HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-2, Page 34/1111111611=116111.61411111001.11..11, *A.m. TRAIN UP A CFHLO And When Apr Btoend Ulla or 'perm 09608 April 111.11, 1904 wo 0ommerp al andreShorthand, Bend for College Journal. A, L. Al BIN I'R1822, Manager, BUSINESS CARDS, MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER conkDfoORP OKEAjBrnaeele, W• Issuer of Mfarrloge Lloensee, Of. 1100 at Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels, -WARMS FOR SALE—THE UN• Bale sad 80 real, easy Berme gin dTowumshipe of Morrie and Grey, L' S. 811OTT,Bruesel C. 0. F. Court Penne*B Alexaudrle, No, 24, 0.0, I3russels, meets in their Lodge Boom, Bias - hill Block, an the 2o4 and last Tuesdays of each month, at8 o'olock. Visiting brethren always welcome, JAR, BUBOESa, O.R. A. 01, b110LLISH, lt, 8. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI tNeDRANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSORANOE, LOAN AND REAL ESTA'1'N AGENT, Otfloe over Hnrelov'e Drug Store, Nov, 8rd, 1908, 80 -Sm Braes0le. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., MMTARLtanED 1840 Ineuratlee taken on the oaeh and premium note system at current rates, Before iusur• ice elsewhere call ou theunderolgned Agent of the Company, GEORGIC ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 7H'1 B. SCOTT AS AN AZIOTION- 1• 080, will sell for better prices, to better men in lees time and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer In Haat Enron or he won't charge anything. Dates and ordere can always be arranged at this Mike or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLIIEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for at the ofSce of Tun Poor, Brunie. 22tt VETERINARY. T. D. WARWICK— CI • Honor Grel,lnato of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated aoim0ls in a coronet• ant manner. P01 alar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Of1ce and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, 1'uruberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— B ., Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Me, Sueeeeoor to G. F. Blair. 01000 over Stan- dard Book. Brueelo. solicitor for Metro- politan B auk. IAT M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, ;Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o, Ciliac—Btawarto Blook I door North ot Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pROUDEOOT, HAYS & BLAIR—• BARRISTERS 801,I0ITf'Re, NOTARIEB PUBLIC, ETC. W. PRounaooT, 12. 0. R. 0. Base G. P. BLAm. 001000—Those formerly ocoupled by Moore Cameron & holt, GODERIan, ONTAmo, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 111. D„ e7, 711., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Burgeons Out. Liuontiato of the Royal Col- lege of ;?'hyeloians and Licentiate of arid. wifely, Edinburgh, IT•lopboue No.14, Remittance—Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 11RNTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental eurgeonsof Ontario and F1ret.cla0s Honor Gradate of Toronto Uulvoralty. '01800 next to iirewor'e Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, f`w".��c1iL6 3`8 A .FAMOUS SCHOOL�p i.D CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. a'Young Man, Young g Woman there le +hbuudnu8 room for you in 8110 higher , and mora responsible omelette of Hite, YOU ARE NEEDED, Get aBusiness or Shorthand training 'and march ftp - Wards. Enter our Souool tb10 mouth if Lon0ible. Yr3LL1 mT 0 h 1141LaN, Prlaolpal3, fast �3:uro. Farmers' Institute Meetings of East Huron Farmers' Institute for the dieuaeeiun of Attriouitur. al and kindred eubjoote will bo held in BRUSSELS, Friday, FEB, 3 WROXETFR, Saturday, FEB. 4 Each day at 1 80 and 7,80 p.m. All are cardielly invited to attend these meetings and take an intelligent part in the die000eaon on the varied subjects introduced by the speakers. T. MoMILLAN, GEO, HOOD, President, Beeretary. MIstrx,tt SttOS, Lentil) ter 'v. Mrs. John 0. Murrieon has removed from MoBiliap to Varna to reside. William Malotooh, who has been In Manitoba and British Colombia for a unmber of years, has been 0a an extend ed visit at the reeidenoe of hie brother, Finlay MaIntooh. He purposes return - Ing to British Columbia some time in February, Tonneau. CounorD,—At the last meet. Ing of the MaRiIop Conuoil it was moved by J. M. Gaventeok, seconded by Oho. Little that the salaries of the municipal officers be ;—For clerk, $200 ; Aimee/tor, $80 ; Treasurer, $80, and Collector, $80 per annum and auditors to receive $8 each, D. 91. Roes was again appointed Treasurer ; W. Beane, Collector ; M. !Wardle was appointed Clerk and John Shannon and John Govenlooe, Auditors. On ino8i0n of M. R•;wiand it was agreed that the Board of Health be oompoeed of the Reeve, Clerk, J. Murray, B. O'Ooo- null and Thee, MoE roy, and 8. J. Shan• non, sanitary inspector, Accounts to the amen!, of $192 were ordered to be paid. Tha aoun0ll adjourned to meet in Chris. White's hoose, Leadbnry, on Wednesday, Feb, 22nd, at 10 o'clock a. m. M. AlORDIE, Clerk. xeter-. Mrs, Salter is elowly improving from her ilinese. It ie taunted-. that we are to have another butober shop in town. Mee Mond Taylor has recovered from the ,ffeole of a sprained wrier, reoeived from a fall at the rink. Lois, the daughter of Obas. and Mre. Bireey, sustained a painful injury to her eye by falling on the ioe, Wm. Bawdeu, of the firm ot Bowden & MoDauell, uaaompanied by Geo. Martin, of Hibbert, left for the Old Country where bein8eude purohasing a number of entire horses to place in their sale 0table here. T. R.. Martin, of Btepbeo, had the miefortnne to eeriouely injure hie leg. Ha had been in town during the after noon and, having taken his otter into the barn, he attempted to take a short out off the embanitmen8, but slipped on the ioe and fell heavily, The doctor was not summoned until the next afternoon, and in the meantime the limb had molten to molt an extent that it wee impossible to estimate the injury dote, and it ie not known whether the hip le disjointed or the bone broken, Mr, Martin is an aged gentleman and we hope that the injury is a alight one. It wee only a few weeks ago that he and Mrs. Martin moved from town back to the term, and it is much to be regretted that the accident hoe happened, t (aotterlcp,. We are glad to learn that Mre. George Hawkins, wbo eome days ago suffered tut attack of facial paresis, is able to he up again, The enm of 954,000 for harbor im provemente at' Goderioh ie iuoluded in the estimates eubmitted to the House of Coromone. At the annual meeting of Bt George'e branch of the vt omen's Auxiliary the oflioere were re•eleeted, as follows ; — Prreident, Mre. Turnbull ; eeoretary, Mrs. McKim ; treasurer, Mrs. Clark. The membere of the towu Oounoil, together with farmer members of that body still residing in town and a few others aouneoted with the mnnioipal service, were the guests of Hie Worehtp Mayor Marney ata supper at hie hand. 'tome reeidenoe, Pigott & Go. have the trestle work Al- most completed across the river, men be. Ing now at work bnildingt,the South arm of the river. The earth removed by the stoma shovel i0 being damped on the river ieland this aide of the cement abut. mens reoentty put in, the intention being to form au embankment, Mre. Hardy, 0r„ met with a eorions aoaident on Viotorio street, She was in a setter driven by Hugh Hardy, which collided with one driven by Mr, Corbett, of the Union hotel, Mrs. Hardy was thrown nnt'and 0aetained several broken ribe and other injuries, and for some days was in a asthma condition. I,irxto w r 1. Mies Anna Warren Smith hoe been appointed choir director of the Metho. diet Ohnroh, Annual meeting of the shareholders of the Morris Piano Company, Limited, will be held in the bead ago of the Company, at the Piano taatory here, on Tuesday, February 7th, at 8 p. m. Tbe conservatives of Listowel and vioinity oelebrated the victory for Mr. Torraneo and Mr. Whitney by crowding the Town Hall where the reports were reoeived. When the returhe were it, congratulatory epeeobee by leading Oon- 0 09081800381zens followed. The victory was also oelebratod by the boys with a bonfire on the ono and by the young men with an impromptu o0noert in the glob room, Thursday night saw an even larger oelebration, three coach lode of Torrence supporters from Stratford. and Milverton coming tip by epeoial brain, and bringing the 28th Band with them, They wore met at the station by a torchlight procession and metalled to 018 hall, width wee altogether too small to ltoommeiodate the mass of people, Jem00 Torrence'M P. P. u excellent in e n x Ilent spaech,thanhe4hiaMende for oarryinii him to victory with Stich a handsome majority. Oongra,nlatory epe00hee were made by Mr, Magwood, who 000lpied the ohair, d by k1essrs, 11x1 and lion, Mo. expired and oano.'lted 860, leaving 1886 Ithargey and Bawl!, of Stratfo. cl ; Mr, polioiee In force, with u anal insurance Coulton, ,0f Patiao ; Gus. Nickel, of of $2 807,568 and premum weep g1 Wallace I Mr. Merle, of Atwood, and $125,695 74 The Campany'a afftire are Mayor Watson, Rev. Buckland and Mr. oarelelly end roonomieally handed under Rothwell, of Listowel. The meeting the able admulfatratloo of Robb O,eland, gtoesd with ohowel for the Ring, Mr. the oMeient Seo..Treas,, of the Company, Torrance and Mr. Whitney. Though beaked up by eaaellent Board of the 0aoa0iun wad one for much eauber- pireotors, ante, good order prevailed throngboat, T'rowbrtci=e, Mrs, Collins and eon, from Manitoba, are yieitiog relativse hare. Benj. McOormiolc and Muter are spend. inks few days with friends In Peel. J. H. and elle. Kinsman, of Wyandotte, were renewing old aoquaintanoee in the village, Mien T, L. Phillips, of Toronto, le epending o few weeke with Mrs. R. H, Green, Mise. Jennie Sutton, who has been colder the dootor'e care, le able to be around again. Geo, Grabam while drawingwood from the bash met with the palatal aooideut of breaking We leg. Arabia Tugheo, who has been eerionely ill with pneumonia, ie, we are pleased to report, on the mend. Quite a number of our young people drove over to Atwood to attend the Japaneseeooial and report having a good time. R. H. end Mrs. Green returned home Monday, of last week, after spending a week in Stratford, the former having attended the Dairymooe' 0onventiou. te Ieaao Skinner of Alexander, Manitoba, spent a few days Welting hie brother•in- law, Philip Willowe. R. MoOnmmine was eleoted obairman of the School Board and A, H. Plummer Be/watery Treasurer. Mise Grace Penhale left for her home in Medicine Hat, Assiniboia, after a week's visit with her meter, Mre. D. D. Crittenden. Among those in this neighborhood who were recently appointed justices of the poste are Hugh MaQaarrie, of Blyth, and R. 0. McGowan, of Beet Wewanoeb. Reeve Sloan and Clerk Elder were ap. pointed dolegatee to go to Goderioh and interview Chief Eogineer Peterson and Eoglneer Roberta re eettleweut of all railway matters malar ea Blyth is aou• oerned. Wm. and Mre. Mason mourn the lose of their youngest eon, Franaie J., who died from 000vuleione Sunday forenoon, Jan, 22nd. The little fellow had not enjoyed the best of health for some time pant, but on Sunday morning be appear- ed much better and brighter, when 000vnletone eaddenly set fo, ending with death. VPinglan:EH. Beattie Bros. lost one of their prettily matched team of cream borne. Rev. W. Lowe will give bio lettere on Ireland and the Irish, in Luoknow, on February 2nd, in aid of Bt. Peter'e (thumb. Mies W, Alba Chisholm hoe consented to 080381 in rendering some Irish songs. Wingham'e new Grand Trunk elation will be one of the beet. The work will be commenced early in the Spring. The trabnmoster le authority for the state- ment 8010910,000 have been set &aide for Winghatn etslion. Two towers will give it an imposing appearance. Mies Lizzie Meaty, employee of the Advance, has been obliged so cease work and take an enforced holiday. It will be remembered, that while coming down street one evening last Fall, in a boggy, one of the basses collided with the rig, and the occupants of the boggy were thrown Out. Mies Flashy has not as yet, recovered from the offsets of the accident, For some time, she tried to move around with the aid of a crutch, but on the advice of her physiotnn is now remaining aa quiet 00poeeible. The annual meeting of the Woman's Aux limey of St Paul's Church was held at the home of Mre, W. F. Vanetone. The adore eleoted for the year were— Piee.—Mre. Lowe; tat Viae Pres,—Mre. Corbonld ; 2nd Vioe Pro. Mre. 'Pomp. kine ; Rea. Seo'), —Mise G. Corb.,nld ; Ger, Seo'y—Mre,iVenstone ; Treae,—Mre, Roderone ; Managing Com.—Mre, Bine and Mrs. Dingley : Delegates to London —Mre. Lowe, Miee G. Oorbould, Mre, R Johneton, Tbe last year's reports show a very eaaoeseful year. ,4 .t vvooe1. At the meeting of Stratford Presbytery held in Listowel an Monday of last week the call from the Atwood Presbyterian Church to the Rev. A. MnVioar of Huntsville, was preeented by the Mods eretor, Rev. J. W. Cameron. Atwood congregation was represented by Jae. Diokeon, R. Aodereon and B. Bennett, who strongly urged that the call be sustained. It wax signed by over 800 members and adherents, and guaranteed a stipend of $6000 and mane0 with five Gore glebe, and two weeke holidays, It was decided to forward the pall to the North Bay Presbytery and provisional arrangements were made for holding the induction eervi0e at Atwood on Thome. day, Feb. 16th. The Bee throws a flower garden after Warden Donaldson after the following manner ;—At the County Coonoil meet- ing held in Stratford on Tuesday, James Donaldson wee unanimously ohoeeu to 001 as Warden of the county. Mr. Dog. aidson reoeived the honor without oppo• sitioo, and that bo will make an efficient presiding officer goeswithout saying. Whatever Jim eats hie mind on a000m' piiebing ho generally does tt000mplieb, and now he has once more seemed a ooveted honor. He is a young man of splendid ability who bee served seven years In municipal life, one year an Councillor for Elute and three as Reeve of the Dame totvnehip and three ae County ,Oounolllor. Jim's numerous friends heartily congratulate him on hie euooeee, We hope hie tenure of office ea Warden may be a pleaeant one. The abnaal meeting of the Elmet Fire Inouranoe Co. wee held in the Agrionl• turel Hall, Atwood, on Friday of last week, Tboo. Diakeon wee appointed chairman, The minutes of the annual and direotoro' meeting were read and approved, and aim the auditors' report. This ao an m n p y hoe a oaoellent record and althongh there were some heavy loeaee canoed. by lightning last year, yet the oompany hoe a balance of 99795.07. All the old Board of Direotore were re. Mooted, From minuet the anal r0 t p or we gather that the !stet receipts were $1 682,9, total expenses $5 688,48. Nam. her 0f poliof00 in foroe durink 1908 wa8 1821, new and renewed 1903 was 426, en C4 Or glee. ee. Bow= MDTOAD I elnlatOE Co, --The 82nd animal report of the Howlett Mutual Fire Ineuraoce Go., wearing the traneaotioue of the Company for the year 1904 fa out. The Company had many heavy Imam, Owing t0 the e0vere etorme, but the income was aa&oieut to meet ail obligations and to add a email gum to the cash aeoonnt. The number of polioiee belted daring the past year wee 1186 and the number in force at the end of the year were 3828, being an in. crenee of 156 policies. The automat of inearanoe written wme $1,968,838, the amount cancelled and expired 01,464,510.- 00, leaving the net amount is force at the close of the year $6,080,221, being an inorsooe Lor the year ot $898,828 00 iu the amount at risk. This 0ump00y le one of the beat Mutual Insaronae Compeniee fu Ontario and now has total aeeets amount. ink to $290,328. The officers are :— President, John R. Miller, Jamestown ; V,oe•Preeident, Edward Bryane, James. town ; Seo'y.-Treae„ W. S. MoReroher, Wroxeter ; Direotore, Robert Souk, Faltoa'e ktilis ; James Edgar, Gerrie ; Wm. Me]iercher, Wroxeter and James Wylie, Glenfarrow. The annual meeliog will be held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Friday, February 10th at 1 o'olook p. m. `ieallttt-tit. Harry Soots, who woe spending the holiday anon with hie uncle and other friends in San City, Iowa, hee returned borne. William Sclater has beam appointed chairman of the Poblio School Board ; Jon Rankin, seoret'ery and Wm. Ramey, a Mashie on the Collegiate Ioetitate board. Dr. H. H. Rose hee parohaeed from Mre. Knox the reeidenoe on Victoria Square, nowoaonpied by D. J MoORliom, for 01,500. It i0 one of the moat pleasant. ly situated residences in the town. John Thompson, barrister, of Ottawa, son of the late Bit John Thompeon, spent a few days in town the gnoet of Dr. Mo- Glnnie. Be woe assisting the Censer. votive Oandidatee in the reliant clam. paten. Meny of our readers will reeretto learn of the death of Rev. Joseph Galloway, a former p80tor of the Seaforth Methediet Miami'. Mr. Galloway was stationed in Atvineton and died there on Mooday, Jan, 28rd. He was 57 years of age and had been euffering for some time from Bright's dieease. The remains were interred in Toronto. Poblio meetings for the discussion of the growing of auger beets will be bald in the Connell room, 8eaforth, on Monday, February 6th at 3 p. m., at Clinton, am Fabroary 7th and at Centralia on There. day, February 9th. 'these meetings will be addressed by A. E. Shuttleworth, agri- oultnriet of the Ontario Sugar Company and Simpson Rennie, of Scarbero, York county. MoRxino9 INBoRANbE 00BIPANY,—The Annual Meeting of the Mo$illop Mutual Fire Insurance Company wee held in the Town Hall Beaforth, on Friday, 20th day of January, a0 1 o'clock p. m„ she President, J. B. McLean, in the ohair. The minatee of last annual meeting were read, and, on motion approved. Director's report said :—In presenting this, the 29tH anneal report, the Direotore are pleased to be able to lay before the members a favorable statement of the condition of the affairs of the company. During the year 713 new polioiee have been leaned covering properly to the amount 'of $1,172,190. The premium notes for the year amounted to $40,774.50. The gross amount of premium notes held by the company at the end at the year wan $119 855.10. At the oloee of the year there were 2,211 polioiee in force, cover int property to the amount of 98,477,530. The loges for the year have all been settled in satisfactory manner. Total number of policies in foroe..2,811 Total property floonred.,..93,477,588 00 Total am't of premium riotee..119,855 10 Total aeeeeetuente for 1904 7,120 55 080BIPT8 To balance from 1903 $9,46771 To interest reoeived in 1904... 269 87 To oaeh on assessments 1904.. 6,749 00 'Po oaeh on 1800eemeat8 1908.. 222 25 To oath on 08easemente 1902,. 15 90 To.oasb on sesesemenla 1901.. 6 05 $16,729 28 ExPENDITUREe Total losses paid $6,02027 Other Imes paid 1,113 19 Oaeh in bank .10.54161 A oath balance of over 910,000 is evideeoe of 900890x07 and few toeeee,1 The old offiaere were re eleoted nod Thos. E, Hays again chosen as Seo,-Treae. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR FEBRUARY, Rev, Irl 1t. Eloise, of St. Louie, has homed his bulletin of prugnoetientione for the month of February, from which the following data ie extracted. The first regular storm period for the mouth is central on the 8rd, coveting the 1st to the 6th. Daring a storm period the Bret thing to be expected is a Mange to warmer in the Western parte of the country. The barometer begins to fall at the seine time and in same eeotions. These oonditione begin to move Eastward and cloudiness goon appears over wide areas, followed by preoipitatione and eMorminon. By the 00n1ra1 day of the period Storm areas, ea a rule are clearly developed and on their march Eaetward Into more aeutraf parte of the oountry, Daring the last half of the period storm pertnenlione roaah their enlminaling etagee in regi0n8 along the great oentral valleys, and through the regions East' ward towerd the Atlantic. Now, if these things are 00, why should wo etaltity oureelvee and God's toots' by allowing oar0alve8 lase time and only eironm• scribed looalities 7 Not only Bre theeo things true, but Nature loge no 18011'8 Forfeit and has her own way. Before the ohange to warmer, the falling broom. et arnd rain or Emmy h t a ow having completed le tad p their roaroh Eaetward, the baro18eter ie thing in the West, etorme have 000um8d 6130 guise of oold wooing] blizzarde, end. Ing 1n clearing and very bold Weather 1 1Vastwo'4, 'flee before the Brat Magee of 11e ,.', 0t period reaob 1110 Hoarsen etre-mg, .,1 nor 00ntinent—and all them witble h, „mite of a r0gglar storm per. gad. A prug,,.seive warm wove with falling barometer will appear first ; oluudineee with rain, turning to snow will follow, and these, attended with more or lees etormineee, will plow a0ntral to Itaotern 9(0038 of the 0onntry (root about the 8rd to the 5311, Meantime a high barometer with Winter winds andobaogo to muob older Nerth•wsetern eeetione in doe time and regular order 40 diepleoe the storm areae and epreed to Eastern extremes, By the 8th and 9th all the foregoing phenomena of the Bret storm period will have nearly or goite dieeppeared, except the cold io Eastern states, Change to warmer and falling barometer, followed by return to olondineee and rain and will again be advancing .from Wooteru parte, On toouhing the 840 and 9th look for mine, with electrical storms probable, eepeaially Southward. Ae the oonditione 113090 oat of the way to the Eaetward, high b,rometer, sold winds with Nolte of snow and clearing weather will follow proeree8ively to the Eastward, The neat storm period (a central on the 1480, extending from the 12th to the 10111. The passage of regular Winter storm period to central on the 14th, lextending from the 1903 to the 1680. The paeeage of regular Winter etorm conditions, from West to East is progressive order, may be oontated on at this period. Firer, February mine, turning to avow and Bleat egnallo, winding op with tieing barometer and cold wave. The 19th, 20th, and 2188 will bring general and very active !Winter Morena, The first stage of these etorme will be warm and tropical—rains with lightning and thunder, especially oo and touching the 21st, Rut in gaiok order look for °Images to oolder with blizzardouo visits• tione from West and North. Deoided oold will spread Eastward behind pro. erosive worms. JUST LIKE FIS INC Building up Trade is just like Fishing. If you use the right kind of bait and east your line where the kind of fish you want are most plentiful you'll quite likely get a number of them. Then if you go about it right you are pretty surd to land most of them. Apply the illustration to Business; If you want to catch the trade always keep the Best and Freshest values in goods and allow the Highest prise for Farm Produce and Business will come every time. This , we always strive to do at J. IMESTOWN General Store What is left of Xmas and other Winter Goods will be put out AT COST to make room for Spring goods. Butler,170 trade, 16o oaeh ; Ea50, 20a oaeh or trade. Other produoe taken et City priose, W. e s The Met storm period for February rune from the 25th into March. On and touching the 27th and 28111, growing change to falling barometer, warmer and olondineee will merge into widespread rains fringed on the West and North• west tangente by snow, high winds and much oolder. In due time and order there oonditione will reach moat parte of the country, involving the Met day or two of Marob, The Robert Bimpean Go. Limited, of Toronto, who recently Required the bust • nese of John Murphy & 0o., of Montreal, have purobheed a parcel of real aerate ad. joining the Moruby building far $52,000, equivalent to $16 per Square foot, STRICTLY ONE PRICE THE LOWEST NOW FOR OUR, GREAF ANNUAL CLEAR L Commencing on January 20th Will Continue until Feb. loth We make no apology and have no excuses to offer for announcing to -day the commencement of our Annual Sale. This Sale is not the whim or thought of a moment but a settled feature of our business policy the same as our special holiday display. January is stock -taking month, on the 5th of February we enter stooks and balance our books for the year. Before this day arrives stock must be down to the lowest level possible and shelves and counters cleared of Winter goods. This Sale will be a money -saver and we are going to make it pay you and pay you well to do your Dry Goode buying here this month. We are anxious to get stock down below the average level this year. Here is a partial list of the Bargains. They are big and only a few of the many you will find at the store. CLEARING OUT THE NTLE Every mantle in this store must be sold this season. We positively will not carry one over. Half price and less they have been marked to clear them before February 10th. All are this season's garments but must not have a single garment to mix with 1905 stook when next Fall comes around. Good business demands that—so value or cost have not been considered in making these new prices. Commencing Friday, Jan. 20th, we will sell the cheapest mantles ever sold in Brussels. Come and prove the truth of this statement. Mantles at $3.00 that sold up to $6.75 Your chose of every Mantle in the Mete that sold np to $6 75 for 98.00 Every size represented in the lot. New and etylieb garments, perteet fitting and made from good wearing materials, regular prioee op to and intending those we sold at $6.74 for our great sale 0 Mantles at $4.85, Regular Price up to $9.00 Your ohoioe of every Mantle in the store cold at from $7 00 ap to $9 00 for $4,85, Some of our hand• eomeet and moat stylish' germane] are in We lot. They were exoellent valuee at their former prim bet rather than take a ohanoe of carry iug them over we have out the prion below the halt price mark, Every size in this lot also blaok and colors. Your choice for our annual sale that sold up to $9,00 for $ Wo have six only high aloe Mantles Chat bold at $10 00, $12 50, and $16,00. These we have marked at exactly half price. They are exoep. tionally etylieh garments, well merle and lined with a good quality of Bilk. Rather than take the chance of carrying any of them over, we clear tbeee high grade Mantles at exactly halt prioe,00mmenoing Friday mot'ning, CHILDREN'S MANTLES— This Beason we Imported the oiliest Obildreo's Garment8 we have ever shown. There are about 20 of them left in stook to day. Reefers, tbroe•quarter aoate and nletere made from plain Cheviot fau0y tweeds, with trimmings of bralde, buttone, stn, 'They aro atyliob gar. menta and will 61 children from 5 to 12 years of age, Rather than Derry one over, we have out the prices almost in two. 8 00 We are going to sell some Cheap Wrappers Not ordinary obeap wrappers bot good wrappers cheap. Made in the beet wrapper factory in Canada and from strong fait oolored wrapper• etbee, medium and dark patterns, waists and eleevee lined, very full skirt. Extra good val- ues at 91.35 and 91,00, clearing price $1.00 nod.. $ 1 25 Out go the Ready-to-wear Skirts January sale prices have been put on all the Cloth Skirts in this case. They mesa almost half what we sold them at. This is year oban00 for a Skirt Bargain. Do not mine it. See what it means :-- Daring sale you can buy a $8.00 Skirt for a, 0 460 „ „ 48b ' ` 500 11 0 0 0 6.00 0 a 75c & 86o Flannelette Gowns at 500 Ladies' Gowns, made of an extra heavy quality. Flannelettes, in White, Blue and Pink. Ail are neatly trimmed, one replier price being 75o and 85o are to clear at $2 00 8 50 4,00 Is not that quite a saving 7 Fur Jackets at January Sale Price Fur Jaokete have bad the knife applied to prioe for this greet sale. Every garment was made to our order from oboioe [selected ekine. Te abooi- gtely reliable and can depend upon in every way. No better ahanoe thio Beason to tet a good Fur Jacket for little money. $87 50 for $80.80 ; $85.00 for $29.00 ; $28.00 tor .... , ...3 28 00 Ladies' Sable Scarfs Ladies' Sable Sods, clearing at the following Brio• ee ;—$20 00 for 915 00 ; 010.60 for $12 00 ; $17.00 for $18 00 ; 915.00 for $10,50 ; $10.00 for $ 8 00 Caps, Gauntlets, Caperines and Fur -lined Capes Clearing at exactly 50 Cost Price. OME to this Sale any day duringthe next two weeks and you'll not be dis- apoin ted u b tout earl if ("� t you e lett/ s' an the best things generally appointed, .. Y Y 1 s g� l y go :first, FERGUSON