HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-1-5, Page 6THE ''.A
" The Memory of the Prosperous
Wicked Shall Rot."
Your riches are corrupted. -James in the city library reading and study-
ing by night. Tho second year be
lured an apart, a cheuti»t, Tr'ont tt
university, to spend his evenings
with hint testing materials. As
soon as he had saved $300 ho wait
to England and the continent to
study the fowu atiuu of the old Ro-
man roads in the streets of London
and Paris. Ile studied thou and
learned how to handle thou. 110 the plucck to speak in the day time, turkey, :tad they would hesitate
studied materials for years until he and Scar was visible everywhere, At about believing that it could be
night, in the miserablylightedear ikes, as deUeI0 is as tela roasted va-
Just now ono bears much of men
who woeflif, at all hazards, be rich-
whosnake haste to achieve their
teeasires. A multitude of men have
gone crazy in this wild pursuit. What
scenes in Wall street during the past
week: The bystander, looking down
into the pit, Is disgusted at the
sight of mon yelling, wildly gesticul-
ating like insane mon-models for
Dante's lost souls in the Inferno.
All over the country are speculators
rushing into sell in the hope of get-
ting rich quickly, and others rushing
in to buy in the hope also of quick
gain. It is a time of vulgarity,tu
ennlnonism and moral recrudescence.
Hastily gotten riches have no
character value. As God intended it,
the way of property is the way of
growth and personal culture, Ile
who produces wealth achieves what
is far batter --manhood and self -de-
velopment. The fabler is a produc-
er -he takes a seed and black clods,in
and with the help of sun and ra,
evokes shock and sheaf. He himself
grows with the unfolding grain until
the farmers are the families who
furnish the leaders to an unwonted
degree. It is the method of the or-
chardist who prunes and grafts and
crosses sweet with sour until he
achieves a competence, but, above
The wood carver is a producer,
turning an oak plank into the like-
ness of a Florentine chest, It the
method of the worker in iron, who
buys raw iron for $30 and makes it
take on the form of knife or scis-
sors and sells the ton for $1,000.
Tho producer must be patient, he
must have courage and perseverance.
He must develop economy and thrift.
Civilization rests upon the shoulders
of the producers. These men feed
the state and clothe the state, but
the important thing is that i'- doing
so slowly they build up the nation's
richest treasure -great men, noble
and self-sacrifloing characters.
man the an who waters stocks,
who gambles, who gets rich quickly
through lies and deceit cannot de-
velop character at the same time. So
far from the way of property being
How a Company of Reservists
Got Out of Russia.
A Vienna correspondent says that
a few weeks ago a gendarme at Tul-
le found a man in the fields altnost
starved and quite exhausted, who
stated that his name was Earl Dur
onwic', and that he was a Russian
reservist, and had deserted from
Ldeoyang with twenty-seven other
reservists ill the middle of August.
ile wua taken prisoner melding iden-
tification frons his native town, and
all being found to be as he stated,
ht' has now been released and in-
Duroutvicz, states that when the
rese'visls of his veer were mobilized
so they will not tooth, Bake in a
Oink oven. Eat with syrup.
Croquettes with Pmts. -Make the
croquettes of any cold 'mete, roll 10
egg nod cracker ermttha aucl fry in
deep kettle of larch Take ono Dan of
peas, 10100 off the liquor, Buse aucl
expose to air for Iwo hours; add
one pint of milk; when hot thlelcen
with teaspoon of 'butler and dour
gofoj gelelle a fe g,.ljlefe�pt4r 01' 0ul1ed together. Pour in a sleep
.I platter. Place the cruqueltes on
IVIlAT TO DO WITH TUTacieY, the pros awl Mere Biemond -shaped
There' are many ways of preparing pieces of toast around the edge of
the bird besides roasting le with the Metter.ordinary bread stuping, and it ntay Caramel lee Ceeam,-•Put one-half
help souls housekeeper who is leach-
ing out after changes in diet to give
sense of these ways its detail, not
only how to prepare whole turkeys,
there was no ent1usinsm, and during but also how to use up the re-
thm journey to the front. the splrits:mains of those which have already
of the men were very low indeed, A1-1 appeared on the table. Most pee -
ways strictly guarded, no 0101 bad ale have never partaken of boiled
became a scientist and a leader of p 1
men, rlages, hall the snlcliels wet¢ dlunl.,.rlety. It is a dish, however, which
Ilfarvelous are the culture results the other half were on thole' knees!one must taste in order 10 appt'aci-
of one's occupation, Every escape playing mud crying, , and in the preparations of which
tion holds the Possibilities of a full The first attempts at desertion aatteeain tliractious must bo followoxi.
college course. Incidentally God were macre at Irkutsk, and in S01110 Tltry aro as 1cllows:
gives a faithful business man a tom- ' Boiled Turkey -Prepare he turkey
petonce. But he also gives what is b f 1 d n t c
better than great riches -the oppor-
tunity for personal culture.
But the man who makes haste to
get tieh is merely a juggler, getting
into his hands by trick what others
have produced. By his evil methods
he interrupts all the laws of nature
and Ool. A stock waterer and pro-
moter and gambler carrying off
stained millions is as sickening a
sight as one of those diseased crea-
tures in hospitals with an awful
growth on the face. These men are
moral monstrosities, What a word
is this of Solomon's for their epi-
taph: "The memory of the prosper-
ous wicked shall rot!"
is that a competence gained by slow
methods is better than abundance
gained by over -quick schemes. The
essential thing in life is Personal
growth, obedience to the laws of na-
ture and God. The developmeitt of
the great habits that make for char -
actor. The incidental thing Is the
momentary reward. This is no cheap-
ening of wealth, This is n0 railing
against property. This is not talk-
ing money ao,wu. It is simply the
emphasis of principle that even so
important a thing as property can
be gained at too great a price.
Money is not worth while tylion we
give up culture and growth for it.
Money is not worth while if we give
our friendships for it. Money is not
worth While if we give up truth in
the hidden parts or exchange Honor
and prudence for it.
But happy is the youth who works
tho way of manhood for him it is hard and faithfully at his appointed
the way of moral deterioration, self- task. Day by day he is faithful to
wreckage. His gold is corrupted, his
garments are motheaten, his bonds
are tainted; the richer ho Is through
bad methods the worse ho is.
The get -rich -quick method holds no
culture value for the intellect. Con-
trariwise, the man who by honest,
slow and legitimate methods
achieves property cannot fail to
achieve an all around development
cup sugar In iron saucepan over the
tiro. Stir until malted, and slightly
brown. Add one plot hot milk and
let boil, .Remove from the lire, add
one-half cup sugar and teaspoon va-
nilla, one pint cream. Let cool and
Braised Beef: The toughest, cheap-
est steak can be made into a most
appetizing dish if braised. Salt and
pekper it, told put ie in a little bail-
er, just covering it with water, and
set on the hack of the stove, letting
it simmer slowly for two or three
hours. By that time the thick,
tough steak will be cooked into the
Instances 1110 attempts 1002')) host t tenderest of moat, and the water
barefaced an In many u s an es cooked down into a thick gravy.
very hazardous, Several soldiers as for roasting, making a veal Mut- 5" Y•
e y
jumped out of the train and lost • ling.To make, taste 0110 pound of Prune Cornstarch.--- Soakthe
'their lives by being thrown on stones lean veel and chop it line, i.lumngpl prunes over night, and boil them Inl-
urand overreci ices, Ono captain is the chopping machine if possible. til just tender. Then make corn -
said to have secured his desertion by Chop also help a pound of gond beef starch of two eggs, three table. -
Ming the other officers 800 roubles, suet. Add 10 these, the dry crumbs spoonfuls of sugar, ono quart of
who then squared the men who were of a stale loaf. Season with salt, milk, and two tablespoonfuls of
witnesses with a few kopeks. On popper, the grated rind of a lemon, cornstarch. Put the milk on in a
arrival at Liaoyaug, a days holiday and a little chopped parsley and on- double boiler and bring to a boil,
was granted for theist to visit the ion if liked. Moisten the stuihing heat the eggs and sugar and acid to
them the cornstarch thinned with a
little mills. Then add to the nu11c,
stir until i1 thickens, and take front
the Sere, adding a little vanilla and
the prunes, chopped into small bits.
Stir well and pour out to cool.
I have in mind a careful and pru-
dent business man. His worlc is to
build roads, The first street he
made was the best one he could
make; he toiled by day and Ile was
Ins work and grows, grain by grain,
little by little, as the wheat grows
on God's hills, as the oak grows in
the forest, The law he loves is the
law of obedience and truth -that is
the law of life. His Home may be a
tiny hamlet, with a few hooks, a
few flowers and a few friends; but
the few things that an honest man
has are better than hundreds of mil-
lions of hastily gotten, greedy wealth
securest at the cost of character and
manhood. The newspaper and maga-
zine exposes of the past few weeks
have borne with them a deep and
lasting lesson,
Instances Where Foreigners Have
Been Tried Without
It is not an uncommon thing for
the i olice to arrest an alien on a
charge, the nature of which the pris-
oner does not know, simply because
nobody can be found who is capable
of interpreting it. In nearly all such
cases the charge has to bo proceeded
with, although the prisoner has not
been able to plead "Not Guilty:" or
otherwise. '
quite recently a young man was
arrested at the sea port town of Ply-
mouth for an assault noon a publi-
can, says London Answers,
When taken before the magistrates,
the proceedings were most difficult to
conduct, as it was found that the
prisoner could net understand the
charge. Eventually the prisoner,
who was believed to hail from some
part of Russia, was conunittod for
trial, When the case came before the
Recorder, the prosecutor maintained
that the prisoner was shamming ig-
norance; but the learned Recorder
ordered a remand, so that an inter-
preter might be obtained, According-
ly the unhappy )man Was taken back
to gaol, and for a low days his grief
was intense,
The governor, sympathizing with
the man, tools the ease in hand, and
by )Weans of dratvings 011 a slate and
dumb actions Ism learnt that the pris-
oner -was under the hnpreseion that
he had been sentenced to death, IIo
bed drawn on a slnto the figure of a
anan hanging, and indicated that it
was binself,
The :Recorder said the poor fellow
must have gout through agonies of
mind, 011(1 orderers his immediate re-
lease, as he hive suffered more than
enough for his crime,
In large seaport towns instances of
a somewhat siu111ar nature aro by no
means uncommon. At Liverpool,
some: time ago, it man was ehal'goel
with theft several months after its
r(nmlttel, Ile was an alien, and
1110 police authorities 100'0 11111fe, un-
able to find out What nationality the
man was. Nun1e•0us inteepeeters ut-
terly failed to hold any sort of con-
v0reatinn Wi111 him, and eventually
the oleo hal to be Proeteded wilh
without the prisoner entering e, plea.
1Ia 081010ed a ruiner pmnl3liinant, het
all the time tie Was hi gaolin" seemed
to bo utterly at It 10148 10understand
Citi deten14014,
One Saturday evening a strangely
attired, elderly woman -obviously a
foreigner -entered an electric tramcar
in a largo town in the provinces. She
carried a large bundle, and thousands
of people followed the tram through
the heart of the town, declaring that
she was carrying a, dead baby and a
revolver. The police heard the rumor
and, thinking that the woman was
acting strangely, locked her up.
At the police -station it was found
that the bundle consisted of old
clothes, but a fully -loaded six -cham-
bered revolver was found In her ):os -
session, and she was detained.
When taken before the magistrates,
the police had to admit that they
had been battled in their endeavor to
Tinel out to what Nationality she be-
elonged. interpreters were tried with-
out success, and although she could
not plead to the charge made agaitivt
her, sho seemed to strongly object to
being detained. Alter considerable
time it was found that she under-
stood a little Italian, but not suffici-
ent to solve the ditflculey. She was
sentto the w0rl.hous0 for a week.
A men named Dn,mdlosshy-at least,
that was what the police nicnamarl
hint -was locked up some time 00(1 in
the North of England far an attemp-
ted burglary, and from the day of his
arrest he was a mystery. To all np-
pearancera he was a R11501a11 Pole, but
rill of the many linguists who expert- aninster's family. The infant Part
ntentect with the man failed to make ((ra05ene1' is heir to the richest es-
although 1101 stns- tats in laird held by any 0110 in lrIng-
sian interpreter exin'essecl 1.110 1)1(11(4 enact, The Wm110!nstar c5tat0 is Heli
that the prisoner spoke a Russian large in acreage, The Duke of.
dialect, as he seemed io know a few Sutherlanrt's is a hundredfold Chet
pure Russian words, T110 maglett'ataw 1(f the Duke of We5tninster, Out
who tried the case thought, that the enum than a hundr"refold less pro -
fellow was obstinate, but evidently deceive. The ducal acres in West -
failed to 'understand. The alien end- nlinstal' bring in annually an 1ner1a5-
e0 his life in the gaol by committing ing income in 11110x, prenr1Sam5,
suicide, proved ground rents and so on tv111011
town. There they saw the most
ghastly debauchery going on, Drink-
ing everywhere, in company with low
with the juice of a 10111011 and two
well beaten eggs. 1•'!11 the cavities
in the turkey with the, stuffing. Draw
Chinese 10011101/ Officers, mostly the legs of the turkey well into its
drunk, maltreated their soldiers, and sides, and tit with trope into a neat
the latter retaliated in the same shape • Sprinkle with flour and put
With regard to the desertion, Her -
(melee states that he and his friends
chose a public holiday, when they
knew all the officers 1001111 be
drunk, Twenty-eight 111 number,
they marched out of their barracks
like a patrol, trusting that as such
they would not be bothered. They
marched along for many miles till
they' came across a goods train,
whose guard they bribed to take
it into a pan with just su'fiinient wa-
ter to cover it. Add en onion, a
carrot 011(1 a few sprigs of parsley
to the water, CO1el' the pan, bring
it slowly to a boil. and simmer gent-
ly till done. The sef_ret of success in
boiling a turkey consists in keeping
it cooking every minute of the 1,11,10,
but always gently, and in having
just sufficient water 10 cook It, in
the pan, It will take front two and
them as far as Tonisk. There again ,a half hours to cook a ten nom(
they formed themselves into 0 patrol' bird. Seed it to the table with Boole
and passed many an officer, who, well seasoned sauce, and garnish With
1101.02101', asked no questions. So slices of cut lemon, A nine .vny to
they continued their risky journey, in garnish this dish is to reserve a lite
full uniform, in broad daylight, un- tie of the forcemeat used for stuffing
molested and reached the 11,00111011- and make this into little halls. Fry
Ian frontier, where they were safe. the bulls slowly in the oven. in lard Is•
+ or dripping. When they aro 10110 let Where ono has several 01111(lren and
ROMANCE OF A CAB HORSE, them brown all over. and use them needs to keep a number of patterns,
_ with sprigs of parsley a001111l the a good way to avoid having to look
Saved His Master in Africa -Met, dish 011 which the terkey goes to over and unroll a. hoxful is to save
the tabun.
the large envelopes in which seed
Again in London, catalogues, etc., are sent through the
Turkey Served Cold. Prepare the 11111; the pattarus in than,
The heroine is a beautiful bran turkey for roasting in the ordinary mails,
ette; the hero an ooxl, , He is Cap= Write the name On the outside, anti
Lain G. Elliott Wood, of 10 Eaton way
Stuff with 1.h0 veal stuffing, "tile away" for future reference. Ono
nee _.._ for which given above
called gn aunt. could buy a package of such enva-
Don't make yourself e, lot of un-
necessary work by braiding rags for
a rug, Prepare the rags as for car-
pet and have then woven by the rag-
cnrpet weaves'. Save yon a lot of
labor, and bo larger' and better.
Don't make them gay, the simpler
the better.
A little paint 001100 in play round
the house very handily sometimes,
Tin pails and wash basins last much
longer if given a coat of pn.11(1 on
the arrtaide, When the slop -pail be-
gins to leak, paint it, putting the
paint on pretty thick where the leak
TAN, 8.
Lesson II, The Witness of John the
Baptist to Jesus, Golden
Text, John 1..29,
Verso 19. "'1'lMo witness of ,I 0101."
To Saul of 'Perms on his tray to
Ib ntaucus ,I esus appeared and 5411 11,
"1 have appeared unto then for Chia grupi(et', named Abraham frank,
purpose, 10 Iaa.ks thee a 1ufnistee need thinly -six, in Lite su11urban
(servant) and a tvitue55 both of town p1 liioulrcuil, franca,
these things which thou hast seen, )n that place, in a temporary shed
and of those thirg5 in the which I in the Rue St, elando, No, 30, there
(0111 (yet) appear unto thee" (Accts lived an eccent010 individual, named
2ll, 1(i), Years afterward, stapling A Mouth, an old soldier and a retie -
before Ting Agrippa, Paul '0114(85 ed showman, Be had dabbled much
the story of his call turd snb.ra p o 1 In electricity, and had fixed up la
couvursi(rn, aur: says, llaving them his 011011 to number of storage hat -
fore obtained help of Clod, 1 continue le1'ies,
unto this day, witnessing both to tie had known Frank for some
small and great," And again, years, and learning that he was on
writing to Timothy at the very close the fair ground at the Boulevard
of his glorious career, while a pris- Richard Lenoir, with his photograp-
oner at home after lutedeg twice hic 1)oot11„ho called 011 flim, and In -
witnessed for his Master. Even be- vitecl ]lila to come and see an os -
fore the bloody Emperor Nero Ito traotelinary photographic "eri01.'
urges Timothy to follow his example apparatus, which, he explained, he
11) fearless testi)nally for Christ. To had received from Aa10eicn, and
Israel, Jehovah, through the mouth whloh, he said, was destined to
of his prophet; Isaiah, says "Ye are create a sensation if exhibited mea-
nly witnesses,” and in his Epistle licly.
to the Hebrews Paul writes of a Thinking that he alight see some-
tt ith
great "cloud of witnesses" thing that would he of interest to
which "we also are compassed )rim in his profession. Frank agreed
about." Every disciple of Christ to go, and accompanied the old
Is to leo a witness for him. showman to his shanty,
Vaso 20. "I and not the Christ," STRANGE APPARATUS.
The temptation to accept hollers Ile was shown a largo black box.:
10111011 really belong to another must fitted np ]ilea a telephone call -box.
nevessarily come to every person It was built up 00 three silos, and
sometime in life as the opportunity the iou`th side was raft open. In
$0 to do came to John on this o0" this box thane hung a number of
nasion. Ivory schoolboy who re- copper wires, with hoops of brass
fuses to accept credit for ',York not for the hands and fact, and a brass
his own; every employee who cheer -
for the ]read.
fully recognizes the sueeriority of rlflrr explaining the exLraorrli,lary,
011101.5 in service, and every person effects that the apparatus would pro-
a public olflea of trust and duce, Ardouln told his visitor 10 try,
honor.wllo conscientiously and cheer -
for himself. Suspecting nothing,
fully gives 1(111 credit to "the higher (reales stopped into the box and et-
is imitating the example of ted his hands and Leet into the
30hn the Baptist, who refused to loops and inserter] his head into
permit himself to be regarded either the brass cap. Ardouln went pe
as "the Ohrist," or as Elijah, or as hind the box and in an instan4, bo -
"that prophet," ford frank knew what hart happened
Verse 2(J: "Behold the Lamb of Ardouin palled all the loops so tight
Cod," Jesus is preeminently Lamb thatr he was unable to 11101'0.
Lamb of God," (101 simply "a I " hat a.re you 11010(4? What nso
of God," Fee is the supreme, the you doing'? Lal Ino go!" he sheeted
0uln010ot atonement far the sin of in great alt1.rn1, for the wires hurt
the world. ale did not simply suffer him,
and be was unable to move
on account of the sin of the world, hand or foot. lint the old showman
but for the ultimate and complete merely laughed diabolically, and go -
cure o1 that sin. But tee may see in rag outside 1110 abed switched on
the suffering of the 1nn.0(0M, among
Ile Was Lured into c, Fortune
Chamber by Insane Show -
A terrible experience, almost
worthy of inclusion among Lhe btu-
lastie etoriv5 of )llgae Allan 1'00,,
happened to a travelling photo -
1nen partial illustrations of the 0tan- ELECTRIC CURi1P:NT,
ing sufferings of Christ. At the Frank received a violent shock,
heart of the tear between Japan and and began to sateen most 0xcrnciat-
Russia Is sin -sin not of the soldiers inn, pain. 1]o tried to scram,
who ))lie on the. battlefield, but the was unable to utter a sound. Ills
sin of the rulers, the sin of the nnr teeth chattered against each other,,
tion. But the soldier rhes and by anis as though he suffered intense cold,
death helps to cure the national but all he could do was to utter
loud groans.
A 510011g electric current was rush-
ing through his body. After e quar-
ter' of an hour of intense agony,
Whrd1 scen0d eternity to the unfor-
tunate Frames, the old showman re-
BBoo. terrace, London; ... Rosie n2' s1.u11 ]d. hetet go0c1 sausn. lopes for ten cents. Verse 311. -„Behold.” The elan
She. is a handsome chestnut mare, Ba careful t.het th¢ hdrel is cnrafully (hla nand en 11(5, maps" for hnrrl-,that so 21) with his face northward
a n
standing sixteen hands high, and is skewered and bound so that it will wood peers, of coarse, but where has it gray and cold. Lot hien tura
living at present at 100 Chenics be, a good shape when done. Roast, cash fs scarce old, discarded tarter_ to the south, where the sun dwells,
nnews, In the South African tear she b1'otvniing evenly all over, but being wear, especially that mth1111 is part and his face will glow. "Looking
wan the captain's charger, and very talet111 not to let it get Ove wool and part cotton, with an old alto Jesus" is the sovor•elgn cora appeared. His eyes were musing
though wounded in the obest she car- done. As soon as the turkey is thor-
for a handle, makes a good for sinters. The pilot of a Canadian
ttith the light of madness. ]n one
hem three metes 3' he was they
cold, give a two h three ono. Cut off the sleeves, tie the revenue cutter was asked if iie knew
of danger. The story of how they roots aF prepared glaze. If the glove body of the shirt firmly to the all the rocks along the const where
broom handle, and thele you are. he sailed, He replied, "No, it, is
Really, the hone -made mop is better only necessary Lo know where there
than the store one in the opinion of are no rocks." Whatever the 111(11-
cultics, ho Pint looks aright to
Jesus is safe.
Verse 21, "'1'akoth away the sin of
the world." A Great German Philo-
sopher says with truth, "The true
sense of tragedy is the deeper in-
sight that R. is not his own individu-
lrrve ld which
knots an Hour is al sin that the hero atones for, but
the speed which M, Andre Gambill original sin." Christ, who in his
a P0118 inventor, claims will bo at 501101ring took upon himself "the sin
Wined by a boat, tvhiolt he has pat- o1 the world," did in a universal
°meet, but not yet built, wav what mvcl'yonn docs 111 n limited
M. Gnnlb n appropriately calls kis welt'. All life Ines in It the 010111001
fnventi011 the ''Typhoonoicl" aanl of atonem0nt.
states that the ihue is nut far dis- Verse 29. 'Taketh away the sin
Of the world," The conception of
atonement for sin was expressed by
Aeschylus, tho Greek dramatist, who
made the chorous say to Orestes,
who was seeking purr1Rcation from
the crime of killing his another:
"There is atonement. Touch but
Loxias' altar,
And 110 from bloody stain shall. wash
them clean."
met again quite 10cently' was told
by her driver, AIr. Morris.
is not to be had, dissolve. an ounce
of good gelatine, in sufficient cold
'1 was explained,
g by 'Prince's,'
" water t0 cover. Let it stand half
ilforris explained, "what 0 gentleman an hour, and then add Qum or four
accompanied by a lady, ea.mn out tablespoonfuls of boiling water and
and hailed me. Suddenly the gen-
tleman pushed ep the trap door and
ilnquirod if it WQs a horse or a mare
I was driving, 1 said it was a amen.
Thea when tee were in Iielgrave
two tablespoonfuls of extract of beef.
Tho glaze sh0111d be applied to the
turkey with a camel's ]lair brush, be-
fore it has time. to set, and two or
three coats all it will he required to
square Z was told to stop, and the, give the turkey the pr0P01' appear -
gentleman got out and examined the once. The turkey will look pretty or -
mitre's chest. The gentleman thenalnente(l over 1110 glaze with butter
turned to the laxly and said, '1 „,„1.11 (50(1(0(1 until it is soft enough to
stare it is she." force tl10114011 a paper funnel, or it
I was that told to stop beneath may simply bo decorated with sprigs
a powerful electric light near I atmllof fresh parsley anti slices of 10111011.
square, where a further examination I1 is 111Ce to lay some clear jelly
was hell. Captain Wood called turthened around the dish in which the turkey
plane by her name and she turnnd goes t(1 the table. It should be se•v-
romnrl to look Qt him. I got down,
too, and •then Captain Wood, point -
11g to a healed wound in the mare's
chest, explained how both ho and
the horse had been wounded, and
how the mare with practically odly
1111 cold.
Turkey with ETushroonis-Tatra a
dozed large mushrooms and fry thele
in two ounces 0f butter for from
five to ten minutes, When cold,
three legs to stand on, bad carried mince, them finely, and add the
hint tree miles out of roach of the crumbs from half a stale loaf, Fla
Boer flee." vol. with salt, pepper, a little grated
Tho romance, however, is not iln- lemon pool, and a clash 01 ground
ishecl yet. On Saturday Captain mace. Mix into teen stuffing the but -
Wood' called at Monies mows and tear in which the nnusbrooms were
patted his old favorite, and express- fried and an egg. A little lemon
oil a wish to buy her, leer present juice improves the flavor. Affix thor-
owner, who bought her from a deal- oughly and stuff the turkey with the
or last spring, declared himself ready forcemeat. Boast 1111 well done and
to sell at a fair price, and there 10 browned all over. Serve with Broad
every chance that the mare ante 1101' sauce to 1111111 alas been adders sone
master trill not be parted again. lighf•ly stewed button nn151100011)s,
AVERY LUOKif BABY. Turkey fatties -Mince the remains
of cold turkey, light. end dark meat
Heir to the Richest Estate in all together, Add a little chopped ham
England. and sono very finely chopped salt
Perk. Season rather highly with
After the la.pso of twenty ;years the salt, pepper and muco. T•Icitten with
title of Earl C1'osvonor has been the juice of n lemon. Make scum
revived recently by the ar1ivai of a good puff paste, or a good short
Mile stranger in the Duke of West- crest will do, Roil out moderately
thin and cut in 5gnar05. Lay a table-
spoonful of the mixture 011 each
square, fold over in turnover style,
brush with beaten egg and bake in
a omni( oven. Serve hot or cold.
A (1001) TTOUSTIT£I)TIPA111,
Must oversee 'many things herself.
',)11181 be patient but firm with
t.hoso in her employ,
Must not disdain to pica( up a'ch)s- tows used to graze 111 fields which
ter 111d 1100 it nreeei0nall,,V, 1(0ty Grosvenor Square and 13otgrav0
9lfust 0110 that mora than the more Square, 111e locality which has be-
sarfnee (hest is removers, crane the ultra -fashionable part of
VIM :halm It piece for everything 'London,
and. see that, everything is in it.s (
plain, 1 'Why, Pat, your sto01t1ng5 are on
TI-usf have the housework planners tv1'ung siee, ant,' "1 know; there's
for regular days, send adhere i.o the n, 111(1,) nn 1.1141 other side,"
rale, g tt Witherbv-"1 say, did ,you item-
Tn ti t, .iie0. pee/tonal. i ; •e • end LW rook of mire to my
Iv s n nter,L inter
tete condi t.fon of the refrigerator and ; ((!fe?" 1PIenkIngten-"Yr8, 1 believe na1nal o1u•Inive, ;i1( feelo111, leas the
eon Lent 0 '4Vltherlly-"Wilt 1 Wish you to make a stiff batter, 110(1 one too- celerities creatures ((11110)1 that It
And (he111d go 1:0 market herself wnhrlc1 rrune. 1.01111(1 1.0-nip;ht and take (spoon baking pnwder, Deep on a was with (11(11cd1121 51111)131 011. 1I,
t i 6 'Week 1i ' with e$ " Wtll bettered pan Sat. ---(-high apa0t read bitten a large piece of file, fur,
can fell little short of ,£1,000 (S,2'h,-
000; n day. Ail the ground upon
Which Mayfair x1111- Belgravia stand
came to the Duke of Westmineter
through hie ancestor's marrying a
141111 01 0 daughter at F,bury. This
farmer was named Davis, end his
Genuine Boston :brown Ilread,
Pass through a sieve, together, oto
011P, each, of rye and yellow corn-
meal, ono cups of wheat flour, ono
10aspo0r1101 salt, and two level tea-
spoonfuls of soda, Add two-thirds
a rep of inOlaiaei and two cups of
thiels sour mills, cleat thoroughly,
and Steam 111 a Witte•ect moult three
or four hours. :Replenish the steam-
er With boiling seater as needed. An
ordinary steamer, 1111Ad with water
to the trivet on wluch thn mould of
bread stands, will need no rep}enieh-
ing. This bread, steamed four, hours
or restoamed a second day Is dry
and wholesome. Covet• tho mould
during cooking,
Wrilklos--,`soak Ono pint of 81al0
bread over night, drain thoroughly
in morning. Add tato eggs, one-
fori l.h tenet non self., one tablespoon-
ful of lard and hinter :nixed. f1Our
many housekeeper,'
Frenchman's Fast Ship Nay Cross
Atlantic in a Day.
tent W11011 people will be able to
breakfast in London and dine in
New York,
By means of a water -sucking cone
placed in front of the ship, a vacuum
is created, and the vessel is drawn
forward ,by pneumatic suction. It
flies, as it were, through a vacuum,
R8 letters do through the postal
pneumatic tubes. .The vessel will -bo
shaped something like a swollen su-
gar• -loaf, 013(1 will be partially or
totally under water when travelling.
The inventor bases his hopes on the
Achievements of a working model,
`"Phe principle is workable, and
the ship 1'Ovld go," declared Sir
Hiram Maxim, "but if it went move
than five miles an hour 1 should be
And he made Orestes say after ) is
"The blood of beasts hath sprout rno,
The lucid lymph hath purged the fil-
thy stain,"
surprised. Verse 32, ",10hn Care record.",
Merely to double the spool of a When Christians bent record that
shill means that the vessel Neill
striate twice as many tons of water this is the Sten of God, others will
in a minute, and will strike each 11011 ow Jests, A11 end nent foreign
ton twice 115 hard. jurist, who was an 'unbeliever, step-
"Consequeltly, four tinges the e1- pod into a pI'ayer-anenting room to
orgy is required to drive the ship see a Irma on business. It was a
over a given distance at 111e double testimony service, amt. as he waited
speed, and as the engines have only a number of his neighbors testified
half as mulch time to generate four concerning 1.110 reality of Christian
times 05 much power, they would experience, Pie reasoned; "If these
have to be eight times as powerful. people were 111y Witn0sses in the
"Once upon a. Lime," concluded Sir courtroom J. should win the case. if
1liram grimly, "I haste a little gun, their testimony is reliable in other
which 1 nlctfnled would be abont matters, why, not concerning spiritu-
twice as r10(1)ve a0 other guns. It, el things?" Ifo rose and confeseel
was, .Lolot' a num who hn11 never :his doubts and a01(e(1 fol' help, Ifo
Made a gun in his Iiia constructed is now a class leader en that vey at the front. One night, moved by a
a very large one, using n0 machin- (turen.
Avenge impulse, the older ellen let
Dry except a llernington typowr.iter.
This roan, not being troubled by
any n1a•thamatteal laws, said his gun
was 50,000 limes as effective es my
gun. It, we5 not. That is Illy mor-
hand he held an open razor and a
5)11011 white jug, and In the other a
small pistol,
"You scoundrel, I have long wait-
ed for this moment, but your death
shall bo useful," said the madman
to his helpless victim, "Your death
shall servo a scientific purpose. With
this razor 1 am going to open your
veins, and gather your electrified
blood in thls jug while the currant
is at 11111 tension, I (10 not Want
to kill you outright, for that would
spoil my experiment; but if you stir,
I shall shoot you."
With a supr01110 effort Frank
wrenched one foot fen and attempt-
ed to 111ilic off the madman as he ap-
proached him to put his threat into
execution. In doing so Frank over-
turned the box and fell with the
madman uncle'. hhn. The shock of
the fall caused the copper wires to
snap, and c'r'ank found himself free;
The madman managed, however', to
discharge his pletol, and the bullet
graced Frank 011 the temple.
A terrific struggle then followed
between the two men. With the
white jug Frank succeeded in inflict-
ing a wound on Ardouin's Head
which . stunned him for a moment, '
and the photographer rushed ont of
the shanty. IIs sought M. Gander,
'the police commissaire, and this offi-
cial, with one of his inspectors, ac-
companied Ef, Flank to the 11110 St,
As they approached the shed there
WS a sharp deport, and on break-
ing open the door which -the old
showman had fastened, they found
his dead body lying on the floor with
'a small carbine by his side,
Remarkable Story of ..Incident in
South African War,
A remarkable story of the floor
woe was told by the Bev, .1, 11.
James, of Yeovil, aL Hanley Taber-
nacle, England. 1luring the struggle
it South Africa, he said, a father
prayed daily for his sou, who was
While nut walking with some
trionfs near St, Agnes, Cornwall,
I'lugland, u young.lady recently Wont
through all 1111l111'usnnt experience.
'rho girl was wearing a fur boa, on
(011101 Was an imitetlon head of a
small am111111, is0ddeuly mho felt
sometllill; pulling ai, the wrap, and
(liiseovered that. her tvenillan1 teas 0
rat:, which hail evidently Inistalcen
the 1111)10Lfon animal for sine of its
a Outs; once , dinner
Though Pointe' was atwoys In
debt, ho held the belief that the.
time avenue comm when he would be!
debts, and was ar-
able to pay hes ab
ways malting sem-anodic efforts to
do so. During one of theme he met
his 1.001)110kel'. The ,son 01' Ste Cris-
pin utero very weal) at not, being able
to gel. his 010ncv, haft Pamper sacci,,
sadly, 'Vti , yrs 31.4', - -, .air, - , 1.
1(410W your bill is all right and ought.
to be paid, cud .T. nm note pnyin • off
my tic is, and, sir that 1 shall give
110 preference, 1 man inking up my
creditors (11(111(11 tot ice Ily, Now, 151)01.
is. your 11111110, iir :.• liar..--•••-?'
"lltil11n8-1JBkh's," said the 110. -
lighted heel; maker,
"Oh, dear, deer, Wilkins, I'm 50r-
rev to beer flat, 1 haven't got
through the A'8 Fen,"
constrained to remain in penyer un-
til the morning, The acct matt
brought n¢I15 of whet had happened
that pnrticular night, The son ryas
on that date taken out of hospital,
where, unknown 10 his father; be had
been down with enteric, coal pieced
in the Inortllary, among the dead.
The hospital doctor, however, was
po55e3sed by a pecali01' unetteiness
ant could not, rest, l,oing t0 the-
hentn'se who had ordered the removal
of the body, he naked it she, Was
51)00 ill pitic.1(1 was dead. 801-
Wit.hOt'aluling• her 181r,ri1011 to that
ujfeet; the doctor Tf ocoede11 to the
nu't10r;)', to find that, atter all,
there wag still brenth in the sup-
pos0d dead body, The patient ryas
taken hack to 110891(111, (mill nvt111u•
nity t'nraverr.,1
1510(11 1ntkes all ihing,•l 111001111,
but d113u14117 1,11 1111111::11 11111).•,