HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-9, Page 4Q7.1) Nr.11,5sels
2'FXURSD.41', FEB. 9, 1905.
East Huron
• Fanners' ,Institute,
Thu annual meeting of Fest klur
1' %:men' Institute was held in the Tow
Bruaseis, on Friday last and w
w.11 attended, from 120 to 150 pereo
being present at the afternoon neaten.
In the absence of Preeideut MgMill
and Vice President E dioit on motion
II. Karr took the chair and niter a fit
introductory remarks iutroduoed the tw
members of the delegation viz :—W.
Kidd, of Simooe, and G. Barbour,
Cross Hill, Words of aympatby an
regret were expressed in relation to t
absence of the ppoinetaking Secretor
Treasurer George Hood through eerio
iIb Baa, whioh, on the night of t
Inatitnte, resulted in hie demise.
"Am I raising the most profitable
horse" wee the first topio of the after -
n, on introduced by W. F. Kidd, of
S m ere. It was a praotioal talk in
wn41t high °lase dame and sires were
very strongly recommended. 4eeparete
hare of horseflesh are required by the
ntiiity man and fanoy driver. First is
the draft horse who will earn hie feed a
year wailer nod do himeelf no harm, and
a light blemish will not injure his sale
very much. Any farmer can fit a heav
draft for the market. There ars 3 types
of these, the Shire the Clyde, tbe Pero
eron. The Olyde 11ae better lege, bat
large number of Peroberon breed ie bei
introduced. For light breeds tbere is t
thorn' bred, trotter and hackney,
The day oflbreeding to a mongrel br
sire ie poet. Individuality and goo
parentage of the same aloes is neaeeear
"Imported" after the name of a horse
n ,woye a recommendation. No agr
cir iral Society ebould give a pri
. v but the pure breeds. Good fe
ar:• ueeeseity, Fhonid be epringy witb a
g re: fr-a. It takes the jar from the foot.
I., Simmer the eh. e. ehoald be di.earded
o.t he farm or pat ou a thin shoe with
to alga. 'rbc frog id there to bear the
w h• of the horse as a column of sup.
p r. Want of cars in the matter often
conies aideboues. A good paetecn will
nit be upright, lege devote the quality.
The-p"aker•wedt ou to speak of flemiehee
of the feet and lege such as ringbone,
spavin, curb, &a. A short coupling ie e
gond a1411, a big beart girth is invaluable.
Feed the foal well the first Winter if you
want well sprang ribs. A horse with a
g-.ui neck Bells better asps.ially if the
arae as en top. An overobeok should
never be used on a oarriage horse. Fine
saes Tecta. characterize the light horse.
H,r,', a should be broad and flat in the
fee rietui. Good sized nostrils are im•
p •r: .at in filling the lunge properly_
Tile meth of the foal, oolt and matured
at: mol were dfson.eed and the telling of
the :tie spoken of. The light etallion
ehl:t d stand straight and go straight.
Macre should be worked until foaling.
S17u.. time wait devoted to the foal and
the proper °are of it. Diseases of colts
were els:, spoken of.
G. Barbour, of Ocoee Hill, had as hie
theme "Selection, breediug and feeding
of beef cattle," a very important depart.
meet of present day farming.
We meet have ,enimale of beef type if
we; deeire beef oattle. Dont arose the
breeding, stiok to one line. Beef animate
oan't he raised from dairy clave. Herds
of good mi king °attie are bard to get.
G•nerady from the first feed the calf
fr en the pail, ueiug the whole milk for
several weak=, changing to skim milk,
oit.lp end clover bey. Have aowa oome
iu in the Fall. Speaker had water
Monett iu covered shed and while oattle
ware out for a drink stables were cleaved
oil; end bey put in ranks. Believed
ge-via Shorthorn oow the most profitable
if':reedrn;; them. It is a good plan to
ek:.b'a euxiy le the Fall so that they do
natgut frozen geese. The speaker fed
stows, valued of 036 each, at a oast of $20
for seven mouths, sold at 062.50 ur 5o. a
pound or a profit of $7.50 on each animal,
and mennee in addition. Strict honesty
in marketing was advised. Ont all feed
for stook, don't_ mix meal with rough
feed, water once a day only when fed
ennoulent food. For line clip hair along
baok and apply black oil, Tbia will kill.
Sheep dip will also mere. Insect powder
i0 also reoommended. Grind grain fine.
G t seed corn a8 bear home as poeeible
an. it will give better results in the end.
Sewn, tnintle pat the fat on the internal
defer -••went while others put it into
beef. Avoid the too deep front animals.
I=r selecting take a side view with a
str.li-art -nook and belly. Must have
001atuity for food and width of back, well
synod. rib, 'Sege noetrila, plenty of room
fo, lunge, and good heart girth. Real
ge.ad cattle are a eearaa artiole to eeaare
and to get what we want is to breed one
r.teck, get a good sire and dam. Stick to
one breed either the Durham, Raeford or
Aberdeen•Angue are good. Dou't nee
imneature eirea. Feed the Delves saner•
mostly. Skill is needed on the first
montb'e feeding of steers wben pat in
the stable in the Fall. No breeder or
feeder should be without a few entree of
rape. Sow in drilla ae the oattle follow
them in feeding and tra mp down lees ' of
the mop. Froat will not bort the feed.
in q n,tlitiee of rape but no frosted crop
i8 r.ort for cattle. Keep beef oattle in
atei. re uutil the dew is off the gross,
Clot •.:a of food are not oonddoive to
pr,..,re, e.
g•lite a few of tbe andleooe took part
in erne di.onesion of the two interesting
tienot among the dumber being A Speir,
G.,rue Grigg, R, boott, G. Wilkinson,
1e'. Ilune in, J. Lawson, Jae. Speir, 1.
Sm,lile, W. McNair, T. MoFadzean, J.
Cunningham, W. Perris and P. A. Mo.
y. a emelt ooet. This would prove a great
is blessing to the farm and the farmer.
1. Read the daily, weekly and agricultural
ze papers. Attend the Farmers' Iuetitute
et and share in the literature supplied for
the email aura of 25c. Go and visit your
prosperous brother farmer and profit by it.
A Scotch duet by Mies Taylor and
Dougald Strachan was warmly and
deservedly applauded. On motion of
Jae. Speir and R. Niobol a hearty vote of
thanks was tendered to the speakers and
the ladies nod gentlemen who contributed
eo generously to the musical program.
Mr. Kidd replied in appropriate and
oomplimentary terms, expressing his
satisfaction with the large and attentive
andienoee of afternoon and evening. The
meeting was brought to a aloes by the
National Avihem followed by a couple of
verses of the world's favorite m.'Iody,
"Rome Sweet Home" on the phonograph..
40 new members were. received and
others are expeoted ae the value supplied
for the email outlay of 25a. per annum is
simply wonderful. Inetibnte meetioge
at Brussels have not often been favored
with two more praotioal men than
Meaare. Kidd and Barbour and their
addressee and the dieoaesione therewith
will do no email ii mount of good to those
who were fortunate enough to bear them.
A series of supplementary meetings
will be bald in East Huron from Marsh
4 to March 11, and the please will be Bt.
Colombian, Winthrop, Harlook, Bluevale,
Ethel, Molesworth and Fordwioh. The
speakers will be H. G. Reed, V. 8.,
of Georgetown, and J. L. Wer•
ren,'of Aoton. A mesioal program
will be provided at each of tbe evening
6813910ml. Meetings will open at 180 and
7.30 raepeotively.
were one lime farther"e Bone. He urged
dietfarmleg be looked upon all a pro.
feaetou and the way to make farm life
enjoyable i8 to do away with drudgery.
Sharter boars of work should be in vogue.
Supply amaeement and literature. Con-
sult the boys in the work of the farm and
help the boys to venture on their own
account. A good edgoation ie a neoeeeity
and in addition to the public and High
Schools there fe a grand opportunity at
the Agricultural Collage as Guelph. A
batter ayetem of book keeping Li neves
nary on the farm. Ooereot business
methods may be obtained al a Baeineaa
Oollege. Advieed boys to. form good
habits, Stay un the farm ; avoid drink or
the nee of toba000, The religious train•
iug should not be overlooked as this is
the greatest blaming that oan be confer-
Misses Maggie Tay'or and Marjory
Streoban gave a fine duet, "In the Star.
Mr. Kidd took as hie topic, "A 8111011
in time" and gave a great deal of eeaeon-
able Meleeis hie well timed addreee.
Attention was oiled to the home aur
roundiega, such as the use of paint,
feooing i ff a garden or lawn, planting out
shade trees, etc., making an ideal borne.
House and care for implements ; value
the barn yard prodaot and don't allow a
largo portion to rue away. Keep ac-
counts of your farm work, dairy and
stook feeding. It pays a farmer to go
away from home to get pointers, Boob
ae the Winter Fair and Model Farm, or
visit Grimsby Ioeality and the their
orchards and small fruity. Study :co-
operation io saving and Belling fruit,
Walkerton, Bruce Co , baying a o0 oper•
alive packing house. At Burlington
they have received $100 per barrel more
0o a0aount of shipping in boxes. Any-
nybody oxo have all the small fruits they
want in their garden for an expenditure
of $10. The farmers' wood lot ie a vain.
able eeeett and ebould be eared for.
Prime are advancing and many a wood
lot ie spoiled by oattle grezing. Govern -
meat will ')apply an sore of pine trees at
At the opening G. A, Deadman favored
the audience with several eeleotione on
hip exoniieut pb0negraph and Mime
C,rrie Hingeton rendered a Bolo in good
voice before the firet speaker was oalled
noon. Mies atop MoLanoblin played
alis', lliugeton'e a000mpaaimene.
Th. evening meeting wa8 well attended
and the program wart full 61 interest.
Mr. harbour,. of Croce Hill, wee the first
treater and gave a pointed address to
"Fanners' Sotto." He deprecated the
idiot of
formers s
m r8 run '
down their
r r. r,
n trml and i
1 n Ahie waya
1 di oouraged
th_ b,ye in this avcaation, Many of the
foremoet, leodere in the lefties and t0Wns
School Reports
For the Month or January.
6. a. Na 2, GRAY.
Names arranged in order of merit
Jr. III—Mary Stewart, Richard Cnoniog-
bam, Maggie Clark. Sr. II—Wilbur
Turnbull, May Oliver, Casale Stewart,
Iva Harris, Jack Casio. Jr. II—Orroa
Stehle, Jennie Oliver, Millie Oneio. Part
I—Lola Steles, Alex. Stewart, Leetie
O.iver. Mies M. Z111016R, Teacher.
a, a No. 4, 0108306.
V Oleos—Jennie Robb. Sr. IV—Grace
Rabb, WillieMoCutoheon, WilbeBadgley,
O•iver Walker, Lorne Niohol, George
Jordan. Jr. IV — Leslie Thuell, John
Speir, Willie MaGotaheon, Ben Walker,
Harold Speir. Jr. III—Roy Thuell,
George Davie, Martha MuCatobeon,
George Badgley.--Jr. II — Harry Mo•
Oatobeon, Willie Thuell. Pt, 11—Willie
Burton. Alma H. M, DoWNINO, Teaober.
9. a. No. 6, GREY.
Aid. Bedlord, of Wipdeor, baa been
unseated for irregularity in bis deolar.
ation, and Jeeepb Marlin takes the Peat,
Walter 17. Appleton, drag clerk, from
Aurora, died at Vancouver from blood
petitioning that originated In a ety on hie
Following is a liet of teachers and their
post office addressee in the inspectorate
of D. Robb, for 1906 :-
S. 0, No.
1 Marion Smith Braesels
2 MabelZimmer Bru cele
8 Neil D. Roes Brussels
4 Robert Weir Jameetown
5 May Hogg Ethel
6 Lizzie McArthur Brussels
7 Lizzie Calder . Oraubrook
Lizzie MoKay Cranbrook
8 Thereon Switzer Oranyrook
9 Harvey Beohenao Mouerielf
10 Samuel B. Lamont Oranierook
11 Laura E. Shannon Ethel
Laura E. Nicholls Ethel
12 Lillian Agnew Walton
U. 4 Clark Fraser Molesavorth
1 Hattie Burns Huntingfield
2 Hattie Cameron L.itelet
3 Sarah Padfield Clifford
4 Mary Padfield 0.irrie
5 Ada Chapman Gorrie
8 Ariel G. Park Ford with
7 Chester Eedy Gorrie
Lydia Harding Corrie
8 Margaret Padfield Ford with
9 Clara L. Milian Fordwioh
10 Wm. Eokmier C'arrie
11 Ethel Musgrove
12 Cassie M. Welsh Newbridge
13 Alberti J. McQueen Belmore
15 Ella Sanderson Hnntin, field
16 Heater Jiokling Molesworth
17 Wm. H. Downey Fordwioh
Maggie Roadhouee . , ForIwioh
18 Luny Keine Gorrie
1 Phemia Govenlook Seafortb
2 Thomas Unroll Clinton
8 Arthur McAllister Constance
4 Jennie Lowrie Constance
5 Addison F. Johns Londesboro'
6 Mine Murdie Horlook
7 Elizabeth Ohidley .'Myth
8 Ernest Robertson Londeshoro'
Clara E, Huston Londesboro'
9 Mildred Martin Anbgrn
10 Bertha Million Londeeboro'
U. 5 Gordon E. Wightman Auburn
Clara Solater Auburn
1 Josephine Lane Seafortb
2 Helen McMillan See forth
4 Lizzie S. Lawrence Seaforth
5 Pearl Anderson Beechwood
6 Melvin Keys Winthrop
7 Christopher White Leadbury.
8 Kathleen Foy Beachwood
9 Isabel MoNab Bruasele
10 Celina Durand Winthrop
12 Cora White Leadbury
13 Matilda Fowler Seaforth
1 Hester Armstrong Blyth
8 Minnie L. Ker Brussels
4 Hattie Downing Bruasele
5 Fred. T. Bryan° Belgrave
6 Carrie Milligan Brussels
7 Lilla B. Iobister Wineham
8 Bella Murdie Bluevale
9 Georgina Rose Brussels
10 John T. Strachan Jamestown
11 Kathleen Telfer Walton
12 Norman L. Mnroh Blyth
1 Isabella Aitchison
2 Thos. N. Forsyth
3 Andrew Scott
4 Jennie Grant
6 Robert J. Beatty
6 Mary L. MoEwan
8 George W. Holman
9 Thomas G. Shillinglaw..Egmondville
10 Samuel J, Coulter Heasall
Ki pen
1 Agnea L. Furlong
2 Jennie Trench
3 Isabella McDougall
4 Malcolm 0. Aikenbead
Jean Black
6 Lizzie H. Vanetone
6 Oscar Rogers
7 Pearl Wynn
8 Ada Howson
9 Douglas Fraser
11 Marjorie Fisher
Roost No,
1 W, R. Lough
2 Graoe D. Shepherd
8 Janet Wilson
4 Della L O'Neil
6 Clara Chidtey
6 Hattie B. Conrtie°
Sr. IV — Melville Blair 260, Eddie 7 Eva Jenkins
S•epbenson 239, Lizzie Brewer 187, BBABORTH.
George Hutchinson 175, Penelope Brewer 1 Wm. J. Moffat
178, Elia Pearson 166, Maggie Reid 166, 2 Minnie MacKay
Bertha Blair 163, Willie Jaoklin 112. 3 Jennie Ballantyne
Sr III—Peroy Stephenson 206, Garrison 4 Ada L. Beattie
Jaoklin 98. Jr. III—Ada Bateman 185, 5 Jeeaie Bethune
Fred. Smettzar 130, Helena Mitchell 82. 6 Mrs. Mary A. Coulter......,: "
Sr. II—Edna Reid 240, Faweie Blair 115,
Joeepb Jaoklin 75. Pt. II—Sara Hutch.
ineon 82, Norman Douglas 64, Herbert
Bateman 48.
Mies L. M60ARTBIIB, Teacher.
W iugham
Glenfe rrow
8. s. 50, 10, 0118Y.
651 Close—Cela Ratbwell 70. Br. 4th
—Louiee Oarion 70, Rey Oxtoby 66,
Franaie Baker 68, May Oxtoby 65, Jas.
Oen tb 52. Jr. 4th — Ruth Engler 71,
Mamie Denman 66, Eva Rothwell 64,
Florence Whitfield 68, Louis Engler 62,
Graoe Speiran 61, Jessie Campbell 66,
Charlie Buttrey 54, Stanley Hntebineon
48. Sr, 3rd—Katie Denman 63, Alma
Speiran 56, Pearl Oxtoby 55, Cheater
Baker 46, Willie Speiran 48, Nally Oar -
eon 42. Jr. 3rd—Jae. Doug 66, George
Evans 64. Wilfred Whitfield 50, Myrtle
Speiran 48, Iva Speiran 44, Irene Engler
42. Sr. tad— Mary Machan 70, Mar.
5058116 Hotehineon 69, Alex. Hyde 64,
;TOO, Hyde 58, Herman Piokerell 52, Lily.
Evans 46, Parity Ward 43, Robert Picker.
el! 41, Della Whitfield 85. Sr. Pt. 2od—
I3artwell Bpeiean, Reseal Oontbs, Freddie
Oox, Minnie Hanna, Christie Engler,
Witte Ward. Jr. Pt, 2nd—Stanley
Mohan. Sr. Pt. 8—Millie OoX, Edith
Piokerell, Wee. Ballantyne, Jr. Pt I—
Milton Oxtoby, Andrew Coutts, Maggie
Love, Gertie 8peiran.
S. B. LAMOgT, Teacher.
The Manitoba Legislature has pro•
Nova Sootia wasv i
by another
vin ent blizzard Tuesday.
Sir Wilfrid .Laurier ie planning a visit
to Virginia attar Parliemenb prorogeee.
1 A. H. Musgrove
2 Gordon Manning
3 Maude L. Brook
4 Obriebena A. Sprang
6 Bernice Reynolds
6 Cassie Farquharson
7 Lizzie G. Wilson
8 Lizzie Cummings.
9 Edith Matheson
1 Gilbert Summers
2 Annie Hamilton
8 Georgina Murrey
4 Janet B. Kirkby
1 30110 H. Cameron
2 Ethel 0. Scott
3 Kate Wilson
4 Dora M. Smith
6 Mary Downey
6 Jean Ritchie
1 John Hartley Wroxeter
2 Elizabeth Henry ..,"
The list should be preserved for future
The DOminlon Government hoe de•
oiled to give a grunt of 060,000 10 a
Dominion exhibition to be held during
the Doming 'Summer at New Weo•min.
')ter, Britieb Colombia. It was arr..nged
eome time ago to have an off.vear, and bot
to give any grant mail 1906, but on
scoonnt of tees re from J,inn
a o B. S ed
M. P
, New Weatmineter the Govern -
Ment has agreed to give rit Ibis year. 1
There will be the 58010 conditions as in
Toronto and Winnipeg, whioh were that
part of lbs grant will have to be expenda
cid in peylrtg freight on exbibite from
other provinoee, The aopplemeutery
estimate will 0001010 the grant and New
Weatroineter one go ahead and make all
Ile arrangtmeuts note, 00 the money ie
eeeured. The latter was decided at the
cabinet meeting. Saturday afternoon,
East Huron Inspectorate,
SCHOOL 86LiitETAICF.TOulAslfttlelts.
We append a list of the Seoretary-
Treseurers and their respective poet -
offices for East Huron Inspectorate :-
S. 0. No.
1 John L, Davidson
2 Alex. Stewart
3 William Work.
4 Malcolm Fraser Jamestown
5 John Dunbar Ethel
6 Angus Sbaw ....Brussels
7 Wm. Cameron • Oranbrook
8 Arch. McLean
9 Heury A. MoNought,
10 Robert Coutts
11 Conrad Bernath
12 Charles Case
71. 4 William Woode
1 Robert Wallace
2 Fred. Mahood
8 Wm. R. Johnston
4 Matthew Dane
5 Robert Deaobman
6 Robert Graham
7 Wm. H. Gregg
8 J. F. Sotbern
9 Arthur C. Johnstna
10 James W. Edgar
11 Williem Edgar
12 Ernest A. Harris
13 George Doubledee
16 James Stokes
16 W. R. Belden
17 George E. MoKee
18 John Maguire
1 William Wilson
2 Lorne Tyndall
3 John Britton
4 William Carter
5 Riohard Carter
6 Joseph Taylor
7 John Brigham
8 Wm, Lyon
9 John 0. Heury
10 William Waite
U. 5 John Wilson
Ford with
1 Francis Murphy Seaforth
2 Samuel Dorrance Constance
4 Robert S. Habkfrk .,.. ...Seaforth
5 John Nolan
6 Robert B. Hogg
7 John Shannon
8 Conrad Eokart
9 Wm. N. Soeohtel
10 Thomas Mcllroy
12 Arab. D. Somerville
13 John McDowell Seafortb
held in the aoademy, when the noting
principal, Dr. R. H. Wilde called Mr.
King and hie two 50000ia5es to the
platform and preeented tbem with the
/Peeler debate prig') of 040. Thie prize ie
hereafter to be awarded annually to the
then representing the Norebwestern
itnadelny in the oonteele of the Inter.
Aondemie league.
Demouetralton in honor of the Oeneer•
votive vlotory wee held at Whitby,
St. Oetbarinee and Beavertou Monday
LooeL OPTION 118001,Ts.—The Guardian
says 1—The following ruble indioatee, 00
far ae we have been able to mare the
flgnree, the re88115 in Looal Option
contests throughout the province of
Ontario on January 2, Though there
were some dieappointmente, the n milts
on the whole, are very encouraging to
temperaooe workers :
Municipality For Against Majority
Campden 40
Cardinal 9
Cavan 258 71 185
Clarke 641 189 452
Garefrasa WRepeal defeated 05
Hallett 357 849 8
SmThirkamesville 5
429 271 158
Whiteahareh 351 191 160
Windham4(12 220 182
Yarmouth 665 508 155
•' Majority
Clinton 210 857 147
Colborne 233 245 12
Gwilifmbnry W.... 17
Iroquois ...121 126 5
Uxford 339 342 3
Port Darling ..., . 22
SaIlfieet • 17
It will be noted that the majorities that
carried loonl prohibition are, ae a ra'e,
very mush larger than thee° that de-
feated it. And in all but the one instance
defeat wee by snob a narrow mejerity
that tbe temperance electors will not
hesitate to join issue on the matter
again at the ear•ieet opportunity.
village of Oranbrook, lately occupied
reasonable, Apply to J. LONG,out.
N. 1 a fine 6 acre of land for Bale on Queen
street, Brussels. Good atabie, deo. For fur-
ther particulars ae to price and terms upp.
llyonthe premises or writeABAMPLto BrveeeleE.
• . ,
Winthrop L
Leadbury bean veither
y eueceaDm eful et g5315 This
Beaobwood Have 0.185 for Pale a prize winning young
.,..Leadbury Durham Bull. Apply. at Lot 10, Don. 16,
Winthrop Gaey, or O. TIIRNBIILL,
Winthrop 16-11 Walton P.U.
1 Charles K. Taylor
8 James Kerney
4 John Mooney
5 Wm. H. Ferguson
6 William Bryan')
7 Robert Warwick
8 Samways Paul
9 John Sbortreed jr.
10 W. J. Johnston
11 R. H. Ferguson
12 William Watson
1 Robert B. McLaren Hensall
2 Thomas Elder Sippers
3 Edward Papple Bruoefield
4 Whitfield Crich
Brussels appllcatiou. Terme S3.00 to be paid at time
Belgrave of service with privilege of returning if
Brussels necessary. ALEX, D. LAMONT,
Winghem 24• Proprietor.
Lee undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 92, eon, 9, Grey, n Moro' brad Yorkshire
bog, Oak Lodge Jostles, bred by Jim. Breth-
our. of Burford. Pedigree may be seen on
5 William Archibald
6 Hugh M. Hamilton
7 William Black
8 Robert Bloke
9 David Wren
10 John Robertson
\Jt eale, 3 e Lot 25, Con 11, Grey. Easy
terms. Apply to MO. B. HYDE, on the
llnremleaS, Cr¢nbrook P. O., or F, B. Booth,
Bruseele. 25
Egmondville le bomesteed-100 nares—in the Town-
Seaforth ship of Morrie, Huron county. For portio.
Seaforth . ulare apply to
Egmondville J. BENNETT.
8 t1
Seaforth 550 Bathurst St. Toronto.
lL 60 acre farm for sale, being South half
1 James A. Edgar Wroxeter
2 J. k'. Hooper Wroxeter
3 Robert Mair Glenannan
4 John MoOraokeo Bluevale
5 Thomas Haugh
6 Jelin Porter
7 Gavin Wilson
8 Wm. J. Henderson
9 Peter MoDougell
11 Wm. S. Liokiater
John Cunningham
John Rankin
John F. Groves
A. H. Plummer
R. S. Rose
William Wilson
Lot 6, Con. 7, Grey. Mostly seeded down
and well immured. Good bank barn and
comfortable house. Close to school and 23
miles from Brussels. 6 acres of Fall wheat
in. Apply to J, 0. TII0E, Brussels, 80.11
Wfngham ti
I a n
Wtngham N 110 0roe, being North bolvee of
Winghaem Lots 16 and 10, Oon.1, Greyy Comfortable
GlenfarroW frame hones, book barn, orchard, &o. Only
4 miles from Molesworth. Good locality
Wfngham and ane roads. Immediatepossession. Forr
orwrite further particulars apply to or write
W. H. BEER, Brussels.
till, tit,
Mies Allis Bennett, of Wiarton, ie
visiting at her home here.
The next monthly Fair will be held at
Blyth on Taeeday, February 141b.
Some mieoreant etole a blanket from a
horse standing in the Methodist ohurob
obed on a recent Saturday evening.
Aire. Frannie Mo0augbey was taken
suddenly ill on Monday of last week with
begirt tronble and hoe eines been very
John 0. Wilson, who bad a stroke of
paralyeia a abort time ago, has 00 far
reoovered that be le able to walk down
street 000ssionally.
At a meeting of the Blyth Fire brigade
the following officers were elected' for the
current year —Chief George White:
Captain, Richard Somers ; Secretary
treasurer, H L. Haines ; Eeel No 1—
John Bainee, (lieutenant), H. L. Haines,
Arthur Sims Ohaa. Borlme, and R. M.
Mo0ay; Reel No 2—J. Taman (Ifeoten
aur), B. McArthur, Joehoa Sherman,
James Hrffron and Jamee Moon.
W. G. King, youngest eon of Geo. and
Mrs. King, Blyth, hoe recently broaeht
honor and aredit upon himself, The
young mato ie a student at the North-
western noadamy in Evanston, Illinoi ,
and one of three etndente eeleoted to
repreoent the aoademy at a public de.
bete with three students from the
University high cahoot Of Ohioeg° 5e
their opponents. The debuts wee held nn
Friday Weaning, January 13th, and the
suhjsot was "Resolved that tbe conteo•
tion of labor union Chet no non anion
man ehoald work in company with a
union man ie justifiable." Mr. King and
hie 0580oia165 supported the affirmative.
The deoieion of the judges wore given in
favor of the negative. The Evanston
ad t '
Ao 'Sn hf i t
amt w eh con s ns an esotlien
halftone engraving of Mt. King, nye the
debate was epioy and full of vigor. After
the debate a epeoial ohapel eXerolee wee
derehgned offers her 100 sore farm, be-
ing Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sale. There
is a comfortable house, bank barn, or.
chard; We1le, do. harm ie only 1mile from
the thriving village of Ethel. For further
particulars as to price, terms, deo., apply to
MRs. EATBI HOLLAND, 73 Mutter street,
-,LA The undersigned offer for sale his
!arm, beingLot 1, Con, 16, Grey. It le sit-
uated on te Gravel rnad; 2 miles South of
Brussels and contains 100 acres of good land,
.Ol016411611 but 12 sores. There 18 a first
class brick bowie and kitohon, heated with
furnace, wood abed, artesian well with
blarnle 801 8i le
feet wltbatone etubiee, Buy
barn 50000 feet. Gond orchard, farm well
fenced ; pleasantly situated Will be sold
on easy terms. Apply on premises orBrus-
sels P. 0., BEHA8 0111011, 16,81
The undersigned ogees hie fine 100
tam fOr sale, being Lot 11, con 10, Grey.
A11 cleared but about 8aoree which is well
timbered with maple beeob and elm. 5
aures of pall wheat in and Pall plowing
done, balance in grass. Two barna on atone
Walls, wish' cement floors in horse and
cattle stables. Other outbuildings. There
ie 0 windmill and good well, with water
system in stables. fields and for threshing.
0omf0rteble house, choice orchard. Farm
ia 21 milee front Brusaels and Oranbrook:
and 8 miles from 'Ethel. Good market for
ail kinds of produce. Foam has been under
mals for a number of yours, Possession
can be given on April lab. A good ohare of
pur°haue money may remain on the farm.
For further particulars call on Win. Mc-
Nair, on the farm or WM. MARTIN, Plop -
rioter, bruesele.
notes Orat•olaoa land ill bho Township
of Grey-1,gt10, Don, 14 100 nerve ; Lot 17,
Oon 14,100 aerea ; and ('tri Lot 18, 0on. 14,
60 aorea-200 amen. A11 in excellent condi-
tion with Aret.olaae buildings_; brick house
with all modern conveniences, and large
bank barn, root and straw house, etables.
Jot. Well watered. From 86 to 40 ooree of
good hardwood Meeh. Lot 19, Oen. 13, con.
tninlug 10e.aoreo of first-class land, good
frame house and large bank barn nearly
new, The property oan be,eold in two or
three pareele to suit tmrebaeele. Terme
liboral. ,Alen a commodious dwelling house
nod lot in Brussels.
1For to tpes
,lava apply to the °Wriertrheremi
LA GHN MoNb11r, 0r o IND, DICo
Bruesele. 31-14
Testimonials of Grateful People who
have received Realth and Happiness
from using that New and Celebrated
The Medicine of the 20th Centex
ul4ded ibNAlu^LfiL'4,'Italr'gPle'lu'
The en0rmaae sale of Mile popular Southern remedy in Canada the past two
genre is one of the many proofs of its great merite. Physiolane,' both in the
city and country, are now preooribing Oil of Pines for Lr Gripoe and it has proved
to be a speedy and infallible cure for that dangerous and enbble disea,e, When
tereatedSoote. with this remedy there will be no reaarrenoe of the malady—no after
For diseases of the Lunge, Oongha, Oalde, Asthma, Bronrhitie and Catarrh of
the Head, Throat and Stomach, Oil of Pines stands unrivalled.
The manufacturer of Oil of Pines has it, his pas'eaeiou thoaeande of teetimnniale
from grateful people who have beau cured by this remedy, when they were in an
advanoed stage of Consumption.
Compounded with the Pine 0i1 5111011 forma the body of this remedy, are other
iugrediente oalculated to oleaose the Liver, Purify the Blood, and put the Kidneys
in proper working order.
If you are troubled with a pain in the back, take a done of Oil of Pines on
going to bed, and you will fled the pain gone in the morning. We speak thus
poeitively became we have never known the remedy to fail, ire effeobe in such cases
being next to magical. Do notheeitate to bay a treatment of this medioine. Be
sensible, Seep the doctor out of your house, and you will not have his big bills
to pay.
This is to certify that I have used Oil of Pines, and by
using according to directions, it cured me of a dry hacking
chro nic cough which had made my life miserable for over
seventeen years. I took one treatment, six bottles in
number, and it completely cured my cough and this is now
nearly one year since, and I have never in that time suf-
fered the least symptons of the disease. My family used
it all last Winter and found the Oil to be the most speedy
and sure medicine that they have ever used either exter-
nal or internal. My wife claims it to be the beat medi-
cine on the market for female complaints and has given
some of the Oil to her lady friends to try and they recom-
mend it as a perfect acting medicine. This is a true testi-
monial and any person doubting can come and ask me or
write and I will answer at once
Gratefully yours,
N B.—If ynar store keeper or druggist does not handle Oil addreee orders to
Prof. C. M. Dykes, Bonsai!, Ont., Proprietor and Manufacturer, All orders
promptly filled and forwarded to all parte of U. S. and Ornade upon receipt of
Take no Substitute. Dykes "Oil of Pines" is the only Original
and Genuine.
We have just received a oar load of 'rl3rockvilles," the kind
that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as
these:Are fast sellers.
We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root
Pulper, the BEST on the market.
Bee them.
Should yen have any gram to kill or
sod or rough ground to work remem•
ber the "Frost & Wood" end "Wind
Bur" are the diske thatwill do it.
If you want a General Purpose Plow,
than whioh tbere is no better, seoure
a No. 20, Frost & Wood,
If you want a second band Baggy.
Carr, Cutter, Plow or Implement of
any hind be mare to call on ne,
We have also the U. 8. Crena Sep-
arator, Singer Sewing Machines,
Volmar Waebirig Maobinee always
on hand.
We nen supply you with a good
Drivileg or Work Born oheap or
Stook of any kind on abort notice..
41111111111111111111111111 1311.211E211=168911111112111111111111MIDEMIEIF
E can supply you at once with any
Buggyy y
ou ma wantbuth
as the
time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we
would like to tell you that we are fully pre-
pared to meet your every want in the Cut-
ter as well as in the Sleigh line We have
the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment
of Cutters that can be found anywhere,
ready for inspection, and wonld be pleased
to have you ou call and see them. Prices.
ce SONS.