discovered
t'he..lapanes0 rxt!ol in the making eat Wc11, play well and steep well. by it Walter 11 l, -i;.1 wh:'n he land-
of p•nper from rho bark of W1e9 and land -
12 can safely 1a 8 he' Words 0 rd In '1rini,hed in 1595 0n his way
the thousands of mothers who have to the mouth r,f the Orinoco in
shrub:,. Areong the remarkable vat•- proved the value of these Tablets.; hem Ch of ill T)orado.
totters are the thin rainproof paper for In.sl.anee, Mrs. J. 1t. SLandon, Another strait lake is situated
used instead of glass for Windows' lea burn, N. W. T., says;- "I kava of a peninsula ti 1(1' jets net into
the (111)7 papers serving for water- roved the grt:at Value of Baby's the Caspian Sea, 'l'do whole sur-
preof coverings and clothing, and p
The oiled tissue for .Wrapping deli- Own Tablets in cases of cBarrleoea, face of this lake 1s covered with a
tato articles. The bark paper Om- crust of salt so thick and strong
ployed for meal and grain sacks is tth ri' that a man can rd
net readily penetrated by weevils
and other 1neseir, Most interesting
from which tobacco po.rehes and pipe
Of ell. perhaps, aro the tough papers
cases are mode, these leat=her papers
bei g almost as tough as , French
11 , f, 0.nw Iver 5t, fr«, wet soft and
(1'a.1r us slat. work,
Victoria Nyonva for the purpose of
broedtng •cobras, This young peer
is one of the wealthiest tilers in Ing -
constipation, hives, and When teeth-
ing, and I would not be w 1
them•" The 'Tablets are °gelidly
good for Life tenderest little baby
or the .veil grown child, and they
are puaratiteed free (10111 7 opiates
and harmless, drug-
gists, o` sent by trtall at wt1 reel10 rt
bolt, by writing The Dr, Williams,
Medicine CO., tlrnekvillo, 0111,
de amass it on
horseback without any danger of
breaking through,
Guest (complainingly) -"This bill
of fare is alt In French, Waiter
that,ssir" 010 cook fe G11ilstx.'rmoind
Gentlemen, -.Last winter I received
great bonolt from the use of nfM14-.
A1tD'S LINIMiDNT In a severe at-
tack of La .Grippe, and I have tree
quentiy proved it to be very 18(0
tive in eases of Inflammatloa.
W, A, a!TC111N`4ON.
llaooawethuuhad noton1 tn:u raw nr t u n
nindeotlu1rurnl0 ,r 5,', ,, LNan'�r15 uxuenta n iu6ulc
00131 by,IYyrpr U.ur
eek fit"dtllS, •V,.\aLO •'llnbuu&,,tWurd ,0.11,• LLl41 01
"Alii" he said, as he led her back
to her seat after the waltz, "7 do
love dancing. Wali, she replied
as she attempted Ito repair a torn
flounce, "you are trot too oid to
iearm.' `
In Ca
drsllitlmeht Cures Wad Con
1411 r �
Professor (lecturing upon the rhin-
oceros) -"I Must beg you to give
mo your undivided attention, It Is
absolutely impossible that you can
form a true idea of this hideous an-
imal unless you keep your eyes flied
on me."
Minardrs Liniment Cures lliphtber:a
"Sltadbolt," said Dinguss, "cart
you lend tee a Over this morning?"
'No." "Just as 3 expecte+I."
"Then why did y0it aide mel" "Be-
cause," said Dingusa, vindtetivoly,
"I wanted the satisfaction of din-
proving that Tying old proverb that
'It is the unexpected that hap-
pens ' "
DR. A, W. (, P.U'S
Willie -"Pa, what it a phllantba'o-
pist?" P -"A phtlanthropi5t, ioy
golf, is merely a than Who haat more
tnen07 than its oast possibly twee lr1nar
Moll. ••
to tont direct to the dimmed
pens b, the improved 01,000,
Neal the ween, dears the air
eta drepptn a bra flu
thenal and. fi ral1Na'1y sono
Cotorrh end ran 70Vcr. ninwcr
free. All dealer,, or ronto. A. W. Cites
Mrdlnine Cn,.
Toronto And 11,0,11
GI.OWIN(l 1.18L OF 7`11Ltll,\t:1'L ,
Among the many' recent lnnpro O
mo,ta in railway con Lt fit-, u
Germany 18 the 11.01ding together of
rail ends, whereby practically coo•
tinuous rails are secured, and the
new heating substance, thermito, has
greatly, facilitated this process. )lhor-
lmite it formed by the union of finely
pulverized aluminum with oxygen.
When tide mixture is ignited, chem.
-teal combination takes place with an
extraordinary 'development of heat,
not much leas than that of the elec-
leotree are, In welding rattil, the molten
tliernnite is poured into the joints«
SO the rtolte#ed refill ends are then
forced closer together, The result-
(Arg weir,. to very Bran. During the
Paint low months thermito has .been
p0oployoil for rail -welding In about
40 European aitteL
Made big enough for a big
man to work in wall. comfort.
Has more material in it than
any other brand of shirt in
Canada. Made on the
H.B.K. scale it requires 304
to 42 yards per dozen, whereas
common shirts have only 32
to 33 yards.
That's the reason why the
H.B,K. " Big" Shirt never
chafes the armpits, is never
tight at the neck or wrist-
bands, is always loose, full
and comfortable and wears
Each shirt bears a tiny book
that tells the whole history
of the "Big" Shirt, and
also contains a notarial
declaration that the H.B.K.
" Big " Shirt contains 39%
to 42 yards of material per
Sold at all dealers but only
with this brand:-
Montreal Winnipeg Dawson
Stern Parent -Now, Georgie, I'd
like to put itt a whole day without
once scolding or punishing you.
Georgie-Well, you have my coo.
Mrs. P.—"An p1 suppose if we
have another war you'll stay at
home like a coward?" Mr. 1', j"My
dear, no ono could call nut a coward
ft 1 remained at your side."
Minard's Liniment Cum Distemper
"'Reggie, can you spell kitten?"
"No, mother,'""But what. do you
go to school tor?" Reggie (amity)
-"Only 'cease you Maki, ale, moth:
Use Lever's Dry Soap tee powder)
to wash woolens and flannels, -
you'll like It.
"Throw physic to the dogs," ha
said. She dict. next day tate dogs
were dead.
[ainald's Liniment ('urei Celle, &e.
.:411. Softly -"I feel-aw-vcwy
stie eely, templed to blow ant my
he mars." Miss dut.tt b ".\hat a
!,ill' bntnr0 has 151(1 s61h a -tragedy
• • •• , quells of mess ibiljty1'
110solwltom11071401)3 l coughs
have killed were once as healthy
aiheir paths oDon't w
f negleecneglect.Take
C' :i sumpt10fl
/i� Tho Lunisg
��%✓ Tonic.
right nesse, Itguaranteed to
once, It has cured many thous,
e. See, 5. C. Whets & co, le
_Pekes: See, Si LeRoy. Ah Y., Toronto Cale
im7 't1Tn' Piles 4•-05,