The Brussels Post, 1905-2-2, Page 1Vol, 33.. No, 80
New Advertisements.
Local—Jno. Wrf:;hl.
Locals—Dixie Conant Cq.
ldull for iislo.--D. t;laeeior,
Farm ter SRIe—J. 0. Tuck.
Cure that Cold—F. R. Smith,
Bull for Sale—Alex Gardiner,
Midwinter Sale—alolfinnon & Op.
Great Reduction—I. 0, Richards.
Fashionable Gleans—MYIioa Sample.
Dissolution ot Partnerebip— Roes
3i5fric.t Advs.
The offioial aonnt of the ballots east
at the reaent election took place Satur-
day before Returning Officer Sheriff Rey-.
melds. Upon examining the poll books it
Wae found that to one polling eubdivieion
No. 7, Mullett, the deputy retnruing
officer had omitted to fill in the proper
form ie the poll b oke which to the
returning offioer'a only guide ae to the
number of ballots oaet for nub aandtdate
with the result that Dudley Holmes Ibe
Conservative candidate, was dealered by.
e majority of fifteen. The bellow neat in
this uiviefon nun only be exnmioed on e
recount, whiob will take place named
lately, and at Mr. Cameron, the
Liberal candidate baa - a majority there
of 20, the Steal majority will he found to
be 6, unleee otherwise redacted or iuorearo
ed on the proceedings before the pommy
Mies Eva Duff was 0visitor at David
Sproat'e, Belgrave, title week.
Mre. John Mundell, of McGregor,
Manitoba, visited her cousin, R. N.
Duff, set week.
Robert Mason, who fell in Joseph
Leech's barn eomelime ago, is improving
as well as can be expected.
Dont forget the Charity Concert in the
Foresters' Hall here on Friday evening
of this weak. Good program will be
A number of people from here attended
the Concert given by the Meister singers
at Wingham on Sateedny night and were
delighted with the program.
The following from the London Free
Press has retort), oe to the marriage pt
a son of R. Thomas, of Bluevale :—
The home of F. G. Mortley "Brighton
Ville," Wortley Road, South London,
was on Wednesday the scene of a pretty
wedding when Elizabeth Sarah, the eldest
daughter of F. G. Bowley, was united
in marriage to Philip Thomas, of Minto,
Man. The ceremony was performed at
8 o'clock in the presence of a large num-
ber of relatives and Mende of the bride
and groom, by Rev. W. G. Howson, of
Askin street Methodist church. The
house was decorated throughout with
palma, carnations and smilax. The
bride Dame in charmingly attired in a
dress of cream crepe de oheue trimmed
with Bilk obiffon, carrying a briquet of
white rosea and leaning on her father's
arm, while Mies Jean MoLeod, prettily
attired in a dress of turquoise blue crepe
. that,preettultye some+
thing called sls•le."
Patrons of our optical
epartmpnl are.ns:
ured of fashionable
pectaeleware. per=
Feel in At and anlsh4
if 411..71,
Miss Teenie Sample
Clocks and
For a Choice Stook
of Goods at FAIR
PRICES the Public
cannot do better than
buy my at store.
Y o .
A Specialty of Repairing and all
work Guaranteed.
(fall in.
J. C. J1NE
W. H.K.ERR,Prop,
du chine, played Mendelaeoho'e Wedding
March, The bride was assisted by Mime
Pollard, dressed in champagne voile,
trimmed with linen ince over white
satin, while Bert Thomas, brother of the
groom, anted oe best man. The groom's
gift to the bride was a beautiful Persian
lamb coat trimmed with liable, and to
the bridesmaid a gold bracelet set with
rubiee and ipearle. The many preaenbe
received showed the high esteem in
wbioh the bride end groom are held, At
the elm of the ceremony and a sumpb-
noue repeat Mr. and Mrs. Thomae, left
for Wingham and pointe North. They
intend spending a few weeks with
friends and relatives before leaving for
their home in Manitoba.
Ores rr ker0C1ii.
W. E. Forreet, o! Stretford, spent
Saturday at hie home here.
Mire 0. Calder wee visiting Mies Jean
Ritchie, of Breesete, Iaet week.
Mies Govenlook, of Atwood, was the
guest ot Miee Lib, NoL0n0hlin at "Fair.
view "
Mrs. MoLauablin, of this village, has
been ill during the past week. We hope
she will thou be quite web.
A number from chit vicinity attended
the Oyster Sapper given by The Forest-
ers of Ethel. They report so enjoyable
';,The membership of the Y. P. 8. 0, E.
was iuoretteed about 20 mnmbere lest
Sunday. The regular prayer meetinge
of the Society ore web attended. The
monthly Oooeeoration meeting will be
held next Sunday it the usual hour.
jinn etettooley
J, B. Innes was a visitor in Seaforth
last Sunday.
Mrs. Wright, wbo was injured by a
NO, is getting along vary nicely we are
taloned to elate.
Don't forget P. J. MoDonnld'e auction
gala of farm stook, &a,, on Friday after;'
troop of next week.
Next Sabbath evening Rev, W. J.
West, M. A , of Bluevale, will preach
here. Leet Sunday Job King took the
alias Belle Stra'ohan, who has been
vi.iting under the parental roof for the
pest month, left for Toronto on Tueeday
of this week.
The Sabbath School here took up a
aolleotlon for the London poor, Int San -
day, amounting to $5 00. It was a
thoughtful deed and aboard be copied by
J. D. and Mre. Miller wage At Home
to a number of friends on Thureday
evening ofla•t week, A very enjoyable
time was spent and Mr. and Mrs.
Miller made admirab'e host and hostess,
R. H. Ferguson is on the sick list.
Mrs. W. H. Sholdine is regaining her
usual health.
We are sorry to report that Mre. W.
Hoy ie not improving in health,
Cameron and Miss Agnea Diclreon, of
Atwood, have been visiting friends in this
vicinity this week.
The Young People'e Circle will hold
in fortnightly meeting in the Methodist
church on Tueeday evening.
The annual meeting of the shareholders
of the A. 0. U. W. Hall was held on
Friday. The former officers were re-
The Ladies' AidlSoaiety of the Methodist
ohuroh will hold their first meeting for
the year, at the parsonage on Friday
Work heti commenced in McDonald's
sawmill.' Equipped with fresh power, it
is expected that a good run will be made
tltie season.
Rob,. A. Campbeli has disposed of his
property in town to his brother, Joeeph
Campbell. He will remove to Manitoba
in the Spring.
A number .of our young people were
present at a social evening at J. G.
Grieve's iu MaKiliop, on Monday. They
report a good time.
Next Sabbath communion service will
be held in the Methodist ohuroh ab 10.80
a. m. The Epworth League will conduct
the evening eervioe.
James Gillespie has returned from
The C. 0. F. Lodge intend holding a
Concert at an early date,
Mrs. Mills, ot Listowel, ie the guest of
her sister, Mrs. A. McLean.
Mre. W.4Young, of Loudon, is visiting
her sister, Mies Ada Nokes.
Misses Poring!, of Wingham, spent
Saturday with Mrs. A. hely.
. Misses G. Harris and A. Nokes spent
last week with Harrfeton friends.
Charles Stewed], of Woodbridge,
visited at his home bare last week.
A. load of yodng. people attended a
box social in Belmont Tuesday evening.
Mies Janufe Miller returned from a
visit with Wingham friends on Thursday.
Mrs. J. N. Allan spent a part ni last
week with her brother, John Brawn, in
Mies Marshall, of Ayr, is spending a
few weeke with her friend, Miss Jean
Norman Cook, of Honest!, spent
several days at the home of Mre, G.
Barrie, er.
Mrs. Mann and .Miss Ewing, of Tees -
water, assisted in the Scotch 0000011
held Monday evening.
A game of hookey between Brussels
and Wroxeter Warne was played in the
Melt bore Wedneeday evening.
On Thursday afternoon two rinks
from Wroxeter went to Wingbam to try
oonolueione with two Wingbam rinks
for the Western Tankard but were de-
feated by 8 shots,
Moebiega of the East Huron Farmers
Institute will be hold in the Town Hall
on Saturday afternoon at 1,80 and in the
evening at 7.80. The speakers will be
G. Barbour and W. F. Kidd. A musical
and literary program ie being arranged
for the evening.
A most eltjoyitbio earth Was the sixth
annual Aeeembly of the baohaloes of
Wroxeter, beta in the Town Hall on
Fridley evening. The Hall wag nicely
draped with flag's and bunting. A large
number were present and report it to be
one of the most eucaeeeful aseemblies
ever held here,
At the annual meeting of the Preaby-
terian congregatiou here the pastor, Rev.
Mr, Perrin, was granted an immense of
$100 on his salary. He will now have
$800 and tefree manse, There are 221
members on the roll end a eurplue of
$200 in the treasury, Church 1e free
from debt but there is $700 yet on the
new manse. The retiring members of
the Board were re-elected. Everything
is moving along prosperously and both
pastor and people are to be oongratulated.
(i, 5055'.
Townehip Oounoil will be held next
Monday at Ethel.
Mise Minnie Cameron, 6th lits, Morrie,
is visiting at Jno, Smith's, 16th oon.
The visitor ie a niece to Mrs. Smith,
James Bislop, of Aroola, Mao., ie
renewing old triendehips in Grey. He
will return for Spring work. It is 5
years since he went West,
Oounaiilor Johnston has let the eon.
traat for his 2 story briok cottage to
John Hunter, the we I known contractor
of Orenbrook. The briok oomee from
M. McKenzie, a former Greyite,
arrived here last week from Roby, North
Dakota, on a visit, It is 23 yearn since
he went Weet and we are planed to
know that the passing yenta have not
been unprofitable, Mre. McKenzie and
children have been visiting here for
several weeke prior to Mr. MoKenzie'e
James Dark and Chu. Fox, of Neepe.
ws, Man., who have been renewing old
friendships here for several weeks, ex.
neat to leave for the West next Monday.
They will visit friends en route, It is
10 years crone Mr. Dark was here Met
end 25 since he removed from Grey.
Qe bee 320 sores and has never had a
'allured orop since hie entry to Mao.
Hobe,. We wieb both gentlemen coo -
tinned prosperity.
Eneae Crich went to Clinton last
Saturday io vieit bis motber, Mre. Jee.
Crich, whose health bee not been good
for tome time, the ailment belongs to Ibe
stomach and appears to be diffiooIt to
remedy at Mrs. Oriah's age over 75 years.
We hope favorable progress mey be made
Whims in Clinton Mr, Oriole met 7
brothere, who are residents of Tanker.
smith. It ie not many families of wbioh
the eeme could be said,
Not withstanding the inolemenay
of the weather last Friday there was a
large attendance at the funeral of the late
John McKinnon, attesting to the high
esteem in which he was held. The fi ral
tributee were very choice. Pall bearers
F. 8., and P. Scott. deo. Long, P. Ryan,
M. Rowland and Jae, Ferguson. Mies
Winnie McKinnon Dame from Buffalo, N.
Y., and Jac. McKinnon and Mre. Ward,
from the Sault Ste. Marie, the two latter
only arriving Friday morning having
driven from Seaforth. They were ton
late in their arrived at Toronto to catch
the Brussels train. Mre, Ward is Mrs.
McKinnon's mother and, although getting
up in years, appeared to be none the
wuree of her circuitous trip in the sold.
A most appropriate funeral service wee
conducted by Rev. Fr. Corcoran in the
R. 0. Church is Brueeele before the pro
°melon started for the cemetery at Sea.
Mee .eare.
weeiti ouneil n n
o a Wednesday 710 da of
9 3
next week.
Miss Gerrie Dungan, 41b line, was
vieiting Mise Robb, of Seaforth.
Jno. and Mrs. Sootb, of Hallett, were
vieitors at R. Bewley'son Wedneeday, of
this week.
Samuel Wnlher's auction Bale of farm
stock, &o, 6th line, on Tuesday afternoon
of nest week.
Margaret, daughter of W. H. and Mre.
Maunders, was threatened with pueu
monia but is considerably better we are
pleased to state,
Last Friday Blake Soots, of Mo00ejaw,
N. W. T., arrived here for a holiday
visit. Ho .ie a son in-law of Richard
,Bewley. 7th line. Mre. Scott has been
holidaying at her father's for the past
two months.
The end news was received 'at don.
stance of the death of Mrs. Henry Tay
lar, who was among the oldest settlers in
that eeotion, and a number of years ago
removed to the State of Kenna with her
hashand and family, except .two gone,
William, of Morris, end James, of
Harrieton• They were palled to their
motber'e death bed, but arrived too late
to be recognized by her. She departed
this life silently after their arrival,
sorry to elate that out old friend George
Hood, Sunshine, ie very eerlously ill,
Tba ailment is connected with the heart
ooaaeioned by too violent exertion a few
weeke ego and at Mr, Hood is well
advanced in life he is no longer able to
battle as he might have done In the
peat. His eons Wm. and Gideon, of
Saginaw, Mich , and daughter, Mre. J.
Conary, of Guelph, are here at the
present time, We hope a change for the
better may set in before long. Mr, Hood
attended a meeting of bast Huron
Farmers' Institute direotore in Brunets
nearly 8 weeke ago, he being the Seore
tary,ttnd hes not.. been out of bed einoe,
Mao. RonunT- LAIDnAw DEAD. --On the
13th alt., Mre. Robert Laidlaw, widow
at the late Robert Laidlaw, departed
this lite. She wee a daughter o1 WM.
Moore, farmer of Esqueeing bownehip,
Halton county, where she was born to
1889. In 1862 she name to Morris town-
ship as housekeeper; for one of het'
brothere, wbo deoided to matte hie home
in 'hie township ter the future, Two
sears later she .was married to Robert
Laidlaw, a yoing farmer, and who pre.
deoeaeed her nine years, Mrs. Laidlaw,
therefore, may be regarded as one of the
early settlers c1 thie section of Huron
Bounty, In her death the whole com-
munity, as Wall an the congregation of
which she was a true and royal member;
lose of one their most estimable women.
Gentle in her manner, trueheatted,
e m ebhetio and kind elle WAS
5 p W a
sal favorite, a0 indicated by the vety
large oonaeurse of people wbo °mnvened
at the funeral, notwithetending the
stormy day, to pay their Iasi tribute 0f
respect he the memory of one whom they
felt to be worthy of eooh honor, From
early fife she enffered maoh from that
harassing affliction, aelhms, wbioh oon•
tinned to retain its bold to a greater or
Jess extent to the end, bat whish the bore
with mach patieaoe end resignation.
She leaves a family of four sons and two
daughters—James, David and Thomas,
of Morrie ; Dr, John, of Ohioago ; Mrs.
Wm. Logan and Mies Janet, of Morrie,
who have the sympathy of the whole
oommenity. Airs. Laidlaw was a mem
ber of 81. Andrew's church, Blyth, for
over 40 years. A devoted wife, a losing
mother, a geouine °brieeian, she will be
held in loving remembrance by pastor
and people.
o'olook Thursday morning of this week,
Robb. W. Skelton, 8th lice, paid Nature's
debt alter a brief illness covering 8 or 9
days, aged 29 years, 4 menthe and 21
days. Tuesday of last week he attended
a bee at Thos. Bielby's and not feeling
very well returned to his home. On the
following Thursday a enoceesful medical
operation was performed for rapture bol
other complications ensued with the
above result. Deceased was born on the
farm an which he died, being the youngest
son of the late George Skelton. Mre.
Skelton and a little daughter survive, the
former being a daughter of Charles
Howlett, of Brussels. The snbjeot of this
notice was an industrious, obliging neigh-
bor and loving hueband whose demise will
be sincerely regretted. He was a faithful
member of the Methodist ohuroh. The
funeral will take place on Saturday
afternoon at 1,30 o'clock, service at 1 p,
m, Interment at Brussels cemetery,
Mrs. Skelton will have the sincere
sympathy of the community in her
Tae Pose gives the news.
Manioipal pounoil will be bold here
next Monday.
John Ames, of Bay City, 'Mich , was a
visitor with his parents, S. and We,
Ames, of Ebel.
Several people of We locality have
invitations to attend no leas than three
weddings in the near future. Still there's
more to follow.
We are sorry to report that several
members of Geoge Bateman's family
are ill with typhoid fever bat we hope
they will soon be 00000100000b.
A big wedding was on hand at Mai
°elm Lamont's, West of hereon Wednes
day, when leis daughter, Mies Ella, was
united in marriage to a young gentleman
named Milloy.
The Bib'e Society Oolleofore for Ethel
made their returns to the Treasurer of
the Braooh thin week, reporting $27 41
which amount includes the collection
taken at meeting hero. Ethel keeps up
its record.
The Sons of Temperance have named
Friday, Feb. 17th, as the date of a grand
Concert to be given in the Township
Hall here, They have engaged the
serving of Mr. McLeod, humorist, of
George and Mee. Bernath, of St.
Vincent, Minnesota, U. S., are renewing
0,5 friendships in Ethel and Motility.
Mr. Bernath is a brother of our villager,
0• Bernath. The visitors were former
residente of Grey township.
S b the as regular g quarterly
Communion eervioo will be held in the
Methodist ohuroh here oommenoing at
10 80 a. m. Rev. O. P. Wells, B. D.,
peetor, will oonduot the services. The
Ofbatal Board will meet on Monday at
2.80 &'cloak.
FoREemnx.—Fallowing aro the officers
for Court Ethel Nn. 261 tor this year :—
S. S. Cole, G. R. ; Jno. Lamont, V. O.
R. ; Jno. King, Chap. ; E. Senders, F.
5. ; A. Mason, R. 8., Jno. bokmier,
Trotted 0. Eokmier, S. W. ; Wm.
Meson, J. W. ; Geo. Imlay, S. B. ; Wm.
Gill, J. B. ; Geo. Imlay, C. D. The
installation took plane on Thursday of
feat week, R. MoDonald, P. 0. R., offi•
Recent sales of thorn' bred bulls have
been made by D. Milne, of Ethel, to Thos.
Warwick, Morrie ; Mr. Horn, Kennioott,
Perth Co. ; F. Cartie, of Atwood ; and
Mr. Hammond, of Elam. Two heifers
were also sold to Mr, Soots, of Perth Co.
Mr, Milne has purchased the yearling
imported buil "Broadhaok'a Prince" from
H. J. Davis, of Woodstock, at a good
fleare. Thie animal belongs to the
Orolokehaok Brondhooks family. Mr.
Milne has some young bulls yet.
OBIT—There diad in Wilmot township,
near Maysville, co Friday January 20th,
Lavinia Aon Sheard, aged 64 years,
reliot of the late William Townohsod,
tate of Godetioh township, Mre. Towne
hand in survived by three eons and four
daughters, vs. Albeit, of Clinton, Ont.,
Arthur and John in California ; Mrs.
Andrew Somas, of Wilmot township ;
Mre. Halliday, of Colborne towttship I
Mrs, Sanderson, N. W. Territory and
Mrs. Bgelson, of Sault 8t, Marie. There
are three einem', Mrs, 0. Bernath, of
Ethel, Mrs, William Cochrane, of Morris
township, and Mrs. Cyrus Berates, of
Wilmot township.
GRAND Tnta.—Ethet Canadian Order
of Foresters oelebtated last Friday even-
ing by an oyster supper followed by a
fine Oonoert. The hospitable home of
John and Mre. Eckmiet wee. thrown
epee for the 'rapper where everything
was carried througb in apple pie order
end to the pleasure of everybody. Many
Words of approval were exproeted to end
of the genial host and bonne for their
kindnese, The program wee rendered
in the Eakmior Hall where upwards of
150 persons Resembled, Peet Ohief
'Seeger, Robert McDonald made a good
chairman and the mneioal and literary
bill of fare was well rendered end
thoroughly,eujoyed. 11 was aafollowe;-
Gramophone seleotion by E. Sanders
instrumental by Ethel Orchestta ; oomle
Bong, P. V. Bargard, of Egmondville ;
duet, Minn Spenoe; tong, R 0.
Haven ; recitation, MieL'tie
YuKa ;
eon Mr. Hnr�ard • animation rohastta'
solo Will. Sperm; re6ltatibnt Plies Ida
Cole ; duet, Mime Spence ; bmnorona
sang, Mr, Bargard ; reoitetiOO, Mies Mo.
Kay ; song, R. O. Davies ; gong, Mr,
Bargard ; song by request from the
Chairman. Everybody did well, Miss
Alice Davies and Mies L. Spathe offi•
Dieted as a000mpanista with prodoienoy
and geniality. Mr. Bergen], a0 an oat
eider, performed hie pert excellently and
hie fanny songs, onstemea and gestures
stamped biro ae quite oompeteat to fill
the roll of a homoriet vocalist. A hearty
rote al thanks wee pasted to all wbo
aeeieted in the At Home and the wish le
expressed that it will become an annual
affair. Court Ethel bee 98 members and
is in good heart and the members are to
be congratulated on the 5000005 of
Friday's gathering.
West Riding of Huron.
Cameron Hoimee
No. 1 78 79
No.2 82 94
No, 3 66 78
No, 4 70 56
No, 5 69 56
No. 6 77 85
No, 7 64 86
460 480
Majority for Holmes 20
No. 1 66 68
No. 2 99 64
No. 8 60 62
No. 4 65 60
280 - 244
Majority for Cameron....136
No. 1 54 46
No. 2 54 41
108 87
Majority for Oameron..,.21
No. 1 84 67
No. 2 31 57
No. 8 89 77
No. 4 70 129
174 380
Majority tar Holmes 156
No, 1 52 78
No, 2 39 78
No. 3 39 62
No 4 32 67
Na. 5 84 89
No 8 72 14
No, 7 77 21
995 845
Majority for Cameron,64
No. 1 89 57
No, 2 45 89
No, 3 71 67
No. 4 47 85
• 262 - 198
Msjority for Cameron50
Na, 1 60 68
No. 2 39 57
No. 8 27 68
No. 4 76 38
Nu. 6 45 95
247 - 264
Majority for Holmes 17
MAST wawANoea.
No. 1 72
No. 2 72
No. 3 66
No. 4....... 60
Majority for Oameron....76
00Dan1011 TowNenmP,
No. 1 89 84
No.2 40 65
No. 5 46 65
125 204
Majority, for Holmes 79
No. 6 27 82
No. 6 68 81
No. 7 52 82
185 95
Majority for Oameron....40
Goderich 460 480
Clinton 280 244
Blyth 108 87
Wingham 174 880
Ashfield... 896 845
262. 198
W. Wawauos 247 264
E. Wawanoafi 969 185
Gorlerioh Twp125 204
Hallett 185 95
2,435 2,430
Majority for Cameron ....5
Owing to the mistake of the returning
affirm in No. 7, Hallett, is failing to
insert the agorae of the vote in hie
returns, the returning offioer was obliged
to declare Mr. Bolme, slanted by 1S. A
recount will be neoe0eary to have the
matter straightened out.
Either MoTionnan
Uoborne 109 —
Stephen 261 —.
Stanley 56 —
Exeter 166 --.
Goderich Tp 99 -•-.
Bayfield 55
Hansen s,..•
Seaforth .
Hay t•
Taokeremith ....... i
Majsrity for Eilber. 426'J 807
Monteith Stook
Itlaneherd . .... 96
Downie 89
Fullerton 102 --
iSibbert 67
Logan ...............157•
Bt, Marye,.,., 48 —
8, Antilop
Majority for Monteith..,.47
Parkhill 43
Lerma 101
Biddoljtlt 222
McGillivray 67
Aitsa Craig
W. Williams
B. Williams
Majority for Hodgine....88
Stratford 106
North Eaethope •--
Ellice 72
Elam 198
Mornington 11
Wallace 119
Listowel 72 --
Milvertou 15 —
688 274
Majority for Torranoe1114
bis'ory of the congregation. Of this
latter sum the W. F. M. 8. ,contributed
5146 ; the Sabbath Sobeol $75 ; the Young
People's Guild 560 ; told the Minion
472 Band $36. The following are the (l,
one for 1905 1 -Board of Management,
1 year, Jas Speir, M. Blank, A, Hiolrp,
Taylor M. P. P , sun A• 1) Grant ; 2 years,
Rohl 8traohan, D. 0. R ss, Jae F, x and
t'IIUI(tII! 11111311tH.
Rev. John Rose B. A., will preeob
anniversary eermone in Fordwiob
Presbyterian ohuroh next Sabbath.
Rev. A. B. Dobson, of Fordwiob, will
money the pulpit of Melville °hutch
on Sunday.
Monthly Missionary day in the
Methodist Sunday School next Sunday
afternoon. A abort program will be
supplied by the Miealonary Committee
of the Epworth League. The school
Lae $64 00 in band now and three
oolleotioue yet to be lilted before the
Conference year closes.
Quarterly Communion Services will be
eouduoted next Sabbath in the Methodist
church, Brussels. At the close of the
morning sermon the saoremental eervioe
will follow and the testimony westing
will coeetitnte the conclusion to the
evening's discourse. Official Board will
meet on Tuesday evening at 7 30 o'alook.
Rev. T. W. Cones preaohed a doe
Missionary sermon last Sabbath morn-
ing in oouneotion with the aeries on the
Lord's Prayer. The text was "Thy
Kingdom Come." The discourse in the
evening wee directed to young men, from
I. Sam. 18 and 82, "Is the young man
Absalom safe 7" It was well planned
and should do good. A male choir of 26
voice° lead the eingiog and did it well.
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Langford, of
Wardeviile, who has recently been
appointed to the ioonmbenoy of St.
John's oboroh, Brussels, took charge of
the services in a most attemptable manner.
He is snouted to take up bis reeidepoe
in the comfortable rectory io the near
future. Mr. Hartley, of Wroxeter, will
take the servioe next Sunday and Rev,
Mr. Langford ie expeobed on the
eaooeeding Sabbath. The rev. gentle.
man is very highly commended end will
be heartily welcomed by the oongre
gatione of St. John's ohuroh here and
St. George's at Walton.
At the Saturday eervioe preparatory to
the communion in Melville church, Rev,
D. B. MaoRae, of Oraobrook, preached
an excellent and appropriate sermon
from the worde, "I most keep this feast
at Jerusalem." There was a large
attendance at the sacrament on Sabbath,
Mr. Roes' theme in the morning was
"His marvellous light," and in the
evening, "How the Christian should
walk." At the thanksgiving eervioe on
Monday "Guarding the heart" was
discoursed upon. 12 new members were
received into ohuroh fellowship.
CERtsTrcN ENDEAVOR,—The United
Society of Ohtietiun Endeavor is in re•
oeipt of reports from alt parts of the world
ehowing that the year 1904 was the most
prosperous the Endeavor movement has
known in the 24 yenre of its history. In
no part of the world hair there been great -
progress than in Afriau. Great
Britain, next to the United Stabee, moa+
bee the largest number of sooietiee of
any country is the world, more than
10,000. France has formed a national
anion. There are now more than 45,000
of the 66,000 societies in the United
Steen, and in Canada over 5,000 new
eoaieiiee having been formed within two
years. The movement has grown notably
also in Auetralia, New Zeeland, India and
Juttroo LRAsni.—Wedneaday evening
of last week the Junior League supplied
the monthly program at the midweek
servie° and did it so as to iaatrnot and
entertain the large company aesembled.
Miee Pesti Le0lherdale, sue President,
ocoapied the chair and the following was
the program :—Opening hymn ; prayer,
Mre. 0oee0s ; Mieeionary hymn ; recite
lion, "I would I were a boy again," Bert.
Lott ; Leeson by Willie Long and Norma
Sperling; topic, "How and why God
gave the oommandmente," P. Leather.
dale ; reoitation, "Its better to give,"
Fannie Stobbe ; reading, "The Deacon
sod hie daughter Nannie," Mae Wood ;
pledge and roll call ; recitation, "The
two tlanrters," De Witt Covens ; Solo and
chorus by Pear! Banker and League ;
Meson, De Witt Oosene ; topfo, "Two
oommandments and the people who
disobey them," Edytb Bailie ; closing
MEteetroal CuoROR,—The annual meet.
lag of Melville churnh was bola loot Mou•
day afternoon, the paetor, Rev. John
Roes, B. A., in the ohair. Reports,
whiob were of an e000uraging character,
were presented !rota the various de.
parteleute of church work. Daring 1904,
44 new members were received; of whom
15 were by oertiflaate and 29 by profess.
ion. ;Che numbet removed by death or
aertidoate was 87, The preeeht member.
ship is 449, and the number of families
200. The Sabbath Soh6o1 has 200 an
the roll, with en average attendance 01
150. The total reeeipte amounted to
52165 12, of wbioh 0856 98 were tot
Mteatonary and benevolent purposes, this
A. Adoma ; 3 years,.1. H. Cameron, Jas,
Bowman, P A. McArthur end Gouree
Thomsen. Auditors, Alex Strachan and
J• lin Ferguson ; See. •Treat., J. G.
Skene, Mierionery Aseoteiation, Thee.
titrachan, sr., G. A Deadman and Peter
Watson, with Alex, 8traohan as Treat!.
To the ]editor of TUE raft':
a' DEAR SIM,—I 10110 maoh pie/more in
telling you that we aro now residing in
Calgary, Alta, N. W. T., where we have
only be.n daring these rant three week..
We left Windsor for Calgary last
October and were met re the depot by
my brother who was delighted to
see us all ouoe more and who at cane
Brava 09 0590 the prairie to bis home on
the ranch. Our sister was also over.
joyed at meeting na again mud instead of
staying with them for two or three week,
as I expected, we were there three
months and were made entirely at home.
I never enjoyed a happier or jollier time
in my life. than during those three
menthe at the ranch. A:ioe and I would
take our tare in riding horseback with
oar brother 10 Coohrane and return, a
distance of 10 miles, or somewhere over
the prairie every day and in this way we
became expert borsswamen. Sometimes
we would a0aompany h m while out
.hooting prairie ahiokens, etc., and this
was also great sport for ut. One day be
00000 home loaded down with 16 rabbits
and I mast say presented quite a piotnre.
Another day he brought to 30 prairie
chickens and a few days later 16 chick•
sue and 00 on. La this way we were
continually supplied with wild fowl•
After remaining with sister and brother
about three weeke, Alice, my brother sad
I took the train to Calgary for the ex•
press purports of buying a home for lie
bat failed to find anything that would
soft, so deoided to buy a conple of good
Iota and have erected a hoose t0 snit osr
taste. We finally e0ooseded in pnrobee•
ind two splendid lots for which we paid
$750, op one of the prettiest emeriti) in
Calgary, 5 or 10 minutes walk from
railway and poet offioe. We then let the
contract for our new house whiob wi,l be
the best on one street. They promised,
with a gang of men, to have it nom.
meted in 6 weeke but it is now over three
menthe and not quite fini,bed yet but
will be in a few attys. This is why we
remained with our Meter no tong. Oar
house is a two storey brink (brink just
like oar Walton Hotel iu style and
color) has 10 large rooms and bathroom
hot end cold water, a fnrnooa to heat
bones, the best we could parohase.
Bathroom of the finest in the city, ea
we are told, bathtub heavy white enamel
and all other ettnabmenrs to match, the
best motley could buy. Kitabea equal t0
parlor iu style and finish, ball and stair
way large and very handsome with 7
large pillars and two landings eo that we
now have a moat comfortable home in
Calgary. I fell in love with Calgary the
first time I beheld it, not for its grsudepr
bot for its general style, The pity ie
•nrroneded bya u 'l
halo o'i• hills whish
meet be a great proteotioa agsin0:
storms and winds. The ennriee and
sunsets bare ate beautiful with the
maantaina in the distance of about 90
miles. The olimate is perfeot in every
way with so much sunshine. Jost think
there has not been a bit of rain here
sines we arrived in Athena. We oonld
not say that of Windsor, Oot.,, for it
rained or wanted to rain there every day
or two, Dear mothor'e health is very
much improved ulnae oommg West and
she is also maoh ft shier and looks so
wen. Alioe and I are maoh fleshier and
feel eplendid in thie climate. So will
conclude by eroding kindest reearda end
best wishes for a Happy New Year from
all. Your wnoere fri, nd,
P. S.—Since writing tine tetter we
received word that my sister, Mrs. B. T.
Grey, has become the motber of a little
daughter, born this morning at 3 a. m.
Mother says aha ie the prettiest and finest
obrld she ever saw, A M. 5
Calgary, Alta., Jan. 2416, 1905.
The Treheroe, Man., roller milt Were
berated. Loss $15,000.
The offiotal demaration in Dundee
gives J. P. Whitney a majority of 624.
Michael Aepden, who woe injured to
the eawmill explosion in Cubes, has sun'
climbed to his injuries.
It ie reported that the 0. P. R. breve
porahteed the Eagnimalt & Nanairnc
Railway from J. Dnnemnir.
H. P. Brown, Treasurer of Oxford
County, leas resigned, and R, Malntoelt
has been appointed to hie po-ition.
The National Rubber Oompanv of
Montreal suffered a loam of $40,000
by fire and the KiILour Furniture Co,
adlaining 11 loot $18,000,
R. L. Borden will probably be in the
House of Commons again on Moods..
Oa Saturday nest nominations take
plane at Richmond for the County of
Oarlaton, When the0ppoeition leader will
be returned unopposed.
Pierre Laoroix, aline Peter Leone,d
Brawn, who ran away with Lilian Vet.
ley, of Vailkieak Hill, while hte own wi'c
was living with three ohildree, was sees
to the Central ?tithe for one year, ity
Magistrate Denieoo.
Profaner J. W. Hart bee Putt been rth.
pofobed diraptor of the College of Agri.
mitten in the State ot Seto Paulo, Brasil,
The appointment is for five yearn,
beginning with $4000 and experisee, and
inoreating 10 $5,000, Thin le the large.t
college of agriobltnre {n Sotath Amerios.
It will be remembered that President
Mille, of the Ontario Aitrimeitural College
Was offered this position some years edit
and later r f
d o P cies c
erD e
av u r
0 b uow the
p ,
head of the Innate Agriculture ' College,
being the teoocd largest in the filled tate position for shine time.