The Brussels Post, 1904-12-29, Page 4russxls post, THURSDAY, DEO. 29, 1904. Bast Huron Liberals, To the Palter of Tan r- oa- r t Dime fan; -I saw an Artesia, now going the rounds or the Tory Pra ea 0o fed from the Ltbsrnl r p papa published in St. Mary's, asking for the puuiehmenb of those sonneoted with the bogus ballot b xea in Restings. g e. The Liberal Prase always ask tor the punishment a lament of a YP eu h even ! v n if t ie are Liberals be b y aft the Liberal party don't want such within their ranks and the Liberals are the pros. eoators in this notion. I would ask your readers it they ever saw or beard of a Oonservative or a Conservative paper urging the puuisb. men: of any of their party when guilty of ++ooh doings ? N. 1 From anything you ever saw or heard from them you would infer they never beard of euoh noted peers in corruption as Langevin, Connolly, McGreevy, Chamberlain or Freeborn, the latter man reoommended by their organizer Birmingham to the Conservatives of Manitoba. Snob is the difference today between the Liberal and Ooneetvative parties, The Liberals at their Convention spoke out in no nuoertain sound that they wanted corruption pot down in this Land and especially by members of the Liberal party as we did not want them in oar fold and asked to have the law so amended tbat they can be more readily punished and got at than now. Such instrnobione were intrusted to the leader, ]ion. G. W. Rose, to enforce to the letter and A. Hielop, the Liberal standard bearer for Eaet9 Huron, is also eo pledged. Did the Conservative party at their Conference so inetr0ob their leader, J. P. Whitney 7 No 1 They aooepted his views on thisaeeEion hi q , which is to atop oorraptiou when practiced by Liberals, no mention of anything to be said when done by their party or members. Would it not be well for them to Olean their own doorsteps first. In East Heron both parties in the peeb have been pare, even it the Coueervative candidate in the last Ontario election mayb±t i Velkat tbe moat Ol of he na❑did++ tee t o t their side, reoeived from $500 ko 61000 to grease see baa machine, ea they have one se well ea the Liberals. You would not think iso to bear them and it is now known that it was resorbed to fn the election last Nov. by them and it don's lie iu the month of any Conserve. tive in Exet Enron to appeal for votes on tbe ground. Mr. Bowman's leading +erd in Dan• vaseing for votes from Liberale is the "40tcdals," as he calls them, bat admits that Hislop is a decant person himself, yet he (Hielop) oondonee and never oo-•demns oorraptiou by his party or members of hie peray. This is fates as Mr. Ii.ielop has publioly condemned o0rraption by any person or party. Another ruse the Conservative oendf. date adopts to try and patch votes, which he adopted during the election be t ran for County Councillor, is tbat be e don't expeot to be elected, that he can't possibly be in face of a majority in the g last election of 465, bah don't wane to be beaten too badly now. No Liberal B should vote for bim on either of these y scores. Remember if he were tbe voter t andthe he °aodidaE e yea ! youwoad et n y o g o •vote from him for a more unoompromie m ing Conservative in this line there is t not in the riding, eo pee bim as he wand o you and vote a for Hial oP Remember P that while Hislop had a majority of 465 d last time there bee been an election last el Fall voted on Liberal and Conservative J linea and according to the following b figures, wbieb era the votes oast in East ea Enron, you will see that the Oouserve. w fives bad the mai tiny :- Municipality. Liberal Conservative h Btnsaels 122 111 ea Grey 488 814 dI Morrie 817 802 a Howiok 840 566 t Turnberry 217 268 Wroxeter 58 38 el MoK,I op 271 302 h Hallett 261 181 N er 201$ 21182 tb Conservative majority of 64, •tr tat et ne to w of of their supporters, Have they forgotteu the Peoifio eonodal or the MgRrsevsy eoandel0 Snob ante were not by supporters. Would it not be well for the Ooneervative prase to give one in• etenoe of a member of a Liberal Govern. went being found guilty of oorruptlon ? Yonre, A LlnaleAL Grey Township Nomination. rey hip as bat ip, ing ed mi. 08, by and eA. m, nd tb ae, 0. nd DS 0e ad be 0 be ob 8e r. 08 0Y to 8 ge 6 d of of 4. a In• • 0 a Y ti• A large number of ratepayers of G municipality assembled in the Towne Hall, Ethel, last Monday to take part o ndia i a d tea or 'laminators pa.tore or hear w was Diu in the e affairs of the tow eh g a Clerk Moletoah presided as Return OHieer and before the clock had plains 1 he had on his list the following uo netts For Reeve -Robert W. Livingato proposed by Isaac Leke, seconded, Jute McNaught, For Councillors - Duncan Johnet proposed by Oliver Earrie, eeaond James S. Houston ; L,renzeFrain, by M. Ferguson and G. Bishop John Grant, by A. Blehop end W Work ; Wm. Fraser, by John MoNeaght a Thoma, Bennett ; Adam Turnbull, by Conrad Barna and Peter Siuolnir ; Geo. MoOall, by Peter Kellar and J Lindsay; John Brown, by B. S. Cole and Ge Addy ; Nail Danoaneoo, by Peter Sinclair a Malcolm Lamont, The Cheek declared Raba Livingato Reeve by aaolamation and as only o Councillor out of the eight nominated h resigned, announced that polls would open next Monday from 9 a, m. to 6 m, for the election of 4 Councillors serve for 1905. Mt, Molutoah was continued le t Muir in the platform meeting chi followed, a eh ,rt ey❑opsia of the epeeists being given. Reeve Livingstone was tbe first !Teske He returned thanks for the honor do bins iu re eleobiog him once more b acclamation to the Reeve's °hair for a other year, He referred to the reoeip and expenditures of the township, gain particularly into the numerous drains schemes of which there are 19 now and new ones being instituted. He believe th, sums of moa, for tbe redemption tbeee debanturee should be planed in Ib bank to the credit of the draiva instead being used for the loon! accounts. Ther had been ooneiderable bridge buildin done this year. The be BOEz bridge wee feet longer than was really neteeear Mr. Hi'I was considerably below th other tenders and no change was made i the ;Aloe for the addition to the length Thought a fairly good bridge was plana on the tad non. Censure was place upon the Council for not pushing tb completion of drains but the Beason ba been against the advance of the work No drainage plan is inoomplate and over paid. In the Henna drain Mr. Bohm and iia eeonritiee were notified as toelo progreee ; the time is ap but the wor not Huiebed. Mr. Gubr says be ie wain o complete the Hall drain. The I peator certified to the completion of th Beauchamp creek drain. The MoTag art drain delay was also discussed. Rs erenoe was made to the proposed $80,00 ylaw. 68,700 was spent in bridges thi ear. The extra bridges required in th ownahi will be needed i n the next b yea r eo. The e aestion as tot ' bow ht q onep should be raised will be settled b he ratepayers next Monday. Though ement :ewers ebould take the place o lank. Before taking hie seat the Reeve salt with the law suit of Farrand, o eerie, on Lamont drain for 62.000 adgment was given, no damages allows at the asst, are assessed on the drain r. Kendall bas threatened the township ith an aotion concerning a road bo his leas and had inured a writ. The road ae been built ohne that and was done as 0o ae outlet for water could be eeoured. r. Livingstone hoped a prosperous year nd a good 0ounoil would be the lot of be township for the next year. Adam Turnbull thought the Reeve bad ven a fall explanation. The work 0n ridges bad been done at a fair price. ew bridges will have to be made strong. to allow clement flooring. The day of is old cedar bridge is past as the heavy effio cannot be carried. There are 16 ridges .to be built in Grey town hip. .If a people wept 20 years to pay for these notarise they will vote for the By law xt lklouday, He urged the eonbraotora push the Hall drain Vo a finish. iebed the ratepayers the compliments the season before he took his seat. Tba next speaker was Wm. Fraser. e thanked his mover and seconder and thoagb 8 years in the Council he would e to 0000100s at the Board until works the program were uomplebed. Bridge the 2nd o00. is built a .trifle bb the gle purposely so as to better snitthe ream, Dont think it is too abort. orbs la hardly oompleted owing to the inter oebting in, It can be aroma now th safety. Regarding the $80,000 By - w it tbe ratepayers mold pay the rate them a By-law all right Dab the ofd idgee cannot possibly etand the heavy stn of traction engines. The accident the 2nd .non. bridge, in the Stewart os„ engine going tbrongh coat the wnehip $60 and the township got off y, it might not be ,o tortonate in other inata¢oe. If ratepayers saw fit `elect him he would regard it as at or if left at home he fie aatie• d, $2,207.40 won'd be the annual yment on the proposed By-law. no, Grant thanked the 'Wootton for it peat vote and tbe members, of the anoil for their advice in the past 2 re. Would be pleased to receive, the arty support of the elation next Mon. y for' another term, and 1f edooeaefnl,. old exercise his beet judgment in thering, the intereebe of. Grey town. Ins Chairman called on L, Frain next o expressed hie pleasure at the large attendance ab Elsie meeting. It showed au interest on the pert of the people, Bridge building is the heavy charge on the ratepayers.. After a ooneiderable experieooe in bridge building he thonght splendid work was done in the new etrnetures erected daring the past year. The expenditure Inc 1904 was 96,488 greater then in 1908 $2,000 of an addition En the post of .bridges alone, Local snit+ wee neoeseary as well as bridge building ana it would take money to do. it. If elected would do hie beet next year, as ha bad in the past. Denten ,yobaston asked the eapport of nue ratepayers in this leis first attempt to Now see that you, the Liberals of Bea Huron, are not over•000fiient, for remember that it was over-confidenoe on the part Of our candidate and the Liberal party and the greasing of the Opposition machine with money that elected Dr. Ohiebo m in November.' ' Liberals should be assured that they are thoroughly organized thin time and then tbey Dan overbalance the nee of money if used. It served them in November and may again and remember when yet hear of a party willing "00rr0ptien" as the Conservatives are i0 this eleotion, look out they are not practising what they are condemning and do this to draw a herring amen the eoeat, 'H al lik on on an et w w wi Liberals ale° ebould remember that wt it is not corruption of their own party br they have to fear, whioh .will be effect- sir amity stopped by enforcing the., platform at laid down by the Qoovention, it is Br Opposition oorraption they want to fear to and fight agaiuot all over Ontario; for as gas enre se the leopard woh't change its a0 opts neither will the Conservative party. to fav fie ea the CO yea be da wo Int chi T wh Thestttoo o" O pp , even if lead by "a Whitney, be dare not aondema it in kis own party. He did a year ago attempt to da so by bolding aloof from Gemey and snots of bis ilk bat he had to come down pff bis perch and take him into Itis arms and ehoutd they get into power, in, Ontario we will have corruption as it. was in the Dominion. beton 1896 and our heritage in the North or New Ontario will be distributed among the damp followers of Whitney, notwibh standing the reservation of lair. Bowman that he will resign if Mr, Whitney sbodid not panteh 0orruptioniets. Mr, aielcpbae aiwaye been es strong toe honest and °lean Government ail Mr. Bowman ever Ban be sod Mr. Hislop while denounoigg eorruptione has no right to deenunoe'the Roes Government AS beingso rrnpt; they hags Haver yet been ohow0 to have spent one oent oorrnptly by any of the leaders of the Opposition. The Not is that if any overrzsalons Liberal be found guilty of corruption the Govertlment ie held to be roeponeibte, Liberate in the past bees proved that the Coueervative Govern. msmas were corrupt from sobs of the Government themeeivee and not by ants seek a seat at the Board. If eleutod b would do hie best, George MoOall WAS a oaudidete end eaaoaoeful would do hie best iu th tolerate of the township. duo, Brown (tlnreehot) suppoaed he w left to sweep the floor, as the Iasi anima a green hand like him bad uotbin venal to say. Some of the brldgee were not properly let until the Engineer Dame up, Oraubrook bridge 0'et too moots be th aaglst, Roads ara not properly built. P Y Pattemaetar! are appointed wbo don't know euoogb to haul eand on the aide of the road. Thy should nee the grader is his opinion before gravel is put ou. Some nth aster don't makee t p m m t work en ugh. Contrasts for 0 o approaches, &a, eh be pp should let here work i t b w e o e dale later; 'Che accident of the engine going through the bridge would never have natured if the maehinee had been taken over one ata time. Am a oaodidate for the Courson bus will not canvas and it the electors vote for me and I em elected I will do my beat to give fair play to everybody. The Reeve said the Connell did not make the' Pathmaetere so had to take them ee they found them, Legal op- inions were that a good settlemer.b had been made witb Stewart Bros. The seoond advance in Oraobrook bridge was on account of the angle of the bridge. 'The law le changed as to traction engines, whioh ie more favorable to tbeee mach. nee, 1400 pounds bo linear foot is the guaranteed parrying oapaoity of au iron bridge, W. H. Kerr oongratolated the Connoil on getting through eo large a ,here of work in 1004 as they did. The tax rate was considered lardy heavy bat if per- manent improvemenbe are made the money must be expended. He ala.' eon. granulated Tex Oolirotore on the way they bad gathered in the oath for the year, Mr. Bishop having reoeived over 97,000 with a balance of about 69,000 Rill Mr. Kreuter, 910,000 with about 92,500 to come in. Believed iron and oemen ehonld be need entirely for bridge. and Dement oalverte built instead of timber, The Co. Connell' had passed a Bylaw to rajas $20,000 for bridges and paying for the addition to the House of Refuse and the 930,000 By law proposed in Grey is Siong the sense line so that the heavy burden of taxes for the new bridges will uotootne in a rush for successive years but be spread equably over 20, as was 10 ea ort the B •la w A few preparedPP Y Dints in Co. Connell work were referred d t and o o some aeatione answered Bred aonuern• ing the same. Neil Dunaaneon was not a oaud;date for Ooanoillor and wished to withdraw. Was well satisfied with the last yoar'e Council bat never saw in the minutes where there were amendments in ,he motions, and , wondered how it was that everytbiug was done so agreeably, Mr, Dunaaneon asked for information as to voting on By.law. Jno. Jaokeon, 6th sou , spoke of the lose to hie farm on amount of the Hell drain not being finished, 16 or 20 _acres ware not workable on amount of its incompletion. Tba Reeve bad said the work would be fioiehed this year .bot it was not done yet. It work is not finished be will have to sue the towuehip, Ex Reeve, James Turnbull wee nailed upon and tbrught. the expenditure for bridges should be met as the d-bts are contracted. Reeve Livingstone said that actual owners, were the persona entitled to vote on By.law teat Monday. Farmer's seas are nos. Scrutineers may be ap- o'nve on d application tot P be Deputy uk P Y Returningr Office a at the re. ti vp o ve polls. Vote will be by ballot. In referenoe to Mr. Jeoksou'e oomplaint, it was no doubt a grievance but the wet season in the past year rendered 1 p Y t next to impossible to complete drainage works that were folly txpeoted to i,e finished. A abort address was given by Jnu. T. Sbraohes, teacher, on the sabjeot o! "Patriotism," in whioh he extolled the praises of the land of the Maple Leaf and urged a wider and higher ideal of mttzenship and a loyalty to duty so that everybody would be sharers in the advancement that would fellow, This oonolnded the nomination pro• aeedinga' in which free' exahangs of gneetiobs and answers, eribiohem and approval had co0etituted no email; part. It was all taken in. good part and 'should be productive of good.. e John) borrowed 91,000 from Joseph Burton tan on n ramiesor tante which if bears the name of Mie Campbell as AS e8 g The. County Court. '• Lengthy Sessions Before 101s 1Rostor • Judge Doyle. The business of the County Court, which opened Tuesday, lath inst., was not oonoiaded until Mondry' morning. The awes not. reported in last' week's ,paper were as Ioiipwn Randall v. Zettell - Action' for de- claration that plaintiff is entitled to reek on an insolvent estate, that of Albert Zettell. Hie Honor dispensed with a jury. W. Piondfoot; K 0., ooaneai for plaintiff ; H. 3. D. Cooke, solicitor for plaintiff. F. W, Gladmau, manta for defendant. At the 0000loeiou Of the trial Hie Honor direoted judgment to be entered after twenty days spinet the plaintiff, dismissing the aotion with resets. ' Rees v:;'Pi b'bt-A°ti0nt for demagog for breach of oontrset. in engaging fore man. L. E. Denney for plaintiff. W; Proudfoot, K. C„ for defendant. The jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff for $17269, and Rio Honor directed bba0 after tweoty•.daye judgment` be entered for the plaintiff for tbat amountwith full' County (kart costa, inolndiing ooeteof examinations for discovery. Coleman et al v. Ooolereoe-Aelion for injuries' enobaioed by, plaintiff being thrown out of a rig by' alleged omelette driving. E. L. D,iokiaeon,00tneel for plaintiffs ; H,' J. D„Cooke, aviator 1130 pleintiffe, W. Proud/eel, K.. 0.; ouuneel for defendant. Oa the finding of the jury His Honor direoted that judgment' hs entered for the plaintiff for the sum of 1150 'with full County Court costa, pro. eeedinge stayed twenty days. Myles Transportation Ooenpany v: Downey-Aotlon for damages for not supplying a quantity of hay to load the steamer .Myles. D. L. Diokineon.,tor plaintiffs, W. Proudfoot, K. 0., for de• Pendant, Hie Honor •directed that judg. meat be entered for the plain1iffe for the saw of 9200 with fuil County Court poste. Burton v. Lookridge-An aotion on a promissory note ; and Burton•v, Camp. bell, an aotion to recover moneys anl^n ot. ing to 91,60, arose out of the same Mr; A. . nein fence B Macdonald, e :lonald Brussels, for t e�ilaintiff in both aotion, end 11. Vat tone, Wgggham, for the defendants, xIi rleageidge"re,- rothere (Viridian and endoreer. The Lookridge brother++ failed io their km:anent as woolen millers and Mies Campbell daniee having signed the note, hence the notions. Miss Campbell it appenre had certain money belonging to the plaintiff, Joe, Burton, of Brussels, Judgment reserved, Standish v. Tenter -An action for nee of boobs of aoco9ut, 1Z,V i 0n a tet s for plsiet'lX, W. Proudfoot, K C , for de. tendnnt. The plaintiff, Dr. Standish, of Anbnrn, formerly of Walleoeburg, eold out his panties in the latter plaoe to the defendant, f Dr. '1'urnar, envie t leaving certain books of eacount with him temporarily. Sumo time afterwards, but before he wee asked for the books, the defendant found they were nelesing although due care had been used for their eafe•keeping, Aotipo dismissed without oasts. Howard v, Gardiner -An action to recover the price of clearing land in the township et Hay. W. Proudfoot, K. 0 , and L. H. Diokson, for the plaintiff, F. W. Gladmen for defendant. The p'aintiff, a farmer at Exeter, entered into an agreement whereby he was to do oertaio work in clearing a farm for the defeodaut, Moses Gardiuer, a .oattle baYer, by a specified date. The plaintiff dud a certain amount of work and olaim• ed he was always ready to complete it but was prevented by the defendant. An extension of time was agreed upon be. tween the parties but the defeudant later refused to pay the plaintiff for his work, otaiming that the written a; reament was uo longer binding. Judgment for plaintiff for $147 with costa on the County Court seals. A minter olaim wee dismissed without costs. Township of Aehdeld ve. the County Hnrou, an liatina to recover for damages canoed by an overflow of the Nine mile river at Port Albert last Spring, was by oouseut of counsel postponed till the next sitting of the court. Jowett vs. Mustard, an aotion to nom el the a eaifin a r rfo manorof P an P P agreement of a Bale of land, WAS post- poned till the next eating of the 000rt, through the serious Muesli of a material witness. Greig vs. MaDenald, en aotion to re• cover tbe price alleged to be doe p'ff, by deft. His Lordship reserved judgment, W. Prondlool, K. 0 , for p ff , Geo, Kerr for dit. Au action ion f r a breach 00 ofP e ramie of marriage, whish had been set dgwu by a former court te, be beard at Stratford, but came baok here for a trial now result- ed in a verdict for plaintiff for 9750 damages and aoete, and at the elose of the trial the defendant wee arrested on a orimnal charge by of net We W. Gundry, deR.ft, Vaoetone for plff., H. B. 6lorphy for Manager Oraigie, of the Skating Rink, is organizing a Curling Cluh. The Goderioh Organ Co. last week eeut out. to their ebareholdere a nice Ohrietmao present in the form of cheques for six per cent dividend earned during the present year. The Maas of teachers in training, be- fore lesvieg town, waited on Principal Tigert and presented bim with a valuable reeking chair, as a ,testimonial of their high appreciation of his services as an inetruotor. It was a000mpanied by a complimentary addrese. Mrs. Campbell, of Quebec street, left last week forh' 0 tua'u. where h bas she been engaged to fi 1 r n ee oueible aei- p P won in her profeaeion as aurae. Mee. Campbell will be much missed in Godertoh, not only by e wide °iro!e of erso al i lieu e b n d at byall those base who have had i" Doose oo to her engage e kind y and effioieot services. The meets unloading at the Goderieh D eve:or the' past .eetteou numbered 27, one or two of wbicli. orily partly die• charged, the belanoe of their oarg„es having been delivered at . the Big Mill. The total elevated was uearly 2,661 000 bushels, being en iuorease of over 200, 000 over 1908, and ked awe been obtain• able in suftioient number during October and November., tbe total' would bave been far over tbe three million mark. 'VIu Isom. Annual Scottish 0000e0t to be held on Tbesday evening,•Jt000ary.10th. • St.,Paul's amen Buildup School, bad their annual aleighrido and tea on Tues- day of last week. Ia,the evening ...there was s good prgram, with a Eons tree.. for.,the infant olaes, ,;Nob obild in the school brought, a toy for the 'Bink Ohildreu'e Hospital, Toronto. Tke',young people of the . Baptist Church, at that regular meeting, steeled their offload for the snecing year. They'are-Hon. 'President -Rev. J. N. McLean, B. A. ; President -Wm. Kelly ; Vioe Pres. -Jeanette Rush ; Seo. -Tena Kelly ; Treas.-Barbara Stiles ; nor,. Seo, -I, M Fisher •; Organis=Mrs. G. Hanna, - At the regular meeting of Camp Cale. +Ionia, Sons of Bootland, the following ratan were el. Med for 'blas enticing year :-Ohief, Alex, Campbell ; Past Ohief, D. E, MoDonald ; Chieftain, D. Carrie; Chaplain, Peter Campbell ;. Pbyolotane, Drs. Agnew and J. th bbtebolm ; , ale0.Beo,, Hr B., Eliott • ..aotion Sale Two Brick Stores ••%-IN THE- Village HE- • .� Vig Ila a .of Brussels Tho undersigned Auctioneer bas beau hi. •atruoted by the Proprietor to offer for sale by Public. Auction on the premises on Thursday, Jana 5, '05 AT 11 0'01..0011 A.1.1, Two Valuable Brick Stores known as the Garfield Block. Stores will be put up together and it not geld, will then be offered oeparately,i ensues -10 per cent at limo of tads • se. ougb to make >f of the price 1n thirty .jays and the balance in 11ve yearly payments at, 6 per cont, interest. Par further partioniare prior to Delo write - ' the Proprietor or enquire of Au4hioneor.•81 ..E F s: 0110 N trT 1 t, o, rR ' • s IIrnr' , .ls co Anotinlnaar. Proprfetar, � � Londob,• Leading Menefeeturers.' • F1n.•Beo., J. D. Buena ; Treas., Wm, Homos • Marshal, t 1. Maxwell ; Stan, Bearer,arer, lr. ha1 Anderson ; I, 0,, II. Hemia ton, er, ; 0. G , L. A. Rail ; Anchors, D. M. Gordon and A'ex, Rosa ; 'Panacea, D. Stewart, G. Davidson end Alex, Row+ Pipers, D, E. McDonald end Geo, hose ; Representative to Grand Camp, D, E. McDonald 1 alternate, Alex, Oampbell, Lebanon (Naylor No, 84, R. A. IC Wingham, elected their olllaers for the enauin gFar viz • let P 3 rte -J. P. Prin.-P, 5 Kennedy , 2n I 1 ran. -1, N Tangle ' 3rd Prin.-J. McAeh ; Trees -J. B. Tamlyn ; 8. N, -T, L. Jobb ; P. S -0, Carr; S S. -Wm. Watson ; J. S-A, Orawtord ; T.-J.r 1 lug t Y• The Inst allatian will tubelap e on the ne laird Tueedsy Lt Janney, 1906, t IMPORTANT NOTICES STORE TO RENT IN THE village of Oranbrook, lately minded by A, McNair, who has sold out. Terms reasonable, Apply to J, LONG, Oranbrook, LEICESTERS FOR SALE, either sex or any age, This Hoak has been very successful et the local Shows. Have also for Bale a prize-winning 70000 Darkens Bull, Apply at Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey, or 0. TDBNBIILL, 10-tf Walton P, O. LEIOESTERS FOR SALE,- Aleo young Short Horn Bullsfromm7Lto 20 menthe, including the 1st prize Senior Bull Calf at Hatt Huron Pall Show• Also a number of Oowe sed Bolters. Wtll be sold cheap and on terms to suit buyers. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. REAL ESTATE. 200 AFARM R beingCRE LOEe 80 andFO67, letSALE Oon., Turnberry, Good brisk bougie, bank barn, 00 sores heavy timber. Apply to S.A. SNELL, Jamestown, Ont.. 13 FARM FOR SALE.- GOOD homestead -100 acres -in the Town- ship of Morrie, Huron eounty. For patio. niers apply to J. BENNETT. 8 tt 000 Bathurst St. Toronto. FA0R00M 00FeOarR ee, SuAeL ngE NoCrOh NT voIeN o- f Lute 15 Sud 16, Comfortably frame house, bock barn, Orchard, ,rco. Only 4 miles from Molesworth. Good locality and flue roads. Immediate possession. For further particulars apply to or write W. H. HERR, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- dersigued offers her100 acre farm, be- ing Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sale. There is a comfortable house, bank barn; or - Vann is only 6 mile from the bbrtviog village of Ethel. For further parbloulare as to prioe, terms, 45., apply to 111118. EATS. HOLLAND, 73 Shuler etreet, Toronto. n OOD FARM FOR SALE. - 11/4...g The underetgued offer for Rale his farm, being Lot 1, Con. 18, Grey. It is alt- uated ou the Gravel road, 2 miles South of Bruaeele and aontainv 100 acres of good land, all cleared out 12 acres. There le a first class brick house and kitchen, heated with furnace wood shed, arteniau well with windmill and. water is pumped to barn. Barn is 08x68 feet with atone stables. Bay barn Saran feet. Good orchard, farm well fenced ; plearantly situated Will bd sold on easy terms, Apply on premises or Bruits eels P. O„ ENEAS (MICR, 15 EI F ARMS FOR SALE. - 350 scree first -elan land in the - Township of Grey-T,ot 16, eon. 14, ]OD acres.; Lot 17, Con 14,100 acres ; and w1 Lot 18, Oen. 14. 50 aores-260 acres. All in excellent condi- tion with,llr'et•ola ee buildings ; brlek house with all modern 0 opvenien:ee and Inr e g bank barn root Sud earn w donee, stables, Jae, Wall wood b. From 81 to 00 sores 0 - gaud hardwood mires bush. Lot 39, Dau. , good ghillie house eoan of gesbatik land, good }Mame hnuee and large bank barn nearly thee paraela rop00,-6000 purchasers. Terme liberal. Also a commodious dwelling house - and lot iu Brussels, For feather parEiou- lare apply to the owner on, the premises, .LAIIOHLIN M.eNL'•1:L, Or to 3140. LEOIIIE, Bruseele, • 21.b! D R ES8- ' MAKINO .MIsS M A PARDY has . opened a 'Drees making establishment in the rooms'' Over the ••Post Office' and bopee by doing., good work to merit the pattonage of the general publio., Please Give us a Trial, ''U'TTERS --AND S L E -I .G I S' o111 A Record Bxesker • 18 Cutlers acid 6,spba of Bleigbe sold in one week. Oar Cutters are all made of the same material as these which have taken first prize thio last 5 years at onr local thews, e,rain,'t all oompetitora; They are. `the' BEST and take . no second place for Material and Workmanship, oar Sleight) are nearly ail Oak and have a first.olaes record for batty draft and good tracking. They can't be beat. Please call early end get your °beide of our dandy Cotters. • We already have our stock of w.heele, for the Doming year. They arethe high. eat grads and intending per:anaeers of Baggies for next y'enr are invited to examine our geode before the paint brush is on them as everything ie the beat that can be bought. !ring tool the nim.., btu CUTTF'RS TE3A11 zTAI ,n.,IbN,'lu'hrlJ'h"LeU"b'lu'U''lu'hAiJnr We have just received aoar 1 ad of "Br clill o sr r the kind that speaks for themselves. Gallearly should you require one as these are fast sellers. We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root Polper, the BEST on the market. See tbem. Should you have any grass to kill or sod or rough ground to work remem• bar the "Frost & Wood" end "Wind - sot" are the dieke that will do it. If you want a General Porpoee Plow, than whish there is no better, eeottre a No, 20, Frost & Wood, It you want a eeaond hand Buggy, part, Cutter, Plow or Implement of any kind be sore to call on as. We have also the U. S. Cream Sep. neater, Singer Sewing Machine+, Volmar Welshing Maeltinee always on hand. We inn ,apply you with a good Driving or Work Horse cheap or Stook of any kind on eb0rt notice, N. S; McLA7�UO LIN A G- Hi 1..'V GREAT .� R N A A ��►� S IN MILLINERY We are offering from now until Xmas ReadYto- e r and Trimmed Hats s at Greatly Reduced Prises. These are all this year's Styles. All orders will receive our most careful attention. Come early and get the choice. i The Misses Halair � k AND COOL WEATHER " ,there await an'd el of weather makes he think of tnvre and bow to 1 •':keep warm in Wide r. If you aro thinkin4, of t urebaoiag a new ''"Glove or Range this` 'all call and see our linea of RI h ,lane g ill , .E. 5 ,•.,1, and STOVES , AMONG THEM ARE THE Famous •PandoraMade by MoOi rt ondon , The .DockaRange, o� Lsh and World's Favorite Orlte l;•atleF g r.', The,,; Silver Kingand Gailan d line of Stoves S yes and Ranges - ALL GOAL AND WOOD B1711N19RS. See our' Lincs of Bios; Burners . '�o)t and •Air Tight � Coal Stoves. Agents for the Famous Every „ Stove Guaranteed ue en ,Air, r Wood T ht. g Makin. to work Perfect: Lrtimatee on Porous Contracts raate ieely given. I?rinee night.. , Wi1ton, 7Cbull 0,OAL IN STOOK HARDWARE AND STOVES. , 1 •a i COBER CARRIAGE 00. can su 1ouat once wik�I�YY th any '• Buou ma ntwa lit as, t e gbh\WE gYy. time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we would like to 'tell you that we are' fully pre - ;pared to meet, your every want in the Cut- ter as well as in the. Sleigh line. We have •: the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment of Cutters.that can be found anywhere, 1oeady for insection, and ' would be pleased to'have'` you call'' and see them:,, •:Prces . a Right. t "r , •'N, TWO COWS. 10011. SAUTE, • JOHN COBER a SONS. AND COOL WEATHER " ,there await an'd el of weather makes he think of tnvre and bow to 1 •':keep warm in Wide r. If you aro thinkin4, of t urebaoiag a new ''"Glove or Range this` 'all call and see our linea of RI h ,lane g ill , .E. 5 ,•.,1, and STOVES , AMONG THEM ARE THE Famous •PandoraMade by MoOi rt ondon , The .DockaRange, o� Lsh and World's Favorite Orlte l;•atleF g r.', The,,; Silver Kingand Gailan d line of Stoves S yes and Ranges - ALL GOAL AND WOOD B1711N19RS. See our' Lincs of Bios; Burners . '�o)t and •Air Tight � Coal Stoves. Agents for the Famous Every „ Stove Guaranteed ue en ,Air, r Wood T ht. g Makin. to work Perfect: Lrtimatee on Porous Contracts raate ieely given. I?rinee night.. , Wi1ton, 7Cbull 0,OAL IN STOOK HARDWARE AND STOVES. , 1 •a i