HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-12-29, Page 8Christmas Rush
Is on and you will do well to make your final
from our large stock of
Ebony and Leather Goods, Perfumes,
Books, Bibles. Hymn Books and
Prayer Books, Japanese China, Toys,
Dolls, Picture Books and Sleighs.
Please come as early in the day as possible and we will
guarantee to give you good service.
to4„1,01"1iimie ubehN,otm
Traine leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Mail 7:11 a.m 'Mixed 9:00 a.m
Mixed 12.10 ami 100011 ............1:20 p,m
Express S:08 p.m I Express 8:39 p.m
road, bass
A 011101 13 among ye takil' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ie.
GET ready to write 1905.
BAPrY New Year to everybody.
Ponrrc Sahoolo re -open next Tneeday
MONTHLY Horse Fair will be held on
Thursday of next week. Don't forget.
THE sleet storm played havoc with the
telegraph and telephone wires Iaet Mon-
ANNOAL Tea Meeting in the Methodist
church, Brunetti, Friday evening of tbie
M0NIm0AL eleotioo day next Monday.
Polls open from 9 a, m, to 5 p. m. No
election in Brueeele.
THE woolen factory will soon be ready
to commence operatiooe tinder the owner-
ehip and manaaereent of J. T. Ween.
Saruw' o night's train dir_1 dot arrive in
Brunch, until after midnight. The pae-
eengere were in time, of oourae, to play
SEMI& Olaog.
T17,,,100 acre farm' of Peter Jaoltaon,
Morrie, will be rffered for sale by public
Emotion at the American Hotel, Brussels,
Saturday, Jan. 7111, at 2.30 p. m.
CiuNnnoox Methodist ohurob people
presented Rev. T. W. Gesell') with a load
of oats last week. This will be a ooze of
where Neigh I Neigh 1! may be taken in
the affirmative, we suppose.
TnoaeDAY, Jan. 5th, at 11 a. no., the 2
stores, known ea the Garfield House,
Brueeele, will be offered for sale by pohlio
auction, by F. B. Scott, auctioneer. The
property is most eligibly situated ; is well
built and is in good repair. It i8 owned
by R. 0. Struthers, wholesale merchant,
London, who built it,
Astons the. friends from a dietanoe who
attended the funeral of the late Samuel
Walker last Saturday afternoon were
Jno. Campbell, Ed. Papple, Jno. and Mies
Walker, of Tookeremith ; Robt. Arm
strong and W. J. and Mrs. Battey, of
Seaforth 1 David Walker, of Tapperville,
and Everett Walker from Dutton. Mre,
Walker may continue to reside in her
own home in Brussels.
RECITAL.—A Piano Recital was held
last Saturday by the advanaed mealo
popile of Thos. A. Hawkins, It was
given in his music rooms and on account
of limited space no guests were invited.
The following young ladies took part :—
Misses Jones, Adam', Watson, Moses,
MoOraoken, Bewley, Armstrong, Moffatt
end Ferguson. The composers Weeks,
Behr, Liohner, Sartorio, Rendando, Bath,
Barron, Bohm, Kaiser, Heller, Wilson,
Nevin, Lange, Gnrlitt, Lehr, Beethoven,
Thome, Leek, Knhlau, ;Kulleb and Spind-
ler were represented on the program.
0. 0. F.—Officers were eleoted in 000-
neetion with Court Primacies Alexandria
No. 24, 0. 0. F., Braseele, on Tneeday
evening ae follows :—P. 0. R., James
Bargees ; C. R„ John Wihee ; V. C. R.,
Geo, Karr ; F S., S. T. Plant ; R, S., A.
E. Mellish ; Trees„ R. Leatherdale ;
Chap., G. Rogers ; 8. W., H. Mercer ;
J. W., II. Wilton ; S. B. Jno. Meadows ;
J. B., Daniel MoLauoblin ; Phys., Dre,
MoNoughton, McKelvey and Toole,
Trustee., Jno. Wilbee, G. Rogers and
Geo. Kerr. 0. D., Jae, Sbnrrie.
Installation will take plane on Tuesday,
Jan, 10th, There are 132 membere in
good standing in oonneotion with the
THE Toeewater News reports the fol.
lowing accident:—"Dr. Stewart met with
a painful and somewhat 8800000 aaoident
while oat ehooting in company with G.
Ferguson. They were passing through a
swamp, the Dr, about 25 yards in the
lead, when Ferguson's gun aooidentally
discharged, a port of the charge of shot
striking the Dr. in the bank and right
arm, The shot penetrated to a 000eider•
able depth and 5 or 6 grains have not yet
been extracted. The wounds occasion
the Dr. a good deal of inconvenience but
no aerion8 oonoequenoee are expeoted,"
Mr. Ferguson is a brother to Dr, Fergo-
son, of Brussels.
soli Chroniolo of Deo. 24th, epeake as
follows of young ladies well known here
—Tho Sanitarium whiob for five year]
has been au000sefully managed by Mish.
Ryan, has been leaded by her to Mies
Sharp, who has taken p080essi0n. Mise
Sharp is a sister to Mre,I, W. Kingswood,
and is well known to many lngereoll
people, having been anteing here for
severer. months. She ie a graduate of the
St. Thomas General Hospital, and in
every teepeot is well qualified for the
work that may come under her care,
She will be assisted by her Bleier, Mies
Lillie Sharp, and Miss Wilson, of London.
Tikes Ryan will upend some time at both
Chicago and New/ork, and will make a
epeoialty of nervous oaten before return'
ing to Ingersoll.
Mae, LEOEIE will be At Home on Mon.
day, Jan. 2nd, from 2 to 5 o'clock.
WEDDINGS have been numerous. THE
Pon gine a fine atartoff to theee inter
eating events by the wedding invitations
WEDNESDAY WWI 00 old "porker" of a
day for blizzard and following the rainy
and mild day previous was all the more
A Loth of young people from Brussels
had au upset at Oraubrook while turning
a corner owing to the icy coating on the
road. One young lady got a bang on the
nose and another took a swoon but
fortunately no one was very eerioaely in•
Teta Methodist Sabbath School Brus-
sels, contributed $15.73 last Sabbath
afternoon to the Sanitarium fund and
Braseele Court of Canadian Foresters
and A. F. & A. M. Lodge, each
paid W. H. Kerr, treasurer of the looal
fond the sum of $5 for the same ohjeet
this week.
Two burned remains of the McCaughey
Bleak is not only an eyesore to the Main
street but a thane of danger with frost
in the shattered walla and a strong wind
blowing. It should either be pulled down
or rebuilt. It le the town Counail'e
business to see about it before ar mtbody
is killed or maimed for life
MamineoNTAL,—At II a. in. on Tneeday
of this week itev, John Roes, B. A., tied
the matrimonial bow at the residence of
James Shaw, James street, between Mre.
Mary A. Middagh, of Iroquois, Ont., and
Slater t0 Mr. Shaw who has spent the
past few months here, and H. A.. Broom],
coal merchant, also of Iroquois. After
congratulations luncheon was served and
Mr. and Mre. Browse left for the East on
the 3 p. m. train. Tux POST joins with
relatives and friends in tho expression of
good wiaheofor a happy and prosperous
voyage over the matrimonial sea.
BaussaL8 Patine Sobool pnpile had an
enjoyable time before school closed in
musical and literary programs, the
distribution of confectionery, fruits, &a.
In the senior department the following
program was given with Principal
Cameron fn the ohair :—Ohorne, "Under
the sil'er moon;" reading, Ronald
Sinclair ; recitation, "The giant who
wanted to work," Tom Dark ; solo, "I'd
like to hear that song again," Hazel
Bozell; recitation, "Hello," Joe Wilton ;
reeding, "Young Amerioa" Mina E Nott 1
dialogue, "Good.bye" A. Scott and N.
Lowiak ; Chorus, "Old Black Joe ;"
reading, "An affectionate letter" Mary
Fear ; recitation, "Jack Gray" John
Elliott ; reading, "The scheme that
failed" Herbert Brothers ; recitation,
"Mona's Waters" Carrie Jeokeon ;
recitation, "When the teaoher gets arose"
Berva Bryane ; Skating Bong. Several
gramophone seleotione were rendered by
Carl Holmes, In addition to a number
of ladies Roger Deadman and Russell
Zimmer, former pipits, were present.
CROI0E PaOaEara,—At the anniversary
Teo meeting in the Methodist ohuroh,
Brussels, to be held Friday evening of
Ellie week, a fine program will be pre-
eented which will not fail to please.
Addressee are expeoted from Revde. A.
E. Jones, of Belgrave ; R. S. Baker, B.
A., of Walton ; J. Rose, B. A., Braseele,
and A. K. Birks, L. L. B., of Seaforth.
Mies Ada L. Beattie, of Beaforth, will
ratite "A modern Elijah," by Richard
York, and "Selling the Farm. The
=shot program will be A 1. The
Imperial Male Quartette, of Seaforth,
oompoeed of W. H. Willie, W. Piakerd,
W. J. Bright and W. G. Willie, with
Mise Addie Rothwell as organist, will
render "I want to go down South once
mo' ;" "The oity choir ;" "The Goblins
will git you if you don't watoh oat ;" and
"Daddy." Solos will be given as
fuliowe :—"My dream of the Golden
Shore," by Mrs. W. H. Willie ; "Day by
day," by Waiter Pickard ; "For sale—A
baby," W. H. Willie ; "Norman's
Tower; Walter G. Willis. Dr. Fred.
and Mre. Gilpin, of Michigan City, Ind.,
may also contribute selections. A big
25o worth is promised without any
doubt. Tea served from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Business Locals.
WANTED to exchange 20 or 26 he of
honey for a load of straw. G. A. DEAD
Gordan pups for sale from good working
stook. J. D. Malan, Lot 22, Con, 13,
FOUNTAIN pen lost in Brussels. A re.
ward wilt be paid for its recovery, on
leaving at Tut POeT,
BOSS Orpington from prize winning
stook for sale. Call next week.
3000. WRIGHT, Mill street,
LOST,—A leather lug of double throne,
between 80000618 and Ord line of Grey.
Finder will please leave same at THE
FEATHERS WeNTan.—Any quantity of
goose and duok feathers wanted. Highest
price paid. R. LEATIEJIDALE & SON,
To ANYONE Venni BAws.—If you obooee
to favor me with your trade you oan
defend Si, first elan trade at fair and
moderate prime at I bav0 added the
latest improved saw gammen to my new
outfit and will On the beet work that
honey oda bay. T. MoGnoaoa, Mill et„
Brueeele, Orsi,
Standard. Bank of Canada'? E
,r^7. SSPA:•DT: 2359 1672
SURPLUS, OR 12I'BERVB FOND 8 1,000,000
TOTAL A8517T8 e.VD12 10,000,000
.alt. General Banlllin ' ]3aIIrain0,4e8 Trans -sae ed
- DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on whiob
ie added to eooitiotn every six months and beoomee principal.
— MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any person,
only fur which no obarge is made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our °arena! and 000010oue attention.
Brussels Nominations.
Reeve, R. Henderson, by Acclamation.
Clerk Soots took his poet of duty aa
Returuiug•Ofhoerlast Monday evening iu
the Town Hall at 7 30 o'olook, and palled
for nominatioue for the office of Reeve,
Cont oilmen and Public School Trueteee
for the coming term. The start off was
elow but at the expiration there were
nominees to double the required offioee
and to spare, and came in the following
Reeve— Nominator. Seconder.
W. H. Herr, D. Ewan W. C. Smith
B. Henderson, S. Wilton J.D.Warwiok
B. Gerry, M. H. Moore F. Sperling
Colum s-0Hs—
M. H. Moore, D. Ewan W. C. Smith
T. Newsome,
R. Thomson, J. D. Warwiok S. Wilton
Jae. G. Jones,
G. Muldoon, Jno. Long J. Querin
W.F. Stewart, D. Ewan D. A. Lowry
Alt. Booker, J. T. Rose A. Somers
G. Thom'ao, • W. H. Kerr P. Scott
H.R.Brewer, R. Leatherdale S. Crawford
G.L.Walker, J. Donaldson H. James
S. T. Plum, J. Hewitt T. Thomson
6at00L ToDaTEEe—
J. G. Skene, D. 0. Boss W. 0. Smith
W. M. Sfnolplr,
Geo. Thomson, '
F. Ament, S. Wilton R. Downing
T, Farrow, J. T. Roes A. Somers
Atter announcement had been made as
to election, it one is neeeseary, F. S.
Scott wee voted to the ohair and speeoh-
afying was the order for about an hoer.
The members of 1904 were asked to speak
before the other nomiuee0.
R. Hondereon said he was not a r'peeoh
maker and after a three year term as
Councillor naked for promotion to the
Reeve's ohair and then would drop out.
1904 was a busy year in connection with
the woollen mill bneineee and the propos
ed sewer and numerous meetings were
held, Mr. Wood was now in poaseseion
of the woollen mill and he would employ
from 17 hands upward. It looks as if
he was going to push the business.
Deoieion wee not yet given as to the
sewer suit, He woo opposed to the last
appeal and voted that way. It eleoted
he would endeavor to do hie duty and
attend Carefully to the bneineee of the.
Robt. Thomson was not present.'`
8. T. Plum did the beat he could ea a
Councillor last year and if re eleoted
would do the saran.
Alfred Brother was not in the Hall.
W. H. Kerr appreciated the hoo,lr of
occupying the Reeve'e chair but es he
had already had 7 years in it he would
dtcline the privilege this year and open
the. way for the promotion of another.
Indications ae to increased pro8l'arity
are not wanting in Brunets as inettnced
by the rebuilding of P, Ament'e mitt end
the selling of woolen factory to Mr,
Wood. The town will lose nothing by
the exemption of Mr. Ament'e factory
for a Pew years ae the taxes would only
be from the land had it net been rebuilt.
Was always opposed to Municipal law -
suite and Brussels bad a dear encogh
lesson with the Ronald foundry. Would
like}lo see a piece of permatleut roadway
put ;Iowa North of the bridge ae it would
prove its worth in a short time. (toped
a good Council would be eleoted anti he
would do hie beat to aid them in edvanc.
ing the iutereete of Brunets.
Clerk Boott made an explanation as to
why the Fivanoial Statement wee not
ready for dietribation and gave et
eynopoie from the written copy.
Tilos. Newsome not in attendance.
M. H. Moore thanked hie mover and
seconder and retired from the field.
Geo, Muldoon was not present.
W, F. Stewart was a heavy ratepayer
and believed strongly in keeping
down expenses. Thought it a mistake
to go into the lawsuit and if Bleated would
endeavor to eettle it. Had been at the
Board before and had endeavored to do
his duty. Was not likely to make n
cttny&09 a9 he was too busy.
H. R. Brewer was not intending to be
a oandidate but now that he was
nominated be would allow hie name to
stand and if among the chosen would
endeavor to keep down expenses.
B. Gerry was not sure ae to what hie
decision might be as to the Reeve's' ohair
and would take notil tomorrow to
decide. Would like to have hoard from
the retiring Reeve ae to last year's work,
Our rate wag one time only 18 mills
on the '$ but now 22. Tho law ooste of
the sewer suit will be largo, from 5500 to
51000. He thought the town wag worthy
of better rule and expenses Bhonld be
kept down, The drainage done this
year was on the ratepayer's pocket
instead of on the streets. Wag interest•
ed in the progress of 0000aele and thought
the town deserved the best Municipal mac •
agement and candidates for the various
offioee now in the gift of the people.
Was not opposed to exemption to favor
growing indaetriee.
F. 5, Boott 00 Oink referred to the
einking (node; gave ah explanation of
the various etepo in the sewer law suit
and in reply to a question noted tbet the
town lost $118 in the Lookridge Pascoe on
woolen factory, Mr, Wood aaanmee the
faotory on the oonditione of the Look -
ridge By-law paying $600 annually on
loan and oleo pays the taxon. .town
holds mortgage ae seonrity for lot a on
faotory acid the machinery, Mr. Wood
moved into it from Roskwood. The
eudionse dieperged at the doge of Mr.
Boott'e reworks,
There were none of the trustee 00,1.
neee present excepting one and as a remit
not word was said of the work or ex.
penises of the poet year. Tbie ie hardly
justice to the ratepayers or the school.
Tuesday B. Gerry withdrew from the
Reeveehip, electing R. Henderson. Geo.
Muldoon, G. L. Welker and Geo, Thom.
son reeigned ea oandidatoe for Council
lore ; A. Bather, H. R. Brewer and Thos.
Newsome did not file their property
qualifications with the-Olerk, n000rdiug to
Statute, and were oonsegnently disquali-
fied, eo S. T. Plum, Robt. Thomson, W.
F. Stewart and Jae, -Jones, the remaining
4 candidates, were deolared elected to
seats at the Board for 1906.
P. Ament and Geo. Tbomeon reeigned
from the Trustee °outset end J. G. Skene,
W. M. Sinolair and P. Farrow were
Considerable discussion has been going
the rounds einem Tuesday over the result
of the eloatioo and lank of aoquaiotanoe
of the law ae to tbe neoeeeity of planing
the property qualifioationwith the Clerk
within the allotted time. THE Pose pub.
Iiehed these clarion of the new law several
times of late but poseibly than iutereeted
overlooked the reference.
Hints to Postoffiice Goers,
To the Editor of Tan POST :
Two weeks ago I asked the patrons of
the P. 0 to put the County in which the
P. 0. is eitnoted at the lower left hand
°other of the envelope. Afew and very
few have done so but we thank those who
have and hope the number will exon be
One of the most important things in
the P. 0. department is distribution.
Should a letter get into a wrong paokage
it might vanes a serious delay in getting
to ire destination. We make up every
morning eight separate paokagee of
lettere for the mail olerk on the railway.
None of these does the clerk open. He
opens the way package which oleo eon-
taine the registered lettere. Dietribnbion
is so important that every mail clerk on
the road is examined once a year before
au expert, and he is bound to make al-
mont a perfeot examination in the die.
tribnti,n of some 1500 lettere in about
one hour. If he don't come up to a ter.
tain standard he may look ons to be pot
on a ran that the clerks oall a "cow.
AT Tau P. 0. WIOEET,
A few days 000 the following dialogue
took plane :—"Are there any lettere for
Mr Wm. Jeneo 2" The P. M. looks and
rep"rte nnihina. "Aro there any letters
for Mre. Jades 2" "No 1 Sir." "Are
there any lettere for Mary Jonoe 2"
"150 1" "Are there any letters for
Jemima Jolles 7" No I "Are there any
lettere " "Yoe had hatter some
around and look for yourself " There
are iota of people who won't take "No"
for an runway. They say "Please look
again,' or "Are you acre there is noth-
ing 1" "Hon never looked," eto. Yet
the P, M in expeoted t0 smile and look
pleasant. Yours Truly,
T. rename, P. M., Brueeele.
People We Talk About.
Mies Alice Bone be home from London
for a holiday.
T. A. Hawking visited hie parents in
Goderioh on Monday.
Mies Ida Fulton spent several days
with Walton trienda.
Mise Mary Roberton, of Innerkip, is
visiting in town.
Charlie Leokle is holidaying at D. M.
Foreman's, Stratford.
Bert. Gerry, of Listowel, ate hie
Obrietmae turkey in Brussels,
George and Mre. Potter and baby are
vi0iting relatives at Inwood.
Earl Basher, of 81. Marys, wee a holi-
day vieilor at hie home here.
J. H, and Mre: Cameron spent Christ.
mae Day with Laaltnow relatives.
Thoth Walker ie home from the West
and will visit here for a time.
Lorne Pringle, of Toronto, made a
brief visit torelativesin Brussels.
Dunoao MoLonohliu 10 holidaying in
town, He thinks Ohesley ie "All right."
J. Thomson, of Montreal, is holidaying
with hie mother and brothers fn Brut]
Mre, George MaNiohoi and daughter
renewed old friendehipo at Seaton b for a
Rev. T. Wesley Come, wife and eon
spent Christmas with relatives - in Sea.
Melvin Buneton, of Brantford, wa0
home to hang up hie atoolting for Santa
Jno. Ritchie is home from ,Seaforth
owing to the 000(008 .illness of hie
Mice Pearl McMillan is eojoying a
holiday in Brunch] baying oome from
Toronto lust week.
D. A. Lowry and MOOS Ashley and
Eddie came home from Toronto for
Mien Nina Rogue, of Mt. Forest, and
Mies. Fannie, of Toronto, were home for
W. H. Salter was called to London last
Saturday owing to the Mimes of hie
Mies Elio Tunoton, who has been
teaching oohoel id Bruno Co„ la home
for 0 ya00,ti0n,
Mfg, 17. 11. Moore hag been a prior:mar
to the lunge through neon but we hope
ehe will soon bo as well 00 ever,
CAPITAL—Paid up 51,000,000
RIMER YE FUND . • 51,000,000
REV, It, H. WARDEN, D, D.,
'.trios, num: auaw, S I.18, NIS HMNOI8 stn. w, teo87001En MAIM, x.0,
8. 3, MOORE,
Vino -President.
D. Pl..700818ON, Ir. 0,
Drafts Bought and Sold, Femora' Notes Dieoounted.
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of $1 and upwards
Barisslszs f &INCH
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
BESS Florence Buchanan, George and
Harvey are home for their holidays.
Mlea Maggie McNaughton is spending
the Ohiettne holidays under the parental
roof, She is now located in Clinton.
Mise Teenie Sinclair arrived home last
Saturday from Bieooarth, Manitoba,
where she enjoyably epr'nt several
Wilbur and Mrs. Baker and eon, of
Granton, were holiday visitors in Broca
sale thio week and also at the former'o
home near Henfryn.
Jae., Mrs. and Mies Humphryea and
Mies Clara Thompson, of Toronto, were
visitors with James Joon and family
during the holiday season.
W. and Mrs. Gillespie, of Ripley, are
vieitore at Chas. Ritobie's this week.
Mre. Ritchie's health has not been as
good ae usual but we hope the will Boon
regain her strength.
Dr. Fred. Gilpin and Mrs, Gilpin, of
Miohigao'Ofby, Indianno, are enjoying a
brief holiday with relatives ,in Brussels:
after ependiog Chrietmae in Owen Bound
under Ibe parental.roof ai hire. Gilpin.
James Bitable is back from Indian
Head, N. W. T., where he has spent the
Sommer. He is well pleased with that
tonality and will return next Spring and
probably go into farming on hie own
Wm. and Mrs. Ellie went to Ingersoll
to visit their daughter, Mre. Mabee.
Mrs. Ellie slipped on the ioy street and
sprainedher right ankle which rendered
it impossible for her to come home in the
Mre. W. H. Willie and family are visit-
ing at B. Gerry's. Mr. Willie was bare
for Sunday and Monday. He is a eao-
didate for the Seaforth Mayoralty. He
was a Councillor thio year. We wish
him 000000e.
Mies Ada, eldest daughter of Rev. Jno.
Rvee, B. A, will leave next Tuesday for
Guelph where she will take a short course
at the McDonald Institute in D. mesio
Boienoe. She is a o•ever girl and we wieh
her BO0oeee.
W. J. and Mre. Browatt, of Wingham,
spent Christmas at G. A. Deadmau'e.
Mr. Browatt'e little eon who had been
visiting here took ill with pneumonia
and was real sick bat had recovered suffi•
Mandy to be taken home on Tuesday,
Atex. Rose, of Ottawa ; Robert Rose,
who is let engineer on a eteomehip tan•
oing from Fort William to Montreal ; R.
and Mrs. McAlpine and Mise Jo. Rosa, of
Toronto, aonatitated a happy home
gathering party at the parental home,
William street, Brussels.
Barrister G. F. Blair, of Goderioh,
formerly of Brueeele, is a candidate for a
seat at the Council Board in the Go.
town. In hie oard to the electors he
decided to offer myself as o candidate for
election to the Council of thio town for
the year 1905 I take this opportunity
of announcing the fact to you. If you
are of the opinion that my services as a
Oonucillor will be of use to you, I will
esteem:it a favor if yea will give me your
vote. I am the nomiueeof no party or
section in the town, but hope to get the
support of all who think that I can aid
its beet intereata," We expect to see
him eleoted next Monday.
80Rn:a ..
B3TT1N.—lo Logan, on Deo, 18th, to Mr.
and Mre. James Battin,i a ems.
xaae of the undersigned Lot 10, Oen. 9,
Grey, on or about Deo. 9rd, 0 ewes and.1
lamb. The owner i8 requeoted t0 prove
property, pay expenses and talto them
20.4 Ethel P. 0,
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 22, con, 9. Grey, a thoro' bred Yorkshire
hog, Oak Lodge Justine, bred' by Too. Broth -
our, of Burford. Pedigree may be aeon on
application. Terms 91.00 to be paid at time
ofservice with 70(01100e of returning if
necessary. ALES D. LAMONT,
24- Proprietor.
Grey Branch Agricultural
Bnew3—GAY,—In Toronto, on Deo, 26th,
Mr. John Brawn, of Tavietook (form.
erly of Wroxe ter) to Mise Eva Gay,
of Toronto..
Bnooan—MtonaoH—At the residence of
Mr. Jae. Shaw, James street, Brut,-.
sale, 00 Deo. 27th, by Rev. Juo. Rose,
B. A., Mr. H. A. Bronee to Mre.
Mary'A., Mtddagb, both of Iroquois,
Cox—HAEVEY,—At the home of the bride's
mother, Atwood, on Deo. 21st, by
Rev. A. A. Laing, of Oopleoton, Mr,
Geo, Cox, to Mies Jennie Harvey,
both of Atwood.
EaxtlsEn—Mc$ELvt)? —At the reeideooe
of thebride'o parente, on Deo. 27th,
by Rov' John Rosa. B. A., Mr,
Louis Eokmier, of Morris, to Mise
Mary Maad, sided daughter of Mr.
and Mre. Wm. McKelvey, of Grey.
MaNEm—CAntenn0L, — At the Manse,
Oranbrooh, on the 21st icer., by Rev,
D. B. MaRae, Mr. Peter H. McNeil
to Mies Marion Campbell, both of
°LENNAN.—In Morris, on Deo, 261h,
Mary Ann McQuaide, beloved wife
of James Olen„an, aged 59 years, 9
months and 18 days.
GnAr.-1n Enna, on Deo. 18th, James
Gray, aged 77 genre, 4 menthe and
21 days.
A-r7'C ' czcaNT
304000184, JAN. 5. --Two brick stores,
known as the Garfield House, Bennetts.
Sale on premieee at 11 a, m. R. C.
Struthers, Prop., F. 8. Soott, Aao.
SATURDAY, JAN. 7Tu.'—'Valuable 100 Roth
farm,13 } Lot 19, ()on. 8, Morrie. Sale,
at 2 30 o'clock, at American Hotel, Brae -
eels. Peter Jackson, Prop. F. B. Soon,
a0D 50 AGE FARM FORG sale, 81 Lot 25Oen,11, Grey, .Easy
terms. Apply: to - 3210..13. OtSDLI, on the
premises, Oraubrook Pt 0„ or 848. 800tt,
Brut Bels. 25..
Tho annual meeting of the Grey Branch
Agricultural Society will be hold in rho
Town Hall, Bruseelo. on Wednesday, Jana.
al•y 11th,1900, at 1 o'olook 0. m. Business of
the meeting—Reooiving the Annual State-
ment and Auditors' Report, appointing Of -
floors ler the year 1905, &o.
Secretary. Proeldent.
East Huron Agricultural
The annual mooting of the East Huron
Agrioultnral Booiety will be held in the
Town tball.Brueaele, on Wednesday, Janu-
ary 18th, 1905, at 1 o'olock p, m. Business of
the moetmg—Roceiviig the Annual State-
ment and Auditor'? Report, appointing Of-
ficers for the year 1905, &o.
Secretary. President.
We Wish
You All
Very Happy
New Year.
Jas. Fox
The underoigeed offers his 75 sere
farm for sale, bei ug Ni Lot 12, 000. 8, Marrle.
On the premises is a comfortable house,
bank baro, hay abed and Implement bonne,
orchard, 10 acres hardwood bush, &e. Two
wells 00 farm. 5 acro9 of Fall wheat in and
12 aorta of plowing done. Possession given
Marsh 1st, For pries, terms, &o.. apply on
the premia es, or if by letter to RICHARD
PRATT,.131yt11 P. 0. 25-4
Farm For Salo
By Public Auction
. F. S. SCOTT, Ano .ioneer, has received in-
structionnflom the Proprietor to soli by
Publio Auction at the AMERICAN HOTEL,
151 085ELS, un Saturday, Jan, 7111, 1905,
at 2 SO p. m„hie valnab10100 core farm, be-
ing South pelf Lot 19, Con,B,Morris. More
aro85 acres cleared and of balance about 7
mores aro covered with hardwood. On the
premises is a goofs briok house 1 bank barn,
0003 feet ; stone hog pen, with implement
shop above it ; two good walla, etc. Farm
is well fenced; }'ere in orchard. Bohopl
h011s0 and ohuroh Within half amile. Four
aures of Fall wheat io and 85 aoree of Fall
plowing dorso. Posaaseion est bo given on
April 1st, with option of working ou place.
Terms made known on day of sale or on ap-
plication to the undersigned.
Auottoueer, Proprietor.
£crdties' i Ouse
• •
We have some nice
tasty shoes for house -
Comfortable and
cosy, handsome and
Better than heavy
shoes for house wear
because they will not
tire the feet. Save the backache and weary nerves.
All styles.
If you've promised yourself something like that,
these prices will help you keep it ;—
Ladies' nice Felt Slippers, 50c to 01,25,; Gents' Slippers,
850 to $1.50 ; Felt Shoes for Ladies or Gents, both warm and
In our Harness Department
we have a nine stook of Mountain Bear and Buffalo Robes, also the Genuine
Galt Robes, all prioed down to lowest figure.
A few Galt Overooate for men. These are o beautiful Winter Coat anent'.
paesed for durability..
Single Harness, one own melte, from $15 00 upwards ; Team Harness as
low in price es a good ',ethics can be made.
Comfortable dwelling and three Ion nioely situated for eale.
,t@4� C. R i a ', 'Rd. a1 R D ss
After the Holidays
We oommenoe tatting pion ou all lines of
We do not wait till the Winter season is about over, bat right now while
the Boldest weother i0 to come and tar customers want the goods. Below
we quote n few'prioes to give you an idea of IEd'1'eduotionO that will be
made in every department :--
-Ladies! Rook Martin Fur geode, 72 inohee long„ six toile, silk orn1.
menta and cord arid tassels, regular price $10 50 for $7,95.
—Ladies' Sable Souris, 50 inches long, dark gloaey fur, with 8 tails and
chain faeiening, worth $11,50, for $8 50
—Ladies' Sable Scarfs, 86 inahee long, with 6 tails and chain fastenings,
worth 58.50, for $5 95
Ladies' Persian Lamb Ruffs, with head and two tails, worth $4 50, for
Ladies Astrachan Jaokete, worth $28 50, for $22 50,
—Ladies' Aetraohan Jackets, fine glossy curl, made of No. 1 eking, lined
with heavy mercerized (armer'e satin, worth $40, for $33 50;
.—Ladies' Cloth Jabkete, all thin year'e up-to-date goods, at 'bent hall
—Terrific rodaotione will be made in the Millinery depa"tment to dear,
—Homespun Dregs Goods, 50 Welles wide, In grey, blaelt'aeid green, good
value at 75o, for 480.