HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-1-19, Page 2_' ...... ....,.. , .. ,,. .. t .i . . - - . •.t - - _. r,,�d � ^ CHAPTER Ttxxvir. powerful figure wall seen entering the , ► big N°riaan tl Write It Down Tttt Everybody sees It—Till GOOD HEALTH IN WINTEK bell was conaldevabiy impreelsed Porch Iig,nson coat y r along the street driving a dog -Hart Everybody Knows It Without Seeing it. It's with ttia iinPorLpuce of Chris's ills- � y �; covery, though at the game data he in a dangerous, rate of speed. WAISTCOAT IS TIKE Jt�OZR- cc was not disposed to regard It in the "Our ratan is going to have hhs Worthy of Wide Publicity, gTAXERS BEST T RIEX7D, i c ii hA of a cuinctdenco, trouble for his pains,"13011 ohuaklod, L ib crty fi'lt'0 a useful discover' my `as `Ho pas come to Interview Merritt 0111111 AM Prio Toad and. Di'izslc Alla Protnotiou way," to sate!; "but not ver at orritt tune" k"or the Body in Cold ntarlcabIo when you Celuo to L•hlnic of Mptrttt sltitnrUhedi In awkwardly, it. Somebody tvlLh an eye Co data- obviously supprensing A desire to Weather. aging RM Steel changed that cigar- touch his forelock. 7 hero was a !loth 41'1011 and wostat whorl, they Y11 ^ � ^ 'ease. How the change affected t$teal sheepish grin on Ills face, a sup- decide to "nrvp up" do so Uy they'. '• g pressed triumph fn his a ea, He had 4 ,. you know as wdU as I da. But the P Y . ercttsldg the uuturor of layers or • �Ry' }j itj�fOitCaj j j' CPIj �, I .you 114rcllasod by Ruth Gates been recently^ shaved and Ilia .hair clothing in Pratt over those Ott the must be somwhere, and we are as cut, but desp[to those improvemonts, back of the batty, It is a great i som a to Rad It near seeing td tHart-he and a actl bts eloclal garb, loo wasLAD mistake, writes "A ,Physician" in tile 4011 As anywhere also, seeing that he Ilei exactly the class of man to Ca Ion Tea is Rich, Deliddnus and is absolutely Pura. Sold only in. London Dally Afail. Tho,loam "tole - ire at the bottom of the wbolo bust- meg,. In a dark lane after sunset. Y Y Y pliono exchange" of the nerves of • CHAPTER XXXV,- Continued been vastl • Amused, Blot then hal Uess. That change was made either Ohris, howovor, shower! nothing of sealed lead packets, Black, Mixed or Natural GREEN. By air Lha body lion !n the spinal core!, !n The quaint and somewhat exclusIsq got the vet picture these aoP1g,' by himself ot• by somebody At Ills' this in her greating. Long before grocers. Received the highest ,award and gold medal at St. the spinal Anna!, ane( this exchange 1, S had o instigation. Ouco the change L(ttimer Castle was reached site to of town. of Moreton Wells was reached' were, speaking About close to people' be was succoadal In putting Merritt quit Louis. has immediate, complete and instau� made he would not bother about the P g' q to in due course and the street where at the very moment: at Ills case. He talked of himself - Laneotts connection with the skin of spare eve toase. Fits ally probably the whole of Lila back of the trunk the Rev. James Merritt resided lo- "'!'011 you what," he said, suddoa- nncl his past exploits, he boasted of1Z9 �, y�, af�r•�, �yq ho :9 tvliou'OvndiLiuns are Utast fav- . eatod at length. It was a modest t I lint used to swell Society Como hero s sow Henson; LIAO latter �� ��efd;D®�.LG91�'g90� g and is uuuh move sensitive Lttan that b Y• Y as likely as not threw hint over, his cunning:. It was only now anti ;p•'� A� ottl,Le, It Pays nv mart to teat"' of Ll,o .!till in front. This 'can Uo two -storeyed tenamant, and the oa wars, but r'm always ready^ to sacci- Iinowin that the fallow would not again that ho puiled.hlmsoIf up and �d dv lta q-]! ,ngntl)s before l,,,,, ,Liu t cu let of the rooms was at home. (iso myself to the poor Yellows who g g' g•• proved by Lho Application of a cold P Y dare to talk; henca Lho 'thin is piously referred to the new life that prefer Pushing tUem for (atoll r0wlh + Ctuis ttshad her way gall in, fol alnt't Pound the straight path like g i tg L g sponge 'Alterrrately' Gu the Skin of P Y Y g turned into money. I am merely ho was now loading. Belt was study -'r ate frout blrth to killing Little. "'hen- Lila trunk to front and behind and lowed by Bell, before the occupant me. And U you gets up your bac- speculating, of course, under the as Ing him Carefully; lie read the other's' ON THE FARMS `w over 011e ho'ns wet 4t 150 t•o 2OUcould lay down the foul clay -+ pipoaar, I'11 do what 1 can to 'dIP•' nlod }ika ado a book, 1Vhen the r g noting tltq effect. lie woo smoL•ln and button the un- sumption that you aro quite sure o[ Pe pouivcls dressed, we Lot them go. Let Again, how inany people, enpeclally g "Than you will •dine with us to- •our facts," wagonette finally pulled tip before `ww� r' P the pigs b° nlado hogs of in the in a draw accustomed stiff white collar round the castle Littimnr strolled n and f?t b ti19ZWZk'9 i9 @AQAv6d see cvohouse, unconsciously 4 night?" Chris asked eagerly, "Absolutely," Ghcis cried, eagerly P a Cltm•tesL time. 'After our salvo Fttt•- his throat, Merritt whipped a y g Y' stood there regarding Merritt u or k, otherwise endeavor to cover the tumbler under the table with amaz- Don't say no. I met a man ansa "Two long, irregular scratches ]cad- g quiet- `I`IMI MAN WHO.I'iEGDS US ALL• rely, rya do not fecrct touch rich foal back, etthor by an additional wrap �, . in ce}exit but no ctuxrtlu oP his with a past like yours at Lady Ros- Ing up in arrow -headed shape to the ly. for tett days, Vend a. good solid or the °contort a( it Cos armchair. g y' g Ilugham's, acrd he was so interest- big diamond in the centra. Ruth "So tills is the gentloman you tae o Tho Icing may rule o'er lanrci and sea, food, but not too nvudh Corn, as 1L• It behoove9 us, than, to sea tile! could remove the email of gin. that Ing. We will call for you in an told Enid all about that the very going to bring to dinner?" he sat , The lord may lira right royally; is vary locating, And often producO-9 most pungently on the murky at- grimly. "I have seen !lila before fix The soldier weds in the back to coy s ti if not more, n hour's time with the wagonattc: last time they discussed the !natter gT y Pomp Aad pride, evil reSiilt.s i[ fed. shon•tly' atter the mosphere. the company of our dear Reginald, least as much as Lho troll, especial. Then we eau sattlg, half our pious 1)e together," gi alci, The Sailor ranni o'er accost wide saws fAt•1'OW. 3Vc let Lho pis stn Merritt dodged hie head back de I also—" . lout this or that, nhato'er befall, with sores eight to ten weeks, after tY between alta Shoulders. 7.11 acct fora dinner." How camp Ruth Gatos to remora- b tUo thin Uucl' n¢ rho waistcoat is Mee as 1f strained ala blow, Merritt was graciously please d to bar it so Clearly?" Chris shot t,dttinwr nn imploring ho farmer Lias Lq faacl thorn a1I, which ice Separate, cold put pigs to "the undertaker's best friend."' 'fn .His ayes were strained a little aux- feast .over Bell's shoulder Its i¢ Year- be agreeable. Moreover, ha was ut- "Well, she did !t herself. ShO wAa glance. Aiat•rit.L grinned in friendly themselves, Y ter} puzzled and absolutely eon- rubbing some s ecks off the case at fashion. :11011, in Itis tactful Way, The writer thinks, the )pct sins Pi_ s l(ka rod xtisturr, sunshine women It is the space bg,tw^sen the fol of a shadow. Boll had loan the Y P Y g P Piloecl the strnnga nest to the Iib- The craftsmen fashion a'u>rqus 4 g 1 top of the corset and the centra of typo before --Merritt was ancon- sumad with an overpowering curios- the last moment, Lind the scratches t= A,rtl plenty of puss. air, evert though the neck, more especially in the type ft It scera0cl also to him to be n tvora made accidentally whit the rary before LitLimer and Chris had •thus; same farntors woutd have y Y you Lrluk of garment popularly known as scInusly looking for the police. ahtrx waste of providetu4r to dtacarct stones !n ono pf her r!a s." re the hall. Phe former polish- 74te doctor heals, ttto lawyer pleads, 'rli0Y9onW,v. 11'0 let 6h0m run about I am so glad to Stud you at g ed Itis areglass anti regarded Chris The aline• follows recloua leads- until six weeks borore we wish to i4f17 "PNl,11MONIA BLOUSE." home," Cluti9 said, sweetly , such an eller. And the plate at Lit- Bell was fain to admit that the g g p Very many persons aro afftictod at Y timer Castle was superb, discovery was an lmportabt one. criticalky. But this or that, tvhato'er befall, begin fativning, Ulan ue pen anal Merritt muttered aometiling that "We'll leave it for the r itif clear ouu • lad h0 said, The farmer ]ills to food thein all,, finish With corn. I do not think t.h[s time of the year with a "it tie hardly sounded complimentary. It Meanwhile Chris and Bell walked present," he � Y r b was quite evident that he was far down the street together. "IIe was said. "'In a small place like this so smoothly, ' originality is it passion niggling cough. Lot them look to q g that it prays to Coed Irag•S over r..ighL from returning the compliment. He puzzled over the Rembrandt," Chris valuable an article is likely to I - with me, eccentricity draws me as a The morchaut•, lie may buy and sell, months' old for tnarkoL•, ' with the the warmth of the spine from tite main in stock for soma time. I'll magnet; but as yet I have rOfcninod 'Phe toaahor do his duty well; hO peS of having much Profit IePL, foot of the neck to the coater of the daring recognised Ball, And was wan- Said: Seeing that he has on. plc- from sitting down to talilo with lint men may toil through bus da s P( laird -China hos can be fattened }Uil1a. TO etICL•L 11119 it is not neCgS �' call in again ng Further an thn pea- g' sary to add nnothev layer of cover - sure fc,a.r[ully !P the Latter was as ttu•e—" y fl' y" y' g'. sure of his identity. Belt's face ba- "No doubt about it, The pro- tonco of getting fnttUor goods wild ti°}iCt-OP-iCAVa men. Your friend has pr inen any, stro]i through pleasant at any age, but l: think Lb° !,loot obtain all the information there is `convict' writ largo upon his face," was Ing to the front, in the style of the frayed nothing. All L$a same he was taro was rolled up and stood on the to be gained as to who sold tea case `"Ha has been fn gaol, of course," Front, kin to b tit they. Arises from keening than. un- followin Merritt's uneasy eye till g agger, what°'6r be til Lho will weigh 150 pounds, A old bade and front chest protector; g l mantoL•heiP. I followed Mort•itt's Chris admitted cheerfully. Y b 1 and what he was like. Y• fol}, hog of' this tvCigUL is in dnmauct l double Paid 0f thlok blouse sawn Jt rested alt a roll of dirty paper gang,, knowing perfectly well that it There is just time for a little lunch (To be Continued.) :file farmer has to feed thom alta here, fate the waistcoat or blouse Lit the ,., on the mantalsheII. That roll OP would rest presently on the picture if before we take u our reverend rack is quite atopic. paper was the trussing Rembrandt, it was in the room. At the soma p ^fr-- -- C7itN DUltli\U 'S\1N'1F1Tt. If possible, for man, or woman; and he knew it. time, our interesting friend in chuck- friend. Whore shall we go?" The farmer's node !s one aP worth; During the winter months hogs alitco, it were beLLor that he or she "Won't you offer me a chair?"' lin over the way he has deceived us Chris would like to see the Lion. PERSONAL POINTERS. IIo's parolee with the sky and ill"• g Y There .vas n marvellous catico-room cartlr, natal have good care ll' we expect to had neve known or been used to any Ch is asked, }n the sweetest possible cletaa forgot the .Yellow pawntlekat there with panelled walls and a cell- Interesting Gossip About Pronni- He's partner with the sun And rain, be the gainer's. They must have dry, form of neckni°th ov wrap. Tho manner, lying on the table." 1 g P w'nnm quarters aucl n faced etch in writer was once a Martyr to "rad Merritt sulkily emptiest a chair of Ing by Pugin, and an Ingle nook fill- nant Peo le. And no man loses for }lis gain- y a !tile of cheap sporting papers, and Dr. Bell, do you moan to say act with rare Dutch tiles. They had P So man ay rise and turn may carbohydrates as wol} ns protoln. Lhvoa.Ls"' while Ito used coverings in .y, � demanded none too politely what that—" the beautiful old place to them- Sir George Turner is to the head fall, They do not require as much food Lha forint of nook wraps, and was ca -fl "':Chat I know where your diamond selves, so that they could talk free of tbo new Commonwealth Coalition Blot the farmer has to food them ns to swttmer, but what they Hoed warded by repeated attacicn of �A�yn- business the lady had with him. star was pledged. Indeed I coo. Mer- ly, Chris crumbled her broad and Govermuent. 73e started as ott.oe- all. is a rich food suUmbio for putting gratis or pa.infut goes throat and ✓ Y ('kris proceeded to explain at consid- ritt had probably just turned out tits sipped her soup with an air or deep boy and rose to the headship of a them In the iwst condition for On- many al,Laeks of bronchitis. Sufic° "r arable length, As MerrlLt Listened pockets as we antgred. The awn- durtn the sole.!. 1{'hnab middlings Ta discarding all neckcloths and turas ;n Itis eyes gleamed and a broadening i p abstraction. laadiug Aietbourue arra of solicitors. God bless the Alam who salvo the g g g P ticket was oil the table and related '"A teat idea is forming to m Ho is a tirelosa worlcar, and never wheat, the Dost ruill feed we have rotlJ(l lie has enjoyed continuously robust w�.r 1. grin spread over his face. Fie had' g' g Y yet, either for mnrket or breeding health for twelve yearn. It is S}g- done a gzaat deal of that :kind of to a diamond aigrette pawned by one mind," she said, takes a lrol}day"eti0ept or Saturday Who finds tis milk and fall anal .hv This, with what Available, nifdcant that Sin thing, he admitted. Since Henson James Merritt -mark the simple cull- "What, another one?" Bell smiled. afternoons, which he invariably meat? b's gars habitually icooP had taken him up the police had not 'ning of the man -with Messrs. Rut- "Ia it the Air of the place or what? spends on bowlirng groons. no has May Ilia purse he heavy, his heart milk wo have anal all the corn then Ute nock (roe and avoid overheating $L �,T,s been anyth}ug like so inquisitive, and ter and Co„ 117 High Street. That Really, there N a brilliancy about an invincible repugnance to the high . be light, - will eat with a colts!! Gnr)t is red it. his present in itself is an okeeedinly valuable you that is striking."to thea, -'to 'help Sepply heat, but We have all felt the "cold, Chilly, pose was fruitful of lfat.t discovery and one we cab afford to Chris laughed. Se was full of the hat, and bow wears it on in "bowler." f3s ightta and Corn id nil 'go }t'a only WhaL the will cat u . predator,;• gains. The latter fart He had to bow to convention in this ri itI g' Y 3' P shfvar" run dawn the back on first Mari xt kept- to ti-msolf. 01 the keep to ourselves for the present. joy of life to -day. respect when, as Proullor of Victoria God bless the seeds his hatJ;ls lot Olean. Too much is harmful. going out on a winter's clay with ;k, +, I whole the prospect appealed to Ills At the same time I shook! very It is the freedom," she said. "If he cause to London for the Dhunol d fall, . Do not Catiltna them in a close port the usual thin waistcoat and over- imagination. Henson wouldn't like Co like. Y y' and never Clean it, Bogs are tho coat. This can Un entirely prcventod i. , mtrciy like to know what Ratter and on. only know what it is to foal tiros Jubilee, but hO loft Ilia Court head- For the farmer has to feed its all. �..6,, , it, but, then Henson was not in a o are ke. Let me go down to after the dull, aching, monotonous gear b blad him at the Hotol Cocil. cleanest Animal wO brood, some Let the man with the dolieato chost position to say too much, the shop and make some .simple Pur- misery of the last few years. To be He had no furtbor rise for it. ways. The highest bract horso will have an extra thickness in tris waist - "I thought Perhaps it you came "'Mae 1 constantly on the treadmill, to be ln%PERILNCES WITH SWIM✓. doposit its droppiui''s just. where. it coat and overcoat and oven in his L' Rutter and Co. raved to be a in the grasp of a pitiless scoundrel, Mr. Balfour, the British Prcluter, , Conies over Jilin. Hogs will not, coat, behind, And he will notice the over with ttS Arid dined at the cos- P g P I I began brooding I ohne!-Ohina tte," Chris suggested, She spoke very It}gh-class shop Indeed, At first you right against ft assiou- st�Pa at !oast twolve hours it clay- They will havo a certain place for increase fit health during winter at Y g g P hogs in 1901, and have never been slowly and thoughtfully, with her' despite the fact that that ate Y, with a longing ' to be dela sometimes !angor -and, though he this business anal talll nln•ays deposit once, g g sorry that ^1 rcer.totl them, wanted ryes on. the groucxl. "Say to-ntgilr, there was a pawnhroking branch of something, and gradually you give `toes not prepare his speeches word their -droppings there, unless Pre- In the molter or undergarments 0 word, or dictate tltam to a I.T. R. Mercer. What I wanted Will you come?" the business. The place was gutta way to despair, 3.nd now the weight was a hog easily fattened, with vented. 'Da not compo! them I o many persons arc "driven mad" with blarritt grinned oxtensfvoly once worthy of .Bond Street, the stock is off my shoulders, and I am free shorthand writer, he confesses that targe harha anti shoulders, of nick stand in their own dung up to their the irritation of ' more, The idea of his dining at wAs brilliant and substantial, rho to net. Fancy the reward of finding he "thtrtl's them out while in bed," growth and on that could q eyes and cat their fond out o¢ their WOOL NEXT THE SXJN, and notes the principal headings On o tat co cl Ue Yat - 01:., the castle appealed to his own peon- assistants quite above provincial Reginald Henson outt" toned aucl marketed aL any Aga. At- own oxcrenont. Our brooding stock So bad is this Lit. tlnios LUAt tlza ]inr souse of humor. He was at his +class. As Bell was turning over ^ .Reginald IIenson is Lite bli ht a silent of folded fooisnap, which ho Aro teintored somewhat the split g holds in Iris right tqr much study. of diliernnt brvgds, whole trmpornuirut of a Xan or wa- ease, seeing that Boll failed to recog- some sleeve -}inks Chris was examin- upon ,your house. In what WAY?" i ght hazel while speak- i decided that "Poland-Ohlnas were tva.y, but We feed thorn more muscle man trill, -be altered by donning a, Also him, To dine at the castle, to Ing a case of silver and gold cigar- "Ah, I cannot tell you. It is a ng, And slaps against has left when the hogs for mo, a9 they catuo as making roads with ]esa corn. 'They tough, woolly garment next the note the Plate, and get a minute' Otto -cases and the like. She picked secret that the never discuss even. he wants to emphasize a point. Igo must not be palnpored, but )ausL'rile geographical knowledge of the place UP a cigar -case at length ant. asked among ourselves. But ha has the seldom. pauses to find, a word, And fear filling ttio description of what have exercise an'd plenty of it evo1�1' akin, boo \velem has aeon r slight a . Front personal observation! His the price. At the mention of Fifty power over us, he has blighted all when he requires time to think' of thought a hog ought to be as any rib of cacti temperature, ors ght Mouth watered @,t the thought. 1 guineas ahp dr° broods with which I was familiar. l,qu for• rest d give. good their scratchy. reaction, as the resell of a "' g piled rho trifle with our lives." But it T could et hold the next . Argdunent he sips from o qunrteis dry and give goad bnddling, i g I -started with good individuals, no scraL•chy. uu.dnrgarmont, Th`1S trou- They ought to be more nareful a little mous of .9urprtae. of a certain thing the power would glass Of water, good as some fellows would Wheat straw is hard to real fvr bio can aL once be overcome b y Caller," he suggested, "There's "It looks as if it had been used," be broken, That !s what I am at- doubt as bacidin I would net Advise braediu Y gs The Garin an L.mpress lraa lately loll as fancy stack, but they were g g wearing some light form of Summar Platt and there's r been pictures." she said, tet, what T azo working for. And it .alien a gardening its n young sows unrc3or S n10ni'lts of age. It undergarment under Lhe hear wool- "Nvthin has over been stolen from "It is not absolutely new, madam, is in connection with my cndeaver P g g been as not registered. g y g Hat, Majesty has always been pas- T have disposed of - all, unregistered is best to my Oxparioace to bre6(L qn winter one, I,ittinter Castle," Bell said, crisply, the assistant admitted, "therefore that the nett' idea came to roe.'' stonately Poud of Rowers, and tier breoiling - stock and have replaced Young sows to old boars tool ilea If an average man werq t° put on fie Bead the lean m Merrltt's eyes as'the price is low, But the gentleman "Can't you give ale some goam•al lights !n anr•anging the vases for her them with registered animals of the votsit, The pigs will be stronger i.' a tt` Silk bIOUSo .L11 the upper part of lie spoke of pictures. Nothing who sold it to us proved that he had Idea of it?" bell asked. own and the private Apartments Of best brooding. There, is nothing young says are bract to old homes• the chest and Aetna quite, unprotoct- whatever." only had It a few days. The doctor Wet}, I want to make Afe•ritt my the Xmisor. Her present great inter- in a pedigree, finless bucked by a ed save for A fold of thin silk, And "What, not lately?" Merritt asked. had ordered him net to smoke in fu- friend. I want him to Imaging, that eat is in orchids, and site has splen- good individual, yet It Shows what _ sit thus In any room; draughty or "'liidn't hear tell of A—" lure, and SO—" I am as much a an aaventnres5 as did specimens. There are fine orchid- you have CUT BOND FOR EGGS. y got. I would much rather. otherwise, h° \evulil be ready to as 7Te paused, conscious of saying too Chris turned away to something he is an adventurer. 7: want to let houses both at Bellevue, near Bet•- have a boar worthy of registry at The fresh bouea Call be obtained at sort that some spiteful Person had Lunch. all shook his hent! again, also. Bell completed lite purchase, }rim see that I could vend him to lin, and at Schloss Wilhalmshohn, the head of my Parts, thougti a hog home, but where largo quantities aro deluged him %%'fill ice water. Yet a An Utterly puzzled exprossion Crept and together they lett the shop. Once prison—" Haar Cassel. The Imperial table is not altogether pleasing to the nye, used the btlteher'a shop must 1>e womnu will do this 11110! indignantly once 4G. Merritt's engaging t o n artert- i0'outside Chris excitdrippedly. ci her comPAn- til you eau by our stal;ar," tyles police generally decorated with: these flow- than a !tog not eligible to registry, looked to And cal be had there gon- explain to yeti ,'tow really warm tires. a the present mnli. th t very ioa.'s arm axgrealy. of Aha -gotloss of of your stars ors} null the Empross is particularly thou It oP •a pleasing appearanco. oral) at abotiL half cant par pound, silt: is, Tho reason is that the fair treasure of pricy stood in that very Another Brent discovery'," aIle "And .getting hiarrtt mrrc5ted and g. D . 8 Y I g• _ g no. -lids 1118: Own_ outtor - anti .sex p05eaaCaS Dna of nature's warm: „14� room', and here was a party from said. "Did' you sen m°' looking at Wont to gaol where 1 couldn't gtnice el�ec kited' tylion alio detains a now Tho bireoUin" 'of the loaner' ts:Ruld' Wlloro"u ape0ilneli. be zliuch more a9taUltBhed' anti o[' 1$o fresh sono 114 has. tit0 Otte titin est garments -a t:ol°rcibly thick layer the castle utterly irutocont of the that cigar -case -a giro -metal one set use of him? No, zio, The thing Is g r•ohher . Chris lanced at Belt and I with diamonds? You recollect that pretty vague In m mtnd at resent. A venerable and pictures ire fl ur•e mwch more uniform. type than -would that goes to .natio up the best„Cgg- v4 heat produafng fat immodiataly slnilod. g Ruth Gates purchased A Case like I have to work Ltouta9 one would la, Sit, Isaac Lowthlan Bell, who Jim$ that of the latter'. I like to market Producing coll1poliad that exists. under the skill; Alan, on the ` o,•ther' . "f love the pictures,” Ste said: that for that -that foolishness -we story, as David Stool would work just been eleotod President. of, the Nothing is bettor •than fresh 'cut hand-wotlt soft beauty of outline "ospecialiy the prints, Tbat Item thought of in c°rin�tion with My: It out, for instance, Alit Instituto. of Mining Engiiic&b. Ito "-"'-_ bone'tvriCe3[ alit 13:'B. Bell. - enc! pleasing and rcgunlr.'contours '' . ileo .not fat, hint, Brandt, 'The Crimson Blind,' for !n- Steel. The case Had a little arrow- Chrls"clapped her hands rapturous- is !n his clghtys-nhith year, and if . Tho bond'whwh•I ant' now foci !lig A r f 11 stance. I found a fresh light in it shaped scratch with the head of the�ly, and a tittle cry of delight escap- there is aayono on Tyneside Ulte {, ground will, A power• cutWr,'tUO A is ajntds °otgeur of this tune, this morning and called Lord Litt!- Arrow formed of tiro biggest dia- ed her. knows more titan he does of iron power being a. gasoline ongt.ue, It ) s wall to routem.Uar that for matt aloe's attention to it before we start- mond, raid told me all this the •'Tire very thing," she oxclaimed, and mining lie licks yet 'to be heard ��� is well to CuL the bon° of nlpdiam and woman, too, tight roots and Col. t should lock that up if it were right before I left Lonedean Grange "If I could lay all the facts before from. A hard worker all his life, length and nOl: too much at any ono shoes mean cold Peel, Anel boots a f., alae," Cr, Ball, I am absolutely certain Mr. Steal and got him to plan out the owner of 5,000 arras of mineral limn especially in. warn wcaLh(w, size too targe and roomy mean Merritt's eyes fairly bulged as lie that I have hail in my hand just all the details) Elis ferttl , irnagina- land, Abd a.:cllreOtor of the North- out babe call be obtatned ttt many warm (set: and fewer chilUlnins, no listoc+nd. Had he not half -suspected' now the very case bought by Ruth tion would see a way out at• once Eastern Railway, Bir Lowthlan isBAB ���/ � butchers' at 1 to 3 cents, It is .clatter if the. hose be rather on the . 1 sorue deep "plant" lie would leave ,from Lockhart's in Brighton]" But he is far Away And there is no still a halo and hearty man, with , e I ® difficult to get it, in simmer, as it titin tilde, -rte time to be lost. 7s there no tray °f a bright eye, a resounding voice, and soon spoils, By Ito mcaus Fred o shatticl not ra forgotten that a ....._..�____ _ _-- W._-.... good brlslc walk, of nqt lags than a•' getting at him?" a frame cls upright as L•lrat o¢ malty sPoilad cut 1)0110, or your troubles st appealed almost imploringly mon not much more than half Ilia , something must will be trio•° than a Few. The bast mile, taken in lite early part of the 1.Chris n. If 1101 0' T% P B gardening, way to gel a]odtvd thea dhR]aully^ is clay, will go file to keep the whole Liver to her co]n Anton. She mad° n age, IIlS recreation, is body warns till bodthno under most IQ Your t to Blame 0 pretty Picture with the old oak Cu- iJe wrong with its food.. If Le ,;,¢•chase a (,o(rd Bono Cutter, he- ,it the Bart of LOridesbovongh Is ori° careful not to, get one.Too stuall, Conditions of winter in this country, gravings behind tial'. Boll sutited 6 ': of the richest men ill the Pears, the mother' S !!lily doesn't t "Alt , Food And (bink are mattors of tit as he helped himself to asparagus, prgfrl to fcecl it as a sal uc*stn i Here Are the Symptoms Atoms Which °$'091 of a QotPpi��g'L'@(f "viny nob adopt the snmo tnebhod 'Lh°ugh one of the ri twost peers; trio ratirYn• Ono moat bo cIts a In ain highest importance in this weather, ., 9.9v®P', aLe1� indicate 491? Need ®f by which you originally introduced oldest of his titles, that of Baron 1 ourish it, she need%SCOTTS beginning anti .have Lila fowl5 be. Thgrois, of course, nothing• so warm- Loudesborougli, having been created ,ng as a good squaro moat. .Sot " yoursalf to the distinguished novel, T coma necustoutnd to it by dogrres, Sr, 1850. • Thq eamldout is not yet L' MULSION. It Su »lies the Whon ill) ch'inlc5, .1cIll iia ten and a011oo Anel �*�, 1�! ��'a ®,p q,p A p� I�f p A �a iso?" he asked, "Wily not 1190 Lit- t 1 I to feed, mto ounce per •Qtly D . CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER 9C R A"'"tl&,.LS. is Sufficient for oaclt fowl. I feed. ht 9nupli, are only very t:omp°rary st'•op- tlmcr'S telephone?" twenty years old, and his viscounty - G'hti8 pushed her plait away trope- °f riahkclilfn is equally rnaden, But elements of felt required for long troughs !n the winter Linn anti gaps, unless taken with or Contain- tuousty. Lord Loude9bozoilgh comas of alto straw it on Lite ground }n suumcr, Ing some Solid hent laming sub- tr.yy The tongue is contact, the Appetite this well-known Lreatmeu'L, ane] ,Vail "I apo too exaitril bO eat oat old nobility, nevertheless, though Ito the baby. If baby is not Vary 1lLtl0 is fad durin Lho ma1',ri stance as peas or pea uletll, Or TneaL "0'. }s iztep%ired, digestion is deranged, ensuro good digestion and regular snore," she said, "I non filled with enjoys tlto wealth of the nett', From tvCAihar as the fowls call act, insects AncT Unrloy Or pv!ALof+a. `'-•,•t the, bowels Are constipated, mould there Action of the bowols-the foundation the new idea. (1[ cour8c, I could use Ills estates alone, which cover About nourished by its artificial vege "All hl i' anti Lho like, wlielt ct lu ALCOIiOLI'C Dl1T.NMA 'a';^' Are feelings of fullness and sorcnCs5 of good health, the telephone to speak to Mr, Steely 00,006 moves, Ills yearly incoluk: Is 11,a1;C Lip elle CUItlpOnetll: J)n.t•i.g of should be 1r.9efl sparingly, as Choy all jf About the liver, Mr, ROCOrs Clancy, farizicr, Cllvp- and to li ndid as wall. It the s°ltomo ncar9y sdGU,000. 17is m,onr..,y comes food, ten it requir s gs e0u !,ono, '1. believe in. f6('rlir Oren- tClud to cool lUc body and deprh'o it 3'qu rats have heartache anti di/zi- statvO, Ilrusc County, Ont., stilles: works nut act I Anticipate I sjialll f,oin the banker 1)eu.Nou, who left Sldeallu lit the fall ind irintc11111,of more heat. Lhan Ll1m. p.roduco by y e "I have rased I)r. Cltaan's Kiolbte - have s lou Conversation with , so l(Alling lilts S1'I,Ei00,Ofib, lie was ialso ire tdtli s tlef c f tilt', dilating the vossoly cf the skin, ,by n.,:,, pains In the limbs, feverish- Liver ill ,v r g_]anid_ tillntarrled, tend b0ctuonl;ccl Lho great- Scott P i N 1 „ ) your w.hgti Lillis causing, the wanut blowt front nr�ss, yellowness of the eye and skin, Pills, And would say that a dangerous toting so long its Rebin hood, Fertile eggs are noodod for it t+prrsgiOn of spirits, And irritabil- tit ro !s uO medicine that ogntlo8 Aid Ronson is about.' rr portion of his fortune to his nop- hatching pn.rposcs, Cho inte'}or' in 00!110 t.(Y the S i1mr-l. • them as a cure for at:oma0.h truueles, "I'll keep 11.o,iao,l Out of the tray, holy, Lot hlbait Davison, Clonyug- h, 3''inally, and as 1104 tho tans'L Int- ity of tamper.S Feed enort b, bail, lout :too much, Ufitousn0ss, torpid lives Anel izea(1- `19zO beat thing is tin .\•nit t11C Avery- )eau, tubo has made Lord 7 ondes- 101il° a sutikieiA rtuaaltity is till portant considrrallion, lot Ilia fin—k - So great Is the Influence of the aehe. I was troubled a great Ileal body )lea S -011C to bed t:oniglit and! Lroraugtr, The present peer is hes t ; rig -111 '100 1111161 t:( worvn Minn 1101)0 press au no reactors health, shut %Vill- .. .Iyer on the 'other or ans Of the call Stool a then, Yost will be grandson, 11 i Jaws too not spall health. Naz' ddr g with 'a K aUmauts bOFnte using Dr, P At all. 4]'herO mash f0(Kt is f;iren^ open windows ell Colds and br - bra<ly, that once it is deranged, the Chase's I{lducy-Livor I'tits, and the r0rtalu to g°L Won Af er eleven, and 1)r, Hchtvgrriuge; tvhn ntLcr.dlq(t the loss bone ds required than whore the . a qtn' Y late Princo Iforbert Bismarck, was fowls have cloy feed, d1zi.LiS, Oil Lll' Con Leavy, to Sleep tahnle system sa0ms to UO upset, kava proven tvonduefully suncr,.sstill In Lhera will be no chance of your be r " There are no Ingalls by -which you my case, ing cut Ott at that• hour of Lha night for many yoara Lho physician of the ' Imulsion � � with Lila tvindowS Slut is to orkurt. . -- oho liability to Catch cold. If }t be e ran i;n quickly and COrtadlly Obtain "I would not think of Being tvlLlt- in consequence of somebody also Trvn Chancellor, to whom he was cold, relief Prolat torpid, sluggish liver As. out a box of those '1 wnntieg. the Vise. ilvq snrne r0nrarl' !li'aL lritto<lr,rod by . C1r° Prince's Pita ]oto Mr, ,Jainos S,nwthe' Ttrl Put nn extra blankeL oft the pills in tl1r. haus° Applies to g ,t Half R tt.'d5 o0ilful thee tisk M.P., was a real; walker, bad, snit n Linn Lia by the use OI Dr. Chase`s and whenever I teal any synrPtotna of 1l y'aur• sister", y'aun or Sol), Gou,tL "hill," The oat- l0 g e . tit an pen the window tvi0cl', i[ ' Xidney-Liver Pi11S. tltCae disord' Chrls nodded radiantly, ter, who (lice! throa years mg°, haves this conneeUOr1 a eharnrtat;Estic Ytlting, Ott will wales up tc2Llt 1!11"1 }ll at Uodtim A des I talcs one l these "Thrice btossod Lols )hone," Arco In I)eeotne °nocnrolisl starrt fat• Iris' Oi fO11f 1111105 1 Clay til 115 no dry, nasty taStu to your tnorrth, 1.p o, And the result Pills, and they set rue all right 1 g Y ' story is !:bit!, of run„ 1,Ia was wnl!(- fs n thorough h eicatu4n OP' the filter. isand• I can get in. all T want Without age, 'hart_ successfully Submitted td Ln Ileac talc One ni •`Itt having nOr "i,hnL tread feeling," sidsr flint - g g tagain, I can strongly reeonunend bottle will b1iti the desired a • 6 av ng sQnb "horrid rnorn!n hc•adisehe," " [ug ttnd oxnrotory Systcntls, and novo Dr, Ch Committing myself to Parke o ,.nov- n I#dnttng process Lit, the. hands of t ltis,co(}c:lttlttttf-.t,q tt'11ton CitSLle tt'h. , t;' • Aso a i{ttlnny Litrot 1+r11s lot In •Proal the Spot where cn )resonc bloc Mnulcit klocta'; rut' iG. was some i ,t, Lastly, when y^On. t ise, t.alce. (t lapid vigor, and regalarlty for liver, kid• the troubles mg,ntigaod Abovn." g P Y i o 1 a ( okciol( tic•o ,•okol„ W,SO r.1tL0rocl • ' fs tu' time before the Clhancohlor hilnselP re51111, It SCCl11$ 10 i]flVe iL - bath, -followed by� Arapid cold! rub. neve a.ud IloWels. Dr, Chasbs Itidne -Live i'ilis gently noeda(L We will give Mr. lata rotivCrscittvn tvfLlt trial. At. }vii Y , ane f31',,at n lensant Sur ria° to -n9 tit woul•d,sul)nub to Ills tleatafent. At with it tjrwrl wet; with t:olet tfialts['- No fatally medioino has Doan mole pill a:dose 2ii is Lit p p g •' 11111 ical effect upon babies .ton gates ha rcnlarl.ed, i haul Sky not a•n ura.fl. u tt. e s a box, At all. and tlua,thmo I shall -gel rum into fie Lltb Lust ConsuktttLlort ileo Prince IOgt good -n' ^'ML, I turn In hare," "tVh ^. . - * r(1 ( e fir. a L-•,aptt(T gd oxkanslvalzr; ttSad. rn. ulnad& than Dr, deAldrb, or 'Lldmanson, Bates Nc Co„ i yr wtoo; try breal.r e.. rY a will y ronin Chaaa'll TCldric -laver fills andf aGae Term o, Ltroubie." lots tam or, acrd rowlto Dnn t ell' , t 'Pia Portrait and si nati ' , P �which1 - i,I1Ci C111�C11'Ct], a,•u p'nu, unr ,+f .l,:r.ni,v's Uucn? crb- iviGit A ival•m fl ^C. You will lava ti,, j , , , g 1g,t intilail tins fildshn ab so bonny questions"; tq SCh x,114,1 uuir O .tile eon xynwil. No, " lr(!N„yl°i►, Ct kdPirldttOn kir rdllabflSG tura of Dr, A, YG. Cora' 6h „+tatted ynnr d, rni+ton+ Lbtr 1s v1, )as p , .•: d Y ie, n fate- ICltgtlo, Anel x11 :1itLinttttioli sant, to ivanin er rO it t1, Cion Please, rrrn� SCO'.-rdt ri elver, c r Y - zSd1 r r t g p @. _ „r. ^„_ , -1 .. •,fhem 1x,.ihtoniu:.l)ira . . 1 rn .,titrrt,t. 1i, ,ad dot, f,.,u1110,.. r. ' r , Sibin gon(titions tart dO oat .r ct „•d +, n h y, q aatlon, ons t`aratpt iroOlF'itutitcu, n!o cm (iartiL't lira!; hl� Lrlonds 'wuctl' wn.t- s\rf.', a• •vetarintYry silo (nn, Ito will g >E` y ltr;y inr Mite (tt L)tn 'C,icru. +:ri Itts,.asl( nix IittesLlgnr,': 6. tr •a,•n.,,, a .r,Y,. + , t,f htS das tthtlo y h<iOt'� 't pPoru ” f.nlitoa.tho artiow,ol tits lrvdr f3 over box, LO warrtt nW Prei• Aud . - ,. going elft,