HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-1-5, Page 8Good Drug Store To have the very beat and moat up-to-date Drug Store going is what we try to have. There are many who know our place of business as a good Drug Store and buy everything they need right from us. To those we take this opportunity of saying that we appreciate their patron- age very much. To those who do not know us at all, we extend a cordial invitation to give us a gall, and want to make it worth your while to come here all the time. If right prices, good service, large stook, carefulness and courtesy count for anything we think at least a share of your trade is ours. Our best recommend -a satisfied customer, 11'1,+'1,1'1A04,NMI..111'11A1:1210106 DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAN TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Traina Leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows GOING SOUTH GOING Ronne. Man 7:10 a.m 1 Mixed 9:00 a,m a.mM&.1 ....... 025 p.m Express 5:08p.m I Express ....,. 8:55 p.m Total ; .eh7S acme. A ohiel's among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll print 1905. JANUARY. RRNEIw for 1906. Bitumen market leads. THE Pon gives the news. Howee Fair Thursday of this week. Munxoio r. Ooumoils will meet next Monday. nee local Treasurer of the Sanitarium aoknowledgee the receipt of $2.00 from Mre. Wm, Armstrong, 9:0 con., Grey. THE skating rink has been liberally patronized during the past weak. Elea. trio lights have bean arranged to dispel the darkness. Swoon re-opeued on Tuesday and the pupils will now square away for a big term's work. No change iu the teaching staff of Brussels public eoboo:. D. 0. Ross bee parebaaed the Garfield House block from 1 . 0. Struthers, Lon• don, for the cum of 94000. The two stores coat over $7000 to build them. A. 0. U. W. installation of offioere on Friday evening of this week. The mem- ben are asked to attend and the new office bearers urged to be in their places. Tilos NEWBOOIE has a staff of men at work in the bush of Richard Bewley, Morris, o0tting enwloge, wood, eta. He bought several agree of timber from Mr. Bewley. K. 0. T. M. -A 'Taoial meeting of Brussels Tent of Maccabees will be held next Monday evening for eleotion of officers, &o. All the members are asked to be present. W. Garepuz, Com. Mees GRIFFIN, of Wingham, will be in Brunie on Monday of next week iaetead of Tuesday in connection with her vocal class on a0000nt of the Scottish Concert in Wingbam on the evening of the latter day. OHERSE FAOTORY -Saturday afternoon of this weak the annual meeting of Broe. eels oheese factory will be held in the Town Hall when the business of 1904 will be reviewed and the outlook for 1905 dinnseed. WEDNESDAY of nest week the annual meeting of Grey Branch Agriooltnral Society will be held in the O0000il Chamber, Brussels. Reoeiving the anonal report, eleotiag admire fur 1905 and other baeineae will be before the meeting. Sermon REP RTC, - The Secretary - Treasurer of the various Pablio Schools are asked to forward their annual school reports to the Public School Inspector at as early a day se possible. Each report should inolude the names and addreeeee of the Seoretary.Treaeurer and teacher for 1905. GODERIOH Star this week refers to e. brother of T. A. Hawkins, Bruseels,- It is with pleasure The Star welaomee to our bneinese oirole J. B. Hawkins, wbo has purchased the Geo, L. Allan hard- ware stook. Mr. Hawkins is a native of Parter i A b t and is well and favorably Y known to many Stat readers. If energy, posh and good judgment count for muoh Mr. Hawkins ehoald make the business a stamen. The stook will be moved to the late Rougvie stare, and in a few days Mr. Hawkins will have a new and up.to•date stook. OHoxon Pacaseu. - Friday evening of et week the anniversary Tea meeting of the Methodist (Much was held and the finaeoial proceeds were 970.00. After a good nipper had bean served in the sohool room an adjournment was made to the auditorium for the mashie) and literary program. To say it wee good does not convey very muoh idea of its excellency, The pastor, Rev. T, W. Oosena, presided. Short, pithy addresses were given by Rev, A. E. Jones, of Bel grave ; Rev. A. K. Birke, L. L. B., of Seafortb ; and Rev, John Rohe, B, A,, of Melville ohoroh, Brussels. Miee Ada L. Beattie, of Seaforth, rendered two matt. atione in a very pleasing manner, They were entitled "A modern Elijah," and "Selling the Farm," and she will be heartily welcomed batik on any future oetuni0n. The musical part of the pro. gram woe par excellence. In solos there were "Day by Day," by Walter Piokerd ; "My dream of the Golden Shore" by Mre, W, H. Willis ; "Life's Lullaby," Dr. Prod. Gilpin, of Michigan City, Indianne; "For sale, a baby," W. H. Willie ; 'Heim ns 0 I Father," Mre. Gilpin ; and "Rory Devlin'," Walter G. Willie. The Male Quartette, ooneieting of Walter Pfokard, W. H. Willis, Waiter G. Willie and W. D. Bright, of Seaforth, with Miss Rath. well ne accompanist,' a poet she filled most competently, rendered their part not Only creditably bot to the delight of everybody. Their intuitions' were vary highly ttppreeiatrd no were all the numbers on the program. THE returning officers for the Provio. alai eleotion in this county are : West Huron, Sheriff Reynolds ; South Huron, Registrar Ovate ; Eaet Huron, Thos. Strachan, of Grey Township. A Constance correspondent says :- "Miss Rate Jamieson left the first of last week for Winnipeg, where on her arrival she will be married to John Pepper, s0 old Huron boy. Mr. Pepper to manager of the Palade hotel at Deloraine, where thea young eompie will take ap their residence. Their many friends here extend oongratalatione." Mr. Pepper, or more commonly known as "Jack" ie a no of Thoe, and Mrs. Pepper, of Brne• eels. EARN SoLD. The 100 sore farm, lot 9, coo, 9, Grey, owned by W. H. Herr, of Too Pon, has beeu sold to Chas. Bezel', a well known Greyite, for the cam of $5,800, he to get possession next month. There are two brisk houses, good bank barn, big orchard &o, on the premises which is only 10 minutes walk from the main street of Brunets, All but 8 aorea of the pleoe is in grass. Mr. Rozell le a good, thrifty going farmer and will do well on bin purchase we have no doubt. Geoge Beet, drover, has been the tenant of the farm for the past 2 years and had it for another 12 menthe but agreed to a oaoaallation of the lease. Mr, Herr still owns 90 nares on the let 000„ of Grey. MATRIpIONIAL,-Wedceeday of last week, at 615 p. m., David Ritohie and Mies 'Hattie Vinoent, both of Teeewater, were joined in marriage. Rev. John Jackson, of Strathroy, uncle to the bride, was the officiating minieter. The Wedding March was played by Mre. Alex. Ritchie, of Wingbam. Mica Maggie MoOulioogh, of Teeewater, was the bridesmaid and Mr. Milne, of Montreal, supported the groom. The bride, wbo is a daughter of the late John Vinoent, formerly of Bruit. eele, looked splendid in a 'Costume of white silk and carried white ehryean• themume. There were 60 guests. The bride was given away by her brother, J. J., merchant, of Bothwell. Congratula- tions over a delightful wedding feast was spread and a most enjoyable time was epent. The wedding gifts beepoke the bride's popularity. Mr. and Mre. Ritohie left for a short wedding trip to Detroit, Bothwell and other poiute, after which they will continue to make their home in Teeewater. Arany good wishes attend them for a pleasant and prosper- ous voyage over life's ocean. HEAR Roy. Mn. RALEY :-The Epworth Leaguers of Wingham Dietriot, wbo have been organized for some seven or eight years for the support of Rev. G. H. Raley, of Kitemast, B. O., are goon to have the pleasure of meeting him and hearing from him of the work he ie doing among the Indiana of Britieh Columbia, Rev. Raley 0 at present home on furlough and from Jan. 5th to 17th will. speak at rallies of the Leaguers throughout the District. It ie expected that large and °nth:Miaetio mase-meetinge of the Leag. Here from the different oirouits will he held atthe following pointe on the dates mentioned :-Thureday, Jan, 5 -Brae - eels ; Friday, Jan. 6-Gorrie ; Sunday, Jan. 8 -Wroxeter ; Monday, Jao. 9- W iogham ; Tuesday, Jan. 10-Teeewater ; Wednesday, Jan. 11-Looknow ; Thum day, Jan, 12-Haokett'e, Friday, Jan, 18 -Purple Grove ; Sunday, Jan, 15-11 a. m, Olark'e, 7 p. m., K:neardine ; Mon- day, Jan, 16-Fordwioh: Tuesday, Jan, 17 - Ethel. These meetings will alea be addressed by the Preei- dent and Missionary Vice-Preei. dent of the Dietriot. Everyone wbo can should make it a point to attend one or more of these rallies and hear of the efforts that are being put forth to make the original inhabitants of this 0onttuent good Canadian citizens. ENTERED INTO Rami, -After an extend• ed tllneee Mre, Chas. Ritohie passed away last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'olook, aged 48 years, 1 month and 14 daye. She was the only daughter of the late Alex, Stewart and was born in Har. purbey, moving to Grey when a child. 28 years ago 00 the 10th of January she was united in marriage to her now bereft husband and they resided on his farm in the same neighborhood until 2 years ago when they sold to W. H. Maunders, their son-in•law and moved to Brussels. Mre, Ritchie's health had not been vigor. oue for the peat 5 years and at ivarloue stages ebe had been veryill but with heroic fortitude she battled for life and no doubt prolonged her years by her energy. Despite all that Could be done, however, ebe continued to deatine and the end came as above stated, heart failure and dropsy being the cause, She le survived by ber husband and 2 deagh- tere, (Mre. W. H. Maunders, df Morrie, and Mre. W. Gillespie, of Ripley,) and one eon, (John, of Seaforth) One brother, D. D. Stewart, of Wyoming, Min., le living out of their family. The funeral took plain ort Taeedny afternoon, Rev. T. Wesley Omens, nominating the nerving in the absentia from town of Rev. J. Rose, B. A, Pallbearers were F, S. and P. Soott, R• Hendareon, S. Wilton, Jae. McDonald and Wm. Sboldioe, Inter. Ment was made at Brunetti cemetery. Among friends from a dtetanoe ware Jno. M, Ritchie, of Deokerville, Mioh., broth. er•in•law to deceased ; Mrs. A. Stewart, ot Harpnthey, a sister in law; W. and Mrs, Gillespie, of Stafortb; I7, 0. Campbell and eon, of Bruoeflatd. Mre, Ritohie was a loving wife, en Standard Bank of Gonadal' E msw.A..ew...mwssrzz, 1B7a SURPL'08, 01I RESERVE FUND a 1,000.000 TOTAL A88ET6 0.7208 10,000,000 A, Genea-ta1 I3a1011.1:ag litusinens Tran8traeteci "''''`'SAVINGS BAIVKY'- - DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reeelved on whish INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANE RATE. AOORUED INTEREST ie added to an:Junta every six months and beoomee principal, - MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw Deposits without the intervention of auy person. • LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no charge is moue. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oaretul and courteous attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. affeolionate mother and one of the beet of neighbor°. She wee a faithful member of the Presbyterian ohoroh and ber de mice is very much regretted by a large oirole of friends who sympathise very sincerely with Mr, Bitehie and the mem bare of the family. Business Locals. Uon==E pope for sale from good working stook. J. D. MaNAIa, Lot 22, 004. 19, Grey. FOUNTAIN pen loot in Bruseele. A re- ward will be paid for its recovery, on leaving at THE Pcex. EDIT Orpingtone from prize winning stook for sale. Call next week. Jao. Wnccux, Mill street, Bruseele, LoeT.-A leather tug of double harneee, between Braesels and 3rd line of Grey. Finder will please leave same at Tug PoeT. To ANYONE USING SAwe.-If you 8010088 to favor me with your trade you can depeod on first olaee trade at fa•r and moderate prime as I have %dee.t the latest improved saw gnmmer to my new onlfit and will give the beet work that money flan buy. T. MCGREGOR, Mitt St., Brunie, Out. Huron County Council. Following are the results of the 00. Ooanoil for thie year Div. No. 1 -Messrs. MoLean and Mo - Kenzie. No, 2-Meeere, Cantelon and Fer*ie, No. 3-Meeere. Lamont and MaN,.agh• ton. No, 4 - Messrs. Speakman and Gardiner. No. 5-Mesere, Grieve and Morrison, No. 6-Meeere. Iebieter and Bryn re. No. 7-Meeere. Currie and MoQnilian. No. 8-Mesere, Miller and Doig, There are only 6 of last term's Co. Counoillore in thin year and in several divisions the ohangee were very roiliest. In all probability 0o. Councillor Miller, of Wroxeter, will be the Warden fur 1905. PERSONAL PAi5AGRAPHS. James Bloomfield ie here from Toronto. Inc. Beattie, of Oheeley, was in town last Monday. Miee L. Sanderson was a visitor at Jno, Cunningham's, Brunets. Mre. Jao. Currie, Mill street, has been bothered with neuralgia in her aide, Mr. and Mre. Palmer, of Parry Sand, were vieihote with Mre. George Shiele, Brneeele. Mies Lizzie Boneton, of Fordwinh, ie the guest of her cousin, Mine Loretta Baneton. Miee May Skene was home from the Toronto Bneiaeee College for the (Theist. mae vacation. Percy and Nellie Moir, of Exeter were visitors at Jas. MoArther'e during, the poet week. Misses Mary and Edith MoLan,hlin ware among Toronto visitors in town daring the holiday. Mre. Eddy end Mre, McDowell were visitors with their parents, Jno. at,d Mre. Currie, during the past week. John E. Lookridge, of Wingham, spent New Years with hie anal,' and aunt, William and Mre. Lookridge. Alex, and Mre, Bird and batty, of Wingbam, were visiting the former's slater, Mre. James Cooper, thio week. Jno. B. MoLauohlin, who has been in the Weet all Sommer, arrived home thie week and will likely remain here until Spring. R. D. Cameron and Miee Agnes, of Lnoknow, were vieitore with J. H. and Mre. 0ameroo, Elizabeth street, for a oonple of days. Jamie and Mre. Cooper, MieIAS Violet and Eva and Master John, of Bt noels, and Herb. Marshall, of Luoknow, spent New Teen with Mr. Marshall, of Sea - forth. W. M. and Mre. Sinclair, Miee Nora Holmes, A. Sample, E. G. Eggleston, Dr. Vend, J. Montgomery and W. Griffith, of town, were among these wbo attended the New Year's Bail et Listowel, George Baahanan will attend See forth Oollegiate for a while preparntoty to going to the Umivereity at Toronto, Miee Florence hae not taken a school either although the wan urged to continue in the position she 000npied last year. Jno. sod Mre. Londeeboro', of Winni. peg, Manitoba, are vieitore with R. and Kn. Leatherdale, of Brneeele, and other Mende, They will epend a few months in Ontario before retaining to the Western metropolis where they have done well, The Stratford Beacon of a regent issue nye of a former Brueaelite :-The retire- ment of Ald. D. M. Ferguson is to he re. gritted. He ie a capable business mac, a pablio epirited oitiz• e, and a repw,eent. ative with ideae gathered by exleneive travel and a keen obeervaeion, Although The Bannon hae not been able to agree with him in some details of man -opal work, it hae always recognized his ability and worth, His withdrawal will be a diettnot toes to the council and the dity. What Stratford needs is more aldermen ot Mr. Ferguson's oalihre, not fewer. Frank Lambie, V, B., who MO been visiting in this locality for the past 2 or 8 weeks. left Iaat Monday fo• his home in Mid'and, Mich. He ie •loing well and in addition to bit praatioe hae purobaeed 40 aorea of land upon which he is to run a hennery. Doo. nye he is going to visit Auld Bootie next Bummer but whether to see relatives or close a contract with some Highland lassie we are not able to state et pres- oak. In elocution and drama Dr. Lambie is muoh interested and aloug with others hoe been presenting Shake. epeeriau playa. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. GREY. Div. No. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 Brown 24 48 16 55 85 60 71-854 Fraeer 64 44 16 44 82 89 50-888 Frain 81 21 12 21 41,57 12-245 Grant 36 71 48 81 29 16 66-297 Johnston,24 15 86 62 34 1 62-262 MoOal I 31 15 12 23 52 17 18-168 Turnbull25 48 22 24 51 15 40-226 Council for 1905 -Reeve, Livingstone ; Ooaaoillore, Fraser, Brown, Grant and Johnston, RY-LAW No. 280. Div, No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For 49 44 35 87 78 39 47-829 Agaiuet 48 40 58 57 41 45 41-325 Majority for the By law, 4. MORRIS. Oounoillore- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bewley 16 69 8 40 13 28-169 Campbell 16 17 85 82 62 53-215 Belly 6064 87 45 27 85-268 MoOutobeou,,85 83 50 46 35 61-260 Shaw 53 28 51 42 32 72-278 Taylor 58 41 71 51 33 4e-298 Turvey 811 . 29 9 "- Reeve, Tboe. Code ; Oouaoil, G. Taylor, A. Shaw, G. Kelly and W. H. MOOnt- aheon, HULLET•r. Reeve- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 McMillan .. 84 82 82 66 80 48 50-387 Patterson .. 44 66 44 65 40 40 49-848 Oounoillore- Barr 12 32 87 66 29 48 41-255 Hill 87 67 21 91 35 60 72-385 Mi11e 62 81. 21 44 36 25 81-300 Moon 74 83 21 80 39 46 65-408 MoOoo1 85 37 66 48 55 88 19-288 McGregor 65 74 5 40 14 18 22-288 McMichael ,88 49 54 83 23 10 20-277 Reeve, Th: e. McMillen ; Uonnail, Wm, Moon, Yagh H. IIit1,a,Wne. 1, Mille aid Samuel MoOool. Local Option- For 72 70 17 60 35 98 65-357 Against 47 57 60 66 35 50 34-349 Majority for the By law, 8. l'fli lfl'it (11191EEN, J. Hartley, of Wroxeter, took charge of the eervioee in St. John's ohurch here Dot Sunday. Rev. J. H. Relay, Missionary at Ritameat, B, 0., will deliver an address in the Methodist church, Brnesele,Thurs- day evening of this week, et 7 30 o'olook. Rev. Mr. Cameron, of North Morn• ington, oocapied the pulpit of .Melville ahnrah last Sabbath. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God" was the text at the morning service and in the evening it was "Come and dine." Lest Sabbath Rev. P. Caber, of Berlin, preached two :ogioal and thoughtful sermons in the Methodiet oburoh here. His morning text wee Hebrews 4:14 16 and in the evening "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve," Joshua 24 and 15. Both disaoorese were profitable to the large congregations and Mr. Caber will be welcomed bank on some other 000001on. De, Fred. Gilpin, of Michigan City, Ind., Bang "The Shepherd King" at the morn. lug eervioe and in the evening he and Mre. Gilpin assisted the choir, the latter einging "Sun of my soul" and with her husband rendered a very fine duet entitled "Rook of Agee." Rev. Mr. ()ober addressed the Sabbath sellout in the afternoon. MAITLAND PRESBYTERY. -The Presby- tery of Maitland met in Wingham on Tuesday Deo. 20th, with the Rev. D. Perrie, 11•foderetor, in the ohair, Rev, J. J. Hestia, was appointed Moderator for the eneuing calendar year. Upon, oon- gregatione favorable to the oreabing of a fund for the payment of the travelling expeneee of commissioners to the General Assembly it was agreed that an 888089• menteboald be made for this purpose, and that the rate of eeeeeameat for the ensuing year be left in the bands of the Finance Committee. The Treasuter'e Report showed a substantial hafnium to the credit of the Presbytery and Synod Funds. An additional enm of 926.00 was voted to the Clerk for extra nerving rendered during the year 1904. Rev. J. MoDongell, M. A. of Spenoervlile, was nominated for the chair of Apologetioe and Church litetory ; the Rev. Donald MoRenzie, for the chair el Old Testament Literatnro and Esegeele; and the Rev, Dr. Robert Johnston for the chair of Praetioel Theology in Montreal College. Mr. Rutherford at his own request was relieved from the oonvenerebip of Sab- bath Scboule, and the Rev, T. H. Farrell was appointed in hie stead. Meea3e. Rose and MacNab were appointed e 'committee to prepare a Resolution expressive of the Presbytery's sympathy with the family of the I0,10 Principal Canon in the great lose they have Buffered in hie removal by the band of death. It watt deoidod that minions he inetruoted to revise their Communion Rollo down to the Hot Deoemher each year, and that they annually eubmit a certified copy Of the Same to the Presbytery at i'te Marob Meeting. Dr, 3, L. Murray, of Einem,. METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITA L-Pitid tip $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - 91,000,000 Directors 108V, R, H. WARDEN, D. D„ 8, 1, 11100R6, President, Wm -President, THOS, nnAD0HAW, 1' I.A, HIS HONOR MR, W. AIORTr0IER OLABE, EX, n. E. TIMMS, S, E. 0, HEAD OFF/OE - TORONTO W, 0, 11088 - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Sal PING'S' AMC REAINTOLEAfr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed 00pell sumo of $1 and upwards �J6V raiSS 8ef.�tid �9VarVNfi k A. E. MELLISH, Manager. dine, was nominated ae Moderator of .the General Assembly. The next regular meeting of. the Presbytery, will take place in Wingham oo Tuesday Marob 7th at 10 a. m. The vacancies within the bounds have all been it led. Molesworth by the indnotion of Rev. John Bennet, B. A„ on the llth October ; Looknow, by the induotiou at Rev, D. T. Me- KNrroll, B. A. on the 13th of October ; and Belmore and Molntaeh, by the in. dnotion of Rev. Johu'Radfordon on Deo. 140. A, MAONAB, Presbytery Clerk Walton, Ont. The Postoffioe. To the Editor of Tun PoeT: DEAR Son. -I have read with moth intereet, and I hope with some profit, Mr. Farrow'° two inetrnotive lettere about addressing lettere and the proper deportment when inquiring about mail matter, The "Iedividnal outside the Wicket," would, with all due humility, suggest to the Head of the "Management iaeide the Wicket" the following abengee :- let. That on holidays the poet office delivery wicket be open from 8 a. m, to 9 a, m. indeed of from 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. se at present, 2nd. That on holidays the public be not oompelled to stand outside the poet- offioe, often shivering in the oold or web, while the afternoon mail is being anon - ed ; for unless a person le eharp on time he may find the poet nffioe closed. 8rd. That the veetibole be left open on holidays and up to 7 p. on. every week day so that those having look boxes may get their mail at any time between 8 a. m. and 7 p. m. Such le the usage in other urban poet offioee. Very truly, INDIVIDUAL OUTSIDE THE WICKET, +14d.Rma=ze. MOKen-McKim-At the manse, Oran• brook, on the 28th alt , by Rev. D. B. - McRae, Mr. George Manson MoKay, of Monorieff, to Miee Margaret Isabel McKay, of Ethel. Mo0RE-TELpaa,-At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Grey, on Tues. day, 27th Deo. by the Rev. A. Mao - Nab, M. A , Mr, Robert F. Moore, of Souris, Man„ to Mies Jessie Telfer, of Grey. RITCHIE-VINURNT: At Teeewater, on Deo. 28, by Rev. Ino. Jackson, of Btrathroy, uncle to the bride, Mr. David Ritohie to Miee Hattie, Baugh. ter of the late John Vinoent, formerly of Broeeels, both of Teeewater. SPERAIN-BARER. At the reeidenoe Of the bride's parents, on Deo. 28th, by Rev. J. A. Snell, uncle to the bride, attained by Rev. 0. P. Wella, B. A., B. D., Mr. Lake E, Sperain, to Miee Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Baker, both of Grey. TuaNDDLL-JAoone -At the reeidenee of the bride'e parents on Wedn,•eday, Deoemher 2810, by Rev. Dr. MoLean, Wm. J. E. Tarnloll, of Elmo town. Fillip, to Miee Eva F. Jacobs, eldest daughter of A. H. Jacobs, of Fruit• vale farm East Wawanoeh. xrx>✓n. MILLER. -In Grey, on January 2nd, Lena Jane, eldest daughter of Robert and Maggie Miller, aged 2yeare, 6 months and 26 days. Rumen -In Brneeele, on Deo. 81St, Margaret A. Stewart, beloved wife of Chas. Ritchie, aged 47 years, 1 month and 14 daye. .A.'V'OTIo 070 SATURDAY, JAN. 14. - Furniture and household effects. Bale at 2 p. m. Mre. J. R, Fletcher, Proprietress. F. S. Scott, ado, TUESDAY, JAN. 17 .-Farm stook, imple- ments &o., 18,Grey. Lotcon 4 Sale ltnreearved at 1 o alook, Wm. Gook, Prop., F. 6. Scott, Auo. Taunencs, Jog. 19. -Farm stook, im• pimento, eta., WestLot 16, coo. 6, Grey. Salo unreeerved at 1 o'clock. J. P. Donglae, Prop„ F. S. 800tt, Aum, Election Cards. Card of Thanks. Ladies and Gentlemen: Iwieh to thank you very kindly for your vote and iufivance no corded me last Monday in my eleotion ae Oounoillor, 1 will do my utmost to properly discharge my duty in working for the best intermits of Morrie township and hope to prove ,worthy of the trust you have re need to me Yours thankfully, H. 50a0070HE019, Card of Thanks. To the Eleetore of the Towneblp of Grey: I wish to exprese my beat thanks to the. Elootore of Grey for the generous support they gave me eon January 205,by electing me as a member of the council Board. will try to faithfully dieoharge my duty. Yours truly, Ethel,Jan. 8, 1905, JOAN BROWN. Card of Thanks. The understgued defuse to return big bealty to the lectors 'lI' wnohlpanka lor the hearty enenortoacdorded t m on Monday, reettlting in 015 010etl0n 10 the Mont &pill Council, His oarnen eta - p090 during the year will be to dleohargo die det,v so ae to prove wert1yeof the trust ooniided in him. Whaling one and all a. prosperous year,Youre'vory truly,_ G1101iGle SULLY, 010 7.7:U :.• t :.. = 0.Z.&XXax:tr.•ro, Fall Wheat 70 Barley 88 Peas 60 Oats 28 Batter, tube and robe.,., 15 Eggs per dozen 18 Hay per ton 5 60 6 Flour, per bbl 5 50 6 Potatoee per bee 35 Applee (per bbl.) 1 00 Hoge, Live 4 50 Wool 17 Sa'b, per bbl-, retail 1 00 90 40 61 30 16 20 00 00 85 '1 25 4 60 18 70 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD 60 ACRE FARM FOR sale, s 4Let 26, Con 11, Grey. Edey terms. Apply to 3140. 13. HYDE, on the promleee, Urenbrook P. 0., or F. S. Scott, 1133ruseele, 25 �"1OMFORTARLE HOUSE AND / a lkoe 9 acre of laud for Bale On Queen street, Brussels. Good stable, &o, For fur- ther particulars ae t0 priceand terms a7- pplyonthe premises or write to Brussels P0. A. SAMPLE. STRAYED ON THE PREIVt- 17 IBES of the undersigned, Lot 16, Oen, 8, Grey, on or about Doo. 3rd, 8 ewes sod 1 lamb, The owner to requested to drove We Wish You All a Very Happy New Year. Jas,, Fox Druggist. BOAR FOR SERVICE.- THE undersigned will keen for .ervioa on Lot 22, oou, 0, Grey, a thorn' bred Yorkshire hog, Oak Lodge Juettoo, bred by Jno. Broth. our. of Burford. Pedigree may be seen on application. Terme $1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if neoeeeary. ALEX, D. LAMONT, 24- Proprietor. (%1 von FARM FOR SALE.— '.1 The under:34;1rd offers his 75 0Or0 farm for sale, bet oc Ni Lot Anon. 8, Morrie. On the pr, mt980 is a comfortable house, bank barn, hay abed and implement hoose, orohurd, 111 aerie h- rdwood bush, &a, Two wells on farm. 5 arses of Fall wheat in and 12 acres of plowing done. Pusseesiob given March 1st. For lo lee, terms, kc., apply on the pt or if by latter to RIOBARD PRATT, Blyth P. 0. 25-4 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, In the matter of the eelate property, pay expenses and take hem. of Samuel Walker, idle of the Village away. JOHN R. SAVAGE, of Bruseele, in the County of Baron, 24.4 Ethel 2,0, retired farmer,deoeaacd. Notice. Notice ie hereby "r.lven, pursuant to the Revised Statntee of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, ' Bee, 88, that till oreottoro and others having 01111MB a0• met the estate of Samuel Walker, late of the Village 01 Brueeele, in said Conn. ty, deeaaeed, who died on or about the Piet day of Dec, tuber, A. D.1004, at Brussel e, ere requested to send by poet, prepaid, or to de- liver to David Walker, the Administrator at Brussels,or to A.B. Maodnnatd, of the Vil- lege of Brothels, hie Soliottor, 0u or before tho let day of Pobrn,ery A,D, 1905, their full names, addresseesad descriptions, and the full partionlare 0f their olaime, and the nat. urs of their sem:xi:, o (if any) held by them.. And notice tshe ' 'y given that after said last mentioned Mite, the said Adminietrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persona entitled thereto, having regard only to the olaime of which notion 031011 have been given as above required,a•,d the said Administrator will not be responeible for the aaeete or any part thereof ea dietribotul, to nu7 parson whose claim notW0 shall nut have been received et the time 01 mob dtatributtou. Dated at Brussels tole 4th day of January, A.D., 1005. 20.0 Solicitor forA Administrator, All persona indebted to the undersigned are requested to oall at the store and settlethe same as having Bold off the etn0k the books mast be closed tip also es I purpose removing from Brneeele. I wielt„to benrttly I thank the nubile for the patronage of many years n000rded us and wish all 100 old nun- tomer° a prosperous year. i J. R. FLETCHER. Grey Branch Agriculturall Society. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Grey Branch Agricultural society will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, Janu- ary llth,1005, at 1 o'clock n. m. Business of the meeting -Receiving the Annual State- ment and Auditors' Report, appointing W- ithers: for the year 1000, &0. W. H, SERB, JAS. 9PEIR Seorotary. President, East Huron Agricultural Society. ANNIIAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the East Huron Agricultural Sootety will be held in the Town Hall. Brussels, on Wednesday. Janu- ary 18t11,1005, at 1 o'clock p.m . Bueioees of the meeting -Receiving the Annu„1 State- ment and Auditors' Report, appointing Of. Boers for the year 1006, &o. W. H. SERE, .JAB, FERGUSON, Secretary. President, Good Farm, or Sale By Public Auction F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer, hag received in. etructione from the Proprietor to sell by Public Auction atthe AMERIr1AN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, on Saturday, ,Ten. OM. 1900, at 2 80 P. m„his valuable 100 acre Yarm, be- ing South Half Lot 19, 0on.8, Marria. There are 86 acres oleat•ed and df balance about 7 aorea are covered with hardwood. On the premises is a good brick house ; book barn, 50178 feet ; stone hog pen, with implement shop above it; two good wells, Mo. Fern is well fenced ; 9 acre in orchard. School house and aural within half am,le. Four acres of Fall wheat in and 86 three of Fall plowingApril done Possession nen g given 0u Term let, de ownoption of working on n ap- Tecme made known rs day of gale or on ap- plication to the undersigned. F. S. 50077, PETER JACKSON, Auctioneer. Proprietor, Thanks The undersigned wishes to return his best thanks to the public for their generous 'patron- age during the holiday season. For Watches, Clocks, Jewel- ry, &a., the people of this Locality will find a fine assortment of de- pendable goods and at fair prices. J. G. JONES A apeoielty made of repairing and all work guaranteed, THE DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS 01+ THE Confederation Life Extend to the Policyholders.and Friends of the Association their Best Wishes for a Happy Yand Prosperous New Year ar And have much pleasure in stating that the new busi- ness written during the past year exceeds that of any previous year n the history of the Association, and all Departments of the Business showg ratif in advance- ment. Y ment. W. H. KERR, AGENT, - BRUSSELS.