HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-12-29, Page 7NO Will 1.101(fli Onoo a Sin is Repented of It Has Ceased to be a Part of Life. resuonse to a letter from U. young 'man who thinks that all is.lost. bottom ho has comniitteci a groat ein Text—Psalm chi.'"Like as a fa - tiler Phials his childron," "For ho knoweth our frame; the remembeeeth that we are cluse." The biography of Audaboie tho nee turaliet, holds a page thrilling M- cleod. Going tato the mountains the scientist began to study and paint athe ogles. Ono mooning, hidden in a loft of the rock, he was watching a groat, eagle and lingered near a cliff. Round mut round tlio bird soared, wbon susidenly he swooped down with, anore than an Arrow's swiftness; then, carving upward, the thglit was slow - 1r, fon the eagle held a serpent in Its talons, In his excitement Auntie bon sprung up just in timo to see Um serpent throw n fold around We eagle's neck, Now the Wattle was mi. With talon and claw tho king Of birds fought for its life, end in tho flght all hut forgot to fly. But that ring about the neck- tightened, and still tiertened, and suddenly the eegle fluttered with uncertain stroke, and then bird and snake went crash- ing Into the boughs of a tree, la:toning forward Autitibon saw the eagle rend its enemy, and, alarm- ed, spread Its wins for flight. Ono wing answered and one made feeble response. Since It could not riee la 0 a For tho bird with a broken pinion will never fly so high again. Not less fetal are other mega:km (lone the era of Homes, but Circe's palace has been rebulle and the si- rens eine; sweetly. The old pooL, opeaking to tho youth of les day, warned them against wasting their offerings on STRANGE ALTARS AND GODS. Never was the Injunction moro noose nary than to -day. Ono of our great books bottle a most pathetic chan- ter. A. gifted youth, leaving college and coming to the great city, dwells with his companions in the outskirts of Sodom. The time came when he was mauve and successful; when he mot a woman whom he loved with all this heart and soul. "You would have loved me, then, if I had led a different life," he said. "Yes," she answered. simply, "I should havo loved you. You were on for me. Why, oh why, did you not live for me?" "I wish to Clod I Hail," Ise neswer- d. "You meant to marry always," the aid. "You treasured in your heart 'our ideal of a Woman. Why could mu not helm lieed.so that. you would lave been her ideal, tine When at nst you mot?" "I wish 14 God I had," he repeal: - el Me what a page is Mat! It is like he opening of thee door that Bunyan aw into tbo hill 'of fire where Apo).- yon dwelt. For this man tho Res nis- 0,10 irremediable, the injury is warily it struck out slowly across t lie valley above the tops of the s trees. TIM; try as it would, the eagle I moved in a circle, for if one beat ta rue the other pinion was brolion. oon joined by its companions, Life ird found that they brought no help, urious as to the result, weeks af- erwand Audubon visited that spot gain. Once more the eagle rose front ts cliff; it flew, but the pinion Was rotten. and if; NEVER ROSE SO DIGIT AGAIN. In his letter this yoeng man re- ,ectls the fact thee, the soul also can suffer grievous injury. For years he and built the buttresses about his loner and integrity. One by one ha - fits rose, Intt in a Single weak hour, fluenced by companions and making auto to get rich, be alms overcome. 1 a casoloss moment Ito lost all. Just USC keeper of a castle gate might at a careless mood permit the ,enemy to en ter, to lift tho firebraed anal ruin the fortress. 'This letter is typi- cal. We have an known one boy who •as trainee his senses and in a drunk- en hour fallen to break arm or ankle. Re needed but ono lessont—but nature s pitiless, and that on moor leas irouglat lifelong consequences and lanceforth he always limps. Here ie the clerk, who owes his poe Rion and his every adva.ncoment to le generous employer, but the youth unfelt/Mid and ungrateful—in losing is position through dishonor he has Obareassed his entire Vetere. Ifero • the man who at 40 wakens me to &cover that lie is unfitted for busi- ness—Wirt fie loves professional 1110. Against all protests Moan father or mother ho left the high school or col- lege, closed hie booles, played the truant, throw away his chance. Now lie would give all but life itself to retrace his steps, But the angel of opportunity has gone forayer. No prayers in August wet] produce a sheaf or /amok for the man who did not plow and sow in April. Success in maturity is simply the autumn clay whore the svell-esed spring pours forth its rich treasuroe. In the intel- lectual and industrial Ilie a iodates° may lead to life-long consequences, though these lath services had never been performed, Hero is an order on the Treasury for the Ruin, of money named as the reward." ''The eiterion, Excellency, 1 wilt ideally receive. A8 for tiso money, let me (mike a proemial. The Troia- sury 19 poor; I am rich. Detain the money, and 10 piece of it guarantee rne alone the right to fedi on the coast uf Cuba, and cleclare the Wei- nees of sueplying fish contralmed, 05001(1. to me and iny ngents. This will compensate me, and I will erect it Public market at my own expense •-one which (Mall be an ornament !to the eity—Lhe most iedendel building of tho kbed, indeed, that, the world lute sten, And at the expiration of twenty -flee years my market ellen be- come the property of the city," Tho Covernor granted Tamen the Pri 1110408 0,810:1, nna the reseal. 18 that 1 0 -day Hexane rossessee 10 mareet palace wheel servos MI a Model for nrehlteets in other eitiee, but which bee never been EQUALLED IN' SPLENDOR. slices and thin squares of but:tercel The correspondent who mattes this tree bread. was In Havana in the days before the 'Oysters Cooked in the Slade—The Spanish-Amorienn War, when the city motet delicate cooked oysters aro was given over to dirt and pestilence; teose which are cooked in tho shell. ThOY can bo steamed, baked in the oven, broiled over coals, or merely laid on a griddle on top of the stove. The points to remember are: '1'0 place them, however cooked, the round side Flown, to hold the juices; to take tbom from the stove as eiecni as the shells open (about fifteen orainutes)• i.1444-14.1,44-14+a.pt**4-i-11, Horne leKeie+4144.44.11444+444 OYSTERS. If you would enjoy the oyster to the fullest., two important rules should be Observed in the cooking ane the serving of them, First, never overcook them, as it makes them leathery and tough; second, always serve oystere as soon as prepared — allowing them to stand ruins thane Raw Oyeters.—They aro prett teat when served In a smilax-enwrealbed leoblook (hollowed out by means of a hat iron), but they are best served ori tho frothly opened, the natural], juices nround them In O- ther 005(3 servo with them lemon but in that uncleanly city there was even then one evemelean opot, anal that was the 'Amon Market. Pirate Tamen said: "'Pim only way to keep O inarket dean is to give not nate of it, but the whole of 11., a daily bath." .Ancl the clarinet in this di- rection that he established le still true joy of motherhood and home- Ise keeping. Those crosees and lesees aro FY ONDERFUL OPERATIONS not nolived by the looker-on, but silo le envied becalm olio Is malting SOME 07 TRE MARVELS OF money. SKIN GRAFTING. To keep tip wIth 01.11, prOg,ressive age wo must leave so much behind Little Finger Turned Into a that there le clanger of casting away NOSO—Dog's Hair Growing something for which we can find no compensation.. The two who walk en a Boy's Head, together with separate purses sustain There is a man in Pltiladelphia differeot relations from those who who has the straagest noso crone keep up the old fesbitm of looking up- Hon. It is not really a nose at all, on the in/Miami 11$1 one who proteets and proalcles for Me home and all Within 1.1.. The chivalrous Spirit Is not nwaeoned. Tho wife can take care of herself, and perhape put up considerable for the house, their chil- dren and himselr. This idea may ehoek ta man at first, but he .soon becomes familiar with it. To live up- on the earnings of his Alfe emits so little ofium upon a man now -a -days that he soon ceases to care, and in many eases takes life easy while sbe takes it hard. A woman supporting an (able-bodied man or working ats many houre as be for wages and doing boesewoek 'be- fore and after is too cominon a ease to attract attention. A larly once remarked that this was ft, OrOM.1 Prat feature of all manu- facturing towns. If they can get the work, anany women and girls will do it, even when there is no neces- sity. Now. tiles, aro beginnieg to de- clare themselves afraid to marry lest 11..001.14 PEOPLE VITII0 LIVE' klES TRE EOI,LY or xrnr7,1114 Vel APPEARANCES, Devicee Some People Adopt siof That Strangere Kay Think Them Wealthy, '1'llo mail etruggle to anPeer leS prosperous as their wealthier neighe bore is waged as fiercely by going,/ which bas been amputated and sours by tho shallowest and most foolish but the little Anger c)f hls left hand eotnaw„este,„ busisass 50011 0,0 11. is ed to his face by the wouderful skim young nom and women., grafting process. Where will this insane ;amide to This young man, 'MUM(' Oscar appear what WO aro not, to gal Lhoeionnicawrilit,holutuctl wealth at auy cot, or to make peas Lthloietlarisfonratusanle toorgabne. P10 believe we aro rleh when sve ctiv method manhood, he at last per- carry us, if it, is not checked? Irt Suffering in secret until he hod poor, or in moderato eiretunstancese seeded the Surgeons of the Ullieree- too many instances, as the dailyt sity Hospital, Plillackalphia, to make papers testify, it leads to bankruptey him the best possible substieute, and diegrace, How newly of the; Accordingly, one day, lie was put defalcations, the mnbezzlements, and under chloroform, the nail and part Use petty standings of cashiers, of of the skin of the fourth linger of bis eooeseeepers, of treasurers, or • oe left band removed, and the banal Las- Holm other positions of toned to Mr. Leonard's face at tehe people in va trust, are duo to this terrible (gees spot where the MIK., shatlld liave been by Paeans of a plaster mould. ler three weeks the young fellow held Ids hand to his face, never once All classes aro beconsing infected removing it, asleep or awake. Thou by it. From. the millionnire to the when it was seen that the elprzelact than of the blood had taken melearekteariang idea seems to no to mkt d the factory girl, the over- • Ing as a nose, the patient was again and that the finger was really grow- as much display as Possible. Yon cannot tell by the dross or appear - they moot the fate of many whom A fortnight or so later hfr. Leon - subjected to an anaesthetic, and the ranee of many youpg wage-earners hand and the nose were sreparated. anything about their real incest= or. practised. Tevery mornme, after the . their homes, hewn,. of the poorer; marketing for the dray is over, every to serub the then before putting them they see woreing hard to support not ard was delighted woes. a nom". among them will oven wear showy, part of the building—floor, walls, cei- on to cook, and finally, to serve only themselves but Ihlishand /vitt chil- nose that was In no way remarkable and costly garments outside, with - them Mune !lately when done, remove clren. Escaping this as a necessity, from that of his more fortunate ou t reference to cleanliness or dee ling, seafie, and. all—is washed:— drenehed in tons of wafer. Tho mar- ing the upper shells! and seasoning they stand a good chance to Join the neighbors. coney in the clothing that is not' with Mater, pepper and salt. ketnian who has not diseoeed of all mese of hotasekeepere whe sigli for the LITTLE LESS wONDERFUL Drollede-Dip in melted butter, sea- independence of individual earniags, 1 - STk. now of young men who live in. and odd to the member of homes byes 4.1 operation performed on a awes, in the midst of poverty of ought browse of this popular idea et thisa by w ose nose hacl been torn off ,surroundings, and deny themselves width fail to bo as happy as tbeY boictfLoomn, a hhoolrytey.orTitaveansosecoT all but the bgre necessaries of Ufa woman being self-supporting. in order that they may appear two — structed from a strip of flesh taken or three evenings a week in dross 1101.1SEIROLD HMS. from tho boys arm. With this strip sults in some fashionable club, an =lent French surgeon termed To make stufeuig for the turkey or the 10101(10 foul othor parts of the Young women Vho work for small salaries In department stores will elackon, slice a sionletent quantity of organ, end eompletod the operation go withoet proper food, for months stalo! homemade bread, break it up; by covering the flesh with skin taken in order that they may be able to mason with snit and pepper, and a Irene the brow, parches° cheap imitations of an elite generous lump of butler, ineietelt with A nine-year-old New York boy, borate garment they hove seen on a. a bit of boiling water, and cover Otto Trammer by name, /has a large wealthy woman in some public place., telhoosreclyugltloly lationedp sttultrie ishiceaLivii;nn. 0 t latioiox patch, of dog's hair on the top of vices that people resort to in order It is pitiable to thbak of the de - tightly or the stuffing will bo sog- his bean. . 'elm little fellow was playing in the street when Ise was to live a lie, and to foist themselves gy. As there is always a great de - caught by an electric Mr, Whici dragged him along Dor fifty feet be- upon the public for whet they are ; tiouleoly where there are children, fore being stopped. Picked up insert- Peat; There seems to be no limit to ' 1110,10 enough So that a portion can sible, with an arin, a leg, a collar- the eientles of silliness, meanness. . be baked in a closely covered dish be- bone broken, had several ribs frac-. faisitY' and -dishonor to which the ! side the turiny. tamed, it was (also noticed that the 1 isfardaining for appetteances will not 1 s ‘It 'is deplorable to think 150'yTavel A correspondent gays that if ehe child had lost his scalp. The bone plum pudding is boiled in a linen were soon set, and the scalp restore natueally noble young men and•i cloth, it will "teen out" whole end ed to its place,,and secured, but then you'ng women owe their downfall to i without 'breaking. Ordinary butabera, remained the difficulty of replacing the foolish idea that, unless they, ; linen, often used for aprons, is the the missing patch. live in a certain style, they will be 1 best. Eventually little Otto, who had A housekeeper has discovered that. it is not necessary to roll and cut out doughnuts Add less flour than when you Intend to roll them, and drop by the teaspoonful into hot fat. Inateaci of rings you have golden balls that, rolled in powdorcd sugar, look as pretty ns they tasee good. Clothes aro often torn In cold Wea- ther, in taking thenv from the line, as they balm frozen under the pins. They say that if the corners that come on the lino (aro clipped in strong salt water there will no such trou- ble. to mega a showy !appearance! CLOTHES AND WAGES. hiS produe0 mist take his goods.else- 5011 with salt and pepper, and broil 10150rs while tits bilikli"g rsesivc's iL's over hot coals. Serve On well -butter - "blithe' a proem that actually con- cel toast ;sprinkled with chopped par - 111 one of the-sighte for visitors; stay, in the city, The entire floor is01 Fancy Roast.—Put the oysters in white mottle, and eel the stands, or a dry spider Snot too hot), and shake counters, for the dieplay of geode a. re of a kind of white stone, as are ale° out liquor and are plump. Serve about on the stove until they give all the walls, on buttered toast, seasoeing with 'Atom himself was killed by an m1pneatigo, erican bullet wlelle fighting in the salt, butter and a dash of paniello ranks in 1 808 in tho defence Pannecl.—Drain one pint of oysters Santiago. He died a poor anan, and strain the liquor through a very hreo years alto his beautiful market fine sieve. Put ono tablespoonful of anfilal city of Cuba. In the 11811 de- alt -ice became the property of toeboUt' meltod add the oysters, shaking them er in a, spider, and cm soon as artmene of the matecet is still sold about. a moment to absorb the but - meet rislleious breakfast fish known s "tacun." A STAMPEDE OF CAVALRY. A lifelong. The soul rises on, 10(5510 '1 love cone hose Ihit the soul's wings 10 may be broken. Any injury to the wings of love end hope and faith means time the. bled with its broken !r'' pinion will never rise so higli again. In But; oven so, there is hope and pro- u! mese for the fallen ono.For it is Just 111 liere the evangel of God's love comes in with (is hope anti promise. The youth cannot forgive himself. others may not forgive him, but Clocl can. Nature is good and NATURE IS 001). Physicians have foaled thee a braken finger, if properly sot, is sometimes stronger after tlie break than it was before it, Out of the battle and the enmity anci the conflict come the courage anti the strength and tho victory. Who shall say that in tho rebound from sin Paul is not greeter and better then the old Saul? And with Saul in anted, why should this youth or any men despair? "A bruised rood will lie not break" is God's word; Look at those wrecks of men and women whom Christ turned to heroes and apostles and saints for verity, beauty, sweetness, and sernicet 'There is medicine and healing in God's heart. Life is full of recuper- ative -emcee. No mistake is fatal; no life is over hopeless. My answer to this youth is the long line of men, from Saul to Augustine, to Bunyan and Gough, Who have risen up to sur- render the will to God—to live with the unSeen One, Wlio Is nearer to man than breathing; wlio have "climbed" on stepping -stones of Miele dead selves to higher thing's. God says: "I will ur cast all yosin behind my back." What God forgets you should not re- member. Once a sin Is reeented of, once restitution has been made, for- giveness sought and gained, the sin bas coaeoct to be a part of the life. For the soul has sometimes fallen only to plume its pinions for a150(0 and a wider an'cl a.,Iiigher flight. MARKET BUILT BY PIRATE AN' ORNAMENT TO THE CITY OF HAVANA. --- And the Rost Splendid Building of Its Kind in the World. The finest market building on the 3Veotorzt continent, if not in tho wont], is the Tacon Palace 'Market, at Havana, Cuba. 'Inds magnificent 1100111(01.was built by a Spaniel) pirate aad oneugglor mined 'Captain"0011, who for years preyed upon shin- ning In West Ind Inn waters, suing- gling into Cuba the cargoes thus eoized, At last, in 1870, the Span - nth Government determined to put a stop to the sonaggeing carried on by Tacon anal his band, and for this purpose sent to Cobra a Governor n amed kraal. Tide new Governor ot- ter NI a fatealous reward to anyene Who would bring Tacon to him, dead Or alive, glifen several Montl111 had (00,015011, and /3,0 one had come for- ward to claim tho reward, the 111- &Milt occurred whit% led to the beading of the eity'e pam latial arket, A etrangor altered the Governor's ( 00115 aml, closed the door behind hem. an 'Pito neal 1000) alone, salted ata table writing,. one the strenger stood Wetly before hiin. With a glance surprise end ango the Governor 1.— entera hero, =innate/wed, ae boor?" Otte who has important, informa- 1 to impart to the Govetertnerit," le filo afitiWer. nVory well, then, whet Is the fift. tare 1)1 Vette news? .!IterellellnY, anti have iliTOred VOW0111, pritiCaly sten, fer be person of Captain 'Moon; le riot :40' ''Vs Vim- hare hothing to tome 'IWO', 'T mesa do sn !with ealationy Ex - el Ice syy 0 (hoer tee ter; dredge harnediately, then, with ono teastpoonful of flour, some pepror, salt and a little mace, a,del the strained liquor; half a teaspoonful of lemon -juice and a dash of cayenne. Terrible Scenes at a Camp Near Shake or stir them about until the Southampton, England. edges cute, and servo on buttered A Stampede among cavalry horses toast, is always a troublesome thing, and Sonotherede—Prepare as for panned may easily -become a terrible 0/10., oysters, omitting the flour, adding 7.'he recent Stalin:10de of 011e thousand ;One level teaspoonful of chopped par - horses near Southampton, England, Isley arid keeping the pan covered was singularly exciting', and hadiwhile baking about on tho stove. serious results. Several soldiers ,naprma may bo used instead of P0P- woe dangerously trawl/lee, and two 'per, Steamed, with Satace.—After drain- ing the oyeters place them in a dish 111 a steamer, cover 'tightly and steam until the ekes curl. Have ready to Pour over thein a save° made as fol- lows: Beat three egg yolks until light, add to there one eupleil of thick crenne one level tectepoonful of salt, half a saltspooriful of popper, and a little mace; bring juot to the boiling point, stirring constantly. Be- fore poating this same° over the (W- aters add to it the liquor which has been given oue by thcun the steam- ing. The dish containing the oy- sters en the steamer should be cover- ed. Crelernecle-Put two tableSPoonfuls of butter and a simile slice of onion in a spider, anel before either has begun to brown add one tablespoonful iron -shod picket -pegs, swinging free of flow, 01)1 level teaspoonful of salt, at the end of their loose ropes as oue-third of a saltspoonful of mace they ran, cruelly wounded many, and anal a dash of cayenne, Blend well, goaded 'the horde to madness. and add one pint. of cream. As soon From Badclesley Common, whore as tho boiling -point is reached put the camp was, they dashed away in In one quart. of oysters, and cool un - droves of fifties and hUndrods in all tit tee edges curl hussar regiments were rendered eta - lit to participate in the Essex man- oeuvres, and had to be sent back to Aldershot, lehere, too, a whole train- load of wounded luersee was de- spatched for surgical treatment. The stampede begun at two 10 the morning. A horse, plunging about in the horse lines, was thrown and broke its leg, and an oflicer shot it where it lay. Tho midden fiesta and report so terrilled the neighboring animals that they broke loose, pull- ed up the pegs to which they were tethered, and stampeded more and more of the ether horses as tho sound of their thundering hoofs and excited aoighings rang through the camp. Straight, through the tents of the sleeping troopers they charg- ed, overthrowing and trampling everything before therm while the 1 lop So Ing ant aga MAY CONDEMN MYSELF. Pa in or 010 bei. the th its nous. Ono groat squadron gat- ed Wildly through the streets of uthampton, and brought the sleep - citizens half-clad to their doors 1 windows. Many were crushed inst the masonry of the narrow ssage; others met death by crash - g into trolley -poles, against walla, into a trench whore tie road was der repair. But the greater mon- , kept on unhurt till they roweled harbor, and, nevb er aiting in sit' terror, plunged straight into waters, Many were drowned; ny others were resealed by men o put out in boats arid roundeci 111 up as they swam, driving them ore as soon as other mon bad ken down the steep lending ges encnigh to permit them to amble up. ho next day search -parties of opera went 1101'So-hunting oVer a Ms of twenty miles. They brought their mounts feom nold, fauna and ost by oileS and twos aml dozens— ping, weary, sorely battered ads. Many could not be brought they; Were found dead or hope- ly Mart by, the roadside. otno five emu's age an American elty camp near San Antonio, as, met with an experience Mina - to this, althottgh less disastrous, e than eight hundred horses, led beautiful, wild nun mare, broke e. their corral tat Fort Siam House Part were trained mounts, led across the parade-grouad a -call rang out from the 0111- ' quarters, and the trained there slookoneel their pare immedicate- Again tbo begle emanated; the mare and a titled of her follow - kept on; tho other two-thirds ed squarely al right angles. The o sounded ono more—"Colueine tl" and they turned still again ght angles, and galloped back Ito dilrection 'whence they bad At another call the gallop mod and fell to a, trot, A. Met it rang but: "1-Taltl" and the less squadron, melting and Wing, yet, but obedient to Mantel% they knees, halted and d still, far the Wild 1101%0 that kept trough the Oily of San 'Aetortio, »o one, tar n weeder, but eoporty Iowa Wile great, and tho of the etalepecle Was as plain to path of at acetone, A free pardon is offered oven to him who will turn State' a evidence. So?" "Yes. The offer is unconditional," "Well, Excellency, it is a full colas feesion I have come hither to make. Well you give me your wool 1.1554 1008 will grant the free pardon to rue if I reveal all that you require?" The Governor hesitated, than staid: "If you are ante anel willing to pi- lot one slaps neul reveal the rendez- vous of Tanen Lend his followers!, you shall be rewarclea and pardoned." "I know your character well Excel- lency," Said the stranger, "So, 1 will sneak Without higher parley. The man for whom yon offer the great reward is before you, l' am Canteen Tanen." The Governor sheeted. Such was the outlaw's reputation that his rx- collency instinctively gleamed at a brace of pistols t1sl 1,sy hefore bins on Me table, The outlaw sate the glance end handed his own pistols to the Geo- meter. "I have no Nether use for them; in future, diplomacy, not light- ing, for me." 'I shall keep my promise,'said the Governor, "proVkling you faithfully porfOrM your part. Bet you mese remain under guard," And Teem was forthwith plaeed in confinement, though made 1104 CoMfor. titble ite possiele, The next day he wits temeeferred to the Government, beat Mad began the task of piloting 11 tbroUgh etionts to tho varlotts HAUNTS OF TIM SMUGGLERS, At, every place, however, the smug- glers lied di,eappearell. The result Wee just es sntisfectory, for, With their places of ediniezvoue knoavn, their trade wee brokell 0111. r.Pneon refereed With tile 'Alp and Wee stem - Method to the GoVereoe'e preeeece. "I Will tune fulfil my pelt of the (agreement," eitid lila Ineeellteety, (1115 paekage yon Will find it free pale don for pest effendoe, Thle silty clia- loyalte yotir pail shall be preened,- eenteheci, end as ricolemaler as ma wh the ash Imo sta Set tro rad in for 11111 bee lees cavi Tax lar Mor by feat ton, claw/ bugl tors gars ly. wild 0115 turn bugl righ ftt ri bit t come (flack time rider trent the s SOSO As On 41 they trail afi 1.1 Fried:40111in well select mestere and roll them lightly in lino cracker mamba until well coated, and steno In La, cool place for half an hour. Havo ready then ra potful Of deep fat (home -rendered loaf -lard) at that stage of heat when it emits a blue amoke front the middle. Place enough aerators in a frying basket to cover the bottom, immerse them in the fat long enough to become a rich golden brown, then transfer them to a hrOWn paper in the open oven. When all aro feted, lay them on a folded impkin on a platter (both bot), anil garnish generously with parsley. Severe always with friod oysters, crisp celery oe cold slaw, nod foe variety's sake tomato or cream horsceraddish sauce. A MODERN PROBLEM. Ono feature of modern life, which aseettle the happiness and security of home is the Methadone prevalent among housekeepers. go Many married women aro self- suPPOrting that one who Is not feels that she lacks either ambition or and hots lit the flea which bind her to the routine of house- work and those daily economics nec- essary to make the earniegs of her husband cover expenses. She is tired Of running cater kids or thIneing ep somethingfor the next meal, and envies the women in bus!' ness. She Is apt to express hor 'coinage upon the subject, quite freely, while the woulah le businees lumps silent oboist tho thiege that worry her, But there are plenty of them, ancl of a character Which ma,ke the care of children and meals seem very insigni- ficant, lf she atton.Mte to Iceop eons° in connection with iler bossiness, thinge aro sloe tO go awry, and to Waste, While 1 cheerios atmosphere provolle. nills meet them; cestemees take the advantage of hor; neglect to pay, and lend fault with Work, While she MUSt Millfibilfr to thiS Or anhSCribe to that, tie else be put deem am Moat and inteerly, Her children are negleeted morally, itteniallY And lAYsiktfine While she hes, 110 1.11150, , thralgilt. tOr that severthele toed comfort, Willett 15 tho CURIOSITIES OF THE PEERAGE Two British Lords With. Remark- able Careers. It ie doubtful whether two more remarkable men exist in or out Of the peerage than Lore' Leicester and Lord lelleemere. Lord Leicester, who is 88, is in many ways unique among English noble% I-fe is tho happy fa ther-i a- new of four eerie, a viscount, and a baron, and is not only a great grand- father, several tlineS over, hilt alSO the Woad father of a small boy of 11; while there is difference of balf a centime, between. the agee of his. eldest daniglitor (Lady Powers- eourt) and his youingeet sou: reeleaps, howevee, the noose rese, treordinary thing about Lore! Leices- ter's family history be the unparallel- ecl fact that he lain! rriod 1ii mond' wife, the present warrior's, exactly' n. hundred years after late father married his flrst, the reflective dates lining 1775 and 1875. As well LIS behm prominent in tile literary world, Load Ellesmere is a notable ilgure in racieg circles, bo - mg the owner of Hampton, the sire of no loss than five Derby winnow.; and it is a curious fact, thoogh the Owner of some of the fineet racing stables in England, Lord Ellesmere lina never 1110k1e a bet, in the aericultural world he creat- ed a sennatIon by a epoeial brood of white pigs; he is also 1<nown asi tho man who gave $6,000 For a fitirb- tag gamecock, and, im if all this did not lend him distinction enough', he Is the owner of the finest iitivote nicture gallery in London. COLONEL AND KERNEL. A short tato back Colonel Carr's gardener was going through tbo woode belonging to his master when the slay n, man gathering nuts. As Dm Colonel had given strict melees that this Woe not to be permitted the gardener aceosted the Man. "I've orders to ecep ell these mite for tho Colonel the; year." "That's all right," said the mob, "I'm a -getting 'em for the kernel." A week latex tho gardeoer canto noose the same men again, "Look here," ho said angrily. "You're not getting those nuts for the Colonel at all. "T tell yr I wee," Wats the erns nitrate reply. "Do enni think was getting 'cm for the Atolls'?" e ' 4 ---- Daughter of the House (dish(svelled areal torn after one turn roued the balletoem With eltiniser parther)—"Do 1001.1 miett voey much, Mr, Qtnekstele if tire sit old die rest >1: 11.?" gilieliSte01—"JeSt ILN you like, miss, I'm only aoleheita" for ;emir pleasere!"! become very attached to the hospital doge startled the surgnon by askin(0 if part of the dog's hair could he applied to tbe bald patch. The ex- periment proved completely success- ful, the dog's long, black, wavy hair blending nicely and growing you are 'Meg a lie. If you are ad- do what you cannot canoed to do wearing clothes thot you cannot af- ford, thee- are perpetual witnesses Pig skin was not long ago grafted against you, They aro labelled all on the arm of a nogress, Mary over with falsehood. - Grant, of Richmond, Virginia, who If your jewellery, your carriages,. had been terribly learnt in a lamp your furs, and your costly gowus explosion. It was necessary that a tell thot you are rich, when you certain amount; of skin should be live in a poverty-stricken home, and grafted on the wornan's arin to save when your mother is obliged to make her life, and as nono of her relatives all sorts of sacrifices to nimble you would consent to bo operated upon, to make this false display, yoss lie the surgeon, seized by a bright idea, just as surely as you would if you sent for a pig two months old. This should try to decivo mo by yotut was chloroformed, and deprived of words. You cannot afford to wear, hos on your body, or eat Iles at ex- pensive cafes, any more than yent can afford to tell lies with your A THOUSAED LIES, looked down upon, and will not bo able to get on in the world. FOOLISH IDEAS. Dressing or living beyond one's moans is nothing loss than absolute dishonesty. If you are trying to sufficient skin to cover the burnt part of the patient's body. The op- eration was entirely satisfactory. Frog's skin has been similarly used—also on the arm of a patient who had lost twenty -live sqtaare inch- es of skin through blood -poisoning. There is only one possible result Pour days alter the operation the upon character of falsehoods, whothe frogs' skin had taken hold, forming er acted or told, and that is porpe- a red, healthy epidermis. teal deterioration and demorallsa- A. much more extraordinary feat, of time No one can act a lie or live course, was that which restored the a ho without being !dishonest. sight to a Mr. Strichell, of Clinton, When a man SaerifieeS his honesty, Ohio. Tho creature used this time Ile loses the mainspring of leis char - was a rabbit, whose eye mow one actor, and he cannot be ponfectly cables the mine -owner to read and to honest when he is lying by frequent - see everything Just as well as if ho ing costly restaurants or hotels. had never lost his sight. Mr. Strich- by wearing expensive clothing, or by ell, who bad lost his eye in a mine extravagant living in may of its var- accident two years previously, had iod expressions, when he cannot at - given up all hope of over again be- ford it, ing able to see, when Die Paul There aro a. thousanel ways of Walter determined to try lying, but all lead to the same end. It does not matter whotheo you wear lies, tell lies, act Iles, or live lies, your character is ruined all tho same. There is no more demoralising ine fluenco in modern life then the me- naturel straining to seem other than wo era—London 'Answers. A 1301,D EXPERIMENT, Though the patient's right eye was entirely sightless, and the left eye had only ;sufficient power to detect a lighted candle placed before it, Dr. Welter was of opinion that a healthy rabbit's eyo would provide a solu- tiou to tbe mystery., Selecting a fine-looking rabbit, he took a piece of bunny's cornea (sim- ilar to the white part surroundiaig the iris and pupil of your eye). and with wonderful skill grafted it on the sightless eye of Mr. Stride:all. The greeting being successful, the patient was again able to see, and in a very short thee, as 1110 health improved %Vila With glasses enabled to see es well as ever he could. • Not long ago Mr, Henry Blase, a member of the Second Regiment, Na- tional G'onard, of New Jersey, was eoverely burnt in a naptha (explosion; the resit-1101We colonel called a meet- ing of his mon and asked for volume tears willing to provide a portion of the skin for their comrade, With one accord the whole of the reginlont eteppecl out of line, and eventually twe5Tty.t11M Of them Were operated Amon. The stebsequent grafting on to the body of Mr, Blase waS en- tirely AtieCOSSitil.Pearson's Weekly, A ar,atelt-clotting machine 18 an au. toinatic ettriosity. It cuts 1 0,000,000 a day, ancl arranges them over a, \Mt Where the heads are Pitt en• Dr, treirillaell has Mvented a boot leith e Fearing in the heel 'which prone, lees to Melte Walking more t‘aSy arta pleaeorable, "They said all eorts of unkind things about you." "Such ine What?" "Well, they Said Wet yeti Married foe money. "But you didn't be- lieve lt, dtd you?" "Not 1111 1,11 I ea,W your husband," After that there came an oetrengereent, betWeen the two dear Monde. CARRIED OFF BRIDEGROOM, Re Was Going to Marry a Servant Girl, But Didn't, et. hlaegaret's Bay, near Dover, England, Is in a state of excitement owing to the sensational termina- tion of a romantic love affair. It seems that a London gentleman., whose brother ie stated to be a member of Parliament, came to St. Margaret's; recently and resided In apartments, Here he fell in love with the servant and arranged to marry her. This came to the know- ledge of the gentlemen's brother, Who Mapressed the intention of try- ing to prevent the marriage. There- upon the engaged pair agreed to bo married by special liceime, Which thner secured at Cantetherys The wedding was arranged for half -past ten. Shortly before Vint hour the elergyman sent a anesstage to the bridegroom that, he wawa like to see him at tho vicarage to °stam- ina the special license. Ott arrival at the vicarage the brielogroem foued there his brothel, and another gentleman), elated to be a solicitor, Eventuality the party canto out a:4 tho Vietienge, and the bridegroom Was peeemtiled to deter a carriage eletith Was Waiting outs side, The Patty wore then driven off, Tito bride end a friend tame lop just in time, and there was a pain. fall seene. Tile first thane retitle Mae !elle 111 bow, he Wandeet whet struek hiete