HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-1-19, Page 1nt Vol. 38. No, 28 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1908 W. H. KERR, Prop, ..�.w. New Advertisements. etntemeotwoepresentedbythe treasurer, Frank Metcalf, and showed the receipts William Greer, of Wiartop, is the guest of Jae. and Mrs. Paulin, speaker present representing Jnt. Bow. man, There will be a go �d vote polled from tide locality on the 25th, Mre. Wright, who hue been a well known resident of Jamestown for many years, had the'miefortnne to fall on the roe last Saturday and injured her head. We hope elle will soon be alt right but as 10 well advanced in ears recoverand Y may not be am epeedteae with a yeaoger person. Her eon wee Bent for at Brae. eels atter the accident. paired to their home° wishing the young couple health, happleeoe and prosperity in their new home. Mr, and Mre, Williumeon begin married lite on the groom's farm which joins that of the fair brtde'u,pareotel home. Tboa, E. Hammond wait the Auditor, In the butter making 74o per cwt, for milk wee received by those patronizing this department. 13. B. Laramie was the Seoretary of the faobory loot year and performed hie duties most effioiontly, The tor.the taotory ie most hope. by Bon. J.112.Gib+on,and law, was just bwtno ke e Whitney one. He hints the ilia 8090reione on the voter hut he don't know what he t knew tite voters of Morrie b sew them and they know ho Local—D. Ewen & Co, Loael—R'ohard Mitchell. Local—Mrs, Thee. Oaider, Howie for sale -R N Duff Annual. ' Ioetig—F• B. Scott, Farmers' Ibatituto—Gaal Hood. Dieeolutien sale—Ruse & Dodds, Pluanoial agent —Thos. Btrauhan, Clearance) sale—J. Ferguson & Go. Notice to creditors—A. B, Macdonald• to be $).166.05, with au expenditure of 51070.57, !caving a balance on hand of $85 28. The tollowiig officers and direct. ore were elected ; —President, J. 13, Tierney ; first vioe•preeidevt, Wm. Jaok. eon • ueaond, 1'. W. 110an ; Morrie direotore—George Taylor, Wm, Pollook yY• and Duncan Laidlaw ; East Wawanosh directors—R. B. MtGowen and Rtobard Corley ; Bullett direotore—Robert Ferric Livia 7on and John Barr ; Blytdue; 7. M. J. F: E. L, Lewis has moved into Mrs. 0, Bmlttt'o new residenoe on Howiok otreet, Robert and Mre. Rae and John Nimes) lett for Fleming, N. W. T. on Tneeday. Reeve Barrie end Mee. Herrie enter. 8ained a number of their friends on Fri. dayevening.she Rev, L, Perrin took °barge of the fiat• vices in Victoria Hall, Jamestown, on Bonday evening. R, Farrel, L. JaoHan and R. ern they have from Hamilton.where they -. ----�- �----- 191 re sertr..r. Roads have been badly drifted by the' repent storms. Ales. MoOall,7th line keeps quite poorly but we hope improvement mey souu be uoEi°mool ' Samuel Wolter, 6:h line, announces an auction sale of farm stook, on Friday,31131t Feb. 3rd, He has rented hie farm. Albert Crooke, 3rd line, Nae not been en• joying as good health ae usual bat we hope he will soon be ae vigor°°° all ever. Mrs. James Purvis, of Redvere station, Manitoba, ie renewing old friendohipe in thio-towoehip. She ie a daughter of Mr. Cunningham, 7th line. A former Morrieite, in the person of Adam Forbes of Ratingen, Man. is outlook fat for 1905 and we wish Mr. Morrison all concerned 0000eee• Bon°aL REPORT —life following ie the relative standing of the pupils of 13, $. No. 8, Grey, for December 1904 ;—Br. TV —Jimmie MoDunald, Dnneau MoKinnou, Harold Wdbee, Oeoi{ Liodoe Roea y+ Mo$innon, Mary pole. Jr, IV—Laois Abbey, Lizzie Foreyth. Jr. III—Rnseell Wilbee, Hugh Smith, Merton Abbey, Sr, II—Ernest Cardiff, Tom McDonald, Ieaao Olayton, Ju¢eve Taylor, Burnet smith, Gertie Stephenson, Cecil Mo. K,nnon. Jr. II — Oliver Doll, Milton Lowe, Jean Staitb, John Cole. Jr. Pt. I —James 0 iver, Kate McDonald, Fred, Ooie. Average attendance for December IA. N. D. Rose, Teacher. duty to their country no anything he can say. They Hislop wad Bowman better t He talks about kLBlop enough force of character which ie a slur on r•ur ever voter who knows H y resent, bot Lhat ie the way papers are doing these ttrn larger down to the little ono- from the larger, not having OWn, It any Liberal voter shout doubts how he should vote s tion be should read the Mail and the Naive and then there doubt he will vote for Hen. and not only Liberate but all Conservatives should do like, i EnttLtil. Next Sabbath morning Oommanion will be held in the Presbyterian church here, Rev. Mr. Burnett, of Molesworth, will preach at the preparatory service on Saturday morning. Several from tbie locality will attend the Odd Fellowe' At Rome at Brueeele on Thursday evening of this week. Mies Spence and 0, Davies are -asked to eon. tribute to the program. J. K. Brown proprietor of the Ethel cheese taotory, was at Siratford this week attending the Dairymen's Oooven• tion and thereby Making up the latest poi pterin in the abeeee b¢Blne9e. It is reported that Jamse Dobson, of Minto, Manitoba, has sold out hie farm to Jeo. E. Smith and will likely buyelse. where. He was a former Ethelite, being the °!deet son of Lawrence Dobson, of this lace. Rev. D. Mo$aq, brother ID Mre. Geo. Dobson, of Innerkip, formerly of Ethel, tae accepted ted a Dell to the Preeb terian P y o0¢rob at Alton, gCo. t Peel. His intro. f daotnry sermon was the first Sabbath of the New Year. At the meeting of the Township Ooan. g P oil Clerk MaIntoeh was to uppoipttd tot• another year. Me makes u first oleos , flitter. Other oflioers were J. M. Davies and Jam. Livingetone as Auditors ; and Dr. Ferguson as Medical Health Ohioer. Thursday evening of last week a petition! meeting in the lntereete of A. Hislop,Liberal orandidate was . held in the Hall here. The chair was °°caplet by Adam Turnbull. Speeches were given by W. H. Kerr, of Tins PoMT, and Mr. Hielo Although p' gh opposition speak- ere were invited none pat in an appear• Etna,.mitIoS Monday evening of this week a Con• sernative political meeting was held in the Township Hall here which was well at. tended considering the disagreeable even- to Robert Barr was appointed chair. g, PP men and meted out fair 'ay to all, Ad- P dresses •were given by Messrs. as. Bore and $amp, • of LISLowe., and Jae. Bow• man, the oandidate. Thos. MoMillan, of Hallett, spoke in defence of the Liberal Government. }} ff.. ,�' '�` .t Z�.l �.e • _ and Dr, Perdue ; nudiicre, *u Hamilton and James MoMarobie. The nuditore were the zeaipiegts of a hearty vote of thauke .for their service° during the meet peer. At the close of the annual returned have been employed for some months. A Liberal meeting will be held in the Town Hall Friday evening and will be addressed by the Liberal candidate A. 13.1 watt. The annaol meeting of the Morrie Braeole Agricultural 'Society wee held .at the Commercial hotel, Blyth, Wednesday, The attendance of members wee good. Reeve Sloan presided. The finanoial meeting the new board of dlreatore met and re a eluted A. E. Baldwin aeons• pppgp tory end Frank Metcalf treasurer for the present Year. Tuesday and Wednee day, October 1085 and 11th, were selected ae the days for holding this year'e Fall Fair. Hielop. An intereatin debet° in ea e°ted to take place in the Methodist Church Fri day evening between membere of flys Gorrie and Wroxeter Epworth Leagues. Oar bookey team went to Fardwioh on Saturday afternoon and were euooeeetal renewing old friendships iu this Iooality. Ile is a welcome visitor, It is over 20 years einem the family moved to the West, p �'t The (toss Government `gg. ] Will tJlf�'llad .W �.�. are Uoneervativee who like clean fight and not the mad 1 fihting that is put ua by t the present at the present tune. Llie'ol in defeating the team of that place by a • atCIies 4''V roxeteor. James Paulin jr. retnrued from Simcoe feet score of 4-2 The return game will be ou Tneeday evening. Y N 1 /-� and Clocks + Jewelry- Wabk, Thos. Hemphill and Miee Lulu spent Friday {n Walkerton. Mise Tena Rae was the guest of triende in Fordwioh ou Saturday, Haney Armstrong hue sold him imple- meat agency to Robert Doig and Rufus Janklin, of Howiok. .Jatnestovvet. Mr. and Mien Nioholeon, of Port Elgin, were gaeebe at Wm. Mu$elvey'e for the p set. weep, The genial Llaakemith here has hardl time to say his few prayers with horsey. shoeing for the peat week, Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, preached eeevat etteroole. Miee Agues Cowan, of Toronto, is a vin•ter here •time week. The ebe 5*1 maetigg of the eY.0 P. S• 0. E. will be held on Sunday evening at '7 Huh Mao$ay, wife and little bo of g y' Niagara Falls, N. Y., ape° Ohrietmae with elle farmer'° r -in er, The usual service in Knot oh¢rah will be cancelled next Sabbath on account of eommnnion service at Ethel, Mrs. John Ballantyne has returned Lome having spent Ohrietmae with her sone in Bay City, Michigan,which J. W. Calder , who was home from the School of Saienoe for htsholidaye, return ed to Toronto last week. He's a elm 6E admit and ehonld do well , The political meeting announced for Wednesday evening of loot week was not held owing to the severe storm but woe held on Wednesday evening of this week. Mies Silva Seel, who spent Christmas holidays here, has returned to her school in Fordyce. me e h Mimi Seal's thirdpromisee year in the same school and she is doing wall, ,WEborna. — Wedneeday of last week Alfred Hollinbook and Miss Margaret L. - Clark, both of Grey towoehip, joined Land and heart at the masse hare, Rev, D. B. McRae offi themg. Many good wishes a000m.pnny them on their voyage over life's ocean. After a long period of eervioe as muni al Treasurer o1 - Gre townehi Alea. p d p' McNair has tendered his resignation owing to poor health. He was a most aoneoientione and trustworthyofficer sad handled many a aho¢sand dollen, for the ratepayere of the township. We hope his health will become more vigorous, - To the Editor of Tim POST ; DEAR 61x,—Io the Herald replyof,Threday' Jaueery 6th ie an attempted reply to my letter in Tree Pose of the previous week, If your readers examine it they will find that with the exception of the first hie eatruote from mice ore elate reeenta- P tions. f It a an easy matter to make d man of straw and then pound it and sash is the role of the worthy Editor of the Herald in We effort to defend his Party, hie leader ftud caudidaEe. Hie first quotation is when asked if any one ever heard of a Conservative paper urging p°niehment of Consernn• uvea who have done wrong in eleotione, Io hie reply be names no paper bat rites a ease, I miab8 say from ancient history, away in 1857, where a Conservative was peniahad for oonepiraoy in an election in Russell. Does he not know that in those days spy wrong aot in reference to an election came up before the noose in session upd was referred to Gia Uom. On PYlvllegsa and Eh°tione or a special one to hear and determine the cane ? If he examines the reoordo he will find that it wee a Liberal who brought the maze rip, not a Conservative , and 11 woo a good thing tt was referred to fire fat, duetiae Wilson to p80000018 a'ld not have it tried by a partisan committee °f the Howie or he would have bald hie seat as was done in Maga, New Benne wick, ata later date. It in to Liberal• lam that the trial of election petitions have been removed from the House to a QOart of oar Jndgeator trial. You will see be fails' to name any Ooneervabi • w wen defendrrd this motion or denoouoed the ata of his Con eervativ0 teilowo OC a00001atne. Tho Herald did nob need to g° eo tar buck of to rue his own e make hie own arras emante 0 g what can't be said of the otbt as he could not arrange joint be had to do as inetr¢ated b; mittee or some one else, 11i his eleotione has opposes interfering in the elenttone, b run by the voters of Eaet iia Bowman im orte, or his Ba P t him, a third rate lawyer fru to talk as he in paid to do ivh. be replied to, probably xi ,pane ere o[ the mad -line wilt g o the purity fond to the 1902 e uaeeated 3 of their a hue force of character 10 be t all voters .whether in the Nur. of thehie enetiormIhe Ity hitrriding p. y rns willing to defend tbern befor Lot ever voter who Wimts put down whether byLiber° eervntivea come out on the 25 ho* Hisien and be can rest has voted for one who will d- and who wants ole. from parties. The allOpartie6. s do not t baok more than a few yenot t i boa been done by the eflip eleotione, the roftson is they y pone eiaoe 1896 un Das in ilia 11 we can believe robot we he. no change from the we the 6y did when in power in the Del a0 they Will do in Octarto e get tato power. The men wh at the bead of tba party are 9001100 who were before 1899 have not °banged their idese hangers-on are very hungry tr Roee sur plus. It will carte Whitney, Nesbitt and Gnms• Lunde on it uotwithetandme in the Mall last Sunday night and Rev, Mr, West, Blnevale, ie • + For a Choice Stock Of Goods at FAIR orf qq yet rm/WW Y M,i®.if, East +t�t�+� T.f.t �+r,j, tl 't� Fa ners Inst. v to Fanners' of expected neat P Sabbath. Sunday sell°°! is still going on i❑ he usual way.The attendance is not eo large as in Summer, about 60 of an average jn±t now. A Jamestown visitor in the person of P PRICES the Public cannot do better than buymyat store, Meetings of Best Moron Farmers' Institute far the di.oneeion of Agrioultur• el and kindred eubje°ts will be held in BRUSSELS, Friday,FEB, 3 Mise L. E. Straoban, le at present visit• ing her sister, Mre. A. D. MaCosh, of Pine River. Bhe will continue there for a few weeks. We wish her apleasant time while away. Don't forget the Charity Concert here next Monday evening. A good program will be provided. J. H. Cameron, of will A. Specialty of Repairing and all work Guaranteed. Call in' - VVV ■■ �a Ju. -JONES WROXETER, Saturday, FEB. 4 Eaoh day at 130 and 7.30 p.m, A.11 are oorditdly invited to attend these meetings and take en intelligent part in the diecession on the varied aubjeote introduced bythe speakers. p T. MaMILLAN, GEO. HOOD, Preeide¢t. Secretary. el0, will oocn the chair. Pro Py owede of concert will go to the Hospital for hick Children at Toronto, A politioal meeting was held in Victoria Hall last Saturday evening and notwitbeta°ding the stormy evening there Woe a good atlendanoe. The chair wee ootapied by Jno. R. Miller who called a on W. H. Kerr and A. Histo to pP address the electors. There was no - t�'•�• !� !� ��T• Tremendous Bargains at Ross W Dodds W al fon• Miee HaTTt°, °f . ,co Wroxeter, le a guest at R. H. Fergvmon a this week. Anonal meetiug of Daft's , ohnroh aougregatio'l,'rhnxeday evening of thio week. - Miee Flora Campbell Lae retnrued to Seaforth atter spending a few weeks at home. Next Sunday the regular public afternoon service in St. George's ohnroh will be cancelled. A politioal meeting in the intereste of A, Hislop will be bald here on Saturday ravening of this week. Next Sabbath morning Rev. A. Mace Nab, M. A., will preach on "Some of the attributes of God, " in, Duff's church. The Epworth League of .Christian Endeavor in the Methodist ohnroh here a now in working order and will hold weekly meetings on Tharedaye at 7 80 m', The Miaaionary eervioe. which wee Eo have been held iu the Methodist church last Bngdwy, was postponed on moonlit of ,be rough weather, until next Sabbath afternoon. F. 0. Neal, M, B., left . on Mondey evening for Winnipeg, Man. where if proopeote ere favorable, he may establish - a practice in Medieine, Dr. Neal is deserving of emcees and hie many friends lyre wish him Godspeed. The Young People's Circle of the, Methodist nharoh will hold their 'regular • fortnight meeting et the residence of Simeon Barrows next Tneeday evening. A good , program to being . provided. These meetings have been attended with greet 00000e8 so far and fill a long felt want among our young people. . Hlrtinttaen.—One of our meet popular young men entered the ranks of the benediote on Wedneeday when Father Corcoran solemnized the marriage of John A. MoDoeeld and Mlee Lizzie Devereux at Bt, James' °hutch, Sealmrth, They will reside in Walton, where the groom will oontinne hie lumber business. The many friends of both cootraoting patinae wieb them all bappinese and proe. parity, Risen atotarere—Wedneeday evening 41b inst., a very pretty wedding wee solemn ized at the beautiful home of George and Mre. Clark, when their youngest and most eotimabie daughter Mise Aggie was Wedded 40 John R. Williamson, a well known end highly esteemed young farmer of Grey township. A.large num ber of relatives end friends aeeembled from Wingham, Brneeels, Trowbridge, Drayton and other places to wattage the marriage ceremony which was performed g y P by Rev. A, MaNab, M. A., of whose °hu t h the bride was an salaamed mem. ben. Prooinely at four o'olook • the wed• ding maroh was played by Mee. Hugh J. Ramsey, tinter of the groom, while the yodug couple took their places at the altar unattended, The bride leaning on the arm of her father, looked charming and was prettily and teetotally arrayed in a'oo0tome of white lustre. The ceremony and congratulation° over, the company repaired to the basement, Whieb wag beautifully decorated Por the occasion With evergreens and arti$oial floweret, and in the midst of Which wee epread a table gotten up by the hostas and provided far more than wag neeeseary to supply the wants o1 the inner man. 58 an ripper room wee a table so laden that it refused to held the array of 566101, handsome and costly precente, which testified the high estoem in which the young (temple are held bgithoirlarg,oiroleotfriend6. A enjoyable evening - wee spent In Variotte amtleement0, When. all ' tb• s 'rip eye, U Y�� - - r tee-• Miee Ida SLnrpe hne retnrnod Lome from a visit with relatives ab Godericb. fora °age where a 0onservative hue done wrong and been punished or even where a 000eervative Goverumegt bee also Mine the same end been - guilty of man's or 1?Ir, Nevill's etatsm contrary, A Wm. Height, teacher, of Belleville, was a vieitor under the parental root during the past week. Road° have been heavy owing to the drifting snow. The advantage of wire fencing ie more apparent every Winter, The townehip Council ie matting for applicatione for the offices of Treasurer , and Aeaeeeor t0 be received rip to neat Council meeting. Weare sorry to hear that Mre. Jamse Knight, JOEL con., ban been on the sick liet bat we hope she will soon be much improved. John Bhiele and wife, of North Dakota, are visiting retativae and friends here. It is about 20 years eine° Mr. Shiele left for the West and Ehie ie his firat trip bank. The new steel Campbell bridge was paid - for et the lost meeting of the Connell, the amount being $669. This sum wee not intended in taut year's tax. rate as the bridge broke down after rate was struck. • -• Mies Belle Pearson, .who went to Banff sometime ago to live with. her brother Robert, who has charge of the oboroh in that plane, has been engaged to teenh the village echsol for the year 1906 at a salary of $720. She receives en additional 825 for keeping the school records, making in ell 6746 for her oerviaee. We congratulate her on her well deserved promotion and wieb her e000ses. WEDDCNO BELL°.—On Wedneeday even• ing, Jan. 4th, at the Bt. Andrew's Manse Winnipeg, by Rev. A. MacMillan, two popular people o[ Carberry, Man., were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, they being Mien Agnes, youngest doughter of Wm. Buchanan, of Hensall, and Jamon S. eon of Hugh McDonald, form. erly of Grey. The happy couple will their future home in corruption In elections bat ins has yet to mention where one Liberal Goveruree°t or a member of one has been proven guilty of corruption . or even accused with any chances of proof. Wby ehonld IIislop vote to 0000000 the Rose Government until they have been proven guilty ? Whitney or the Opposition prase saying eo dose not prove anything. Ib is a reoognized fact that they oan't put their finger on one cent oorrnptly agent by the Liberal Government when challenged to do so on the floor of the House and that is Use plaoe.bo make such charges and prove them. I will now say Dome on Mr. Herald and give ue one inetanee during your own lifetime, There have been plenty proven and a chance given to some one honest Opposition paper to denounce: corruption by their own party, For instance the Pacific) scandal; the Don- 'lolly & McGreevy scandal ; the Caron inquiry ; the Brawling brood of bribers et Toronto ; the Curran bridge •scandal, the Rykert timber steal ; the bribery by Wm. Smith in South Ontario ; the etuffing of ballot boxes - iu South Grey and Nortb Ontario -and. in the eleotione of 1896 ae proven in court by your organizer Freeborn, formerly of North Bros ; the unseating of the Conservative candidates iu South Perth end West Elgin on account of personation ; i1, ballot box etnffing 10 munioipal elections in Ooneervative Toronto in the eleotione of 1904, where the officer° holding the election ore all Conservative ; the creation of a fund by several leading COf10°r9atl98B in Toronto to carry the last lace! election in 1902 by sending part of each fund oat to help in outlying constituentiee, in which three of the Conservatives elected are unseated ; the unseating of more Conservatives in the alibi than Liberals. East Huron A�1. S -- The annaal meeting of E Agricaltnrnl Society wail h Ooinoil Chamber, Bru°eelo, r day afternoon. Chair Woe t. veteran President, Jae, Feral the minutes and Auditors' I adopted the Board of 1906 moaaly re elected and coneiott President, Jae. Ferguson ; 1st Vice, Noble Milne ; tad Vine, Geo• Thomson. Direotore :—R. Corley, jai Thos. Archibald, Oiive6 Alex, Stewart, Thos. I Geo. Johnston, W, Eletor Woo{hoott. - Aadttore:—F. B.. Scott - Straoban. W. M. Kerr, Seoretary-Tr The total reoeipte for the p'need at $965 77 and the ex 5882.77,!envie g a balance o hand. On' motion of W. H. Moth R. Corley the offer of $300 Branch Agl. Society to hold Fall Fair at Braude was ao the exhibition will tape place day and Friday, 001. 5 end 6, dates. Directors will meet next arrange prcliminwriee for Ful The Secretary reported on where prizes were claimed by 00t allowed by the judges, wee taken bythe meeting _ 6• EAST HURON�NOM/l A, J100*Gr" AND .JAS. 01001'08, MELD, . S Ay�� t� y� mazing Program • We want every man, woman and Boys' Clothing to know that we ing that were .ever offered in Brussels. for the least money. We have just policy is to give our Bargains in Season—so goods—at prices regardless of cost—to odd sizes—small lots—odd numbers—at say is true. - THIS �. Iw N c �o-r WILL Vera7 S a List of Bargains. t•.. :m- —• mr2 n for Next 2 Weeks r and child to read this ad. We want every buyer of Men a are offering during this SALE the biggest bargains in Cloth. It is essential to know where you can get the best values finished our annual stock-taking—and, ae lleisal 011r old rp, have marked down our remaining stock of Winter clear them—when they must be genuine bargains. All prices positively ridieulotts —Call and see that what we r Pic SALIM OF - I N AND FURNISHINGS CONTINUE FOR TWO WEEKS. which go on Sale at Once Men's Fine Dress Ovsrooata in sizes from 36 to 44, made from fine 'black heaver cloth, dark grey abeviote and fancy tweed°, beautifully lined• with bleak farmen'e satin: This - is the beet $12 00 cont we sell, sale price $ 8 60 Men's grey and blank all wool frieze and beaver cloth Overcoats, muds in the new long full style, first class ruing, our beat 510 Overcoat and leader at that sale rine 6 50 P2 Y lithe' Overcoat' made from fine dark grey wool frieze with velvet eoll«r, oleo with large storm °oilers, eizee 33 to 85, regular 57 60 to 510 00 Coats, all at one price. 5 75 Men's $i20 Blue Serge Suits for $16 60 Daring this Bale We will MAKE TO ORDER any of our best $18 to 520 Navy Bine Berge Baits, with first elate linings for - 16 50 We are offering liberal reduotious on all made•to- order Overooate. We have a first class stool of black and navy beavers, cheviots, Melton,, fancy tweeds etc. beav a from io almost ne my aty P you wish to pay, Boys'Knickers at 49e. 50 unite Bette' $uialenra metre with doableaeate and knees, regular prise 75e, Sale Priem - 49e r ,Men's �� 00 Caps for TQC, 8 doz. Men's Winter Caps in all the new and staple shaper, made from beaver ()loth' alio tWeode, to clear the lot at ' - - - 50o Men's and Ladies' Beaver and Block Astrachan Far Cape, our beet $3 50 and $8 76 qualities, one prise 2 50 2 doz. pair Men'e Genuine Bunk and Mocha Mitts and Gloves in all sizes, our beet 61 50 and $2 00 Gloves during this soh only for 1 00 t One only to Boys' 36e Caps 'for 10c.9aoh bey, doz. only.Boyn' Winter Cape with peak end pull down band, in sizes 6j; to 7, the beet 25e and 85o Cape we have, all One pride - lila A. Discount of 20 per cent. on all. our Boys' Clo thing Boys' Overooate made from dark all wool frieze, ' velvet and storm noltare, best 55 Coate for 3 50 BOYS' REEFERS Small Sizes 51 95 Medium $2 60 Large 52.75 50 Mone Suite made from newest Oanedien tweeds and Berges, in sizes 86 to 44. Your °bolos dur. itig this Bele of any of the above 510 auite for6 95 100 pair Men's extra heavy rib all wool Sox, home- Made and taotory knit, our beet 85e and 40o sox for • 260 3 dozen Black Way Mufflers 86o & 40e for 260 20 dozen Men's flue fleece wool Sbirte and Drawers, in sizes from 82 to 42. The beet 75oUnderwear we have for 41)a make Carberry, surrounded by the beet wiahee 0E a large circle of friends. Oharlee Cleaver entertained his Sunday School °lase Tuesday evening of last week. The time was spent in garnet readings and Bongs. At 12 o'clock the boyo hunted up their pretty girla and all eat down to a sumptuous supper re prat by Mre. Cleaver. Before cin P Pgoing home the young people presented Mr. Cleaver with a handsome album, Mr, Cleaver, although taken by ourprise made e suitable reply. The children all went home well pleased with their evening's fon, Mr, and Mre, Cleaver made et fine beat and hoeteee. t Oman MenTlnrt.—The annual meet. ing of Silver Corriere oheeec feetory was held on Satnrday last when the annual report wee preeaated, J. H, Thomson wee elected Secretary at a salary of 530 ; Hugh Richmond, Treaehrer and Settee. mate, with a salary 81$00 ; J. Bpsrain, kit. Ooilis and 1), MoQdarrie Were named ae Managing Committee, A. A. Morrison gets 95a per cwt. for Making and the whey will go back as usual. Total re- Delved for oheeme for eea0on Was 518,077,08 ; eta cheese $297,02. Total Ibe of cheese Made 161,008. A Balance of 587 88 Was reported in the bank. Petrone rnDeived $'11090,66; Mt. Morriaoffor making,$1581.18; hauling cheese 542,75; bearing Whey 58,50. general election Aleo explain how it was that in 82 ridings in the election of 1896 held by Conservative adders there were 4190 rejected ballots and in the same 82 ridings in the 1900 eleootinou held and Liberal officers there was only 9 d in the 1902 Local election still less a difference of about tear in each polling lase or about 100 to an average titin P g g• We were told by Freeborn, the Con. servetive organizer, in scurf 13 OW it was done mud that the inetr¢otione cattle from the bend o0e in Toronto. The Httald cannot name a }paper, for theta never wee one, bur yet oan he tell of a Oeneervabive government that ever in• careered the officers of the courts to proeeeot) any one guilty of corruption during tall their oarnival of corruption in the election of the eighties and nineties while since 1898 there here been 68 portions prosecuted for corruption under inetrnatione from the Liberal Government in Ontario irrespective of their politioe, something naw in the annals of our °ammts. Bon. G. W. Rose ie the men Who is doing this work, not any Conservative, and he will Creep on at the good work notwitbatanding the false statements of the Opposition press, the Herald ineiuded, Mt. Whitney brought in an amend. meet providing pmttobmont of oorrept actions in eleotione but the Bill presented. — — Wednesday of this week sew largest audienoee that eve bled in the Towu Hall, Brut Nomination. Returning Ofilo, end Eleotion Clerk Sinclair w, ly on hand at 12 o'°loop d t Statutory hour Archibald Grey townebip, M. P P. Per 1 years, wee nominated by W. of Braefele, end seconded Evans, of McKillop, and Jerrie of Morris township, moved by an, of Fordwiob, and M. 111, 9 Morrie. The officitle nnnoancemento + pertaining to the election, to next Wedneeday, after whioh t of speech making was arras Jno. Le°ltie, of Brueeole, in Addressee were given by f Barrister Neville, of Toren tc Milian, of Hallett, and - Jae. Mr. 13t010p aloeed the moetft 15 minute reply. On tbo whole the etudienc orderly one altbangh it was for menet to get a dietetic) to f down. Fuller report of pro( oroWdmd out °Wing to reap of menta, The Libevah meant on the Mr. Iifeiep by a tidy majorit Liberia! supporter dopa hie Wedne°day, ta'Settlement of all accounts due the firm is asked for itt once, Fins Sale is for Cash only r Dopps Brussels The Leading Clothiers, - •Very •_ whioh become sver0 tut the I am cast- e of Morrie s saying. I sfore he over w 10 d0 ill+lr twithe lariniug knots bath hen be dues, not heating to do right member that 161, p ehonld Uonearvative sa from the s who copy ideas of their d have any .t Ole elec. and Empire will be no G. W. Roes fair minded vine as there a hair and trig aryls 01 hoes papers p has force) taction. and ted that ie ✓ oandidate moetiuge ae V hie °om- elop in all t. oateidere e waste it on but Mr. teriors gent rm T'oronto ere he can't nt by the one trolled lection and en. Hielop he same to h or South ar,d pr1001. and he 1s a any one. corruption le or Con - h and vote a.eured he ° what he to eleotione need to go see what ere holding have had nitoba and nr there to y formerly .minion and hon d they o are now the same and they and their get at the duly go if y get their Mr. Bow• ant to the au re, LIereeo. ciety. ash Huron aid in the O Wednee- keo by the ]60n. After eeporte were as nnani• of : Sheddeo, Turnbull, leLanobliv,. and Jho. and Alex. enearer. year were penditore nt f 583 00 on raoken end from Grey the Riding not • and ou Thurs. the initial June to r. two oases xbibitors No action ATION. IN IN Tun one of the ✓ °,atm• asl.k, at a tr Btrnohoo pre prompt, raring the Hielop, of he pant 6 II. Kerr, by Janina s Bowman, A. Bother. ardt.fl, of vera made be he'd ptogrnt in "ed wi et the 3bjre, 141011m , T. 11ia• Bowman. g with a O was an imposeibte Pet sittio leodingo le ad*ertiee- return of y if each duty nest