HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-1-19, Page 5lit p- • .1- WienraiterawemeOwdeao"wooseessaiamtieweecaketoweaseme TRAIN UP A CHILD Liberal. Aud when up Baud hire or her to .4 ZS/OWL Term opens April llth, 1904 Two Courses- Clommeredal and Shorthand, ‘o Send for College JOUrael. A. L. IA oINTYRE, manager, L%IifturadtSelittaCle zeRtaragete:afAc3,' BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO TaAN AT 5 PER ILI. omit. 0,8. SCOTT, Bruesels, TAT H. HoORA.031EN- v • limier of Marriage Licenses. Of - lice at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. "WARMS FOR BALE -TRE UN• mammon has several good Fermat or sale and to rent, may toren, Townships of 20010(0 0101 Grey. F S. SO orP,Bruseel CI, Ce. • Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0, F., Brussel., meets lo their Lodge Room, Ela' 01111 Block, un the Sud and last Tgesdaye of eaoh month, at 8 o'clock. Vitiates brethren always welcome, JAS. BURGESS, 0.R. A. E. MELLISH, 18,2 M. MORRISON, Issuer ot Marriage Licenses, , WALTON, ONT, ROBERT OUNNIN.GHAM1 INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRM INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office over Henley's Drug Store, Nov. 3r0, 1002 10-8m Bruagehr, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Go., • • ESTABLISHED 1840 Ineurance taken on the cash and premium note system atourrent rates. Before loser- . ing elsewhere call 00 the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Breese's. AUCTIONEERS. B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -a- • HER, WM sell for better prices, to better men, in lens time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything, Dates and ordure can always be arranged at this ()Moe or by p ersonal applieation. ROBT. H. GARN1SS BLDEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Baron COUR-V. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at the office of Trot Poo, Brussels. 2281 VETERINARY. D. WARIA/101K- ey Honor (bedtime of the Ontario Vet - °riflery Oollege, is prepared to treat all tile - eases of doraestiaated animals in a coronet. ant manner. Partiluler attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly a*. tended to. °Mae and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turoberry ut., Breese's. LEGAL AND•CONVEYANCINO. A B. MACDONALD- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Suceeesor to G. F. Blair. 011100 over Stan- dard Sank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank, MT M. BINOLAIR- • Barrister, solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, dm. Ofilee-Stewart's Block 1 door North Of Central Hotel. Solicitor /or the Standard Bank. • pROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- , BARRISTERS 801IoI3flBS, NOTARIES ETO, W. PaipmooT, O. R. 0.201.010 e, P. BLAIR. Oftlees-Those formerly occupied by Messrs -Cameron de Holt, el onnnrou, ONTARIO. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. 1111'NAUGHTON, M. IL, CI m., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Metlieal College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeoue, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- tvilery, Edinburgh. Va-Telephoue No.14, Reeidence-MM street, Brame's. DENTISTRY GR.R. P. PEILD. itiewerrair Graduate Of the Royal College of Dental flurgeousof Ontario and FIrst•class HOROr Gradnate of Toronto Univereity. Mee nest to 13rewer'e Photograph Gallery, MUSSELS, 2 A FAMOUS SCHOOL g CENTRAL ‘dg/S STRATFORD, ONT. iYoung Mao, Young Woman, there to ahnudent rootn for you in the higher and more responeible positione of life, YOU AIM NEEDED, Oet a nusineue or Shorthend training and march up. wards. Enter our Seeool this month if poseiblo. ELLIOTT' & MerA 0 gra 1 N., „ Principals. b iMitAelet;:it3f=eat'air,,ilt±attlCata Meetings Public: Meetings in the interests of Arch. Hislop Liberal Candidate for the East Riding of Heron, will be held as follows : w aoxErE Friday Jan. 20 WALTON' Saturday Jan. 21 Meetings open at 7 30 p. ni , excepting Moleaworth, Belgrave and Bluevale OM begin at 2 p. m. and Brunets at 1. The Opposition Candidate or his rep- resentative invited. "GOD SAVE THE KING." focal Reba limo, RUMOR has it that another drug store may open up in Bruseela before many moons wax and wane. Blashill, formerly of Braseele, is now engaged in the restaurant baainese in Ypsilanti, Miohigan. IT ie hinted that Wm, Baekert who ia home from the Weetern States, ie likely to become a business man io Brussels hl the near future. A short time ago Alex. Ellie, Queen street, leoeived a bite 00 000 of hie hands from a horse but by exercising oare no evil effects are likely to eneue., Reeently Mrs, Harry Hewitt, of „Suf. tale, had her face quite seriously burned by the explosion of mantel gee being Hied for cooking purpeees. We hope she will soon be as well as ever. Bitumens DRIVING PARR -The tumultl meeting of Breams Driving Park Aesoo Wien will ' be held at the Ameriaan Hotel on Friday everting, 27th, inst., at 8 o'olook, when the annual report will be preeented and officere elected for the ooming year. J. N. Bemire, who WEB for some time with E. 0. Dnnford, of Bruseele, and for the past six years cutter for a leading Winnipeg Clothing House, hue opened a Merchant tailoring business on hie own amount in the down town dietrict, being opposite the T. Eaton Oompany'e more in that city. We wish him 01100000. Oua former townsmen, Thos. Brad. well, now of Howlett township, intende to ereot a fine briok residence next Som. mer. He has the briok hanled, the cellar excavated and the Smith factory at Wroxeter is getting out the necessary linishings, We hope Mr. and Ddre. Bradw-II will live a good many years to enjoy the added oomforts of their new home. Followiug out the doctor's orders J. D. and Dire. Ronald have left Ontario' for San Diego, California, where they will spend the Winter owing to Mrs. Ronald's throat trouble. Her many friends here hope the obange of climate will prove efficaudons. Through THE POST Mr. Ronald extends the compliments of the Beason to all the good people of Brea:tele-which in a kernel means "Good will to all mankind." FARMER'S INSTITCTE MENTINGS.-Far. Iner's Institute meetings will be held in tido district on the following dates ; - Bruaefield, February 21; Exeter, Febru. ary, 22 ; Einaville, February 26 Orediton, February 27 ; Grand Bend, Febrnary 28 ; Zed* Marob 1. Herman, Maroh 2; Ba)field, March 3 ; St. O(1nmbia.r, Maroh 4 ; Grieve's Reboot house, MoKillop, on March 6 : Harlook, Match 7 ; Blievale March 8 ; Mho, March 9 : Moine/cull), March le ; Ford. with, Martel 11 Bt. Marys, March, 18 ; Mitohill, Maroh, 6. DISTRICT ORANGE Loma -Tuesday of last week the Grey District Orange Lodge was held in Brassele, Joseph Hamilton in the chair. The following officers were elected :-8. T. Plum, D. M. ; J. W. Morrison, D. D. 51, ; Jos. Hamilton, Financial Sea..Treas., ; W. R. Mooney, Secretary ; B. Gerry, ' Chaplain ;11. Hamilton, Dir. of Cer. 0o. Lodge will be held 111 Winghem on Tuesday, Feb. Tit There are three Lodges in this Dietriat, viz :-Bruesele, Walton and Ethel. Tbe Little Stare Mission Band gave a very enjoyable program reoently which was as follows :-Doxology ; hymn and prayer, seeratory's report ; eong, "God make my life a little light", by Harry Fox, Norman Browatt, Vernon Roan, Joe Hitbhirk, and Sydney Brothers ; Flag drill ; recitation Harry Moore ; song little girle : reading Jennie Armstrong ; recitation, Jennie Robb ; eong, "Tbe flag we love ;" recitation Edith Wilton ; song Letitia MoArter ; song "Loving and Giving ;" recitation and dialogue, by Oora Bell, Tillie ()ober, Muriel Brothers and Katie Deadman treasurer'e report ; recitation, Grace Robb. EAST HURON FARMERS' IN/IT/TOTE -A meeting of the directors of Bast Huron Partnere' Institute was held in the Council Chamber, Brunetti, on Saturday of last week There were present P.sei dent ; Vice Pres. Elliott Secretary Hood ; and Dieeotore Arm. strong, MeTaggart, Smith, MoCracken, Knox, Paerie, SnlllIie, Gibson, Watt, Miehle and Kerr. The regular matinee will be Mkt at Bruesele on Feb. 3rd and at Wurster on Feb, 4th. Speakers will be K. F. Kidd, of Blume and G. Barbera, of Oroes Hill, SulinlementarY meetings are dated ea follows Columbian, March 4th ; WinthroPr Matadi 311, ; Bedeck, Mardi 7t11 ; Blue. vale, Marcel 8 ; Ethel, March. Oth ; ateleswortli, March 10111 ; and Pardwieh, March 11E11. Dr, H. G, Reid, of George. town ; and J. L. Waren, of Acton, will be the speakers. INDUCTION -On the 14th of December the Presbytery of Maitland inducted RIM Sohn Radford to the pastoral charge of the aongregatione of Belmore and Ma• Intosh, Mr, Eudora did good work in his last (Marge, and woo well thought of by the Preabytery of Ohathatm, from which he has 00121e. There le every reason to expect that prosperous days are in store for the oongregetions that have called him to have their oversight. Hie call woo meet hearty and unanimone. The people are to be congratulated on the wiedorn they have shown in avoid. Ing a long yneanoy, and in the ohotoe they have made, On the day of the titillation the congregations ahevved their apprealation of the servioea render. ed them be Rev. Lonie Perrinwho net. od se their Moderator &Ring the ventaney, preseeloug him with a putee. They leo presented a pane to Rev, David Wardrope, one of the venerahle fathers of the Church, in token of appreciation of eeeviace rendered by him durirg • the reoanoy, El elaeretve. 'Sunshine Methodist Sunday school 10 contemplating the potting in of a new library. Mre. Joseph Stubbs ie rapidly remover ing from the effects of the Bethune fall wItiolt she had reoently. - A po ideal meeting in the interests of 8. rob, Hielop, the Liberal Oandidate, was held here on Monday afternoon at 2 o'olook. Friday:6 h Inst, evening about 40 of the fdethodiat people of the Belgrave ap. pointrnent took their pastor, the Rev, A. E. Jones, and his wile by seepage by emoting to the parsonage about 8 o'elock, bringing with there a bin full of oats nod plenty of good &hinge fur an evening'e repeat. After all had been most heartily welcomed in a brief address by Rev. Mr. Jones bbe gathering was presided over 10 an early and informal way by Garner NH1,010011 and the evening WWI spent in games, addreasee, readings, °M,, (iereses, gramophone neleotione and lunaheon, when all retired to their homes feeling that an enjoyable eveaing had been spent. L:enel. ex r JOHN 0. Muammar DEAD -Vary general and sincere regret was Ie 8 by all on Mon day morning, Oth inst., when it was learn- ed that John C. Morrison, the weliknown clerk of the township of MoKillop, bad departed this life. It had been known for several daya that he was in a very critical oondition, but every persoo huped that hie naturally rugged condition would enable him to withstand the ravages of the disease which had overtaken him. Ele caught a eevere cold about two weeks previous to hie death and this agri. voted an affection of the kidney° from which he had euffared for some time anal from the fleet hie medical attendant.' gave but slight hopes for his recovery. The lad time he appeared in public was at the nomination ou Monday, Deoember 26t11. He was then quite ill and ehoeld not have been oat, but his 08080 0! duly was such that at any risk he determined to attend this meeting, hie ofileial position making him presiding offioer. 11r Mor• risen was 64 years of age. He wee a native of the township of Kirtley, Leeds county, and wan the eldest son of the late JNE01313 Morrioeo, of the county named. When a young mon he struck out for him - malt and ems to the county of Huron and settled in the township of MaKillop, 00 the farm more reoently owned and coon. pied by the late Alexander Kerr. He woe working in a eaw mill at Walton, when by an aceident there he was deprived of his right arm. After this aaoident he re turned to hie home in Leede county and attended school until he was able to take o firatolaes oertilioate. After teaching school a while he went to Pougkeepele College, New York state. Graduating from that institution he returned to Me- Killop and for several years taught the school at Leadbury and atterwarde taught in the wheal in section No. 6. He retired from the tmehing profession and in 08121. pony with William Hill, formerly of Beaforth, they Greeted the Winthrop cheese feotory which they ren for several yeare. M. Morrison has been a resident of MoKillop for nearly 40 years and for the past 16 peace has been olerk of the township. His wife, who survives him, was a daughter of Robert Dennieou, of Varna, and ehe, with a family of seven sone end four daughters, survive him. Mr. Morrison nets it moat uaeful man in the oommanity and few -Would be more mimed in MoKillop. He wee o most faithful and conscientious official and was moat thoroughly verged in municipal law and precedure. Peisonatly, he wet genial and kind and a.thoogh sornetimea out epokeo, eftery person admired him for his ability and einoerity, He was no stranger to the readers of THE Poem aa he wait a frequent and valued oontributor to its columns. Elia death is a distinct lose to the community and he leaves a blank which will be bard to fill. In hie offioial capacity he was alwaye fair, mat, impart. MI and courteous and made the interests of the township, whose servant he was, bio Sod aonsideretioo. We extend our sympathy to the widow and family. He was an native and consistent member of the Methodist church and a Censer. votive in polities. He wag a brother of Robert Morrison, of Stanley, and Wm. Morrieon, of MoKillop, and a oonein of John Morrieon, of Beatorth. Fred. Bueoombe, an old Hamilton boy, was elected Mayor of Vemoonver, dosboa,13011, oolored, wee Integer] et Rarrnoops, 13. 0. for the murder of A mile Allen, SOO Geo, E. Footer will Med the Oppouition in the Cummona till Mr. Borden returua or a new leader is cheetah Alex. MaGrimmort, manager of the Dalton Cattle Company. of Orillia, has diaappeared, Hie hooka show a large shortage. The fishing aohooner Effie May Went mho's, on l'hrnm Cap, at the entrance to Halifax Elarbor, laat evening in a heavy enowatorna. The oaptain and mew took to the dories and were Bayed. Perth County. A int:deka occurred in the South Perth proolatnation by whirth nominatioo day for the Provincial election le made to read Tuesday instead of Wednesday, Jan, 18. Some ot the proclamations were corrected in time, and the election will Enke plaoe on the date mimed by the Government. Jan. 26th. Doctors Naismith and Parker were oalled to the boom of Mrs. Weitzel about 2 a. m Friday morning of last week, at Meaner; to attend a determined at. tempt at anioide. They found Mrs. Weitzel in bed with her throat out from ear to ear, severing the wiudpipe. The razor by withal the deed was done was found under the mattress, where the victim pointed it out to thew. Tbe doctors sewed up the wound, and a though it is dangerous, there ie a chance for the woman's reoovery. Mre. Weitzel is 60 years of age. Bhe was mauled four weeks ago, but did not live with her huaband, the match being apparently an unhappy one. Her former name was Mrs. Conrad Schwimp. The Stratford Beacon says :-The dry geode boeiness of Damian Forenoon & Go,), to be converted, on February lea, into a limited liability oonapaoy ander the title of Duncan Fergueou, Limited. As stated in the announcement, the object is to reward the fit,thful and ffi- cent service of several of the heads of departments and to sneers by personal interest even better eerviee in the future. It is uoderatood that the capital stook will be 3100,000 and that Mame. James Swinton and W. P. Ziok will be director% Duncan Ferguson will retain the greater part of the shook and aontinne to give the bueinees, which he has bail' up from email beginninge into one of the largest in the provitme, his personal supervision. Morrie Council Meeting. The newly sleeted members of the Municipal Oonooil namely, Thos. Oode, Reeve, and Messrs. Shaw, Taylor, Kelly and MoCuteheon met in the Townehip Hall on Jan. 9011, according to Statute and subscribed the necessary declarations of offioe and qualification. The Reeve took the °hair. Minutes of last meeting for 1904 were read and confirmed. On motion of Taylor and Shaw, W. Clark was reappointed Clerk at a salary of $130 ; on motion of MoOntoheen and Kelly, Malcolm Black and Riohard Johnston were re -appointed Auditors, salary $8.00 each ; 00 motion of Shaw and MeOutoheon, Juo. Wanion wan re• appointed Ammer for the current year, salary 370. On motion ot Taylor and Kelly the printing contract was awarded to W. H. Kerr for the enm of 330. On motion of Shaw and MoCutoheon the Clerk wee instructed to order eight copier) of the Muniaipal World for nee of Council and °Stem On motion of Taylor and Kelly, Thos. Laidlaw was appointed member. of the Board' of Heath and Dr. MoAah Medical Bethh Officer. Accounts were ordered to be paid ea follows :-Corporation of Grey B line expenditure, 320 77 ; 3311. Elliott, tile 36.50; corporation of Hallett B line expenditure, 39 40; Reboot sections Nos. 1, 9, 6,7 and 10 use of school holm at elation, each 33.00 ; D. Laidlaw, Deputy Returning Officer's fees'36 00 ; 1'. Jaakson, D. R. 0., 36 00 ; 0. MoOree, D. R 0., 36 00 ; Time. Miler, D. R. 0., 36, 00 ; Wm. Elston, D. R. 0., 36•00 Robb, D. R. 0., 36.00 ; corporation of Turoberry B. line expenditure, 35.60 ; W. Clark, election expenses and posting financial statemente, 311.00 ; R. Proctor, Collector's salary. 385.00'Munieipal World subeeription, 36.50 ; T. S. Bran. don, expenses to Goderiah, 36.00 ; W. H. Kerr, balance printing acmount, 316 00 ; R. Proctor, postage 31,00. By-law, No. 1,1905, was duly read and weed. On motion of Taylor and McOatchean the Oonnoil then adjourned to meek again ott the 8th day of February next. W. Cases, Clerk, tire the feet. All styles. Xadies' ijouse Shoes. o We have some nice tasty shoes for house - wear. Comfortable and cosy, handsome and durable. Better than heavy shoes for house wear because they will not Save the backache and weary nerves. If you've promised yourself something like that, these prices will help- you keep it :- Ladies' nice Felt Slippers, 50o to $1,25 ; Gents' Slippers, 35o to $1.50 ; Felt Shoes for Ladies or Gents, both warm and comfortable. In our Harness Department we have a nice stook of Mountain Bear and Buffalo Rohm, also, the Genuine Galt Rohm all priced down to lowest figure. A few Galt Overcoats for men, trios) aro a beautiful Winter Coat uneur. puttied for dnrability. Single Hereon, our own make, from 31300 upwatrie ; Team Ilarnese RS low in price as a good nrtiole can be made. Comfortable dwelling and three Iota flinty nituatod for bate. C. I% IC a 313: A, ft Er S. go griselieesefeadiasera....isatitiesesewstwes,-,-.1teowassamsasseawa A BUNCH OP TORY BLUNT,: ,•••••••... Ontarlo Oet, Man Record er ruriF,o • 11- liAtelres of 1011.1'. y, Here are some of the bii.miers of the Tory Party of (Merl() dr.r.i.a.a the last few years: The light. against W('it) in the battle for PrOvitirittl The tight against Ontario in the zontrol of @Ur /iCellSO 1438teI01. Opposition At. 011(1 IP 10 appoint - went of Minister of Education and Minister of Agriculture. Opposition to erection of Normal Sehoole. Opposition to establishment of School of Practical Science. Opposition to aiding colonization railways In Now OntariO. Opposition to helping the re-estab- lIshment of the Soo Industries through a guarantee of interest on bonds,Opposition to the succession duties bill. Opposition to appointment of a Forestry officer. opposition to the appointment of a drainage referee. Opposition to the appointment of a Provincial Municipal Auditor, Opposition to appointment of a good roads commissioner. Opposition to the hill to tax cor- porations. Opposition to almost every pro- posal of the Liberal Government for the advancement and building up of Ontario. ' Is lt wise to place in power the Party of Blunderers? the Party of Obstructionists? BUILDING OP COLONIZATION AND MIN- ING ROADS. The Noes °overt...rut rol:ey et °ponies Up New Ontario. The Liberal Government of Ontario has always kept in the forefront its Policy of opening up the new dis- tricts by means of colonization and mining roads. In these regards they have kept pace With the growth of the Province, as the following figures will indicate: Miles of naw roads built, 1872-1894 inclusive, 5,822. (Yearly average of 188 utiles.) Miles of roads repaired during same period, 16,494. (Yearly average of 500 miles,) Bridges built during same period, 28 miles. Total expenditure on above public works, 58,879,700. This large sum is but one of the many substantial returns made to the people from the surplus revenue that, thanks to the able and economical management of the Provsince, has al- ways characterized its Liberal rule. The Boss Geeeroweist and the Supplenten- tat7 Revenue Act. The Ross Government brought be- fore the Legislature in 1899, the Supplementary Revenue 13111. It was passed by the House and in the face of the Most strentients opposition of Mr, Whitney and his followers. Since that time the Act has reali- zed nearly $1,200,000, a legitimate source of revenue that would have been lost had Mr. Whitney had his way. This revenue goes in large measure to maintain' the asylums and public institutions ,of Ontario. The following are the receipts, from 1899 to 1908 inclusive, from the dif- ferent companies affected by the Act: Sundry insurance com- panies * 471,391.61 ...... 218,664.99 Trust Companies 21,550.00 Loan Companies 135,287.89 Railway °ampoules 167,900.14 Street Railway Com- panies 35,484.21 Express Companies 20,991.67 Pullman and Sleeping Car Companies..... 4,687.65 Natural Gas Companies 39,319.92 Gas and Electric Light Companies 37,552.05 Telegraph Companies._ 6,581.46 Telephone Companies28,520.00 31,187,881.89 Bow the Noss Government Has Herwaldod the People's Money. No less than 83 per cent, of all the revenue of Ontario has been re- turned to the people. Out of every 3.100 of revenue re- ceiVad in 1908, the Province spent: About 319,33 on Education. About 318.86 on Maintenance of Public Institutions, About 38.72 on Public Works and About 39.18 on Administration of Justice. About 34.46 on Railway Aid and Anitulties. About 37.75 on Agriculture, About $1.57 on Hospitals and Charities. About 36.89 on Civil Government. About 34.80 on Legislation, About 33,26 on Coloeization Roads, About 35.29 Charges on Cron Lands, About 31.80 on Repairs to Public Buildings. Mama 38.90 on Miscellaneous Ex- penditure. About 31.80 on Drainage Deben- tures, Colonization, ete. The Tory Party is Tertr 01 Palliirea. Failures they have been from time immemorial, in matters of legisla- tion; in the protentatien of their pol- icy up to the preeent hour, and with failure written over their whole cm- rem-, they are now going to the come. try aeking for public confidence. Shall the people of Ontario take in- to their service a party that fails in presenting an acceptable policy, and that has failed eight titnee?.-Premter hose At Temple banquet. Lord Btrathoonet has Rene to Liverpool to inepeat the Canadian exhibit at Mut colonial Probst Ilithibinon there. Given Away Fre A Rare Opportunity that may not GNU Again. for Years, THIS IS OUR OFFER We propose to give you FREE the profits on, all Overcoats now in stock and in addition tothis we will give a further bonus or extra reduction in al Lines. No kern. Everything Goes. THIS IS WHY we make this Grand Clearing Sale. During the very busy season at and before Xmas this Depart- ment was somewhat neglected and consequently we find a larger stock of Overcoats onrhand than we have any use for. This is Your Opportunity and it pays us better than carrying them over. This Sale Goes on For 30 Days DON'T MISS IT A. ST YOUR MOVE eto'la.111,1101101.,Mto.110110134.toqi 111111111111111111111=er CARD OF THINKS ‘8111,111°'-. THE undersigned desires to return his hearty thanks to the public generally for their highly appreciated patronage during the past 9 years in connection with Ms Hardware business and wishes to announce that he has taken into partner- ship, &tr. Thomas Walker, a well known and experienced workman, and the firm will be known RS GERRY &W ---'411111111r LKER Special attention will be given to the needs of the people and a continuance of the old trade with large additions from new customers will be thank- fully accepted. By keeping a large, up-to-date stock ; courteous treatment and fair prices the new firm, hope to largely increase the scope of their business, -+- N. F. GER