The Brussels Post, 1905-2-9, Page 5lieRo-km?::-•±5gia:.46t?:,-k5e0
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'Peril opens April 11111, 1904
Two Courses—
Bend for College Journal,ommorolal end Shorthand.
A. L. McINTVItE, ItIauagor,
pout, F. R. SCOTT, Brussels,
• Ioener of Marriage Linemen. Of-
fice at Grocery, Tornberry street, Brussels.
aanstaNEn has nevoral good Farms for
Rale and to rent. easy tonne, in Townohlpe
of Morrie and Grey, F R, SCOTT, Brussel
C. 0. F.
Court Princess Alexa"drla, N0, 04, C. 0, F.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Boom, Bias.
hill Block, on the tad and Met Tuesdays of
each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAS. BURGESS, 0. R.
A, E. HELLISH, n, 8.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Office over Hureley's Drug Store,
Nov, 0131,1902. 30.3m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire 1lsurltuca Co.,
Ee'rA2111013RD 1040
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
note system at currant rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agout
of the company,
• Ran, will eon for better prices, to
better men, in lose time, and less charges
than auy other Auctioneer In Rant Burow or
he won't charge anything, Datoe and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Tonne reasonable. Rales arranged for
at the oftloe of Tan Poem, Blussel0. 221r
ftoner Glnduate of the Coterie Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to trout all die-
eaeee of domesticated animals in a oomp0t-
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Mee and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tnrnbmxy st., Breese's.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Successor to G. F. ]flair. Oman over Stan-
dard Bank, Brunie. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Beak.
Bnrrieter, Solicitor, 'Oonvoyanoor,
Notary Public, &c. Qftoe—Stewart's Block
1 door Reath of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the. Standard Bank.
W. PRovnroom, It. C. R. 0, Hays
Offices—Thome formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
Gonuntoa, ONTARIO.
115. D,, C. H.,
Trinity University Fellow Trinity Medical
College, M001)8r Collage of i?hyaloiane and
Burgeons Ont, Lieentiato of the Royal Col-
lege of
and Licentiate of Mid-
wlfery,Edinburgh. WS -Telephone No.14,
Reeidenee—Hili street. 8russela,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
80100400 of Ontario and First-class Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
t "zd i •i�""`8t S-
muuI �
Tho large01 and most eucees0ful
Commercial and Shorthand School in
Western It ntar ie. Our Otlnre ee are up.
to -lento and practical, Loading Colli
in Canada and t11e Coiled Statue �p
olnpioy ear gredlta1ee 00100011616, di
Write for fiee catalogue, You nifty
enter at rmy time.
ntrrdOTT 46 Mat,AOI1LAN,
( 0r, tee.
J. E Ardoll bee returned to Winn'.
There le n rumor that a baker may
locate In town, He muse arum Lista
Mise Mabel Tbompeoo, of London, fo
the guset of Mioe Ho'mee 3t the Menlo.
diet perennage,
J• R, Williamo is having hie store,
recently vacated by G. 17. Donetodt,
fitted up for his stook of furniture.
The aunual meeting of the Howlett
Mutual Fite Incur 3300 Co. will be held
on Friday of this week, February 10111,
roar rl Wielt,
The Foresters have put a OM piano
into their hall.
Revival eorvioeo are in progreee in
Mayne Methodiot oharoh,
Wm. 1. Roe bee decided to settle , in
Gorrie, after leaving the farm.
The Chosen Friends will bold an "At
Home" on Tuesday evening, Feb, 141.11,
in the
hal ,
3, G. end Mrs. Milne, of Fairfax,
Man , are visiting at the borne of his
(ether, D. S. Milne, 11th non..
It ie, reported that one of our enter.
prising townsmen will build a handsome
reeidenae m Fordwiob next Summer,
S. G. Gregg left on Tuesday of last
week for Listowel, where be will take o
eonroe in Lielowei Bueittess College.
Fordwioh Braes Baed will hold a
Box Social and A8eembly in the Forest.
ere' Hall, Friday evening, February 10th.
J. H. Johnston will be the repro/mute.
tive from Howiolt Agrioultaral Society
et the Faire' Arno, at Toronto next
Polities are dead around here now.
Borne horse buyers are around trying
to buy for the West.
Jaa. Innes ie back here again Laving
pot his trim in at Ethel,
W. A. Minot, Morris, has gold hie farm
to Geo. Peaouok, We wonder w110 Jomie
ie getting for a housekeeper.
Geo. Eokmier i0 to build a new bleak-
emith obop early in the Spring. It ie to
be a cement budding with a flat roof and
will improve Jamestown city in appear,
a 1100.
Farmers appear to be lying on their
onre. Plenty of feed for man and beast
and good prices for produce of all kinds
and expeoting better rimae now than
what they had during 30 years.
"Resolved tbat married life is happier
than single life" is the subject of the
debate whioh will be held in Victoria
Hall, on Thursday, Feb. 9th. John T.
Strnoban and John Bryane, are coptaino,
and will no doubt secure an interesting J. A. Belly and Hugh Tipping are
debate, A program will ciao be given in having the rase treat flooded for apeed-
000ueOtiou with it, ing on the tics.
Since the 011ange in Government eggs The annual meeting of North Perth
hoe taken a rise of four oeute. They are County L 0. L. was held in the Orange
now worth 25o and butter hats also taken 1 ball, here, on Tuesday.
a jump of about two cents. Thie 3e this Time. R. Lawrence, who is probably
week's prints so oome-with your butter or the oldest resident of the town celebrated
sego Loud get flash or trade at the etre. his 93rd birthday last week.
A epeoial pries for 50 lbs. or more for Rev. Dr. Chown, Secretary of Tem -
Moe butter put up in 1 Ib prints at the Instance and Moral Reform, preaohed
Jamestown store, morning and evening on Sunday in the
Methodist churoh.
VY 111101h00000. W. L. Rolle, member of the Pnblio
School Board, delivered an excellent ad.
firm on "The wild animals of Ontario"
at the Public eohool.
Arthur Tatham, accountant in the
Bank of Hamilton, whose health has
been impaired by a severe attack of
pleurisy, has been granted a year's leave
of absence to recuperate. Hie place le
being fined tl
1 e by Mr. Wilson from the
head office,
A meeting of the vestry of Christ
church woe bald to appoint a deputation
to oonena with Bishop Williams in
reference to a 011000 a0r to Rev, 0. H,
Booklaod, who has resigned the rector.
ship of this parlor!). Mr. Buokland's
resignation does not take effect for a
couple of months yet, but the new
churoh canoe rcgflires that steps be
taken immediately following a notice of
resignation. G. Raines and J. M.
carthew were appointed a deputation to
confer with the Blehop in the matter.
The Listowel High School Board ap-
pointed Wm. Romany, B. A., of Ring.
start, to the position of Henkel master
in the High School, lately vacated by
Mr. °lark. There were six applications,
two from gentlemen and four from
ladies, Mr. Ramsay le a graduate of
Queen's University, end has had several
yaare' experience me teaoher, and omen
well recommended. He is at present on
thestaff of the Collegiate Institute at
Kiogeton, from whioh he expecte to be
released within a month. The salary its
0900 per annum.
23, 1905. The following (Flom were apt This week the engineero have been all
pointed for 1905; Hon. 1',,oide,t, f3, 13, over the line, on Ghia aide of the river,
Gunn, M, P,; hon. visa president, B. and hold out Ill 1 line fir the workmen, e0
piilber, M, P, P. ; president, 1)r. Scott ; I that when Spring opens ovary purl of the
vine president, Peter Dill ; eeorstary, J. work will be puohcd to u Ouioh,
F. Duly ; ae0ietool 000relary, W, Henry '
treaearer, Allan close ; board of directors,
3. Y. Smiley, E. Daley, F. D. Willis,
And, Calder, ROM. Winter, jr., Robert
Oar genial oboesemaker took in the
Dairymen's convention ab Stratford,
George Wood, who underwent an oper-
ation, ie mending nicely end we look for
hie ultimate recovery,
Hugh aid Will. Spence spent a few
days with the lormer'o uncle at Stratford
and report a floe time.
Wm. R. Beldon and Tom Bennett have
employed three Englishmen recently ar•
rived from over the sea.
There ie quite art agitation in Moles•
worth regarding getting telephone con.
neonate with Listowel or Fordwiob or
some other large place.
There is a good attendance at oar
eohool at present, Seven are in the Eno
tea la
nos o sen
a other being added loot
week in the person of Miss Kippen, who
hoe come to reside at her uncle's, P.
Orerar, to attend eohool,
Revival meetings are being oonduoted
in James Street church.
A hookey match was played on the
rink between the High Sohool students
and the bankers, resulting in favor of
the former team by a score of 5-1. Fred,
Howkohaw refereed.
Mr, Doble, who hoe been filling the
position ae head miller at the grief mill
here, left for Seaforth, where be will
visit bis sister prior to accepting a pal.
lion 08 miller elsewhere.
On Wednesday evening of last week
the members of the Coven Presbyterian
(Mundt choir witb lobe Rev. W. M. and
Mrs. Martin enjoyed a eleigbride, after-
wards going to the home of J. and Mrs.
McMahon, Sexemitb, wbererofreohmenla
were served and a pleasant time spent.
Notwithstanding the inclement weather
all report enjoying the drive.
The many friends here of Mies La-
ura Gregory wilt be pleaeod to bear of
her 0000000 in her oboeoo profeeeion, elle
having accepted, in the pity of Toledo,
Ohio, the position of Superintendent of
the County Infirmary Hoepitol. She is
iuvseted with full authority to employ
nrid also to dismiea nareee, and to
exeroiee general supervision over the
whole institution. She is provided with
apartments and other neoessariee, free of
obarge, and her initial salary is 000.00
per month.
.1LA ltowe7.
A. E. Lloyd's family have recovered
from the dreaded disease diphtheria.
Rev, R. Hobbs, of Strathroy, President
of the London Conference, and Rev. Dr.
Gundy will exchange polpite on the
second Sunday in March.
The Farmer'o adv mate gives a partial
1 of farmers who have experimented on
e raising of sugar beets. Among the
me8 we notice that of W. Oraiekaheuke
the vicinity of Winghom. He reports
aoree of sugar beets that brought
05 61. Seed oust $2 40, freight $19 56,
ving net results from l,} mores $83.85.
On Wednesday morning of last week
word was reoelved of the death of Wm.
Raiment, of Lower Winghom. Demand
had been working at Mr. Oa,emore'e at
the Junction, and retired to bed is his
usual health on Tuesday night, On
Wednesday morning when they rose, he
was apparently awake, but sometime after,
when be was called for breakfoet, it wan
found that the spark of life had fled. He
leaves a widow and family of nevoral
children. He was about sixty years of
The annual report of Wingbam Presby.
Gerson aharoh Lae been issued. The
receipts show—Envelope and plate col.
leoiione, 0279273 ; churoh schemes,
$364 20 ; Sunday settee!, 0246.83 ; blfg•
Sion Bond, 024 65 ; Ladies' Aid, $322 39 ;
French Sohoolo, 0115 25 ; Lord'o Day
Alliance, 017 80—total re0eipte, $4424 37.
The death roll reports Mro. Chas. Elliott,
Michael Robertson, Samuel Mosurney,
Mre,. Wm. Tucker, deoeaeed. The See -
Bion report shows that 37 new members
were -added to the Communion roll daring
the year, 30 by oertifioote end 7 on pro•
(030)00 of faith ; there were 14 infant
haptism0, The Eldora are—P. S. Link.
later, John Agnew, John Grey, L, Fyfe,
P. Campbell, Joseph Aflame. Board of
Manawere—W. Grierson, A. Campbell, J.
J. Elliott, W. Holmes, R. A. Hutchineon,
J. D. Buena, J. A. aline R. Maxwell,
Treasurer; John Ritchie, Secretary.
Pat, Farr has bought the Oalborne
hotel and will take poeooeoion in the
near future,
Ed, Tilt, son of one townsman,
Thomas Tilt, is now ionated at Beau -
moo, Tease, with a mining party,
There ie a dooided improvement in
Jailer Griffin's condition, and be ie now
able to be np for a time every day.
A committee was appointed at the
meeting of the Public Library board
steers tier tit, last Saturday to make arrangements for
Scarlet fever is quite prevalent in town. the opening of the new building.
The annual a meetingof t
he SeaforEh The new members r of the county Dona
Dukae held w s d when all the old oil drove out to Part Albert on Wednae•
(Basra were re-eteoted. day afternoon of last week to impact the
The obequee for a 7 per Dent. dividend, bridge end its appr000hes at that village.
on the paid up stook of the Broil Engine The drive orae ool4 031331 dreary,
Werke, Seafortb, were issued and mailed Dr, Robert Le Tonzel, who recently
on Tuesday of last week. This is the returned from is sojourn of several years
mond 7 per cent, dividend paid the in Jamaina, inteude eborily to give a
obare.holtlero. lecture, aaoompaoird by etereoptioon
Henry Cromwell, the well known views, illustrative of lite in Jamaica.
renoher end cattle owner, and brother of Arrangtmeote are on foot for the
G. E. Oreoewell, of Toakersmith,'died at holding of a Summar School' id Gode•
Methaine Hat, N. W. 'r., on Seturday, rich this year under the at/spina of the
Jou. 28th, niter en operation for gangrene. Metbodiet ohnrohes its this district.
The remains wore brought here for inter. The eohool, whioh will probably be held
meet in Uarpurhey cemetery, on 'Thera. in the month of Alienist,it e
will b for the
day. Mr. Cromwell was 75 year0 of age, purpose of the study of the Bible,
Dr. J, W. Livingstone, a former Sea- Minions end kindred eubjeete,
forth boy, 1160 boon appointed divisional A elait to Maudermott's bank will give
surgeon on the Rename City Southern our oitizene a good idol of the program
Railway trod floe taken up hie reeidenae mode by contractor Pigott on hie 20
101 the rapidly growingpity of Mena, Ar. mile contract at thin end of the 0. P. R.
ketoses. This piece, although only eight line to Godorioh. Train() ren now from
years old, bee a population of between the NorIb bank norm the river, over to
five and six thoueaod, and tbo railroad temporary bridge, on the trestle work on
pay roll there amounts to over 025,000 Squaw Island, on winch ihonsando of
each month, ear loads of earth, brought from At.
Poultry heelers of the town held a trill'o bank, have been dumped. In a
meeting on 'Tuesday evening of lust weep few weeks, with favorable weather, the
wh er they s
ided that 1
a the on
3 I Moron ul rewill he r
Po nn` right u m t
1 t0 the e
try and Pet Stook Aseooiation, tenth an T. IL, track, and Hien the line from that
noel exhibition ,hould be held on the point to the proposed torminno behind
following da lee, November 20, 21, 22 end Captain Babble hotel will be started,
Elmo 0ou00i1 met on Monday.
Same of the Reboot obildren have been
enfl'ering from whooping cough and Roar•
Jalapa, but fortunately none are eeriauely
a fleeted.
James Pelton, who daring the past
year had an intermit in the pomp buoi
noes of L. Pelton, left for Ionorkip, where
he has pnrobaeed a oarriago and repair
The letting of the mills hau'ing of the
several route's of the Enna Ch0080 and
Batter Co. took plaoe Saturday, Jan. 28th,
and wag largely attended. The bidding
wan lively and brisk and the prices in
most 00000 muob lase then last year.
The two North hog pens were sold by
emotion and brought fair prion.
The Stook Book of Atwood Cement
Co, shows that there are more than 400
ehoreholdere and the amount of stook
sold amounts a to over
$380 000.
expenses of the company since fro incep-
tion two years ago amounted to about
024,000. For this expoove they can allow
the stook sold, the partially completed
main building, the ties for the railway,
the right of way for the railway, an offee
ante, and a eplendid artesian well. D. G.
Andereon and T. 0, Rotoliffe were
appointed Io coedit the book for the past
two years and also for the year ending
Deo, Slot, 1905.
tllies tots.
Mies May Shaw, of Toronto, ie;epend•
log her bolidnye with her parents, John
and Mre. Shaw.
The proepeote of a buoy season for the
builders are good, ae a number of new
buildings are projected.
Ira Maher, one of the old and promin•
ant reoidenie of Kincardine who died
recently, wee an uncle of Mrs. A. T.
0. 0. Ranee left for Toronto to enter
upon hie new field of labor as travelling
representative for a clothing bowie of
that city.
Joeeph Rottenbery has bought eight
fret off the proptrty of Mr. Couch, on
Joeepl. TAN lor, brother of Ja3ob Tay.
oelected Pe'elflenit
,fr'of the 1'°�I,;m01010) Travelloro' Mutual
Benet) i3 0 'v.
Ph lio,tei Department iutende to on,
31083 010 brtok pprph in front of the Poet
Office, and rhos make the entry more
gomfortablo for Winter,
R. and 3, Rumford have opened up an
offioe in London for the sale of melt, J.
Ritaeford t0 in oharge of the 00m0, a80iet.
ed by W. Q. Phillipe and Min Norma
W rt l t,03o.
Reeve Kerne stated at Iaot meeting of
the Commit that Rev, Mr, Andrews
(formerly of Walton) complained W him
ou Saturday evening that he had been
insulted by boyo throwing snowballs at
him while wanting down Brant street,
one of the Yard peeked bells striking him
in the lane, The oounoll disoueeed the
matter, and immediate Melte will be taken
to put down the rowdyism and bring the
oulprite to juetioe. A11 the msmbore
expressed themselves in no uncertain
terms regarding the deplorable actions of
then e loafing individuals. dual s. A by low
covering this 11010anee is being prepared
to be passed at the next meeting.—Bur•
lington Gazette,
Lieut. Coi, Guillot Treaegrer of Wind.
mor, ie dead,
Alex Breokenbridge was killed in a
runaway at Nopanee,
Alexander Martin, for murdering hie
infant eon, woe senlenoed to be hanged
on March 10
The recount in Kiageton bee been fin•
oily fixed for Saturday next at 10 a, m.,
before Judge Prins.
The Midland Railway of Nova Scotia
has been oeonred by the Dominion At/an•
tie, and will sive it valuable oonneations
in Eooteru Novo, Bootie..
Canadian Copper Company bee entered
gait against two Ohfoage oapitaliete for
075,000 damages, for an alleged oon-
apiraoy to wreck the company.
The Pickering corruption ee0satioo
ooltapeed Monday afternoon, when the
chargee of aonepirgay were dismissed
sod the counter charge of perjury viae
Sir Wilfrid Leerier, the Prime Minis.
ht on the ter of Canada, has declerod that the
Vlotoris St., so that the light principal business to be brought before
North aide of the hotel cannot be shat rung a ore
the new Parliament, now aeeemblad at
out at any time. Ottawa, ie a bill to give a ttt11 measure of
H. Davis, of the Bon Ton, hag tackled pelt -government to the enormous etretah
a new venture in 000000tion with his
livery, that of a bee and baggage delivery
line. For some time We work hoe boon
confined to Elliott's livery, but now that
the trees hotel bag started, the patronage
will likely be divided.
of country known as the Narth.weet
Territories. This step is necessitated by
the great Integrant made in the settle.
meat of Western Canada within the last
decade, and the proepeot of the still great-
er progress in the next few years.
sa -sr drLAta NO 2130
A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, for the purpose of constructing
Cement or Steel Bridges avid Cement or Stone Abutments in
the said Township of Grey.
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to house, Sohool Section No. 1—Jomeo Mit-
raise by way of loan for the said their, Deputy Returning Officer.
purpose the sum of Thirty Thousand Polling Sub -division No. 3, at school
Dollars ($30,000,00), and it will be nenes- house, School Seotfon No, 2 —Oliver
eery to issue debentures of the said Town- Turnbull, Deputy Retnroiog Moot.
ship of Grey, for the said sem of $30,-
000,00, as hereinafter provided, whioh i8
tbs debt intended to be created by this
By-law, the proceeds of the said Deben-
torea to be applied to the purposes afore-
eaid and to no other purposes.
And whereas the amount required by
the Consolidated Municipal Aot, 1909, to
be raised annually by epeciol rate for
paying the said debt and interest, is the
earn of $2207.40, payable in twenty equal
annual payments of principal and interest
And whereas the amount of the whole
rateable property of the Township of
Grey, according to the last revised Ae-
-ee80ment Roll thereof, is 01,795,825.
And whereas the amount of the exist-
ing debenture debt of the said Township
of Grey is 044,132.39, of whioh neither
principal nor intermit is in arrear.
Therefore the oorporation of the Town-
ship of Grey, by the Municipal Council
thereof, euaoto as follows
1. For the purpose of raieing,6he gum
of $30,000.00, to be expended as opacified
in this By-law, debentures of the said
Township of Grey to the amount of
$30.000,00, in same of not leas than
0100.00 each, shall be issued on the
Twelf111 day of May, A. D. 1905, each of
whioh debentures shall be dated on the
day of the issue thereof, and shall be
payable within twenty years thereafter.
2. Each of the Bard debentures shall
be signed by the Reeve of the amid Town -
(ship or by some other person authorized
by by-law to alga the same ; and also by
the Treasurer thereof, and the Clerk of
he said old Townebip shall attach thereto
the Corporate Seal of the said Corpora.
3. The said debt and the debentures
issued therefore shall boar interest at the
rate of four per Dent, per annum from
the date thereof, and the said debentures
both as
t to principal i andi
payable annually, on the Fifteenth day
of January, at the Metropolitan Batik in
1130 Village of Brussels, and ellell have
attachedboupons for payment of said
interest, whioh eoupoue ellell he signed
by the Reeve of the said Township, or by
grime Other pardon authorized by By-law
to taiga the same, and also by the Treas-
urer thereof.
4. During tate ourronoy of the said
debentures there shall be raised in each
year by speciai rate on all the rateable
property on the sai't Township of Grey, a
sum euffioie t
n to dischargetk instalment
of prinoipol and interest accruing, due on
the said debt.
5. This By-law shall tato effect on the
final palming thereof.
6. The Votes of the duly qualified
eleotoro of the Said Townebip of Grey
ellen be taken on thieby-law at the fol•
lowing times end planes, that is to say :—
On Monday, the Second day of Janu-
ary, A. D. 1905, commonoiug at the hour
of nine o'clock in the forenoon and cone
tinning until flee o'olook in the afternoon
of the game day, by the folloting Deputy
Returning Offieere, that ie to say :—
g 'Su - i .
Polling b d viefoii No. 1, at eohool
house, Sdhool 4003)0» Na. 4—John Cat,
Deputy Returning officer.
Palling Stib-division No, 2, at sohcol
Polifng Sub -division No. 4, at 8012001
house, School Section No. 9—Neil Mc-
Nair, Deputy Returning Officer.
Polling Sob-divieon No. 5, at Township
Hall, Ethel—John McIntosh, Deputy
Returning Officer.
Polling Sub -division No. 6, al salmi
house, School Section No. 5 — Amos
Smith, Deputy Returning Officer.
Polling Snb-division No. 7, at the For-
esters' Hall, Cranbrook—A, Reymann,
Deputy Returning Officer.
7. On Tuesday, the Twentieth day of
December, A. D. 1904, the Reeve of the
said Township of Grey shall attend at
the Clerk's Office in the Village of Ethel,
in the said Township of Grey, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, to appoint persona
to attend at various polling places afore-
said, and at the final summing up of the
votes by the Clerk on behalf of the per-
sona interested in and promoting or
opposing the passing of this By-law re-
8. The clerk of the said Township of
Grey shall attend 01 the paid Cletk'e
office at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
Tuesday, the Third day of Jonnary, A.
0, 1905, to sum up the number of votes
given for and against this By-law.
Dated at the Township Hall, in the
Village of E hal, in the Township of Grey,
this 24th day of November, A. D. 1904.
Tenet) Ro3E0T LImfeemON, Reeve.
JOHN M010100,0, Clerk.
TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is
a true copy of a ilropoeed By-law whioh
hag been taken into ooneideration, and
whioh will be finally paeeed by the Coun-
cil of the Muuicipaloty of Grey, (in the
event of the assent of the electors entitled
to vote thereon being obtained) after one
month from the $rot publication in THE
POST ue e a
w er the date o
P f
P ,
oh Bret publication was Thursday, the
First day of December, A. D. 1904, end
that the votes of the duly qualified elect-
ors of the said Township of Grey will be
taken thereon, on the day and at the
boure and places therein fixed.
Dated this twenty-fourth day of Nov-
ember, A. D. 1904.
The above ie a true copy of a By-law
provieionally passed by the Munioipal
Council of the Township of Greyon the
Twenty-fourth day or NovembeA. D.
1904. And all persona are hereby re-
quired to take notice that any One desir-
ous of applying to have such By-law or
any part thereof quaehod, must make hie
application for that purpose to the High
°bort of Justice within three months
next after the publication of this notice
once a week, for three anooeoeive weeks,
in the newspaper called The 13nvse0Ls
Pon, or he will he too late to be heard in
that behalf.
&Onto elf oIN808n, Charm.
Finally passed in open Council this
Sixth day of Febenory A. 0, 1905.
IOHAL] 301613 I.4,t TNTOBH C Reeve
'Parc Xxdrtr al= "ic $ x e.e rri'+Fvr' ted^ xxtr'aar' ,4,1
We have just &uiohed stock -taking, whioh brings to the front et
variety of broken iota and odds and endo from snob department, which
meet bo cleared out al once regardless of coat. Below we m0ubion a few
of the many bargains we have to offer :
—Ladies' Waietinge, in wool and silk mixtures, in honey stripes, ornate
and floral designs, no two alike, worth 50o, 60o and 65o, your ahoise
for 390 per yard,
—Remoante of Dreea Goode, in various kinds and qualities, from 2 to 5
yard ends, at half price.
—Swine Embroideries. 3 inobee wide, in a variety of patterns, regular
prioe 7o, 8o and 10a, for 5o.
—Pure Silk Ribbons, 3 ioohee wide, in a variety of colors, regular 104,
for So.
o Drage ea Goode 42 inciters wide,
50u, for 25o.
—Serge Dress Goode, all wool, in black and navy, 54 Moines wide, regular
65o, a (nap at 39o,
—Ladies' Sotana Underskirts, worth 91, for 75e.
—Boys' F,ieze Ureters, high storm colter, worth 04, for 02.60
—Men's Frieze Ui.ters, tweed lining, high e1orm collar, slash pookote,
worth $6, for $3.75
—Ladies' Aotraohau Jnokete, No, 1 quality, mode from selected skins,
regular $35, $40 and $45, 25 per cent (ff.
—One Greenland Seal Jacket, with gable Dollar and reveres, lined with
heavy satin, worth $45, for 035.
—One Eleatic Seal Jacket, with sable collar and reveres, a very swell
garment, worth $45, for $35.
J. W. Vandervert, a loading citizen of
Belleville, dropped dead.
Ito December 550,700 sores of free
grant lands were taken up in the West.
Carlin Janine, of Walkerville, is dead,
after a long illnese, caused by a kiok from
a now.
Rev. Jaime Wilson, of Glencoe, bas
deolined the pall to Dovercourt Presby•
Eerier' Church, Toronto,
H. Olay•Evons, Oonenl•Geoeral of the
United States in London, England,
has tendered his resignation.
The property of the Dominion Braes
Works was void at Port Colborne to Mo.
Dowell, Stocker & Co,.of Chicago,
A. Toronto syndicate, headed by
Frederiok Niobolls, have purcbsesd the
Niagara, St. Catharines & Toronto Rail-
The grain eeolion of the Winnipeg
Board of Trade is looking for legislation
to amend the manner of fixing the gleoin
It is announced that the G. T. R. have
planed a 0ontraot with the Dominion
Iron & Steele Company for the delivery
of 25,000 tons of eteel raise.
Montreal remote have advanoed prices
18 to 15 dents, putting granulated sugar
on the heels of $5 65 per hundred pounds,
and yellow 05.15, the highest in many
The Pere Marquette Railway oontem-
pistee building a nue thousand foot dock
at Coartright, twenty miles below Sarnia
on the St. Clair River, a junction of the
Pere Marquette and the St, Clair dfvie.
ion of the Michigan Central.
Clocks and
For a Choice Stock
of Goods at FAIR
PRICES the Public
cannot do better than
buy at my store,
A Specialty of Repairing and all
work Guaranteed.
Call in.
Toys, Dolls, Books, &a
as the room is wanted for other pur-
poses, the balance of the goods will be
sold at COST for 30 days.
SfocK—takill Si
Commencing Saturday, Feb. llth
Ending Saturday, March llth,
We will, during this time, offer our large stock of Winter Boots
& Shoes, Heavy Rubbers, Robes, Blankets and .Bells at Greatly Re.
P cos for CASH. This h is y0112' Chance for Genuine Bargains.
We have too large a stock and have determined to mark the good9
at prices that will clear them, out before
stoek'taking to make room for Spril g
goods. Come and secure your share
of the extra values we will offer.
Remember the date and remember
these prices are for cash.
a,'1 t r Il i
1 10'I 1 �I+
, 111hl+irt