HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-1-19, Page 7­­.......­ .1 - 1. . I I-— . ­­ - . ­ I .7----.1.-.._...- I -1-1--.11 I I - ­­­ ­ - 0 ­­ .­­ � I - I... .. . I . I I bid. THE WORLD'S MARKETS !`.';�14. !4, 52"tta,1,j0-,, 1a,n'LI,',e-, J' -to- THE NEW AGRICULTURE OPENING OF PARLIAMENT CONDENSED' NEWS ITEMS file. (Tarn -No. 3, 4.2i to ,13e; May — QQI�NTING THE SPOILS QF WAR PR EIN 44to. __ . TRADE CEITTILES. iljf� - _Wbo.L­_ MS E ON EARL GREY4 SPEECH FROM HAPPENINGS PROM ALL OVER -­­_ _ � May, $1 '17 J; July, BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. THE THRONE. THE GLO=,. Prices of CatJle, Grain, Cheese) 1,,6��,,E�p cumbor, 08je; No,,11 t r5g!-I",d,. — — � . No. 1 Northern, $1, �. And the Farmer's Wife Must Piave' Provincial Autonomy Telegraphic Briefs From Ow. OwN and Other Dairy Produce . 1'he Jtipanese at Port Arthur Busy 2,Z) il,121. Flour -First patents, the Benefit of Labor -Saving a Nor,tnhweat Ter- And Other Countries of Ro� I at Home and Abroad. sa.66 to $0,60; second do., $6.1110 to Dovicso. ritories, cent Events. .1 Toronto, ,Tan. 17. -Wheat -No. 2 $0.40, first clears, $4.15 to $4.96 ft 41-0 laryVing out of Lire old cur,- A TIOSPUILCIL train, OULLWA says:- CANAm, r With Preliminaries. Ontarka whito and rod Winter quat- second cloars, $2,00 -to $2.70. bran ditions, said Prof. 0. 0, ,faines - The 'linino ' Regina's iloW'water-works sysL4 tit, at $1,08 to $1,01. at outside -In bulk, $11., ' On official opening of Val at tarlik's, Doputy-MinistOl. of Agt,IoqI_ took place on Thursday.,Irlw woath- . , At I points; Na, El, goose Kruoted at &B to turo, at trio Maritime is riots in operation, ,-, . J.t:UA1fARJ(A­f)Lr. Awalvio,mr.'XIII, WANT INVIN'01131,141 FLEET. $70 east, arld No, 2 SprIng at 970 CA'PRI,lill XARI.1ZZTS,. IWIntor glair. or was anything but pleasant. There TIVU umiskanAing Railway is to be When our Settlers first caiiiL to Onn- was it cold wind with driftlilg snow, taken over for operation from tile A cluspatch from Tokio nckyg: Tho A cipspatch From Pnrls says: Vice- (last'. Matlitoba Nvlit�ftt is steady; Toronto, Jan. 17-Pricos barely adv, they Faced the prituovai forest, and the Publid Works Jk,partmont, 11 Jarmnesol Odylovoiliont at 1`04 Ar- Adt T)Ouln%qSOFr, the Russia, No. I Northern, selling at $:L.09, No. h their own In thaftevp a4d.alyd during all the clearing period had a htLrci dingo of it !,it clearing , contraeLt'ra on Jan. 11. I t-Itut. is more rtimarkidblo tit Cho light Inomber of Lila North Sea Commis- 2) Northern at $1.055, and No. 3 la."'ll, -e , the Madera 'tile Old agriculture hold away. AVIL11 the walks ail Parlittinant Rill, before '111he Geological Soclety of Amerloa, ki.g t I -Ily WIllell met Ili PhIludelplilik, last week, of further bivestiffations. . Thu art- alcon, Is quoted by the I-Mio do Parts Northern at I)FIe (loorglan Bay largo offlorings seen I) be L'.. the Vlee-rogal party arrive(J. Ports. C"rltxcllllg i, a cyow genoratfun, corstitions began transit prices much for t�ho wants of the city buy-ItO chaI190; live stock collie in, large The Vice-ategal cakrrlago wag ac- will meet in Ottawa next Dectimbor. 9itral Russian strougtl Is 1101V 0StI­ its having stated Ili tva IntorvIew are SO u1bovo thoso"quotiod. are. There was no break, however# but Tile Grand Trunk is coritelliplet- 11yoted to have I... lkilnkcist 50,000 that )to ],ad suby.nitiod to Emperor I -na wore built, butter and elleaso compailled from Government Houscli raccl, it Is matiouric(id at, Ow army Nicholas a prograiri ,a Oats -No. 2 whito quoted at 822* eird all were sok!. Veal QaIvcs ,show' bega�n to be maotol, and W, gradually to the Parliament Dulldbrigs and Ing the exponditure or $$00,000 for, n for a ro-in- to 82jo West, and at 330 Low ad an increase of about J0, lusiky back by an meant of the Princess cleaLric rt),Dtors for the Sarnia ton- heackitiartors that, Ill widitioll to gamly'aticill Of ill(' navy whioll' III all- freights. No. I. wbila is stockily at Zxportord woro quote(( at $1,.25 to I oloul"90ol All our methods. '11bis bullid- the prismnurn already reportod, NyOut solutolY ImIlspensablo for success in :jitic cast Ing and the exhibits It contains a f,ocifso Dragoon Gikatrds. There Was IJ VI - I 13,000 wounded combatants Will ths war with Japan. 1I:1kV&IIL*y ,not . . 0 por owt. aro a guard -of ho,nor froin. the Govern- '111pro is au lixaux of Ituagian refli- ' itills lh1,rI01'­Nu, 2 quoted at 40c mld� 111lick following quotations were. Pro- proof that we are tityjug, to Ic .p I et at , I U with the doinnaris of the Liffaes -Oo'cral's Foot Guards and the errs into I&III11ton, and tho local, ovotittivVy W brought to Japan. will be Ilacessary for its oxvcut"Ol" (Ito Freights, No. :1 extra, d-40, end talent for butchers, Qattle_��elocbl P W t Ottawa Field Battery fired LL salute lXubrows are Iluding It a. problem to I Gon. Xogl's headquarters staff ftt- Admiral Doubtlacociff bliouglit the pro- No, 3 at 4,22 middle frolghti�. . aid to compete With other I, I ]?art. Arthin, art) at Present devoting spect, for 1#11-tchers', $4.25 to $4.50 fold at -ountrLas from Nopealk. Point. rs%o attondanco,care for them. Vica.-Adintrat llojestvon- Peas -Tho market is slautly, with hatcher", lairds of $13,70 to $4.23; by follbri itir the New Agricultu Tho h T(7 , Ale, In tile Senate 0hawbor, despite the! The Governor-General atild Coun- Itch- ruicrgie.s to ,dislYatchIng tile sky's squadron wns hopeless, 7 -it, dealers quottog 06 to 67c at coit� Fair to goya, sa.56 to $0.70; cows w Agric,.iflturo innsL ba con- unfavorable weatbor, ivas largo, ifess Grey propose v1sitibig Montreal I pri.,onots U) Japan, placing trio un-hesibatingly declared that, he con- side points, $2.50 to $3.12i; conlatoll to rough: auctod upon business Principles, In Earl Gre3, U01mrad the following from the 24th to 27th of Jocatavy, wounded In Ilospitais all([ clearing sk(loroot a provisional peace wouid 001111 --Who utaxicoL Is easy, Ivi tit $1.25 to $2. old tilkles it did not; soolit go narao,- apneeil. from the throno; land Toronto from 21st to 24th of Lila way for a thorong)%. InvestIgiv- shortly he probable, Jinpoini retain- 011iTivelian olmoled at 4:1 to 41Ae SW(Acovs and feeders Wore quoted 911PY LO Puralio these business Ine- , tion of the SP011s Of War. hig, .fort Arthur and Lit() tortitorit'li West. New American No. 8 yellow, nominally as follows:­Fewlors, (Mads; it' fact, with tfin surround- THE SPRECI-1. 1 February. . Confuse.il reports reay.h. Tokii., of Which she has Occupied. Itto.SSift, ale (ni track, Tororyto, and No, 11 Short-koopa, 1,200 to 1,275 poun-Els, 1 ""A's then WNISterlt, there was D,n 11anorable Gentleman of the Senate; Contracts for the fouiWAtions of the vorstilti(ni of the city bolidiligs, mc-anwhilo, the Admiral sahl, would Mixed at 504o, Toronto. $3.50 to $8.60; stockers, GOO to,chance to (10 go, In our towns slid Ocertlemork of the House of Ct,w. the now elevator at Port Ool,borno it was anjil .ya Thuvaday tlyat Con. proparo an invincible ficet fat, a fu- Rye___�1711, ,Iarkoi, is unchanged, at 800 Ills., $2,25 to $2.75; 'Lockers,, cities tile 1X10l-ch;LIlt jWId the anka4u_ mons- have been awarded to Larldn & a , I desire on this occasiDn to ns- Yvan atm; The Price Is In the 210igh- .kTogi will return to Toklo at Pre- tufo effort. 76 to 77o at outside points. 406'Lo 000 lbs., .1,40 to $2; bulls. factu"ev has also had to citango Ill aura y sallt. 11,11cim-holott-Tho ilinrket is qlliCL 000 to 1,200 lbs., $1,75 to $3. ImathOrls Of 4119432099. The farmer 19, you how Sensible I It,,, at the Ilochood of $200,000, Sixteen survivors of the third de- ST.OXIFICANT umfAltFC, and Firm with No, 2 (111OLud at 52o 1JAiti prices of Sheep and lambs Just as 1110d, a manuCactum, ,,, the front holier conforrod oa me by the A new sight, embodying thio best tactintont. of Japanese Who attempt- A despatch to the London, Daily high frOigh t, unit at 58c IOlV1 Were as follows:-Exitort owes. S.41­11LAIM Ili toWri, who inalkelk boots, King In appolating mo to the 'dig- I foatlures of the 10uropoan and Ant. ad (a block the entrance of Port Ar- Freight. tinguishcAl position. of Governor- orican Sights, Invented by the Ross Mail front Otlessa Says LhMt tile do- I 50 to $4,75; oxport bucks, SS.2a to and hardware, The manufac- General. Mile Con%F)any, has been adopted b5r t1hin, by sinking stono-1wilon stortul- Flour-NitteLy par cont, PO-Lell-t-9 $3.75 par cwt; cull sheep, $2 to $3 Curer fil WtVn finds it tince.sSary to I pasture of a re.linatit front. that city alo ciluotoll ftt• $4.205 to $4,.40 fill each; . My pleasure In being called upon I the Odnadlait Department of Militia. ars Ili the ctarine.1 are ex)ioctod to for Lila Far Ellast, which had. ])colt lambs, $5.25 to $6.25 par make tile kind Of 90ods thet Lila con- arrivo at Sasebo oil Thursday. '11111) buyers' sacks, olu;L or west; straight Qwi. . to represent his Majesty Ili the' The Ottawa authorities ho,vo been. Fixed for Jan. 18, has been post- rollers of special braultis for doines-1 Samar cloulaivils, 16 is also one of 't rate of their 70 companions Is ion- Calves sold. at 8 to .'),'a per lb., the corroiltiolls to -cis trig licks been heightened bylask-cl to extend the time for the , ponod until rob. 12, .mach to fill .V that the farlIx- Ila c ial welcome I have receive(] fl:ce transportation of hay on GeV - known. tic trade, ht bbls, $11.7155 to M Mait- acid $2 to $10 each. or should produce what his 0 surprise. 'WIlion the colonel juroquiod itoba flours unchartgod. No. 1. pit- I j-ToQs wece lknebang(id, at $4.90 fat- ors Wart, lye must custOln- FrOUL all classes, ornment. railways Ili Prince Edward - his offlocrs of the fact, he said he 'a, 2 pittants rollects, 160 to 200 lbs., of prime our distrlet is best calls! (It. what This favored land with Island. The Island Is desperately la teats, $5,50 to $5,70; N . , I HPaIlB ()F POR`V ARTICUR, ill,([ not know whether they would. $5.30 to $5.110 and strong hakers', bacon (Illuilby, OFT car", 'I'O"OntO; 'ClUchig, aird ,,P,,b,,r,,, ,,,a- rosouroas and Improving facilities, want of provender for live stock t o A despatch Iron) L,Dildoli says*. Toil- see active service after all. $5 to 65.20, on track, Toronto. $4.65 for fats and lights. for transportutiou, is attracting the failure of the lia,y and oat, crops. egrailis from Tokio add to the list # — Afillfaild-A L clutioldo points brim - 0 — WORK ALONG: THAT LINE, pooplo on an over ascending Scale, of spoils taken at Port Arthur, as !.-I ciltotool. at, $1,1 to $14,rtrl, wowl not only from the United lKinoom, GREAT BRITAIN. given out by the Japanese Log,rition, shorts at 817 to $17.50. ManIL64, TO DISCUSS RECIPROCITY. not tit- CrOPQ and keep tile live but also from -the United States and stook that, Lllrlvo best whore wo, live. from many other countries. As the ,ion of free cattle to Inoland. 2,225,000 roututIs of innalt avin [1111- — I bran, in sacks, $18, and shorts at — , i There is Opposition. to the adnils- . 101111rition, Ito torpadoc.q, :I ,fiss a,,- Rumor That the King and Queen $21, The Joint Nigh Commission Nay The Manufacturer must produce Opportunities fat, settlement is.lcler' plosive charges, 960 alaul.lillitioll Are Coming. Kest in Autumn. OcOhOlnicallY. Our beat saw 111.111g, the advantageous conditions which Imports of cattle and sheep to COUNr ' fOr instance, ars now run with prec- exist arc batter known this Doinin- Great 131-Itain from Comada have fat - wagons and carts. JAI) sats df Late-- It Montreal cies Says: Mayor JIRY PRODIJOI111. A IYUSITingt611 F;Pedal SaYS', TOO if graph and tollelyholic apparatus, 14 146porto said oil Thaysday that Into- neatly 110 Wasto of matorla6l; ovor, ion will become the home of all in- 'an 0 * Applos-11111c inarkat, is Fair for Mitch creclunce should not be Put Lila 'dust, Is used. Tit ono of the best creasing number of happy ailid con- Canadian Pacific officials in Lon -7 searchlights, and quantitit,ii of ly fie had received letters From proriv choice stook at $2 to $2 5U pet, bill, Ili tile report published In Now York don deny tile suggestiorn or irnraor- ' awards, pistols, and otArertching Itiont English pe intimating ' OxallIP108 of ocanomical rrt�ilulfa,ctur. tented people, whoso charactor and g cooking apples, $1.25 to $1.5r). that the negotiations for tha reqs- ilg I I * eas I a '40011 ill trip' rent stock yards prosperity will add strength to the silty on their steamers. tools. It is remarked that tha cap- that there was every prulyabillLy of Beans -Trade is Fair, nail pricols gambling of the Joint IlIgh Coin- Of Cllillagc), Allbero absolutely ov,ory groat orardro of which you are so A project ]las been drawn up to tures disprove the idea that a short-- King Rilwaeol and Queen Alexandirit, UlldlaflgOtl, with lirlinci quoted ILL nilssion. have fal-larl throu'911. ("Or- Part of all wtilmaI Ili turned into � Important a part. London for setting a largo number, ago of arounimition contributed to visiting Canada next summer. Ire $1,105 to $1.40, rice hand-pieko,ti at rospolidence, is still in progress 1)0- Ma"Icotablo prorduct. SO trip, fa racer TRADE INCREASE of Russian Jewish refugeas to Can - the Surrender of the fortress. t r to that of- $1.4-5 to $1.50, Liveon. Mr, Fairb-ankt; and Sir Wit- trust endeavor to co 1, t to I)ro * that the oda. Fact not got abroad he would not. Bops -Tho inorkaG 1.9 unchange(I at fried Laurier, and hope has not bocitt ritabla n or a _ It is gratifying to note t . nao nit Ille products. He trade of the Dominion, whi h In re, UNITED STATES. I I 11ILTSONERS REAGn JAPAN, have -Pokon fat- publication just 32 to 35c, acc.mcling to quality.. abandoned to cliscuss Canadian reel- Should .sea to it that tboro is no cent years has steadily incieaskia, is States Senator Ballo pro - A vvspal.ch from Nagasaki, Japan, yet. As far as he knew, however, lloiiciy-The Placket is quiet at 7* ' procity and Other questions. While wam,tc Iii'llol under woods, under -not -nishing, the aggr gato Of United - says: Tho steamers Xaga and Sulru- nothing had been cloo,ded. to Be Per I')' 001111) 110`110Y, $1-50 $a_M6 IlItCh 13lay Ila'VO Occurred to 40oc6q, or ill MrOeSS cuWvck1;i,)rL. the last fiscat year being Woo largest hoses to Limice Lila Pr I esiolvatial term Ici havo arrived here with 1,600 Rus- I to $2 per do,, -on• give rise to the present roporU, your Tile farmer has, perhaps, in Ills OT,er- on reucird. 'Me revotlue for the past six years- . Stan PrIS011erA of war aitil fifty OM- DESTROY PAGAN SHRINES. . Ilay-Gar lots of No. I timothy corresponolunt is reliably Jutcrureld ations greater prolylems to meet than Glx moth is also greater than for 'Pho Boston Chamber of Commerce cars. All the Prisoners have been I — aro quoted at $8 to $S.r)o oil trMlc that. the report of a signal falluro any other Tnanufnetu'rer, if he would thp ,corresponding period of the pre- has passed a resolution fa -roving re- ,(1LttIrLt,red at Inasa, a village nearby, Two Thousand Skulls Found in here, cool No. 2 ,tit $6.50 to $7. "Is inaccumte," and froui. another UvOld 17111lecossary waste � cadtrg year. ciprocity with Canada. . where licks also bilini prepared EL lodg- One "Ju-jull 31ouse. Str�aw-Gftr IIAS are quoted'at $6 source thu.t "the story inity lip dig- ,nle $6.25 oil track, Toronto. " New Agriculture must be con- At the Invitation of the President Tho beadquarters of tile Worlixori. I ing for Ocii. .4toossel, Who will or- Tile Louden Daily lVall pubjis,hod to araditud." rive next Saturday. POtatom-Oar lots .,ire quoted at IkIr Fairbanks, following Wing hi ducted upon scientific principles. of the Unitcol States, my Goverm- ChUrcll ma.y. ])a roino,voil from Salt , 'title Russian aillears are allowed tile fOIlOWIn'g:-News has been re- 70 to 7113c per bag oil track; jOlibi-tig to ' , S cos- There should not, to -day- be any oil_ mant has joined Ili the formation of Lake Orty j6 Independence, me, liberty within the bounds Of -truction by the 11riti,sil ill Soublerl poll Ittly-S _,it nkitch libe cilivect from Wast Africa of the do- lots at 85 to 90c. in, refused to comment on Bit,, re- JOGI101I to book fai".1lig, Car the In- M international commission, com- Ilishop, Spalding_ heart ,)f the ., part. The belief is still entert'ain'ed tollig,nt Irlmn call, troll, agricultural post, of three ropresmt L r f Roman Catholic 'Djocese of Peoria, L I I ,1-0 to that the Vico-:11resideat-uloct and the PLIP01's civil books, L, 11 valuableoach country, to Investigate and rol�ll suffered aparalytic sbi-oke on Fri- - Ju-ju. houses bolot 9- 1.10; bells, 6 W Be per Ile; clucks, 10 g�(; I, 0 he town, but they are under police Nigeria of 'two priing chic.4kons, a k'. as I O'Scort. ing to the Andoni tvibe, fil which to 120 Par 1b.; geese, 10c par Ortlia(iian Premier will soon meet experience of oblirr menj who have port upon tho conditions and u clay. . Gal. Stomsel and sLaR will sail girastly atrocities lvero reported to tUrkAYS, dry plucked. 18 to Ifh'; in Now York or 'Boston to arrange c . 10,10 the work -lie Is trying to (10, Of the matters adjacent to the llbru�V Lenalian, I train here for Eurtype, oil a Fren 40, Who was bitten by . . Mail steamer Jan. 16. These rolls- ' ' ' for the cakilmissicyn's snastans, ir prejudice against boundary line between the United a sPalliel, diad or hydrophobia oil have talcon Place. do., scalded, 10 to 11c par 11), Our pectplo are wisely bi,girilying to while, � The first of theso pagan torn TUB D',ILTRY lkrART,Cr,,TS. -+-- lay aside tilt da, and to make,belug taken to it sanitarian, OIL 'ail Prisoners are unfulgriodly pleas- was round to ])a a voritaf)lo ­Golgo- . lIkitter-Filical, I -lb. rolls, IS to GREAT RUN ON BANK. I-ol,,�, a I ,,,at- �-,, Canada, ...... I .at tyd 'to t".11 to got the rest such r....L.clutions for Improvo-iPri-clay, I ., ad at the end of the hardships of lira, ,, Over 2,000 ' I trients and regulations as shall beat The marriage of Kennoth IL I 00 skjolls being count.- 1.9c; ordinary to choice largo rolls, - information FrOTrk Mary av 'qO,onL,Fko , have Fer,o the lett of navigation in alloy, .sea of a London lidth oilro� . Me siogii and the considerate trent- ad, neatly arrangod and fixed to tile 17 to 18c; IO%V .bo inolituin grades, Three Policemen -and Two Women source. , men * it oic I tivent. of their vlators, a. been" said Wolters. 10 Matilda Jil'irka, a flower girt at walls and Posts of tile house. After It. to 16o; ��olatiiory prRiks, 28 . to Injured fix Now York, . sail aro studying and rindinir out a R TE'RUITORIES. n hispoeLloin the placo was Set old 24c; solids, 21 to 22o. AITTONOxY ,FOR Ills World's Fair, was celebrated at RUSSIA PROTESTS. 11 .. IlIggs-Caso lots of fresh are pool- A Now York despatch says: Three truths aluout, plant •,growth, tile a(,,, - I fir 8bituOnts of our a- St. Louis oil Wednesday. 'it at 22c per dovern, wild iftned at policeman. kilid two Hebrew wori'lon unci Soils, the branding L,Theorapfld grolvOl. Ili the PoPl.11 A despatch from St. Petersburg Sonia clays lator a (.,,],!of, It iti-ju a it r00(theg of animals, the growing co, f the North -wast Territories In Lackawanna (jounty, Penn., in . says; Russia hes.sont a circular to priest, kind a Principal man. of tile 20c. . were Injured Ili a sonsittlottal run ail of fruit. Cltc�, and it will pay us to during the ,updor, . past two years justifies the last six wNtIcs twelve 11, Ole Foreign Glovern3norlLs, undmorat- town or Oworo. %,.,he were founct to _ Ohoaso--Largo choose, .1.3.1c, ,,,, the State Beak fit Grand Street on I ,1111 What, tliese mon have fOund the wisdom of conferring oil the have bean. collinxitted, while firtaun I 1119 It series Of allc9ild Cill"OR0 YlOta­ lie connected with a "bush. n- u," twins at 11* to 111c par 31) ' Ucclitoo.clay, The orowd of 5,000 par. " Territories pro�hl,cial airtonomy. A persons have been shot or sLabibad., tions of neutrality during tile war, were arrested. This seconict shrine - . sons broke -down an troll railing Out. *k of the future twill I hill for that purpose will be sub- 'Phore were four suicides. � the efforts of the pov�,ors having was roacbed after 1100. PRODUCTS. around a Light wall fa,Crapt of thea The "ar"", L Will I itted for your consideration. The Smiths, of Atlanta, Ga., wit% . a caiLxoo journey p book, aud It was clikily by desperate deal Moro enjoyablo. In In The surveys nooessary for the 104m- are numerous arid Prominent, are ia4 1. Failed to prevent theak. The circular a, tortuous creak, Finals y, the ,,,,u,,,- Car lots are cluoted at $6.80 to clubbing on. ,he part of tho police '8.;,;-.r.?(,­,-�,ta farmers are vury _qeIdnm Mutt of the line of the national dignant-becauco one of their number predicts that - the violations will ish party arrived at a Small hut', $6.1-0. Cured meats are Ili good that the mob was prevented 11am I'Pfarl'Od to as "Old hftvSCWd8." 'I'htl trans-corninental Canadian rhillVily is trying to chnugo his not continue, its China is irtrable to fill- completely closed Ili with voigolbabioll demand at unchanged prices. If . t It me. The I interior being so dark that li� (1110t0-1311,0011, long clear, 8 to 84'c The Pollcia�n and woman were hurt -all the results of Ills work is filter- It is confidently behaved that tit hevIcibligations. Tit those circum- the Intel WO forcing ma:ny of Its aukii,bor into it "I Illig,ent man wli,o watdilos close,1t, ara behli' vigorously proscoutiod, and other .9rulths have employed counsel stances lbimin. reserves the right to Was 2lePosgarY to Lear down 'Litear lb.. in case lots; mess pork, $14 tit, .that point. c ttll.- to Prevent it. They ScLy Smith is a not in he'r own interests reapectlad walls bt,forit'it was possible to See to $11,50; do Short cut, $17.50 to ectad and I dere for the co,�strujotioll Of several 900d enough llame fat, attybody. Tho . .. China's nautmlity. Tho circular Wilat tile place colLt,ined, 0 $IS. 111vo hictikired excited IT.-cibrows who T&KV-9 A PLEASURE W IT. 'sections may be invited during the man Who thinks Smith is too ,plebb- concurrently calls the attention of Among the objects found was Snio,Vad itivats-Itaufts, light had deposits a Season. !an is T. Cuylcr Smith. 1-16 worried t heavy*, to fill) doors all Ili Lhc bank waited at The world has lately Found out that coming f Canadian products and. &%forday pe.c I Ibn powers to the anti-Iftropean agi- largo tl medium, 1.2 to .1240; ,(to ' 11 i early ,Ttiesday night add the former can bu bertiefitfad I Thu dispaly 0 , about )its name, it Laticiii.,in 01hina, which, it says, has Dakhor, Matul bell, Inscribed "Ott to :L2e; rolls, 9 to gic; hciuldors� - ' Wethiesday, moro than a thou- education aillilicable Co his AV an made last year tit the St. Louis tiLiollcd the courts far a change to I . Rottercial'Atoo, 1757," used 8J to 9c; backs, 14 to 1_4:,'J�e; bro�dc- sand persons wora waiting anxiously business. PImposition provoil stalb. ct. ,marked T. 'Sniil.h Cu •10r. created a serious situation. at the Ju_jtl fe.stivais to 04,11 Ito Co 1xLously A few yv.al*s , ago in Ontario, wO cruccoqsln attraQting emigrants from I In- Cast baco'n, I withdraw their doposits, Since first Found out that tile famyror had the ww�,tery prairies that it is pro - habitants Of the 11oig1,dJaOrirIg towns -')IQ. daylight the number of QNelted do - PRISONERS LOOK WRILL L-1,11). together. and also durrn,g Sacrifice. Laild-We q I atot Memos, Tie; tubs, It wife, 11411I Wo are doing Whitt sae , PON f I I Sc; pal1g, Sic, pasitors had doubled and .,ad to twcopt the illvits,tjou 0 GENERAL. . . A despatch from Takla Says: . pollee '- call to,, tile Lyetteemoott of the wOnIna 14ia Government of Belgium to send ,y All I - serves had ,been called out to niouiti- A despittch to the Loddon Nora- . the prisoners front Port, (Arthur ar- - TOLD BY A FINGER PRINT. : . .1 ,q on the farm. Ili the past She has rainples of .our products uzfd mann- Ing Post from Madrid Says that Mot . - . ..1TjS,1NI7, � IONTRI, -r Ili . I riving, at Nagchiiki look well fail , I I . , . I 6 AT A . VAI,. , , tuirt Ord( 010 CvOlvd- - , - . , hacLa bard life, -her work has ,hoczk factures to the oxhibItion to bo held SPRIlIsh attache with the Japanciso � And happy. Col, M-Ijakiliv, of tile Impression Left By a Burgle. I r Con- A-KOatroal, Jan. 1.7;-Crcvtnr . I Do- -4-- • 1 . ­ practically Y ulleficling arod she has, noC ott. Liege. . 1111MY Was Wounded during the last! '1 Hussian, arnly, said the anclotylu wol- viated Him. ITIAIR4 for Oats has again bnottic ac- CANNOT CHECK THE STRIDE had tile benefit of labor-RaNIII& da- , , , . The speech colicludes will,, the us assault on Port Arthur. . tive, and, as stocks are limited, the - vices to the ;same extent ai; her hu�%_ ual rererevLoo to t1,o accounts RIIKI I I con�,, w6s ent , Imly unexpected, it A.,despalch from Vancouver, 11, C., affect .has been to put prices .up Unable to Prevent Spread of Strike I - i' �, Vallid., Ift are trying to,rollovil the ostinte.Uts- .� I - . _. ­ � I « . inatole,him tool its thougli lie had rc- says: The Syclnoy, Now 6out,h, Wales, about .1o, to day a or t buy 96. , : --. . I farmer's wife of all tile drud - - i - BOILER 2XFLoDM. . I turned to his, own covilitry. -110 a tk to o , in. Geiinaiiy. - gary . . I . hoped tile, war woul(I Soon coaso and courts have just' dorrionstrated. the 'I Oats at- 3840 In .Store in car lots A Berlin despatch Sam 111ho colldi- Possible by Our iI,VsLr1ll of' women's' CHEESE EXPOIi.TS OP. - _ At mutual linderstanding follow, it Importance of the finger -pellet sys- Wore uu.sileMssful, holders demanding Lions of labor tit the Wwt,�Iulla?l InNtIttotc,9 and -domestio science - Engineer 'and Fireman Killed in this owurred the pragont plight of berm as a 11-ecalls of i(loutIrying a , 80c; whothee any could be picked up mal fields which have iticlueod t 6,, t0fte'1111114- WO have also found not pair men Do Less Business in . Station Yard. the Prisoners would be more useful Criminal. A young nian. charged at 3810 Or not IS Ilal,d bo say, but, ' with bqxglary has been fourst guilty 89a is now tile goneral vlow; 'No. 2 growing abriko will be inada tit,) soli- that there are (Ilillictrea on the farm, 1904 Than in 1903. A despatch from 'Olevel ar.?cl, Ohio. to Russia than continued resistance jeot of all latarpollaticyn ill tho, 11114 WO ,aro frint]-gurating a mnv(l' A despatch from Brockville say$: ­gays: -Tho qiallor of a, l000moti%-O &t� . at Port Arthur. in a case where the Crown relied ')lots are (1110tod. at to over No. 8, licialig[ag. Tim social Democrats T!1:011(l to try to provide the right Twenty-six paroled Pusslan. offickles SOlOIY upon tile ovidenco of fingov- Flour-MmilLoba patonts, .tri.80, and '� kind At the meeting of Lila It'"Jerr, tat.1had to the oltutbound fast, ex - print$. The burglar, in gaill-log strong balcors', $5.401 hig,hor (?Ijbnr- are preparing to dotnonstvato the of ciiiiantion for tiloso chit, Dairymen's Association, ,irrogiolotit prose train on the Eric road blaw'. were welcomed by X. AmIcawa, (In tile st'at'us or the Ifthic Workers is dran. that. tilt lip while rit'an.ding at the Greaten, a vviry to tile I.)III.Idill,g, broke ths, blOtid6d patents, $5.75 to $5.80 Dorbyshlro pointed out G -nor or NaNagasaki, municipal tit- ron woad; choice, 00 per cont. patoals 111,0" irlisc.rablo arlcl that !it spite The lidnic, is where our agriculture .amount or cholecul made in Canatin Ili Ohio, station on Wadnegill. . kill -i logatils and leading citivells. 001. glass of a winclow and left ilia fill- - W inq Triclickdoll f prosalon of Ills broad fit tile dust, V3.50 to $5.00, -tit wood and 2tic tit the wis, . li,eg of L-110 locloicivs Or tho starts it"(' 'a A-uri'll"Od' The r0for- 3.901 was .1300,6150 boxes less than the engineer avid firenTan. instamtly,, thanked them oil. belial Par OftVvill loss Ili shippers new- bags; U111011 tile' strike .1-4 Spreading, shift Mutton of the ag-ricult6ral home 1.4 0 8 thou Uh !:hero was a Sub- and.baolly injur4ug cwl�cythar roan who I (it his eolAmdes. Via said theiv This kvni,o photographed and the ex Straight rolled, $2.50 to II92.55. ailcl'afLer shift u-nanimously cccu,;iog the Start after nit of our Now, -Agri- ' was rliding fit the engine orib. The trVatillehi, allowed that Japan hold hibit Was produced th conch Tile 25 to 60e extra fit wood. Balled I work. Th-cro, are 30,000 porgons now Culture. Establish it farlwe with. stautial increase Ili butter. In 1904 (keel.-cl.-Pradorick Kellar, eligincor, Canada exportod or)0,000 packages Lila h1gliest othical position airicing jury returned it votIdlot In a 6 U1111- '$O 0 a to of tile lattlir eciianiodity, valued at iTtos of guilty. OaLs-$2-121 to $2.13 per b-ag, - ()tit oil strike, and there is not the an Inclinutioql to tM,Owlcxlg , wi Gallen, 0 -, aild Virontan lickillel,", 1� who knows how to Inake the Ill Galion. The onuso of the oxillonjou tit(, nations. 1% believed that. after 60 to $4.85 In obis, Fead-Ont to aliglittest, hope of ProvWrting blia OqL � I," I (, , " aso Ilic- war Russia and Japan would b4, 11, Tills was tile lit -at easo or the ki Itol brain, In bulk, $3.7 to $17.50; ahLotrIts stl'ilco Front becoiVing general of ]lot, oppor built ties, nud children �1 $7,500,000, which was in Illere Is not k1lown. 11,110 ain carried collie fast Friends. the 0,031111-AtyawortIt'll. But, It Was $19 Lik $20; Tylitattolia bran Ili littgs,:1,1111als fill, there have been act, (Its: gott,ing a rational educaMon, and I or, noinAv $2,000.000 over 7.903. 11,110 express cars only. ARI -LIC. from 1,110 . I � quiekly followed by another. .11 , total elopcirts of clicesol, butter awd angina, which Was completoly denvol-, . - 'lic $17 to $18; shorts, $21. lloans-�tvilbwicos. care,, not 'llow lloov that farin is, It' bacon for the year amounted to , . .1-FANY SUNKPIN 110XV,8, ,'cause(], i1whn IS churged Wit.h. liveak- Choice primas, $I.Ao to $1.45 per --4- WIA IVIC-000d. W11,11 those ecoolditions, about 641.,50 , lah0d, 11ID110 Of the c(t.(IipIn0at %van big aud entering, left tile Illipre 0 000, a (Ileereaso of . A despatch from Toltio Says: Cont- -salon bt,64h., $1,85 to $1-147* Ili car lots. DR. DAWSON HONORED. we al'a" Iwar no mare about Iho $6,500,000, which was largely calls datilagXXI. Traffic was blocked for', of his hall(l on a nowly-paltitoil door, PVOV1f4IOIkS-l:l0aVy` Onnadiall .short'. � "old hotys,ccd�ll hut We qbkoll Not, the. at' four hours fullowitq* trio neeldont. nutti-dor Takinka, of tho 'Inpatloso This was Photaurriphold, and foic-iiii. put pork, $1.6,5b to $17.50; - f rlwer walking tri streets of out, 1by rodoetiolls In Lho pride of Chtclso I li-avy, who is InVestigatirg the skliltk» to corl, esPolld with ail lalopr0s light Awarded Prize 0 by the French a and bacon. (fit Russian, warships at, Port, Ar- S Of short out, $1.6,50 to $17; Ampricau Academy I Sciences, towns as well ,chlaqucl,fll as anyone, nnot Prof. lJobeetnoin ,spoke oil coluea- , I respected ,as one of the host, oftivens tion noel organNaticill, slid ill trio .. . *hot', tile 01,1113- ease also it vordiet of guilty was 6§ to 7r; Oftuild4tva lard, G* to 7,3c', An Ottawa dospalxlt Says: Dr. W. cc calocrifft, - tfi�np, ha's discovered 1; Lila hourd. of the pplacillor. In this clear fat 11yaoks, $20; collipolind lard, WHEAT INSPECTED. ers DjIjdIt, Itinsboynt1c, and Viablaca. ctilickly, reached, ]cattle requIerLAI, Sj to 9,16; items, :L,� Bell Dawson, FJk,6.S,; ongilloor, ill coursol or ]its remarks gave his hear, 25,500,000 Bushels Passed the Cf- wheA ll�ikil hitherto hoork, unaceolitited Santee sergeant 01111t1s, tile officer to III("; bacoll, .1.2 to 13a; fresh kill- chargo of (,,Iicr Tidal and Curreu,.4 . erg 'span , F . �. . OXMIJOIlt rud'ge. T11" Not ficials Last Year. I Por, Nvnro, all sunk, the l?ttqboynfk all- ill charge of the finger -print ciapnet• ad allatGoir hogs, $7.,130; heavy fat Survey of Canada, has I that I)enjilark got $8,500.000 more parvntly by the Russialls 1,110tasetv.0s, , . ,first bcall -+_ e,n From A despatch froin Winnipeg anyot: I "at at Sydney, says lie aoln3l,(targ hogs, $4,75 to $,e); Inixod lotq.,. $6 awarded by.tho Acadrurly of'Stialletto, . . Car her buttor, aggs and ba Twenty4lva inillioil, Five 111111(iro(L and thn other LWO by Japalleso tile systoll, . i theoug title 'of France; the I LIM bushels tif graill were ill- .%�wfls, Coniolavider Tailal,la has cases alrllo�t infallitylo'. r.11,0 1:0 $5.154 SplooLs, $5A15 OfI cats, I . Ii the Tnst,it-' Great 111,1tain than any other comi- Wore watched WWI tho great Choeso-Otltario Fall Nvhlta, 10.-, to,(Tay rrizo .of 1,500 ft-aups for BARRACK -ROOM BURNED. try was antirely due to right Oduca- tholl I" also located five torp000liboat do- (',st Interest, - by th;53 police, jail , to, 10fe; colorod,AAk to 102.te; Ql1dbcc,1 - the - . tion. Ito told of 4onya Carknors 00 spected -at Witruipeg ,during 1,11145 Rtl'0,V'0rS Wild two k1JtVaAA)8b, bliab wero p1sh *1 work Iloilo by 111111. fil detevinilling Northwest Mounted Police Lose a Intles Front Toronto who hath raised PO"10(1 I )ciginning Sept , • ."I an'd closilig . 'co (1,0partInent oillorals. 1.0 to 1,01c. - Ilubter-FIlleAt gi-ndc's, in,aftu sea level Oil tho coast of Clint- , !dvstroyocl, 21,t to 21jol. 'Ordlilary Finest, 120, Bid din (lie hirome of an I10 -acre Tallill trollo Dec, Blab of last Vmr, '"Igo pravl� . �C- to aria, ill connection. with tile work the f1guroa wero ZJ,500,000 ; __+___ 21.0; inodiMu. grades, 191- to 2NO; oluder him charge. . A Whol,olo,cl dePpsttith says: A call- P,800 Ili 1887 to $4,480 in 1903 011s �-"Qftr R110ALL OF 11A.LTIC F1,101T, , 17-�% to 11,je. Eggs.- I teen mol 116� 2 lyavrael�a rootim of 10citteation was the�kay to giiec,cM`4,* bushels, or ati.ittereaSo in favor of I � FELL DOWN MINE SUAIFT, We'll 10, 11 d"I' _� - ��, the pt.p ,y � _812116 _cnr _00 _ .11 , _ . , A despatch train St. Petersburg - .storage stock, 1.8 t tile Northwest Moirnted Police here , and the. proftissor denounced those - I of % 0,000 lfbah , a ,�,s: 1.1)he Admiralty has not given 1V111lIgVfa-Q-2F11J6,J to 1.140, Montreal, WILL CHEAT HANGMAN. .9, I � H11100, 100� . — . � -------- 4.- �. I 'OnArluation of table. . Murderer In .1full at Winnipeg Dy. No one was ill the I)IIIIJIng at-, ill(, o1rcat of their Just right In education the SlINIAtest official r Four Men Killed by Breaking. of 6, Were barned oil %c(rcagtlay X1),*rnIbfF, solfish earners who retiared their clol- of I . . the report, of the recall of Vice -Ad- . - -_ - aild died Icavitig merely a houno�rtad TO CAPICK CON'SU111PTIO&L ludral Rojestvetnoky'n Squadron, On A despatch train 11foughton, U1011, TINITED STATIMI AlAUXEIM, ilig, of Coustioniptiblu I'llue. Tile origin at the lire IS 1, tiollnu . - trip voutrary, 'tiro , oftials point ,gays: Vour main. Traver boon instantly . 11.11 I Illystavy. It Is thought,, however, I -.-- i Reports to Amoridau Health Aa.qo- I (rctlo, Jan. 1.7-VIOUr-1111rin, A Whintpog despatch says: "1101)- that the coal stovo in the eatite eatinly to. the prelyalIctLiolls betil killed and two others iWurool at it Whewt­�Sprlmg, dull; No. :I Northern art Williquilt Taylow will. novel' live 8t,Artacl 010 ifto, which was d -Isco 0" THOUSAND POUNDS YEARLY ciation Satisfactory, � 9 Veil- made to I-eittorce the , squadron, shaft ,whieh is being Stink at nook- $1.22 J; Whitar, quiet; leo. 2 red, to bo tried for the, uturdor of Ills ed shortly boforo 10 0*0100k, Two . - I A despatch trolo lfavitna lays, With a, divittiou of Clio difivil Paol(le Ifund by tile V1401.1% wiling . Coin- $I..�21, tionsugh lylilod. Corti-Noth-, wife. Ira, is sinking tech by indil, hot,,., Intro the building •Qollarkled, Aotorll Subscription to the Xingy§ r 0 iyore Io IS 1.0)n, " ,A) . OW01' plZilt. Jud'dond, Oat floc idol Vittad. .�,Olsok,Ls to ill Till 11 a (, wrilotaroll no sufficient ovW611ce Uritt Ilatly for r. hy'drioulid ,e;_o(fQrh)gs ligillb; No, and will not live 10tWOr than ,six No, I barrack roctiti, it few Fact olla. wittee at the Alnoelw� VVbllo MIalth linjoAven4y will not. return to The dend ,_William Penrose and two � Z - white, 860, No, 2 no-licact, 85c, weeks, " This Wpm L14o stataillailt Jailt, Wag mved with difficility, po� A 1,0t1don &ISPIddh •say.q! Among Aassoiciatiollk ,now in sos&jo1l, showi 1: I Phlrolpen'll waters. Tho J�Iossje;jj lee- Austrian,; and one 1-linlanolev;, tutit" Bartily-Weterli, I'll store, 44 to 4.r,c Ilmdol by tllo p,hy.416,911 of the Prison.lice and e'villatiq, back't'd up fly an 41116 latest OOVItHbIttlOtIg to XITIg that 00figitinptift IS loaft plaONA I breaker '11w��%lak .(a T'Ifyall line been could not Ila learned. Tho accident Ikyo�No, 1, Moe. or Ili the provincial jail alocalti. IV liftliaiitod supply of Wattle, pavA the Molwaild's , hospital 61fid for Loh- undin y4litoiltipoll control after, the ordered to keop Lila elya'aucit 0101XV wag (1116. to the Ilroaking at a Cable Milivalikeo, ,talk. :1.7. -W -host -No. I trial for tile Inut'(10 Of 111-4 WU (9 threatonod buildf-119. Mhlw 'Of tiro (fall is VA politnual Subscription , 09 mumitr of a-hwlpoit. Now for 6; for 11ra, aril )s 1011ch aro 6 klifig, rui* whilb six .,hp w6ro Qifining. to. , We 140,61lero, 0_40 I'D $1.i6j; No_ 2 16. In tbo Worst stagoo of co,fiall'Al,p, •emmiguishm-st w.'rittiod to not, I'JuL 1110 ono th;5(laand , pcklikida;� by`�Mlfifkfti woc,L4wi(lo,,,6,ail)oAlgli'agalft.it thb,dla� I � I . . . . I " `t - " , I 1;0 Ilood holk", "� ,si"I'l. to $1-1*, Xxii. 411AIr to tift, ' . - .� . rcaliy t'le, rea. � . , qur licks I it ilI-ok p A b -t I hand'Vollitilideh ghV6 Vod .Service, NWOR Xicor., I " .. . I'tift i4ilo Abiltiiiid� - : I �