HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-2-2, Page 2THURSDAY. FEB. 2, 1905. TBE Central Prison at Toronto la Lull to overflowing and a number of the jail() are loaded up with gentry holding free tiakete for the throe boarding house. In• or3eaed accommodation will haps to be provided or a higher olaae of oitize0ehip inaugurated, DOMINION Parliament has now settled down to 130610 art. The Chairmen eleoted for the various Standing Com. mittees aro :—Pablio A000unts, 0. F. Mo. Ieaeo ; Banking and Oommeroe, Archie Campbell ; Railwaye and Canals, Hoo, Ohne. Hyman ; Privileges and Eleolione, H. J. Logan ; Mieoellaneons Private Bills, L. P. Demers ; Standing Orders, George D. Grant ; Expiring Laws, Jr. A. C. Ethier ; Agriculture and Colonizatioo, T. Greenway ; Debates of the House, H. Gervais. A 6Aw•o11 hae been arreeged, it 18 said, whereby North Grey and North Norfolk Dominion Election petitions will be dropped. We don't believe in the raw. off bueineee and think the tendency is bad. If members have been eleoted by unfair methods they should be unseated and if their conduct hae been proper the Courts should ray so and the matter be properly plaaed before the public. Peli• tions are entered and withdrawn often without the riding exeantivea baying a chance to say either Yee 1 or No ! and this we maintain fa not the prinoiple that ehonld govern these situations. The eonetituenoies have a right to be consulted in the matter. EAST HURON. Following are the official returns an• nuanced by Retaroine Officer Straohao on Tuesday for East Riding of Huron :— RR098ELe. Hislop Bowman No. 1 36 41 No. 2 56 54 No. 3 58 26 150 121 Majority for Hislop 29 GREY. No. 1 49 66 No.2 89 22 No, 3 88 84 No. 4 77 85 No. 5 84 67 No. 6 77 56 No. 7 82 46 511 326 Majority for Hislop 185 MORRI8 No. 1 53 47 No. 2 69 45 No. 3 42 58 No. 4 54 45 No, 5 51 47 No.6 64 85 333 327 Majority for Hielop 6 BOLLETT No. 1 49 64 No, 2 81. 46 No. 3 32 24 No.4 69 52 231 186 Majority for Hislop 45 01'EILLOP. Nt. 1 96 No. 2 95 No.3 57 No.4 59 307 Majority for Hislop 60 WRO0ETEE. No, 1 66 Majority for Hislop 22 TORNEERRY, No. 1 62 No. 2 71 No.8 58 No, 4 61 232 Majority for Bowman34 HOW10x No. 1 49 90 No. 2 61. 74 No. 3 53 122 No, 4 76 115 No.5 90 78 No. 6.: 53 74 30 47 86 84 247 44 93 57 66 60 206 382 563 Majority for Bowman 171 REOAPITULATION. Hislop. Bowman. Brussels, majority 29 Grey, '• 185 Morrie, " 6 Hallett, " 45 MoKillop, n 60 Tnrnberry, " 94 Wroxeter, 22 Howlett, ,s 171 347 205 Majority for Hielop 142. EAST HURON IN 1902. Hislop, Spotton. Brussels, majority 58 Grey, " 237 Morrie, II 50 Hallett, " 96 IIIoKillop, " 79 Tnrnberry, 11 86 Wroxeter, 21 Howiok, " 112 577 112 Majority for Hielop, 466 DOMINION ELECTION OF NOVEM. BER, 1904, McDonald Cbleholm 14 11 124 Blyth, Benssele, Grey, Howlett, Morrie, Tnrnberry, W ingham, Wroxeter, Beet Wawaneeh 15 15 88 217 61 128 212 396 Mejority for Dr, Chisholm 184 MoKiliop gave B, 13. Gunn, Conservative, in Smith Huron, 31 and Hallett gave Holmes, Liberal oa0didRle, West Riding, 60. It will be seen by a comparison of majorities that Lest Huron Liberals ine• proved ooueiderably on the reoord of the Dominion election last Fall. ELECTION NOTES. We're "liokt" as 301313 Billings used to ray. It was a famous victory—for the Gone eervativee, There will be many new taoee in the next House. Robbie Burne' birthday in 1006 will be a red letter day to more that Sootohmoo. Mr, Whitney will have a majority of 40 in,the Legislature, a very tidy number. Jomee Bowman will have the recommending of the patronage of East Huron. After 32 years in the saddle the Lib• erns party received a very violent .dump" Wednesday of last week, Hon. G. W. Bose will be the leader of the Opposition and will be backed by come good fiehtiog material. Mesere, Dryden, Gibson, Obarlton, Latchford and Evanturel, Oabinet members, were among the elate. Toronto News advisee motion on the part of Mr. Whitney in the use of the party 11010100 on office bolder(). South Huron dont appear to be enxioae to have a parson ea their M. P. P. and as a result Harry Silber wart elected by over 400. Last Fall Beet Huron Liberals lost their member bet their party won. Tbia time they lout the party and won the member. The cid time Liberal members will have to be excused if they should for. getthemeelvee and eo to a seat on the Speaker's right. Foroe of habit yon 1 know. We have heard it said that the reale party should not bold the reins of Gov. erument et Ottawa and Toronto and we believe the theory meet be correct, at least iu the meantime. It is said a Temperance Convention will be held shortly in Toronto and the Allianoe will then attempt to decide wbether the result of Jan. 25th was a decisive viotory for the cause or an overwhelming defeat. There will be 7 newspaper men in the new Hoaee, viz:—Mesere. Auld, of South Eq. x ; Bowyer, East Kent ; Preston, South Brant ; Graham, Brookville ; Penta, Kingston : Downey, Sootb Wel. lingtoo ; and O,ark, Centre Brune, Four are Liberals and three Conservatives. Among the vi0tore le Phil, E. Bowyer, Editor of the Ridgetown Dominion, who parried East Kent in the Ooneervative interest with a good majority. He was an old eohoolmate of the! Editor of Tun Post at Ridgetown years ago. We non• gratolate him on hie return, even if his politioal belief ie bad, and hope he may enjoy hie term of offioe. The Ooneervative platform on the Temperance question says :—"That• this Conference, recognizing that abueee exist. in oonneotioo with the liquor *raffia, planes itself on reoord as being in fell sympathy with all well-direated efforts to promote temperance and moral reform." This was adopted at the Ooneervative Conferenoe held in Toronto on Nov. 25th, 1904. Bro. Hoeeaok should see that tbie is carried out or else write en open letter to Premier Whitney. INSPECTOR ROBB'S REPORT. EVERYBODY Sr1OULn READ ITS SENSIBLE SENTENCES. To the Warden and Oouaail of the Co. of , Horon : G80000ME5,—I beg lesve to submit to yon my annual report on the stale of Publio Sobool education in Eaet Huron for the year 1904. TE4OHEa'8 enemas. There were 37 male and 87 female 1080bere employed during the year. This was a decrease of 2 male and a oorreepond• ing inoresee in female teachers. Of these teachers 5 held $ret chute• 66 seoond olaes and 53 third clave oertifioatee. In 1903, the teaohere held 7 first olaea, 78 second elites and 39 third plass oertifioatee. These statistios are rather disquieting. There were 44 8ohooi6 that changed teaohere last year. From this it will be seen that on an average every eohool ohangee ite teacher in Three yearn. The average salary paid male teaohere was $458, an increase of $39 on the pre. tithing year. The average salary of lee male teachers was $317 an increase of $15. The 100280eein the average salary of the male teacher was mainly in the urban echoole, the inoreoee there being $46 ; the inoreaae in rural salaries of male teachers, being bot $4. In rural eeotione the average inoresee of female saloriee waa $20, while in urban eohool the increase was bat 88, Young men and women receive mooh higher salaries in other oocapetione with lees worry and infinitely little responsibility than they owe receive an teachers, and an a oo000gnenoe many desirable students avoid a profession whioh pays hardly enough to provide the bare neoeoearies of phyeioal end intellectual life and in whioh they are thought to be old and be• btod the times at an age when in other professions men are believed to be in their prime and receive their highest ealari0e, In *hie innpeotorate there are but three teaohere over fifty and but one over sixty years of age. Two of these, although excellent and euooesefoltettebere and now doing better work than ever, are receiving emaller salaries than they received as mere beginners on entering the teaching profession. Vet al the face of all three dieooaragemente no profession hae made greeter progre06 in improved methods of aocompliebing its own proper work, Martin Luther, the great religions reformer, says "The eohoolmaetere in my days were 1328018 and exeontiouern; the schools were kale and hells 1 And in spite of fear and misery, flogginge and tremblings nothing nodal wee learned. I was innocently lashed fifteen times in course of a single morning boohoo I did not know what had never been taught me." And there are than still alive who remember a state of things not mole better. Now all thin is ohanged, all appeals are made to the reason, love of approbation and self respeot of the pupil instead of to fear and flagging, No phyolo01 pain la now inflicted for inability to learn and I believe that in many whole oorpor81 puniehm0nt i8 not inflicted ono a year, Indeed aortae of my eohoole are now self. governing committees With a guide in the person of the teeoher, Ia one inetanoe, No, 4, Grey, tine le so Tremendous Bargains at Ross &: Dodds [o limir GREATEST DISSOLITION SALE esmatnesommaumensinatenimemansti Amazing Program for Next 2 Weeks We want every man, woman and child to read this ad. We want every buyer of Men's and Boys' Clothing to know that we are offering during this SALLU the biggest bargains in Cloth- ing that were ever offered In Brussels. It ie essential to know where you can get the best values for the least money. We have just finished our annual stock-taking—and, as usual, our old policy is to give our Bargains in Season—so have' marked down our remaining stock of Winter goods—at prjces regardless of cost—to clear them—when they must be genuine bargains. All odd sizes—small lots—odd numbers—at prices positively ridiculous,—Call and see that what we say is true. `] 1s BiG SAI J OBt MEN' CLOTHING AND FURNIS 1NCS WILL CONTINUE FOR TWO WEEKS. Iloro's a List of Bargains Which go on Sale at Once Men's Fine Drees Overcoats in t zee from 36 to 44, made from fine block beaver alolh, dark grey cheviots and hum tweeds, beautifully lined with bleak farmer's satin. This ha the beet $12 00 Goat we sell, sale prior $ 8 60 Men's grey and blank an wool frieze and beaver oloth Overcoats, made in the new long full style, fleet olase lining, our beet $10 Ovetaoot and leader at that, sale pride 6 50 Youths' Overcoats made from line dark grey wool frieze with velvet °oiler, also with large etorne oollare, eizee 33 to 35, regu'ar $7 60 to $10 00 Coate, all at one price 5 75 Men's $20 Blue Serge i-hiits for $16 50 During this Bala we will MAKE 'PO ORDER any of our beet $18 to $20 Navy Btne Serge Saito, with first oleos linings for 10 50 We are offering liberal reduotinoe on all made•to• order Overooate, We have th first plass stook of blank and navy beavers,oheviote, meltone, fancy tweeds, 800., to ohoo'e from, et almost any prion you wish to pay. Boys' Knickers at 49c. 50 pairs Bays' Koiokere made with doubleoesoeand knees, regular price 75o, Sale Price 490 Men's $1.00 Caps for 500. 3 doz. Men's Winter Caps in all .he new and staple shapes, made from beaver oloth also tweeds, to clear the lot at 60o Men'n and Ladies' Beaver end Blaolt Astrachan Fur Cape, our beet $3 50 and $3 75 qualities, one pride 2 doz. pair Men'e Genuine Book and Mooha tttitte and Gloves in all sizes, our beet $1 50 and $2 00 Gloves during this sale only for Boys' 35c Caps for 10c. One conch boy, 2 doz. only Boye' Winter Cape with peak and pull down band, in sizes 6i to 7, the beet 25c and 35a Cape we been, all nue price 2 60 1 00 loo A Discount of 20 per cent. on all our Boys' Clothing Boye' Over•ooate made from darer all wool frieze, velvet and storm collars, beet $6 Coate for 3 50 BOYS' REEFERS Small Sizes $1 95 Medium $2 50 Large 02,76 50 Men'e Suite made from newest Canadian tweeds and .ergee, in sizes 36 to 44. Your titmice dor• ing this sole of any of the above $10 suite for6 95 100 pair Men'e extra heavy rib all wool Sox, home• made and factory knit, our beet 35o and 40a sox for 2.5e 3 dozen Black Way Mufflers 35c & 40o for 25c 20 dozen Men's fine fleeoe wool Shirts and Drawers, in eizee from 32 to 42. The best 75o Underwear we have for 40o lt'Settlement of all accounts due the firm is asked for at once. This Sale is for Cash only ROSS & DODDS The Leading Clothiers, Brussels completely parried out that the te•toher has left discipline, order, preparat'oa of lessons, Galling and dismissing eohool to the pupils who attend to these metiers through their elected repreaentativee. The pupils have alert purohaeed a library and other neoeeeary eohool helps. I can certify to the complete etaose8 of the experiment. A similar traioing of the will, altboogh not in the same fo m is carried out in No. 2 and No. 8 Ti,nker• smith ; No. 5, Morrie and No, 3, H., Ilett. The pupils are trusted and they dhow themselves worthy of that Groot. 000000 0005ARTE0. Daring the past two years I hay • been urging in 88080n and oat of deaden the eetabtiehment of eohool libraries in rural eeotione. And uotwithataodiog tbo fact that the Legislature pays fifty Gents on the dollar up to twenty dollars on every book purchased, my ounces hae not been very encouraging. There are blip 14 libraries in the 83 rural schools of this inspectorate. It eeeme to be the height of absurdity to spend so iamb care, money Guo time in teaching obildren to read end yet not go further and provide them with an edequate supply of good healthy reading matter, Just me if we were to spend years in teaching a young man to be a oarpenter, and when be had learned hie trade neglect to supply bin with the tools and materials needed to turn hie know- ledge to a profitable nee. A boy man, !n the octane of a few Winter evenings, read ell the matter in the first four reading books of the Public Sohool Oouroe, } et in many bomee thin is hie principal enpply of literature. No one will mail:aide that it ie enffiolent. During the last few years books have been so reduced in price that twenty dollars] will bay enough good literature to keep every individual in the eohool motion in reading for an entire peer. The pnpila in echoole he.ving• libraries are better informed, beve a broader mental grasp, are more thought ful and are more etndioue than ,pupils lees favored. Their leeso0e are oleo bet- ter papered and aobool work better done through having the toe of the Subool Library. The books in theta libraries are seleoted with the greatest care and contain nothing but what is pore, noble and elevating, and many a boy who now walte8 hie evenings end 0ontraols bad habits in undesirable company, would epend hie evenings at home under its ennobling influertoee if he were supplied with suitable reading. Sir Joshua Fltoh, the leading living eduoationiet, says; "Un- til a good library le attached a9 re matter of course to every one of our elementary eohoole, a great opportunity . of refining the taste and enlarging the knowledge of the young will continue to be tweeted, and the full 08el8lnee9 of those 1 30titn. tions will remain aoattained. Attire all, it i0 the main baaineoa o1 a Prttnary School, and the ohief part of the bust - nese of every School, to awaken a love of reading, and to give children pleasant aeeoo1ation0 with tho0gbt of bootie," Last year Home inapootoretee draw tie =oh n913600 In grante for Public elehool librarian, teat Ninon drew but $54. Ratepayers ehonld see that Troetees get the 80011 n's foil tibiae of Public money. The Government now pave one half cost of the Reading textbooks when they are fa r needled free to the pupi le of the rural schools by the Trustees. Tbia givee Schools Boards a fine opportunity of assisting popile and teachers and of secure ing their fair ()bare of pnblic money. In most of the urban 8ohou18, the Boards have spent from $30 to $50 in purchasing ecpplementary reeding books although they receive no grant from the government for 0o doing. A few rural 0ehoole have also been provided with supplementary reading by their School boards. Perms. In 1890, there were 6,285 popile en. rolled in the Pub is Sobeole of this inspectorate, in 1904 but 8,766 popile. Tbie sham a deorea.e of 40% in fourteen yearn. In urban eohoole there were 2,626 pupils in 1890, and 1,898 in 1904, being a decrease of 24%. The decrease for the whole inspectorate was 36eee. In the meantime the average attenuauoe of enrolled pupile bee inoreased from 53% to 60%. Pupils do not now find school life as irksome as formerly. 'There is much lees puniehme06 for infraotione of school roles, and none for inability to learn. Alio mann lees home work is now 086160• 0d, eapeoially for the lower oleates as it fa now 8000 that five and a half hoar() of study is quite enough until the Senior Third Book olaea ie roadbed. After that from ha;f an ,hoar to an hoar of home work for the purpose of studying next day'° teams in ueunlly exs0ted. This is not too barrleneome ; and it is assigned not so much for the notual knowledge Required no for the training it gives in habits of home reading and self improve. meat in after life. 0I90ELLANE009. The ureal Spring and Fall promotion examinations were held. At the Ea tramp. examination, 316. oandidates wrote and 247 messed, The Model Schools are, as usual, doing quite ealiefaotory work. A very summated Teachers' Convention was held at Seafortb on Friday and Sat• urdey, May 131.h and 14th. All the aahoolo in the innpeotorate were visited twice during the year, ono0 in each half year. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, D. Rome. Alex. Bnrritt, Regietrar of Deode at Ottawa, i0 dead. At Montreal, 35035111 University confer• red the degree oft8L. L, D. on Earl Gray, It is reported that Mr, Stepbene, Chief Engineer of the Grand Trunk Pemfio has resigned. The London W. C. T. U. are eti11 agi• toting for a redootion in the nutnbor of liquor linenmoe, A 0, P. R. onowplengh ran into a eleighioed of votore at 130 Soo, Ono horse 0/e0 ether', but the men eeoepod wfth e Winking tip. IMPORTANT NOTICES LEICESTERS FOR SALE, either sex or any age. This flock has been very euoceesfuf at the local Showa, Have also for Bale a prize winning young Durham Bull. Apply at Lot 10, Con. 10, Grey. or 0. TURNBULL, 10.10 Walton P.0. BOAR FOR SERVICE.— THE undersigned will keep for eervioe on Lot 22, con. 9, Grey, a tboro' bred Yorkshire hog, Oak Lodge Jnetiee, bred by Jon. Broth - our, of Burford. Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms 31.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning If 000008023, ALEX. D. LAMONT, 24- Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. GOOD 50 ACRE FARM FOR sale, S t Lot 25, Con 11, Grey, Easy terms. Apply to 1E0. B. HYDE. on the premises, Oranbrook P. 0,, or F, B. Scott, BBruseele, 25 FARM FOR SALE.— GOOD homestead -100 sores—ln the Town- ship of Morrie, Huron county, For partio• °lore apply to 1. BENNETT. 8 tf 500 Bathurst St, Toronto, L'ARM FOR SALE CONTAIN– InG 00 aero(), being North halves of Lots 16 and 18, Oon,1, Grey. Comfortable frame house, hunk barn, orchard, leo, Only 4 miles from Molesworth, Good looality and One roads. Immediate poeeeselon. Tor further partloulare apply to or write W. H. KERB, Brussels, 11ARM FOR SALE.—TIIE UN- derelgned offers her 100 acro farm, be- ing Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sada, There is a comfortable house, bank barn, or• cltard„walls,&o, b'arm is only 13} mile from the thriving village of Ethel. For further particulars as to pride, terms, &o,, apply to M106, KATE HOLLAND, 78 Bbuter street, Toronto. GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— The undereigued offer for Bale bee farm, being Lot 1, Con, 18, Grey, It Is sit- uated on the Gravel road, 2 miles South of Brussels and contains 100 acres of good hand, all aleared but 12 aims, There ie a first class brink house and kitchen, boated with furnace, wood abed, artesian well with windmill end water Is pumped to barn, Barn is 80808 foot with atone stables. Say barn 00800 fent. Good orokar5, farm well footled ; pleasantly situated Will be Bold on catty terms. Apply on premises or Brus- sels P, 0., ABBAS ORI013, 10.60 T..IpARMS FOR SALE. — 380 soros Oret-()lase laud in the Township of Grey—Lot 10, 000, 14, 100 acres ;• Lot 17, 000 14, 100 soros ; and WI rot 18, Con, 14, 00 aoro8-200 acres. All In excellent condi- Men with ilest•olase buildings ; brick house with all modern oonvo0100doe, and large bank barn, root and straw house, stables, &o. Well 'wowed. From 05 6040 aor08 of talhinga100 acres ofhfiraLot oli rte' land, good frame house and large bank bath nearly now, The property can be sold in two or three 90200ld to suit purchasers, Terme liberal, Also It commodious dwelling house and lot in Iliuesole, For farther portion- lata appply to the owner on the prentioos, 1,40013165 Iu0Nlelh, or to JNO, LLNIKIA, aniseehe, 21-t0 1 AIL OF PLES Testimonials of Grateful, People who have received Flealth and happiness from using that New and Celebrated Remedy, OIL OF PINES.. The Medicine of the 20th Century awntat"tet•a,ntotleoHletele ie The enormone rale of this popniar Southern remedy in Canada the past two years is ono of the many proofs of ite great meri6e. Ph3'oioiaue, both in the city and country, are now preearibiug Oil of Pines for Li Gripe and it has proved to be a speedy and infallible care for that tlangerone and subtle disea,e. When treated with this remedy there will be ro reonrr01100 of the mahtdy—no atter effeota. For dieea0ee of the Lange, Coughe, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Catarrh of the Head, Throat awl Stontaoh, Oil of Pines etaude unrivalled. The manufacturer of Oil of Pieria has in hie poe.eueion thaueande of teetimonirele from grateful people who have been oured by this remedy, when they were fu an advaooed 068ge of Consumption. Oomp000ded with the Pine Oil which forme the body of this remedy, are other iogrediento oalonlated to oloanse the Liver, Purify the Blood, and put the Kidney° in proper working order. 1f you ore troubled with a pain in the back, take a dote of Oil of Pines on going to bed, and you will find the pain gone in the morning, We speak thna positively beoau'e we have never known the remedy to fail, nu effeota in each oa0ee beim; next to magical. Do not hesitate to buy a treatment of this medicine. Be sensible. Keep the donor out of your boom, and you will not have hie big bills to pay. Mrs John Bell, sr., of Belgrave, Ont., says in a let- ter written by her t•I have heard of your Oil of Pines being so recommended that I am sending to you. It is through Mr. Alexander McGee, of Bluevale, Ont, that has recommended this medicine to me, It has helped him so much.” Yours truly, Mrs. John Bell sr., Belgrave, Ont. The following letter was written by Mr. Alex. Mc- Gee, of Bluevale, Ont„ Iluron Co. "Dear Sir :—I got part of a bottle of Oil of Pines from a neighbor when I was laid up with Bronchitis and I never got anything to help me like it did. I thought I would write to you and see what it is a bottle, as I was thinking I would get a bottle from you. There are others who would take a bottle, they all seen how it helped me so wonderfully. It is a grand medicine. Write and let me know what it is a bottle, there is a friend of mine who wants to get a bottle when I am sending. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain Yours truly, Alex, McGee, Bluevale, Ont, Huron County. N B.—If your attire keeper or druggiot doeo-not handle Oil address orders to Prof, 0. M. Dykes, Hansen, Ont,, Proprietor and Mourdeatarer. All orders promptly filled and forwarded to all parte of U. S. and Canada upon receipt of taloa, Take Ito Substitute. Dykes "Oil of Pines" is the only Original and Genuine. CUTTERS THAI' TA 1.1 ,,,.,a,,„ Oaetii,tatlietli lheielii hteetta,• We have just received a car load of "Broclfvilles," the kind that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as these are fast sellers. We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root Pclper, the BEST on the market. See them. Should you have any grass to kill or rod or ronttb ground to work remem• bar the "Frost de Wood" and "Wind• sot" are the distal that will do it. If you want a General Pnt'pose Plow, thou whioh there is no better, eeonr0 a No. 20, Frost & Wood. If you want a secondhand Buggy, Cart, Cutter, Pam or Implement of any kind be sure to call on as, We have oleo the U. S. Cream Sep. arator, Singer Sewing Maohinee, Volmar Washing Maohinee always on hood. We eau supply you with a good Driving or work Horse oheop or Stook of any kind on short notice. N. S. McLAUGHLIN AGENT. Aniuminnui CO9ER CARRIAGE Co. E can supply you at once with any BuggyW you maywant but as the time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we would like to tell you that we are fully pre- pared to meet your every want in the Cut- ter as well as in the Sleigh line. We have the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment of Cutters that can be found anywhere, ready for inspection, and would be pleased to have you call and see them. Prices Right. TWO OOWB 17010 SALL, JOHN LOSER c SONS. 11