HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-1-5, Page 1Vol. 33. No, 26
W. H, KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Looai—B. O. T. M.
Notion -J, R. Fletcher.
At oat—Peat Bookstore,
Hem for Bale—A. Sample.
Card of thanks -Geo. Kelly,
Card of thanks—John Brown,
Card of thanks—W. H. Matta aboon,
Nobioe to creditors—A. B. Macdonald.
lOisiritt Sans,
HXttaNOAL.—On Tuesday, Jen, 8rd, at
high noon a quiet but very pretty wedding
took place at the home of Wm. and Mre,
Wray, Belgrave, when Mise Maud Wray
was united in marriage to William A.
Bryant, a highly respected and proeper-
one young farmer of Hallett township.
At the appointed hour the bride, attired
in a beautiful gown of white organdie
with valenaiennea trimmings,entered the
tastefully decorated parlor on the arm of
her father, to the etraiue gfthe Wedding
Marsh played by Mrs. Jones. Immedi•
ately after Rev. A. E. Jones, pastor of
the Beigrave Methodist thumb, bad per•
formed the ceremony, and a sumptaane
repast had been partaken of, the lumpy
young couple took the train tram Blyth
for New Ynrk. The bride's going away
ooatn ne'was a navy blue broadoloth suit
with champagne trimmings, bat to match
and set of cable furs.
WEDDroo BELLS—Tho home of J. K.
and Mrs. Balzer was the scene of a very
happy and eojeyable event on Dec. 2B'h
when in the neighborhood of 100 invited
guests assembled to witness the union of
their eldest denehter, Mise Lithe S. B.,
to Luke la. Speiran, a proapernne young
farmer of the township of Grey. At 5
o'clock, to the etre-hie of meet° played by
Mre. 0. Hoare, of Clinton, the presiding
minister, Rev. J. A. Snell, uncle of the
Wide, and Rev, C. P. Wens, B. A., B. D.,
of Ethel, took their stand under an ever•
green arch trimmed with white roses and
maple leavoe followed by the groom and
groomsman, Garfield Baker and brides
maid, Mies Amelia Whitfield, niece of
the groom, and flower girl, little Mise
Myrtle Speiran, also Weer. of the groom,
eo ';'.then same the bride leaning on the arm
-• of her father. She looked charming,
gowned in ivory Bilk with armatnne of
aitver eequin, trimmed with Bilk point de
valiance and the orthodox veil and
orange bloaaome. Her baguet was of
carnations. The bridesmaid was attired
in cream cashmere and lane and the
flower girl was dreeeed in white carrying
a silvery basket filled with pink oarnatione
and ferns in whioh was ouuched the
wedding ring. After the solemn ceremony
whioh was beautifully performed and
the usual congratulations were over all
Bat down to the over laden tables daintily
decorated with white and pink. Follow
ing the most sumptnone repast a toast
Was proposed by Rev. 0. P. Wella to the
health and happinesee of the bride and
groom whiob was ably reapouded to by
Rer. J. Buell and J. K. Baker. The
young couple were the recipients of a
variety of valuable and useful peanuts
showing the high esteem in whioh
they are held. The groom's present to
the bride was a hi autiful gold chain. Mies
Baker wap an effioientworker in °borah
circles, holding the Important position
of let vise president of London Confer•
enoe Epworth League, also Sunday
Schoolteacherand Sunday Bchoolorgan.
tet. 0. Hoare, of Clinton, entertained the
company to quite a variety of mania on a
gramophone purohated expreeely for the
occasion.' A number took part in song,
music and recitation. The young couple
took their departure for their' new home
with the beet wiebee of all, Tag Poet
in the number. It needless to say
they were heavily showered with Hoe,
and old shoes. The gueste were from
Blether, Orediton, Oentralia, Granton,
Clinton, Bayfield, Braesele and Elm.
W maret.e r.
Skating in the rink commenced Tues.
day night.
Alex. Monroe is suffering from a ethers
attack of la grippe,
Miss Edith Gibson has gone to Wing
ham to visit relatives,
Robert Gibson, of Kleinburg, is spend.
ing a few holiday(' here.
Mise Lizzie Buneton, of-Fordwioh, is
the peat of Mies C. McMichael,
John Barnard, of St, Marys, is renew-
ing acgnsintanoee in the village.
Thou. Rae and Mise Tina Rae spent
fast week with relatives in Listowel,
R T. Miller and Mies M. Miller are
guests of their mother, Mre, T. F. Miller,
Mies Fraser, of Ayr, Pelee Loin Hemp.
hill and Alvin of
epee t New Years
in Herman.
0. and Mrs. Koehler, of Ayton, and M.
Moffitt, of Owen Sound, are gueete of A.
and Mre. Moffitt.
Sullivan and Sontt Blank have returned.
to Ayr, after spending a week with their
enols, Robert Black,
In the Co. Connell election here last
Monday the vote vtood :-Miller 92 ;
Doig 86 and Ferguson 89.
Mees E. Henry, of Whitechurch, has
been engaged as Lauber - in the junior
;department of the eohool here.
John and Mrs. Brawn, of Tavistoolr,
*spent the New Year's holiday with the
formate parents, Dr. and Mea. Brawn.
Wm. Gibson, who has spent the last
two yenta 10 the West, is viofting with.
hie mother and brother, at Maitland Brad
The teachers of the Preebyteriao Sun.
day Soh( l entertained the eaholare to a
sleigh ride and tea lath Thtn•eday atter.
Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Raley,' a
Missionary among the Indiana at Kits.
meat, B.0„ will prenob in the Methodist
oharob here at the everting eervioe. He
epeake at Gotrie on Friday evening of
this week.
The Municipal eleatione greated con-
eiderable excitement on Monday, the
roeuit et the voting for the village Ootlnoit
being to follows ;—W. M, Robineon, 79 ;
R. Blank, 78 ; T,'Hemphill, 781 W. Mo.
Iieroher, 86.; J. Douglas, 54 ; 0. Rise,
50. The Reeve being eleoted by thole.
matiou the new Counoli will be iso fol•
lows :—Reeve, Robb. Barrie; Councillors,
W. M. Robinson, Robt. Blank, Thos.
Hemphill and W MoKeraher. The
eohool trusting were oleo eleoted by ao-
olamation, R. J. Roan, T. A, Gibson,
and Neil White being the honored trio,
Crass brook.
We are sorry to state that We. Wm.
Alderson bas not been enjoying her usual
good health.
Sabbath afternoon next Eli Smith will
take charge of the eervioe in the Metho•
dist oburob in Oraubronk.
Next Sabbath morning Communion
nervine will be held in Knox church here.
Rev. Mr, Rose, of Breese)%, will preaob
at the preparatory eervioe on Saturday
at 10,80 n, m.
As sueoesser to Dunonn Melanie on
the Traetoe Board of Oranbrook school
John MuNabb was eleoted, Miages
Oaider and McKay are re-engaged as
teachers for 1905 and work was resumed.
on Tuesday.
In connection with the eervioe in the
Presbyterian church hot Sabbath morn-
ing Jas, D. McNair, Jno. P. McIntosh
and Marshall Harrison were appointed
Elders and will be faithful workers we
have no doubt.
Wedueadayof last week George M.
MoKay, of Mouorieff,-and Mies Margaret
Isabel McKay, of Ethel, entered into a
matrimonial alliance. 'Rev. D. B. Mo•
Rae performed the ceremony at the
manes here. They commence married
life with the beet wisher; of a large oirole
of relatives and friends.
VP rel ton.
Mre, Wm. Hoy is on the siok lieb.
James Ward, of Morrie, was a visitor
in town fora few days last week.
Dan. Campbell and son Geo. were
vette at R. B. Forenoon's on Monday.
The honest eleotore of our town were
all doing the New Year's gift ant on.Mon-
The annual meeting of the congregation
of Daff'o ohutch will be held on the
evening of Thursday, 19th inst.
Rnbt, Turnbull,wile and two children,
of Edmonton, N. W. T., are in town
visiting frieode. Mr. Turnbull bas bean
in the Wean for 28 yeare, end is a wel.
come vialtor in bie old bomb.
A.number .of our villagers attended the
funeral of the late Mre. Chas. nimble on
Tuesday. The deceased yeas well known
bete and the sympathy of all is extended
to the bereaved husband and family.
The annual A. 0. 8. W. Ball ou Fri
day night was well attended and an
enjoyable time was spent by all present.
The mania was supplied by Foreyth
Bros , of Kippen, and wee of a first glass
The New Year's Entertainment in the.
M'elhodret aheruh on Monday evening
walla e000eee in every particular, there
being a large audience, entertaining pro-
gram Etna exceilent order. With the
exception of reeitabioos by Miss Agnew,
Thoe. MaFadzean and John MoGavin
and eeleotigne by the choir, the pro.
gram was contributed by the children end
consisted of reoitabione, solos, ohoroeee
and drilla, all executed in an admirable
The offteere of Walton L. 0. L. No.
252 for 1905 will be Re follows :—W. M.,
Donnan Johnston ; D. M., Joseph Remit
ton ; Obap., Matthew Morrieon ; R. B.,
John W Morrison; F. S., Joseph Love ;
•Prase., Wm. MoOall ; Dir. of Oar.,
Henry Hamilton ; let Cnm., John Rion ;
Lecturers, W. H. Sholdiae and J. R.
Williamson. The Lodge meets Friday
evening on or before full moon. Visiting
brethren are always welcome.
1111tet eat.
Townebip Oonnoil will meet •hers next
H. and Geo. Addy Kant New-Year'e in
Brantford at their former home.
Andrew Balmier and wife, of Strut.
ford, viaited friends here over New Year'e.
The Canadian Order of Forester intend.
having a Bali and Oyster Supper here
Mre, Elizabeth Eokmiet' is visiting her
daughter, Mre, James Lyon, near
Mr. and Mrs..Oarsoadden, of Barrie,
were vieitore with Geo. and Mrs. Imlay
this week.
W. A. Freeman, of Seaforth, spent the
Christmas holidays with his brother and
family bete.
Dr, and Mre. Ferguson spent. New
Year's in Harrisbon at the former'°
parental ham.
Mies R. Spence; oar well known
soloieb, sang in Trowbridge at the Tea
meeting there Monday night.
"Wm, Eokmier, who ie re-engaged as
teaoher in Hawick townebip, lett for hie
work lamb Tuesday morning,
R. O. Davies spent New Year's in
Atwood. He also took part in a Concert
inorninNew Year's night.
M ton � g
The Preebyterian Sabbath school
acholare enjoyed their annual sleigh' ride
to Brueaole•on Friday afternoon last.
W. R. Presume, of this plane, left
Monday for Mattawa where he has taken
the Principalship of Matbawa eohool.
The many friendeof'Mies Shannon are
pleased to see her back again and wish
her e000eee at Principal of onr sobool.'
Mies B. Lamont, of Feesetton, ie
enjoying a holiday with parents and,
friends here. She expects' to have a
moptb's visit this time.
B. and. Mre. Laing, who were away 8
wedk0 at Pittsburg and 7iomeobead,
Pennsylvania, the bank here after an
enjoyable visit with relatives and Mende.
Mase Linda Milne, who wee home for
her Ohriebmae vftoation, has returned to
her school in' Eitel Wawanosb. Bile ie
renewing $400 title year, Mise Milne its
well liked in her Section.
At the cahoot meeting, here Wednesday
of last week, 0. Eoltmler, the retiring.
'i'rostee, was again appointed. Mr.
Eokmisr has been Trustee now ter six
Years and there 15 no better. Jno, Mc-
Leod was appointed caretaker of the
Miens Eva and Emma Imlay epent
New Year's day with friends on the 14th
oon„ or Grey..
Arabia Fugal, who has been working
for some months for Robt, Campbell,
blacksmith, of Atwood, has porohased a
business for himself in Haysville and is
now in poseeeeiou,
Andrew Sharp, who has been at Orye•
sal City, Manitoba, for the past three
yeare, is here on a holiday vigils with
relatives and friends. He look° well and
ie very entbualaetia over the West, Mr.
Sharp' visited at 8t. Thomas, London,
Brothels and other pointe en route,
Mies Belle Pearson, ,formerly teaoher
of Glenannen, bas been engaged a5
teacher of the eohool in Banff, N. W. T.,
at a eatery of $750. Miss Peareoo is
residing with her brother, Rev. Robt„
who ie a missionary there, and ie to be
congratulated on stowing snob an ex.
csllent eituation. She ie a fine teaoher.
J liseva1e,.
P. and Mre. Lewis are visiting relatives
at Mitchell.
L. B. Doff, of Galt, spent ]art week at
his borne in Bluevale.
Mise Jennie Greenway, of Toronto, is
vieitiug her parents here. '
Albert Deomae, of Owen Sound, spent
Chrietmasat hie home here.
Charles Coultas, of Listowel, spent
New Year's at hie home here.
Mise Jessie Roberteon, of Wroxeter,
visited friends here let week.
R. N. and Mre. Duff spent New Year's
day at D. Sproat'a in Belgrave.
Amos and Mrs. Jewitt, of Sault Ste.
Marie, are visiting relatives here.
Sam. Small, of IMeaford, visited hie
Water, Mre. Jack Risby, thie week.
Robt. and Mre. Blank, and children,
spent New Year's day at Wroxeter.
Jas. and Mrs. Robertson, ofBoioeevain,,
Muuitoba, are visiting relatives here.
George Haney, spent the Cbrietmog
holidays with his mother near Wbieby,m
Mre. Wm. Sproat, of McGregor, Maur
tribe, is visiting her nephew, R. N. Duff.
Rev. W. J. West preaohed in the Pres,.
byteriao ohurob et Atwood on Ohrietmaa
ert. Elliott and Walter Woods, of
Molesworth, visited R. Aitoheson this
Mies Jeeeie Gerrond, of Walkerton,
visited her nephew, R. N. Duff, this
Gordon Hay and Lloyd Thompson, of
Listowel, spent New Year's with Will.
W. J. and Mre. Johnston have return•
ed from an extended visit to relatives in
George Hunt, city editor of the Galt
Reformer, was a visitor at R. N. Duff's
last week.
Fred. and Mrs. MoCraoken, of Brae
eels, spent New Year's with Jno. and
Mrs. Gardiner.
Joseph and Mre. Bargees and obildren,
of Woodstock, spent the holidays with
relatives here.
Mime Alice and. Eva Doff and L. B.
Duff visited at John Robertson's, Wrest.
°ter, last week.
M. Aikeohead, of Braoefield ;oommeoo.
ed hie ditties ae Principal of our school
on Tneeday morning.
Clifford: Pugh, of Goderioh Collegiate,
aod Chester Pugb, of Palmeretou, have
been holidaying at home.
John Greenway and bride, of Sault
Ste. Marie, are spending their honey-
moon with the former'° parents here.
Robe. and Mre. King, Mre. Ben. Semite
and Mieeee Irene and Etta Sanita, of
Goderioh, were vieitore at J. Johnston's,
over New Year's.
J. J. Deman returned to Winnipeg
this week after a few weeks' holiday
here. Mr. Denman has deoided to settle
in the West. Hie family will go later.
The Foresters' Ball wae. Stied to over-
flowing and to the turning away point
on Friday evening, Deoember 80th, when
A. Mo]lwen, Prinoipal of our sobool,
brought to a euooesetul oonalmeioo a very
good and very long program, prepared
by pupile, ex•papile and otbere, ander
his direction, whioh was received by an
exceedingly appreciative and entbusiae-
tie audienoe. A small admission fee
was ahitrgedto sdtrltsand the prooeede,
some $27, will go toward parohaeing a
bell for our eohool. We publish the
program in full as we know the names
will be of interest to many absent ones
Chortle, "The. Maple Leal," by the
eohool ; recitation, "Song of the (lamp,"
Mies Alice Duf ; reoitaiion, "My
Father's Gang," Lyle MoKinnev ; song,
"Old Mother B'rown,! Teddy Paterson ;
address, Louie, Blake Duff; song, Myna
Sauey ; [speech, Charlie Black ; dialogue,
"Visitors from Fairyland ;"eobg, `'Strike
up the Band," Paul Pugb ; reoitation,
"Mother's Love," Mary Stewart ; song,
"Blue Bell," Mise Edna Pa :son;
"The he tetteHelpers,"
T L b ''tour
littip girle; tableau, "Moring Nook end
Night;" drill, by twelve boys; Wail gne,
"The Old and the New Foehion ;" re eta•
tion, "The Little boy who ran Away,"
Howard Stewart ; song, "Little Teddy,
Lila Gray ; dialogue, "The Miser, Pnnieh-
ed ;" duet, Mime Myrtle and Ivy Den.
man ; recitation, "Taking Dolly's Photo,"
Oameie Diment ; danoe, "Highland
Fling," Mabel MoDonald, Wingham ;
song, 'Old Sohocl Chums," Mies Eva
Duff ; reoltatioo, "Why I like tobe a
Girl," Bernice Shaw ; tableau, "Wait•
for Santa Oiaae ;" song, "The Miller and
the Maid," Aggie Aitohoeon ; recitation,
"Guilty or not Guilty; ' Bertha Haney
Bong and march, "The Snow Brigade,",
by five boys ; reoibation,'"Little Brown
Baby," Mies Duff ; oomio song, "The
Man Behind," Wm, J. Haney t drill, by
twelve girls ; boy's Quartette, "Old
Kentucky Home ;' tableau, "Fairy.
land ;" datum of the Brownlee ; . violin
inetrumental, Mise Nettie MoNangbton
dance, "Irish Jig," Mabel McDonald ;
oborne,"Jingle Bells," by the eohool1
recitation, "Visiting Grandma," Mine
Luella Shaw ; tableau, "As old ad'. our
Grandfathers;" song, "Good Advise,' by
a number of little girls ; tableau, "Flags
of the Nations, Toward the oonoluoion
of the program 13, N. Duff Made a pleas,
ing interruption ip intredutine Russel
McKinney, who read a ootitplimentary
preeenbatlon addreee en behalf of the
pupile and friends of Mr. MoEwen, who
is retiring from the teething profession
after serving this eeetion'for 16 ;yeare ae
Principal of Bluevale Reboot, A000m
penying the address was a. bandeome
raccoon that for Mr. MaEwsn and a
mantel olook for Mrs, MoMwen, The
preeentatione were made by Annie
Stewart and Elva Jermyn. In express.
ing the thanks of Mre. MoEwen and
himself, Mr. MoEwen made a very
pleasing speech and referred to bis
oordial relations with Bluevale seholare
for so many yeare and his friendly feel.
ing for the people of 'hie Beaton. Three
ringing thecae were given Mr. MoEwen
at the 0000luaiob of bis reply and then
the entire' company joined in pinging
"Auld Lang Syne." The affair was
hearty throughout. Among the ex pupils
present et the entertainment were ;—
Joseph Berges°, Woodetook ; Miss
Annie Oliver, Toronto; Mies Mabel
Thomas, Minto, Manitoba ; Misses Hat-
tie and Bardette McCracken, Wingham ;
Miss Jeseie Robertson, Wroxeter ; Louis
Blake Duff, Gait ; Clifford Pagh, Gods.
rich ; Walter Bargees, Wingham ; Aline
Doff, London ; Oora Messer, Listowel ;
and others. One of the most pleasing
tbinge in connection with the farewell
was the sending of kind greetings to Mr,
MoEwen by ex.pupile in many parte of
the country. These were received from,
in addition to those present at the
concert :—Lilian Romero, Tborndale ;
Roby Doff, Harrowemitb ; Oheeter
Pugh, Palmerston ; Will, Bailey, Ot-
tawa, ; Frank J. Soots, Sao City, Iowa
Mre. W. A. Griffiths, (Lizzie Sanderson)
Toronto ; Mre. Samuel Plaistow, (Mary
Yorston) Rookton ; Jennie, Margaret,
Tommy and Lilian Diment, Toronto ;
Berths, Isabel and Harriett Sanderson,
Toronto ; Bert. Bailey, Deloraine, Mani-
toba ; Mand Pant, Wroxeter ; W. Mo-
er ie Demmer, Ohatham ; Fred. Was -
ego,. eye York; Hartley and Willliem
A, eo00'n Stew York ; Flora M: Nix-
Vre, Gretnaq fget ; James J, Paterson,
"Wie4riiiiyg ; Margaret Roberteon, Van -
waver, 13, 0. ; Gordon Paterson, Wined.
peg. Mr. MoEwen oarriee with him on
his retirement from public service the
einoere affection and respect of bis old
pupils. Indeed the most oommon ex-
pression of hie popularity is, if the
familiarity may be excused, "We always
liked Sandy."
Mime Mabel McCall Lae gone to Toron-
New Council will assume office next
Fred Kellington is home from Bribieh
Columbia, where he has spent the past 5
yeah, on a holiday.
Mies Edythe E. Imrie, of Westmoant,
Montreal, is holidaying at the home of
her Toole, Wm. Iebister.
Mre. E. Sellers, 2nd line, ie visiting at
Arkona, Lambton Co., and London
with relatives and Mende.
Aibett McOall is here from Alameda,
N. W. T. and will web relatives and old
friends for a few months.
Miss E. Manning, who has recently
taught in 8. 8. No. 7, Morris, is epeuding
her vacation in Crestline, Ohio.
Tbie weak Francis Dania" and Charlie
Davie, 4thline, left for a visit with
relatives and Meade at Lindsay.
A large number of ohsngee in the
public eohool° in Morrie this year as
far as the teaahere are oouoerned.
Mise Mand Bryant' is home from
Toronto. Her ankle is considerably ine.
proved by the treatment received.
Allan, the 2 year old son of Allan and
Mrs. Speir, 4th line, has been on the sick
list but we bops he will soon be o. k.
Dr. W. J. Roe, of Philadelphia, visited
the home of hie father, who has been ill
but is, we are glad to say, improving.
Mite Bella McCall and Master Louis
McCall, of Obatbam, were viaitors with
Morrie relatives for the Christmas heli.
Mrs, Robert Forrest and son, Archie, of
Brantford, have returned home after a
vieib, with relatives in Morrie and Brum.eels.
Jno. and Mre, Ames and ohildren, of
Toronto, spent the Christmas' holidays
with M. M. Cardiff and family, Mre.
Ames is a daughter.
John Davie, jr. 4th line, is not in the
enjoyment of se robust health as hie
many friends would wish, bub we hope he
will Boon be as hearty as ever.
At Wednesday's school meeting John
Shorbreed was re•eleated trustee . in B. 8
No. 9. Wm Skelton will supply the
hardwood and Thee. 'McCall the cedar.
Another wedding pr two etill on the
program in Morris. There are some old
baohelore who will have to get a move
on them as the girls are being picked up.
During the paetfew weeks Jno. Sherrie
8rd line, bee bean bothered with rheum-
atism depriving him of his aooastomed
ability to get about. We hope be will
soon be ae sound as a dollar.
Monday evening quite a number of
eleotore assembled at the Township Hall
to beat the result° of the election. The
candidatespresent made short speeches
and good humor prevailed to the fall.
The 100 eon farm of Peter Jaokeon,
7th line, will he offered for sale by
public apmtion on Saturday afternoon of
this week, at the American Hotel, Bens
seta, Mr. Jackson intends removing to
the West if be sella..
ACCIDENT.—Last Bonday. night Mre.
Joseph Stubbs was going up., the stairs
without a light and when at the top sloe
fell the whole length of the stairway
from which her fade and head suffered to
no small extent. Although Mrs. Stubbs
is over 70 years she has been it hearty
woman and her many tamale hope she
will soon be around all right, It was a
very ologe call bo.fatal reunite.
AN IIXPLANATION,-I wish to make an
explanation to the eleotore of Morrie
township why I withdrew as a candidate
for the township Oomnoil. I did not know
until Saturday that the fact of my being
te polbiio sobool trusses disqualified me
from being eligible to a seat at the Conn -
oil Board. Monday I visited JOhnaten'B
polling cub division and the stone ealioel
house and asked the electors not to vote
for me, Thanking my friends for prof.'
fared support. I remain yours seely,
G. W. Tunvwtt.
PloNgon DEAD,—On Tuesday morning
Deoember 201b another one of Morrie
peeled away in the person of Robert
Warwick, 2nd line, of Morris, ire his 75th
year. The deceased wee te native of
Scotland, and came to tbie country when
a young man, first settling at elmith'e
Falls. For the past 43 yeare he has
been a resident of Morris. Shortly after
owning tothis pats he married Mies
Allen, of Hallett. The late Mr. Warwick
watt of a quiet, reserved manner, a great
reader, and was well informed on the
public queetioue of the day, He was
universally esteemed for his integrity
and uprightness. In politics he was a
ebaonoh supporter of the Liberal party,
and in religion a Presbyterian. For
the past 25 yeare be bas beld. the position
oteohool trasbee in bis seotion, daring the
poet few yeare of wbioh time be has been
secretary treasurer. The deceased leaves
to mourn his lose a widow, four sons—
John, V. S., of Brussels Robert, George
and Andrew, the latter of whom has
recently been in Montana—and three
daughters, Mre. Wm. Golley, of Edmon
too ; Mrs. Ohne. Campbell, of Morrie, and
Mies Jennie at home. The deoeaoed was
a brother of Mrs. King sr., of Bluevale,
Thee. Warwick, of Morrie, and another
brother residing at Bmitb'e Falls.
PrEooNTATION.—A very pleasant atter.
noon was epeut on Thursday the 22nd of
Deo., by the pupils of B. S. No. 2, Morrie.
A number of ,•x pupils were also present
and enjoyed exoeediagly their vieib, to
the old eohool. A short program was
given by the pupile atter which a very
handsome silver sake -dish was presented
to Mies Isbieter by Laura Phelan and
Emma 0.ark, on behalf of the eohool.
The following address was read by Jae.
Phelan, an ex pupil 1 -
Miss Iabfeter J
Darn TEAonzn.—It is with regret that
we, the pupils of S. S. No. 1, Morrie,
learn of your intention of severing) your
0000eotione with ne, as you have won
our deepest regard and love by your kind
and sympathetic manner. By your
patience and pereeveranee you have
always striven to implant in ns a love
tow Knowledge and the highest regard
for Truth and Virtue. We, then, on be•
half of the eohool, would ask you to
swept Chis oaks.dish as a remembrance
Pt kbit Section in which you have taught
for the past four yeare. Wiebing you
every moues in your future work.
Signed on behalf of the sobool,
EHMA Cwois
All were sorry to say farewell to Miss
Iebieber, who bas done her work very
efficiently and b'ae endeared herself to
both pupils and pareote. We wish her
all seethes in her new sobool.
• Grew'.
Mre. J. B. Adams, of Toronto, is visit-
ing Mre. J. B. Hyde.
Mr. and Mre. Palmer were visiting
relatives Xmas week.
Donald McNair is gradually improving
we are pleased to state.
Look out for floe weather now we
think the weddings are over.
John McKay, of Oranbrook, spent Bun -
day at hie home at Monoreiff.
Thomas and Mrs. Williamson spent
Sunday at John Shortreed's jr. Morris.
Joe Nioholeon i5 visiting relatives and
friends here. What is tba attraotion
Joe f
Mr, Danoaneoo bad °barge of the
earshot! at Bethel church last Sabbath
Samuel Wherry gave a fine address
Sunday evening to the young people at
Union oharob:
Robert Coutts' family spent n very
enjoyable time at Jamestown, Saturday
and Sunday last,
There will be no Sabbath school at
Bethel next Sunday on aoaount .of
saorament at Oranbrook.
Robert and MnO. Hateof Dawn town-
ship, were visiting relatives and friends
around Monorieff last week. '
The young people who were at the
party at Geo. Robertson's Monday even-
ing, report an enjoyable time.
Laurie and Norman McNaught, eons
of John McNaught, are away to attend
the Business Oollege at Stratford.
Mrs.'Jae. Battin, who has been very
ill, we are glad to say is recovering and
will soon be onnvalesoeob we hops.
Will. Wilson. of Atwood, and Miss
Maggie Oarnaohan, of Toronto, were
guests of Wm. Bntbrey's, Sunday last.
Will. Davidson, 12th oon., arrived
home this week from the Northwest
looking as if the prairie breezes agreed
with him.
R. F. and Mre. Careoadden, of Edgar,
Ont,, are visitors with the. Patterson,
and Mann families and other relatives
and friends.
Dan, and Rob, Ferguson, of Calgary,
are here for a holiday, Borne folios say
the former may locate on his fine 200
pore farm and set up housekeeping on
bis own account,
Harry Buttrey, son of Wm. Buttrey,
llth ann. of Grey, arrived Saturday
from Saskatoon. Mr. Buttrey bus been
working with te bridge gang for the .past
two yeare and thinks the N, W. T. is.
all right.
The prizes for reciting Cateohiem , and
Seripbbre verses were diitrlbubed Xmas
Sunday at Bethel Sabbath Sohool. In
the two senior olasoee Maggie Mann and
Carrie Schnook, Willie Mann and Willie
Tarr, got lot and and respeotivefy and
in the motor, Lily Harrison, Bessie Ma•
Qnarrie, Bessie. Mann and. Luella Tarr.
Angie Lamont was once mere the
abeioe.of the ratepayers in B. S. No, 6,
ss trathee, Opoade of hardwood will be
furnished by Jno. Lowe at 32 25 a cord
and Jean Bateman will supply the
cedar for kindling at 32 10 per Lord.
The new teaoher Mies MoArthnv, of
Brussels, oomnienoed work on Tnoeday,
We wish bet encases.
In S, S. No, 2, Soo. Oliver wee ohoeen
trustee ae samosa to James Bowdon,
whose term had expired. M. Stowell
will be the auditor for 1905. A email
°entreat for wood was let to ,The. flonetnn
at $2.25. There le Same talk of imbed.
toting octal foe wood for another Winter
and the idea is a very geed one and
ebould be carried Ont,
Jno. Melanosis home from the West
for a visit.
The new township Connell will meet
on Monday of next week.
Mise Oora Took, of Clifford, is visiting
Miss Julia Frain and the Miller family.
Mies Mary Marsh, who has been In
Toronto for the pate year, ie here on a
visit under the parental root.
A taw friends epent Monday
evening at the home of Thee.
Williamson, 14th can,, and were treated
to an oyster supper.
B. S. No. 8 annual meeting re•eleobed
A. McLean, who bad resigned and
Edward Fulton trustees. $2.25 was
paid for the neaeaeary wood, per 0302, to
A. MoLean.
The wood oontraob for the school house
in 8. B. No. 8 was given to Robt. Mo.
Kinnon at $2 25. P. A. McArthur was
re.eleoted treatise. They have a eohool
library of 24 books in B. S. No. 3.
E. G. MoDonald, Principal of Harris-
too Publio Sobool, has been engaged as
Principal of Listowel Pablio Sobool at a
salary of $700 for 1905. He wee a former
successful teacher of this township.
The annual eohool meeting of the,
Whitfield school was held as per Statute.
-George Oxtoby was sleeted trustee ; Jas.
Hanna, auditor; and Wm, Michel gate
the wood contract at 32 75 for maple and
$2 60 for beech.
J. J. and Mrs, Vincent and daughter,
of Bothwell, were vieitors with Mrs.
Livingston and family, loch con., last
week. Miss Ivy Livingston a000mpanied
them to the wedding of Mies Hattie Vin•
Dent at Teeswater.
Mrs. Fred. Marais and eon Edward
Joaepb, of Saginaw, Mich., who were
visiting at D. Marsh's here, returned to
their home last Monday. Will. Marsh.
was also here on the same trip. Messrs.
Marah are well pleased with Saginaw.
Nelson Askin, 14th eon., has decided to
rent his farm for a term of years and will
leave next March for Idaho, 8. S„ wbere
he will assist George Ooatee, his brother
in-law, formerly of Grey, at sheep
ranching. J. Douglas, of Morrie town•
ship, will take Mr. Aekin's farm. The
Tatter will hold 5,0 anotion sale of farm
stook, Implements, &a.,- before he goes
Last Saturday Wm Mann, of Glasgow,
sailed from New York for home. He has
been here for the past 6 menthe during
wbioh time he saw a good ehare of the
Dominipn and a part of the U. 8. Last
week he visited in Toronto. It is said
somebody on the 12th oon. ie saying
"Will ye o0' mane book again 9 " Mr.
Mann made many friends who will be
glad to see him come to Ootaria again
before long.
Sm000r, REroaT.—The following is the
standing of the pupils of 8. S. No. 10
for the month of Deoember as metier -
mined by examination. Sr. IV—L.Oar-
son, 69 ; R. Oztoby, 50 f J. Oontea, 40.
Jr. IV—R. Engler, 65 ; F. Whitfield, 62 ;
E. Ratbwell, 59; M. Denman, 56 ; G.
Speiran, 58 ; J. Campbell, 61 : L. Engler,
46 0. Buttrey, 44 ; 8. Hntabieon, 851
Sr. III— K, Denman, 68 1 P. Oxtoby,
64 ; 0. Baker, 43 , A. Speiran, 40 ; W.
Speiran, 35; N. Carson, 34 ; J. Holten.
beak, 82. Jr. III—I. Spoken, 69 ; 141,
Speiran, 67 ; G. Evans, 60 ; J. Donal, 56 ;
W. Whitfield, 50. Sr. II J. Hyde, 62 ;
M. Hntabieon, 60 ; A, Hyde, 59 : M.
Mechem, 55 ; L. Evane, 54 ; R. Piokerell,
44 : H. Pickerel), 88, Sr. Pt. IL F.
Cox, M. Hanna, R. Oentt , H. Speiran,
W. Ward. Jr. Pt. II.—S. Maohan,
Sr. Pt I. M. Cox, G. Whitfield,, E.
Pickerel', W. Ballantyne. Jr. Pt. L—M.
Oxtoby, A. Comae. 8. B. Lemon.
WEDDING BELLS.—On Tuesday, Deo.
27th, a jolly company of relatives to the
number of about 60 assembled at the
home of Wm. and Mrs. Telfer, 16th eon.,
to witneee the marriage of their third
daughter, Mies Jessie, to Robert Moore,
formerly of Grey township, but recently
of Souris, Manitoba. About five o'olook
while Mies Aggie Toiler, Meter of the
bride, played the _Wedding Marob, Mr.
Moore took bis place before a bank of
flowers. Mr. Telfer then planed bio
daughter, who was dreeeed in a beautiful
robe of ohampagne auk, finished with
pleating of white chiffon, by the groom's
side and Rev. Mr. MacNab, of Duff's
ohnroh, Walton, .proceeded. with the
marriage ceremony. Little Mies Mamie
Moore, nleoet of the groom, who was
bnetely dressed in blue silk, married the
ring in a basketof tlowero, After joyful
greetinge had been expressed to the bride
and groom all repaired to the dining
room where everyone did inetioe to the
bountiful dinner planed' before them.
The evening was spent in game°; sbory,
and song after whioh all returned home
atter wishing Mr. and Mre. Moore every
bappiomes in their Manitoba home to
wbioh they proceeded on Friday morning.
The presents were nnmerone and beanti
foil, the groom's gift to the bride being a
habdaome diamond neoklaoe and to the
flower girl ho gave a "tiny broach in the
shape of a heart.
A Suooaes.—The Obrietmaa Enter.
taiementgiven by the Sabbath School
workers at 'Union appointment on There•
day evening of lash week waevery mean -
fill. The evening being very fine the
oharob was as natal packed to the door,
The church was neatly decorated with
evergreens nage, and bunting, while' the
tree besides being attractive looking was
heavily laden with beautifnl gifts for the
Sunday Sobool pupils. Beginning at 8
o'clock the following program was well
rendered with J. K. Baker in the ohair.—
Doxology by the ohoir ; Prayer •, Chair.
man's address..; reoibation, Florence
Whitfield ; dialogue, "The opening
Address," 8 boys; thorns by ohildren;.
reoitation, Lepra Speiran ; selection by
choir ; recitation, Stanley Machan 1
thorns, by children I reoitation, Herman
Piokerell ; selection, by choir ; address,
Rev. 0, P. Wells ; reoitation, 8. Bath.
anon dialogue "Amariah and hie sone"
reoitatioe H, Speiran ; oborne by obild-
reading, S. Lamont ; reoitnbion, by
Mary Maoban ; oboruo by obildren ;
recitation, F, Whitfield ; ealoetion,' by
choir; recitation, Oela Ratbwell; chorea
by ohildrin ; teolbatioe G. Evans ; dia.
logose"The Happy Family;" recitation,
Lily Evans ; choir eeleotion ; God Wave
he King. The program bltroagboub watt
very Interesting and appropriate for the
0goaeicn and wee undoubtedly the beat
that hoe been given in Union daring the
year, This part of the pr000adings being
over, the Kmae tree wlte ,now stripped of
many pretty preeente much to the delight
of the little ones. The proceeds amount, it
to $20, the earns to he devoted to Soaday
Sobool pmrposea. We with the school
continued 5000e5e in all their work.
ADDnass AND PoarsuNTATION.^—On Ibo
afternoon of the last day at school .the
pupils,teaobere and a number of the
parents and young people of 8, S. No. 6,
who bad gathered to say Good-bye to
their teaoher- amused thomeelvee by a
musical and literary program prepared
by the pupils. At the close of the pro.
gram the teacher was agreeably sur•
prised, when Melville Blair stepped
forward and read an address while Percy
Stephenson and Freddie Smeltzor pre•
stinted her with a handsome Over sugar
set, a lemonade set and a bread plate.
Address was as follows ;—
Miss Bessie McDonald:
Thum Tnaaaau.—We " the undersigned
pupils of B. S. No. 6, Grey, in behalf of
the motion and sobool in whish you base
taught for three years, take this op•
portanity of expressing our regret that
In the Providence of God we are soon to
part as teaoher and pupils. Ws mingle
with our regreb the high chasm with
wbioh you have been bald by as and the
whole Section on amount of the earnest
and untiring endeavor with .wbioh you
have labored for our intelleobna, moral
and spiritoal.welfare, We predict, with
mnob oonfideuoe, a bright future for you.
Feud recollections of thoughtful prompt.
nsea and faithfulness {yid, we trust, ever
inspire tie to noble and lofty ideas of life.
We have learned under your able tuition
that there is no royal road to learning ;'
but that the way to sitcom is by the way
of earnest efforts; and that. the way to
viobory is by the way of oor:fliob, As a .
token of your valuable services ae oar
beloved teaoher, please accept this silver
sugar rot and lemonade set, not for their
intrineio value bat for the motive that
prompts the gift and as the yeare come
and go may yam enjoy comforts each as
these have given yah. In meditation of
the three years' faithful toil you spent in
our behalf. We wish you a Merry Ohriob-
mme and a Happy New Year, a prosperous
fabure and the "Well _dons good and
faithful one" in the life to come. Signed
on behalf of the Section and sehool by
PEnaY BTNPHENsu.'"'-
FnEnDIn BfficLTzou,
Miss MoDonald briefly thanked the
people for their kindness to her ann
wished the school and people of the sec-
tion every nooses, She then gave her
pupils Christmas tardy hod bags of
candies and note atter which Good byes
were said and all returned home.
Port Arthur bas surrendered and the
Japanese have granted honorableterms
to a valiant. foe. Officers and oiviliane in
the fortress of Port Arthur are to be re.
leased, the offieere ou parole, and to
mare)] out wearing their side arms, .this
oonoeseion eaving..Boossien "honor. But
the rank and file of the heroin garrison,
over twenty thousand in number, four•
teen thoneand of whom ate siok or
wounded,in the hospital°, are to remain
prisoners of war. Japan will not allow
these men to go book to Russia to ba
drafted into other regiments and again
sent to the front against the so'diere of
the Mikado, bet their fate, that of
prisoners of war, they will probably oon.
eider preferable to a continuance of the
eemi-ebarvationand sufferings they have
lately been compelled to endure. Japan
is now in possession of Port Arthur, if
the articles of capitulation have been
carried out, and the Russian troops will
marsh out Wednesday, those of- them
that are able to march. An item of
!omen interest' among all the despatches
received of blood and slaughter is that
the Russian and Japanese "troops area
It is evident tbst the Russians have
left but little behind them save the sur-
rendered fortress that will be of value to -
the victors. The buildings of tbs town
are described as a oomplete wreck,
and the harbor entrance has been blocked
by the sunken ships. It sons n mere
handful of men who surrendered, and
the Japanese have won a desert strewn
with debris.
General Stoeesel's daepatoboa to the
Medea general staff tell of the ravages
of Boum amongthe garrison,. whioh
increased enormously the luta of. the
disabled ; of the increasing onsanity liths,
and finally, of the exhaustion of the am.
munition supply. Re says that at the
end of the siege be bad only 10,000 men
tinder arms, and there were 14,000 in the
Penne or a oontinued war ? That ie
the gnsstion agitating the minds of
European diplomats in of the new
situation created by the fall of Port
A• It i5 nob bo be belfov5d that
Raeoiarthurherself would mare any advanros
towards a cessation of hostilities, suoh a
move would be too mortifying to icor
pride, and the despatches raomved from
the various Europeen centred them to
agree that the time Is not ripe for Inter-
vention from England, France or the
United States, Japan herself might be
in it position to matte an offet to her fee,
but St. Petersburg despatches say that,
with the present situation' 10 the fnteri'1
of Russia, it is Impossible ter. the Geyern•
mens of that 000010, to bow to teem t,
50512 moderate ones, tendered by Japan,
as a conqueror. The British 'Forel it
Office, it is reported, has .bated that it
was reoenbiy officially informed that
it was recently officially informed that
Rdssia would not consider any prepoesle
for pease at present.
If the straggle is then to be continued,
the gaeotion thine, will it be eon$ned to
the present belligerents 9 In this eon -
notion a remark made by Major-General '
Sir Alfred Turner, K. O. B., ie worth 8.
Weathering, He gives it at his opinion
that atheist, in faced smoh a blew to Iter
prestige, to reinntate boroalf, will turn tel
the 5lettlrtteetarn frontier of India.