The Brussels Post, 1905-1-19, Page 6LESSONS OF THE PAST YEAR You Can Open New Furrows and Sow New Harvest of Happiness. Vergettang the thing,9 which aro behind and reaching forth to those tbings which are before..-Philipplans ill. 18, Gone Rut old year with its joys aml work and victory and defeat, its mistakes and its shame and its glory. In retrospect, how short the old year scums! Eicarcely larger, in- deed, than one of those golden beads strung about the neck of a child. But large or small, MI or scant, the year's record has beeD raado up and its work is done. Gone all the opening of the furrows and the sowing of the seed -but, thank God, not the harvest. Gone alt tho temptations that, like tiro, Stave put temper into the sword! Gone all the fears and worries that were un- worthy and harmless as summer lightnings. The golden chain that bound our foot to Gott (lid not break and in retrospect we smilo over things that once disturbed beyond xnensore in anticipation. Gone, too, tho broken plans, the unwise ambition, the mistaken ef- forts! They have fallen away as chaff falls Irma the wheat that re- mains. Tbe wise inan will let what is unworthy go. The farmer is fool- ish who wants to corry forward the straw, the wastes of, the harv'est. The husbandman's life is not in last sum- mer. His life lies beyond the winter in the furrow that is to be opened and the seed that is to he sown. The prudent man, therefore, will renum- ber only that which is good and carry it forward as need for to- 111031.0Ws sowing -save as tho bad lends caution and guidance. Ile will gather up also all that is vile and unworthy -his hatreds, bis memories of ingratiancle, every en- mity that poisons his life, et-ery ,lorm cif sin, and heave all together &Ito the gulf of oblivion. For, when the year is gone, wisdom lets it go. An hail! therefor°, and farewoll1 to the old year. Thinceforth its mis- takes are with Ood ancl His nagrey; its seeds sown with the ANGELS OF THE HARVEST. No great man litres one day or one year at a time. Many odd notes maim up a great symphony; malty organized stones make up a groat cathedral; Imlay planets gripped by a central sun make up a cosmic sys- tem, and years, many and rich, boot majesty find volume to a truly groat We. When a gsettt soul controls life to march lot tiara in one Solid column of days, you have a great career. 1110 Meal life is lam thc, troo whose trunk has assembled tho treasures of Mindred summera and a bondrod THE GERMA.N EMISROB, Some Good. Stories About Hie Imperial Majesty. Prinoos will be Princes, it. 800.111S, and them bavo been times whon the Kaiser has hail to talk Me a faller to his offspring, Thore Is a deliclouo story of ono wigging which be ad- aniniaterod to them which the Court is still ehuckling over. "Nevor angel.," be said solemnly, But if memory gives us the past , as they stood in attealon befora and work uses the present, our real him, "Gott you aro Holionzolleras life is in the future. Three hundred and mons or the Kaiser of Germany. and sixty -aro golden days lying 1 But you," he added, turning upon fore us--thiek 111 One hour s.ur- one who shall not Le particularized (iced for Burns to baptize a dalsa ass•you remember that I have My with immortality. Ono hour ems eye upon you." enough for Wordsworth's "Odo to In 'Sisson tho 'Kaiser is it floria Du I y." One eveu 81°1"d 1.01' man of baroly middlo height, with a Whitnoy to sketch his cotton gin. r„ll 01, flashy neck and a notice - One winter's night gave the hours ab i' genora plumpuoss. On toot, es - for Jofforson to take from tho Oos• perially when in one of his two pets his scheme of ichal ethics, scoro uniforms, be is less regal that For tho youth tho first duty is to „igegthg; on horseback bo is quite grow. GroWth planning; Plans a nno Nona 0/ a nom Although bit; uing means ifothothing definitt: do- hora„ tiro „gime/1y ta.oa„„ finiteness appoints certain Mates foe trained for his Une, he has a good each hour,. 14m.y tiny 11°M. 50" working' soot In the saddle. To see ren (1 1020 Bag" 01' l'410-1"; °""'Y daY linn go past a saluting base at, the mot one man rocking chair canter the Gorman GREATER THAN YOURSELF, cavalry affects is to see a good type from whom you can learn, and help of a military looking man; he could 0170 less than yourself. 3avery day paso in a crowd for a well-to-do do some ono stroke of good work Major without ambitions. lo spite that will stand, arid C•roas ent, Of growing stoutness, he takes a threshold to tarry sunshino with good deal of exercise. In particular you. Every day plan to do some !he shoots, and ho issues to the chase ono thing that will help mon, 001 with not much less circumstance hurt them; make. men, and not nou• than the Duke in Brownieg's "Flight them. of the Maness," You can so order your life as to Ho wrote a poom Onee, Width 11C Sliblidtted to a great literary .01an who dined at Lho castle for that pur- pose particularly. Knowing the man, bailey° him no less dutiful to his toiler thaa to the craft ha knows so thoroughly. road the effort, and found his dual duties in conflict. One has the tendereat sympathy for grow in health eaul in eajoyment of God's out-of-door world. You eon grow new freindships and km) the old ones in good repair. Yon Can so choose the ruusie, the great painting's that you see and the architecture that you study that music and ela- queuce and art and worship will en- , rich your life. Yon can make your that critic; he had to adaise an ama- daily work, however huniblo it ho, !tour poet with an exceptional power ID take on the culture of a full col- ;for resenting hostile. etntunent. He logo course. No matter how old you I yielded only a very little to Um ate or how much you have done for !'exigencies of the situation. society, 5011 can open now furrows I "This verse, your Majesty," he be - and sow new harvests of happiness ,gan, "seems to require alteration for generations as yet unborn. in certain respects." Aro you young? 'Puke Paul's ideal: 1 The author took thc manuscript "Whatsoevor things are honest, ;and conned It thoughtfully. Then whatsoever things are true, whatso-;bis brow cloared. cups sugar, one-half .up hotter, ever things are lovely, whatsoever "Why," he cried, as 000 seeing a three cups flour, one cup milk, two things are pure. whatsoover things ;sudden light, "I have actually not eggs, tooi a„apoonags baking po„,_ After Ilia sugar and butter Many a woman who would not Christian workers ttt Wtoona Lake, are of good roport-think on these •signed tho poem. Give me a. pen." dee, things," Are you old, with an I And the only fault in the work was have boon moulted, add the rest and think lightly of breaking a peornise Indiam1, "I'd; "I booed of an Ameri- your life belliod you? llomentber ;forthwith romedied, stir all togellaw well. Bake in thew made to a grown up person is utter- can in London who found fault with snadsione, who in his (liana weeks I Half the stories that are current 1 Myers ana pet. together with icing ly careless about keoping her word the mud. A 111071 named Ruskin dip- , • s od decal saout hint could never have come ita , or jelly. with her children. She proniises Pea up a haudful of mod from the gutter anti said: 'in this mud one latialaiaNslailate44 444, (1); Home, 1444444.114,414.1a1+444444 SELECTED RECIPES.. Orange Frostiog-Grato into a bowl Gut thin yellow rind of nu 0l' 1111)10. Squerrto the joke maw it, add O tablespoonful of Mount juice 00(1 la stand half an hour. Tl)on boat into it, gradually, powdered sugar enough to make it spread evonly. Beat betwoen each addition of sugar, as this thticaons the frosting. Suet Pudding -Chop a ma) of suet very' floe and free it (mu strings. Add to it. a cup of molasseg, and warm the mixture slightly. Add two won -Mateo oggs, einnamon and mace to thsto, and a pint of flotir that has been sifted twice with a saltspoonful of salt and scant tea- spooaful of baking socla. Last of all, site in a cupful of secelud foal minced raisins. piontifully dredged with Dour. Pour into a lot -Moved mold and steam for three hours. Servo with liquid MUM Orange Custard -Take the Julcc oi six large sweet orangos; strain and sweeten to taste, stirring over the lire *until the sugao Is dissolved, remo-va front. the tire and when aear- ly cold add lac well -beaten yolas of six eggs and a pint of cold boiled milk. Return to fire and stio and cook when cold heap the beaten svhites, sweetened with powdered su- gar, over the top 'of eon. Orange Pio-Beat the yolks of three eggs light with a cup of granulated. sugar and a tablespoonful of butter. add tbe pulp 111.1d juice of two or- 0,0goo and the grated rind of half of one. Then add a cup of cold milk. 111ix well and turn into a deop pie dish lined with pastry well baked. Put in a moderately hot oven and bake Ilan custard is firm or set in the inichile. Cool and cover with a, meringue made of the boatels whites and three largo tablespoon- fuls of powderod sugar. Brown slightly in oven and serve cold. White 'Mountain Cake. -Take two tin/item of myrrh will hofp them. Any cold whitefish may be made into ma accoplailile Aintree by being treated 11, la Now ourg. A little white Wine, In which cloves and Mama% have been steepod, may be withal Just bofore the suttee Is mantel aver tho fish, It should than rammer till wanted withoot Mang boiled. On a long railway journey a woman can keep the dost and dirt irtergee1 ho" 1111.1 ell a ig'y'asPulle aeig11 111 i gl t 111/a. A useful bag for a wet 1,,ectins1111 ;11,1.1111111 or sponge tan bo outdo of rubber, Ito outside 'being covered or fancy silk. The following reeirm for cough med- icine mimeo from a New 'England hougewife 0,1311 Was handed (10)011 to hos from na old -ti (1141 sea -captain, who considered it valuable: Blend one ounce of soma, cmo ounce of whole flaxseed, ore ounce of cruellest licorkte and half an. ounce of aniso need. and coolc in boiling water (about three or roue pints) until re- duced to a quart. This• lanisawife always 11505 ati iron kettle to boil the Mixture in. Strain, Mal ono cupful of molasses and boil a few minutes longer, Then cool, and when cold add a little whiskey or alcohol, to prevent fomentation. Keep Gm medicine in air -tight bot- tles. Use it teaspoonful or two whoa needed. This is really an of- fectivo remedy for the severe hack- ing colds and coughs that are con- tracted in winter. -- DO 'YOU KNOW, mucilage is ready for service when dry? at a 'Legless shoestring wet It) That equal parts of glycerin and witch hazel is a cheap and effective lotion for chapped hands, when hands aro damp? That bread is mealy perfect ivhen kneaded hard at night, left to rise, then workod ready for pans by greasing hands, and adding no nape flour, all flour being then raised the same length of time? That the b'est way to train your child in tho way you want it to go 51,430111m% Ilpersistently wallc that way ',Pilot the host way to keep your own hearth and home bright and happy is constantly lo pa self aside and with love and charity work right eousness? KEEP YOUR PROMISE. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JAN. 22. "The First Miracle in. Cana." Gul- den Text, aohn 2, 5, T1 111 LESSON I 1,1AISTIIATI'ill, Verse 11. "This lioginoing of miss odes," This lesson itt 001111 le the firat record of our Load's working a miracle. And tho prosonce of the niiracht Gat gospol rot:owls gives great, ()flange 0 cortain people who bolievo only in the "natural." 11 is relatoti that. in malty to pot a, stop to the frattatilort inlet -toles in 01311)101' 11011 With 10011) Of the A b be Paris, prat iced 115 1(1(4 esult s, 11ift tang had the part of the 'tomb whoro the 1'(31001 11>1 of taut :mint lay svallod Sliortly Mies some ono put it paper on the wall wall this loadription, ''lly COIT10101381 af the king, alial is forbidclon to work any 'more initstelos level" So 01) 11101141" 1)4110(11)1 material Seleneo has put up a notice oVer the whole earth, which in effect is this: "115 resolution of the 'Academy of Satianco, God is for- bidden to work any more naracies in the world!" Vase 7. "A310 thon 4)110 therm" The servants lilted the wateroots with water, That WrO3 tho limit of their b It y. But that got th n ready for a mayor beyond titters. These Is a point where human pso- paration stops and God does tho matt. Wo promos, tho ground tied ranat tho soca, and Moro atop Then something happons We 0011111 10.1 more bring about. thou we could turn water into wine -1 ho seed bursts its aholl mat lagine to grow. The miner (trine a ludo Into tho solid rook, puts in it a sticic of dynamite, lights the fuse, and retreats to a Place of safety. Then soniethiag he conld not do happensa The stick of dynamite suddenly becomes al- most reanstless power and rends the rock into fragmoats. Wo can do notating but got things readg for God, But whon wo make tho proper preparation God always does the rest. Verso O. 'al'he water that wati outdo wino." The Rev. S. IL Had- ley, tho roformod drunkard and rescue mission wotrkee el Now 'Vork, ad- dressing a large convention of anti translated Horace. lhmember ,to eirculatiOn bed the 111011 boon ac- ' Fruit I,ayer Clake.-Sift together Whatever Is convenient ea the aw- 1 • tried to write one more 5011g. lte- henzollern is an Emperor from morn ful of maims one cupful of sweet the breaking or keeping 01 thoso have the opal; a, second element is mold, and apparently thinks that eltanont is sand, ancl from sand you Tennyson, who in his last moments ,cessible 1 0 criticism. But this Ito- two cupfuls of sugar, ontathircl, cup - 1 • 'menthol. that English hero who wont Ito dewy me; his suito only sPook milk, three cupfuls of sifted flour, promises is a matter in which she cht,y, which goes to mato tho Sap - out and plan( od just, 000 inore tree .When they are spokon to. But now two leasPoonfuls baking powdor. earl please berself, raid that her chil- phire; still a third element, is soot, on tho day that he died. Reitionther tincl agnin he ovorheass a word. When mixed divide into two parts then have no right to consider theni- 1 1. o t make a diamond that sacred apostIti who had sown : navel he was younger and less used 11111. to one Portion add beaten selveo aggrieved if she does not do the world with bappiii”SS, 13111 whose !to the -go nod lie goeth" system, whites of live eggs and to the sell- so. d,willg WOrd was, "L will forget tho tho contracted a habit especially icci- ond part the beaten yoiSs. This --- " ' Tillt WAsH DoiLE11. • • ' ' • t 1 i • tsoo - Ho used to batter may ho balcol iti layers and JAPAN'S WAR EXPENSES THE VI.A.NY S.A.uniriCES OF krnE. PEOPLE. Economy and lionesty Enablo Her to Bear the Great Burden. At the beginning or ow War many Eueopeon taulors in 111)11 fat* ;sad de- -1 et! cininclelitai that sltto••, would 1 ciadialts hor national 1.4e,41s 1111,1111) 4.114 inooths, writes F. A. MoKonzie in Tho 1..01111on Daily Mail. 11) 110>43 who professed to hoer, 11181d0 infor- mation (''.04111Y 81100 °PI the Govornitiont ttectintulated suillei- hat sterol reserves to nand, the r081 of the War for at leaot eighteen months, withotit, outside aosietanco. not h „ot tv,15, W ng, I/ N11111 1100 80 far 8110700 a surprising ability to boas the monetary buratto ot tho war, yet Oda burden is proviug ta golf Very. homey. 1110 task under- taken by the emaitry W00 Well summed by Count Okuma, tilt. fain- Olis Japanese statemaa: "Russia's PoPulation, Said he, "is two and 0 half times more than ours, and ber revenue and army eight tiaras larger. A.t the beginning of the war tho Im- perial Bank of Russia poseaosod a epode reffor've of :eight litualrod in11- lion rondos ($400,000,000), against. a note issued of six Itunelrod' 111(1 1)1)11 roubles, while the Bank of Japan possesood one hundred yon (825,000,000) of specie, tosoree agitinSt over WO 171111dred Mil I ion you a notes. PEOPLE'S RA.cirtritlEs In the spring the posittoo of Joe Pan was this: It roquirod, ratio:111Y, a million and a, quarter a wools to carry on the war. It had a very small national debt, and singularly honest public servants; but the home woolth wits comparatively small ow- ing to the simplo lives and loW standard of living prevailtng, throughout the country. The low standard of living in Ja- pan &Lind the Eiripiro in arm way, however. It. is pronabla true that Japan can (lin a great war cheaply than any other nation on earth. Tho .Tapatiese business man has ton Mom tho reputation of beittg a tricksl or; but the Japanese public servallt in his Mailings with the nation is hon- est beyoad reproach. "ft io impos- sible foe one to conceive a Japanosie contractor aelling the army rotten stores or naltilteratecl provisiono. Ja- pan con focal her army anti navy cheaply, and the salary lists of tho fightiag soevicos ore Ilttle metro than nominal, PRODUCTION STOPPED. War came, aud with war cone. a oall for oeonmity. On alt sides ana that is all there is to mud ex- r0„,L wat0r. sorely yo„ won't find tdateSnlen and 0110110 Men appealed to the ira t ion t o save, to 1 imi t all fault with tv;It.wr Now, that is just 0 1) 1)011(1 eXpendit11,0, and to )(1 1)1141 3. o • .., then either put togetlicy In altet- what ' we ' ( ref ormed drunkards) ar But mr. 110,lley for halal times, The potash. oboyea neat layera of whito ana yellow with .10,. -annlyzed 113,1111." write one more golden paie, sfaach- 112 10111 alarms at add hours, and turn So man do complain that Oto the FICIVICC With the.gro,71.081 fa it hful- ing Illy hands 0131 mite tile thilMs .11p ell available army corps to t nor 11101011(1iron rusts the rotas. Children 111.17rVoil thianalves any fancied fillings or ratine loth two 010(,,,,s. Might have addect-aud tho figure 0. that an. before," This win turn tin/ ;march past or 10)110 1)11 when thoY phis may be entirely pre_ ,w01110 have boon oqually true to the 1.01)11 at( layer cakos with (1i 411411)1 , ' until they feinted from hunger in winters. The root of the charte.r oak now year into a great opportunity. !least; 0011 1111 it -at night, or in the „,„ voted by rubbing the boiler • well 'fnctsy-that God had of this analyzed ' ir,,it 0 a loaf raise, adding to the yel- '. . • ,' ' ' 1'3114 11(111.11' ''''gv''''''rt11''11 ""f"' men silks, furniture. and the liko eenSed snot* All putahases of luxurios, otands in the soil of to -day: Re This will crowd all the days with , gray oi a a iota mornia6, n , , mull' awl 1(1 11. or 11 maY be made 11 1 ... . - .. boughs stretch backward over the (hates and delights. Lao wI11 he :such occesion the garrison inoluded . my part one toblospoonful molass- (111 31013 altos emptying it and iboisi again into a now life: for wliat , past, its branches stretch forward worth tho livirg, Worlc will hrims rt dcOachment of sulimarine crews and es, one teaspoonful cinnamon, oue- ' whilst it is warm. Givo it a liberal :the Speaker memo to say. and what ''..1...„1.1'10`1IawY0010 „owed by ta,r/r sisoog. had 't ho i nei ta Id e cc' oi Iconic ' ;fleet . OVer the f ut use, for to -morrow's snu rich retro:al. Oho 1•Imperor came along just lasl'ort) half toaspoonful chwet, onfahalf of coating, remembering tho soap is ho dla sny in tho short address that and rain. Farowell, then, to the old, :poor 'dawn, aceoutred as an Admiral, alar ace otte-quat tor pound carom . not. west al, as ite all goes into and , followed the WordS me hats. *toted No nun 1)011ght new silka, const,- . Not otho.rwise is it With the men, lifo and the old year. All MIR to I 1 1 0 W0S sttualiog amours a group of 0.. " • i I thin, ono cupful (hopped rais- holps the first filling of the boiler ' was that he and the other mon for fluently On thousands of silk woav- earnest, great, trite and fruitful. Ills the noW yoar and. the "hest that is 1113 (111g °Meta's, whorl ono veteran. • mu Ins and clipfill Of flour. Put, one lint- next washing day. whom he spoke hocl been 1.03 (1 hy ern, save those ensploymi on foloign life is rooted in to -day, with its to he!". approaohing him front the rear, took ter in the pan an alternate spoonfuls tho grace of God "Oman whisky and Work, but a thousand yesterdays him for some other worthy sailor. 80 that it will have a inarlyled ttp- EMPEROR IN TRADE. lend inomentuin and a, thousand to- Ho slapped him Vellenlently 037' the pearance when done. Bake in mod- - . initiates. Pleasing the Germans. Willielm's Ventures Not inorrotes offer opportunity. Yestria back. erately hot oven about forty-five Kaiser day holds the soca that, toolay is "I see that Gondola IVilly has sown; to -morrow holds the sheaf and fished ap the faillarillin thiS 17101.11- Chocolate Cookits•-Take a cllittlil Thero are loud complaints about Verse 10. '"rhoit host kopt, the . oelf workless, Thougatels of wookors the horvost. Yesterday fashioned tho of light brown sugar, one-half cula the Kaiser's participation in ilistus- good win° Lill now." Tho beet at _ - all oter Om land found then., nectona ssvord that the leader unshcaths to- Rd mo/ted butter, one whole ogg and trial cater/noses, tho last of tho feast. 11u3 custom 'toy in the name of a great roform, the yolk of anallor, one-half cupful to addition to all his 1 ' I „it 1er ib ot, was otherwise, But :Jesus's way is lot°11 g°11°' MD a million 11141(4(Iianutiatty is to-moncow holds tho onset. the bat- sweut milk, two tablespoonfuls ests, the narniejar la „Liao proprietor tho divine way, and it stando 1°01: groater noW--were• ad thdreavti room tle and the victory. • ' • .' .1 1 nig tho book 111 his hand. Without las old years tho mon „wi y T mow taat's not dila- A fortnight ago he was once elk after seating tie o / in North Germany, and, of course, woold remain a perpetual infant. c u 1 t ' "i - h e w e( )ri t . 0. n' . ' problem his offspring pointed out: shot an elk. In this great empire. The 11'110 Ma», therefore, lives a "A Ciliti3111 has two SUpply pipes and loyalty extonds also to elks. The ono waste pipe. One of the lillpply elk killed, the next thing was a blast on the horn, the feudal call an- PiPos can 1111 it in twenty minutes, tho other can fill it, in fifteen 311111- neiteannitc.1,1i..gb,ithat tho quarry has hocome utes, and the waste pipe can empty plumed and costumed it in forty niinuteS. If all lance I chief boatsmen lifted the slug horn. mites are in operation at once, imw 11 (fthru,la), blew. "11 I rsch t oat" (stag fliTlif will it take for the ciatoto to The Kaiser demurred at once. "Ale-hum1 Let nes see, now, One art"1:431i.:8.„181" a 81.eg.'" he said' "Wu pipe tills it in twenty minutes, 'the ,',11 I. Erl oath, " the he ti I =an other in fifteen. Naturally then, the „areal, two togothor will do it in thirty-five ' aoresontially., "but there minutes. No, stay; flutt's 11a right. isn't sloth it class as '01141 acad.' " "Soo I o it, then," (1(14101 &l Om One In ilftoen, the other in twosity. Eniso,,, ../ho/ 0„„ 15 comp,,,„(1.,, Men, togetbor tboy'll do it, in MeV- bzi,..,if yei,1 0 iii„ ela•a Nig romena, caeca and a half. No, by Jove, win.1.1w 101flam.011 by „„„roprie,i0 NO1' DIFFICULT. "Pal" said Tammy. "Yes, dear," replica 111S fond put, )11t. ing," he observed pleasantly. "I can't do this stun, pa," con- They attrihuto tho cossation inued the bright hoptiful. sedclon alarms to that incident in 'Let me look at it,'! said pa, tat, Um army, and have all Mit crown - 'bed that dosed vetoran. t otfacco and eve15111 tog that is bad,'"I'heir lives had been Made over; they had loon Basel Into a neW ancl a loftier sphero of life. orders, Were throwo tnit oi employ- ment. Tile furniture trade 101114 ('0))' (4111110(1, and ono hunber district, Mot the year before had sold mil- lions' worth of stuff, now found 114- 1 melted chocolate, one copal], raisins of a brick -making works at atudinen, ; 141111 finely noppod, and one and 01113-i west 1(11)11(1 /4 nem, building of sato tams, and 0 promise for all Moro I 4,11( 1.0 employtnent . At tho same half cupful flour, with two teaspoom! !Jamie; branch of the German lm- history. Not the ((('('1(1 fruit' but otny of whoa) distriets ceased. This - tone trades which wore the maim fulo baking powder sifted through I portal Bank has boon constructed of the ripe, is tho lrost. Not Child- . triple life. Starichog in the to -day 110 looks backward and memory waves her wonder -trolling wand, and lo! all knowledges, all friendships, n11 viotories, everything that repre- sents truth or beauty or goodness at memory's behest comes forward, like a tvell-trained regiment. Then man turns toward the future and Hope waves her wand, and ho beholds tho far-off hills waving with harvests, while tho sood that was sown in the April clays of youth 15 turned to the golden treasure poured 003 at the loot of those October days named sixty, 13111 a rich and successful old year Mantes new labor, largos plans. 3n010 malumis work to -day. Strictly speaking, 371011 has nothing, :save THE PRESENT MOMENT. To -day is the crest of the wave that slopes down into the furrow =nett yesterday and forward into a furroW teamed to -morrow. Life's ,greatest word is this: "Now is the accepted time," Every mo - meat is a goldon drop, freightod with clostioy, The work) is full of gifted men whoso earttors Will end this year but who have never fulfilled their own hops or tho ambitions of their friends, On thole 1.11111118 tchould 130 written olio epitaph: "Ito negleeted to -day; thorttiose Mt failed," Cervantes hits a picture of youth who lived in a holm named "To- morroW"; tho 13011SO 14.01.1 1311111 cma street named "By and By," and the ram of the rity was "Now," The isistattat 01101313' of to -day is tomor- row. Tomorrow the young 1111111 will ;begin to 'save money for old age; tomorrow ho will lny out a coltroo of reading and become a riclastac. To -morrow the unser Will unloose the money and our out his golden 1 re/louse. Nay, that resolution that 18 pee,» paned till tomorrow 18 postponed :foreyor and form:err It is now, or it 10 110001', 'Pineal is only one thing that, trill happen tomorroW-to» . morrow you Will tarn sharply ronnd the corner and led a grave digged in tho gross, and for your feet, 'oot, for another's. Therefore thore to net a meaner to lose. :Whoa you do, do gnickly. 00 th1)4 noW year's 11)04131" 3)1)1, -Lana yOur roSolotionk Into ac- tion. Ilonterriber that you hake hat one buoi11o111(-t0 'grow, to Work Mid 10 /Meta ' they won't, though! "Ala of course" -brightening mush.' 'nut the "ik win bo Thes erl" 'if ono con do 11 in Moen, tho two 1113)4.1 than /lin Taoism,. 'Moro Is ono tato of him which together con do it in less than tif- !dates from the time when he was teen, I thought you wen, Wrong 4 1''1,ri Ilvoly l in3 r 118 subaltorn, sonanyhere.! Lot's start it again, F- ' wain will do for nly lost- lie was teen from Monty loaves fivo. aria, stay; that. 00„..t, be right, 101, 01. 11101411 inry fu»ction. nearing othors, an English order. It two at lifteon would only givo seven 1111015 gmm.,1 10110 d d „ot and a. half, find one of those is at 1,00w 11)212, roans] him up. twenty. Wait a momenta I'vo got oy„„ „vp1.nr 10 be amoreat, of the it 1 Simply 111."11"0 01 Pr°1'"11°1'' ride against the wearing of foreign mango Ity onieurs," lie snapped. "Whore dill aou get that star?" Sly ason,Itnother gave it to me," oxploitiod Wilholra 'Voile what?'" grantlmother-llie Omen of 3111)1101 ,1. As fifteen is to twenty, so 10---- "11Y word, Montag, do you we the time'? Italf-past eight sir! Off to bed at 0110131 ITow oftstn nmst I toll you that (tight 0'clot3k's your bed- time? The satni? 011, ativer 1011111 ihn /ann. 1 10 it in the morning be- fore Lim:oldest. It's oesy enough." r.NOrLE wiTO LIVI4 IX NESTS, Travollerff who have returned from the boort of Africa and tho At/stilt/- 11/0011 continent tell wonderful sI (141)05 of nest -building people Who inhabit tho wilds of those ftountriea. In Gm bashmon of Australia wo find, per- haps'the lowest, order of loon that Is lstiown, They are so primitivo that they do not know enough to Wahl even tho simplest form cd hut for shelter, nearest they can approach to it is to wither a lot of twigs and grass and, taking than inlo a thicket or (mi)1ht' build nest for ft home. Tho nest113 1111111111y 1)11111 large onough for tho family, end if' Um Miler' be very tumorous Oleo tan nosts ore of a, very largo sive. Soniotimes tho foliage above wilt forin a nalatral COVering, 11171 111080 18 neer any' attOnifitset ebb - strutting it proLoctiot front the rain .st.orms, 1 N \IPA 1 BLE AJtPIL1>11.115. The Frontal army appears to be ort the 01 0. of an imporlatut, advance in gunnery. 'ago new powder e1 - McNally does away with the smoke, which formerly betrayed the pre,sonce of a battery, but thorn still romans tho flash, whieh rfsos Lo a height of 111 feut, Soma Um mouth of the gun, Major Ends/tort, of tho 1171.11 Artil- lora, has perfected an apparatus for obviating tabs disadvaittogo rind thereby rondm•ing a battery invisible, it AMWAY VATAil,r.r 1111. On all tan roilroads itt the. United States there 'metro 413,1010 employes injured atal 8,1167 killed during tho poet, year, Of passongoro, 420 Wore Icillad, heirig 00'1)101e then fa 10011, Thole Wort 0,000 Collisions and 'I,- '800 doraihnette sit teniaa, it. "Mix well together and drop from i bricks from 1.1a -se works, and the hood, but main da, is tblC ('101108 Apart so they will not touch as Gag' lions in :Majolica, wares has been on the armor, tart im who Macy greater part of 1110 internal decora- in happiness. Not. tho mem who pule O spoon on a greased tin, far 01100)111 spread, Bake a vich brown an11. supplied by a Dietary belonging 10 victory lays it off, is most onviable. brush over with melted chocolatethe loaaperan.. Nut the joy of the young convert, swentened. I Besides Mating the materials, his but that of the • 'pencil saint, if; the Cream. Cook:Ms.-Two oil/gills su- gar, 0110 cupful Mater, mos oupful sour cream, tivo Dogs, one teasPoon- oil soda, ore teaspoonful lemma mix soft as you oan roll. flinger Cookies -Ono cupful moleass es the mollarchat partimpation ni should nolewish to clittugo lho ordor, es, mie-lialf cupful shortoning, thee° compotitivo industry and points out ' 1 --,._+-_,..., and oneamartee•camfuls flour, one- tliat Ills lirickaucating 'Works and half teaspoonful soda, 0710 1111310. au:tortes aro exempt both front no.- al UN 1.0T.PAL DENTISTS , spoonful Omar, ono and ano-lmlf Urinal road municipal taxation of all teaspoonful suit. Heat molasses to Idirdo, llis al:Wooly is, in conse- boiling rota and pour over short- finellee, ill a position to undersell ening.. Add dry ingredients inixol private competit ors, and sifte(1. 01)111 thoroughly, 'Puss Other newspapers' profess to 3'0 - one -fourth mixture on a flouredgood royal participation in trade tta board and roll' as thinly as poseible; inconsistent with Prussian timali- shipo with a spiel' round cutter, first tions, ancl suggost that the Eanporor dippod in nom., mime near tooth- should comply with 1.110 restriction te. on a bate:rod sheet luta bale in imposod on 1111 Prussian State 0111- aS moderato oven. Gather up the eials, who ea'e not ollowed to Coil- trilninings 111111 roll wit It another p0101111 of dough. Musing rolling cern themsolves with trade. 1 110 bowl coartining mixture should JAPANESE PRISONERS. be kept in a cool place, or tilwin s '''"_"" ,. .bapart 'a°o"`g"o:"0 101,411 ocessavy to add moso ot10 ao,i‘,.h, which „macs; 410(41114'. 11(11(1 country 11011808 with ninny outbuild- ings, and do not, either in the solid- rethor than orisp and sltost. ity or details of their coiatruction, USEFUL ISINTS. wear a penitentiary asioat • The - prisoners get fOod ill prOpOrtiOn tO Majesty co-oporatod with the aloha swootesa Not, net past, but, the tu- t eels in eomploting the plans, Par- twee, the noblest, ago. Tho tioularly with regard to the Orna- prosont 11M5 be good, but to de- cant:al featnres of tho part nma beowith Christ is for 1w1- 5110 "Froslutago Zeitung" discuss- ier, Gard puts tho best last. We A 5014111 dressing warrantod to keop better than mayoroution cocoas from England, Stir togothee in ft small semolina a teeSpOollftll of 811. gar, a little 81111 and dry mustard them tithlespoonfuls of vinegar and three of Cr00111. Stil' Well and add two beaten egg yolks. 'Placa in a doubt() boiler and stir until t,ho mix- ture is like cream. 'Young satiate)), as soon 11$ the arra teeth appoar should be given antic toothbroshos wila very soft hristlos, and should he taught to uso them, and then watclast to cosi that they 0110113S do 11101 tluera But as to infants, the lailet of tile tonlith toust be performod 01.• there aml Actual item bo, iloglocasi, Ear t1111 purpose, a 11)1 1' wild (if Mori 1)11 abSorlamt, cotton alional le7 used, and then thrown away or rathor burnall, When 1110 baby has its bath, tho tabula FM a 11111 taw of routine lin W11811181 Very gently With 11 pledged or col on Wel in a solution .01 horaele acid or 113," othor ellsofoettng I' tint In Ilo gums mu soft tool spongy blooding, dabbles; thole with ty thousand Japanese., fishermen ;ton- ally sot out ill iltinrell f410111 the west- ern 4.10081 to drag tho Koroar, waters. Lost Morn the copitalists withdrew their -usual offer of loans, and the fishermen, whoa T last Most! of them, were sloyiog alt hone, idle. Tho groat steam inorcantilo morino which Joplin has built up so rapidly was withdrawn from convolve.° 'to serve for War triumports, and the cargo basinoss ceased co' wont, to foreign ships. 81"11,1_, ItlaS0 1,111C'ES I,LIOT, the surprising tbing in .1aptio just eft:;:ttil•olt.)3eicallifteirolill.l'osmeol7t14o)111111ahlelY• lai'Y'?" ittl ?et:111)1,5dB ittuniclisa 1 'dentist s a se 4111."):11) I I'd 1 t'illeee'srs let othleic,e1Seee01/11.°1'.1.1110"(1.11'13110)!WdTlal 1r111:41 - ibis outman have iktmenrye,Peand aro regaeciod by Strasburg, for example, 2,060 child- bb 1)11(1 c„olisnon pesos ss s direst iss.or_ 'ill'.ucritelli 1,‘,7,01; ota.laNI•lie4:Ietin',1:1111:1111 0 2(1:4117,13.1123:3,%a,Tr1;:10, (3utx)1.:1 1'1'0 sit'l on of Elea vett ort thole 13011411f. 01,1010., The (cache,. bri„g,„ his class iMuch of tho clothing' mat food 0/ 11)0 to the dentist, who exantinos each I TnI.1(314te111•./1 11)1(1 il 110 11)11,0(1 0.1,71081murtleilf. otflh'eaitei mouth quiekls. end 71117r1C8 01) the 1 lore being pusolnised therm Alaimo», card catch child has brought whother trea t intuit is necessary, If 80, the' Old Men and bop) are doing the ehihl must come again till a Satatag work forourrilisfemloinno ...wlitylinichheurrniieli.1 11,f,thwe any. Russia is also Joining in 0115 lighting' movement, and has already fitted Up aleonce of the forinet. tiroadwinnee Dino meat institutions in Fita T'etors- at host moles one loss mouth to 1c,T,r4w1(11y10se0e, 1 tiAt en ti1111N;t1(35:0 111110g1,, c())Cr,t01.7aatifyll. il'i°11:11.1dan.is).111r.."1 17148,8'01 01itrecY,S",t 11`111:ft 1)10 (1114 11E4 lei Ik.:311.; est,. 11 11 is true that, genora 11 to lin alloscal in the imitiodialsi rn- tore to allow tort,ignovn t.O ovn 1.00 1 . eS t 0 1 e Wit hill the otimi re. %aim will enable 11111 I.; civet -omen I) to ae 1st, a 10071 mum 'itri railivays, oo to soll joifistitJ11:lbeit.i:1 or art.)411a;11.1114. 11 Tisiiii1,1..0.itt,c,311.1„ce fifn; 11111(.1Z1,1)(11;(, PlectIlttlia dvil.mnitZri:)11(:17::1?- 1110 ecormonnity !nal. work mon should 1,,,rds 0001 her itingiwo .61...,,,,vi.,. Ain! spook:Mg, 000il tefah aro neceseary their multl.C1, and 3110,104,VV. The to good ItturIth and long life, awl if , labor is compulsory, but not $evere, a Iso, a largo and growing propor- and the prisonor gets part 14 1118 tion of cittzons have nat. good tooth, 00)')! >1)15. Serving a term Jo prioto) them it follows thot that foot la ono does not imposo indolible stlgio 'All youths mules 1,1noteon yams pass two Mews each, cals. in .school, Even whon choir term of sontonea is over they coma Ito Ishmael till a stiroty is foetid for thole subsoquont good behaviour, Sri:ENT .1 Al'ANICSTa WOMEN. Jaime has its communitleo (sr afl- oat fotnale roc:Moos. Thpre is (1 con- vent at, a linter callod 'N'unalattva, about sevon milvs; from 3 Iola/cloth, A matron 1,1 810110 fifty ;WM'S pro- nocl hos instructiors are im- plicitly (dogma '1110 1411111011 are ell yontig, relight; from !. iNteen 10 110e11t5.IM78111, 111111 inI 1 them nrn flesoribod aa voty 1., tort , The hoilding lannais in a Perm of nomo 250 verve, 11411 the 4,101111.17 110 1101 ell, gage aorta 'Miry /mond meat of their lime indoor's, 11111good ninat looting o Litt (11)113141 n g powors as that [Iowa should bo ass ponsivn fay 11011s, public tarts, ox. posniono, etc? 1'N I filial PC11 I., 1 12-1 MUSIC, In a liusy thoroughfare in nlasgow there is a follsalleoesed publics -1101m5. whielt is pro1it/111ls- lao slimiest es- tubas's/omit of its loiod 111 the king- dom. Whoa full IL ean just, 1141(01110 (811(11 hall. rusfomers, It is nick - Samoa tho "COM," nna tho regular hob I 3.180 give tho vast cam 1111 11148, vie., mores to eorresnoad. A 1ViliSliy 18w111111," 11 Mel, or 13,..q. - od 1111,- Ro bromly nud soda n "mono. titent." stindwiohos sre dubbed ogreasst (joss" and tio otgareates Woe -anal td at night, alai will ha "worms," Visible for Many miles aroma tho people tiro within" In hypotlm- cate thole last 11111:1011111 atiSet nod It/ sell latle lost flomostic heirlooms 1)41107(1 111':,' 11)14111(1(1))tho fight, Thoso (vl, (1)81)3'tho 410111o11 figlivos of Japaaoso 1101003' 1(1-11415 easily obt Ain them, /4 1111011 11410the facts that. lie boll:Intl the 111.01008. 111G CLOCK. What 18 11111114174 10 Ito ono of 11)0 Magas!, clooke 111 tho world 130s boon pieced in a now towel al, ledivel.elb New derae, 111 1.4 :it 11, 1111111('l)','with 18 ft, betas. 'Pilo towns, wajoh 8841 it, high,. Was built (13.111'1',.1)415ay the (11041I, whin will 110 f :