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RTtrOStIS 00t.
TaURSD41', JAN, 19, 1905.
Brussels Council.
The statutory meeting of Brussels
Council Woe held Monday, 9th inat„ ae 11
o'clook. Members took the Mull Of
afitee aa followe :—Reeve, E elendereon,
0ouneil'ore, 8. T. Pum, W. F. Stewart
and J. G. Jones. B. Thermion wan not
preeen t.
Minutes of Met meeting reed and
Aocennts were presented ae ander
Dr. Ttae, Medical Heelth Meer,
010,00 • Timen Bros., Electric light,
101 05.
faMoved by J, G. Jones, seconded by W.
F. Stewart that the above actoottate be
paid, Carried.
J. Y. 8. Kirk and W. 11. MoOraoken
were appointed Auditors, at $6 tattle, on
motion of J. G. Jones and 8. T. Pim.
Sieved by W. F. Stewart, amended by
8. T. Plum that Peter Weaer/ be ap•
pointed a member of the Board of
Health for 2 years to fill unexpired
time of the late Rev. R. Peal, and that
J. J. Gilpin be re.appointed for a three
year terra. Carried.
A. E. Mellish Wee placed on the Pablio
Library Board instead of Rev. I. el.
Webb removed, on motion of 8. T. Phan
and J. G. Jones.
Committees were struck as follows ;—
Finance and Property—The Reeve and
Councillors Stewart and Jones, Street
Committee—The Reeve and Counoillore
Thomson and Plum.
Moved by 8. T. Plum, seoonded by J.
G. Jones that 95 be donated to the
Hospital for sick children, Torouto.
Moved by W. F, Stewart, seconded by
J. Jones that 6 copies of the Municipal
World for 1905 be ordered by the Olerk
for nee of Council. Carried.
Ou motion it was ordered that the
Tax Collectoret time be extended to next
meeting on whlob date the roll mast be
Poetm .ster Farrow and W. H. Kerr,
members of the Public, Library Board,
addreveed tea Connell relative to the
amiagrant and gave a synopsis of the
affeira of the Library. It was moved by
W. F. Stewert, seconded by 8. 1'. Plum
that the etetatory amount a a mIll on
the total assediment) be granted for
1905 Carried.
Oircular woe read wilting for the Conn.
oit's endoreatiou of amendments to the
law giving municipalities the right to
eay ea to the placing of telephone poles
and ale requesting the Government to
Beaune the ownership of the long dietanoe
telephone system. Petitions to Pude.
meet were mimed by Reeve Hencleaces
and Clerk Scott on motion.
The queetiou ot a reading room and
Library room being arranged in the
Town ELal was disclaimed, so as to save
rent and light and a ehare of fuel, and
will be farther considered. 10 15 thought
a suitable 'amulet oonld be prepared by
shifting the present lock•up. to e pootion
of the room where the ooal is stored,
Countb then adjourned.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Municipal Council elsoi for the
Township of Grey, for the year 1905,
met at the Township Hall, elondey,
Jam/ tre 9 b, et 11 o'clock in the fore-
noon, pursuant to statote. All the mem
bees were present, namely R, W. Living•
Rome, Reeve •, John Brown, William
Fewer, John Grant, and Depose John
etoo, Counoillore, and having enb•oribed
the declaration of gnalifigation and of
office, the Reeve took the chair and the
Couucil organiz'd.
Tee minutes of last meeting were
read and passed and the following
officere were appointed by Bylaw :—
John SloIntosh, Clerk ; J. M. Davies and
James Livingetoue, Auditors ; Dr.
Ferguson, Siedioa.1 Health Offwer and
Thames Chapman, Caretaker.
Moved by William Fraser, seconded by
John Grant tbat applications for the
position of Trsaeurer be received by the
()leek ap to the first Moody in February
1905, salary to be $100 00 per annam.
Seourity to the menet of $25,000 will
be reqoired, in guarantee bonds or
personal security, whiab must be
satiefeotory to the Council. Carried.
Moved by John Brown, seconded by
Duncan Johuston that applications for
the position of Asseesor will be reoeieed
by any member of the COnn011 Board, rap
to the first Monday in February 1905,
salary to be $100 per Rennin. Carried.
Moved by Wallace Fraser, seconded
by Daman Johatototi, tbat the contract
for the superetruotare of Oranbrook and
White's bridge.' be given to James Hill,
of the elle/hell Bridge Co., for the sum
of 01664 50, Paola cement flooring to be
pat on both bridges. Bridges to be
completed forthwith after the Monte:lenge
are ready. ID this °entreat ie inoloded
the visaing of a third railing on Botz
bridge, also two minims on eaoh of the
wing mete' of King's bridge and two
railinge on each wing wall of the new
niperstrnettlres. Total complete $3889.•
00. Oartied.
On motion of Greet and Maser the
following aocounte were ordered to be
paid :—
Alexander MoDonald, miming
engineer MoDonald Moniolpel
drain 9 1 75
Jno. Chat, D B. 0. municipal
election booth OM 4 00
Jas, lidobisil, D. P.. 0. municipal
()Nation booth two 4 00
Giver Turnbull, D. R. 0. man,
election booth 8 4 00
Neil McNair, D, R, 0. municipal
eleotion booth 4 4 00
john MoIntoeb, distributing ballot
boxes 4 65
JOhn incletosh, D. II, 0. mum
election booth 5 4 00
.4.M1011 Smith, D. R. 0, entinelpal
eteotion booth 6 4 00
A.. llaymtinu, ID..8 0. Intiniemal
election booth 7 4 00
Jetnee Williameon, grading lot 18,
eon, 17 200
P. J. Maim remission bn J. P,
Daugleas taxa 40
Hannah Batentan, farm bridge,
h son, drain 10 00
James Boz, drawing stone and
gravel for leolz bridge ,,,,,, 2 00
'John 13toten, Inc roadway at
rting's bridge , 00
henry Ward, diton lot 81, oon15 6 00
Petelok Bohan, On contract hence
Irmo, drain , 85 24
Mee, Ildttin Baker, refund of tax .e 2 10
A. IldohAir, eXpeneefe to Goderioh
for Provirmial Auditor,. ,,,, , 5 00 ONTARIO FORE ST RES E RVE
.A. McNair, oonorroseioo on ,,,,,,
for County Treasurer 1 58
MoNair, re financial statement 7 50
hiobTair, commission on draft
to John Boger 58
Wilton & Turnbull, oeneent, epikes 11 92
James A. Vanoe, Oampbell bridge
euperetrueture 569 00
3. Bees Bebertean, Smelt Childretire
5 (0
Moved by 3 dui Grant, seoonded by
William Prawn :—Tbat as s Mueloipal
Council, we desire to tender oar sincere
thanks to Alexander McNair, of Oren -
brook, the worthy l'oweehip Treasurer,
for the past twentamine years, who has
now tendered hie resignation, for his
faithful discharge of duty. Re appre
oiate bis long, agreeable, honest and
honorable handling of 'weep; pertaioing
to Grey Township and we are Aire no
Reeve or Councillor of Grey ever lay
awake at night worrying ae to the safe
keeping of the funds We offer Sir.
bloNeir our sincere empathy in bis
illness and hope he may be speediy
teetered to his accustomed good health
and that no oopy of this resolution be
forwarded to air. MoNair by the Clerk.
Moved, seoonded and carried that the
Connell do now adjourn to meet on Mon•
dey, February 6th, at 10 a. m.
Jam; Waimea, Clerk,
.A. Few Pointers
To the Editor of TIM Poew:
One of the mail Melte writes that be
bas seen Toe POST and much approves
of noy effort to educate the people to add
the Coonty on the letters. I RIR thank
fel so many are doing so. Why not all ?
We will try to anal all on so called
holidays, but remember the poor P. M.
gets no holidays, not even Sunday.
Grey Branch Agt Society,
The unpaid meeting of Grey Branch
Agrionitural Society was held on Wed
needay afternoon of last wcek, Presi•
dent Spoir in the °heir.
Minutes of the last annual meeting
were read and passed,
Tbe auditors' report showed reoeipte,
with balenoe on band from lad year of
$2487 47, to be 93601.10, and s balance
on band at audit of 92990 64.
Report was adopted.
Eaction of OfflOtte woe proceeded
trite and the old Board returned with a
few obanges. The list is as follows :—
James Speir, President ; J. D. Warwick,
V. Se Vioe•Preeitient ; Direction W. H.
MoCraoken R. Niohol, D. Robertson, P.
Soott, Ler:Leckie, D Milne, Geo. Robb,
C. Eckmier, and Robt. Ma/Meal&
A.nditore, r. 8. Scott and A, kitraohan.
A short discussion ensued as to tint
probabilities of a new Agrieultnral Half
being erected bat action was deferred
nutil the directors meet later.
A meeting of Directors was held
last Wednesday at 1 p. m. prior
to East Riding annual meeting.
Despite the inclement weather of
Thursday, Jan. 5th, there was a good
attendance at the Epworth League
rally in the sobrol room of the Methodist
°hearth, the object of the gathering being
to hear an address by Rev. George H.
Raley, wbo for the peen 12 years bas
been a Missionary among the Kitamaat
Indittne, on the Paoific Comet. Special
interest is manifested in the Missionary
and the ?illusion dead from the fact that
Wingionn Disiriob Epworth Leaguers
undertook a few years ago to supply Me
neoeesary funds to maintain Rev. Mr.
Raley, and Brueeelitee were delighted to
meet him.
The obair was oocupied by Rev. T.
Wesley Omens, tbe pastor, who spoke a
few introdnotory words and then milled
on K. J. Seaton, President of Wingham
Dietriet, who gave n short address on
"The friends of Jeans." He also gave a
brief report of District work.
Rev Mr. Raley's address was not a
studied, straight laced one bat rather so
off.band talk about the Mission and its
people, dealing with their onatonle,
religious bsbieb, peat and present bietory
sad the outlook. In innetration of
verities points be exhibited Indian
relics and novelties in the shape of
wooden spates, oteks, tetectie, ORDOOD,
&O., &O. Ke invited interrogations as to
hie work and in response the climatic
features, language, schools, Grand Trunk
Pacific and its promoters and many
other things were dilated upon. The
reverend gentleman appears to be the
right man in the right plaoe and ie doing
a good work. Government aid le re
(Allred for the girl's wheel, where in
addition to the ordinary edroation, the
neeeesary equipment for an indastrione
life is taught. Mr. Raley pobliebes is
monthly paper called "Na bla.ICwa,"
meeting "The Dawn" in which appear
incidents and lame of letterset pertain
ing to the work.
Mae ()aerie Hingeton sang "The
ninety and nine.' The collection
amounted to Omit $7.
at the clue of the meeting an in.
formed reception was held in which Rev.
Mr. Raley was introdatied to a goodly
number of the workers and many friendly
Words were exehanged and cmeetiens
amen rod,
The reverend gentleman and Mr.
Beaton addressed the junior League in
the afternoon. Rev. Mr, naley'll 51510
here will not noon be forgotten and a
beta Interest will be artateed in hie field
of toil with the red men and Mete (belay
Rev, Abber Domaine, a tetired Meth.
odiet rnieirtter, was soddenly etrielteil
while walking on the etteet, IttTertteto,
and died in a few Ininettna
The Most Progressive Record of the Ross
Not the Least Important Acts of the Ross Government That Call for
Commendation Are Those Setting Apart Large Areas of the
Crown Domain As Forest Reserves. They Are As Po/Iowa:—ln
Frontenac and ,Addingtott, 80,000 Acres; North Shore Lake Su-
perior, 4-5,000 Acres ; Ternagami, 5,776,000 Acres ; lYfississaga
River, 1,920,000 Acres ; Algonquin Park, 1,101,000 Acres;
Rondeau Park, 5,000 Acres. Total, 6,927,000 Acres.
Out of a total expenditure of
8118,191,572 since 1871 in Ontario,
over 895,000,000 have been rettic•ned
to the people,
Out of this total expenditure • of
9113,191,872,59 since 1871 the fol-
lowing sums might be fair13, Laken
as contributions either for the relief
of taxation, or for the improvement
of the country;
Educatdon., „ 920,042,769,61
Toronto University,
fire grant 160,000.00
Hospitals and chart -
Maintenance of Asy-
lums and Public In-
stitutions 20,583,648,01
Surplus distribution,
1878. ... 3,388,777.47
Distribution of clergy
lands 931,904.50
Refunds land inn:trove-
ment fund. 539,614,76
Agriculture and eats.. 4,971,995.54
Immigration. .... 987,767.80
Administration of jus-
tice 10,966,301.24
Aid to railways, in-
cluding annuity re-
payments ... 11,311,417.27
Colonization roads 3,694,247.79
Municipal drainage 1,221,117,85
Swamp drainage 238,405.09
River, lake and bridge
works 1,150,965.47
National parks since
1885 118,252.41
Public buildings—con-
etruction outlay 9,518,571.30
Repairs and mainten-
ance since 1884 1,459,097.92
Total of over 9 95,000,000
The Planks on Which the Ron Gerona -
meet Appeals to the Electors.
That the school system of the Pro-
vince in all its departments should
have in view those practical courses
of study which specially fit the
youth of Ontario for agricultural
and industrial pursuits, and that the
Provincial University should receive
the general support of the Legisla-
That the Agricultural Department
should coutinue the educational work
of the Agricultural College, Farm-
ers' Institutes, dairy schools, good
roads associations and other simi-
lar associations with undiminished
zeal and efficiency
Second—Purity of Elections.
That every form of bribery and
all fraudulent schemes to defeat the
honest purpose of the electorate are
contrary to the spirit and tradi-
tions of the Liberal party.
That the sanctity of the ballot
box should be protected and all of-
fences against the Election Act pun-
That every riding should conduct
its organization without outside in-
terference or assistance.
Third—Railway Assessment and
That railway corporations should
contribute to municipal taxation in
the same proportion as Other pri-
vate proporty
Fourth—Extension of Government
That the Government Railway from
North Bay should be extended to the
Grand Trunk Pacific, and, if prac-
ticable, to James' Bay, and that
town sites on the Government Rail-
way and Grand Trunk Pacific should
be surveyed and sold for the benefit
Of the Province.
Fifth --Timber and Minerals for the
That all settlers on agricultural
lands M tbe unorganized districts be
allowed the use of every description
of timber oa such lands, pine alone
That minerals on such lands should
not be reserved, but should be the
property of the patentee, and that
prospectors should be dealt with lib-
Sixth—Provincial Marten'.
That companies of a local or Pro-
vincial character should not be re-
moved from Provincial control on
the declaration that they are for
"the general advantage of Canada."
Seventh—Pine and Pulp Wood Lands,
That only the matured timber on
pine lands should hereafter be sold,
with a view to the preservation of
the forests as a source of revenue Mr
all time to come, and that, ptilp con-
cessions and water powers north of
the height of land should be sold at
public auction.
Eighth-eProvincial Commission for
Protection to Manicipalitiee,
That s, Coromiesion, having au-
thority to deal with the bonding
powers of companies concerned ill the
operation of public utilities and the
application of munieipalitiee ih con-
solidating debenture debts and other
Matters of a similar character, would
be a source of great, protection to
the pltblin.
Ninth—The Labor Question,
That the various branches of the
public service affecting publie labor,
Such as the Bureau of Labor and 1ac-
tory inspection, should be consoli-
dated, and legislation, If possible, be
obtained to avoid strikes and to
prevent unskilled alien and prieten
labor from interfering With tlio 011-
barta0itiee of the WOrlcing eleauleit.
Tenth—Minister of Colonization and
That a Minister of Colonization
and Labor bo appointed for the set-
tlement of New Ontario and for pro-
moting immigration of a suitable
diaracter into the Wei' parts of the
Eleventh—Temperance Mamma
That stops should he taisen tet re.
duce the consumption of intoaicaling
liquors, to prevent the tulle of
liquors on Sundays and during pi o-
hibited hours, end to secure the mos'
vigorous enforcement or the Deena',
laws, to encourage and make enact/ ot•
the adopt ion of the local maim pro-
visions of the Liceuse AeL, and soca
other chatter s as wie mote, fully se.
forth in Me finding of tho (etinven-
Twelfth—Public Utilities.
Tbat the greatest facilities should
be afforded municipalities to obtain
the ownership of all franchises of a
public character affecting the use of
water, light or • transportation with-
in the municipality.
weartiva a Different Polley Suit for Every
Election—Quick Changed to Catch the
Passing Breezes of popular Opinion—
Different Platforms in Olin/rent Glee-
The Tory Opposition of Ontario
has shown its incapaciLy for leader-
ship and Government during all its
history. That's the reason why it is
still in Opposition,
That's the reason why it will con-
tinue in Opposition.
It is a party without stability,
without a settled and continuous
policy. It is a rudderless ship.
At one time they opposed the ap-
pointment of n, Minister of Educa-
They were opposed to building
Normal Schools at Ottawa, London
and Hamilton.
They once opposed the establish -
meat of a School of Practical
They once opposed the appointment
of a Minister of Agriculture and a
Minister of Education.
They objected /to the removal of the
Agricultural College from Mienico to
G uTehl epyh
restated the starting of a
dairy school in Middlesex and a Pio-
neer Farm at Dryden,
They opposed the Liberal Govern-
ment in its fight for provincial
They have placed obstacles in the
way of building railways to open
Nsw Ontario and exploit its re-
They have formulated policy after
policy only to change it for some-
thing different,
They are as unstable as water.
Regarding the Win Administration of the
Ens Government.
The Mail said, in 1900; 'The On-
tario Government's management of
the finances has been thrifty, judic-
ious and clean."
The Montreal Witness: "Ontario's
splendid financial position has been
preserved by careful, business -like,
honest administration since Confed-
The Toronto Telegram; "The fi-
nancial and administrative record of
the Liberal party is, on the whole,
creditable. The resources of the pro-
vince have been wisely handled,"
In proof of the above testimonies
it may be said: Ontario's annual re-
ceipts in interest would retire its
total liabilities twice over.
The interest paid annually on the
provincial trust funds (valued at 96,-
218,788) amounts to rnore than suf-
ficient to meet the entire annual
payments of the province for its li-
abilities for railevay certificates and
Out of a total appropriation of
seventy millions in twenty years, the
Opposition has objected to less than
ono cent on the dollar.
Ontario is without a dollar of debt
presently payable.
Ontario had 92,739,200 in the
batiks on December 12, 1904.
Ontario, over eine° 1872, hae
Shown a surplus o/ assets after de-
ducting liabilities presently payable.
Ontario's surplus of pante after
deducting liabilities, Dec. 81, 1903,
was $2,549,164.
Ontario's position is an , enviable
one; Its affairs have been go manag-
ed as not only to create no debt but
to leave a surplus of interest-bearing
assets that yield an annual income
that could be capitalized at ohm
mill ions.
Dr. Jobe Ranter aid rue as an ihde•
pendent eandieete in Watt Toronto.
The Saugeen Mineral Water Company's
building at Southampton wee burned.
The Roman Catholic Preebytory at St.
Norbert, Mart, was burned, entailing
Ion of 912,000,
Vire that broke oat in Nekton &
hardware store at Windsor caused a lose
of about 670,000.
Tho Tentialtaming Railway wee
taken over for operation iron the con.
treabOrb on Jen, 14.
hon. Itaymond Ftefentaine ocbbb send
it newspaper oorreepOndent ou the voyage
of the Canada to the West hada%
110V. illiftteli L. Gordon has tweeted
the call to Central Oungregal boatel/arch,
Notice to Creditors,
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron. In the Waller Of the estate
of Simnel Walker, late of the Village
et Bruseele, in the County of Iluron,
rttired fat mer, dame, d.
Notate le hereby 'gine, pursuant to the
Horned Wahine of Oetario, 2807, Oboe, 129,
See. 88, that ell creditors and others haying
airtime sofnst the estate of BO mud Walker,
late of the village of Brunets, 15 said Coen.
by, decreased, wbo died on or about the 7150
day of December. A. ID, 1909, at lbsus5ebs, n re
requested to send by boar, ereputt, or to de-
liver to David Walker, the At mluistrater et
flrensols,or to A. 13. lifeedeuald, of the Vil-
lage of Bruearee, hie Solicitor, 5', or before
the let day of February .4.0. 1905, their full
names, addresses cl descriptions, and the
full particulars of their claims, and the nat.
are of their securities (if as)) held by them,
And otire ashareby given that after end
Ian mentioned date,the snid. Administrator
will proceed to distribute the tweets of the
deceased amongst the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the Maims of
whloh Donee 'Mall bare been given as above
reguiredand the said Administrator will not
be reeponsline for Nis assets or any part
thereof eo distrleuted, to any person whores
Maim notice shall not have been resolved at
he time of such dietribution.
Bated at Brussels this 9th day of January,
A, D., 1905.
20.3 Solicitor Inc Administrator,
village of Cranbrook, lately oommied
by A. McNair, Who bee sold out. Terms
reasonable. Apply to J, LONG, Oranbrook.
11-9 either sector any age. This Beek has
been very successful at the local Show.
Have also for tittle a prizewinning young
Durham Bull. Apply at 551 10, Coo. 15,
Grey, or O. '1IIRNBIILL,
10.11 Walton P. 0.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 22, nu. 9, Grey, a there' bred Yorkshire
bog, Oak Lodge Juetice, bred by Jno, Broth -
our, of Burford. Pedigree may be seen on
application. Terms 81.00 to be paid at time
of setviee with privilege of returning if
neeenary, ALEX. 0,5.4000107',
99- Proprietor.
sale, 69 Lot 25, Oon 11, Grey. Easy
terms. Apply to JNO. B. HYDE, on the
premises, lirettbrook P. 0., or F.& Scott,
Bruesele. 99
L homestead -150 acres—in the Town-
ehip of Morris, Huron county. For partici.
Mare apply to
9 LI - 550 Bathurst St. Toronto.
100 90 attres, being North halves of
Lots 15 and 10, 0°0.1, Grey. Corofortable
frame house, back barn, orobard, leo. Only
4 miles from Nolesworth. Good locality
and One roads. immediate poseeesion. For
further particulars apply to or write
W. H. HERR, Brussels,
offers her 100 Imre farm, be-
ing Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sale. There
is a comfortable house, bank barn, or-
ohard, die. Perm is only mile from
the thriving village of lathe/. .For further
partlisulare as to price, terms, &n., apply to
MRS. HAT.9., HOLLAND, 78 Blotter street,
N...4 The undersigned offers his 75 acre
farm for 601e,being084 Lot 12,Con, 8, Aforrie
Os the ern:eine be a comfortable bouse,
bank bare, hay seed and Implement hone,
o tabard , 10 acres hardwood bush, tka Two
water on farm 11 acres of Fell wheat fu and
12 ones of plowing done. POPOOSti011 given
March lst. For price, terms, tee,. apply on
he premises, or it by letter to RICHARD
PRATT, Blyth P0.
The underaigued offer for sole his
farm, being Lot 1, Con. 18, Grsy. It hi Mt -
meted on the Gravel road, 3 miles South of
Brussels and contains 100 nares of good end,
all neared but 12 POMO, There to a ant
eine brick house and kitchen, heated with
furnatie, wood shed, artesiau well with
vrindinill and water is pumped to barn.
Barn is 110x58 feet with stone stables. 13 ay
barn 813x00 feet. Good orehar__d farm well
f reseed • pleasantly situated Will be sold
on easy. terms. Apply on premien or l3rue-
eels P. 0., feNBAS 01tI031, 15 tf
1-4-1ARMS FOR SALE. — 350
LRoma firet-clage land in the Township
of Grey—Lot 16, Con. 14, MD acres; Lot 17,
0ou 14,100 acres ; and W9 Lot 18, Oen. 34,
60 Iteren-250 flares. All in excellent condi-
arm with nrstariaes buildings ; brick house
with all modern oonvemenoes, mod largo
hank barn, root and straw bongo, stables,
ail. Well watered. From 86 to 90 aoree of
good hard Wood bush. Lot 10, 00n, 19, eon -
mining 20052855 of grst-olase land, good
frame house and large bank barn nearly
new. The property elm be sold in two or
three wools to milt purchasers. Terms
liberal. Also s commodious dwelling house
and lot In aruesele, For further particu-
lars apply to the owner on the premises,
LAIICHLIN ktotettla, or to JNO. 53108031,
A Record Breaker
18 Cutters and 6 Bete, of
eleighe sold in one week.
Our Outtere are all made of the sante
material as those which have taken fires
prize tide last 6 years at our lootel shows
apaitat all competitors. They ere the
BEST and take no emend place for
Materiel and Workmanship.
Oar Sleighs are nearly all Oak and
have a firecolitee record for easy draft
and good tracking, They can't be beat.
Please salt early and gel your choice
of our dandy Olittors,
We already Mate out stook of wbeele
for the miming year. They are the leigh•
era Remit) and intending imamate of
Boggles for nest year eta invited id
examine our goods before the paint bruit
fa on them as everything is the best that
ORD be bought,
Leadie Alantattoturere,
Building up Trade is just like Fishing, If you use
the right kind of bait and oast your line Where the kind
of fish yon want are most plentiful you'll quite likely
got a number of them. Then if you go about it right
you are pretty sure to land most of them.
Apply the illustration to Business If you want to
catch the trade always keep the Best and Freshest
values in goods and allow the Highest price for Farm
Produce and Business will come every time. This we
always strive to do at
J'AMESTOWIT General Store
What is left of Xmas and other Winior Goods will be
put out AT OOST to make room fur Spring goods.
Butler, 170 trade, 160 cub ; ;go, 200 ottell or trode. Other produce
taken at City prince.
W. nines.
r111-1 A 111
We have just received a ear load of "Brockvilles," the kind
that speaks for themselves. Call early should yon require one as
theseare fast sellers.
We bave the "Bell" Cylinder Root
Puiper, the BEST ori the market.
Bee Them,
Should you have any grass to kill or
sod or rough ground to work reMetn•
her the "lama az Wood" nod "Wind.
sot" are the disks that will do it.
If you want a General Ferran Plow,
than whiob there is no better, secure
a No, 20, Frost & Wood.
If you watt s second.band Buggy,
Cart, gutter, Plow or Implement of
any triad be sore to call on as.
We he also the U. 8. Cream Sep.
'water, 8ing. r Sewing Di aoh Mee,
Volume Wadong Maohines always
on baud,
We Of .11 supaly you with a geed
Driving or Work Setae cheap or
Stock of any Wee en ebegi, velem
AG- 1-41 IT m.
Choice Stock of
the market, has been
A fine range of Robes, 13est
opened up consisting .of :-
—Plush and, Wool Rugs, ft very Choice lot.
—In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold
at Close Prices.
—Trunks and Valises of all kinds.
Repairing itomptly Attended to.
Sign of
Horse's Head
can supply you at once with any
Buggy you may want but as • the
time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we
would like to tell you that we are fully pre-
pared to meet your every want in the Cut- ,
ter as well as in the Sleigh line. We have
the Finest and Most Up-to-dde assortment
of Cutters that can tie found anywhere,'
ready for inspection, and would be pleased
to have yon call and see them Prices