The Brussels Post, 1904-12-29, Page 5/ TRAIN UP A CHILD
Aud wl
v tona
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her Eoond HIM
Term Opens April lithe 1904
Two Coursee-
O0mmorolal and Shorthand,
ZBond for Oolloge Journal,,
A. L. AfoINTY16E, Manager,
��2�8 �rr3�sCr�'s�
cent F.8 800TT, Bruasele,
• Ismer Of-
fice at Grocery Tur Marriage
6troot, Brussels,
DERSIONED hoe several good Farina 108
Bale and to rent, easy torms, in Townships
of Morrie and Gray, 8' S. $OQTT,Bruesol
C. 0. IF.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0, 0, F.,
Brussels, moats In their Lodge Room, Mae -
hill /look, on the god and lent Tuesdays of
each month, at8 001006. Visiting brethren
always woloome, JAS. BDIEGESB, 0.1t,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
a w."Crssr7m,s, ONT.
Office over Huralov'e Drug Store,
Nov, 8111, 1902, 80.3m B61100018.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
Insurance taken ou the cash and premium
note system at current rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of the Oompany.
GEORGE. 16001ERS, Brussels.
• Ban, will sell for better prices, to
bettor men in lees time and less charges
than any otber'Auotionoer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms ren ennoble. Sales arranged for
at the ofeoe of Tons P000, Brueeels. 2261
J • 1ie11br Gradnare of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Oonege„ is prepared to treat ell dis-
eaoes of domesticated Wrests in a oompet-
entmanner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to, Odie° and lharmary-Pour doors
North of bridge, Turebotry et., Brussels,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc,
Successor to 1.4. P. Blair. Moe over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels, 8alielt08 for Metro-
politan Bank.
I • Barrister, Solicitor, !Conveyancer,
Notary Pnbuo, &o. 011)ce•-•,8towart'o Blook
.1 deer. North' of:Oontral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standsed Bank:
, PUBLIC, NT0 1. '
W. BRODDF0OT, B.O. R';rQ, HAra
Offload -Those. formerlyoopupiod by Messrs'
' OamerOu & Holt,
elonRmo0, - QETAnib:
Trinity University, Fellow, Trinity Medioal
College, Member College of Physicians and
Burgeons Oat, Lioontiato of the Royal Col-,
lege of
and Licentiate pf Mid.
• eatery,eldlnburgh. Ma-Telephone•No:14,
lleeidenoa-Mill etreet,•Bressels,
Graduate of the Royal Oollfe o of Dental
Surgeobtof Ontario ahtl : Fire •olaeo Honor
Graduate of . Toronto University, Offtoe;
nest to Brower', Itbotograp)r Gallery,
• "BRU881*LS
II&MO1 r al
� �G I:OU>
IT Tide Reboot. base continental repiwt.
tattoo for thoronglooeos.. Our l,eoursee
'are Up•to.tlate and 1,88611001, and tie
teaching is done by experlond`ed in= ''
etruotoro in 'each department. 'Pasant
E N W would
;logo 0 give 1011 663,00atiou o410 01 - Y3
! ig one work to anyone, desirutie of a dY
BltEdhoatinorStorthabd trail-
ing,, Write
Write for free oatalogao. • Win- yl
for toren 0p sue Jaduary 8rd, err
6fs100'1op & Mo1AOHLAN, Vf
• Priaoioalo, pl9p
4'.1$txlc.t t i •CtO
Troa'v brittle; e.
Mimi e t:d1t I
Gado of Galt, is the guest
of Mra, G. Undo,
B. E Tnghen ie home from the Tor-
onto University for 11.0 holidays,
Mise Sutton, of Linea, is spending
her .ho11
days under the ,parental roof.
Mr, and Miss May, of P.M, were
visitors last week with Mrs. Thom. Cade,
Diger and Mies Alioe Witmer, of E k.
hurt, are the pane of their parents, John
and Mrs. Witmer.
The Orangemen of this place held their
annual Onpper 211 Tuesfay night of last
week and had a very enj,yoble time.
Preparations aro being made for a
supper, to be held in the baoemeot of the
Methodist (Morel), in 00nne04ion with
the house-warming of the new parsonage,
on the evening of January 2nd. Special
aervioe will be held on the previous San•
day, at which Rev. J. D. Hunter will
preach in the oveuing. wet.
Mine Nellie Campbell, daughter of D.
D. Campbell, has been appointed to the
va0nn03, in the Pablio School teaohiug
Lewis Bolton and son, Eleworth
Bolton, returned to town from the North•
west, where they have been on a survey•
ing ,xpedition since last Spring,
The pupils in Prinoip,l Slaughter's
room met at hie home on Toeeday even
ing of last week and presented himwith
a 00000 set as a mark of esteem at part.
ing. Mr. Slaughter goes to Stratford
next year.
Roy. IJ: Akeim, pastor of the German
Evoogslinal Lutheran St, Paula Church...
was Wednesday evening of last week
there0ipient of a beautiful baols•oaee
and a fountain pen, presented by the
Ladies' Aid. Ao address was read by
Mra, H, Rubmidt, the president.
W. 3, Ziltiax and R. J. Roth have
punted their preliminary oivil service
examinations at London. W. J. has
aloe completed the nurse in the Com•
meroial Department in the Business
College here, and has been awarded a
Diploma. We wish the boyo encomia.
1Bel rave.
Wm. Beonougb, of Belgrave, is in very
poor health at present,
Obaa. Vaonormao, of Edmonton, N.
W. T., is at hie father's home.
Meagre, Carol and Lytle, of Orange.
vale, are visiting at Mr. Owen's,
Darioan Allison, of Toronto Medical
College, ie home on hie vacation.
John Sarandre6t sold a line driving
horse to Dr. MoA+h.
Mr, trodMrs. Wray, of Schomberg,
are visiting at 1', S. Brandon's and other
Jas. and Mrs. Wightman have returned
h me from Manitoba, after spending
the Summer there. 'Mr. Wightmao has
taken up land in the vioioity of Sulfa.
Loon, and will remove there with his
family in the Spring.
The htethodiat Sabbath School held
their $orae Tree entertainment in the
Foreaters' Hall on Monday evening. An
excellent program of recitations,
dialogues, pantomimes, drilla, solea,
choruses and addressee was given,
L, 0. L No. 462 held their annual
anent 011 Tuesday eveoieg of
last week, .Wm. MoLeod, of
Seaforth, delighted the audience wish hie
comic songs. Mise McGill, of London,
pleased the aadienoe with her popular
wrote and dances. Mies Chisholm,'
daughter of Dr. Ohlabolm, 112. P., song
several oeleotione in splendid voice.
Mies Motley, of Wingbam, presided at
the piano: The proaeede amounted to
Rev. Mr. West, •of Blaevale, � oomupied
the Presbyterian pulpit last Bnndey.
Rabt.,l2ay. ie preparing air open air
skating rink, ju7i Weat of Hay Broe.
Mies Effie Robertson hae been appoint.
act teacher of S. B. No. D. time for the.
year 1905 Tibia is a new eobool notion
recently eetabliabed and the ratepayers
have ereoted a neat little eohool-hoose.
Mornington Presbyterian Church will
hold 'anuiveraary ' services on Sunday
Jan. let when Rev. Jna, Rose, B, A., of
Brussels, will 000apy the'pulpit, -and on
Monday evening a grand soiree:: will be
held .Sorne of the members of Atwood.
Preebaterian•ohoit will nein with ,the
The Atlanta meeting of the Share•
holders of the Elma . Cheese and Butter
Oo •L6d., will ba ti0ld at the, faotory ,on
Friday January 6t..h,'at & p. m,-, .sharp,
Bir the purpose of "receiving. the 'auditors!
report, election of 081140re, the consider.
.,tion of the bog pens and all oppurte0an•
on thereto pertaining, and ,other heal -
ElmaOonservativosheld their' annual
meeting in theAgrioultaral Hall. Theta
was a large attendance and much enthuse
mem was manifested. Jae. Torraeoe woe
presentand gave a rousing 'epeeoh The
lollowinq'of sere were •elected' i-Preei-
deer H. Richmond ; let Vice Pres., Jae:
Mitchell.; grid Vim Free W. J. Hunter :
Seo. Trees ; Cyrus Harvey.
W. D.. Angus, obeeeomaker for the'
Elmo Cheese Co , •had a narrow escape'
Rom being burned out one night Int week. '
A lamp waa keooked• over and set fire •to
the mutates el the bedroom' window and
also to that ;carpet on the floor. Mrs..
Angus was in the room with the baby
anti the little lad was badly frightened.
Mr. Angus happened to be near at hand
and he rnohed in and gniokly tore down
blazing onrtaine and stamped ant the Are.
I le -eyebrow° were -singed by the ffamea
1t watt' a. narrow, eecapei 108 all part•,
-HYMRNBAL,-A quiet but pretty wedding.
waft oelebrated at the home of Mrs. John
Rogers Main street Atwood,•bn, Wednea.
,day evening at 8 p. no.,'when her' Baugh.
ter Jennie was married to Geo. Co$.
ha'rneremkker of this village. Only a foie
of the intititate relatives were present.
Rev. A; A, Laing, of Copledeen, was the
offioialing clergyman and W. R. Erskine;'
unole of the bride gave her away, Mrs,.
J. MoBain played the wadding mato.
The bride was attired in a pretty dress of
White habital silk, trimmed with law an
•pmbroldered o13lffon and carried a' baguet
of rosea, smilax and carnations, lbs
bride is one of Atwood's popular young
lad ire, got thirteen years ohe hall been
the, valued organist of the Presbyterian
church while the groom has, also been
loader of tbo choir for notate time and was
fora mamba of years a member of the
Orme erganioottoh. The wedding
preemie were numerous and ooetiy, The
young I
Y ng couple will nt one lake up house•
keeping in the hoose formerly oaoupied
by W. It, Erokino.
sugar Beet Meetings.
A aeries of twenty imp tr)aot Farmer's
Meetings to be held throughout the
County of Waterloo was oommenoed eb
Oonoetogo on Friday last et 2 p. m, An
Intereetigg audience listened attentively
4o brief addreeaea on the cultivation of
Roger beets delivered by Simpson Ronnie,
of Bonbon) township, York county, and
Dr, A. E Sbattleworth, agrioultnriat for
the Ontario Sugar Company, Berlin.
Dr. Shuttleworth opened the meeting
by brief refereneee to the results of the
present season in the growing and deliv
ingot bend. In all pot, lege than 8500
manned acres were grown for the Ber•
lin [notary by 1647 farmere distribnied
over eighteen different counties. Water-
loo oonety prodooed for the factory a
magnificent orop of about 16,000 tone
while the outside acreage was
grgyvn adjooent to and shipped from
about 188 stations, from pointe resetting
out from Waterloo in all directions
approximately one hundred miles,
"The campaign jest cloud hes been
0001aooful" continued Dr. Shuttleworth,
"something over seven million pound,
having been prodnoed, ail of which has
been marketed ae rapidly ae manntaotor•
ed. The factory therefore, will alone its
campaign with empty shade and ware.
During the coarse of hie (Dr. Shnttle-
worth'e) remarks, oharte exhibiting
typical beets were displayed with a view
of impressing upon the tarmere the form
of beet which ie moat profitable the.
farmers to produoe. He explained how •
the eoil should be handled and the orop
cultivated to prodnoe ouch typioal beets
whish are of higher tonnage and eaperi.,r
quality to the anehapely overgrown t
sugar. beet. The unehapely beets grows a
ander wrong methods of cultivation. i a
An intereeting dieeneeion followed. J• I j
G. Hurst. one of the leading farmers of
Ooneetogo, who grew fifteen aores of
beets this year, asked whether we cannot
"get a large beet which is also rioh in
sugar." Simpson 'Rennie replied that
when land was rich and properly worked
""A number of farmers in Soarbe
township began growing b ate two y' a
AWL This year there has been no le
t11n.0 Iltirty oarlaade shipped front Agi
wort t in York count t
s ix a,
d lcen Web
Y. g
melee from the faotory. S me of thy
farmers have a ooneiderable dietaooe
haul their beets to the station and t
freight they have 6o pay le eighty 0011
per ton. Throe ferment grow en
beets to matte money and not for fu
You In the county of Waterloo have
decided advantage over those growers
a dietaooe, since yon oap team your ba
to the faotory and thereby save E
freight. I have here to preeent to yo
growers in Waterloo oninty figures base
on actual results of the growers in Sea
boro, aeeumtng an average of fifteen to
per more, whioh le ooneidorsd about th
average that Bonham farmers are pro
daoing. The following figures of 00810
are chiefly made op of items for work
rent of land, eta, and are really earns
by the grower, except the Roma of freig13
and seed,
ro 1000N0NO trei1T1000 AT 0. 0, N0. 21 wATa1)
re I boo WPM wo0liwlon.
n Ulm. -0 Shantz, ex -Warden of ills
4y Montt • 0 \Vatorioo, who wan Mimeo
Chauu, n •"n
ee o ,od the meeting to order at
4e 8 p. m. b'uliowing the addreeaea deliver -
to ed by Memo. Shuttleworth and Rennie,
Ca Chairmen Shantz and Unarm. Shah,
ar Martin, Baumtrn, Weber, Brubaohor and
n ethers led in a very interesting and profit.
able disouasion, during whioh moo
i y
at gaegtione were asked and answered,
ate Simpson Lennie, during the ooaree et
130 hie remarksemphaaiz•;d the importance
of thorough Fall preparation of land
d which ie better with two plowings in the
✓ Fall, followed by sarfaoe preparation for
110 a seedbed without plowing in the Spring.
e Joseph Bruboober coked whether early
or late plowing of clover sod wao prefer.
able to which Mr. Rennie replied that
"early plowing gives the beet melte
d' because the eod becomes more thoroughly
deoompoaed nod mixed through the soil."
As Minks to beet growers amounting
10 $80,000 had been mailed the previous
day, there were come latereeting discus
shone on, and comparisons of returns for
the season's orop. Frank Shah,
Joseph Brabaoher and others announced
the returns which they bad received and
gave &gorse of the poet of prodnation of
the crop, showing profits over and above
all nab of production amounting to $20
per am, After a very hearty vote of
thanks to the obairtnan, the meeting
broke up at the hour of ten o'olook.
Before dispersing a large number of
those present, without solicitation band-
ed in their new entrants for 1905, indi•
eating an already apparent desire on the
part of the farmers to voluntarily make
beet contraola with the Company, instead
of being aanvaeeed for acreage, se was
the practice particularly the first year.
The third meeting of the series was
opened in the old Council Chamber in the
town of Waterloo on Saturday, Dec. 17i13,
at 10 a. m. Allen Shantz, 000r06ary
of the North Waterloo Farmers' Inatitote
occupied the chair. The hall was oom•
fortably filled with an ogdienoe oolnpoeed
chiefly of beet growers evidently anxious
to learn all they could in reference to the
cultivation of sugar beets.
Rent of laud per aore $ 4 00
Manure 7 00
Fall plowing (twine).......:8 00
Spring oultivatioo for seeding 1 26
Sowing 1 40
Thinning and Hoeing (Orel
and second time) 7 60
Boni:ing four Or fivetimee2 00
Pulling 100
Topping 7 50
Teaming a diotanoe of four
miles to station7 50
Freight on 15 tone at 800 per
ton 12 00
Additional freight on 5% tare 90
18 pounds seed at 100 per lb., 1 80
making total net per sore 011 a fifteen Ion
atop produced at a dietaooe of eighty
miles from the faotory and delivered at
Berlin,, of 556.85. Taking the average
per cent. of sugar of last year's total
deliveries, viz , 12 3, theme 15 tone would
realize at the factory 85 10 per ton or a
otal of $76 50. After deducting the
bove estimated poet of $56 85 we realize
profit of $19 66; but to this should be
natly added the commercial value of the
pulp, viz. $3 75, and we have a clear
n ot profit of $23 40.
"It mast not bo forgotten 40 above
mentioned," continued Mr. Rennie "that
moat of the items of eebioaated Dost are
sums of money actually earned by the
rower and are based on an allowance of
3 00 per day for team and $1 50 per
ay for hands."
Those figures as presented were Dare•
ally dieoaeeed by George Wright, of
oneetogo, who grew ten acres of beets
his year, Wm. Soheifele, J. G.
urea, Johnson Wilkinson, Samuel
Bhe113,, Wm. Hommerfoh and others, all
of whom are experieooed beet growers.
They consider the estimated cost fair
and the actual net profits about as good
as were received by themselves for tbeir
own beets after teaming them at a die.
tepee of eight miles to Berlin,
Mr. Rennie drew a aomparieon be.
Wean the proflle of this (eogar beet) Drop
and those of oats, barley, turnips, etc., in
whioh it appeared perfectly evident to
everybody present that the beet crop ie
the only one grown on the farm that will
eland the poet of production obarged op
to it and show a net profit.
It is unite poeeible, and gave illustrations g
from the beet fields of Soarboro township - $
of very large anger beets testing as high d
as 16% of sugar,
Simpson Rennie then addressed the f
meeting. Mr. Renuie is without doubt 0
one of the most experienced growers of t
rook° in the Provinoe rot Ontario. ,Mr. H
Rennie dwelt particularly upon soil oulti.
station necessary for the beet reenite in
the growing of sugar beets and presented
figures giving relative coat and profit in
the cultivation of various farm crops,
"The soil of Ontario I consider excellent•
ly adapted to the growing of sugar beets.
I am glad to eee how the farmers in
Waterloo county and elsewhere have,
token bold of this new --agricultural
iudaatry and I am confident there will
be a great many more go into the grow-
ing of auger beets when they know the
amount of money there ie in the orop
when properly handled.
Since purchasing Mr. McNair's stock of Gener-
al MerchandiseI have removed itto my own store
and am now prepared to give my :Customers BAR-
GAINS in all .Iines of • • -
D37 Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,' &c.
We;haoe a stock of over $2,000 in. BOOTS
and SHOES which" Aust be reduced.. to` about
half. We quote a few'Ipribes" and everything' else
will be soldaccordingly,:--.
Men's Long Boots . Ladies', Overs worth Boys' Long Boots
' worth $2,50 for..... I 51.60 for. . , ... worth 62.75.for,...
$;,26 Iso. ' $1.20
A full stock in all lines of Women's,alid Children's Shq e' •
.. o s
will oleo be. Sold at Gret f;,;[iargaius
About 100 pairs each of Wolnen'a,'Misses'' and Boys' heavy
Winter Shoes for sale'at;,1,0 per Dent. below cost.
f"We have also received a .fresh 'supply 1 of Christmas
Goods in Fancy Dishes, Toys, tea, and have a full
stock of Fresh Groceries, Fruits'and Confectionery.
Large supply of Candies and Nuts just arrived.
The meeting in the Township Hall at
Geutreville was palled to order by S. S.
Detweiler, who occupied the chair, at 3
p. m. Among those present were
noticed S. 8. Detweiler, Aognet Jenzen,
J. R. He0ormaok, Philip Shantz, Jaoob
B. Entente, J. Harbert Shark, Elias
Dippel, Joon M. Depot, Abraham Gimbel,
George W. Rife and others, all of whom
listened to the brief addteseee delivered
by Memo. Shuttleworth and Rennie,
Jacob B Shantz explained that hie
crop of some twelve sores were large
beets, not harvested very early. "The
Teat" he said "varied from 14 6 to 16 2.
A portion of my patch wee not harvested
till way on is November which I thought
abould have tested higher than the portion
that were harvested earlier though the
test of these later harvested beets varied
from 14 to 15.4. Can 'you give me an
explanation as to the cause of this lower
teat 2 " Replying,Dr. Shottleworbh used
as an illustration his chart displaying the
000urrenoe of a eeoond growth which
often happens in moist warm weather to
ripe beets, late in the Fall. "Your beets"
said Dr. Shaltleworth "were evidently
ripe at the time o1 harvesting the bulk of
your field, but before these of whioh you.
speak whioh tested lower were harvested
a eeoond growth had probably marred to
oma drgree, whioh to always nom.
Panied by,a decrease in the sugar per.
J. N. MoOormaok remarked that a
eutleman had called hie attention to the
beenoe in the_ beet contract of any
eferenoe to the pulp and asked why it
was not mentioned. Dr. Shuttleworth
xplained that pulp was never mentioned
o the'beet contracts and is not mention-
mention -
('for 1905. The reaegd•for, this, ie that
he pulp properly belongs to the oompapy
ut is given to the best growers . in pro-
ortion twin beets delivered providing
hey desire to take it. This has been
nnounoed fully in the prams, end in the
ironer sent out accompanying the
entreat• '
Before the meeting oloeed it was an.
nonnoed by Dr. Shuttleworth that The
Ontario Supply Co. haddecided to die•
tribute free of charge thirty bbls. of
molgoeee among thirty atockmeo,
conditionally that the parties receiving
the moieties') would report in writing to.
the Company the results of the feeding of
the melanin. The plan adopted is to
hava'eaob of thetas meetilige of the beet
growers which ate' being held throughout
Waterloo (Satiety name at least two
stook men, by whom the molasses will 'be
reoaived and a report of the feeding
results made. J. G. Hurst and George
Wright 01 Oonoetogs, Tileon Shantz and
Ira Bagman of Waterloo, AuRttet Ja0200
• and Jacob Shantz, of Freemont, were the above meetings to make
the feeding testa with the molasses.
•II • •These bi 0tig
ge how gapoeeefnll
commenced have been attended brepre.
•.oentative farmers, who , bade eowa
• deep inmost la
this new industry
so oaooeasfnlly eetabliehed. The
result, . it ie to . be hoped will be a
etilldooper interest in the cultivation of;
the sugar beet with inoreaeed.returns, a
must follow from °loser attention to, the
principles of oultivatioo that give the
hieheet returoe.
It is particularly enoopraging to find
beet 000traots Ellis year are being made
volautorily, much more freely than in
previous years. The company have
made contracts dor twine the 000100 0 of
leek year at this date. 'There appears
to be a 'diepooition on the pert of the
Waterloo farmers to nave the Company
the neeeeaaryexpense of a "door to door,"
oauvase for•'soatrlieto. They are tipper=
eptly beginning to greep the idea that
there ie a mutual totereot existing be.
tweon•the (eatery and farmer that all
ehoold work together in the interests of
the grower and faotory alike.,
The Dawoon City hockey team wt. the
Yokob for Ottawa to oonteot for the
Stanley Cup.
1. Dem
W.t ore and Fred, PeIletior,
Caribou Ioland•.lightkeepere, who the
practically been' given up for loot by
their Mende in the ."Soo,' have been
'keened. I • ' '
Melvin Bartlett, the young men who
confessed to stealing money from the
D,partlnent of Agriculture of Manitoba,
wee sen031001 to ono year in the Rt.
��mra �� ••�, TP. •• • ..
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,a•cr r.44,�e•'�w,e,dMtte .ar�..0r•vw,8+'�r=
Ghristrnas Groceries,
We have laid in a heavy stook of Groceries for the 011rieimtte trade,
and buying as we do in very large quantities for 0(lot ooab, we get the
lowest prices, which pate us in a position to sell fl Matisse Obriolmae
Orooerieo at prioea like these ;
Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, 3 pane -one of esoh-for 25o. -Good Red
Salmon, 2 Gane for 25o.-Oboioe Selected Raisins, 3 pounds for 25o, -
California Seeded Raieino, in pound 130200, 100. -Cleaned Currants,
in bulk, 4 pounds for 260..--0hoice Cleaned Currante, in 3 pound
boxes, very opeoial for 25(4 -Choice Gel fen Dates, 111 packages), et
54. -Cross -ds Blackwell!, Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels at close
prion. -Breakfast Cereals, in Orange Meat, Malta Vita, Oatmeal,
Wheatine, Cornmeal, etc., always in etook.-Iogereoll Onus, very
choice, at 120. -Long Clear Bacon, Breakfaet Baoon, Spiced Roll,
Mince Meat, oto., el nye in stook et bottom pri0ee. 'lhe old reliable
Eiji Japan Tea, none genuine exoept put op in pound bogo, worth
30o, for 250. -Red Rose Tea, in bleak, mixed and Ceylon green, at
25e, 80o, 40o and 500. -English Mixed Piokle0, very opeoial at
Pure extract of Lemon, Vanilla, eta ., at 50 and 10e per bottle, -•Pare
apices of all kiode, at special prioea,
Highest Prices Paid for Mutter, Eggs, Dried Appleo and I'ellttry.
Furs and Mantles
We are making great reductions in the prices of Furs and Cloth Jackets.
Men'e Far Coate at opeoial primes to clear.
Terrill., reductions will be made in Millinery during the next two weeks.
x=xx xx x xx
Choice Stock of
A fine range of Robes, Best in
opened up consisting of :-
&C., &C.
the market, has been
—Plush and Wool Rugs, a very Choice lot.
—In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold
at Close Prices.
—Trunks and Valises of all kinds.
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
Sign of
Horse's Head
With a large line of Goode suitable for
. Christmas Presents.
LA a,
, .DIESr .SE
get You • � a Choice Hari `that'
You Cannot get Elsewhere, -
iOrgansanos and
We have already sold a numbel for Xmas
Presents. If you contemplate buying an in:
strument in the future, why not., now ?
Terms and prices to suit everybody.
When You
drb ens
Buy, Buz the Best.
and Heintzman Pianos 'sell
Get them at