HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-12-29, Page 2;r•,�y,i 11-11 mrrrrtr,,(s, rrJrlifis7lArtr , ilt=l Rrerrirmm�rrir, AIMP.i T11e ?ricc f crty OR, A MIDNIGHT CALL, wu+y 1111'r,'*•i•r'I,"uy!,.,,,,,,Irtmrn„+,,,,iri+ui� PVTT'iTu�.us7 CIIAPTI`:jt XXXI. "All the same I con see your out- line," Henson said, dismally. "1, don't feel quite so frightened note, I 1 can hang on a bit longer, especial- ly now, I know assistance Is at hand. At first I began to bo afraid thatII tamer Castle, there to eheektnah' the aunt he had so deeply injured, But fortunately ITeusnn wag laid by the heels, or so Bell iluagiuod. the station again when you teemed OP." 'Oh, there's nothing wrong,"• sni.d hell, ch(ertully, "And I don't "I 0.0.1 really obliged to yen, 134+11 look as fl' I'd conte to any harm. said. "Your information is likely Anybody slaying at the 108(40, to bo of the greatest possible ser- I;und? '. • vice to 0.w, 1'14 sorry you eal't Only Mr. Reginald ,lenson, sir," wutk.Lund said, disparagingly, "Dun'C worry. about oxo," Dnvld 13011 started, but his emotion Was sai(i, gr4mly. 1'0.1 gxtining a vast 1081 ill 1110 tiari:u0s8, 't came us a quantity of experience Lhat will he gr°nt vur,prtsu to hie to find greatest 10. of the. 1)10 to 100 late cm. ,1;,.1.; the ;meow was actually 40. the 13ciRtdbe, t can go and coupar0 notes 1i01d, And how apprehensive of don- w•ith Miss Ruth (Dates w'hiist you are ge• he must Ile to 0utn10 so for with with It's h0nitln 1 army. She is soothing." • 'n so shattered a coma- away. 1 should imagine," 13[11 said, 41011 13011 wailed to en seeing as ho drily "No, 1: must be un', a'll 1o1 once on nelson'sora faro that - >004. hire 041('1` unci were under that roof. vu i(w St yon l: what Mappens 0.t I.HAI '1• !• lT Jenson hail 1100•0 imperative that (1e (kettle, Good luck to you here,''• holt?" he aeso(1, should once more be on good terms And Belt hustled off, lh. was "Only came yesterday', sir. Shall Al the light of recent (liseo t y0 now 11 flow long has A t. et rI i>een •o •t lis lens house'? AnU if F eve I at of the cup that cheers, Lo rs Ceylon Tea is the real genuine delicious article in all its native purity. Sold only in sealed lead packets, Black, Mixed or Na- tural GREEN. By all grocers. Received the gold medal and highest award at St. Louis. tl Lard LittWier.On( 1 1 l t find t telegram of I drive you up to the ��t{r����gg'�� ft, 5�q �� ,�qp�, ncc0nlp1181ud, [ nt.tptanr[ llutn I.,nLLmtel a1laiLin to w[ l 6 @d'�s1ylP' aV�ketD'tl,®faT✓"A„is.a�'i.7''�,A ( t I4 lvua a great ndtnutage } Ll I I LL I }' 's dello' Wl44' 1L was •(' itnrl anti • oil that 411 know• echo lu e y he ] •ft l,ondou Chat hu be nn '•Afalce y )0.r to y vel nflcl ( g 147.1 ..,011 ,1 . 4) 44(1(4(( n el( a ) Oeetl 13+11 sate I)is w•ay' to a ou dn't mind Ravin•• nothing' °a'4< - the clearing up of the whole coinpli-, him, and before flak o'clock he was to his lordship about. my mistake, ►°j. S.i �. xi .ion. a u; (10.10 for London. was only s i -- was a prisoner for the night, No; • that the hero of the cigarease and l fitting 1' shall k nothing whatever victim of the outrage in steel's' a 1t.. On the don't go. If I had a rope I should have the proper conflden:•e to swarm a still greater advantage to discover to crux'] along. Thanks to slow score," Lied} said, drily. "Ws Lord - t ,r Al 111 I I H 4 Fol 4 3 4Ia s the vl i g service at wax nearly (train o'clock about 4 up agpin. And there is n coil of rope in the arbour close by you. Hang it straight clown over that Blind" to Lord Litthuer, middle boulder and fasten your en local 1.115044 and (1 badly 11. 0.q' e•oss s 1441 s la (not, i 1a 1 11 whole 1' had bet- a 1 cousurcalnry w'118 the grnc(•luss scamp, bolore he reacher{ Moreton Station. ter drive up to the laciest). 11ow• fame r.,.lh... j `4 '^'y alee,}ja ad" \'an Sneelc, 4110 picture Ueuler, alae' It did nn1 matter tench, because Lit- iliac it all !mules, to be sure. `�' °� � �� "� sad originally salt' "The Crimson. tinter had said that a carriage A minute later and Boll stood POU,UTi4Y 1r'Oit P:14Ol•'1'1'. should meet him. It was all lolling* out beautifully. Iiow'0ver, thele was no conv,yanee round one of those iron pilasters. The rope was there as Irons= stat- ed; indeed, he had placed it there I himself. - With the utmost coolness .i and courage Chris did as she was de- sired, But it took some little time to coax the rope to go over in the proper direction. There was a lit - tie mutter of triumph from below, and presently TTelsou, with every ap- pearance of utter exhaustion, climb- ed over the hedge to the terrace,. At the same moment an owl hooted twice from the long belt of trees at the bottom of the garden. "I hope you are none the worse for your adventure?" Chris asked, pol- itely. Henson said sententiously that he fancied not. His familiarity with the cliffs had led him too tar. If he had fallen ou a ledge of rock good- ness only knows what might have happened. Would Chris be so good as to lend hive the benefit of her arm back to the castle? Chris was grac- iously raniously willing, but she was full of curiosity at the same time. Had Hensen really been in danger, or was the whole thing some part of an ela- borate and cunning plot? Henson knew perfectly well that she had taken a great fancy to the upper ter- race, and he might - Really it was difficult to know what to think. They passed along slowly till the lights here and there from the castle shone on their faces. At the same time a carriage had driven up to the hall (door and a visitor was getting out. With a strange sense of eagerness and pleas- ure Chris recognised the gonosome features and misshapen shape of IT0.therly Reif. - "The expected guest has arrived," Henson said. . There was such a queer mixture of snarling anger and exulting triumph in his voice that Claris looked up,. Just ' for an instant Henson had dropped the mask. A ray of light from the open door streamed fully a1lo5s his -face. The malignant pleasure of it startle-[} Chris. Like a flash she began to see how she had been used by those miscreants. "ETe is very handsome," she con- trived to sa,v, steadily. "'ITandsome is, that handsome does,' " Benson quoted. "Let us hope that Dr. Bell- will succeed in his Mission. He has my best wish-' es," Chris turned away and walked slowly as possible up the stairs. An -1 other minute with that slimy hypo crito and she felt she must betray; herself. Once out of sight she flew; along the corridor and snapped up i the electric Light. She fell back! with a stifled cry of dismay, but she' was more sorrowful than surprised, "1 expected it," she said. "I knew that this was the thing they were after." Tho precious copy of Rembrandt was no longer there! There were more sides to the mys- tery than David Steel imeginid. It had seemed to him that be had pret- ty well all the threads ill his hands, but ho would have been astonished to know how ]ouch more Ilatherly Ileal and Enid Henson could have told him. Ilitt it seemed to Bell taat there was one 0003' important. thing to be Mem hc!ore he proceeded any farther. Ile: was interested in the mystery as ho was interested 411 anything where cr4o4 and cunning played a part. d1111. he was 11411 1010 intent upon clearing his good name; besides, this would give hint a wider 1101(1 of ac- tion within the wells of the castle. Although hens are notoriously pre - Not only had Van Smock tutnad up of any kind outside the station, Ono (1LA1"1'TEIt \\\II, verse about laying mealy eggs, even u t.1)' nick of time, but 140 was not sleepy porter had already ll°,parted, though the product is sure to be 11 a p051(1(nl to do any further ens- and rhe. other' one, who took (dell's Chris crossed the Cer1'ldel• like 0(50 worth thirty -Ave or forty rents n ehlef. it suited Bell exactly that ticket and was Obviously waiting t0 who trolls in a dreaul. She bud ]lot (Iozen, yet t 1mve 141way8 Iuun':l it Van Snick- should 110 hors do combat lode up, deposed that a rai•eiagc enough energy leftto be (astonished profitable on the whole to keen them, for the moment. from the castle had conte to the stn- even. 'Ter inhol travelled quickly 511 y5 Tfet, y ,1, \riots. 3f Wu+y can 4411 The first shag to tic dame tunsBell it tion, but that some clerical gentle- over the events of the past hour, and induced to lay W011 Lim rest of Ilio ser Lord LiLtlmer without delay. I e Ulan had come along and counter- she began to sue the way clear, :Lau( had no idea et humbly soliciting an marded it. Whereupon the dog -curt how had someboc! 0.r other mating- they ,will nmec run Lhdn' unmet. }4(1(400(010. Ito proceeded tan tele -y g in debt for caro and treed;ing. graph orrice rho first tiling the Poe- 1)0.11 drpnl• 1(0. ed to remove the picture? Clu•is ex- ]3ut if one is fortunate enough to g I wired hLtlimerl "Very strange," Bell muttered, ambled 1 h spot on the wall Whore. 1)0..40 some (yell grown Leghorn pul- lowing Morning and"What sort. of a parson was it'?" the Rembrandt had been with the lets and I.Oc'•s them in harm quid - tot hi n on of v 110.8face," the effect that he ants ser. n "I 1 t saw Isis the [y1' of a dctc+ct[vo. important business. Ile haci nn Porter yawned. ^Dre58°d in black, [114(1 part of the 10448(1141 was 11x- tors, lvivh hlent;v of room for scratch - hour or two 0.t his disposal, 11(10 511 ho 401111 a white tie and a straw hat, plainer> i0. a moment. A sharp cut- ing, solve oleo( mud skim mill: given tools (t cab as for as I)olvnentl Per, 3\e11°41 in n. slouching kind of way ting instrument, probaly a pair of w•itli a variety of ether food, not race. Ile found Steel slug-]tuns}0.l,;• with his hands down; new 0111010 steel pliers with a level altavhnt'nl am'4ttiug sone early eat guy', plenty Ln trio conservatory, the atmosphere. rl [.poked had 111071 applt0d to the head of the of s110ll5 ;ala grafi el, with ashes for it of which was blue with cigarette, Ohm t. Albans, p-1ops• y drs1 bath, they will lay pretty 11'elI guu)k°, litre 0. chap as 100.111 talc core of fear Rte's, and the Oat heads ha4l working this himself in a row." been pickled off as clean as if they while the Older Stens are on a sit11». "F1) you aro not g "'Thanks," 11'11 said, eurlly. "I'll had been string. After that it leas A person hnving other business 10 '11010^' 10 asked. ' manage the walk; it's only two merely necessary to remove the frame enough to lake up all his time n°e.4 "D01v tltie dickens can T wnrsco g and n child could have done thenotexpect an.t hens to pay' a profit flay id 0scluimed, irritably.. "dot miles. Coed -night." Boll's taco a•as grim ❑11(1 set as he rest. , when neglected. Net much, They are that I haven't been trying. I might r sl0pprct out into the TI' knew Just ns well take. a long holiday till' l4444441 well what the road. It was this mystery is cleared up for the good I nim, What is the next !pretty evident that his arch -enemy move?" • I knew his movements perfectly well, "las nest 11100e 15 to go 4.41 1,11t1- anthat a vigorous (attempt was ho- mer anal convince hint that he has! ing (Matte to prevent hint reaching dobe me a great wrong. .L am boundthe castle. ITe called hock to the to have Litlimer's ear 01100 10000."j 00e." I porter. "Sou are going to show him the "How long since the carriage spare Rembrandt, eh'?" I went?" he (asked, •s•lf T 8ha11 A voice from the darkness said "Ilov clever I am," Chris told sure to get diseased, die en- his hands herself, bitterly, "I'mlike the LI like unless he is a very saintly per - Lute people who put Chubb locks'son, (nolo, hint swear that he will on :Russia leather .towel -eases that neon' )avert another dollar in' pout - anybody could rip open with a six- • try, Penny penknife, And in nay' conceit; One of the most dilldcult things to I deemed the Rembrandt to be ab-, do is to get a building warm enough solutely sola now what -what is ,for the best results in eggs. 1. have the game?" found 1188' experience that dont(111' It was much easier to ask the' 1101u•diz with tarred paper between question than to [answer it. 13uL.on sitl0s, with [[ tight flour ane That s It. I flo110c my. ( "Ten minutes," and Bell trudged on there aver[ some facts su11ia0utly astonish him, I've 50111 a telegram g tholes to ((11(9. In the first pl4ce plenty or ihoy overhear, 11411 not Keep t say I'm coming 10 -day, altet'Iwwith the knowledge that one of his h knew that Reginald 1Trnson was ,mint or wc•t feed hon irOCring in o enemies at least was close. at hand, she c g which 1 shall Proceed to storm rho: ns was at the 0.t the bottom of the whole thing;!j3 W cola Weather in this loc•ali4y. dt. citadel. I f°el all the safer• hecnas(t That .ROginald lIe on1s warm enough t'o (1 4''ct the combs T i tl n�ravile ' castle he had not the remotest•idea, she knew that he bad trade(( oe the ' nobodyl f t tl t ] I d taken a fancy to!from freezing, unit ht ordinary wee - !and west., No hoarding will. 4,e re - !quirt -el on the north side, and 4,141 11111410 011 the 0054, rind west ends. On !the north silk, 1.lie sill rests on 810110 1 World that is even with the grimed, 1 Now', if the south side in double 1>0>1(41el ,vi114 (miler 1101 ween, the. building' will be Enoch warmer then 'one all 111/0 VP 1110 ground, Of course the water must b1' turned a d(' or 1� . tint the inside, 1 t from L elf anti c1 ( t ) 11)° building will 1)n a fuilm•e-•11.0180 Lllnn nothing, Not 0.11040(0.4 i•non 0nol,gli, dnnlp i• and Ign(u•tors, 0x11)!$1\e corn diet, worst of all, vermin, will aro.un4. fo' anlm,v ofowl 410 4a4lurc+s 10 ((41)1(1' 1>01(1tt;v 1-0.7'• :I' u8ecl l0 1111(1 1(10..0 a garliel near the hove° end l.enp haps 8180. Iirellmre every lime. They ,vll1 spot ;the hest garden and tempt Life own - 'el' to runnel>t suicide or some other !elite in no time. Vegetables and flow- , ors must lie for enough away so the (110118 (:nn1104 get at Lhou, HOC PASTOR el "A hug p(4144uu •" s'xys Brcelle's' 1(lardtl[ "d0r5 0.04 mann n (14581. lot. jwithl 105-ibly a few old wrens on' in ;tete corner, but a goon and ro1Iln4o- 'dtouns range, and if planned to give the best results, It will contain a ; vatioty of crops, (,010010(1. 0.8 11) 11)011' food value. Pasture and. range arta ;necessary in ortlee to keep breeding SW4(111 40. 0 1101111 by condition mud grow the 8tocic 0.l a profit. The man ;who tries to raise shine 111111(•0 other ;conditions is IT haying a 1oating game, 111111 1115 hnlauu•o 1144 he on 4114" dcb- tor s}110 u! bio 1>'dgOr just 0s 14(4(0 0.5 ion Bove day and nibs. A11hongh. tlhesc facts have been vouched for uu1nv 1i 11108 0.y ext+erimen1 stations ear c have . )0 engraving.' I Iter •'4114" dear chap, somebody 1:1100'5 , 1)0cp1Le lib g 0, you have the priture " enormous strength 0.0.11 courage. BaL indee(1, she had told ,aim so en.rhe• roll have seen hen to uses 11oublu hmatt and successful swine raisers tubi given ,wide publicity, thousan?!c of Meiners lwill continue in trying to 1. >4se hogs in a icy lot with 1mthtng bill corn os n real, n•ilh the expectation of 11111 he fent I00501(al violence. ac 0.a 500 1a •I•fl ur h WA5 a man of the terrace as an after-dinner lounge, 'thee ve•.v good results are obtained_ looking n tuu(lt." "Aupossiblel" (tell exclaimed. "On- 'no the 0clay. He had tradedon the ly yourself and i.nid Henson can' he had not long to wait. Somebody 44.0.8 coating clown the knowledge that he could prove an possibly be aware that-" 100.01 road towards him, somebody alibi if any suspicions attached to ":111 the' sane, 1 am speaking(14111 ((1 clerical attire. The strange stop- hitm. The foot that he wn5 in dan- when," Davol said. "Lost 1 ' 4, t ' 411 ) i1AAly if a little huskily, ger owing to a slip on the c>go of erl you weal. luta the hospital yon, Pod a1 To rho dill 11'as all nonso(10. ITe haci gave ane the 4>11 t t0 take caro of. inquired if he was on the right any not 1)0041 Ln 0.n den Or at. all; ho rough_ to Moreton Station. Bell reseeded y g At the same time T noticed ar1 seen Chris there and he had ha s(m looking mall presumedly asleep on: as poltlely thaC 1)0 44 as, and asked seat. in the road facet the hos-1 to know the time. Not that he car- made all that parade with an eye i Ch1 a6 ed anything abort the time; what he to the future. As a matter Of pita] Afterwards when I looked] i Il wanted was to ROC the strati- c0lr88, he was (10wn there Bottling round he had disappeared, At rho, really maulers with his accomplice of the time I thought nothing of 11. When oosslt's hauls. The tittle ruse' was sec- maimed thumb, who had chosen the L came in here I placed the precious c°8sfnl. In the dim light 13011 could waycliff of getting into the castle rer my oil of pa• on writing-tame'see a flattened, hideous thumb withg g muter the window yonder. The win-, the pink. parody of anail. upon It, dote is a small one, as you can see, I 'thanks, very mu1h," he said, and was opened [about a foot at talo,( _.t 15ply, "Veep straight on.". top. I sat here with the light donna He half turned as the stranger 1 swung round, Tho letter rlartcd at and the room faintly illuminated by I g the light in the conservators-. After Bell, but he C01)10 too late. Bell's a little 141110 1 SOW a hand and arm! fist shot out and caught 111115 fairly groping for something on the table,' 011 the forehen(I, 'Then the stick in and I'm quite sure the hand and arms Hells ,aft hand came dean with were geoplug for your netut„.„ga,crushing force on the prostrate mans Thu fellow muttered something that skull. So utterly dazed and sur- Thu failed to understand, and I matte a I prised -was 110 that lie lay on the grab for him and got him. 'then g'('41111?(1 for (4 moment, panting IteaW the other hand made a dash for my ileac, with an ugly piece of gas -pip- ing, and I had to let go," "And you saw 110 more of the fel- 144', 'You murderous ('1nian,'' ]yell gasped. "You escaped convict in 1111 honest Iran's clothes. Oat up! So IoW?" you are the fellow - "No; I didn't expect to, I couldn't TTe paused suddenly, undesirous of Isec his face, but there was one pen. letting the rascal see that hu knew liarit he Karl that 1 might tell you too much. The other mart rolled y for your future guidance, TTe had a thumb smashed as fiat as the head of a snake, with Due tiny pillar nail in the middle of it, So, if you meet a than like that on spur Journey to- ,lay, look to yourself. On the whole, you see that our enemies are a lit- tle more awake than you give thein crec111. for." • 13c11 nodded thoughtfully. The in- ' formation was of the greatest pos81- hie value to him. 11. told him quite pla}nay that Reginald 1-lenson (now 1 exactly what had happened, Under ordinary, circumstances by this time would > m 1)d • Way 40 Lit - Take1100.800. I (• a 1 y Take © hhk With aC ol. d Further Developments May Prove Fatal- There is Cure for You in ©R. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED MD TURPENTINE If you could depend on a cold pasei0g off of its OW11 accord It would be all vary well to let it rust its course. '1'1ie risk is too great, Consumption and pneumonia al- w,ly8 have their beginnings in a eold. If ,1044 take prompt memo; of mir- ing every cold you will 1(004,>' be a victim of these or other fatal lung tru a 11118, 441,1 you ova' waft to think of 1t that way? 111., (:h44se'$ Syrup of Linseed and 'I'o'pc'ntino is best known on account of its extraordinary control over email), bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma ati•(1 scvcrc chest colds. As cL meths of overcoming ordinary ('(44(gls (tad (.01(15, throat irritation and the many diseases of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs it, has ,111th' ani envi(tirle repletion for 101114- 1(11443, Pleasant to take, 11101'ough and fur-renclling in action, and cortele in its hbna'el4cial results, : fir.:Cii180's Seem) of thieved aid , Turpentine over suddenly live a cat and made a dash for a gap in the hedge. ITO was gone like a flash. Pursuit would be useless, for pace was not Boll's strong point. And he was not fear- ful of being attacked agate. "ITe1so1 seems to be pretty well snrvel " he muttered grittily. y. Meanwhile, the man with the thumb was flying over the fields in the direction of LIttimor, He male his way across eouiltry to the cliffs with the assured (11r of one who knows every Inch of the ground. He had failed In the first part of his instructions, and there was no time to bo lost if he was to carry out the second, part successfully, TTe struck tint cliffs at length a mole or so away, and proceeded to turfy worn out,. At the 8amo tine scramble along them till be lay hid- he looked perfectly satisfied with Min- den just undo. the terraces at 1,1tti- self. Ito might have been a vigilant mer Castle. ITE) 1:10W that he was oAlcer who had settled all his plans in time for this part of the pro- gramme, despite the fact that his head ached considerably front the force and vigor of Belt's assault, Ho lay there, panting and breathing heavily, waiting for the signal to as the swiftest and the surest from. detection. Yes, it wits pr.utty obvious that the mean with the thumb had stolen the print, and that by this time ho Was far away with his possession. 4,Vhile. Chris was helping £Penson the latt['1•'s accomplice had slipped into the castle and effected the burglary. Chris, filched out the light in the alcove as a servant canto along, It ,vas not policy for any of the domes- tics to be too (visa Chris forced a smile to he' Dice as the maid came along, "Allen," she asked, "aro there many owls (boot here?" "Never a one as I know, miss," the maid respancl041, confidently. "I've been here for eleven years, and I never heard of such a thing. Clif- ford, the head ]repel', couldn't sleep at nights if he thought as there was such 0thing on the estate. ITave you heard one, amiss?" "I was evivlontly mistake,," Chris' said. "Of course you would ]snow best," So the ( n cry > n f t1) owl had boon a signal of sueeess, Chris 8011 111 the gloom there resolved to see the comedy played through. The events of the night were not 000 yet. "I'd ;git'a something to know what has taken place in the dining -coon(," (:1)118 murmured. She 447145 going to know before long. The lights were being extinguished all over Um house, Henson came up to bed heavily, as one who is ut- and (('158 going to seek a well-earned cost before the enemy came on to his destruction. In soatll Henson was utterly worn out, I3o had tax- ed his strength to tho uttermost, but he was free to rest now. come. i0fean1ehCO3 the confere,co in the 4f00i1Whil,, Bell was Jogging along dining -room proceeded. Lord Litti- should have a place in ovary house placidly and with no fear in his trier had received to his si guest0. with fro- (1s a safeguu•d against con8timil viol 4 heart. at ail. ;Tie did not need any'- gid pill with politeness, equally cold d re- and other fatal lung diseases. body to tela eon whn.t 101(8 the ob- spot n w 1 y 1' fl i '1 sl do Mrs. d, provost, 1Tenfr•ew, Ont., iced of lug late antag'olist's attack, .0. 3 . ,111 , ,114(0 alt 1 s c gar a, writee 130 knew perfectly well t11at if the ,and looked 11011 steadily In the Mee, ruffian had got the better of him he "T Iln411 granted 3. ow request, "My f5(0 4. 1(year-olcl bay had a would never have seen the Item- Ogaln5t my bettor judgment, he very: sever° c01t1 y 1140 °hest 1(tst bt'autil again. Henson's hounds 5a1(4, ".f ❑0.l not sanguine that the winter and 1 really thought be was were of the track; but its would go least possible goo[( can 001140 of it, hard i1 they pulled the quarry .down 11111 1 burr quite grown out of all Just as the 8antitunry was 41 sight, my a111,51one; 1 have seen the i(1 - Presently Tell could see tie lights Or posslblO proved Loo often.. Will you the COS tie, t.ako anything?" 13y the lodge•gate1 stood n dog- "1 hope t.0 t 841 3 1rocnlly." 11011 seed and 'Turpentine. After cart; in the flare of the. (amps Bell void. point011144'1 'butt, 0.01. Yet. 10. ono bottle there was (t. great x4.14.01 recognised the features 0f tlh) driver, 41144 forst 4(301.111100 I. have to prove in his condition, and I positively a 001•y 01(11 wry 1,41 LiLtttnar`s,, W you LbaL I have 1101 stolen yatir toy that he was completely hag cured on Bell tool: 10 the 141Lu(ti:i014 at a. Ilenthran4ll,'" two bottles, and he gar oat been "lucked? 1. should 11l(e 1,0 knov troubled s3ucc. I never Rely nmOAi- glaur0 eine take such gtli014 effect and can sincerely 1'000111110nd it.'3 Dr, (lhnee's ,S'yellri of Linseed and Pns'pentine, 213 eente a bottle, tut all (male's or T9llmanson, Bates & Co„ 'Toronto. 'l'o pa'OLect yell 1(gai14t imotetior8 the portrait a11ii signature of D)•, A, W. Cltnse, the iambus r0- reipt boot( (lntbor', are on every bot- tle, • ocl, wiva aa(' space 1,01(1015, and a lire. ko>t beside'. The owners told me it 1>aid CFCm LhOm ling hens lay, but, as an ['xelaunge If one hes ;[ thy knoll sloping; 1° Iputs it, when Wall -int meet to hens the 50311111, 1511(1 it is near the house•, I 110 not use that stollen which is Dna can mlal(0 a beading that 38 Sat. 'rbc cattiest of feeding 1410111 to (tulle tt'al'nl by digging out so t45 to hens i8 to supely them with eiteo- lsave earth sides on the. north, east. •gen turf not int; ns the grain eon- Itn4n5 all the fat and starch required by then. If fat is fed, it. sloes not "Ceder the circumstances I should 1 assist. in. any manner to provide nla- have done the same thing. But. you;teriai for eggs, hilt rather retards were absolutely wrong, because there 'than assists laying. The cheap per - Were two copies of the picture. YoursCans of beef, such ns the neck, are was stolen by an enemy of 1111110 Who beds' for fowls, than (lie choicest had the most urgent reasons for die- flit >1nd' lean steak, Blood is teee01- LEAN \IEA'(' FOR. MONS. '('here }s no houbt about nasal mak- going to die. Tin coughed nearly all the time and sonetime8 would spit up blood, We had about given Up all hopes of his recovery when 41 hoard of :Dr. Chase's Syrup of :Idn- "I8 this the way you 410(110 for xno, hory yon propose to do thole" Lpncl'1" 110 asl<e11, 1 x11411 prove it at. 011(0. Voss Were "2'10 4•al•v seem., sir," ,Land re- under' the impres8lon that you pus - s1 art " lltit a clergyman Ilene the. sessed the only copy of the 'Crimson 1 i gy Blind.' in existence, When ,y on .Post Station stt}(1 ytrlr had gone another way, so T. turned beck, And when 1 yours and au copy or the picture was tof dere I couldn't make top (0r found in my 4>0118080011, you Wm'e ail of the story, 131051 if 1 wasn't. perfectly Justified 91) iselieving dint .T ,a hit nervous that 'it Wright. Mao teas 111(1 ! 11104-" been some plan 1'0 rob your, And T "I 41(1take that extreme view of was going to (trice e4 r'(ei.' long 1.0 the n34tlee,'' 1:,}tldutg• 814144, drily, crediting 100 in your eyes, and the other was concealed amongst my be- longings. It was no - loss to the thief, because subsequently the stolen one -my 00004 one being restored to jetted to heavy pressure at a high you -could have been exposed andt0in;^entunn, most of the fat is re - 411 disposed of as i1 new find. 1'0111. moved. ilowkors' antuu41 meal: is print is in the house?" •treated 1n this 11111,1111011, being lliur- It hangs in the gallery 0.t the ouglily coci1etl, proceed and thou present moment."' round up Ane, bone and all. It re- " -Very good. Then, my lord, what (111(4041 oboe( three pounds of Oho row do you say to this?" IL)eat to make one poled of the meal.]jell took the roll of paper from his pocket and gravely flattened it out because all the fel nod nloisiure is on the table before him, so that the pressed and dried out during the. pre - full rays of the electric light should Pnration, We -now or no men,. food fall upon it, Litllmcr W(18 a- line so handy as this animal meat. study of open-mouthed surprise, 110 could only, stand (.here gaping, touching tho stained paper with his fingers anti breathing heavily. (To be Continued.) lent for fowls and con lir fel to them by intoing it with (lick soft food. The ordinary gro(ol(1 meat consists mostly of lens ,neats as the neat lg' sub - Always Crowded street. People passing by. Olcl and young. All eager about their own affairs and always somebody in iplain sight who needs Scott's Emulsion. Now it's that -white-haired old man ; weal[ digestion and cold blood. He needs Scott's Emulsion to warm him, feed him, anti strengthen his stomach. See that girl ? She has paleb + thin blood. Scott's Emulsiol+ will bring' new roses to her face. '.,There goes a young man with narrow chest. Con..: SUza '] )tion is his trouble. Scott's Emulsion soothes rag- ged lungs and increases flesh and strength. And here's a poor, sickly little child, Scott's Emulsion makes children grow ----makes HOW WARS ARE STARTED ,'BRING :CI10143 TESTS ANA 0010(11 LINE BITRG::.ARS. It Is a Curious Tract That No Two Wars IlIver Broke Out f The Same Way. 1.11 (4(lys of yore 1>1e1.4 Jests often caused dreadful v'a's, To hurl( right buck to the time of the Couquorur,' for instance, it was a just pail and " simple that brought about rho war 11e4w'e01l England and lrraiWe in 1(187, 11)111 ull.luml4ly 0081 the. groat Wiliam h15 4(',', 1\'1111(11,1, of course, 41'a8 "great" in 11>1114' Senses than one So stout was he, In fact, by rea50(1 Of his idle 111111 lu.x11rt0u8 1110, 111114 110 could not walk from place to place, but. had to ho carried, says 1'ears011'0 Weekly. Ono day his ronlenlpurlu'y, Philip of 3''t•(incc, delicately remarked at dialler that 5.1'tll1au1 ,v0.8 "111(0 u fillet of beef on castors, and ought 10 bo exhibited at at prize monarch 8110w.'t Naturally, Willian, hoard of this, and in a furious rage, ordered 11.15 troops to Monde at once. This was done, and a tvar couuu(1n0ed w'111.011 ended ill Lh0 English king being thrown from 1118 horso an•11 killed while superintending the siege of N(tntes, In marc ('0141,111 (Inn's Frederick 1110 areal) 1105117' (mused a war with. (front 1111loln by referring l0 1Zing, (leorg0 as "a bloated 0x." And only the other day there flashed (loess the wires the news that a lover's jilting had cause(( a 00(11•, '.file quarrel arose when 1)r. C. Bonilla, Minister of ,foreign Affairs 10. Honduras, forsook for another the charming Dolores, daughter of President Sierra, The prospective father -In-law had promised that tiro 1loctor should be next President, but with the jilting his arraugemen1.., of course, PEIJC, '1.0 '1'111+5 CIROUNO, and Sloven declared that ho 11 prevent 13mtilha (Odell -Ong the deny at any cost. According 10 latest inform the partisan arl(le8 were shootin each other round street corners, the forsaker' Boleros was seeking t other senorita with a jewelled st.i 01141. In another revolt "scrap" between the army al :Ecuador x1101 that of a neighboring Slate, considerable dam- age 111•(1 been dune before any ex- planations were (forthcoming. 'rhea 1t transpired that the rival armies had 4,0011 "nlallOatlrrillg" al the frontier rather too neer each other and 00111(1 1101. resist Lhe temptation to try Conclusions. It is signilicnnl to note that the victorious (11141 ,va8. commanded by a general named O'Hara. This item Inas sound very 011118- ing, but it bears a remarkable re- semblance to a recent. occurrence at other manoeuvres, which alight eas- ily ]10'1'O eel to a 5ec0i(1 civil war in the 'United States, From the military point of vioty rho operations were completely spoilt, because all other objects 'lad to be made subservient, to keeping a battalion from Connecticut out of roach of the militia from 'texas, 'rbc Connecticut men were negroes, and this 'resins whites vowed there would be "recall flghl.tn' " tf owl: they canes in contact: with tiro "niggers." 51011 an occurrence might. easily have lod to (a racial war in the States. Ono point will be (uuply demon- strated 1n case the much -[headed "Croat European Way" Over does break out. The so -celled "law of 1114t101" hill fall to 1)10(408 1,1.11s(1. A i-TCTIST: 01' es,\13DS. 'rho sole law then prevailing will be that of 'Might," and ",tight" will have to go to the wall. Hague conferences now•lthstanding, 11r. Car- egle 8 palace of peace itself will if considered necessary, he blown to smithereens by 1110 commander of any Europn '1 he only receae0nt ln114147.cidrn4., 10.1110011, ot. (L formal deelal•atiou of ,vol' 111,4(40 1/0 - fore actual operations were begun, was that of the Franco-Prussian War in 187(1. '1910 French made 41 be- cause they were in n0 hury, (11111 had 00. eye 4'ur 011'1.41. The first. intinlntl011s tvu had of fill? ulate 1+ Boers in the uL ' n un LuuuA of Lle es l war calve, out. of the nnvzlec of their 141'nasers, end, ,ledging from recent events, it seems (toile coneeh'ablr> that the nest 3tu8,1antntlnul11on of (L war against Britainswill ha bt (Ito shape of shot and shell drooped among the nulvtteni,1>, and invalids on the intently 0.4 1high ton , find Queen Alexandra, on h01' voy- age Ilene Ilennuu'4, here- ns it af- terwards Irun5phrd, halfor an nt(i- (Po I l nl•-hl the. • e h0. mkt - Elea she would have itt L l neighborhood of the '(lull (rotate(, abot•tl the- Ruye1 yacht of the night inquestion, that, ,night have happened which would) 1114\'0 801 Elu' 0110 (51310140. A grim "incident," a fatal "in18un(Ieesleneling,'' a dread "ntleehance," That, 4s bow woes break out. (10011 CA111'1 O1' IIOI4Sp.,ti, 1.igh.1 1001'1( 00111 do the 11440011 111(1•0 no harm, Por sweeney, (lust°(• with binodidc of mercury. Merit Is better then pt ligree, b',i 41i('r i5 nothing to 31''0>11 a r breed- er cath 0r trying o b Wean 4110. cult 0.t iLllnll('. five months Illllg old. Pour years is young enough for the Tanen to have her first colt. it is not generally advisable to breed a 0111101- mare with la term) 110050, .(luny and WOI'l'v kills more 110(:808 than hard work, 1Pie scs oom;lelle(I 10 (to hard work slio:dd have the best treatment pos- sible. 11'1)011 a horse dors not c0.t n11 that is given ,aim, it should not bo allow- ed to seer In the. box, 1t sha1dd not be one breed of horses Against 0./14100 80 nt0(11 ns Lhc we11 bred against the 5001(1). )iin1luess anal gentle persneslon are the best weapons to cc -menet the li°r- ni('1018 11111111 of shying Condition or sire 411((1 clam is ilia cause of 10113>041311 Petaroduatlon, and the tinning point, in It('ocreation, Different horses pollute° dilTecent 1110- ( 10(18 10- (1)0(18 of union„ different eopliences and tli>fovett Ikea! ing. 3114.1 a lto•se, liarll work Or q111e1: driving 0440uid. net be clone on a full (4:001ach, 'Hoses .Jost, token from t1)°. pastrur- 1414 1104. 11 (111111-11 11011 for long (biros or t41i'd wort(. limed to the horse t.hat has the power to transmit. itis d00n vitality end blood to his 1r0440ny. The strength and durability of the horsy (11p(uids very notch open the kind i 1 u or feed they got. A row 111(X8' Ivor]( when out, of ean- 4111io1, Win 111 oro a horse mora thea 0 month's wage when ell right. tlenilenoss 511ou1(1 mule every action 111 linndlltlg young Horses, 1Titeshneee Aiways creates 1'eer end (ager, end 81101(1(1 never he t4leretn(, Yon can bettor tiffor11 to slnrve your hp ("808 al 111)4' 41111er time that, 'All sailors in the 14>1i!sb Navy tire children laani)y. (Tm'i1144 rim diad sear of their exist- 01:iIg0d t:0 bey a blurt( silk. h•,rldi,i,)'- Ore. 'A slnr'noil coif seldom (na`081r114e1. I?ach 11115ild4m'>1>:(f is .115 ill. a Well deebip.'d hies), ,), 1 i lU:u'0. . (1(1411.0 ti'l'l N(1, "(lot. a cold, 1 see." "Yes; a slight one," "Yom ought to (c vary cnrefui, That. cough 41010(491 uttu4111n." "Think so?" 'cit. 1.18 41 ('(p:(111111 graVO;rard 500111." "Cont graciots1'' "Awfully dangerous time for two - tile w'i11i 001118--imliuenzn, pneumonia,, (Incl >41111•k con8111>14110n everywhere,'' "l h?,' "Yes, A friend of mine tool: 411 card not half s0 bad as yours ht811 wee,(, unit 111 three dtty'8 he ,was 'dead," "14447 worill" "Facia 'Phu doctor said my frtrn,1 Might liave pulled through 11 he hadn't: worried s0 much, Telco m,y saviec, and try not to 11111114 abort it!" I I ftsA. 110