HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-9, Page 1Vol. 33, No, 31 MMEIWANNIPENSIMINIONOINIONIM BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FESRUA.RY 9, 190€3 W. H. KERR, Frop, New Advertisements, Locale—G. 13 King. Local—R Wil iameon. To builders --D, Robb. Notice—Mrs T. Fletcher. Bargains•—McKinnon & Co. Farm to rent—W, Caldbsok. A,uotiou Sale—Noleon Minn. Steck for Bale --D. Robertson, Bull for servioe—A, Gardiner. Big sale continues—D. 0. Rose. Bylaw No, 280--Townebip of Grey. Auditors' aesthetic—Village of Brueeele. 1strirt • thYS. t7rev ite brook, Tax coliewines Branier and Bishop have oompleted their work handing over to the Treasurer the sum of $28,122 62. Every dollar on the roll was collected. At the Township Oonnoil meeting lest Monday A. Reymann, of Oranbrook, was appointed Treasurer, an enooeeeor to Mex. MuNair, ata eatery of 8100. Mr. Ray mane will fill the bill ell right we beve no doubt. Molee_rwort)e. Wood Detling ie the order of the day. There fe more than oue Wbituey tale. Mg cleoe. Mre. 0. Soots bee been laid up with neuralgia in the faoe, G, and Mre. Mitchell entertained a few friends Tgeeday evening. Will. Vance, of Grandview, Man , ie• renewing old anqunintenoea. We are plea.ed to see Mien Lydia Mitchell oat agaiu after her brief iilnett. Will. Stewart, of Neep.wa, Man„ is vielting friends. It is supposed some of the !air ova will be going Weet in the Spring. Our headache Curing Record Hundro s have been freed from pereletont• heedachoa by our ff scientifically fitted I laesel. 1�1 to euro headache we when we undertake ,l V do tt or refund the �, money. +` Miss Teenie Sample BRUSSELS Mre (Rev) Burnett had an anemic of b'onohitia but we are pleased to nay ebe is rroovering, Ladles' Aid of elethodiet ohurah are having a B• x Seidel at Harry Grainger'e 00 Feb. 16th. The Guild was largely attended last Friday evening ae the young men gave a very intarethee program on Foreign Miseioue. 't'W rr.l Lite,. M. Morrison is on the sick liet, Rev. 11. S. Baker ie a sufferer from le grippe. Old Sol. le warming to bie work for another Summer. $aornment wee administered in the Methodiet ohorob last Babbeth. We underetand that Dr. F. 0, Neal is Mout to establish a practise in Winnipeg. 1'he Young People's Qirole met in the Methodiet oharoh on Tneeday evening. Au enjoyable evening was spent. Marin Tornbuil'esmiling oountenanoe again appears on oar streets. We are glad to the him book in hie old plane, Waitoniane were glad to hear through your oolmmne from the Sage family. Their good taste and lore of the beautiful are still apparent in their eeleotion of their future reetdenoe. We hope they may long be spared to enj ey it. 131utevale. Mine Anna Holmes, of Wingham, spent Sunday at her home here, Mtge Annie MOEwen ie visiting her numerous friends at Wingham thie week. John Burgeee le attending the gacrterty audit of the 0. 0. 5'. at Brantford Shia week. - Mre. Bailey was a visitor with ber unole, James Mother, at Morriebenk last week, Miss Mary Soots left on Wednesday for Hamilton where she will visit for tome time. Mr. Loyal, of Comber, has taken the position of sawyer in Duff & Stewnrfe saw mill. Miee Jean and "Lad" Warwfok, of Morris, were visitors with relativee here last week, Quite a number of the young people of the village were entertained at the home of Philip end Mrs. Thomas. E. R, and Mrs. Brinker entertained a number of their Wingham and Blnevele Mende at a progroeeive euchre party on Friday evening. Mise McAllister, of Grey ; Mine Mo. A'lieter, of Hawkevilie ; and Mies Edger, of Crooewell, Miob., were viaitore at Mre, MOFinaey'e lest week. Robert McMillan, of Riobnrn, was a visitor at John Kiog'a last week. He was on his way up North to epeek at tome Farmers' Institute meetings. Communion eervioee were held in the Preebyteriau oborob here on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Burnett, of Molesworth, was expeoted to preach at the preparatory servioe on Friday but owing to the nines of Mre. Burnett was unable to be preeent. The Consort given in the Foresters' 8e11 on Friday evening provided a very not programowiug to very few of those advertised to take part putting in their appearanoe. The reason they did not some le not known, Mies MoGnire, of Brueeele, wee one who did come and ber three eeteotioae were very mob ap AUDITORS' A.13STR,ACT —Olt' THE— VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS FOR THE YEAR 1904 RECEiPTS. Cash on band $ 4854 49 Ooenty Rate levied 817 68 Consolidated 2228 79 School 2008 56 Sobool loan Local improvement fond Lookridge bylaw Sinking fend "Govt. grant for eohool Tp. Morrie and Grey gehool.. 6 49 Dog tax.. ................... 58 00 Licensee 288 00 Finee 1 00 Mieoellaoeoae 77 28 Rents 526 50 Resident taxes 1849 5.1 1408 48 627 07 5247 00 148 00 -Total $20049 35 DISBURSE MEN 1'8. County rate Consolidated School Sebootloan Local improvement 'linking fund Lookridge by-law Salaries Printing Interest Law caste Roads end bridged Fire protection Street lighting Town Ball and soalee ..,...., Miieol naneoue Puede Library 1'urnberry St, newer Clash tie Standard and Metro politan Bantle t.:. 4679 20 Total $20049 85 $ 298 65 2223 79 2164 00 426 99 1434 72 4972 81 616 45 620 80 68 25 25 25 121974 878 88 268 01 284 84 89 40 228 57 156 00 8 60 BALANCE SHEET Oonnty Rate $ 800 01 Ooneolidated 1488 00 School A000unt 168 80 Sobool Loan 837 60 Local Improvement Fund138 95 Sinking Iftind 2180, 88 Lookridge fly•law 189 42 $4088 06 Tnrnbe-rry St, sewer .. Looel c/o abort Standard end Metropolitan Banks cash on band 86 75 28 11 4579 20 Total $4688 06 ASSETS, Cash in Standard Band $ 4570 20 Unooileoted taxes Deo, /Stet..,, 888 48 5% on utioolleeted taxes 16 67 Town Sall 2000 00 Fire department .,,.,>„ 4000 00 Public echoed 9000 00 Band Metronome & hay eoalee 400 00 Town bell 850 00 Municipal debentures 4650 89 Mortgagee on real oetete,.,,., 98110 00 Arrears of taxes 45 36 To balance 21454 18 Total556045 77 LIABILITIES. Ooneolidated debt $82000 00 Sebool debt 7500 00 Bohol loan debt., 1178 80 Leant irnpnovement debt 10805 28 Looalinduetry fund debt 4566 89 Total 550045 77 We the Onto, signed Antihero of the Oorporetion of the Village of Bresaels ler the roar 1904 having Stadtinad the acoontets of the Treasurer and Oolleetor and all the endure and the aaonunte of the °operation have to report the tame correct sb pet torettning report and fled the bnlanee cash in Standard aid Metropolitan Banke to be 54579 20. J. W. 1 YB, )3/11K) El, 1110CaACKEN,} AnooTone. preoiated, She will be welcomed beck to Blnevele at anytime. Mise MoGuire'e revitatiooe sing with some local talent made ap the program, Owing to other attraotione in the village Friday evening the crowd was email, however, than 81b were taken in for the Stok Ohildren'e Hospital. W root eeter . A. W. Robinson le in Paisley thia week. Mre. W. Sanderson is visiting relativee in Lindsay. 8. B. McKelvey, of Chealey, was in town on Tuesday. G. 17. Dane, or Hamilton, spent Sun day iu the village. Mies R. Dana, of Garde, epenb Sunday with Miee L Lewis. A masquerade carnival will be held on the rink un Thursday night. Mine M. Miller retarded from Teee water on Saturday, where she had vieited for a few deye. Miee Nettie Ewing, of Teeewater, spent a few days of last week with her dater, Mrs. 0, Allan, Alex. McDougall and family left Ieet Taeaday for Michigan where they will spend a temple of menthe. The monthly meeting of the W. F. M. 8,, of the Presbyterian ebnroh wag held at the home of Mre, L. Perrin last Thare• day afternoon. Genet Wroxeter, No, 267, Qanactian Order of Foreetere, will heed their anneal Concert in the town Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 14th, when the following high slate artiste will take part ,—Jas. Fax, Canada's greatest Snmoriet ; Mies Edytb Crawford, oontralto poloist, of Toronto and Miee Florence MoMollan, a gold medal violin eoloiet, of Toronto. The sympathy of their many friends is extended to John and Mrs. Herder, of Sanit Ste. Marie, (former reeidente of the village, and perianth of Oral Hupfer, of trite place,) in the death of their eldest daughter, Ada Eunice Rapier, aged 12 yeses and 6 mos, whish took plate at the family residence on Saturday morn• ing after a lingering illness of about fear months. The remains, aneompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hupfer and daughter, Maggie, arrived here on Monday and were interred in the new cemetery on Tgeeday afternoon, the funeral taking plaoe from the home of Jee, Paulin and being conducted by Rev, E. A. Hall. B000noeeori.—The meeting of the East Haroo Farmers' Inetitate held in the Town Hall here last Saturday afternoon end evening wae a soothe. Vice Preei. dent Elliott occupied the chair and pithy, well planned addresses were given by Messrs. Kidd, of Simooe, and Barbour, of Croce Hill. The former spoke an "The Horse," and the latter on "Beef Cattle." Quite an interesting and in• etrnotive dieooeeion, took plate on the topica in whish J. Elliott, T. A. Gibeon, J. J. Haetie, R. Greioger, G. Davidson, W. 8. Kett, Warden Miller and others took part. 28 new members were added to the roll, There was en attendance of not 75 at the afternoon eeeeion. In the evening musical and literary numbera were added to the addressee by Meters. Barbour and Kidd. Every person having to do with `agrionitaral life should be a member of the inetftgte. The loos! directors are T. A. Gibson end Wm. Reek who will be pleased to receive bie small fee of 25e. entitling the member to all the bulletins and reports from the Agricultural Department and also free admission to the eeaeione of the Winter Fair held at Gnelpb every Deoember. Mesere. Kidd and Barbour went from Wroxeter to Teeewater: They did their part well. 1114it el. Lagrippe and scarlet fever have their innings. In 'set week's report of the Foresters' At Home here the names of Alex. D. and Mrs. Lamont were omitted, The former gave a fine Bolo and the latter played the accompaniment. Township Oouneil met here last Mon. day. Next meeting will be held on Monday, 27th inet„ when the Engineer's report on the Silver Oo*Here drain will be reed at 11 a. m. The February meeting of the Quarterly CDROM Board of the Methodiet ohnroh Ethel cileuit extended an invitation to the Rev, 0. P. Walla, B. A., B. 1)„ to return for a fourth year. The rev gentleman thanked the board for its kindneee and said while it woe poeeible the Stationing Committee might move him yet the nbanoee were be would be with them for a. fourth year, and if eo nothing would give him greater pleasure thou to some back and serve them to the beet of hie ability. OoNonno,—•Friday eveaing of next week the Boned Temperance will bold their annoel Charity Oonoert in the Townebip Hell hare. In addition to best iooal talent in vocal and inetrnmental main Cm. Committee has scoured the well kuowo humorous vocalist, W. McLeod, of 8eaforth, who gave soh tiptop eatie• taction last year. D. Ewan, violinist ; Mrs. Geo. Thompson, pianist ; Misses Winnie McGuire, elocutionist and Vinic Cardiff, and J. G. Jonoe, of Brueeele, will elan take part. Plan of reserved Beate at MoDonald'e Blore, A nitre of the prooeede will leo gent lo the Hospital for Sisk Children, A large attendenoe toned for eo perple oho= enure their Beate early. Lend a baud to a donning oberity, SCHOOL Berm got: JANoAar, — The following le the report of the Senior Department of Ethel Public School :— V clave—L. Chambore, 86 ; M. Ellemmon, 80; G, Imlay, 76; W. Goatee, 73 ; N. Iiimpeon, 06_ N. Imlay, 60 ; B, MKee, 44 Sr,IV—P. B ernnor, 77 ; H, Cottee, 73 i E. Freeman, 72 t F. Imlay, 68 ; M. MoOallum, 66; •B. Dunbar, 58 ; G, Dan. bar, 68 ; E, Dunbar, 51 ; B. Eoltmier, 48 ; B. Bateman, 25. Jr, IV—W, Heine. worth, 80; K. MnLeod, 67; W. Barr, 65 ; 0. lllo1Cee, 68 ; Sit, MoKeo, 60 ; J, MO. Oallum, 50 I N. Eokinier, 53 ; gam. Molotoeb, 52 ; I, Hogarth, Pi; L, Coop. Me 51. Sr. III• --L. Streehen, 78 ; I, Heath, 74; R Eokmier, 721R. Love, 70; L. Malmod, 70 ; E Hemsworth, 61 ; R. Fraser, 50, Jr. II—A, Oooper, 801 E, Thnmpeon, 79 ; A. McKee, 77 ; 0. Dane, 77 ; U. Barmaid, 70 ; J. Bremner, 70 ; H. Eokmier, 70 ; R. Gill, 68 ; A. Herne. worth, 67 ; P. Freeman, .04 ; A Barr, 63 ; V. SIoCall, 68 ; P. MoKee, 52 ; A• Fletcher, 48; L. Henry, 48; F. 11foCa1• lam, 42 ; L• McIntosh, 85. 61 pupile are on the roll and the average attendance ie 48. L. Bowen, Principal. Junior Department, Examined in Arith , Geog., Oomp. and Spell. Sr, II — J. cooper, H. i'ogal, W. Eokmier, R. Thompson. Jr. II -8. Hemsworth, V. Pollard, E. MoLeod, P, Gill, S. Strohm, 0. Eokmier, 0. Dunbar, M. MoNeeland, E, Dobson, R Coates, A. MoNeeland, H. Saville. Pt. II—E. Pratt, 0 Cooper, N. MoKee, N. Addy, P. Batemau, G Eck. mier, R, Hall, R. Gill, J7. Heath, W. Yeo, 0. Davidson. Sr. Pt. I—A. Ward, G. Cole, W. Thompson, R, Balmier, E Forenoon, R. Hemsworth. Ir. Pt, II— H. Ty roman, L. Ty realm, F, M. Sanders, G. Pollard, W. Cole. Average attend. ante 35, Louth E NIOHOLGe, Teacher, tree res•, Miee Steele Reymann left on Toads}, for Berlin. Joe Michel in visiting friends at New Hamburg. Wm. Gorealitz was borne over Sonday from Stratford. Mrs. Wm. Waode le eome better we are pleased to state, Mese Tena Buttrey, of Berlin, in home fora month's vacation, B. Juokeon, 5th son„'ielaid up with a broken leg we are sorry to stets. Mise Beeman, of Wingham, was vfeiting with her sister, Mre. John Lake, 4tn coo. Mise Amelia Whitfield, who was visit ing relatives at 8t. Merge, arrived home lest week. She had an enjoyable time. 'There was no servioe at Union ap- pointment last Sabbath un account of the Quarterly meeting held at Ethel that dev. Next Tneeday afternoon ie the date of ! the anotion sale at Chas. Roselle, Lot 5, Oona. 10 aod 11. Hie stock is in prime condition. • A eleigh load of young people .from near Atwood, spent a pleasant time at Jae. Hanna's 12th son., on Wednesday Dight of last week, Daaa,n Vance and Miee Barbera, of Bright, and Miee Maggie MaoPhereon, of MoKillep, spent atew days at Levi Whit. field'e, 12th con , laat week. A two story brink residence of the cottage style, will be erect, d by Thoe. Inglis, 13th eon., next season. Part of the material le hauled. Joe. and Mrs. Stevenson and eoo, from Sonde, Man., are vfeiting at the home of John Lake, 4th on. Mr. Steveneon 55 an uncle of Mre. Lake, Last Wednesday evening a crowd of over 20 people from the 2nd can; of Morrie paid a visit to their old neighbors, John and Mre. Lake. A_good time wan epent by all. John Hatobineoa, 121b eon., ie prepar- ing to bulid a new brink residence next Sommer. It will be 84x46 feet. Angus Campbell hee the stonework. The brink will Dome from Hentryn. Souoo» Renee.-- The following ie a report of 8 S. No. 4, Grey, for the month of Jaanary :—Average attendance, 58 5 ; iareeet attendaooe fon one day, 60 ; eco and largest attendance, 58 ; number of pgpile. who attended every day, 82; number of viaitore, 19. Neil McNair, I4th eon., was appointed township Ammo at last Monday'e Connell meeting. Bie salary will be 5100. A. Reymann S led the offioe for many }mere but deolined to sontinae hence the dinette. We wish Mr. MoNair noose in hie work. On month of intending to try hie fortune at sheep ranching in Idaho, Nei eon Aekia, Lot 10, Con. 14, bee decided to earl his farm stook, implements, &o., on Wedneeday 22nd. He has rented his farm for a term of years and will leave for the Weet shortly after the sale. F. S. Stolt will wield the hammer. Tneeday, Feb. 21st in the date set for Wm. Bairn° notion Bale of farm stook, implemente &p. Lot 12, Cou. 6,. He said bie farm last year and intende giving ap farming and will remove to Owen Sound, where he formerly resided, and will work at hie trade. We win him and bie family success. Mr. Reid has lived 6 years in Grey township, Tarubnli'e school wood abed was visited not long ago end 6 or 7 porde of dry wood taken. The cheeky individual meet have driven into the yard to get it. The traeteee want to Benseele and maimed a coal stove and a eapply`at goal and everything fa as cosy now as the proverbial bug in a rug. A padlock now adorns the woodshed door. The flue 160 acre farm of Jamas Lind. eay, 8th non., wee gold to John G. Smith, who hat reteutly returned from Lauder, Man„ for the sum of $9,800, Be gate poeeeeeion on Meech 16th. It fe a good place, in trim shape and no doubt the parobaeer will do well on it. It ie said Mr. Lindsay and Bone may embark in the hardware business. We wish them euooees. F. 8. Boott made the eale. The thro' bred Durham ball, "Snow Bank,” hes been Bold by Oliver Turnbull to Louie Williamson, 18'h oon., at a good price, In Leioeetere einoe last Fall Mr. Turnbull hag disposed of a ebeariing ram to Jae. Houston, Grey ; ram lambe to A. W. Smith, Maple Lodge ; Fred. Heal, Minden ; Jno, McDowell, Seatorth ; J. 8. Cowan, Atwood ; W. Shiele, M000rieff ; Wm• Mogen, Jamestown ; Geo. A. Beet, B ueeele ; Harry Yonng, Blyth, The latter also bought a pair of ewe lfmbe. The axles averaged 512 50 apiece. It evidently pays to breed good stook. donooi. RnrcuT, - Following is the report of the relative standing of the pnpile In S. S. No 3, Grey, for .Jana. pry, Se, IV — Harold Wilbee, Dantean MacKinnon, Jeeeie MacDonald, Willie J, Cardiff, Roes MacKinnon, Ceoit Lind. say, Mary Cole. Jr. IV—Louie Abbey, rade Foreyth. III Claes — Bethel! Wilbee, Merton Abbey, Sr. II 'Tommy McDonald, Ieaao Clayton, Ernie Cardiff, Burnet Smite, Cecil MaoRtnnon, Gertfe Step/men. Jr. II—Oliver Dell, Milton Lowe, John Cole, Jean Smith, The number in attendance daring the month was 21 end the average attondaa to 16. F. 8, Scott, Auotinneer, bee hem in. etruated by J. A. Plenary, Lot 16, Con, 9, to eel' hie farm stook, implements, &o,, on Friday alternoon of neat week. The eale will be without reserve an the pro. priator intends giving up farming, Mr. Menary may remove to Stratford, Fenn Sora—David Walker, 6th' tine, has diapoeed of hie fine 160 sore farm to tbe Miller Bros. (Thos. and Walter) for the tidy sum of $10,000 with a span of home thrown fo. Thie to a fine property nod nn doubt the boys will do well on it as they are well aognainted with the [arm. Walter working for a year and Tboa. for 5 yeare, They take po•oe•eion Sept, let, 1905. The 100 acre farm of Peter Jankeon, 8th line, has been leased for a 2 year term by George, eon of John Jeokeoo, Mr. Jackson will remove to Tisdale, Saskatchewan, N. W. T , about 100 miles East of Priese Albert, where be has token np 640 agree, Ae he has 7 eons and 8 daagbtere Mr. prod Mre. Jackson will not be abort o[ help in farming on broad prinoipiee. They will take two oars of stook and boueehold effeote with them. The many old Mende of the family, while sorry to think of them re moving, will be e unit in wishing them great prosperity in the Weet. They will likely leave in the oourae of a month or so for their new home, Mematatosrmo .—On Tuesday evening, 7th inn., at 7 Molten, the beaatitul reel. donee of Mre, Perdue, 2nd son. of the township o! Morrie, wae the scene of a quiet and pretty wedding. Herdanghter, ,Alias Eliza Jane, was united in holy matrimony to R. E atop, of North Dakota, by Rev, Geo. Baker, of Biuevale, in the pressrun; of a number of relatives end friends of the bride and groom. During the playing of the Wedding Mardi by Mre. Balser, the bride, dressed in Dream crepe de obine, trimmed with ineartioo and hoe, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother John, and carrying a b• met of white aatua- tione, The bridesmaid, Miee A. Elston, sister of the groom, followed, draseud in cream lustre and carrying a begot of pink aarnstions. Dr. W. H. Perin ), of Philadelphia, brother of the bride, per- formed the lnootione of groomsman. After the ceremony and the naafi! con. gratolatione and the signing of the marriage register, they all pat down to a sumptuous wedding feast. The remain ing hopes at the evening were spent in eoeial conversation and =cements. The bride's presents were beautiful and costly. Her going sway gown wee navy bine broadcloth with hat to match. The happy oonple intend to leave next week for their home in the West. The beet wiehee of the community follow them. Goo. Hoon PAMna AWAY. --The demise of George Hood, an old and widely esteemed resident of the 5th line of Morrie, on Friday night of last week, in hie 80th your, was not an nnexpeoted event owing to hie advanced ag• and Moral of three weeks Deceased was born at Jedborough, Roxboro'ebire, Soot land, where he rehided nati11870 when he and hie family emigrated to this °wintry. He taught school for 26 years in the Old Land, 24 yeate being epentin one pleas— Ettriok, On Marab 16th, I850, be was united in marriage to Jane Laidlaw, who survives him, On reaching Canada, they lived for a abort trate in Drumbo, Oxford Co;, and then came to this township where Mr. Hood bought the 100 sore term, upon which he lived and died, fith line, ft•om Alex. Soots. Deceased bad been a very hearty man with the exception of a poorly epell about 12 }mere ego. Heart weaknese, coupled with old age, wee the cause of his demiee. Mr. Hood was a faithful member of the Presbyterian enroll and au Elder in the oldest °hursh in Soot land for yenre. At Sanebioe doomed took an motive interest in the Methodist Sabbath School end taught a Bible olaea most efficiently for eome time. He wag a Justine of the Peace, te school trustee on different emotions and tit the time of hie death was Secretary-Treasorer'of Haat Huron ` Farmers' Inetitate, a poet ha hed fined with great tempt - ability and profiaieney for some years. He was exact end etraightfor• ward in all his potions, a man of high ideate, and the strictest integrity and the world oan ill spare these veterans. Politioally Mr. Hood was an ultra -Liberal of the Sooteh type and wee well read on the bietory of title and other sande and Ooneegaently could discuss the aiteation with a marked degree of igtelligenoe and instruction, The funeral service took plane on Hominy afternoon, an appropri• ate servioe being nondnoted at the home by Rev. J. J. Hestia, M, A„ of Bnlgrave, essieted by Rev. A. E. Jones, Methodiet minister, Interment was . made in Sunshine cemetery, In addition to Mre, Hood, who bas attained her 75th year, deceased le survived by, tour gone (Jno., William, Gideon and Alex., all of Saginaw, Mioh„) and six daughters (Mre Buckley, Paris ; Mre. Bristow, New Jersey ; Mae. W. Jackson, Blyth ; Mre. A. T. Cole, Morrie ; Mre. J. Oonery, Guelph ; and Mise Janet at borne.) Mr, and Mre. Hood would have been married 65 years in Meroh and it ie remarkable in eo large a family that this ie the first break, Deceased found the God of his youth hie stay end support to the oloee and in conversation with hie son, Rev. Wm. Hood, epees of tbe on• doubted trfendehip of the Savioat. The pall bearers were W. and Gideon Hood, W. Jatkeon, A. T. Cole and the latter's two Bone, Robert end George, The sympathy of the oommanity 1B extended to Mit. Hood and the other membere of the family, who deoiro to expreee their thnnke to old neighbors and frieude for eympethetio words and kindly deeds, George Hood will long ha remembered in this locality for bie sterling menbodd, indootry and eagerness to aid in the betterment of humanity, Mies ICnthleon Flood, of Pelelov, Ont., dieeppeared troth New York while Atilt. ing inane there, and the poli.,° pre thatching ter her, Fourth Division Court, Wednesday Fourth Division Court wee held here before Judge Bolt. The dooket was as follows ;— Saimaa ve. Hiding—An adieu for e meneend Defdicaleodant'eacoondaughtertfor,ervioee Judgrmentered for Plaintiff for $21 60 and costs. W. M, Sinclair to Plaintiff and A. B. MacDon• aid for Defendant. Genn vee Lowry --An nation foe =di- nt servioe, Judgment for Plaintiff for 860 and poste. A. B. MacDonald for Plaintiff and W. M, Sinclair for Defend- ant MODonald ve, Grubber — Aotion on atone mount. Adjourned until next (meat, A. B, MaoDooald for Plaintiff.. W. M, Sinclair for Defendant, Gaynor ve. Grabber — Thie was an action for 562,50 rent, brought by John Gaynor. Judgment of Den Bait. A, B. MaoDonald, for Plaintiff and W. M. Sinclair for Defendant. The last aotiou will be tried again probably beture a jury ae Hie Honor Judge Holt expreeeed himself very strongly as to there being mash false swearing by either of parties. A Chatty Letter From Boston. Data Hem For.x. — A Happy New Year to all of you and many of them. I promieed you en sonnet of my first trip to Boston eo I will begin at none. Left Philadelphia no Friday and ou reaching New York 1 took the Fell River steamer to Fall River and thence by rail to bielorfn Buetou, We left New York at 6 p. m. Friday and eteamed slowly ap the Sound leaving a broad white sheet of teetbiog foam in our wake. It was Moira! indeed to the the ligste of the oily gleaming like millions of stare and I stood outaide and watched them grow lees and Mee brilliant and at last lade away into diffuee light. The new Brook. lye bridge was a eight to behold, the oars °ootinnously made it eperkle aid glitter all along ite entire length- The wind woe blowing raw and sold en 1 was anon Riad to go inside where everything wee comfortable. The plane waoorowded, atateroome being engaged long before the vessel Bailed, ea we had to content our- eelvee with patting iu the night on coach ee and ohaire. One little lad amused me daring the night by getting up and walk• ing abont remarking to the sleep sae ogee, "I'm glad I am standing up, its Mier than lying down. Wieh't I could see the boat go.” We arrived at Fall River about 6 30 A. no, and there was a general scramble for the first Boston train. Two boys eat behind me and one kept remarking 0e we drew near different tnwne, "I wonder what plane this is 1" "Don't yon know ?" eaid the other short- ly. Again et the next station the Bathe remark was repeated and again hie friend said gruffly, "I don't know and I don't care." A third time the question came up and the other lad eaid e2 don't know and I don't care. I don't west to see a plane till I get bo Boston. ',That le God's own town." "You evidently don't like Baltimore," said hie frlond. "Balti- more after living iu Boston 1 Humph 1" When Baok Bay station was reached be seized his suitcase and wan off the or before it had stopped. "Home for Xmas I guess," an old lady said and the car smiled egreeiogly. It woe about 7 30 when we drew into S. Boston station and I soon eaw the tall figure of my friend, Dr, Laws, on tbe platform, looking eagerly about. We made the rounds of the station, an immense building covering 13 aorea of ground and coating about 514,000,000 Then we harried off to her home where we found a good hot breakfast awaiting as to which we did ample joetioe you may be sure. So tbie was Boston, what a wonderful plane it always seemed to me. When a child I read of the wonderful daring of the Unionists who threw the taxed tea into the sea, So the first place we went to wae Doraheeber Heighte, over- looking the harbor and where e. moun- ment stands recording the retreat of the British fleet with 11,000 men before the oannouade of a handful of Americans from the Heighte. In the fade of a bit - Mg wind we made our way to the harbor and were amply repaid for our walk, Babday we went to "Phillip Brook's" ohurah, a quaint old building, built in shape of a Latin prose. I believe the denotative work was done by John Le Fargo. Untortnaately we did not appreciate the sermon, yon oan hear a better mermen in Wingbam any day. The Public Library etande throes the square from title obarob and is a magnit• ioent piece of architecture and will be a lasting teetimonial to the high esteem in whish edeoation is held by the Boston - hula The net of building alone ie -esti mated at abant 52,500,000 Overlooking Boston Common etaade the State Honee, on Beaoon et„founded I believe, in 1795 The oatgide of the building giyea pun 00 idea of the beauty of the inside. In the mein hail ere the paintings of Paul Rever° en the wild ride of James Otie preeeoting. the views 41 the Colonlets to the Boglieh Magee and of the "Beaton Tea Party,' the raiding of the English Sena's and the throwing of the tee into the eea. We climbed right to the impede too hat the atmosphere wee so hazy our view Was bot very good. 01 course there are many, many other, buildings of into. est of whish I cannot now give an account end many which I dbd not the. I would liked to have Been Bunker Hill monument bol had not time, The street pat eyetem of Boston ie tine, far aimed of Philadelphia but the etreeto are eo crooked that it le vary ddflonit for strangers to find their way about town. ' I wept up as yen know to 4ee if I would have any bbahne of obtaining en appointment in the New England Hee. pital for women and children, The poli. tion is mush eoaght after and the New England Otte generally have the preftr• nee eo if I do neeet it g I eliaU not b0 math dieeappoibted but I believe io try,. ing anyway, It is a epletdidly equipped banding and hag a lint situation while the experience obtained 300001 be equal• ed in any other iuetitetion of its kind throughout Canada or the United Stales. I interviewed several of the libido, one:0f them remarked that I looked strong and hearty and I said "Yee 1 my torefathere looked well after that.1t That seemed to please her immensely for the asteelly said "She hoped to see me Jater.” How. ever smearing a eittnttion in a hoepitetl is Mat about as uncertain ea the Reform vote in Huron et the repent elections. You may Oil the bill in every respect, could not be better °fled and yetnot get the appointment, Returned to POO. delpbie Saturday, Deo. 31st and em. getting down towork for we have three mid -year exams. in January, Dermatology Ophthalmology and Hygiene. Weather ie perfootly beautiful, mild and balmy as a day in May. Kindest regards to all of the home people, and wiabing yon a vety Happy New Year. I am youth lovingly, Mens It FINnLATka, Philedelphfa, Jan. 2nd, 3905 Mise Fiodlater is eow taking her last course at the Womane' Medfoal College in Philadelphia.. She is a daughter of Wm. Fiadlater, 2nd line, Morrie, Brussels Council. The regular monthly eeeeion of Bras. eels Connell wee held on Monday evening. Ail the members present, Reeve Hender- son in the chair. Minato of last meeting read and passed. A000aute were preeented its follows ;— Geo. Best, dump ground 515 00 A. MoLaaelbin, salary R. Henderson, fuel H. Delion, printing F. 5 Some, election 6 00 5 20 3 00 4 00 A. Straohan, error by over pay.. 2 00 Moved by J. G. Donee, emended, by W. F, Stewart that above accounts 'be paid. Carried. Auditors' repot was read and nom. minted upon. Moved by R. Thomson, eeoonded by S. T. Pum that report be adopted and that abstract be published in Two PoeT. Carried. Application of James Turnbull for the position of Assessor for 1905 was read. Moved by W. F. Stewart, seconded by R. Tbomeon that Mr. Turnbull be appointed at a salary' f 540 - Carried. Moved by S. 7.'. Penne eeoonded by J. G. Jones that the Auditors be paid the cum of 56 each for 'heir services,end the Treasurer's eatery be 560 per annum. Carried. Gloved by R. Thomson, eeoonded by 3. G. Jane that the Treasurer use Sinking Fund to pay °arrant expanses and that 675 interest per annum be ailuwed ou all amounts aged, the game to be repaid Oat of loon! a000aut of 19,5. Carried. Moved by R. Tientsin, seconded by W. F, Stewart that the town printing for 1905, 0e per list, be awarded to Tao Poey on tendered price of last year. retried. Connell then adjourned. EDITORIAL NOTES. Jnnan KILL= has been elected Chair- man of the Railway Cnmmiaeion fie successor bo Hon. Mr. Blair resigned. There ie a large shore of work out out for the Oommieafon and not a few very knotty problems to solve, Thera is plenby of room for a shaking ap or many features of these public ntilitiee from the rut they have been in for many years, A onsAT revival ofreligion is one of the noteworthy features of old London at the preeant:time. Not only the Non•Ooaform- ieteand Salvation Army but the Habil• icy and leading clergymen of other churches are misting, R. A. Torrey and 0. M. Alexander, both of the U. S„ are the !evangelists and the latter bas trained a choir of 3,000 voioee to lead the anteing. From 10,000 to 15,000 assemble in tbe eveninge. 560,000 have airaadq been oolleotod to meet the neoeeeary expenses of the meetings and 525,000 more will be raised. The Evangeliete expect to remain in London for five months and eo men interest is manifested that oolomne are published in the daily press concerning the services, Wales bae bed a groat awakening and the marvel now is that the world's metropolis ehoald beeo anions about religions eervioee. * * * Aron a long, eaaceeefnl and peogeeee• Me term of offae, extending over 30 yore, the Liberal party in Ontario have hnnd- ed over the thine of government to Hon. Mr. Whitney and hie followers. It will keep the newcomers beetling to maintain the busineee methods of their pre• deoeeeore ae this Province bae a men wider stops than even five yenre ago bet we believe the eleotore of Ontario alit give the new Government a fair show before probeunoing upon their merits' as legielatore and statesmen. It is nits» easier 10 kink end find fault than it le , to amend and improve and Mr. Whitney and Wecabiest 00111 find thin oat before they are many Menthe to office. The new Cabinet will ooneiet of t--Peemi.e and Attorney•General, Bon, 3. P. Whit* gay ; Miniottr of Orown Lunde, Han .L J Foy ; Minister of Agrioniture, Bon, Nolen Monteith ; .Provincial Treasurer, Hon. A. J. Matheson'; Minister et 1]rlu. cation, Han, R. A.,Pye° ; Provincial Secretary, Han, W. J, Hanna ;. Miuieto8 of Pnblio Worke, Hon, J. 0, Room ; Witheup 'portfolios—Hon, Adam Beckt Hou. i. S, Hendrie and Hon, W. A. Willoughby ; Speaker, Hoa, J, W. Bt. John.